Sol Reklam
Sağ Reklam

Skript Paylaşımı Market Skript | V1.0

Mesaj gönderimine kapalı.


Somon Balığı Selam Vermeye Geldi


λlprn #6144

28 Ekim 2018

Bu skript önceden yaptığım ancak foruma yeni katıldığımdan yeni ekliyeceğim bir skript .
Bu skript sayesinde sunucuya edit eşyalar , kredi sistemi , market , kit sistemi ve daha fazlası ekleniyor.


/ market : Bu komut ana komutumuz bu komut sayesinde menüyü açıyoruz.
Bu menüde karşımıza 3 seçenek çıkıyor =
birinci seçenek edit : buraya tıklarsan edit menüsü açılıyor ve oradan kredi ile edit eşyalar satın alabiliyorsunuz.
ikinci seçenek kit : buraya tıklarsanız kit menüsü açılıyor ve o menüden sizin yetkinize göre kitler alabiliyorsunuz ( sunucuya reset atılsa bile süre saymaya devam ediyor )
üçüncü seçenek mağaza : buraya tıklarsanız market menüsü açılıyor buradan kredi ile Vip - Mvip - Lvip alabiliyorsunuz.

/krediver bunu yazan (op olması gerek) kişiye 64 kredi verir ( krediler özel itemlerdir ) ve yetkili bu krediyi kredi satın alan kişiye elle verir.

    server: RoaachMc   #sunucu ismi
    vip: vip           #Kullandığınız groupmanagerdeki vip olarak ayarlıyacağınız şeyin ismi
    mvip: mvip         #Kullandığınız groupmanagerdeki Mvip olarak ayarlıyacağınız şeyin ismi
    lvip: lvip         #Kullandığınız groupmanagerdeki Lvip olarak ayarlıyacağınız şeyin ismi

first join:
    set {lkitkullanma::%player%} to off
    set {mkitkullanma::%player%} to off
    set {akitkullanma::%player%} to off
    set {rkitkullanma::%player%} to off
    set {okitkullanma::%player%} to off

command /krediver:
    permission: op.system
    permission message: Yetkin yok gülüm
        give 64 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi" to player
        play raw sound "random.levelup" at players with pitch 1 volume 10
        send "&5Eşyalar Verildi" to player

command /market:
        open chest with 3 rows named "&cMenü" to player
        wait 1 ticks
        format slot 0 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
        format slot 1 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
        format slot 2 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
        format slot 3 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
        format slot 4 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
        format slot 5 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
        format slot 6 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
        format slot 7 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
        format slot 8 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
        format slot 9 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
        format slot 10 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
        format slot 11 of player with emerald of sharpness 1 named "&4Edit &6Menü" to run [execute player command "/işlev 1"]
        format slot 12 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
        format slot 13 of player with diamond of sharpness 1 named "&4Mağaza &6Menü" to run [execute player command "/işlev 3"]
        format slot 14 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
        format slot 15 of player with gold ingot of sharpness 1 named "&4Kit &6Menü" to run [execute player command "/işlev 2"]
        format slot 16 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
        format slot 17 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
        format slot 18 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
        format slot 19 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
        format slot 20 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
        format slot 21 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
        format slot 22 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
        format slot 23 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
        format slot 24 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
        format slot 25 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
        format slot 26 of player with emerald block of sharpness 1 named "&b Paran" to close then run [execute player command "/money"]
        send " &7[&6+&7] &cMenü başarıyla açıldı!"

command /işlev <number>:
        if arg 1 is 1:
            open chest with 5 rows named "&cEdit Menü" to player
            wait 1 ticks
            format slot 0 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 1 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 2 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 3 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 4 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 5 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 6 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 7 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 8 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 9 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 10 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 11 of player with diamond helmet of protection 8, thorns 3, unbreaking 9999 named "&6Edit Set" with lore "&9Kırılmaz || &210 Kredi" to close then run [execute player command "/işlevdevam 1"]
            format slot 12 of player with diamond chestplate of protection 8, thorns 3, unbreaking 9999 named "&6Edit Set" with lore "&9Kırılmaz || &210 Kredi" to close then run [execute player command "/işlevdevam 2"]
            format slot 13 of player with diamond leggings of protection 8, thorns 3, unbreaking 9999 named "&6Edit Set" with lore "&9Kırılmaz || &210 Kredi" to close then run [execute player command "/işlevdevam 3"]
            format slot 14 of player with diamond boots of protection 8, thorns 3, unbreaking 9999 named "&6Edit Set" with lore "&9Kırılmaz || &210 Kredi" to close then run [execute player command "/işlevdevam 4"]
            format slot 15 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 16 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 17 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 18 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 19 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 20 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 21 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 22 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 23 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 24 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 25 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 26 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 27 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 28 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 29 of player with diamond sword of sharpness 10, unbreaking 150, looting 3, knockback 2 named "&6 Edit Kılıç" with lore "&230 Kredi" to close then run [execute player command "/işlevdevam 5"]
            format slot 30 of player with bow of power 6, punch 3, flame 3, unbreaking 3, Infinity 2 named "&6Edit Yay" with lore "&225 Kredi" to close then run [execute player command "/işlevdevam 6"]
            format slot 31 of player with bow of power 8, punch 5, flame 5, unbreaking 5, Infinity 4 named "&4Lanetli Yay" with lore "&240 Kredi" to close then run [execute player command "/işlevdevam 7"]
            format slot 32 of player with red stained glass pane named "&bBakımda" to act unstealable
            format slot 33 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 34 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 35 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 36 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 37 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 38 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 39 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 40 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 41 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 42 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 43 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 44 of player with emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Yardım" to close then run [execute player command "/işlevdevam 16"]
            send " &7[&6+&7] &6Edit &cMarket başarıyla açıldı!"
        if arg 1 is 2:
            open chest with 2 rows named "&cKit Menü" to player
            wait 1 ticks
            format slot 0 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 1 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 2 of player with leather named "&bOyuncu" to close then run [execute player command "/işlevdevam 15"]
            format slot 3 of player with slime named "&2Rehber" to close then run [execute player command "/işlevdevam 14"]
            format slot 4 of player with iron ingot named "&aVip" to close then run [execute player command "/işlevdevam 13"]
            format slot 5 of player with gold ingot named "&bMVIP" to close then run [execute player command "/işlevdevam 12"]
            format slot 6 of player with diamond named "&6[&4L&aV&bI&dP&6]" to close then run [execute player command "/işlevdevam 11"]
            format slot 7 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 8 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 9 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 10 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 11 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 12 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 13 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 14 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 15 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 16 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 17 of player with emerald block of sharpness 1 named "&2Yardım" to close then run [execute player command "/işlevdevam 17"]
            send " &7[&6+&7] &cKit menüsü başarıyla açıldı!"
        if arg 1 is 3:
            open chest with 3 rows named "&cMağaza Menü" to player
            wait 1 ticks
            format slot 0 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 1 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 2 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 3 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 4 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 5 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 6 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 7 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 8 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 9 of player with red stained glass pane named "&bVip" to act unstealable
            format slot 10 of player with red stained glass pane named "&bVip" to act unstealable
            format slot 11 of player with iron sword of sharpness 1 named "&b[VIP]" with lore "&215 Kredi" to close then run [execute player command "/işlevdevam 8"]
            format slot 12 of player with red stained glass pane named "&bVip" to act unstealable
            format slot 13 of player with gold sword of sharpness 1 named "&9[MVIP]" with lore "&230 Kredi" to close then run [execute player command "/işlevdevam 9"]
            format slot 14 of player with red stained glass pane named "&bVip" to act unstealable
            format slot 15 of player with diamond sword of sharpness 1 named "&6[&4L&aV&bI&dP&6]" with lore "&250 Kredi" to close then run [execute player command "/işlevdevam 10"]
            format slot 16 of player with red stained glass pane named "&bVip" to act unstealable
            format slot 17 of player with red stained glass pane named "&bVip" to act unstealable
            format slot 18 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 19 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 20 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 21 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 22 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 23 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 24 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 25 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 26 of player with emerald block of sharpness 1 named "&2Yardım" to close then run [execute player command "/işlevdevam 17"]

