Sol Reklam
Sağ Reklam

Skript Paylaşımı Market Skript | V1.0

Mesaj gönderimine kapalı.

Mehmet Baki

Fırında Isıttığım İlk Taş



15 Ağustos 2017
Tek başınayken tabii sorun çıkarmaz, 2 saniyede bir bütün offline oyuncuları loopluyorsun, düşünsene 1000 kişinin kayıt olduğu bir sunucuyu, her 2 saniyede 1000 kişi looplanırsa sunucu sürünmeye başlar klfdjgkf
Sunucu iflas eder heralde :D.


Somon Balığı Selam Vermeye Geldi


λlprn #6144

28 Ekim 2018
Tek başınayken tabii sorun çıkarmaz, 2 saniyede bir bütün offline oyuncuları loopluyorsun, düşünsene 1000 kişinin kayıt olduğu bir sunucuyu, her 2 saniyede 1000 kişi looplanırsa sunucu sürünmeye başlar klfdjgkf

:'( kitler rütbelere özel alınması için gerekli permissions bulunması gerek (oyuncu kitini silebilirsiniz ) . Tavsiyen için teşekkürler o kısım pluginlerlede yapılabilir.


Yay Yok, İskelet Yok



12 Temmuz 2016
Eki Görüntüle 48764
Bu skript önceden yaptığım ancak foruma yeni katıldığımdan yeni ekliyeceğim bir skript .
Bu skript sayesinde sunucuya edit eşyalar , kredi sistemi , market , kit sistemi ve daha fazlası ekleniyor.

Eki Görüntüle 48766
/ market : Bu komut ana komutumuz bu komut sayesinde menüyü açıyoruz.
Bu menüde karşımıza 3 seçenek çıkıyor =
birinci seçenek edit : buraya tıklarsan edit menüsü açılıyor ve oradan kredi ile edit eşyalar satın alabiliyorsunuz.
ikinci seçenek kit : buraya tıklarsanız kit menüsü açılıyor ve o menüden sizin yetkinize göre kitler alabiliyorsunuz ( sunucuya reset atılsa bile süre saymaya devam ediyor )
üçüncü seçenek mağaza : buraya tıklarsanız market menüsü açılıyor buradan kredi ile Vip - Mvip - Lvip alabiliyorsunuz.

/krediver bunu yazan (op olması gerek) kişiye 64 kredi verir ( krediler özel itemlerdir ) ve yetkili bu krediyi kredi satın alan kişiye elle verir.

    server: RoaachMc   #sunucu ismi
    vip: vip           #Kullandığınız groupmanagerdeki vip olarak ayarlıyacağınız şeyin ismi
    mvip: mvip         #Kullandığınız groupmanagerdeki Mvip olarak ayarlıyacağınız şeyin ismi
    lvip: lvip         #Kullandığınız groupmanagerdeki Lvip olarak ayarlıyacağınız şeyin ismi

first join:
    set {lkitkullanma::%player%} to off
    set {mkitkullanma::%player%} to off
    set {akitkullanma::%player%} to off
    set {rkitkullanma::%player%} to off
    set {okitkullanma::%player%} to off

command /krediver:
    permission: op.system
    permission message: Yetkin yok gülüm
        give 64 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi" to player
        play raw sound "random.levelup" at players with pitch 1 volume 10
        send "&5Eşyalar Verildi" to player

command /market:
        open chest with 3 rows named "&cMenü" to player
        wait 1 ticks
        format slot 0 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
        format slot 1 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
        format slot 2 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
        format slot 3 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
        format slot 4 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
        format slot 5 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
        format slot 6 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
        format slot 7 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
        format slot 8 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
        format slot 9 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
        format slot 10 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
        format slot 11 of player with emerald of sharpness 1 named "&4Edit &6Menü" to run [execute player command "/işlev 1"]
        format slot 12 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
        format slot 13 of player with diamond of sharpness 1 named "&4Mağaza &6Menü" to run [execute player command "/işlev 3"]
        format slot 14 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
        format slot 15 of player with gold ingot of sharpness 1 named "&4Kit &6Menü" to run [execute player command "/işlev 2"]
        format slot 16 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
        format slot 17 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
        format slot 18 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
        format slot 19 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
        format slot 20 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
        format slot 21 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
        format slot 22 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
        format slot 23 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
        format slot 24 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
        format slot 25 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
        format slot 26 of player with emerald block of sharpness 1 named "&b Paran" to close then run [execute player command "/money"]
        send " &7[&6+&7] &cMenü başarıyla açıldı!"

