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Arkadaşlar Bana menülü otosat skripti lazım yaparmısınız fiyatlar açıklamada

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29 Ocak 2018
Yiğit Topal


Bir Kömür Göründü Kaptanım!


♚ ???????? ♚#1856

6 Mart 2019
Kendi yaptığım bir otosat skriptidir





    demirpara: Belirle
    altinpara: Belirle
    elmaspara: Belirle
    zumrutpara: Belirle
    demirblokpara: Belirle
    altinblokpara: Belirle
    elmasblokpara: Belirle
    zumrutblokpara: Belirle

on login:
    set {demirotosat.%player%} to false
    set {altinotosat.%player%} to false
    set {elmasotosat.%player%} to false
    set {zumrutotosat.%player%} to false
    set {demirblokotosat.%player%} to false
    set {altinblokotosat.%player%} to false
    set {elmasblokotosat.%player%} to false
    set {zumrutblokotosat.%player%} to false
command /otosatmenu§:
        close player's inventory
        wait 2 tick
        open chest with 6 rows named "&m&b----&c]&aOTOPANEL&m&c[&b----" to player
        if {demirotosat.%player%} is true:
            format slot 19 of player with 1 stained glass pane:5 named "&a&lAçık" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &f&lDemir &e&lSatma &aAçık" to run [execute player command "otosat demir kapat§"]
        if {demirotosat.%player%} is false:
            format slot 19 of player with 1 stained glass pane:14 named "&c&lKapalı" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &f&lDemir &e&lSatma &cKapalı" to run [execute player command "otosat demir ac"]
        if {altinotosat.%player%} is true:
            format slot 21 of player with 1 stained glass pane:5 named "&a&lAçık" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &e&lAltın Satma &aAçık" to run [execute player command "otosat altın kapat§"]
        if {altinotosat.%player%} is false:
            format slot 21 of player with 1 stained glass pane:14 named "&c&lKapalı" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &e&lAltın Satma &cKapalı" to run [execute player command "otosat altın ac"]
        if {elmasotosat.%player%} is true:
            format slot 23 of player with 1 stained glass pane:5 named "&a&lAçık" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &b&lElmas &e&lSatma &aAçık" to run [execute player command "otosat elmas kapat§"]
        if {elmasotosat.%player%} is false:
            format slot 23 of player with 1 stained glass pane:14 named "&c&lKapalı" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &b&lElmas &e&lSatma &cKapalı" to run [execute player command "otosat elmas ac"]
        if {zumrutotosat.%player%} is true:
            format slot 25 of player with 1 stained glass pane:5 named "&a&lAçık" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &a&lZümrüt &e&lSatma &aAçık" to run [execute player command "otosat zümrüt kapat§"]
        if {zumrutotosat.%player%} is false:
            format slot 25 of player with 1 stained glass pane:14 named "&c&lKapalı" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &a&lZümrüt &e&lSatma &cKapalı" to run [execute player command "otosat zümrüt ac"]
        if {demirblokotosat.%player%} is true:
            format slot 37 of player with 1 stained glass pane:5 named "&a&lAçık" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &f&lDemirBlok &e&lSatma &aAçık" to run [execute player command "otosat demirblok kapat§"]
        if {demirblokotosat.%player%} is false:
            format slot 37 of player with 1 stained glass pane:14 named "&c&lKapalı" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &f&lDemirBlok &e&lSatma &cKapalı" to run [execute player command "otosat demirblok ac"]
        if {altinblokotosat.%player%} is true:
            format slot 39 of player with 1 stained glass pane:5 named "&a&lAçık" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &e&lAltınBlok Satma &aAçık" to run [execute player command "otosat altınblok kapat§"]
        if {altinblokotosat.%player%} is false:
            format slot 39 of player with 1 stained glass pane:14 named "&c&lKapalı" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &e&lAltınBlok Satma &cKapalı" to run [execute player command "otosat altınblok ac"]
        if {elmasblokotosat.%player%} is true:
            format slot 41 of player with 1 stained glass pane:5 named "&a&lAçık" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &b&lElmasBlok &e&lSatma &aAçık" to run [execute player command "otosat elmasblok kapat§"]
        if {elmasblokotosat.%player%} is false:
            format slot 41 of player with 1 stained glass pane:14 named "&c&lKapalı" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &b&lElmasBlok &e&lSatma &cKapalı" to run [execute player command "otosat elmasblok ac"]
        if {zumrutblokotosat.%player%} is true:
            format slot 43 of player with 1 stained glass pane:5 named "&a&lAçık" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &a&lZümrütBlok &e&lSatma &aAçık" to run [execute player command "otosat zümrütblok kapat§"]
        if {zumrutblokotosat.%player%} is false:
            format slot 43 of player with 1 stained glass pane:14 named "&c&lKapalı" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &a&lZümrütBlok &e&lSatma &cKapalı" to run [execute player command "otosat zümrütblok ac"]

        format slot 0 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 1 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 2 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 3 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 4 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 5 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 6 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 7 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 8 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 9 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 17 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 18 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 26 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 27 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 10 of player with 1 iron ingot named "&f&lDemir" with lore "&e&lAlttan otosat &aaç &e&lveya &ckapa" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 12 of player with 1 gold ingot named "&e&lAltın" with lore "&e&lAlttan otosat &aaç &e&lveya &ckapa" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 14 of player with 1 diamond named "&b&lElmas" with lore "&e&lAlttan otosat &aaç &e&lveya &ckapa" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 16 of player with 1 emerald named "&a&lZümrüt" with lore "&e&lAlttan otosat &aaç &e&lveya &ckapa" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 28 of player with 1 iron block named "&f&lDemirBlok" with lore "&e&lAlttan otosat &aaç &e&lveya &ckapa" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 30 of player with 1 gold block named "&e&lAltınBlok" with lore "&e&lAlttan otosat &aaç &e&lveya &ckapa" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 32 of player with 1 diamond block named "&b&lElmasBlok" with lore "&e&lAlttan otosat &aaç &e&lveya &ckapa" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 34 of player with 1 emerald block named "&a&lZümrütBlok" with lore "&e&lAlttan otosat &aaç &e&lveya &ckapa" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 35 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&a&lZümrüt Blok" with lore "&e&lAlttan otosat &aaç &e&lveya &ckapa" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 36 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to close then run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 44 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to close then run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 45 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to close then run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 46 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to close then run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 47 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to close then run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 48 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to close then run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 49 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to close then run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 50 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to close then run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 51 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to close then run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 52 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to close then run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 53 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to close then run [execute player command ""]