command /işlevdevam <number>:
        if arg 1 is 1:
            if player has 10 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi":
                remove 10 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi" from player
                give 1 310 of protection 8, thorns 3, unbreaking 9999 named "&6Edit Set" with lore "&9Kırılmaz" to player
                launch creeper firework colored blue at player timed 1
                play raw sound "random.levelup" at players with pitch 1 volume 10
                send action bar from "{@server} &e1 &aAdet &cP8 set parçası &aAldı. Zengin Şojuk" to players
                send "&4Yeterli &2Kredin Yok. &4Lütfen Yeterli &2Kredin &4olduğunda Tekrar Dene" to player
        if arg 1 is 2:
            if player has 10 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi":
                remove 10 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi" from player
                give 1 311 of protection 8, thorns 3, unbreaking 9999 named "&6Edit Set" with lore "&9Kırılmaz" to player
                launch creeper firework colored blue at player timed 1
                play raw sound "random.levelup" at players with pitch 1 volume 10
                send action bar from "{@server} &e1 &aAdet &cP8 set parçası &aAldı. Zengin Şojuk" to players
                send "&4Yeterli &2Kredin Yok. &4Lütfen Yeterli &2Kredin &4olduğunda Tekrar Dene" to player
        if arg 1 is 3:
            if player has 10 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi":
                remove 10 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi" from player
                give 1 312 of protection 8, thorns 3, unbreaking 9999 named "&6Edit Set" with lore "&9Kırılmaz" to player
                launch creeper firework colored blue at player timed 1
                play raw sound "random.levelup" at players with pitch 1 volume 10
                send action bar from "{@server} &e1 &aAdet &cP8 set parçası &aAldı. Zengin Şojuk" to players
                send "&4Yeterli &2Kredin Yok. &4Lütfen Yeterli &2Kredin &4olduğunda Tekrar Dene" to player
        if arg 1 is 4:
            if player has 10 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi":
                remove 10 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi" from player
                give 1 313 of protection 8, thorns 3, unbreaking 9999 named "&6Edit Set" with lore "&9Kırılmaz" to player
                launch creeper firework colored blue at player timed 1
                play raw sound "random.levelup" at players with pitch 1 volume 10
                send action bar from "{@server} &e1 &aAdet &cP8 set parçası &aAldı. Zengin Şojuk" to players
                send "&4Yeterli &2Kredin Yok. &4Lütfen Yeterli &2Kredin &4olduğunda Tekrar Dene" to player
        if arg 1 is 5:
            if player has 30 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi":
                remove 30 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi" from player
                give 1 diamond sword of sharpness 10, unbreaking 150, looting 3, knockback 2 named "&6 Edit Kılıç" to player
                launch creeper firework colored blue at player timed 1
                play raw sound "random.levelup" at players with pitch 1 volume 10
                send action bar from "{@server} &e1 &aAdet &cEdit Kılıç Aldı. Zengin Şojuk" to players
                send "&4Yeterli &2Kredin Yok. &4Lütfen Yeterli &2Kredin &4olduğunda Tekrar Dene" to player
        if arg 1 is 6:
            if player has 25 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi":
                remove 25 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi" from player
                give 1 bow of power 6, punch 3, flame 3, unbreaking 3, Infinity 2 named "&6Edit Yay" to player
                launch creeper firework colored blue at player timed 1
                play raw sound "random.levelup" at players with pitch 1 volume 10
                send action bar from "{@server} &e1 &aAdet &cEdit Yay Aldı. Zengin Şojuk" to players
                send "&4Yeterli &2Kredin Yok. &4Lütfen Yeterli &2Kredin &4olduğunda Tekrar Dene" to player
        if arg 1 is 7:
            if player has 40 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi":
                remove 40 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi" from player
                give 1 bow of power 8, punch 5, flame 5, unbreaking 5, Infinity 4 named "&4Lanetli Yay" to player
                launch creeper firework colored blue at player timed 1
                play raw sound "random.levelup" at players with pitch 1 volume 10
                send action bar from "{@server} &e1 &aAdet &4Lanetli&c Yay Aldı. Zengin Şojuk" to players
                send "&4Yeterli &2Kredin Yok. &4Lütfen Yeterli &2Kredin &4olduğunda Tekrar Dene" to player
        if arg 1 is 8:
            if player has 15 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi":
                remove 15 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi" from player
                execute console command "manuadd %player% {@vip}"
                launch creeper firework colored blue at player timed 1
                play raw sound "random.levelup" at players with pitch 1 volume 10
                send action bar from "{@server} &b[VIP] Aldı. Zengin Şojuk" to players
                send "&4Yeterli &2Kredin Yok. &4Lütfen Yeterli &2Kredin &4olduğunda Tekrar Dene" to player
        if arg 1 is 9:
            if player has 30 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi":
                remove 30 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi" from player
                execute console command "manuadd %player% {@mvip}"
                launch creeper firework colored blue at player timed 1
                play raw sound "random.levelup" at players with pitch 1 volume 10
                send action bar from "{@server} &9[MVIP] Aldı. Zengin Şojuk" to players
                send "&4Yeterli &2Kredin Yok. &4Lütfen Yeterli &2Kredin &4olduğunda Tekrar Dene" to player
        if arg 1 is 10:
            if player has 50 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi":
                remove 50 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi" from player
                execute console command "manuadd %player% {@lvip}"
                launch creeper firework colored blue at player timed 1
                play raw sound "random.levelup" at players with pitch 1 volume 10
                send action bar from "{@server} &6[&4L&aV&bI&dP&6] Aldı. Zengin Şojuk" to players
                send "&4Yeterli &2Kredin Yok. &4Lütfen Yeterli &2Kredin &4olduğunda Tekrar Dene" to player
        if arg 1 is 11:
            if player have the permission "lvip.set":
                if {lkitkullanma::%player%} is off:
                    give 1 310 of protection 5 named "&6 Lvip Set" to player
                    give 1 311 of protection 5, thorns 2, unbreaking 1 named "&6 Lvip Set" to player
                    give 1 312 of protection 5 named "&6 Lvip Set" to player
                    give 1 313 of protection 5 named "&6 Lvip Set" to player
                    set {lsaniye::%player%} to 60
                    set {ldakika::%player%} to 59
                    set {lsaat::%player%} to 11
                    delete {lkitkullanma::%player%}
                    if {lkitkullanma::%player%} isn't set:
                        send "&bLvip Kitini Tekrar Kullanabilmen için &e%{lsaat::%player%}% &csaat &e%{ldakika::%player%}% &cdakika &e%{lsaniye::%player%}% &csaniye beklemelisiniz." to player
                send action bar from "&c Bunun için &6[&4L&aV&bI&dP&6]&r &c satın al." to player
        if arg 1 is 12:
            if player have the permission "mvip.set":
                if {mkitkullanma::%player%} is off:
                    give 1 310 of protection 4 named "&6 Mvip Set" to player
                    give 1 311 of protection 4, unbreaking 1 named "&6 Mvip Set" to player
                    give 1 312 of protection 4 named "&6 Mvip Set" to player
                    give 1 313 of protection 4 named "&6 Mvip Set" to player
                    set {msaniye::%player%} to 60
                    set {mdakika::%player%} to 59
                    set {msaat::%player%} to 11
                    delete {mkitkullanma::%player%}
                    send "&aMvip Kitini Tekrar Kullanabilmen için &e%{msaat::%player%}% &csaat &e%{mdakika::%player%}% &cdakika &e%{msaniye::%player%}% &csaniye beklemelisiniz." to player
                send action bar from "&c Bunun için &9[MVIP]&r &c satın al." to player
        if arg 1 is 13:
            if player have permission "avip.set":
                if {akitkullanma::%player%} is off:
                    give 1 310 of protection 3 named "&6 Vip Set" to player
                    give 1 311 of protection 3, unbreaking 1 named "&6 Vip Set" to player
                    give 1 312 of protection 3 named "&6 Vip Set" to player
                    give 1 313 of protection 3 named "&6 Vip Set" to player
                    set {asaniye::%player%} to 60
                    set {adakika::%player%} to 59
                    set {asaat::%player%} to 11
                    delete {akitkullanma::%player%}
                    send "&cAvip Kitini Tekrar Kullanabilmen için &e%{asaat::%player%}% &csaat &e%{adakika::%player%}% &cdakika &e%{asaniye::%player%}% &csaniye beklemelisiniz." to player
                send action bar from "&c Bunun için &b[VIP]&r &c satın al." to player
        if arg 1 is 14:
            if player have the permission "rehber.set":
                if {rkitkullanma::%player%} is off:
                    give 1 310 of protection 3 named "&2 Rehber Set " to player
                    give 1 311 of protection 3 named "&2 Rehber Set " to player
                    give 1 312 of protection 3 named "&2 Rehber Set " to player
                    give 1 313 of protection 3 named "&2 Rehber Set " to player
                    set {rsaniye::%player%} to 60
                    set {rdakika::%player%} to 59
                    set {rsaat::%player%} to 11
                    delete {rkitkullanma::%player%}
                    send "&2Rehber Kitini Tekrar Kullanabilmen için &e%{rsaat::%player%}% &csaat &e%{rdakika::%player%}% &cdakika &e%{rsaniye::%player%}% &csaniye beklemelisiniz." to player
                send action bar from "&c Bunun için &2 [Rehber]&r olman gerek." to player
        if arg 1 is 15:
            if {okitkullanma::%player%} is off:
                give 1 310 of protection 1 named "&b Oyuncu Set " to player
                give 1 311 of protection 2 named "&b Oyuncu Set " to player
                give 1 312 of protection 2 named "&b Oyuncu Set " to player
                give 1 313 of protection 1 named "&b Oyuncu Set " to player
                set {osaniye::%player%} to 60
                set {odakika::%player%} to 59
                set {osaat::%player%} to 11
                delete {okitkullanma::%player%}
                send "&8Oyuncu Kitini Tekrar Kullanabilmek için &e%{osaat::%player%}% &csaat &e%{odakika::%player%}% &cdakika &e%{osaniye::%player%}% &csaniye Beklemelisiniz." to player
        if arg 1 is 16:
            send " &5--&6Yardım&5-- " to player
            send " &2Edit Eşya" to player
            send " &2Almak Için" to player
            send " &2Krediniz olması lazım" to player
            send " &2Kredi almak için kurucuya ulaşın" to player
            send " &5--&6Yardım&5-- " to player
        if arg 1 is 17:
            send " &5--&6Yardım&5-- " to player
            send " &aRehber :&4 Başvuru ile alım ." to player
            send " &2Vip :&415 Tl " to player
            send " &2Mvip : &430 Tl " to player
            send " &6[&4L&aV&bI&dP&6] : &450 Tl " to player
            send " &5--&6Yardım&5-- " to player