command /işlev <number>:
        if arg 1 is 1:
            open chest with 5 rows named "&cEdit Menü" to player
            wait 1 ticks
            format slot 0 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 1 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 2 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 3 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 4 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 5 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 6 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 7 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 8 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 9 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 10 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 11 of player with diamond helmet of protection 8, thorns 3, unbreaking 9999 named "&6Edit Set" with lore "&9Kırılmaz || &210 Kredi" to close then run [execute player command "/işlevdevam 1"]
            format slot 12 of player with diamond chestplate of protection 8, thorns 3, unbreaking 9999 named "&6Edit Set" with lore "&9Kırılmaz || &210 Kredi" to close then run [execute player command "/işlevdevam 2"]
            format slot 13 of player with diamond leggings of protection 8, thorns 3, unbreaking 9999 named "&6Edit Set" with lore "&9Kırılmaz || &210 Kredi" to close then run [execute player command "/işlevdevam 3"]
            format slot 14 of player with diamond boots of protection 8, thorns 3, unbreaking 9999 named "&6Edit Set" with lore "&9Kırılmaz || &210 Kredi" to close then run [execute player command "/işlevdevam 4"]
            format slot 15 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 16 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 17 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 18 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 19 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 20 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 21 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 22 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 23 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 24 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 25 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 26 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 27 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 28 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 29 of player with diamond sword of sharpness 10, unbreaking 150, looting 3, knockback 2 named "&6 Edit Kılıç" with lore "&230 Kredi" to close then run [execute player command "/işlevdevam 5"]
            format slot 30 of player with bow of power 6, punch 3, flame 3, unbreaking 3, Infinity 2 named "&6Edit Yay" with lore "&225 Kredi" to close then run [execute player command "/işlevdevam 6"]
            format slot 31 of player with bow of power 8, punch 5, flame 5, unbreaking 5, Infinity 4 named "&4Lanetli Yay" with lore "&240 Kredi" to close then run [execute player command "/işlevdevam 7"]
            format slot 32 of player with red stained glass pane named "&bBakımda" to act unstealable
            format slot 33 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 34 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 35 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 36 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 37 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 38 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 39 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 40 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 41 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 42 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 43 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 44 of player with emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Yardım" to close then run [execute player command "/işlevdevam 16"]
            send " &7[&6+&7] &6Edit &cMarket başarıyla açıldı!"
        if arg 1 is 2:
            open chest with 2 rows named "&cKit Menü" to player
            wait 1 ticks
            format slot 0 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 1 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 2 of player with leather named "&bOyuncu" to close then run [execute player command "/işlevdevam 15"]
            format slot 3 of player with slime named "&2Rehber" to close then run [execute player command "/işlevdevam 14"]
            format slot 4 of player with iron ingot named "&aVip" to close then run [execute player command "/işlevdevam 13"]
            format slot 5 of player with gold ingot named "&bMVIP" to close then run [execute player command "/işlevdevam 12"]
            format slot 6 of player with diamond named "&6[&4L&aV&bI&dP&6]" to close then run [execute player command "/işlevdevam 11"]
            format slot 7 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 8 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 9 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 10 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 11 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 12 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 13 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 14 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 15 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 16 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 17 of player with emerald block of sharpness 1 named "&2Yardım" to close then run [execute player command "/işlevdevam 17"]
            send " &7[&6+&7] &cKit menüsü başarıyla açıldı!"
        if arg 1 is 3:
            open chest with 3 rows named "&cMağaza Menü" to player
            wait 1 ticks
            format slot 0 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 1 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 2 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 3 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 4 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 5 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 6 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 7 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 8 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 9 of player with red stained glass pane named "&bVip" to act unstealable
            format slot 10 of player with red stained glass pane named "&bVip" to act unstealable
            format slot 11 of player with iron sword of sharpness 1 named "&b[VIP]" with lore "&215 Kredi" to close then run [execute player command "/işlevdevam 8"]
            format slot 12 of player with red stained glass pane named "&bVip" to act unstealable
            format slot 13 of player with gold sword of sharpness 1 named "&9[MVIP]" with lore "&230 Kredi" to close then run [execute player command "/işlevdevam 9"]
            format slot 14 of player with red stained glass pane named "&bVip" to act unstealable
            format slot 15 of player with diamond sword of sharpness 1 named "&6[&4L&aV&bI&dP&6]" with lore "&250 Kredi" to close then run [execute player command "/işlevdevam 10"]
            format slot 16 of player with red stained glass pane named "&bVip" to act unstealable
            format slot 17 of player with red stained glass pane named "&bVip" to act unstealable
            format slot 18 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 19 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 20 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 21 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 22 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 23 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 24 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 25 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to act unstealable
            format slot 26 of player with emerald block of sharpness 1 named "&2Yardım" to close then run [execute player command "/işlevdevam 17"]