command /otosat [<text>] [<text>]:
        if arg-1 is not set:
            send " "
            send "&e&l/otosat liste &a&lOtomatik satmaların listelerini gösterir"
            send "&e&l/otosat menu &a&lOtomatik satma menüsünü açar"
            send "&e&l/otosat [<Maden>] aç &a&lOtomatik satmayı açar"
            send "&e&l/otosat [<Maden>] kapa &a&lOtomatik satmayı kapar"
            send ""
        if arg-1 is "menu":
            execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "demir":
            if arg-2 is "aç":
                send "&e&lOtosat &f&lDemir &a&lAçıldı"
                set {demirotosat.%player%} to true
        if arg-1 is "demir":
            if arg-2 is "kapa":
                send "&e&lOtosat &f&lDemir &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {demirotosat.%player%} to false
        if arg-1 is "altın":
            if arg-2 is "aç":
                send "&e&lOtosat &e&lAltın &a&lAçıldı"
                set {altinotosat.%player%} to true
        if arg-1 is "altın":
            if arg-2 is "kapa":
                send "&e&lOtosat &e&lAltın &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {altinotosat.%player%} to false
        if arg-1 is "elmas":
            if arg-2 is "aç":
                send "&e&lOtosat &b&lElmas &a&lAçıldı"
                set {elmasotosat.%player%} to true
        if arg-1 is "elmas":
            if arg-2 is "kapa":
                send "&e&lOtosat &b&lElmas &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {elmasotosat.%player%} to false
        if arg-1 is "zümrüt":
            if arg-2 is "aç":
                send "&e&lOtosat &a&lZümrüt &a&lAçıldı"
                set {zumrutotosat.%player%} to true
        if arg-1 is "zümrüt":
            if arg-2 is "kapa":
                send "&e&lOtosat &a&lZümrüt &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {zumrutotosat.%player%} to false
        if arg-1 is "demirblok":
            if arg-2 is "aç":
                send "&e&lOtosat &f&lDemirBlok &a&lAçıldı"
                set {demirblokotosat.%player%} to true
        if arg-1 is "demirblok":
            if arg-2 is "kapa":
                send "&e&lOtosat &f&lDemirBlok &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {demirblokotosat.%player%} to false
        if arg-1 is "altınblok":
            if arg-2 is "aç":
                send "&e&lOtosat &e&lAltınBlok &a&lAçıldı"
                set {altinblokotosat.%player%} to true
        if arg-1 is "altınblok":
            if arg-2 is "kapa":
                send "&e&lOtosat &e&lAltınBlok &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {altinblokotosat.%player%} to false
        if arg-1 is "elmasblok":
            if arg-2 is "aç":
                send "&e&lOtosat &b&lElmasBlok &a&lAçıldı"
                set {elmasblokotosat.%player%} to true
        if arg-1 is "elmasblok":
            if arg-2 is "kapa":
                send "&e&lOtosat &b&lElmasBlok &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {elmasblokotosat.%player%} to false
        if arg-1 is "zümrütblok":
            if arg-2 is "aç":
                send "&e&lOtosat &a&lZümrütBlok &a&lAçıldı"
                set {zumrutblokotosat.%player%} to true
        if arg-1 is "zümrütblok":
            if arg-2 is "kapa":
                send "&e&lOtosat &a&lZümrütBlok &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {zumrutblokotosat.%player%} to false
        if arg-1 is "demir":
            if arg-2 is "ac":
                send "&e&lOtosat &f&lDemir &a&lAçıldı" #menünün aç kapa şeyi
                set {demirotosat.%player%} to true
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "demir":
            if arg-2 is "kapat§":
                send "&e&lOtosat &f&lDemir &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {demirotosat.%player%} to false
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "altın":
            if arg-2 is "ac":
                send "&e&lOtosat &e&lAltın &a&lAçıldı"
                set {altinotosat.%player%} to true
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "altın":
            if arg-2 is "kapat§":
                send "&e&lOtosat &e&lAltın &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {altinotosat.%player%} to false
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "elmas":
            if arg-2 is "ac":
                send "&e&lOtosat &b&lElmas &a&lAçıldı"
                set {elmasotosat.%player%} to true
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "elmas":
            if arg-2 is "kapat§":
                send "&e&lOtosat &b&lElmas &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {elmasotosat.%player%} to false
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "zümrüt":
            if arg-2 is "ac":
                send "&e&lOtosat &a&lZümrüt &a&lAçıldı"
                set {zumrutotosat.%player%} to true
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "zümrüt":
            if arg-2 is "kapat§":
                send "&e&lOtosat &a&lZümrüt &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {zumrutotosat.%player%} to false
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "demirblok":
            if arg-2 is "ac":
                send "&e&lOtosat &f&lDemirBlok &a&lAçıldı"
                set {demirblokotosat.%player%} to true
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "demirblok":
            if arg-2 is "kapat§":
                send "&e&lOtosat &f&lDemirBlok &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {demirblokotosat.%player%} to false
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "altınblok":
            if arg-2 is "ac":
                send "&e&lOtosat &e&lAltınBlok &a&lAçıldı"
                set {altinblokotosat.%player%} to true
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "altınblok":
            if arg-2 is "kapat§":
                send "&e&lOtosat &e&lAltınBlok &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {altinblokotosat.%player%} to false
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "elmasblok":
            if arg-2 is "ac":
                send "&e&lOtosat &b&lElmasBlok &a&lAçıldı"
                set {elmasblokotosat.%player%} to true
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "elmasblok":
            if arg-2 is "kapat§":
                send "&e&lOtosat &b&lElmasBlok &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {elmasblokotosat.%player%} to false
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "zümrütblok":
            if arg-2 is "ac":
                send "&e&lOtosat &a&lZümrütBlok &a&lAçıldı"
                set {zumrutblokotosat.%player%} to true
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "zümrütblok":
            if arg-2 is "kapat§":
                send "&e&lOtosat &a&lZümrütBlok &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {zumrutblokotosat.%player%} to false
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "liste":
            if arg-2 is not set:
                send ""
                send "&d&l{@demirmiktar} &f&lDemir &e&l{@demirpara} &a&lmiktarında para ediyor"
                send "&d&l{@altinmiktar} &e&lAltın &e&l{@altinpara} &a&lmiktarında para ediyor"
                send "&d&l{@elmasmiktar} &b&lElmas &e&l{@elmaspara} &a&lmiktarında para ediyor"
                send "&d&l{@zumrutmiktar} &a&lZümrüt &e&l{@zumrutpara} &a&lmiktarında para ediyor"
                send "&d&l{@demirblokmiktar} &f&lDemir Blok &e&l{@demirblokpara} &a&lmiktarında para ediyor"
                send "&d&l{@altinblokmiktar} &e&lAltın Blok &e&l{@altinblokpara} &a&lmiktarında para ediyor"
                send "&d&l{@elmasblokmiktar} &b&lElmas Blok &e&l{@elmasblokpara} &a&lmiktarında para ediyor"
                send "&d&l{@zumrutblokmiktar} &a&lZümrütBlok &e&l{@zumrutblokpara} &a&lmiktarında para ediyor"
                send ""

on pickup iron ingot:
    if {demirotosat.%player%} is true:
        if player has {@demirmiktar} iron ingot:
            remove {@demirmiktar} iron ingot from player's inventory
            execute console command "eco give %player% {@demirpara}"
            send "&e&l{@demirmiktar} &f&lDemir &e&l{@demirpara} &a&lmiktarına satıldı" to player

on pickup gold ingot:
    if {altinotosat.%player%} is true:
        if player has {@altinmiktar} gold ingot:
            remove {@altinmiktar} gold ingot from player's inventory
            execute console command "eco give %player% {@altinpara}"
            send "&e&l{@altinmiktar} &e&lAltın &e&l{@altinpara} &a&lmiktarına satıldı" to player

on pickup diamond:
    if {elmasotosat.%player%} is true:
        if player has {@elmasmiktar} diamond:
            remove {@elmasmiktar} diamond from player's inventory
            execute console command "eco give %player% {@elmaspara}"
            send "&e&l{@elmasmiktar} &b&lElmas &e&l{@elmaspara} &a&lmiktarına satıldı" to player

on pickup emerald:
    if {zumrutotosat.%player%} is true:
        if player has {@zumrutmiktar} emerald:
            remove {@zumrutmiktar} emerald from player's inventory
            execute console command "eco give %player% {@zumrutpara}"
            send "&e&l{@zumrutmiktar} &a&lZümrüt &e&l{@zumrutpara} &a&lmiktarına satıldı" to player

on pickup iron block:
    if {demirblokotosat.%player%} is true:
        if player has {@demirblokmiktar} iron block:
            remove {@demirblokmiktar} iron block from player's inventory
            execute console command "eco give %player% {@demirblokpara}"
            send "&e&l{@demirblokmiktar} &f&lDemir &e&l{@demirblokpara} &a&lmiktarına satıldı" to player

on pickup gold block:
    if {altinblokotosat.%player%} is true:
        if player has {@altinblokmiktar} gold block:
            remove {@altinblokmiktar} gold block from player's inventory
            execute console command "eco give %player% {@altinblokpara}"
            send "&e&l{@altinblokmiktar} &e&lAltın Blok &e&l{@altinblokpara} &a&lmiktarına satıldı" to player

on pickup diamond block:
    if {elmasblokotosat.%player%} is true:
        if player has {@elmasblokmiktar} diamond block:
            remove {@elmasblokmiktar} diamond block from player's inventory
            execute console command "eco give %player% {@elmasblokpara}"
            send "&e&l{@elmasblokmiktar} &b&lElmas Blok &e&l{@elmasblokpara} &a&lmiktarına satıldı" to player

on pickup emerald block:
    if {zumrutblokotosat.%player%} is true:
        if player has {@zumrutblokmiktar} emerald block:
            remove {@zumrutblokmiktar} emerald block from player's inventory
            execute console command "eco give %player% {@zumrutblokpara}"
            send "&e&l{@zumrutblokmiktar} &a&lZümrüt Blok &e&l{@zumrutblokpara} &a&lmiktarına satıldı" to player

Elmas Atarsanız Çok sevinirim Çoğu insan bu skripti kolayca değiştirmeyi arıyordu skript bilmeyende ordan ayarlayabilir
Son düzenleme:


Bir Kömür Göründü Kaptanım!