every 2 seconds:
    loop all offline players:
        if {lkitkullanma::%loop-value%} isn't set:
            if {lsaniye::%loop-value%} is set:
                if {ldakika::%loop-value%} is set:
                    if {lsaat::%loop-value%} is set:
                        subtract 2 from {lsaniye::%loop-value%}
                        if {lsaniye::%loop-value%} is 0:
                            subtract 1 from {ldakika::%loop-value%}
                            set {lsaniye::%loop-value%} to 60
                            if {ldakika::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                subtract 1 from {lsaat::%loop-value%}
                                set {ldakika::%loop-value%} to 59
                                if {lsaat::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                    delete {lsaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {ldakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {lsaat::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {lsaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {ldakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {ldakika::%loop-value%}
                                    set {lkitkullanma::%loop-value%} to off
                                    send "&aArtık Lvip Kitini Tekrar Kullanabilirsin" to loop-value
        if {mkitkullanma::%loop-value%} isn't set:
            if {msaniye::%loop-value%} is set:
                if {mdakika::%loop-value%} is set:
                    if {msaat::%loop-value%} is set:
                        subtract 2 from {msaniye::%loop-value%}
                        if {msaniye::%loop-value%} is 0:
                            subtract 1 from {mdakika::%loop-value%}
                            set {msaniye::%loop-value%} to 60
                            if {mdakika::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                subtract 1 from {msaat::%loop-value%}
                                set {mdakika::%loop-value%} to 59
                                if {msaat::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                    delete {msaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {mdakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {msaat::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {smsaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {smdakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {smsaat::%loop-value%}
                                    set {mkitkullanma::%loop-value%} to off
                                    send "&aArtık MVIP Kitini Tekrar Kullanabilirsin" to loop-value
        if {akitkullanma::%loop-value%} isn't set:
            if {asaniye::%loop-value%} is set:
                if {adakika::%loop-value%} is set:
                    if {asaat::%loop-value%} is set:
                        subtract 2 from {asaniye::%loop-value%}
                        if {asaniye::%loop-value%} is 0:
                            subtract 1 from {adakika::%loop-value%}
                            add 60 to {asaniye::%loop-value%}
                            if {adakika::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                subtract 1 from {asaat::%loop-value%}
                                add 59 to {adakika::%loop-value%}
                                if {asaat::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                    delete {asaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {adakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {asaat::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {sasaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {sadakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {sasaat::%loop-value%}
                                    set {akitkullanma::%loop-value%} to off
                                    send "&aArtık avip Kitini Tekrar Kullanabilirsin" to loop-value
        if {rkitkullanma::%loop-value%} isn't set:
            if {rsaniye::%loop-value%} is set:
                if {rdakika::%loop-value%} is set:
                    if {rsaat::%loop-value%} is set:
                        subtract 2 from {rsaniye::%loop-value%}
                        if {rsaniye::%loop-value%} is 0:
                            subtract 1 from {rdakika::%loop-value%}
                            add 60 to {rsaniye::%loop-value%}
                            if {rdakika::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                subtract 1 from {rsaat::%loop-value%}
                                add 59 to {rdakika::%loop-value%}
                                if {rsaat::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                    delete {rsaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {rdakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {rsaat::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {srsaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {srdakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {srsaat::%loop-value%}
                                    set {rkitkullanma::%loop-value%} to off
                                    send "&aArtık Rehber Kitini Tekrar Kullanabilirsin" to loop-value
        if {okitkullanma::%loop-value%} isn't set:
            if {osaniye::%loop-value%} is set:
                if {odakika::%loop-value%} is set:
                    if {osaat::%loop-value%} is set:
                        subtract 2 from {osaniye::%loop-value%}
                        if {osaniye::%loop-value%} is 0:
                            subtract 1 from {odakika::%loop-value%}
                            add 60 to {osaniye::%loop-value%}
                            if {odakika::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                subtract 1 from {osaat::%loop-value%}
                                add 59 to {odakika::%loop-value%}
                                if {osaat::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                    delete {osaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {odakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {osaat::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {sosaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {sodakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {sosaat::%loop-value%}
                                    set {okitkullanma::%loop-value%} to off
                                    send "&aArtık Oyuncu Kitini Tekrar Kullanabilirsin" to loop-value
every 1000 seconds:
    broadcast "{@server} &4>> &bSkriptin Yapımcısı Roaach"
    broadcast "{@server} &4>> &aMağaza Skript @Copyright by Roaach 2018-2019"
Tuske Kod: (TuSKe gerekir)