command /işlevdevam <number>:
        if arg 1 is 1:
            if player has 10 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi":
                remove 10 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi" from player
                give 1 310 of protection 8, thorns 3, unbreaking 9999 named "&6Edit Set" with lore "&9Kırılmaz" to player
                launch creeper firework colored blue at player timed 1
                play raw sound "random.levelup" at players with pitch 1 volume 10
                send action bar from "{@server} &e1 &aAdet &cP8 set parçası &aAldı. Zengin Şojuk" to players
                send "&4Yeterli &2Kredin Yok. &4Lütfen Yeterli &2Kredin &4olduğunda Tekrar Dene" to player
        if arg 1 is 2:
            if player has 10 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi":
                remove 10 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi" from player
                give 1 311 of protection 8, thorns 3, unbreaking 9999 named "&6Edit Set" with lore "&9Kırılmaz" to player
                launch creeper firework colored blue at player timed 1
                play raw sound "random.levelup" at players with pitch 1 volume 10
                send action bar from "{@server} &e1 &aAdet &cP8 set parçası &aAldı. Zengin Şojuk" to players
                send "&4Yeterli &2Kredin Yok. &4Lütfen Yeterli &2Kredin &4olduğunda Tekrar Dene" to player
        if arg 1 is 3:
            if player has 10 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi":
                remove 10 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi" from player
                give 1 312 of protection 8, thorns 3, unbreaking 9999 named "&6Edit Set" with lore "&9Kırılmaz" to player
                launch creeper firework colored blue at player timed 1
                play raw sound "random.levelup" at players with pitch 1 volume 10
                send action bar from "{@server} &e1 &aAdet &cP8 set parçası &aAldı. Zengin Şojuk" to players
                send "&4Yeterli &2Kredin Yok. &4Lütfen Yeterli &2Kredin &4olduğunda Tekrar Dene" to player
        if arg 1 is 4:
            if player has 10 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi":
                remove 10 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi" from player
                give 1 313 of protection 8, thorns 3, unbreaking 9999 named "&6Edit Set" with lore "&9Kırılmaz" to player
                launch creeper firework colored blue at player timed 1
                play raw sound "random.levelup" at players with pitch 1 volume 10
                send action bar from "{@server} &e1 &aAdet &cP8 set parçası &aAldı. Zengin Şojuk" to players
                send "&4Yeterli &2Kredin Yok. &4Lütfen Yeterli &2Kredin &4olduğunda Tekrar Dene" to player
        if arg 1 is 5:
            if player has 30 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi":
                remove 30 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi" from player
                give 1 diamond sword of sharpness 10, unbreaking 150, looting 3, knockback 2 named "&6 Edit Kılıç" to player
                launch creeper firework colored blue at player timed 1
                play raw sound "random.levelup" at players with pitch 1 volume 10
                send action bar from "{@server} &e1 &aAdet &cEdit Kılıç Aldı. Zengin Şojuk" to players
                send "&4Yeterli &2Kredin Yok. &4Lütfen Yeterli &2Kredin &4olduğunda Tekrar Dene" to player
        if arg 1 is 6:
            if player has 25 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi":
                remove 25 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi" from player
                give 1 bow of power 6, punch 3, flame 3, unbreaking 3, Infinity 2 named "&6Edit Yay" to player
                launch creeper firework colored blue at player timed 1
                play raw sound "random.levelup" at players with pitch 1 volume 10
                send action bar from "{@server} &e1 &aAdet &cEdit Yay Aldı. Zengin Şojuk" to players
                send "&4Yeterli &2Kredin Yok. &4Lütfen Yeterli &2Kredin &4olduğunda Tekrar Dene" to player
        if arg 1 is 7:
            if player has 40 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi":
                remove 40 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi" from player
                give 1 bow of power 8, punch 5, flame 5, unbreaking 5, Infinity 4 named "&4Lanetli Yay" to player
                launch creeper firework colored blue at player timed 1
                play raw sound "random.levelup" at players with pitch 1 volume 10
                send action bar from "{@server} &e1 &aAdet &4Lanetli&c Yay Aldı. Zengin Şojuk" to players
                send "&4Yeterli &2Kredin Yok. &4Lütfen Yeterli &2Kredin &4olduğunda Tekrar Dene" to player
        if arg 1 is 8:
            if player has 15 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi":
                remove 15 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi" from player
                execute console command "manuadd %player% {@vip}"
                launch creeper firework colored blue at player timed 1
                play raw sound "random.levelup" at players with pitch 1 volume 10
                send action bar from "{@server} &b[VIP] Aldı. Zengin Şojuk" to players
                send "&4Yeterli &2Kredin Yok. &4Lütfen Yeterli &2Kredin &4olduğunda Tekrar Dene" to player
        if arg 1 is 9:
            if player has 30 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi":
                remove 30 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi" from player
                execute console command "manuadd %player% {@mvip}"
                launch creeper firework colored blue at player timed 1
                play raw sound "random.levelup" at players with pitch 1 volume 10
                send action bar from "{@server} &9[MVIP] Aldı. Zengin Şojuk" to players
                send "&4Yeterli &2Kredin Yok. &4Lütfen Yeterli &2Kredin &4olduğunda Tekrar Dene" to player
        if arg 1 is 10:
            if player has 50 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi":
                remove 50 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi" from player
                execute console command "manuadd %player% {@lvip}"
                launch creeper firework colored blue at player timed 1
                play raw sound "random.levelup" at players with pitch 1 volume 10
                send action bar from "{@server} &6[&4L&aV&bI&dP&6] Aldı. Zengin Şojuk" to players
                send "&4Yeterli &2Kredin Yok. &4Lütfen Yeterli &2Kredin &4olduğunda Tekrar Dene" to player
        if arg 1 is 11:
            if player have the permission "lvip.set":
                if {lkitkullanma::%player%} is off:
                    give 1 310 of protection 5 named "&6 Lvip Set" to player
                    give 1 311 of protection 5, thorns 2, unbreaking 1 named "&6 Lvip Set" to player
                    give 1 312 of protection 5 named "&6 Lvip Set" to player
                    give 1 313 of protection 5 named "&6 Lvip Set" to player
                    set {lsaniye::%player%} to 60
                    set {ldakika::%player%} to 59
                    set {lsaat::%player%} to 11
                    delete {lkitkullanma::%player%}
                    if {lkitkullanma::%player%} isn't set:
                        send "&bLvip Kitini Tekrar Kullanabilmen için &e%{lsaat::%player%}% &csaat &e%{ldakika::%player%}% &cdakika &e%{lsaniye::%player%}% &csaniye beklemelisiniz." to player
                send action bar from "&c Bunun için &6[&4L&aV&bI&dP&6]&r &c satın al." to player
        if arg 1 is 12:
            if player have the permission "mvip.set":
                if {mkitkullanma::%player%} is off:
                    give 1 310 of protection 4 named "&6 Mvip Set" to player
                    give 1 311 of protection 4, unbreaking 1 named "&6 Mvip Set" to player
                    give 1 312 of protection 4 named "&6 Mvip Set" to player
                    give 1 313 of protection 4 named "&6 Mvip Set" to player
                    set {msaniye::%player%} to 60
                    set {mdakika::%player%} to 59
                    set {msaat::%player%} to 11
                    delete {mkitkullanma::%player%}
                    send "&aMvip Kitini Tekrar Kullanabilmen için &e%{msaat::%player%}% &csaat &e%{mdakika::%player%}% &cdakika &e%{msaniye::%player%}% &csaniye beklemelisiniz." to player
                send action bar from "&c Bunun için &9[MVIP]&r &c satın al." to player
        if arg 1 is 13:
            if player have permission "avip.set":
                if {akitkullanma::%player%} is off:
                    give 1 310 of protection 3 named "&6 Vip Set" to player
                    give 1 311 of protection 3, unbreaking 1 named "&6 Vip Set" to player
                    give 1 312 of protection 3 named "&6 Vip Set" to player
                    give 1 313 of protection 3 named "&6 Vip Set" to player
                    set {asaniye::%player%} to 60
                    set {adakika::%player%} to 59
                    set {asaat::%player%} to 11
                    delete {akitkullanma::%player%}
                    send "&cAvip Kitini Tekrar Kullanabilmen için &e%{asaat::%player%}% &csaat &e%{adakika::%player%}% &cdakika &e%{asaniye::%player%}% &csaniye beklemelisiniz." to player
                send action bar from "&c Bunun için &b[VIP]&r &c satın al." to player
        if arg 1 is 14:
            if player have the permission "rehber.set":
                if {rkitkullanma::%player%} is off:
                    give 1 310 of protection 3 named "&2 Rehber Set " to player
                    give 1 311 of protection 3 named "&2 Rehber Set " to player
                    give 1 312 of protection 3 named "&2 Rehber Set " to player
                    give 1 313 of protection 3 named "&2 Rehber Set " to player
                    set {rsaniye::%player%} to 60
                    set {rdakika::%player%} to 59
                    set {rsaat::%player%} to 11
                    delete {rkitkullanma::%player%}
                    send "&2Rehber Kitini Tekrar Kullanabilmen için &e%{rsaat::%player%}% &csaat &e%{rdakika::%player%}% &cdakika &e%{rsaniye::%player%}% &csaniye beklemelisiniz." to player
                send action bar from "&c Bunun için &2 [Rehber]&r olman gerek." to player
        if arg 1 is 15:
            if {okitkullanma::%player%} is off:
                give 1 310 of protection 1 named "&b Oyuncu Set " to player
                give 1 311 of protection 2 named "&b Oyuncu Set " to player
                give 1 312 of protection 2 named "&b Oyuncu Set " to player
                give 1 313 of protection 1 named "&b Oyuncu Set " to player
                set {osaniye::%player%} to 60
                set {odakika::%player%} to 59
                set {osaat::%player%} to 11
                delete {okitkullanma::%player%}
                send "&8Oyuncu Kitini Tekrar Kullanabilmek için &e%{osaat::%player%}% &csaat &e%{odakika::%player%}% &cdakika &e%{osaniye::%player%}% &csaniye Beklemelisiniz." to player
        if arg 1 is 16:
            send " &5--&6Yardım&5-- " to player
            send " &2Edit Eşya" to player
            send " &2Almak Için" to player
            send " &2Krediniz olması lazım" to player
            send " &2Kredi almak için kurucuya ulaşın" to player
            send " &5--&6Yardım&5-- " to player
        if arg 1 is 17:
            send " &5--&6Yardım&5-- " to player
            send " &aRehber :&4 Başvuru ile alım ." to player
            send " &2Vip :&415 Tl " to player
            send " &2Mvip : &430 Tl " to player
            send " &6[&4L&aV&bI&dP&6] : &450 Tl " to player
            send " &5--&6Yardım&5-- " to player

