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13 Mayıs 2018
bu skriptte böyle bişey ekleye bilirmisiniz eyer oyuncuda
permi varsa rütbe atlamasın ve 1 komut ile online veya offline oyuncuların puanlarını sıfırlaya bileyim

@OFEZA @Cloneix @HypeL @Soul

on death:
    attacker is a player
    victim is a player
    add 1 to {puan::%attacker%}
    if {puan::%attacker%} is 50:
        send "&6Puan &8» &350 &2✔" to attacker
        execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set BronzV"
        broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &6Bronz V"
    else if {puan::%attacker%} is 100:
        send "&6Puan &8» &3100 &2✔" to attacker
        execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set BronzIV"
        broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &6Bronz IV"
    else if {puan::%attacker%} is 200:
        send "&6Puan &8» &3200 &2✔" to attacker
        execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set BronzIII"
        broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &6Bronz III"
    else if {puan::%attacker%} is 300:
        send "&6Puan &8» &3300 &2✔" to attacker
        execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set BronzII"
        broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &6Bronz II"
    else if {puan::%attacker%} is 400:
        send "&6Puan &8» &3400 &2✔" to attacker
        execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set BronzI"
        broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &6Bronz I"
    else if {puan::%attacker%} is 500:
        send "&6Puan &8» &3500 &2✔" to attacker
        execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set SilverV"
        broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &7Silver V"
    else if {puan::%attacker%} is 600:
        send "&6Puan &8» &3600 &2✔" to attacker
        execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set SilverIV"
        broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &7Silver IV"
    else if {puan::%attacker%} is 700:
        send "&6Puan &8» &3700 &2✔" to attacker
        execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set SilverIII"
        broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &7Silver III"
    else if {puan::%attacker%} is 800:
        send "&6Puan &8» &3800 &2✔" to attacker
        execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set SilverII"
        broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &7Silver II"
    else if {puan::%attacker%} is 900:
        send "&6Puan &8» &3900 &2✔" to attacker
        execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set SilverI"
        broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &7Silver I"
    else if {puan::%attacker%} is 1000:
        send "&6Puan &8» &31000 &2✔" to attacker
        execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set GoldV"
        broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &eGold V"
    else if {puan::%attacker%} is 1100:
        send "&6Puan &8» &31100 &2✔" to attacker
        execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set GoldIV"
        broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &eGold IV"
    else if {puan::%attacker%} is 1200:
        send "&6Puan &8» &31200 &2✔" to attacker
        execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set GoldIII"
        broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &eGold III"
    else if {puan::%attacker%} is 1300:
        send "&6Puan &8» &31300 &2✔" to attacker
        execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set GoldII"
        broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &eGold II"
    else if {puan::%attacker%} is 1400:
        send "&6Puan &8» &31400 &2✔" to attacker
        execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set GoldI"
        broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &eGold I"
    else if {puan::%attacker%} is 1500:
        send "&6Puan &8» &31500 &2✔" to attacker
        execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set EmeraldV"
        broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &aEmerald V"
    else if {puan::%attacker%} is 1600:
        send "&6Puan &8» &31600 &2✔" to attacker
        execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set EmeraldIV"
        broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &aEmerald IV"
    else if {puan::%attacker%} is 1700:
        send "&6Puan &8» &31700 &2✔" to attacker
        execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set EmeraldIII"
        broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &aEmerald III"
    else if {puan::%attacker%} is 1800:
        send "&6Puan &8» &31800 &2✔" to attacker
        execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set EmeraldII"
        broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &aEmerald II"
    else if {puan::%attacker%} is 1900:
        send "&6Puan &8» &31900 &2✔" to attacker
        execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set EmeraldI"
        broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &aEmerald I"
    else if {puan::%attacker%} is 2000:
        send "&6Puan &8» &32000 &2✔" to attacker
        execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set DiamondV"
        broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &bDiamond V"
    else if {puan::%attacker%} is 2100:
        send "&6Puan &8» &32100 &2✔" to attacker
        execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set DiamondIV"
        broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &bDiamond IV"
    else if {puan::%attacker%} is 2200:
        send "&6Puan &8» &32200 &2✔" to attacker
        execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set DiamondIII"
        broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &bDiamond III"
    else if {puan::%attacker%} is 2300:
        send "&6Puan &8» &32300 &2✔" to attacker
        execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set DiamondII"
        broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &bDiamond II"
    else if {puan::%attacker%} is 2400:
        send "&6Puan &8» &32400 &2✔" to attacker
        execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set DiamondI"
        broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &bDiamond I"
    else if {puan::%attacker%} is 3000:
        send "&6Puan &8» &33000 &2✔" to attacker
        execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set Master"
        broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &dMaster"
command /puanreset [<offline player>]:
    permission: puan.admin
        delete {puan::%arg-1%}
        send "&6Puan &8» &3%arg 1% &eın puanı başarıyla sıfırlandı" to player
command /puan:
        send "&6Puan &8» &e%{puan::%player%}%"