Kod (Text):
#                                  #
#  Copyright By Roaach 2018 - 2019 #
#                                  #

#  * Komutlar =                                         #
#  * /krediver   = Op Olan Kişiye 40 Kredi Verir.       #
#  * /market   = Marketi Açar                           #
#  * Herşey Market Menü Den yapılabilir                 #

    server: RoaachMc   #sunucu ismi
    vip:vip           #Kullandığınız groupmanagerdeki vip olarak ayarlıyacağınız şeyin ismi
    mvip:mvip         #Kullandığınız groupmanagerdeki Mvip olarak ayarlıyacağınız şeyin ismi
    lvip:lvip         #Kullandığınız groupmanagerdeki Lvip olarak ayarlıyacağınız şeyin ismi

first join:
    set {lkitkullanma::%player%} to off
    set {mkitkullanma::%player%} to off
    set {akitkullanma::%player%} to off
    set {rkitkullanma::%player%} to off
    set {okitkullanma::%player%} to off

command /krediver:
    permission: op.system
    permission message: Yetkin yok gülüm
        give 64 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi" to player
        play raw sound "random.levelup" at players with pitch 1 volume 10
        send "&5Eşyalar Verildi" to player

command /market:
        open virtual chest with size 3 named "&cMenü" to player
        make gui slot 0 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
        make gui slot 1 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
        make gui slot 2 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
        make gui slot 3 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
        make gui slot 4 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
        make gui slot 5 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
        make gui slot 6 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
        make gui slot 7 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
        make gui slot 8 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
        make gui slot 9 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
        make gui slot 10 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
        make gui slot 11 of player with emerald of sharpness 1 named "&4Edit &6Menü" to close then run player command "/işlev 1"
        make gui slot 12 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
        make gui slot 13 of player with diamond of sharpness 1 named "&4Mağaza &6Menü" to close then run player command "/işlev 3"
        make gui slot 14 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
        make gui slot 15 of player with gold ingot of sharpness 1 named "&4Kit &6Menü" to close then run player command "/işlev 2"
        make gui slot 16 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
        make gui slot 17 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
        make gui slot 18 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
        make gui slot 19 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
        make gui slot 20 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
        make gui slot 21 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
        make gui slot 22 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
        make gui slot 23 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
        make gui slot 24 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
        make gui slot 25 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
        make gui slot 26 of player with emerald block of sharpness 1 named "&b Paran" to close then run player command "/money"
        send " &7[&6+&7] &cMenü başarıyla açıldı!"