29 Ocak 2018
Yiğit Topal
İstediğin Bu olsa gerek

    demirpara: sen belirle
    altinpara: sen belirle
    elmaspara: sen belirle
    zumrutpara: sen belirle
    demirblokpara: sen belirle
    altinblokpara: sen belirle
    elmasblokpara: sen belirle
    zumrutblokpara: sen belirle

on login:
    set {demirotosat.%player%} to false
    set {altinotosat.%player%} to false
    set {elmasotosat.%player%} to false
    set {zumrutotosat.%player%} to false
    set {demirblokotosat.%player%} to false
    set {altinblokotosat.%player%} to false
    set {elmasblokotosat.%player%} to false
    set {zumrutblokotosat.%player%} to false
command /otosatmenu§:
        close player's inventory
        wait 2 tick
        open chest with 6 rows named "&m&b----&c]&aOTOPANEL&m&c[&b----" to player
        if {demirotosat.%player%} is true:
            format slot 19 of player with 1 stained glass pane:5 named "&a&lAçık" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &f&lDemir &e&lSatma &aAçık" to run [execute player command "otosat demir kapat"]
        if {demirotosat.%player%} is false:
            format slot 19 of player with 1 stained glass pane:14 named "&c&lKapalı" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &f&lDemir &e&lSatma &cKapalı" to run [execute player command "otosat demir ac"]
        if {altinotosat.%player%} is true:
            format slot 21 of player with 1 stained glass pane:5 named "&a&lAçık" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &e&lAltın Satma &aAçık" to run [execute player command "otosat altın kapat"]
        if {altinotosat.%player%} is false:
            format slot 21 of player with 1 stained glass pane:14 named "&c&lKapalı" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &e&lAltın Satma &cKapalı" to run [execute player command "otosat altın ac"]
        if {elmasotosat.%player%} is true:
            format slot 23 of player with 1 stained glass pane:5 named "&a&lAçık" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &b&lElmas &e&lSatma &aAçık" to run [execute player command "otosat elmas kapat"]
        if {elmasotosat.%player%} is false:
            format slot 23 of player with 1 stained glass pane:14 named "&c&lKapalı" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &b&lElmas &e&lSatma &cKapalı" to run [execute player command "otosat elmas ac"]
        if {zumrutotosat.%player%} is true:
            format slot 25 of player with 1 stained glass pane:5 named "&a&lAçık" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &a&lZümrüt &e&lSatma &aAçık" to run [execute player command "otosat zümrüt kapat"]
        if {zumrutotosat.%player%} is false:
            format slot 25 of player with 1 stained glass pane:14 named "&c&lKapalı" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &a&lZümrüt &e&lSatma &cKapalı" to run [execute player command "otosat zümrüt ac"]
        if {demirblokotosat.%player%} is true:
            format slot 37 of player with 1 stained glass pane:5 named "&a&lAçık" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &f&lDemirBlok &e&lSatma &aAçık" to run [execute player command "otosat demirblok kapat"]
        if {demirblokotosat.%player%} is false:
            format slot 37 of player with 1 stained glass pane:14 named "&c&lKapalı" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &f&lDemirBlok &e&lSatma &cKapalı" to run [execute player command "otosat demirblok ac"]
        if {altinblokotosat.%player%} is true:
            format slot 39 of player with 1 stained glass pane:5 named "&a&lAçık" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &e&lAltınBlok Satma &aAçık" to run [execute player command "otosat altınblok kapat"]
        if {altinblokotosat.%player%} is false:
            format slot 39 of player with 1 stained glass pane:14 named "&c&lKapalı" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &e&lAltınBlok Satma &cKapalı" to run [execute player command "otosat altınblok ac"]
        if {elmasblokotosat.%player%} is true:
            format slot 41 of player with 1 stained glass pane:5 named "&a&lAçık" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &b&lElmasBlok &e&lSatma &aAçık" to run [execute player command "otosat elmasblok kapat"]
        if {elmasblokotosat.%player%} is false:
            format slot 41 of player with 1 stained glass pane:14 named "&c&lKapalı" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &b&lElmasBlok &e&lSatma &cKapalı" to run [execute player command "otosat elmasblok ac"]
        if {zumrutblokotosat.%player%} is true:
            format slot 43 of player with 1 stained glass pane:5 named "&a&lAçık" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &a&lZümrütBlok &e&lSatma &aAçık" to run [execute player command "otosat zümrütblok kapat"]
        if {zumrutblokotosat.%player%} is false:
            format slot 43 of player with 1 stained glass pane:14 named "&c&lKapalı" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &a&lZümrütBlok &e&lSatma &cKapalı" to run [execute player command "otosat zümrütblok ac"]

        format slot 0 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 1 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 2 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 3 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 4 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 5 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 6 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 7 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 8 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 9 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 17 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 18 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 26 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 27 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 10 of player with 1 iron ingot named "&f&lDemir" with lore "&e&lAlttan otosat &aaç &e&lveya &ckapa" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 12 of player with 1 gold ingot named "&e&lAltın" with lore "&e&lAlttan otosat &aaç &e&lveya &ckapa" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 14 of player with 1 diamond named "&b&lElmas" with lore "&e&lAlttan otosat &aaç &e&lveya &ckapa" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 16 of player with 1 emerald named "&a&lZümrüt" with lore "&e&lAlttan otosat &aaç &e&lveya &ckapa" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 28 of player with 1 iron block named "&f&lDemirBlok" with lore "&e&lAlttan otosat &aaç &e&lveya &ckapa" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 30 of player with 1 gold block named "&e&lAltınBlok" with lore "&e&lAlttan otosat &aaç &e&lveya &ckapa" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 32 of player with 1 diamond block named "&b&lElmasBlok" with lore "&e&lAlttan otosat &aaç &e&lveya &ckapa" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 34 of player with 1 emerald block named "&a&lZümrütBlok" with lore "&e&lAlttan otosat &aaç &e&lveya &ckapa" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 35 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&a&lZümrüt Blok" with lore "&e&lAlttan otosat &aaç &e&lveya &ckapa" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 36 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to close then run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 44 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to close then run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 45 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to close then run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 46 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to close then run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 47 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to close then run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 48 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to close then run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 49 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to close then run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 50 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to close then run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 51 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to close then run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 52 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to close then run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 53 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to close then run [execute player command ""]