command /rank:
        send "&8&m-------------------------"
        send ""
        send "&8↓ &6&lBronz &9&lLig"
        send ""
        send "&8» &6Bronz V &8- &e50 &cÖldürme"
        send "&8» &6Bronz IV &8- &e100 &cÖldürme"
        send "&8» &6Bronz III &8- &e200 &cÖldürme"
        send "&8» &6Bronz II &8- &e300 &cÖldürme"
        send "&8» &6Bronz I &8- &e400 &cÖldürme"
        send ""
        send "&8↓ &7&lSilver &9&lLig"
        send ""
        send "&8» &7Silver V &8- &e500 &cÖldürme"
        send "&8» &7Silver IV &8- &e600 &cÖldürme"
        send "&8» &7Silver III &8- &e700 &cÖldürme"
        send "&8» &7Silver II &8- &e800 &cÖldürme"
        send "&8» &7Silver I &8- &e900 &cÖldürme"
        send ""
        send "&8↓ &e&lGold &9&lLig"
        send ""
        send "&8» &eGold V &8- &e1000 &cÖldürme"
        send "&8» &eGold IV &8- &e1100 &cÖldürme"
        send "&8» &eGold III &8- &e1200 &cÖldürme"
        send "&8» &eGold II &8- &e1300 &cÖldürme"
        send "&8» &eGold I &8- &e1400 &cÖldürme"
        send ""
        send "&8↓ &a&lEmerald &9&lLig"
        send ""
        send "&8» &aEmerald V &8- &e1500 &cÖldürme"
        send "&8» &aEmerald IV &8- &e1600 &cÖldürme"
        send "&8» &aEmerald III &8- &e1700 &cÖldürme"
        send "&8» &aEmerald II &8- &e1800 &cÖldürme"
        send "&8» &aEmerald I &8- &e1900 &cÖldürme"
        send ""
        send "&8↓ &b&lDiamond &9&lLig"
        send ""
        send "&8» &bDiamond V &8- &e2000 &cÖldürme"
        send "&8» &bDiamond IV &8- &e2100 &cÖldürme"
        send "&8» &bDiamond III &8- &e2200 &cÖldürme"
        send "&8» &bDiamond II &8- &e2300 &cÖldürme"
        send "&8» &bDiamond I &8- &e2400 &cÖldürme"
        send ""
        send "&8↓ &d&lMaster &9&lLig"
        send ""
        send "&8» &dMaster &8- &e3000 &cÖldürme"
        send ""
        send "&8&m-------------------------"