command /işlev <number>:
        if arg 1 is 1:
            open virtual chest with size 5 named "&cEdit Menü" to player
            make gui slot 0 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 1 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 2 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 3 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 4 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 5 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 6 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 7 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 8 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 9 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 10 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 11 of player with diamond helmet of protection 8, thorns 3, unbreaking 9999 named "&6Edit Set" with lore "&9Kırılmaz || &210 Kredi" to close then run player command "/işlevdevam 1"
            make gui slot 12 of player with diamond chestplate of protection 8, thorns 3, unbreaking 9999 named "&6Edit Set" with lore "&9Kırılmaz || &210 Kredi" to close then run player command "/işlevdevam 2"
            make gui slot 13 of player with diamond leggings of protection 8, thorns 3, unbreaking 9999 named "&6Edit Set" with lore "&9Kırılmaz || &210 Kredi" to close then run player command "/işlevdevam 3"
            make gui slot 14 of player with diamond boots of protection 8, thorns 3, unbreaking 9999 named "&6Edit Set" with lore "&9Kırılmaz || &210 Kredi" to close then run player command "/işlevdevam 4"
            make gui slot 15 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 16 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 17 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 18 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 19 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 20 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 21 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 22 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 23 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 24 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 25 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 26 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 27 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 28 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 29 of player with diamond sword of sharpness 10, unbreaking 150, looting 3, knockback 2 named "&6 Edit Kılıç" with lore "&230 Kredi" to close then run player command "/işlevdevam 5"
            make gui slot 30 of player with bow of power 6, punch 3, flame 3, unbreaking 3, Infinity 2 named "&6Edit Yay" with lore "&225 Kredi" to close then run player command "/işlevdevam 6"
            make gui slot 31 of player with bow of power 8, punch 5, flame 5, unbreaking 5, Infinity 4 named "&4Lanetli Yay" with lore "&240 Kredi" to close then run player command "/işlevdevam 7"
            make gui slot 32 of player with red stained glass pane named "&bBakımda" to do nothing
            make gui slot 33 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 34 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 35 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 36 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 37 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 38 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 39 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 40 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 41 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 42 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 43 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 44 of player with emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Yardım" to close then run player command "/işlevdevam 16"
            send " &7[&6+&7] &6Edit &cMarket başarıyla açıldı!"
        if arg 1 is 2:
            open virtual chest with size 2 named "&cKit Menü" to player
            make gui slot 0 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 1 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 2 of player with leather named "&bOyuncu" to close then run player command "/işlevdevam 15"
            make gui slot 3 of player with slime named "&2Rehber" to close then run player command "/işlevdevam 14"
            make gui slot 4 of player with iron ingot named "&aVip" to close then run player command "/işlevdevam 13"
            make gui slot 5 of player with gold ingot named "&bMVIP" to close then run player command "/işlevdevam 12"
            make gui slot 6 of player with diamond named "&6[&4L&aV&bI&dP&6]" to close then run player command "/işlevdevam 11"
            make gui slot 7 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 8 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 9 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 10 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 11 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 12 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 13 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 14 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 15 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 16 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 17 of player with emerald block of sharpness 1 named "&2Yardım" to close then run player command "/işlevdevam 17"
            send " &7[&6+&7] &cKit menüsü başarıyla açıldı!"
        if arg 1 is 3:
            open virtual chest with size 3 named "&cMağaza Menü" to player
            make gui slot 0 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 1 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 2 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 3 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 4 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 5 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 6 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 7 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 8 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 9 of player with red stained glass pane named "&bVip" to do nothing
            make gui slot 10 of player with red stained glass pane named "&bVip" to do nothing
            make gui slot 11 of player with iron sword of sharpness 1 named "&b[VIP]" with lore "&215 Kredi" to close then run player command "/işlevdevam 8"
            make gui slot 12 of player with red stained glass pane named "&bVip" to do nothing
            make gui slot 13 of player with gold sword of sharpness 1 named "&9[MVIP]" with lore "&230 Kredi" to close then run player command "/işlevdevam 9"
            make gui slot 14 of player with red stained glass pane named "&bVip" to do nothing
            make gui slot 15 of player with diamond sword of sharpness 1 named "&6[&4L&aV&bI&dP&6]" with lore "&250 Kredi" to close then run player command "/işlevdevam 10"
            make gui slot 16 of player with red stained glass pane named "&bVip" to do nothing
            make gui slot 17 of player with red stained glass pane named "&bVip" to do nothing
            make gui slot 18 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 19 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 20 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 21 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 22 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 23 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 24 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 25 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 26 of player with emerald block of sharpness 1 named "&2Yardım" to close then run player command "/işlevdevam 17"
command /işlevdevam <number>:
        if arg 1 is 1:
            if player has 10 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi":
                remove 10 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi" from player
                give 1 310 of protection 8, thorns 3, unbreaking 9999 named "&6Edit Set" with lore "&9Kırılmaz" to player
                launch creeper firework colored blue at player timed 1
                play raw sound "random.levelup" at players with pitch 1 volume 10
                send action bar from "{@server} &e1 &aAdet &cP8 set parçası &aAldı. Zengin Şojuk" to players
                send "&4Yeterli &2Kredin Yok. &4Lütfen Yeterli &2Kredin &4olduğunda Tekrar Dene" to player
        if arg 1 is 2:
            if player has 10 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi":
                remove 10 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi" from player
                give 1 311 of protection 8, thorns 3, unbreaking 9999 named "&6Edit Set" with lore "&9Kırılmaz" to player
                launch creeper firework colored blue at player timed 1
                play raw sound "random.levelup" at players with pitch 1 volume 10
                send action bar from "{@server} &e1 &aAdet &cP8 set parçası &aAldı. Zengin Şojuk" to players
                send "&4Yeterli &2Kredin Yok. &4Lütfen Yeterli &2Kredin &4olduğunda Tekrar Dene" to player
        if arg 1 is 3:
            if player has 10 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi":
                remove 10 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi" from player
                give 1 312 of protection 8, thorns 3, unbreaking 9999 named "&6Edit Set" with lore "&9Kırılmaz" to player
                launch creeper firework colored blue at player timed 1
                play raw sound "random.levelup" at players with pitch 1 volume 10
                send action bar from "{@server} &e1 &aAdet &cP8 set parçası &aAldı. Zengin Şojuk" to players
                send "&4Yeterli &2Kredin Yok. &4Lütfen Yeterli &2Kredin &4olduğunda Tekrar Dene" to player
        if arg 1 is 4:
            if player has 10 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi":
                remove 10 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi" from player
                give 1 313 of protection 8, thorns 3, unbreaking 9999 named "&6Edit Set" with lore "&9Kırılmaz" to player
                launch creeper firework colored blue at player timed 1
                play raw sound "random.levelup" at players with pitch 1 volume 10
                send action bar from "{@server} &e1 &aAdet &cP8 set parçası &aAldı. Zengin Şojuk" to players
                send "&4Yeterli &2Kredin Yok. &4Lütfen Yeterli &2Kredin &4olduğunda Tekrar Dene" to player
        if arg 1 is 5:
            if player has 30 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi":
                remove 30 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi" from player
                give 1 diamond sword of sharpness 10, unbreaking 150, looting 3, knockback 2 named "&6 Edit Kılıç" to player
                launch creeper firework colored blue at player timed 1
                play raw sound "random.levelup" at players with pitch 1 volume 10
                send action bar from "{@server} &e1 &aAdet &cEdit Kılıç Aldı. Zengin Şojuk" to players
                send "&4Yeterli &2Kredin Yok. &4Lütfen Yeterli &2Kredin &4olduğunda Tekrar Dene" to player
        if arg 1 is 6:
            if player has 25 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi":
                remove 25 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi" from player
                give 1 bow of power 6, punch 3, flame 3, unbreaking 3, Infinity 2 named "&6Edit Yay" to player
                launch creeper firework colored blue at player timed 1
                play raw sound "random.levelup" at players with pitch 1 volume 10
                send action bar from "{@server} &e1 &aAdet &cEdit Yay Aldı. Zengin Şojuk" to players
                send "&4Yeterli &2Kredin Yok. &4Lütfen Yeterli &2Kredin &4olduğunda Tekrar Dene" to player
        if arg 1 is 7:
            if player has 40 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi":
                remove 40 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi" from player
                give 1 bow of power 8, punch 5, flame 5, unbreaking 5, Infinity 4 named "&4Lanetli Yay" to player
                launch creeper firework colored blue at player timed 1
                play raw sound "random.levelup" at players with pitch 1 volume 10
                send action bar from "{@server} &e1 &aAdet &4Lanetli&c Yay Aldı. Zengin Şojuk" to players
                send "&4Yeterli &2Kredin Yok. &4Lütfen Yeterli &2Kredin &4olduğunda Tekrar Dene" to player
        if arg 1 is 8:
            if player has 15 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi":
                remove 15 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi" from player
                execute console command "manuadd %player% {@vip}"
                launch creeper firework colored blue at player timed 1
                play raw sound "random.levelup" at players with pitch 1 volume 10