command /otosat [<text>] [<text>]:
        if arg-1 is not set:
            send " "
            send "&e&l/otosat liste &a&lOtomatik satmaların listelerini gösterir"
            send "&e&l/otosat menu &a&lOtomatik satma menüsünü açar"
            send "&e&l/otosat [<Maden>] aç &a&lOtomatik satmayı açar"
            send "&e&l/otosat [<Maden>] kapa &a&lOtomatik satmayı kapar"
            send ""
        if arg-1 is "menu":
            execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "demir":
            if arg-2 is "aç":
                send "&e&lOtosat &f&lDemir &a&lAçıldı"
                set {demirotosat.%player%} to true
        if arg-1 is "demir":
            if arg-2 is "kapa":
                send "&e&lOtosat &f&lDemir &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {demirotosat.%player%} to false
        if arg-1 is "altın":
            if arg-2 is "aç":
                send "&e&lOtosat &e&lAltın &a&lAçıldı"
                set {altinotosat.%player%} to true
        if arg-1 is "altın":
            if arg-2 is "kapa":
                send "&e&lOtosat &e&lAltın &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {altinotosat.%player%} to false
        if arg-1 is "elmas":
            if arg-2 is "aç":
                send "&e&lOtosat &b&lElmas &a&lAçıldı"
                set {elmasotosat.%player%} to true
        if arg-1 is "elmas":
            if arg-2 is "kapa":
                send "&e&lOtosat &b&lElmas &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {elmasotosat.%player%} to false
        if arg-1 is "zümrüt":
            if arg-2 is "aç":
                send "&e&lOtosat &a&lZümrüt &a&lAçıldı"
                set {zumrutotosat.%player%} to true
        if arg-1 is "zümrüt":
            if arg-2 is "kapa":
                send "&e&lOtosat &a&lZümrüt &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {zumrutotosat.%player%} to false
        if arg-1 is "demirblok":
            if arg-2 is "aç":
                send "&e&lOtosat &f&lDemirBlok &a&lAçıldı"
                set {demirblokotosat.%player%} to true
        if arg-1 is "demirblok":
            if arg-2 is "kapa":
                send "&e&lOtosat &f&lDemirBlok &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {demirblokotosat.%player%} to false
        if arg-1 is "altınblok":
            if arg-2 is "aç":
                send "&e&lOtosat &e&lAltınBlok &a&lAçıldı"
                set {altinblokotosat.%player%} to true
        if arg-1 is "altınblok":
            if arg-2 is "kapa":
                send "&e&lOtosat &e&lAltınBlok &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {altinblokotosat.%player%} to false
        if arg-1 is "elmasblok":
            if arg-2 is "aç":
                send "&e&lOtosat &b&lElmasBlok &a&lAçıldı"
                set {elmasblokotosat.%player%} to true
        if arg-1 is "elmasblok":
            if arg-2 is "kapa":
                send "&e&lOtosat &b&lElmasBlok &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {elmasblokotosat.%player%} to false
        if arg-1 is "zümrütblok":
            if arg-2 is "aç":
                send "&e&lOtosat &a&lZümrütBlok &a&lAçıldı"
                set {zumrutblokotosat.%player%} to true
        if arg-1 is "zümrütblok":
            if arg-2 is "kapa":
                send "&e&lOtosat &a&lZümrütBlok &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {zumrutblokotosat.%player%} to false
        if arg-1 is "demir":
            if arg-2 is "ac":
                send "&e&lOtosat &f&lDemir &a&lAçıldı" #menünün aç kapa şeyi
                set {demirotosat.%player%} to true
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "demir":
            if arg-2 is "kapat":
                send "&e&lOtosat &f&lDemir &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {demirotosat.%player%} to false
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "altın":
            if arg-2 is "ac":
                send "&e&lOtosat &e&lAltın &a&lAçıldı"
                set {altinotosat.%player%} to true
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "altın":
            if arg-2 is "kapat":
                send "&e&lOtosat &e&lAltın &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {altinotosat.%player%} to false
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "elmas":
            if arg-2 is "ac":
                send "&e&lOtosat &b&lElmas &a&lAçıldı"
                set {elmasotosat.%player%} to true
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "elmas":
            if arg-2 is "kapat":
                send "&e&lOtosat &b&lElmas &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {elmasotosat.%player%} to false
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "zümrüt":
            if arg-2 is "ac":
                send "&e&lOtosat &a&lZümrüt &a&lAçıldı"
                set {zumrutotosat.%player%} to true
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "zümrüt":
            if arg-2 is "kapat":
                send "&e&lOtosat &a&lZümrüt &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {zumrutotosat.%player%} to false
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "demirblok":
            if arg-2 is "ac":
                send "&e&lOtosat &f&lDemirBlok &a&lAçıldı"
                set {demirblokotosat.%player%} to true
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "demirblok":
            if arg-2 is "kapat":
                send "&e&lOtosat &f&lDemirBlok &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {demirblokotosat.%player%} to false
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "altınblok":
            if arg-2 is "ac":
                send "&e&lOtosat &e&lAltınBlok &a&lAçıldı"
                set {altinblokotosat.%player%} to true
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "altınblok":
            if arg-2 is "kapat":
                send "&e&lOtosat &e&lAltınBlok &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {altinblokotosat.%player%} to false
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "elmasblok":
            if arg-2 is "ac":
                send "&e&lOtosat &b&lElmasBlok &a&lAçıldı"
                set {elmasblokotosat.%player%} to true
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "elmasblok":
            if arg-2 is "kapat":
                send "&e&lOtosat &b&lElmasBlok &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {elmasblokotosat.%player%} to false
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "zümrütblok":
            if arg-2 is "ac":
                send "&e&lOtosat &a&lZümrütBlok &a&lAçıldı"
                set {zumrutblokotosat.%player%} to true
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "zümrütblok":
            if arg-2 is "kapat":
                send "&e&lOtosat &a&lZümrütBlok &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {zumrutblokotosat.%player%} to false
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"

on pickup iron ingot:
    if {demirotosat.%player%} is true:
        if player has {@demirmiktar} iron ingot:
            remove {@demirmiktar} iron ingot from player's inventory
            execute console command "eco give %player% {@demirpara}"

on pickup gold ingot:
    if {altinotosat.%player%} is true:
        if player has {@altinmiktar} gold ingot:
            remove {@altinmiktar} gold ingot from player's inventory
            execute console command "eco give %player% {@altinpara}"

on pickup diamond:
    if {elmasotosat.%player%} is true:
        if player has {@elmasmiktar} diamond:
            remove {@elmasmiktar} diamond from player's inventory
            execute console command "eco give %player% {@elmaspara}"

on pickup emerald:
    if {zumrutotosat.%player%} is true:
        if player has {@zumrutmiktar} emerald:
            remove {@zumrutmiktar} emerald from player's inventory
            execute console command "eco give %player% {@zumrutpara}"

on pickup iron block:
    if {demirblokotosat.%player%} is true:
        if player has {@demirblokmiktar} iron block:
            remove {@demirblokmiktar} iron block from player's inventory
            execute console command "eco give %player% {@demirblokpara}"

on pickup gold block:
    if {altinblokotosat.%player%} is true:
        if player has {@altinblokmiktar} gold block:
            remove {@altinblokmiktar} gold block from player's inventory
            execute console command "eco give %player% {@altinblokpara}"

on pickup diamond block:
    if {elmasblokotosat.%player%} is true:
        if player has {@elmasblokmiktar} diamond block:
            remove {@elmasblokmiktar} diamond block from player's inventory
            execute console command "eco give %player% {@elmasblokpara}"

on pickup emerald block:
    if {zumrutblokotosat.%player%} is true:
        if player has {@zumrutblokmiktar} emerald block:
            remove {@zumrutblokmiktar} emerald block from player's inventory
            execute console command "eco give %player% {@zumrutblokpara}"

Elmasımı bekliyorum :)
teşekkürler hemen deniyorumm


Bir Kömür Göründü Kaptanım!



29 Ocak 2018
Yiğit Topal
İstediğin Bu olsa gerek

    demirpara: sen belirle
    altinpara: sen belirle
    elmaspara: sen belirle
    zumrutpara: sen belirle
    demirblokpara: sen belirle
    altinblokpara: sen belirle
    elmasblokpara: sen belirle
    zumrutblokpara: sen belirle