every 2 seconds:
    loop all offline players:
        if {lkitkullanma::%loop-value%} isn't set:
            if {lsaniye::%loop-value%} is set:
                if {ldakika::%loop-value%} is set:
                    if {lsaat::%loop-value%} is set:
                        subtract 2 from {lsaniye::%loop-value%}
                        if {lsaniye::%loop-value%} is 0:
                            subtract 1 from {ldakika::%loop-value%}
                            set {lsaniye::%loop-value%} to 60
                            if {ldakika::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                subtract 1 from {lsaat::%loop-value%}
                                set {ldakika::%loop-value%} to 59
                                if {lsaat::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                    delete {lsaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {ldakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {lsaat::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {lsaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {ldakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {ldakika::%loop-value%}
                                    set {lkitkullanma::%loop-value%} to off
                                    send "&aArtık Lvip Kitini Tekrar Kullanabilirsin" to loop-value
        if {mkitkullanma::%loop-value%} isn't set:
            if {msaniye::%loop-value%} is set:
                if {mdakika::%loop-value%} is set:
                    if {msaat::%loop-value%} is set:
                        subtract 2 from {msaniye::%loop-value%}
                        if {msaniye::%loop-value%} is 0:
                            subtract 1 from {mdakika::%loop-value%}
                            set {msaniye::%loop-value%} to 60
                            if {mdakika::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                subtract 1 from {msaat::%loop-value%}
                                set {mdakika::%loop-value%} to 59
                                if {msaat::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                    delete {msaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {mdakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {msaat::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {smsaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {smdakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {smsaat::%loop-value%}
                                    set {mkitkullanma::%loop-value%} to off
                                    send "&aArtık MVIP Kitini Tekrar Kullanabilirsin" to loop-value
        if {akitkullanma::%loop-value%} isn't set:
            if {asaniye::%loop-value%} is set:
                if {adakika::%loop-value%} is set:
                    if {asaat::%loop-value%} is set:
                        subtract 2 from {asaniye::%loop-value%}
                        if {asaniye::%loop-value%} is 0:
                            subtract 1 from {adakika::%loop-value%}
                            add 60 to {asaniye::%loop-value%}
                            if {adakika::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                subtract 1 from {asaat::%loop-value%}
                                add 59 to {adakika::%loop-value%}
                                if {asaat::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                    delete {asaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {adakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {asaat::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {sasaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {sadakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {sasaat::%loop-value%}
                                    set {akitkullanma::%loop-value%} to off
                                    send "&aArtık avip Kitini Tekrar Kullanabilirsin" to loop-value
        if {rkitkullanma::%loop-value%} isn't set:
            if {rsaniye::%loop-value%} is set:
                if {rdakika::%loop-value%} is set:
                    if {rsaat::%loop-value%} is set:
                        subtract 2 from {rsaniye::%loop-value%}
                        if {rsaniye::%loop-value%} is 0:
                            subtract 1 from {rdakika::%loop-value%}
                            add 60 to {rsaniye::%loop-value%}
                            if {rdakika::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                subtract 1 from {rsaat::%loop-value%}
                                add 59 to {rdakika::%loop-value%}
                                if {rsaat::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                    delete {rsaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {rdakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {rsaat::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {srsaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {srdakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {srsaat::%loop-value%}
                                    set {rkitkullanma::%loop-value%} to off
                                    send "&aArtık Rehber Kitini Tekrar Kullanabilirsin" to loop-value
        if {okitkullanma::%loop-value%} isn't set:
            if {osaniye::%loop-value%} is set:
                if {odakika::%loop-value%} is set:
                    if {osaat::%loop-value%} is set:
                        subtract 2 from {osaniye::%loop-value%}
                        if {osaniye::%loop-value%} is 0:
                            subtract 1 from {odakika::%loop-value%}
                            add 60 to {osaniye::%loop-value%}
                            if {odakika::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                subtract 1 from {osaat::%loop-value%}
                                add 59 to {odakika::%loop-value%}
                                if {osaat::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                    delete {osaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {odakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {osaat::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {sosaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {sodakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {sosaat::%loop-value%}
                                    set {okitkullanma::%loop-value%} to off
                                    send "&aArtık Oyuncu Kitini Tekrar Kullanabilirsin" to loop-value
every 1000 seconds:
    broadcast "{@server} &4>> &bSkriptin Yapımcısı Roaach"
    broadcast "{@server} &4>> &aMağaza Skript @Copyright by Roaach 2018-2019"
Tuske Kod: (TuSKe gerekir)