                send action bar from "{@server} &b[VIP] Aldı. Zengin Şojuk" to players
                send "&4Yeterli &2Kredin Yok. &4Lütfen Yeterli &2Kredin &4olduğunda Tekrar Dene" to player
        if arg 1 is 9:
            if player has 30 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi":
                remove 30 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi" from player
                execute console command "manuadd %player% {@mvip}"
                launch creeper firework colored blue at player timed 1
                play raw sound "random.levelup" at players with pitch 1 volume 10
                send action bar from "{@server} &9[MVIP] Aldı. Zengin Şojuk" to players
                send "&4Yeterli &2Kredin Yok. &4Lütfen Yeterli &2Kredin &4olduğunda Tekrar Dene" to player
        if arg 1 is 10:
            if player has 50 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi":
                remove 50 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi" from player
                execute console command "manuadd %player% {@lvip}"
                launch creeper firework colored blue at player timed 1
                play raw sound "random.levelup" at players with pitch 1 volume 10
                send action bar from "{@server} &6[&4L&aV&bI&dP&6] Aldı. Zengin Şojuk" to players
                send "&4Yeterli &2Kredin Yok. &4Lütfen Yeterli &2Kredin &4olduğunda Tekrar Dene" to player
        if arg 1 is 11:
            if player have the permission "lvip.set":
                if {lkitkullanma::%player%} is off:
                    give 1 310 of protection 5 named "&6 Lvip Set" to player
                    give 1 311 of protection 5, thorns 2, unbreaking 1 named "&6 Lvip Set" to player
                    give 1 312 of protection 5 named "&6 Lvip Set" to player
                    give 1 313 of protection 5 named "&6 Lvip Set" to player
                    set {lsaniye::%player%} to 60
                    set {ldakika::%player%} to 59
                    set {lsaat::%player%} to 11
                    delete {lkitkullanma::%player%}
                    if {lkitkullanma::%player%} isn't set:
                        send "&bLvip Kitini Tekrar Kullanabilmen için &e%{lsaat::%player%}% &csaat &e%{ldakika::%player%}% &cdakika &e%{lsaniye::%player%}% &csaniye beklemelisiniz." to player
                send action bar from "&c Bunun için &6[&4L&aV&bI&dP&6]&r &c satın al." to player
        if arg 1 is 12:
            if player have the permission "mvip.set":
                if {mkitkullanma::%player%} is off:
                    give 1 310 of protection 4 named "&6 Mvip Set" to player
                    give 1 311 of protection 4, unbreaking 1 named "&6 Mvip Set" to player
                    give 1 312 of protection 4 named "&6 Mvip Set" to player
                    give 1 313 of protection 4 named "&6 Mvip Set" to player
                    set {msaniye::%player%} to 60
                    set {mdakika::%player%} to 59
                    set {msaat::%player%} to 11
                    delete {mkitkullanma::%player%}
                    send "&aMvip Kitini Tekrar Kullanabilmen için &e%{msaat::%player%}% &csaat &e%{mdakika::%player%}% &cdakika &e%{msaniye::%player%}% &csaniye beklemelisiniz." to player
                send action bar from "&c Bunun için &9[MVIP]&r &c satın al." to player
        if arg 1 is 13:
            if player have permission "avip.set":
                if {akitkullanma::%player%} is off:
                    give 1 310 of protection 3 named "&6 Vip Set" to player
                    give 1 311 of protection 3, unbreaking 1 named "&6 Vip Set" to player
                    give 1 312 of protection 3 named "&6 Vip Set" to player
                    give 1 313 of protection 3 named "&6 Vip Set" to player
                    set {asaniye::%player%} to 60
                    set {adakika::%player%} to 59
                    set {asaat::%player%} to 11
                    delete {akitkullanma::%player%}
                    send "&cAvip Kitini Tekrar Kullanabilmen için &e%{asaat::%player%}% &csaat &e%{adakika::%player%}% &cdakika &e%{asaniye::%player%}% &csaniye beklemelisiniz." to player
                send action bar from "&c Bunun için &b[VIP]&r &c satın al." to player
        if arg 1 is 14:
            if player have the permission "rehber.set":
                if {rkitkullanma::%player%} is off:
                    give 1 310 of protection 3 named "&2 Rehber Set " to player
                    give 1 311 of protection 3 named "&2 Rehber Set " to player
                    give 1 312 of protection 3 named "&2 Rehber Set " to player
                    give 1 313 of protection 3 named "&2 Rehber Set " to player
                    set {rsaniye::%player%} to 60
                    set {rdakika::%player%} to 59
                    set {rsaat::%player%} to 11
                    delete {rkitkullanma::%player%}
                    send "&2Rehber Kitini Tekrar Kullanabilmen için &e%{rsaat::%player%}% &csaat &e%{rdakika::%player%}% &cdakika &e%{rsaniye::%player%}% &csaniye beklemelisiniz." to player
                send action bar from "&c Bunun için &2 [Rehber]&r olman gerek." to player
        if arg 1 is 15:
            if {okitkullanma::%player%} is off:
                give 1 310 of protection 1 named "&b Oyuncu Set " to player
                give 1 311 of protection 2 named "&b Oyuncu Set " to player
                give 1 312 of protection 2 named "&b Oyuncu Set " to player
                give 1 313 of protection 1 named "&b Oyuncu Set " to player
                set {osaniye::%player%} to 60
                set {odakika::%player%} to 59
                set {osaat::%player%} to 11
                delete {okitkullanma::%player%}
                send "&8Oyuncu Kitini Tekrar Kullanabilmek için &e%{osaat::%player%}% &csaat &e%{odakika::%player%}% &cdakika &e%{osaniye::%player%}% &csaniye Beklemelisiniz." to player
        if arg 1 is 16:
            send " &5--&6Yardım&5-- " to player
            send " &2Edit Eşya" to player
            send " &2Almak Için" to player
            send " &2Krediniz olması lazım" to player
            send " &2Kredi almak için kurucuya ulaşın" to player
            send " &5--&6Yardım&5-- " to player
        if arg 1 is 17:
            send " &5--&6Yardım&5-- " to player
            send " &aRehber :&4 Başvuru ile alım ." to player
            send " &2Vip :&415 Tl " to player
            send " &2Mvip : &430 Tl " to player
            send " &6[&4L&aV&bI&dP&6] : &450 Tl " to player
            send " &5--&6Yardım&5-- " to player
every 2 seconds:
    loop all offline players:
        if {lkitkullanma::%loop-value%} isn't set:
            if {lsaniye::%loop-value%} is set:
                if {ldakika::%loop-value%} is set:
                    if {lsaat::%loop-value%} is set:
                        subtract 2 from {lsaniye::%loop-value%}
                        if {lsaniye::%loop-value%} is 0:
                            subtract 1 from {ldakika::%loop-value%}
                            set {lsaniye::%loop-value%} to 60
                            if {ldakika::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                subtract 1 from {lsaat::%loop-value%}
                                set {ldakika::%loop-value%} to 59
                                if {lsaat::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                    delete {lsaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {ldakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {lsaat::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {lsaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {ldakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {ldakika::%loop-value%}
                                    set {lkitkullanma::%loop-value%} to off
                                    send "&aArtık Lvip Kitini Tekrar Kullanabilirsin" to loop-value
        if {mkitkullanma::%loop-value%} isn't set:
            if {msaniye::%loop-value%} is set:
                if {mdakika::%loop-value%} is set:
                    if {msaat::%loop-value%} is set:
                        subtract 2 from {msaniye::%loop-value%}
                        if {msaniye::%loop-value%} is 0:
                            subtract 1 from {mdakika::%loop-value%}
                            set {msaniye::%loop-value%} to 60
                            if {mdakika::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                subtract 1 from {msaat::%loop-value%}
                                set {mdakika::%loop-value%} to 59
                                if {msaat::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                    delete {msaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {mdakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {msaat::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {smsaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {smdakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {smsaat::%loop-value%}
                                    set {mkitkullanma::%loop-value%} to off
                                    send "&aArtık MVIP Kitini Tekrar Kullanabilirsin" to loop-value
        if {akitkullanma::%loop-value%} isn't set:
            if {asaniye::%loop-value%} is set:
                if {adakika::%loop-value%} is set:
                    if {asaat::%loop-value%} is set:
                        subtract 2 from {asaniye::%loop-value%}
                        if {asaniye::%loop-value%} is 0:
                            subtract 1 from {adakika::%loop-value%}
                            add 60 to {asaniye::%loop-value%}
                            if {adakika::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                subtract 1 from {asaat::%loop-value%}
                                add 59 to {adakika::%loop-value%}
                                if {asaat::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                    delete {asaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {adakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {asaat::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {sasaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {sadakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {sasaat::%loop-value%}
                                    set {akitkullanma::%loop-value%} to off
                                    send "&aArtık avip Kitini Tekrar Kullanabilirsin" to loop-value
        if {rkitkullanma::%loop-value%} isn't set:
            if {rsaniye::%loop-value%} is set:
                if {rdakika::%loop-value%} is set:
                    if {rsaat::%loop-value%} is set:
                        subtract 2 from {rsaniye::%loop-value%}
                        if {rsaniye::%loop-value%} is 0:
                            subtract 1 from {rdakika::%loop-value%}
                            add 60 to {rsaniye::%loop-value%}
                            if {rdakika::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                subtract 1 from {rsaat::%loop-value%}
                                add 59 to {rdakika::%loop-value%}
                                if {rsaat::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                    delete {rsaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {rdakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {rsaat::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {srsaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {srdakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {srsaat::%loop-value%}
                                    set {rkitkullanma::%loop-value%} to off
                                    send "&aArtık Rehber Kitini Tekrar Kullanabilirsin" to loop-value
        if {okitkullanma::%loop-value%} isn't set:
            if {osaniye::%loop-value%} is set:
                if {odakika::%loop-value%} is set:
                    if {osaat::%loop-value%} is set:
                        subtract 2 from {osaniye::%loop-value%}
                        if {osaniye::%loop-value%} is 0:
                            subtract 1 from {odakika::%loop-value%}
                            add 60 to {osaniye::%loop-value%}
                            if {odakika::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                subtract 1 from {osaat::%loop-value%}
                                add 59 to {odakika::%loop-value%}
                                if {osaat::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                    delete {osaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {odakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {osaat::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {sosaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {sodakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {sosaat::%loop-value%}
                                    set {okitkullanma::%loop-value%} to off
                                    send "&aArtık Oyuncu Kitini Tekrar Kullanabilirsin" to loop-value