on login:
    set {demirotosat.%player%} to false
    set {altinotosat.%player%} to false
    set {elmasotosat.%player%} to false
    set {zumrutotosat.%player%} to false
    set {demirblokotosat.%player%} to false
    set {altinblokotosat.%player%} to false
    set {elmasblokotosat.%player%} to false
    set {zumrutblokotosat.%player%} to false
command /otosatmenu§:
        close player's inventory
        wait 2 tick
        open chest with 6 rows named "&m&b----&c]&aOTOPANEL&m&c[&b----" to player
        if {demirotosat.%player%} is true:
            format slot 19 of player with 1 stained glass pane:5 named "&a&lAçık" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &f&lDemir &e&lSatma &aAçık" to run [execute player command "otosat demir kapat"]
        if {demirotosat.%player%} is false:
            format slot 19 of player with 1 stained glass pane:14 named "&c&lKapalı" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &f&lDemir &e&lSatma &cKapalı" to run [execute player command "otosat demir ac"]
        if {altinotosat.%player%} is true:
            format slot 21 of player with 1 stained glass pane:5 named "&a&lAçık" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &e&lAltın Satma &aAçık" to run [execute player command "otosat altın kapat"]
        if {altinotosat.%player%} is false:
            format slot 21 of player with 1 stained glass pane:14 named "&c&lKapalı" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &e&lAltın Satma &cKapalı" to run [execute player command "otosat altın ac"]
        if {elmasotosat.%player%} is true:
            format slot 23 of player with 1 stained glass pane:5 named "&a&lAçık" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &b&lElmas &e&lSatma &aAçık" to run [execute player command "otosat elmas kapat"]
        if {elmasotosat.%player%} is false:
            format slot 23 of player with 1 stained glass pane:14 named "&c&lKapalı" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &b&lElmas &e&lSatma &cKapalı" to run [execute player command "otosat elmas ac"]
        if {zumrutotosat.%player%} is true:
            format slot 25 of player with 1 stained glass pane:5 named "&a&lAçık" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &a&lZümrüt &e&lSatma &aAçık" to run [execute player command "otosat zümrüt kapat"]
        if {zumrutotosat.%player%} is false:
            format slot 25 of player with 1 stained glass pane:14 named "&c&lKapalı" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &a&lZümrüt &e&lSatma &cKapalı" to run [execute player command "otosat zümrüt ac"]
        if {demirblokotosat.%player%} is true:
            format slot 37 of player with 1 stained glass pane:5 named "&a&lAçık" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &f&lDemirBlok &e&lSatma &aAçık" to run [execute player command "otosat demirblok kapat"]
        if {demirblokotosat.%player%} is false:
            format slot 37 of player with 1 stained glass pane:14 named "&c&lKapalı" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &f&lDemirBlok &e&lSatma &cKapalı" to run [execute player command "otosat demirblok ac"]
        if {altinblokotosat.%player%} is true:
            format slot 39 of player with 1 stained glass pane:5 named "&a&lAçık" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &e&lAltınBlok Satma &aAçık" to run [execute player command "otosat altınblok kapat"]
        if {altinblokotosat.%player%} is false:
            format slot 39 of player with 1 stained glass pane:14 named "&c&lKapalı" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &e&lAltınBlok Satma &cKapalı" to run [execute player command "otosat altınblok ac"]
        if {elmasblokotosat.%player%} is true:
            format slot 41 of player with 1 stained glass pane:5 named "&a&lAçık" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &b&lElmasBlok &e&lSatma &aAçık" to run [execute player command "otosat elmasblok kapat"]
        if {elmasblokotosat.%player%} is false:
            format slot 41 of player with 1 stained glass pane:14 named "&c&lKapalı" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &b&lElmasBlok &e&lSatma &cKapalı" to run [execute player command "otosat elmasblok ac"]
        if {zumrutblokotosat.%player%} is true:
            format slot 43 of player with 1 stained glass pane:5 named "&a&lAçık" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &a&lZümrütBlok &e&lSatma &aAçık" to run [execute player command "otosat zümrütblok kapat"]
        if {zumrutblokotosat.%player%} is false:
            format slot 43 of player with 1 stained glass pane:14 named "&c&lKapalı" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &a&lZümrütBlok &e&lSatma &cKapalı" to run [execute player command "otosat zümrütblok ac"]

        format slot 0 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 1 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 2 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 3 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 4 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 5 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 6 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 7 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 8 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 9 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 17 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 18 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 26 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 27 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 10 of player with 1 iron ingot named "&f&lDemir" with lore "&e&lAlttan otosat &aaç &e&lveya &ckapa" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 12 of player with 1 gold ingot named "&e&lAltın" with lore "&e&lAlttan otosat &aaç &e&lveya &ckapa" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 14 of player with 1 diamond named "&b&lElmas" with lore "&e&lAlttan otosat &aaç &e&lveya &ckapa" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 16 of player with 1 emerald named "&a&lZümrüt" with lore "&e&lAlttan otosat &aaç &e&lveya &ckapa" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 28 of player with 1 iron block named "&f&lDemirBlok" with lore "&e&lAlttan otosat &aaç &e&lveya &ckapa" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 30 of player with 1 gold block named "&e&lAltınBlok" with lore "&e&lAlttan otosat &aaç &e&lveya &ckapa" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 32 of player with 1 diamond block named "&b&lElmasBlok" with lore "&e&lAlttan otosat &aaç &e&lveya &ckapa" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 34 of player with 1 emerald block named "&a&lZümrütBlok" with lore "&e&lAlttan otosat &aaç &e&lveya &ckapa" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 35 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&a&lZümrüt Blok" with lore "&e&lAlttan otosat &aaç &e&lveya &ckapa" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 36 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to close then run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 44 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to close then run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 45 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to close then run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 46 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to close then run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 47 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to close then run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 48 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to close then run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 49 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to close then run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 50 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to close then run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 51 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to close then run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 52 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to close then run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 53 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to close then run [execute player command ""]

command /otosat [<text>] [<text>]:
        if arg-1 is not set:
            send " "
            send "&e&l/otosat liste &a&lOtomatik satmaların listelerini gösterir"
            send "&e&l/otosat menu &a&lOtomatik satma menüsünü açar"
            send "&e&l/otosat [<Maden>] aç &a&lOtomatik satmayı açar"
            send "&e&l/otosat [<Maden>] kapa &a&lOtomatik satmayı kapar"
            send ""
        if arg-1 is "menu":
            execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "demir":
            if arg-2 is "aç":
                send "&e&lOtosat &f&lDemir &a&lAçıldı"
                set {demirotosat.%player%} to true
        if arg-1 is "demir":
            if arg-2 is "kapa":
                send "&e&lOtosat &f&lDemir &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {demirotosat.%player%} to false
        if arg-1 is "altın":
            if arg-2 is "aç":
                send "&e&lOtosat &e&lAltın &a&lAçıldı"
                set {altinotosat.%player%} to true
        if arg-1 is "altın":
            if arg-2 is "kapa":
                send "&e&lOtosat &e&lAltın &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {altinotosat.%player%} to false
        if arg-1 is "elmas":
            if arg-2 is "aç":
                send "&e&lOtosat &b&lElmas &a&lAçıldı"
                set {elmasotosat.%player%} to true
        if arg-1 is "elmas":
            if arg-2 is "kapa":
                send "&e&lOtosat &b&lElmas &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {elmasotosat.%player%} to false
        if arg-1 is "zümrüt":
            if arg-2 is "aç":
                send "&e&lOtosat &a&lZümrüt &a&lAçıldı"
                set {zumrutotosat.%player%} to true
        if arg-1 is "zümrüt":
            if arg-2 is "kapa":
                send "&e&lOtosat &a&lZümrüt &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {zumrutotosat.%player%} to false
        if arg-1 is "demirblok":
            if arg-2 is "aç":
                send "&e&lOtosat &f&lDemirBlok &a&lAçıldı"
                set {demirblokotosat.%player%} to true
        if arg-1 is "demirblok":
            if arg-2 is "kapa":
                send "&e&lOtosat &f&lDemirBlok &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {demirblokotosat.%player%} to false
        if arg-1 is "altınblok":
            if arg-2 is "aç":
                send "&e&lOtosat &e&lAltınBlok &a&lAçıldı"
                set {altinblokotosat.%player%} to true
        if arg-1 is "altınblok":
            if arg-2 is "kapa":
                send "&e&lOtosat &e&lAltınBlok &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {altinblokotosat.%player%} to false
        if arg-1 is "elmasblok":
            if arg-2 is "aç":
                send "&e&lOtosat &b&lElmasBlok &a&lAçıldı"
                set {elmasblokotosat.%player%} to true
        if arg-1 is "elmasblok":
            if arg-2 is "kapa":
                send "&e&lOtosat &b&lElmasBlok &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {elmasblokotosat.%player%} to false
        if arg-1 is "zümrütblok":
            if arg-2 is "aç":
                send "&e&lOtosat &a&lZümrütBlok &a&lAçıldı"
                set {zumrutblokotosat.%player%} to true
        if arg-1 is "zümrütblok":
            if arg-2 is "kapa":
                send "&e&lOtosat &a&lZümrütBlok &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {zumrutblokotosat.%player%} to false
        if arg-1 is "demir":
            if arg-2 is "ac":
                send "&e&lOtosat &f&lDemir &a&lAçıldı" #menünün aç kapa şeyi
                set {demirotosat.%player%} to true
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "demir":
            if arg-2 is "kapat":
                send "&e&lOtosat &f&lDemir &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {demirotosat.%player%} to false
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "altın":
            if arg-2 is "ac":
                send "&e&lOtosat &e&lAltın &a&lAçıldı"
                set {altinotosat.%player%} to true
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "altın":
            if arg-2 is "kapat":
                send "&e&lOtosat &e&lAltın &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {altinotosat.%player%} to false
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "elmas":
            if arg-2 is "ac":
                send "&e&lOtosat &b&lElmas &a&lAçıldı"
                set {elmasotosat.%player%} to true
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "elmas":
            if arg-2 is "kapat":
                send "&e&lOtosat &b&lElmas &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {elmasotosat.%player%} to false
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "zümrüt":
            if arg-2 is "ac":
                send "&e&lOtosat &a&lZümrüt &a&lAçıldı"
                set {zumrutotosat.%player%} to true
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "zümrüt":
            if arg-2 is "kapat":
                send "&e&lOtosat &a&lZümrüt &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {zumrutotosat.%player%} to false
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "demirblok":
            if arg-2 is "ac":
                send "&e&lOtosat &f&lDemirBlok &a&lAçıldı"
                set {demirblokotosat.%player%} to true
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "demirblok":
            if arg-2 is "kapat":
                send "&e&lOtosat &f&lDemirBlok &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {demirblokotosat.%player%} to false
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "altınblok":
            if arg-2 is "ac":
                send "&e&lOtosat &e&lAltınBlok &a&lAçıldı"
                set {altinblokotosat.%player%} to true
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "altınblok":
            if arg-2 is "kapat":
                send "&e&lOtosat &e&lAltınBlok &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {altinblokotosat.%player%} to false
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "elmasblok":
            if arg-2 is "ac":
                send "&e&lOtosat &b&lElmasBlok &a&lAçıldı"
                set {elmasblokotosat.%player%} to true
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "elmasblok":
            if arg-2 is "kapat":
                send "&e&lOtosat &b&lElmasBlok &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {elmasblokotosat.%player%} to false
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "zümrütblok":
            if arg-2 is "ac":
                send "&e&lOtosat &a&lZümrütBlok &a&lAçıldı"
                set {zumrutblokotosat.%player%} to true
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "zümrütblok":
            if arg-2 is "kapat":
                send "&e&lOtosat &a&lZümrütBlok &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {zumrutblokotosat.%player%} to false
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"