5 Ekim 2017
on death:
    attacker is a player
    victim is a player
    add 1 to {puan::%attacker%}
    if attacker don't have permission "away.yetkili":
        if {puan::%attacker%} is 50:
            send "&6Puan &8» &350 &2✔" to attacker
            execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set BronzV"
            broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &6Bronz V"
        else if {puan::%attacker%} is 100:
            send "&6Puan &8» &3100 &2✔" to attacker
            execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set BronzIV"
            broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &6Bronz IV"
        else if {puan::%attacker%} is 200:
            send "&6Puan &8» &3200 &2✔" to attacker
            execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set BronzIII"
            broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &6Bronz III"
        else if {puan::%attacker%} is 300:
            send "&6Puan &8» &3300 &2✔" to attacker
            execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set BronzII"
            broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &6Bronz II"
        else if {puan::%attacker%} is 400:
            send "&6Puan &8» &3400 &2✔" to attacker
            execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set BronzI"
            broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &6Bronz I"
        else if {puan::%attacker%} is 500:
            send "&6Puan &8» &3500 &2✔" to attacker
            execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set SilverV"
            broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &7Silver V"
        else if {puan::%attacker%} is 600:
            send "&6Puan &8» &3600 &2✔" to attacker
            execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set SilverIV"
            broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &7Silver IV"
        else if {puan::%attacker%} is 700:
            send "&6Puan &8» &3700 &2✔" to attacker
            execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set SilverIII"
            broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &7Silver III"
        else if {puan::%attacker%} is 800:
            send "&6Puan &8» &3800 &2✔" to attacker
            execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set SilverII"
            broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &7Silver II"
        else if {puan::%attacker%} is 900:
            send "&6Puan &8» &3900 &2✔" to attacker
            execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set SilverI"
            broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &7Silver I"
        else if {puan::%attacker%} is 1000:
            send "&6Puan &8» &31000 &2✔" to attacker
            execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set GoldV"
            broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &eGold V"
        else if {puan::%attacker%} is 1100:
            send "&6Puan &8» &31100 &2✔" to attacker
            execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set GoldIV"
            broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &eGold IV"
        else if {puan::%attacker%} is 1200:
            send "&6Puan &8» &31200 &2✔" to attacker
            execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set GoldIII"
            broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &eGold III"
        else if {puan::%attacker%} is 1300:
            send "&6Puan &8» &31300 &2✔" to attacker
            execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set GoldII"
            broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &eGold II"
        else if {puan::%attacker%} is 1400:
            send "&6Puan &8» &31400 &2✔" to attacker
            execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set GoldI"
            broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &eGold I"
        else if {puan::%attacker%} is 1500:
            send "&6Puan &8» &31500 &2✔" to attacker
            execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set EmeraldV"
            broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &aEmerald V"
        else if {puan::%attacker%} is 1600:
            send "&6Puan &8» &31600 &2✔" to attacker
            execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set EmeraldIV"
            broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &aEmerald IV"
        else if {puan::%attacker%} is 1700:
            send "&6Puan &8» &31700 &2✔" to attacker
            execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set EmeraldIII"
            broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &aEmerald III"
        else if {puan::%attacker%} is 1800:
            send "&6Puan &8» &31800 &2✔" to attacker
            execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set EmeraldII"
            broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &aEmerald II"
        else if {puan::%attacker%} is 1900:
            send "&6Puan &8» &31900 &2✔" to attacker
            execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set EmeraldI"
            broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &aEmerald I"
        else if {puan::%attacker%} is 2000:
            send "&6Puan &8» &32000 &2✔" to attacker
            execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set DiamondV"
            broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &bDiamond V"
        else if {puan::%attacker%} is 2100:
            send "&6Puan &8» &32100 &2✔" to attacker
            execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set DiamondIV"
            broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &bDiamond IV"
        else if {puan::%attacker%} is 2200:
            send "&6Puan &8» &32200 &2✔" to attacker
            execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set DiamondIII"
            broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &bDiamond III"
        else if {puan::%attacker%} is 2300:
            send "&6Puan &8» &32300 &2✔" to attacker
            execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set DiamondII"
            broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &bDiamond II"
        else if {puan::%attacker%} is 2400:
            send "&6Puan &8» &32400 &2✔" to attacker
            execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set DiamondI"
            broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &bDiamond I"
        else if {puan::%attacker%} is 3000:
            send "&6Puan &8» &33000 &2✔" to attacker
            execute console command "pex user %attacker% group set Master"
            broadcast "&9Rütbe &8» &c%attacker% &eisimli oyuncu artık &dMaster"
command /puanreset [<offline player>]:
    permission: puan.admin
        set {puan::%arg-1%} to 0
        send "&6Puan &8» &3%arg 1% &eadlı oyuncunun puanı başarıyla sıfırlandı" to player
command /puan:
        send "&6Puan &8» &e%{puan::%player%}%"

command /rank:
        send "&8&m-------------------------"
        send ""
        send "&8↓ &6&lBronz &9&lLig"
        send ""
        send "&8» &6Bronz V &8- &e50 &cÖldürme"
        send "&8» &6Bronz IV &8- &e100 &cÖldürme"
        send "&8» &6Bronz III &8- &e200 &cÖldürme"
        send "&8» &6Bronz II &8- &e300 &cÖldürme"
        send "&8» &6Bronz I &8- &e400 &cÖldürme"
        send ""
        send "&8↓ &7&lSilver &9&lLig"
        send ""
        send "&8» &7Silver V &8- &e500 &cÖldürme"
        send "&8» &7Silver IV &8- &e600 &cÖldürme"
        send "&8» &7Silver III &8- &e700 &cÖldürme"
        send "&8» &7Silver II &8- &e800 &cÖldürme"
        send "&8» &7Silver I &8- &e900 &cÖldürme"
        send ""
        send "&8↓ &e&lGold &9&lLig"
        send ""
        send "&8» &eGold V &8- &e1000 &cÖldürme"
        send "&8» &eGold IV &8- &e1100 &cÖldürme"
        send "&8» &eGold III &8- &e1200 &cÖldürme"
        send "&8» &eGold II &8- &e1300 &cÖldürme"
        send "&8» &eGold I &8- &e1400 &cÖldürme"
        send ""
        send "&8↓ &a&lEmerald &9&lLig"
        send ""
        send "&8» &aEmerald V &8- &e1500 &cÖldürme"
        send "&8» &aEmerald IV &8- &e1600 &cÖldürme"
        send "&8» &aEmerald III &8- &e1700 &cÖldürme"
        send "&8» &aEmerald II &8- &e1800 &cÖldürme"
        send "&8» &aEmerald I &8- &e1900 &cÖldürme"
        send ""
        send "&8↓ &b&lDiamond &9&lLig"
        send ""
        send "&8» &bDiamond V &8- &e2000 &cÖldürme"
        send "&8» &bDiamond IV &8- &e2100 &cÖldürme"
        send "&8» &bDiamond III &8- &e2200 &cÖldürme"
        send "&8» &bDiamond II &8- &e2300 &cÖldürme"
        send "&8» &bDiamond I &8- &e2400 &cÖldürme"
        send ""
        send "&8↓ &d&lMaster &9&lLig"
        send ""
        send "&8» &dMaster &8- &e3000 &cÖldürme"
        send ""
        send "&8&m-------------------------"
Mesaj gönderimine kapalı.
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