Mehmet Baki

Fırında Isıttığım İlk Taş



15 Ağustos 2017
Değerlencek buralar qweewqew :D. Eline Sağlık başka bi' forumda görmüştüm aynısını sensin galiba o :D.


Efendim Yakınlarda Kısır Kokusu Alıyorum.



18 Şubat 2018
Uğraşılmış Fakat
every 2 seconds:
    loop all offline players:
        if {lkitkullanma::%loop-value%} isn't set:
            if {lsaniye::%loop-value%} is set:
                if {ldakika::%loop-value%} is set:
                    if {lsaat::%loop-value%} is set:
                        subtract 2 from {lsaniye::%loop-value%}
                        if {lsaniye::%loop-value%} is 0:
                            subtract 1 from {ldakika::%loop-value%}
                            set {lsaniye::%loop-value%} to 60
                            if {ldakika::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                subtract 1 from {lsaat::%loop-value%}
                                set {ldakika::%loop-value%} to 59
                                if {lsaat::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                    delete {lsaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {ldakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {lsaat::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {lsaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {ldakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {ldakika::%loop-value%}
                                    set {lkitkullanma::%loop-value%} to off
                                    send "&aArtık Lvip Kitini Tekrar Kullanabilirsin" to loop-value
        if {mkitkullanma::%loop-value%} isn't set:
            if {msaniye::%loop-value%} is set:
                if {mdakika::%loop-value%} is set:
                    if {msaat::%loop-value%} is set:
                        subtract 2 from {msaniye::%loop-value%}
                        if {msaniye::%loop-value%} is 0:
                            subtract 1 from {mdakika::%loop-value%}
                            set {msaniye::%loop-value%} to 60
                            if {mdakika::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                subtract 1 from {msaat::%loop-value%}
                                set {mdakika::%loop-value%} to 59
                                if {msaat::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                    delete {msaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {mdakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {msaat::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {smsaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {smdakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {smsaat::%loop-value%}
                                    set {mkitkullanma::%loop-value%} to off
                                    send "&aArtık MVIP Kitini Tekrar Kullanabilirsin" to loop-value
        if {akitkullanma::%loop-value%} isn't set:
            if {asaniye::%loop-value%} is set:
                if {adakika::%loop-value%} is set:
                    if {asaat::%loop-value%} is set:
                        subtract 2 from {asaniye::%loop-value%}
                        if {asaniye::%loop-value%} is 0:
                            subtract 1 from {adakika::%loop-value%}
                            add 60 to {asaniye::%loop-value%}
                            if {adakika::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                subtract 1 from {asaat::%loop-value%}
                                add 59 to {adakika::%loop-value%}
                                if {asaat::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                    delete {asaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {adakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {asaat::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {sasaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {sadakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {sasaat::%loop-value%}
                                    set {akitkullanma::%loop-value%} to off
                                    send "&aArtık avip Kitini Tekrar Kullanabilirsin" to loop-value
        if {rkitkullanma::%loop-value%} isn't set:
            if {rsaniye::%loop-value%} is set:
                if {rdakika::%loop-value%} is set:
                    if {rsaat::%loop-value%} is set:
                        subtract 2 from {rsaniye::%loop-value%}
                        if {rsaniye::%loop-value%} is 0:
                            subtract 1 from {rdakika::%loop-value%}
                            add 60 to {rsaniye::%loop-value%}
                            if {rdakika::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                subtract 1 from {rsaat::%loop-value%}
                                add 59 to {rdakika::%loop-value%}
                                if {rsaat::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                    delete {rsaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {rdakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {rsaat::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {srsaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {srdakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {srsaat::%loop-value%}
                                    set {rkitkullanma::%loop-value%} to off
                                    send "&aArtık Rehber Kitini Tekrar Kullanabilirsin" to loop-value
        if {okitkullanma::%loop-value%} isn't set:
            if {osaniye::%loop-value%} is set:
                if {odakika::%loop-value%} is set:
                    if {osaat::%loop-value%} is set:
                        subtract 2 from {osaniye::%loop-value%}
                        if {osaniye::%loop-value%} is 0:
                            subtract 1 from {odakika::%loop-value%}
                            add 60 to {osaniye::%loop-value%}
                            if {odakika::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                subtract 1 from {osaat::%loop-value%}
                                add 59 to {odakika::%loop-value%}
                                if {osaat::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                    delete {osaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {odakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {osaat::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {sosaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {sodakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {sosaat::%loop-value%}
                                    set {okitkullanma::%loop-value%} to off
                                    send "&aArtık Oyuncu Kitini Tekrar Kullanabilirsin" to loop-value
tasaruflu değil