Kod (Text):
#                                  #
#  Copyright By Roaach 2018 - 2019 #
#                                  #

#  * Komutlar =                                         #
#  * /krediver   = Op Olan Kişiye 40 Kredi Verir.       #
#  * /market   = Marketi Açar                           #
#  * Herşey Market Menü Den yapılabilir                 #

    server: RoaachMc   #sunucu ismi
    vip:vip           #Kullandığınız groupmanagerdeki vip olarak ayarlıyacağınız şeyin ismi
    mvip:mvip         #Kullandığınız groupmanagerdeki Mvip olarak ayarlıyacağınız şeyin ismi
    lvip:lvip         #Kullandığınız groupmanagerdeki Lvip olarak ayarlıyacağınız şeyin ismi

first join:
    set {lkitkullanma::%player%} to off
    set {mkitkullanma::%player%} to off
    set {akitkullanma::%player%} to off
    set {rkitkullanma::%player%} to off
    set {okitkullanma::%player%} to off

command /krediver:
    permission: op.system
    permission message: Yetkin yok gülüm
        give 64 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi" to player
        play raw sound "random.levelup" at players with pitch 1 volume 10
        send "&5Eşyalar Verildi" to player

command /market:
        open virtual chest with size 3 named "&cMenü" to player
        make gui slot 0 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
        make gui slot 1 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
        make gui slot 2 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
        make gui slot 3 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
        make gui slot 4 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
        make gui slot 5 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
        make gui slot 6 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
        make gui slot 7 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
        make gui slot 8 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
        make gui slot 9 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
        make gui slot 10 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
        make gui slot 11 of player with emerald of sharpness 1 named "&4Edit &6Menü" to close then run player command "/işlev 1"
        make gui slot 12 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
        make gui slot 13 of player with diamond of sharpness 1 named "&4Mağaza &6Menü" to close then run player command "/işlev 3"
        make gui slot 14 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
        make gui slot 15 of player with gold ingot of sharpness 1 named "&4Kit &6Menü" to close then run player command "/işlev 2"
        make gui slot 16 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
        make gui slot 17 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
        make gui slot 18 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
        make gui slot 19 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
        make gui slot 20 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
        make gui slot 21 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
        make gui slot 22 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
        make gui slot 23 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
        make gui slot 24 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
        make gui slot 25 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
        make gui slot 26 of player with emerald block of sharpness 1 named "&b Paran" to close then run player command "/money"
        send " &7[&6+&7] &cMenü başarıyla açıldı!"