on pickup iron ingot:
    if {demirotosat.%player%} is true:
        if player has {@demirmiktar} iron ingot:
            remove {@demirmiktar} iron ingot from player's inventory
            execute console command "eco give %player% {@demirpara}"

on pickup gold ingot:
    if {altinotosat.%player%} is true:
        if player has {@altinmiktar} gold ingot:
            remove {@altinmiktar} gold ingot from player's inventory
            execute console command "eco give %player% {@altinpara}"

on pickup diamond:
    if {elmasotosat.%player%} is true:
        if player has {@elmasmiktar} diamond:
            remove {@elmasmiktar} diamond from player's inventory
            execute console command "eco give %player% {@elmaspara}"

on pickup emerald:
    if {zumrutotosat.%player%} is true:
        if player has {@zumrutmiktar} emerald:
            remove {@zumrutmiktar} emerald from player's inventory
            execute console command "eco give %player% {@zumrutpara}"

on pickup iron block:
    if {demirblokotosat.%player%} is true:
        if player has {@demirblokmiktar} iron block:
            remove {@demirblokmiktar} iron block from player's inventory
            execute console command "eco give %player% {@demirblokpara}"

on pickup gold block:
    if {altinblokotosat.%player%} is true:
        if player has {@altinblokmiktar} gold block:
            remove {@altinblokmiktar} gold block from player's inventory
            execute console command "eco give %player% {@altinblokpara}"

on pickup diamond block:
    if {elmasblokotosat.%player%} is true:
        if player has {@elmasblokmiktar} diamond block:
            remove {@elmasblokmiktar} diamond block from player's inventory
            execute console command "eco give %player% {@elmasblokpara}"

on pickup emerald block:
    if {zumrutblokotosat.%player%} is true:
        if player has {@zumrutblokmiktar} emerald block:
            remove {@zumrutblokmiktar} emerald block from player's inventory
            execute console command "eco give %player% {@zumrutblokpara}"

Elmasımı bekliyorum :)
çalışmadı /otosat yazıom liste için bunu yaz falna yazılar çıkıor ama komutlar çalışmıor 51 adet hata çıktı


Bir Kömür Göründü Kaptanım!


♚ ???????? ♚#1856

6 Mart 2019


Bir Kömür Göründü Kaptanım!



29 Ocak 2018
Yiğit Topal


Odunlara Vur Vur Vur!
14 Eylül 2019


Somon Balığı Selam Vermeye Geldi



19 Nisan 2020
Belki daha kısa olabilirdi fakat bu şekilde aklıma geldi.
Tuske Gerektirir.​
command /otosat [<text>]:
        if arg 1 is not set:
            open virtual chest inventory with size 1 named "&eOtomatik Satış Menüsü" to player
            if {otomatiksatış::%player%} is "Kapalı":
                format gui slot 4 of player with redstone block named "&eOtomatik Satış" with lore "||    &3Durum &7: &c&nKapalı||||&8● &7Tıkla ve aç" to close then execute player command "otosat aç"
            else if {otomatiksatış::%player%} isn't set:
                format gui slot 4 of player with redstone block named "&eOtomatik Satış" with lore "||    &3Durum &7: &c&nKapalı||||&8● &7Tıkla ve aç" to close then execute player command "otosat aç"
            else if {otomatiksatış::%player%} is "Açık":
                format gui slot 4 of player with emerald block named "&eOtomatik Satış" with lore "||    &3Durum &7: &a&nAçık||||&8● &7Tıkla ve kapat" to close then execute player command "otosat kapat"
        else if arg 1 is "aç":
            set {otomatiksatış::%player%} to "Açık"
            send "&3Otomatik Satış Açıldı"
        else if arg 1 is "kapat":
            set {otomatiksatış::%player%} to "Kapalı"
            send "&3Otomatik Satış Kapatıldı"
on pickup:
    if {otomatiksatış::%player%} is "Açık":
        if player has 128 diamond block:
            remove 128 diamond block from player
            add 300000 to player's balance
        else if player has 128 gold block:
            remove 128 gold block from player
            add 120000 to player's balance
        else if player has 128 emerald block:
            remove 128 emerald block from player
            add 200000 to player's balance
        else if player has 128 iron block:
            remove 128 iron block from player
            add 80000 to player's balance
        else if player has 640 diamond:
            remove 640 diamond from player
            add 250000 to player's balance
        else if player has 640 gold ingot:
            remove 640 gold ingot from player
            add 100000 to player's balance
        else if player has 640 emerald:
            remove 640 emerald from player
            add 150000 to player's balance
        else if player has 640 iron ingot:
            remove 640 iron ingot from player
            add 80000 to player's balance
Merhaba bu anladığım kadarıyla (anlamamış olabilirim) viriual chest kullanmışsınız pluginde veya deluxemenu fakat ben viritual chest ile denedeim çünkü deluxemenü 1.8 de çalışmıyor 1.10.5 sürümü ilede denedim fakat olmadı neyse viritual chest ile çalışması için veya menülü olması için ne yapam lazım ?


Skript <3



19 Ocak 2019
Merhaba bu anladığım kadarıyla (anlamamış olabilirim) viriual chest kullanmışsınız pluginde veya deluxemenu fakat ben viritual chest ile denedeim çünkü deluxemenü 1.8 de çalışmıyor 1.10.5 sürümü ilede denedim fakat olmadı neyse viritual chest ile çalışması için veya menülü olması için ne yapam lazım ?
Tuske gerektiriyor, galiba sunucu sürümünüz 1.8 Buradan indirebilirsiniz.