Somon Balığı Selam Vermeye Geldi


λlprn #6144

28 Ekim 2018
Değerlencek buralar qweewqew :D. Eline Sağlık başka bi' forumda görmüştüm aynısını sensin galiba o :D.

Evet :D Yorumun İçin Teşekkürler :p
Gönderi otomatik olarak birleştirildi:

Güzele benziyor fakat
every 2 seconds:
    loop all offline players:
        if {lkitkullanma::%loop-value%} isn't set:
            if {lsaniye::%loop-value%} is set:
                if {ldakika::%loop-value%} is set:
                    if {lsaat::%loop-value%} is set:
                        subtract 2 from {lsaniye::%loop-value%}
                        if {lsaniye::%loop-value%} is 0:
                            subtract 1 from {ldakika::%loop-value%}
                            set {lsaniye::%loop-value%} to 60
                            if {ldakika::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                subtract 1 from {lsaat::%loop-value%}
                                set {ldakika::%loop-value%} to 59
                                if {lsaat::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                    delete {lsaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {ldakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {lsaat::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {lsaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {ldakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {ldakika::%loop-value%}
                                    set {lkitkullanma::%loop-value%} to off
                                    send "&aArtık Lvip Kitini Tekrar Kullanabilirsin" to loop-value
        if {mkitkullanma::%loop-value%} isn't set:
            if {msaniye::%loop-value%} is set:
                if {mdakika::%loop-value%} is set:
                    if {msaat::%loop-value%} is set:
                        subtract 2 from {msaniye::%loop-value%}
                        if {msaniye::%loop-value%} is 0:
                            subtract 1 from {mdakika::%loop-value%}
                            set {msaniye::%loop-value%} to 60
                            if {mdakika::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                subtract 1 from {msaat::%loop-value%}
                                set {mdakika::%loop-value%} to 59
                                if {msaat::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                    delete {msaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {mdakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {msaat::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {smsaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {smdakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {smsaat::%loop-value%}
                                    set {mkitkullanma::%loop-value%} to off
                                    send "&aArtık MVIP Kitini Tekrar Kullanabilirsin" to loop-value
        if {akitkullanma::%loop-value%} isn't set:
            if {asaniye::%loop-value%} is set:
                if {adakika::%loop-value%} is set:
                    if {asaat::%loop-value%} is set:
                        subtract 2 from {asaniye::%loop-value%}
                        if {asaniye::%loop-value%} is 0:
                            subtract 1 from {adakika::%loop-value%}
                            add 60 to {asaniye::%loop-value%}
                            if {adakika::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                subtract 1 from {asaat::%loop-value%}
                                add 59 to {adakika::%loop-value%}
                                if {asaat::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                    delete {asaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {adakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {asaat::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {sasaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {sadakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {sasaat::%loop-value%}
                                    set {akitkullanma::%loop-value%} to off
                                    send "&aArtık avip Kitini Tekrar Kullanabilirsin" to loop-value
        if {rkitkullanma::%loop-value%} isn't set:
            if {rsaniye::%loop-value%} is set:
                if {rdakika::%loop-value%} is set:
                    if {rsaat::%loop-value%} is set:
                        subtract 2 from {rsaniye::%loop-value%}
                        if {rsaniye::%loop-value%} is 0:
                            subtract 1 from {rdakika::%loop-value%}
                            add 60 to {rsaniye::%loop-value%}
                            if {rdakika::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                subtract 1 from {rsaat::%loop-value%}
                                add 59 to {rdakika::%loop-value%}
                                if {rsaat::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                    delete {rsaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {rdakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {rsaat::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {srsaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {srdakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {srsaat::%loop-value%}
                                    set {rkitkullanma::%loop-value%} to off
                                    send "&aArtık Rehber Kitini Tekrar Kullanabilirsin" to loop-value
        if {okitkullanma::%loop-value%} isn't set:
            if {osaniye::%loop-value%} is set:
                if {odakika::%loop-value%} is set:
                    if {osaat::%loop-value%} is set:
                        subtract 2 from {osaniye::%loop-value%}
                        if {osaniye::%loop-value%} is 0:
                            subtract 1 from {odakika::%loop-value%}
                            add 60 to {osaniye::%loop-value%}
                            if {odakika::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                subtract 1 from {osaat::%loop-value%}
                                add 59 to {odakika::%loop-value%}
                                if {osaat::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                    delete {osaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {odakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {osaat::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {sosaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {sodakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {sosaat::%loop-value%}
                                    set {okitkullanma::%loop-value%} to off
                                    send "&aArtık Oyuncu Kitini Tekrar Kullanabilirsin" to loop-value
tasaruflu değil

Teşekkürler . Aklıma bu şekilde yapmak geldi bunun için böyle yaptım ve kullanışlıda .


Demir Cevheri Gibiyim
6 Eylül 2018
güzele benziyor. tebrikler


Somon Balığı Selam Vermeye Geldi


λlprn #6144

28 Ekim 2018

Mehmet Baki

Fırında Isıttığım İlk Taş



15 Ağustos 2017


Efendim Yakınlarda Kısır Kokusu Alıyorum.



18 Şubat 2018
Evet :D Yorumun İçin Teşekkürler :;p
Gönderi otomatik olarak birleştirildi:

Teşekkürler . Aklıma bu şekilde yapmak geldi bunun için böyle yaptım ve kullanışlıda .
Kullanışlı olup olmayabilir uğraşılmış ama tasaruflu bir şekilde yapman daha iyi olabilirdi.
Şahsen kullanmam


Comeback #</>



20 Ağustos 2018
Kullanışlı bir skript. Tabiğğ..​


Somon Balığı Selam Vermeye Geldi


λlprn #6144

28 Ekim 2018


the Black Never Lie



22 Temmuz 2018
Çok güzel bir skript, eğer sunucuyu öldürmek istiyorsan..
Cidden bunu çok daha tasarruflu hale getirmen gerek.


Somon Balığı Selam Vermeye Geldi


λlprn #6144

28 Ekim 2018
Çok güzel bir skript, eğer sunucuyu öldürmek istiyorsan..
Cidden bunu çok daha tasarruflu hale getirmen gerek.

Kendim 1gb ramli sunucuda test ettim pek sıkıntı vermemişti sadece reload atarsan biraz geç geliordu :D
Yorumun İçin Teşekkürler Geliştirmeye Çalışacağım


the Black Never Lie



22 Temmuz 2018
Kendim 1gb ramli sunucuda test ettim pek sıkıntı vermemişti sadece reload atarsan biraz geç geliordu :D
Yorumun İçin Teşekkürler Geliştirmeye Çalışacağım
Tek başınayken tabii sorun çıkarmaz, 2 saniyede bir bütün offline oyuncuları loopluyorsun, düşünsene 1000 kişinin kayıt olduğu bir sunucuyu, her 2 saniyede 1000 kişi looplanırsa sunucu sürünmeye başlar klfdjgkf


Comeback #</>



20 Ağustos 2018
Tek başınayken tabii sorun çıkarmaz, 2 saniyede bir bütün offline oyuncuları loopluyorsun, düşünsene 1000 kişinin kayıt olduğu bir sunucuyu, her 2 saniyede 1000 kişi looplanırsa sunucu sürünmeye başlar klfdjgkf

Çok haklısın sjjqwr​
Mesaj gönderimine kapalı.
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