command /işlev <number>:
        if arg 1 is 1:
            open virtual chest with size 5 named "&cEdit Menü" to player
            make gui slot 0 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 1 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 2 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 3 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 4 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 5 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 6 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 7 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 8 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 9 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 10 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 11 of player with diamond helmet of protection 8, thorns 3, unbreaking 9999 named "&6Edit Set" with lore "&9Kırılmaz || &210 Kredi" to close then run player command "/işlevdevam 1"
            make gui slot 12 of player with diamond chestplate of protection 8, thorns 3, unbreaking 9999 named "&6Edit Set" with lore "&9Kırılmaz || &210 Kredi" to close then run player command "/işlevdevam 2"
            make gui slot 13 of player with diamond leggings of protection 8, thorns 3, unbreaking 9999 named "&6Edit Set" with lore "&9Kırılmaz || &210 Kredi" to close then run player command "/işlevdevam 3"
            make gui slot 14 of player with diamond boots of protection 8, thorns 3, unbreaking 9999 named "&6Edit Set" with lore "&9Kırılmaz || &210 Kredi" to close then run player command "/işlevdevam 4"
            make gui slot 15 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 16 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 17 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 18 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 19 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 20 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 21 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 22 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 23 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 24 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 25 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 26 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 27 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 28 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 29 of player with diamond sword of sharpness 10, unbreaking 150, looting 3, knockback 2 named "&6 Edit Kılıç" with lore "&230 Kredi" to close then run player command "/işlevdevam 5"
            make gui slot 30 of player with bow of power 6, punch 3, flame 3, unbreaking 3, Infinity 2 named "&6Edit Yay" with lore "&225 Kredi" to close then run player command "/işlevdevam 6"
            make gui slot 31 of player with bow of power 8, punch 5, flame 5, unbreaking 5, Infinity 4 named "&4Lanetli Yay" with lore "&240 Kredi" to close then run player command "/işlevdevam 7"
            make gui slot 32 of player with red stained glass pane named "&bBakımda" to do nothing
            make gui slot 33 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 34 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 35 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 36 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 37 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 38 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 39 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 40 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 41 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 42 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 43 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 44 of player with emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Yardım" to close then run player command "/işlevdevam 16"
            send " &7[&6+&7] &6Edit &cMarket başarıyla açıldı!"
        if arg 1 is 2:
            open virtual chest with size 2 named "&cKit Menü" to player
            make gui slot 0 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 1 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 2 of player with leather named "&bOyuncu" to close then run player command "/işlevdevam 15"
            make gui slot 3 of player with slime named "&2Rehber" to close then run player command "/işlevdevam 14"
            make gui slot 4 of player with iron ingot named "&aVip" to close then run player command "/işlevdevam 13"
            make gui slot 5 of player with gold ingot named "&bMVIP" to close then run player command "/işlevdevam 12"
            make gui slot 6 of player with diamond named "&6[&4L&aV&bI&dP&6]" to close then run player command "/işlevdevam 11"
            make gui slot 7 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 8 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 9 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 10 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 11 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 12 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 13 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 14 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 15 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 16 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 17 of player with emerald block of sharpness 1 named "&2Yardım" to close then run player command "/işlevdevam 17"
            send " &7[&6+&7] &cKit menüsü başarıyla açıldı!"
        if arg 1 is 3:
            open virtual chest with size 3 named "&cMağaza Menü" to player
            make gui slot 0 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 1 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 2 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 3 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 4 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 5 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 6 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 7 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 8 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 9 of player with red stained glass pane named "&bVip" to do nothing
            make gui slot 10 of player with red stained glass pane named "&bVip" to do nothing
            make gui slot 11 of player with iron sword of sharpness 1 named "&b[VIP]" with lore "&215 Kredi" to close then run player command "/işlevdevam 8"
            make gui slot 12 of player with red stained glass pane named "&bVip" to do nothing
            make gui slot 13 of player with gold sword of sharpness 1 named "&9[MVIP]" with lore "&230 Kredi" to close then run player command "/işlevdevam 9"
            make gui slot 14 of player with red stained glass pane named "&bVip" to do nothing
            make gui slot 15 of player with diamond sword of sharpness 1 named "&6[&4L&aV&bI&dP&6]" with lore "&250 Kredi" to close then run player command "/işlevdevam 10"
            make gui slot 16 of player with red stained glass pane named "&bVip" to do nothing
            make gui slot 17 of player with red stained glass pane named "&bVip" to do nothing
            make gui slot 18 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 19 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 20 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 21 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 22 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 23 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 24 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 25 of player with red stained glass pane named "&b|" to do nothing
            make gui slot 26 of player with emerald block of sharpness 1 named "&2Yardım" to close then run player command "/işlevdevam 17"
command /işlevdevam <number>:
        if arg 1 is 1:
            if player has 10 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi":
                remove 10 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi" from player
                give 1 310 of protection 8, thorns 3, unbreaking 9999 named "&6Edit Set" with lore "&9Kırılmaz" to player
                launch creeper firework colored blue at player timed 1
                play raw sound "random.levelup" at players with pitch 1 volume 10
                send action bar from "{@server} &e1 &aAdet &cP8 set parçası &aAldı. Zengin Şojuk" to players
                send "&4Yeterli &2Kredin Yok. &4Lütfen Yeterli &2Kredin &4olduğunda Tekrar Dene" to player
        if arg 1 is 2:
            if player has 10 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi":
                remove 10 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi" from player
                give 1 311 of protection 8, thorns 3, unbreaking 9999 named "&6Edit Set" with lore "&9Kırılmaz" to player
                launch creeper firework colored blue at player timed 1