Somon Balığı Selam Vermeye Geldi



19 Nisan 2020
Kendi yaptığım bir otosat skriptidir


Eki Görüntüle 90502

Eki Görüntüle 90503

Eki Görüntüle 90504

    demirpara: Belirle

    altinpara: Belirle

    elmaspara: Belirle

    zumrutpara: Belirle

    demirblokpara: Belirle

    altinblokpara: Belirle

    elmasblokpara: Belirle

    zumrutblokpara: Belirle

on login:
    set {demirotosat.%player%} to false
    set {altinotosat.%player%} to false
    set {elmasotosat.%player%} to false
    set {zumrutotosat.%player%} to false
    set {demirblokotosat.%player%} to false
    set {altinblokotosat.%player%} to false
    set {elmasblokotosat.%player%} to false
    set {zumrutblokotosat.%player%} to false
command /otosatmenu§:
        close player's inventory
        wait 2 tick
        open chest with 6 rows named "&m&b----&c]&aOTOPANEL&m&c[&b----" to player
        if {demirotosat.%player%} is true:
            format slot 19 of player with 1 stained glass pane:5 named "&a&lAçık" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &f&lDemir &e&lSatma &aAçık" to run [execute player command "otosat demir kapat§"]
        if {demirotosat.%player%} is false:
            format slot 19 of player with 1 stained glass pane:14 named "&c&lKapalı" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &f&lDemir &e&lSatma &cKapalı" to run [execute player command "otosat demir ac"]
        if {altinotosat.%player%} is true:
            format slot 21 of player with 1 stained glass pane:5 named "&a&lAçık" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &e&lAltın Satma &aAçık" to run [execute player command "otosat altın kapat§"]
        if {altinotosat.%player%} is false:
            format slot 21 of player with 1 stained glass pane:14 named "&c&lKapalı" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &e&lAltın Satma &cKapalı" to run [execute player command "otosat altın ac"]
        if {elmasotosat.%player%} is true:
            format slot 23 of player with 1 stained glass pane:5 named "&a&lAçık" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &b&lElmas &e&lSatma &aAçık" to run [execute player command "otosat elmas kapat§"]
        if {elmasotosat.%player%} is false:
            format slot 23 of player with 1 stained glass pane:14 named "&c&lKapalı" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &b&lElmas &e&lSatma &cKapalı" to run [execute player command "otosat elmas ac"]
        if {zumrutotosat.%player%} is true:
            format slot 25 of player with 1 stained glass pane:5 named "&a&lAçık" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &a&lZümrüt &e&lSatma &aAçık" to run [execute player command "otosat zümrüt kapat§"]
        if {zumrutotosat.%player%} is false:
            format slot 25 of player with 1 stained glass pane:14 named "&c&lKapalı" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &a&lZümrüt &e&lSatma &cKapalı" to run [execute player command "otosat zümrüt ac"]
        if {demirblokotosat.%player%} is true:
            format slot 37 of player with 1 stained glass pane:5 named "&a&lAçık" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &f&lDemirBlok &e&lSatma &aAçık" to run [execute player command "otosat demirblok kapat§"]
        if {demirblokotosat.%player%} is false:
            format slot 37 of player with 1 stained glass pane:14 named "&c&lKapalı" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &f&lDemirBlok &e&lSatma &cKapalı" to run [execute player command "otosat demirblok ac"]
        if {altinblokotosat.%player%} is true:
            format slot 39 of player with 1 stained glass pane:5 named "&a&lAçık" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &e&lAltınBlok Satma &aAçık" to run [execute player command "otosat altınblok kapat§"]
        if {altinblokotosat.%player%} is false:
            format slot 39 of player with 1 stained glass pane:14 named "&c&lKapalı" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &e&lAltınBlok Satma &cKapalı" to run [execute player command "otosat altınblok ac"]
        if {elmasblokotosat.%player%} is true:
            format slot 41 of player with 1 stained glass pane:5 named "&a&lAçık" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &b&lElmasBlok &e&lSatma &aAçık" to run [execute player command "otosat elmasblok kapat§"]
        if {elmasblokotosat.%player%} is false:
            format slot 41 of player with 1 stained glass pane:14 named "&c&lKapalı" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &b&lElmasBlok &e&lSatma &cKapalı" to run [execute player command "otosat elmasblok ac"]
        if {zumrutblokotosat.%player%} is true:
            format slot 43 of player with 1 stained glass pane:5 named "&a&lAçık" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &a&lZümrütBlok &e&lSatma &aAçık" to run [execute player command "otosat zümrütblok kapat§"]
        if {zumrutblokotosat.%player%} is false:
            format slot 43 of player with 1 stained glass pane:14 named "&c&lKapalı" with lore "&e&lOtomatik &a&lZümrütBlok &e&lSatma &cKapalı" to run [execute player command "otosat zümrütblok ac"]

        format slot 0 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 1 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 2 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 3 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 4 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 5 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 6 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 7 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 8 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 9 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 17 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 18 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 26 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 27 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 10 of player with 1 iron ingot named "&f&lDemir" with lore "&e&lAlttan otosat &aaç &e&lveya &ckapa" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 12 of player with 1 gold ingot named "&e&lAltın" with lore "&e&lAlttan otosat &aaç &e&lveya &ckapa" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 14 of player with 1 diamond named "&b&lElmas" with lore "&e&lAlttan otosat &aaç &e&lveya &ckapa" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 16 of player with 1 emerald named "&a&lZümrüt" with lore "&e&lAlttan otosat &aaç &e&lveya &ckapa" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 28 of player with 1 iron block named "&f&lDemirBlok" with lore "&e&lAlttan otosat &aaç &e&lveya &ckapa" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 30 of player with 1 gold block named "&e&lAltınBlok" with lore "&e&lAlttan otosat &aaç &e&lveya &ckapa" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 32 of player with 1 diamond block named "&b&lElmasBlok" with lore "&e&lAlttan otosat &aaç &e&lveya &ckapa" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 34 of player with 1 emerald block named "&a&lZümrütBlok" with lore "&e&lAlttan otosat &aaç &e&lveya &ckapa" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 35 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&a&lZümrüt Blok" with lore "&e&lAlttan otosat &aaç &e&lveya &ckapa" to run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 36 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to close then run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 44 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to close then run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 45 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to close then run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 46 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to close then run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 47 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to close then run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 48 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to close then run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 49 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to close then run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 50 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to close then run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 51 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to close then run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 52 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to close then run [execute player command ""]
        format slot 53 of player with 1 stained glass pane:2 named "&e&lPikachu&d&lCraft" to close then run [execute player command ""]