                play raw sound "random.levelup" at players with pitch 1 volume 10
                send action bar from "{@server} &e1 &aAdet &cP8 set parçası &aAldı. Zengin Şojuk" to players
                send "&4Yeterli &2Kredin Yok. &4Lütfen Yeterli &2Kredin &4olduğunda Tekrar Dene" to player
        if arg 1 is 3:
            if player has 10 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi":
                remove 10 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi" from player
                give 1 312 of protection 8, thorns 3, unbreaking 9999 named "&6Edit Set" with lore "&9Kırılmaz" to player
                launch creeper firework colored blue at player timed 1
                play raw sound "random.levelup" at players with pitch 1 volume 10
                send action bar from "{@server} &e1 &aAdet &cP8 set parçası &aAldı. Zengin Şojuk" to players
                send "&4Yeterli &2Kredin Yok. &4Lütfen Yeterli &2Kredin &4olduğunda Tekrar Dene" to player
        if arg 1 is 4:
            if player has 10 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi":
                remove 10 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi" from player
                give 1 313 of protection 8, thorns 3, unbreaking 9999 named "&6Edit Set" with lore "&9Kırılmaz" to player
                launch creeper firework colored blue at player timed 1
                play raw sound "random.levelup" at players with pitch 1 volume 10
                send action bar from "{@server} &e1 &aAdet &cP8 set parçası &aAldı. Zengin Şojuk" to players
                send "&4Yeterli &2Kredin Yok. &4Lütfen Yeterli &2Kredin &4olduğunda Tekrar Dene" to player
        if arg 1 is 5:
            if player has 30 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi":
                remove 30 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi" from player
                give 1 diamond sword of sharpness 10, unbreaking 150, looting 3, knockback 2 named "&6 Edit Kılıç" to player
                launch creeper firework colored blue at player timed 1
                play raw sound "random.levelup" at players with pitch 1 volume 10
                send action bar from "{@server} &e1 &aAdet &cEdit Kılıç Aldı. Zengin Şojuk" to players
                send "&4Yeterli &2Kredin Yok. &4Lütfen Yeterli &2Kredin &4olduğunda Tekrar Dene" to player
        if arg 1 is 6:
            if player has 25 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi":
                remove 25 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi" from player
                give 1 bow of power 6, punch 3, flame 3, unbreaking 3, Infinity 2 named "&6Edit Yay" to player
                launch creeper firework colored blue at player timed 1
                play raw sound "random.levelup" at players with pitch 1 volume 10
                send action bar from "{@server} &e1 &aAdet &cEdit Yay Aldı. Zengin Şojuk" to players
                send "&4Yeterli &2Kredin Yok. &4Lütfen Yeterli &2Kredin &4olduğunda Tekrar Dene" to player
        if arg 1 is 7:
            if player has 40 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi":
                remove 40 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi" from player
                give 1 bow of power 8, punch 5, flame 5, unbreaking 5, Infinity 4 named "&4Lanetli Yay" to player
                launch creeper firework colored blue at player timed 1
                play raw sound "random.levelup" at players with pitch 1 volume 10
                send action bar from "{@server} &e1 &aAdet &4Lanetli&c Yay Aldı. Zengin Şojuk" to players
                send "&4Yeterli &2Kredin Yok. &4Lütfen Yeterli &2Kredin &4olduğunda Tekrar Dene" to player
        if arg 1 is 8:
            if player has 15 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi":
                remove 15 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi" from player
                execute console command "manuadd %player% {@vip}"
                launch creeper firework colored blue at player timed 1
                play raw sound "random.levelup" at players with pitch 1 volume 10
                send action bar from "{@server} &b[VIP] Aldı. Zengin Şojuk" to players
                send "&4Yeterli &2Kredin Yok. &4Lütfen Yeterli &2Kredin &4olduğunda Tekrar Dene" to player
        if arg 1 is 9:
            if player has 30 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi":
                remove 30 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi" from player
                execute console command "manuadd %player% {@mvip}"
                launch creeper firework colored blue at player timed 1
                play raw sound "random.levelup" at players with pitch 1 volume 10
                send action bar from "{@server} &9[MVIP] Aldı. Zengin Şojuk" to players
                send "&4Yeterli &2Kredin Yok. &4Lütfen Yeterli &2Kredin &4olduğunda Tekrar Dene" to player
        if arg 1 is 10:
            if player has 50 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi":
                remove 50 emerald of sharpness 1 named "&2Kredi" from player
                execute console command "manuadd %player% {@lvip}"
                launch creeper firework colored blue at player timed 1
                play raw sound "random.levelup" at players with pitch 1 volume 10
                send action bar from "{@server} &6[&4L&aV&bI&dP&6] Aldı. Zengin Şojuk" to players
                send "&4Yeterli &2Kredin Yok. &4Lütfen Yeterli &2Kredin &4olduğunda Tekrar Dene" to player
        if arg 1 is 11:
            if player have the permission "lvip.set":
                if {lkitkullanma::%player%} is off:
                    give 1 310 of protection 5 named "&6 Lvip Set" to player
                    give 1 311 of protection 5, thorns 2, unbreaking 1 named "&6 Lvip Set" to player
                    give 1 312 of protection 5 named "&6 Lvip Set" to player
                    give 1 313 of protection 5 named "&6 Lvip Set" to player
                    set {lsaniye::%player%} to 60
                    set {ldakika::%player%} to 59
                    set {lsaat::%player%} to 11
                    delete {lkitkullanma::%player%}
                    if {lkitkullanma::%player%} isn't set:
                        send "&bLvip Kitini Tekrar Kullanabilmen için &e%{lsaat::%player%}% &csaat &e%{ldakika::%player%}% &cdakika &e%{lsaniye::%player%}% &csaniye beklemelisiniz." to player
                send action bar from "&c Bunun için &6[&4L&aV&bI&dP&6]&r &c satın al." to player
        if arg 1 is 12:
            if player have the permission "mvip.set":
                if {mkitkullanma::%player%} is off:
                    give 1 310 of protection 4 named "&6 Mvip Set" to player
                    give 1 311 of protection 4, unbreaking 1 named "&6 Mvip Set" to player
                    give 1 312 of protection 4 named "&6 Mvip Set" to player
                    give 1 313 of protection 4 named "&6 Mvip Set" to player
                    set {msaniye::%player%} to 60
                    set {mdakika::%player%} to 59
                    set {msaat::%player%} to 11
                    delete {mkitkullanma::%player%}
                    send "&aMvip Kitini Tekrar Kullanabilmen için &e%{msaat::%player%}% &csaat &e%{mdakika::%player%}% &cdakika &e%{msaniye::%player%}% &csaniye beklemelisiniz." to player
                send action bar from "&c Bunun için &9[MVIP]&r &c satın al." to player
        if arg 1 is 13:
            if player have permission "avip.set":
                if {akitkullanma::%player%} is off:
                    give 1 310 of protection 3 named "&6 Vip Set" to player
                    give 1 311 of protection 3, unbreaking 1 named "&6 Vip Set" to player
                    give 1 312 of protection 3 named "&6 Vip Set" to player
                    give 1 313 of protection 3 named "&6 Vip Set" to player
                    set {asaniye::%player%} to 60
                    set {adakika::%player%} to 59
                    set {asaat::%player%} to 11
                    delete {akitkullanma::%player%}
                    send "&cAvip Kitini Tekrar Kullanabilmen için &e%{asaat::%player%}% &csaat &e%{adakika::%player%}% &cdakika &e%{asaniye::%player%}% &csaniye beklemelisiniz." to player
                send action bar from "&c Bunun için &b[VIP]&r &c satın al." to player
        if arg 1 is 14:
            if player have the permission "rehber.set":
                if {rkitkullanma::%player%} is off:
                    give 1 310 of protection 3 named "&2 Rehber Set " to player
                    give 1 311 of protection 3 named "&2 Rehber Set " to player
                    give 1 312 of protection 3 named "&2 Rehber Set " to player
                    give 1 313 of protection 3 named "&2 Rehber Set " to player
                    set {rsaniye::%player%} to 60
                    set {rdakika::%player%} to 59
                    set {rsaat::%player%} to 11
                    delete {rkitkullanma::%player%}
                    send "&2Rehber Kitini Tekrar Kullanabilmen için &e%{rsaat::%player%}% &csaat &e%{rdakika::%player%}% &cdakika &e%{rsaniye::%player%}% &csaniye beklemelisiniz." to player
                send action bar from "&c Bunun için &2 [Rehber]&r olman gerek." to player
        if arg 1 is 15:
            if {okitkullanma::%player%} is off:
                give 1 310 of protection 1 named "&b Oyuncu Set " to player
                give 1 311 of protection 2 named "&b Oyuncu Set " to player
                give 1 312 of protection 2 named "&b Oyuncu Set " to player
                give 1 313 of protection 1 named "&b Oyuncu Set " to player
                set {osaniye::%player%} to 60
                set {odakika::%player%} to 59
                set {osaat::%player%} to 11
                delete {okitkullanma::%player%}
                send "&8Oyuncu Kitini Tekrar Kullanabilmek için &e%{osaat::%player%}% &csaat &e%{odakika::%player%}% &cdakika &e%{osaniye::%player%}% &csaniye Beklemelisiniz." to player
        if arg 1 is 16:
            send " &5--&6Yardım&5-- " to player
            send " &2Edit Eşya" to player
            send " &2Almak Için" to player
            send " &2Krediniz olması lazım" to player
            send " &2Kredi almak için kurucuya ulaşın" to player
            send " &5--&6Yardım&5-- " to player
        if arg 1 is 17:
            send " &5--&6Yardım&5-- " to player
            send " &aRehber :&4 Başvuru ile alım ." to player
            send " &2Vip :&415 Tl " to player
            send " &2Mvip : &430 Tl " to player
            send " &6[&4L&aV&bI&dP&6] : &450 Tl " to player
            send " &5--&6Yardım&5-- " to player
every 2 seconds:
    loop all offline players:
        if {lkitkullanma::%loop-value%} isn't set:
            if {lsaniye::%loop-value%} is set:
                if {ldakika::%loop-value%} is set:
                    if {lsaat::%loop-value%} is set:
                        subtract 2 from {lsaniye::%loop-value%}
                        if {lsaniye::%loop-value%} is 0:
                            subtract 1 from {ldakika::%loop-value%}
                            set {lsaniye::%loop-value%} to 60
                            if {ldakika::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                subtract 1 from {lsaat::%loop-value%}
                                set {ldakika::%loop-value%} to 59
                                if {lsaat::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                    delete {lsaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {ldakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {lsaat::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {lsaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {ldakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {ldakika::%loop-value%}
                                    set {lkitkullanma::%loop-value%} to off
                                    send "&aArtık Lvip Kitini Tekrar Kullanabilirsin" to loop-value
        if {mkitkullanma::%loop-value%} isn't set:
            if {msaniye::%loop-value%} is set:
                if {mdakika::%loop-value%} is set:
                    if {msaat::%loop-value%} is set:
                        subtract 2 from {msaniye::%loop-value%}
                        if {msaniye::%loop-value%} is 0:
                            subtract 1 from {mdakika::%loop-value%}
                            set {msaniye::%loop-value%} to 60
                            if {mdakika::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                subtract 1 from {msaat::%loop-value%}
                                set {mdakika::%loop-value%} to 59
                                if {msaat::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                    delete {msaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {mdakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {msaat::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {smsaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {smdakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {smsaat::%loop-value%}
                                    set {mkitkullanma::%loop-value%} to off
                                    send "&aArtık MVIP Kitini Tekrar Kullanabilirsin" to loop-value
        if {akitkullanma::%loop-value%} isn't set:
            if {asaniye::%loop-value%} is set:
                if {adakika::%loop-value%} is set:
                    if {asaat::%loop-value%} is set:
                        subtract 2 from {asaniye::%loop-value%}
                        if {asaniye::%loop-value%} is 0:
                            subtract 1 from {adakika::%loop-value%}
                            add 60 to {asaniye::%loop-value%}
                            if {adakika::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                subtract 1 from {asaat::%loop-value%}
                                add 59 to {adakika::%loop-value%}
                                if {asaat::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                    delete {asaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {adakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {asaat::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {sasaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {sadakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {sasaat::%loop-value%}
                                    set {akitkullanma::%loop-value%} to off
                                    send "&aArtık avip Kitini Tekrar Kullanabilirsin" to loop-value
        if {rkitkullanma::%loop-value%} isn't set:
            if {rsaniye::%loop-value%} is set:
                if {rdakika::%loop-value%} is set:
                    if {rsaat::%loop-value%} is set:
                        subtract 2 from {rsaniye::%loop-value%}
                        if {rsaniye::%loop-value%} is 0:
                            subtract 1 from {rdakika::%loop-value%}
                            add 60 to {rsaniye::%loop-value%}
                            if {rdakika::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                subtract 1 from {rsaat::%loop-value%}
                                add 59 to {rdakika::%loop-value%}
                                if {rsaat::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                    delete {rsaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {rdakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {rsaat::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {srsaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {srdakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {srsaat::%loop-value%}
                                    set {rkitkullanma::%loop-value%} to off
                                    send "&aArtık Rehber Kitini Tekrar Kullanabilirsin" to loop-value
        if {okitkullanma::%loop-value%} isn't set:
            if {osaniye::%loop-value%} is set:
                if {odakika::%loop-value%} is set:
                    if {osaat::%loop-value%} is set:
                        subtract 2 from {osaniye::%loop-value%}
                        if {osaniye::%loop-value%} is 0:
                            subtract 1 from {odakika::%loop-value%}
                            add 60 to {osaniye::%loop-value%}
                            if {odakika::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                subtract 1 from {osaat::%loop-value%}
                                add 59 to {odakika::%loop-value%}
                                if {osaat::%loop-value%} is 0:
                                    delete {osaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {odakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {osaat::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {sosaniye::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {sodakika::%loop-value%}
                                    delete {sosaat::%loop-value%}
                                    set {okitkullanma::%loop-value%} to off
                                    send "&aArtık Oyuncu Kitini Tekrar Kullanabilirsin" to loop-value
Bu yaptığınız yanınıza kalmayacaktır ! EmirTR#3189 birşeyleri hatırlatıyordur.

Mehmet Baki

Fırında Isıttığım İlk Taş



15 Ağustos 2017


Fonksiyon kullansaydın...


Somon Balığı Selam Vermeye Geldi


λlprn #6144

28 Ekim 2018


Somon Balığı Selam Vermeye Geldi



11 Kasım 2018
Boşa sunucuyu yormak... ChestCommands varken :D


Odunlara Vur Vur Vur!
5 Nisan 2018
Güzel Skript. işe yarar
Mesaj gönderimine kapalı.
Neden altınlarını Discord sunucumuzda kazmıyorsun? TIKLA VE KATIL!