command /otosat [<text>] [<text>]:
        if arg-1 is not set:
            send " "
            send "&e&l/otosat liste &a&lOtomatik satmaların listelerini gösterir"
            send "&e&l/otosat menu &a&lOtomatik satma menüsünü açar"
            send "&e&l/otosat [<Maden>] aç &a&lOtomatik satmayı açar"
            send "&e&l/otosat [<Maden>] kapa &a&lOtomatik satmayı kapar"
            send ""
        if arg-1 is "menu":
            execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "demir":
            if arg-2 is "aç":
                send "&e&lOtosat &f&lDemir &a&lAçıldı"
                set {demirotosat.%player%} to true
        if arg-1 is "demir":
            if arg-2 is "kapa":
                send "&e&lOtosat &f&lDemir &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {demirotosat.%player%} to false
        if arg-1 is "altın":
            if arg-2 is "aç":
                send "&e&lOtosat &e&lAltın &a&lAçıldı"
                set {altinotosat.%player%} to true
        if arg-1 is "altın":
            if arg-2 is "kapa":
                send "&e&lOtosat &e&lAltın &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {altinotosat.%player%} to false
        if arg-1 is "elmas":
            if arg-2 is "aç":
                send "&e&lOtosat &b&lElmas &a&lAçıldı"
                set {elmasotosat.%player%} to true
        if arg-1 is "elmas":
            if arg-2 is "kapa":
                send "&e&lOtosat &b&lElmas &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {elmasotosat.%player%} to false
        if arg-1 is "zümrüt":
            if arg-2 is "aç":
                send "&e&lOtosat &a&lZümrüt &a&lAçıldı"
                set {zumrutotosat.%player%} to true
        if arg-1 is "zümrüt":
            if arg-2 is "kapa":
                send "&e&lOtosat &a&lZümrüt &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {zumrutotosat.%player%} to false
        if arg-1 is "demirblok":
            if arg-2 is "aç":
                send "&e&lOtosat &f&lDemirBlok &a&lAçıldı"
                set {demirblokotosat.%player%} to true
        if arg-1 is "demirblok":
            if arg-2 is "kapa":
                send "&e&lOtosat &f&lDemirBlok &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {demirblokotosat.%player%} to false
        if arg-1 is "altınblok":
            if arg-2 is "aç":
                send "&e&lOtosat &e&lAltınBlok &a&lAçıldı"
                set {altinblokotosat.%player%} to true
        if arg-1 is "altınblok":
            if arg-2 is "kapa":
                send "&e&lOtosat &e&lAltınBlok &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {altinblokotosat.%player%} to false
        if arg-1 is "elmasblok":
            if arg-2 is "aç":
                send "&e&lOtosat &b&lElmasBlok &a&lAçıldı"
                set {elmasblokotosat.%player%} to true
        if arg-1 is "elmasblok":
            if arg-2 is "kapa":
                send "&e&lOtosat &b&lElmasBlok &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {elmasblokotosat.%player%} to false
        if arg-1 is "zümrütblok":
            if arg-2 is "aç":
                send "&e&lOtosat &a&lZümrütBlok &a&lAçıldı"
                set {zumrutblokotosat.%player%} to true
        if arg-1 is "zümrütblok":
            if arg-2 is "kapa":
                send "&e&lOtosat &a&lZümrütBlok &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {zumrutblokotosat.%player%} to false
        if arg-1 is "demir":
            if arg-2 is "ac":
                send "&e&lOtosat &f&lDemir &a&lAçıldı" #menünün aç kapa şeyi
                set {demirotosat.%player%} to true
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "demir":
            if arg-2 is "kapat§":
                send "&e&lOtosat &f&lDemir &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {demirotosat.%player%} to false
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "altın":
            if arg-2 is "ac":
                send "&e&lOtosat &e&lAltın &a&lAçıldı"
                set {altinotosat.%player%} to true
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "altın":
            if arg-2 is "kapat§":
                send "&e&lOtosat &e&lAltın &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {altinotosat.%player%} to false
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "elmas":
            if arg-2 is "ac":
                send "&e&lOtosat &b&lElmas &a&lAçıldı"
                set {elmasotosat.%player%} to true
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "elmas":
            if arg-2 is "kapat§":
                send "&e&lOtosat &b&lElmas &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {elmasotosat.%player%} to false
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "zümrüt":
            if arg-2 is "ac":
                send "&e&lOtosat &a&lZümrüt &a&lAçıldı"
                set {zumrutotosat.%player%} to true
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "zümrüt":
            if arg-2 is "kapat§":
                send "&e&lOtosat &a&lZümrüt &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {zumrutotosat.%player%} to false
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "demirblok":
            if arg-2 is "ac":
                send "&e&lOtosat &f&lDemirBlok &a&lAçıldı"
                set {demirblokotosat.%player%} to true
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "demirblok":
            if arg-2 is "kapat§":
                send "&e&lOtosat &f&lDemirBlok &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {demirblokotosat.%player%} to false
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "altınblok":
            if arg-2 is "ac":
                send "&e&lOtosat &e&lAltınBlok &a&lAçıldı"
                set {altinblokotosat.%player%} to true
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "altınblok":
            if arg-2 is "kapat§":
                send "&e&lOtosat &e&lAltınBlok &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {altinblokotosat.%player%} to false
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "elmasblok":
            if arg-2 is "ac":
                send "&e&lOtosat &b&lElmasBlok &a&lAçıldı"
                set {elmasblokotosat.%player%} to true
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "elmasblok":
            if arg-2 is "kapat§":
                send "&e&lOtosat &b&lElmasBlok &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {elmasblokotosat.%player%} to false
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "zümrütblok":
            if arg-2 is "ac":
                send "&e&lOtosat &a&lZümrütBlok &a&lAçıldı"
                set {zumrutblokotosat.%player%} to true
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "zümrütblok":
            if arg-2 is "kapat§":
                send "&e&lOtosat &a&lZümrütBlok &c&lKapatıldı"
                set {zumrutblokotosat.%player%} to false
                execute player command "otosatmenu§"
        if arg-1 is "liste":
            if arg-2 is not set:
                send ""
                send "&d&l{@demirmiktar} &f&lDemir &e&l{@demirpara} &a&lmiktarında para ediyor"
                send "&d&l{@altinmiktar} &e&lAltın &e&l{@altinpara} &a&lmiktarında para ediyor"
                send "&d&l{@elmasmiktar} &b&lElmas &e&l{@elmaspara} &a&lmiktarında para ediyor"
                send "&d&l{@zumrutmiktar} &a&lZümrüt &e&l{@zumrutpara} &a&lmiktarında para ediyor"
                send "&d&l{@demirblokmiktar} &f&lDemir Blok &e&l{@demirblokpara} &a&lmiktarında para ediyor"
                send "&d&l{@altinblokmiktar} &e&lAltın Blok &e&l{@altinblokpara} &a&lmiktarında para ediyor"
                send "&d&l{@elmasblokmiktar} &b&lElmas Blok &e&l{@elmasblokpara} &a&lmiktarında para ediyor"
                send "&d&l{@zumrutblokmiktar} &a&lZümrütBlok &e&l{@zumrutblokpara} &a&lmiktarında para ediyor"
                send ""

on pickup iron ingot:
    if {demirotosat.%player%} is true:
        if player has {@demirmiktar} iron ingot:
            remove {@demirmiktar} iron ingot from player's inventory
            execute console command "eco give %player% {@demirpara}"
            send "&e&l{@demirmiktar} &f&lDemir &e&l{@demirpara} &a&lmiktarına satıldı" to player

on pickup gold ingot:
    if {altinotosat.%player%} is true:
        if player has {@altinmiktar} gold ingot:
            remove {@altinmiktar} gold ingot from player's inventory
            execute console command "eco give %player% {@altinpara}"
            send "&e&l{@altinmiktar} &e&lAltın &e&l{@altinpara} &a&lmiktarına satıldı" to player

on pickup diamond:
    if {elmasotosat.%player%} is true:
        if player has {@elmasmiktar} diamond:
            remove {@elmasmiktar} diamond from player's inventory
            execute console command "eco give %player% {@elmaspara}"
            send "&e&l{@elmasmiktar} &b&lElmas &e&l{@elmaspara} &a&lmiktarına satıldı" to player

on pickup emerald:
    if {zumrutotosat.%player%} is true:
        if player has {@zumrutmiktar} emerald:
            remove {@zumrutmiktar} emerald from player's inventory
            execute console command "eco give %player% {@zumrutpara}"
            send "&e&l{@zumrutmiktar} &a&lZümrüt &e&l{@zumrutpara} &a&lmiktarına satıldı" to player

on pickup iron block:
    if {demirblokotosat.%player%} is true:
        if player has {@demirblokmiktar} iron block:
            remove {@demirblokmiktar} iron block from player's inventory
            execute console command "eco give %player% {@demirblokpara}"
            send "&e&l{@demirblokmiktar} &f&lDemir &e&l{@demirblokpara} &a&lmiktarına satıldı" to player

on pickup gold block:
    if {altinblokotosat.%player%} is true:
        if player has {@altinblokmiktar} gold block:
            remove {@altinblokmiktar} gold block from player's inventory
            execute console command "eco give %player% {@altinblokpara}"
            send "&e&l{@altinblokmiktar} &e&lAltın Blok &e&l{@altinblokpara} &a&lmiktarına satıldı" to player

on pickup diamond block:
    if {elmasblokotosat.%player%} is true:
        if player has {@elmasblokmiktar} diamond block:
            remove {@elmasblokmiktar} diamond block from player's inventory
            execute console command "eco give %player% {@elmasblokpara}"
            send "&e&l{@elmasblokmiktar} &b&lElmas Blok &e&l{@elmasblokpara} &a&lmiktarına satıldı" to player

on pickup emerald block:
    if {zumrutblokotosat.%player%} is true:
        if player has {@zumrutblokmiktar} emerald block:
            remove {@zumrutblokmiktar} emerald block from player's inventory
            execute console command "eco give %player% {@zumrutblokpara}"
            send "&e&l{@zumrutblokmiktar} &a&lZümrüt Blok &e&l{@zumrutblokpara} &a&lmiktarına satıldı" to player

Elmas Atarsanız Çok sevinirim Çoğu insan bu skripti kolayca değiştirmeyi arıyordu skript bilmeyende ordan ayarlayabilir
bu skripti düzenlememde yardım edermisin lütfen
benim sunucumun ayarları şu

demir 640= 500000

demirblok 640 =1000000
altın 640 =1000000
atınblok 640= 2000000
elmas 640 =250000
elmasblock 640 =5000000
zümrüt 640=750000
zümrütblock 640 = 7500000
karpuz 640= 10000000
kuvarscevheri 640= 15000000
sunucu adı: &8&l/&6&lPanda&f&lNetework&8&l\

yaklaşık 1 sattir deniyorum fakat aynısnı kopyala yapıştır yaptığımda hata alıyorum

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