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Sizler İçin Seçtiğim 3 Yararlı Skript!

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Herkese merhaba MC-TR üyeleri, bugün sizlere Sizler İçin Seçtiğim 3 Yararlı Skript!" adlı konumu sunarak sizlerin Minecraft Sunucularında Olması Gereken 3 Yararlı Skript! hakkında bilgilenmenizi sağlayacağım. Eğer konumu beğendiyseniz, like atıp yorum yazmayı unutmayın.

1) H UHC + ⌟ | GameMOTD, PraticeChat, AssingUHC | v.2.5.2

Test Edilen Minecraft Versiyonları:
  • 1.7
  • 1.8
  • 1.9
UHC sunucunuzu benzersiz yapın UHC + ile bazı UHC eklentilerinin ücretsiz olarak sunmadığı özelliklere sahip olabilirsiniz. Örneğin, bir GameMOTD Uygulamasını etkinleştirirken zaman aşımı gibi (kodun hala bir geliştirme sürümünde olduğunu, böylece hataların mevcut olabileceğini unutmayın) ) × Özelleştirilebilir mesajlar × Alıştırma Dünyası Seçici × Alıştırma Sohbeti ×FreezeAll × BuildUHC Kiti × AssignUHC (2.4.6 sürümünde Deneysel testte) × Ve daha fazlası!Skript × Skript ( 1.7 veya 1.8 ) × SkQuery ( 3.21.4 ) ' ün doğru çalışması için tüm bağımlılıklar zorunludur.

/ UHCReload ↔ UHC + .Reload
/ UHC + ↔ UHC + .Command
/ PracticeMenu ↔ UHC + .Practice
/ epractice ↔ UHC + .Practice
/ dpractice ↔ UHC + .Practice
/ CleatChat ↔ UHC + .ClearChat
/ RulesUHC ↔ UHC + .Rules
/ assing ↔ UHC + .AssingUHC
/ UnAssing ↔ UHC + .AssingUHC
/ FreezeAll ↔ UHC + .SSAll
/ SetMOTD UHC + .GameMOTD ↔
/ BUHC ↔ UHC + .BuildUHC
/ BuildUHC ↔ UHC + .BuildUHC

    Version: 2.5.2

     # This is customizable #
    Prefix: &8&l[&6&lUHC&f&l+&8&l] &7&l»
    ServerName: MyServerName
    GamePrefix: &6Game &7»

     # GUI's #
    MainGUI: &6&lUHC&f&l+
    PracticeItemName: &7• &f&lPractice Menu &7•
    PracticeItemLore: &7Click here to open the Practice Menu
    StartItemName: &7• &a&lStart &7•
    StartItemLore: &7Click here for Start the UHC
    PracticeGUIName: &f&lPractice Menu
    EnablePracticeItem: &7• &aEnable Practice &7•
    EnablePracticeItemLore: &7Click here for enable the practice
    DisablePracticeItem: &7• &cDisable Practice &7•
    DisablePracticeItemLore: &7Click here for disable the practice
    MOTDGUIName: &8Setting MOTD
    PostMOTDItem: &aPost MOTD
    PostMOTDItemLore: {@ServerName}: &aNextGame: &f%{setmotdteamsize}% - &aWhitelist-OFF: &f%{setmotdwl}%||&aScenarios: &f%{setmotds}%
    WhitelistOFFItem: &6Set time of whitelist off
    ScenariosItem: &6Set scenarios of the UHC
    TeamsizeItem: &6Set teamsize of the UHC

     # Practice Options #
    PracticeWorld: uhcpractice
    PracticeChat: true
    PracticeChatFormat: &8&l[&6&lPractice&8&l] &b%player% &8&l» &7%message%
    WaitTime: 60 # in Seconds #
    PracticeDisableEffects: true
    EnablingPracticeMessage: &fPractice is now &aenabling..
    EnabledPracticeMessage: &fPractice now is &aenabled.
    DisablingPracticeMessage: &fPractice is now &cdisabling..
    DisabledPracticeMessage: &fPractice now is &cdisabled.

     # UHC+ Addons #
    ClearChatMessage: &fThe chat has been cleaned by %player%.
    FreezedAllPlayers: &fAll the players were frozen.
    StaffJoinMessage: &8(&bStaff&8) &f%player% joined the server

     # BuildUHC Kit #
    BUHCGiveAll: &fAll the players were correctly equipped with the kit &6BuildUHC&f.
    BUHCPlayerGived: &fYou have been equipped with the kit BuildUHC.

     # AssignUHC #
    PlayerNotSet: &7Select a player for assign
    AssignMessage1: &fFrozen Users Will Fight in &c3...
    AssignMessage2: &fFrozen Users Will Fight in &62...
    AssignMessage3: &fFrozen Users Will Fight in &a1...
    AssignWaitTime: 60 # (This is in Seconds) #
    ASeparator: &7&m-------------------------
    Title: &6Assigned Battle!
    FigthersTitle: Fighters
    Fighters: &4%arg 1% &cvs &4%arg 2%
    AssignRule: &4Make Clean it's Ban Reason.
    AssignedPlayerHit: You cant hurt assigned players.
    UnAssignMessage: &7Selected players now are deassigned
    UnAssingPlayerNotSet: &7Select a player for unassign
    FightersTo2: &4%arg 1% team &cvs &4%arg 2% team

     # Rules UHC #
    StartBroadRules: &fRules now are begin broadcasted
    RSeparator: &8&m--------------+-&r &3&lUHC Rules &8&m-+---------------
    RSeparator2: &8&m---------------&8&m-------------&8&m---------------
    BroadMessage1: MyRule1
    BroadMessage2: MyRule2
    BroadMessage3: MyRule3
    BroadMessage4: MyRule4
    BroadMessage5: MyRule5
    BroadMessage6: MyRule6
    BroadMessage7: MyRule7
    BroadMessage8: MyRule8
    BroadMessage9: MyRule9
    BroadMessage10: MyRule10
    RulesEndMessage: &7UHC Rules notifications are now ended!
    TimeoutMessages: 5 # in Seconds #
    CancelChatMessage: &7You can't talk while the rules are broadcasting
    DisableJoinMessage: true
    DisabledJoinMessage: &7The rules is begin broadcasted and your join message has been deleted

     # GameMOTD #
    MOTDFormat: &aNextGame: &f%{setmotdteamsize}% - &aWhitelist-OFF: &f%{setmotdwl}%%nl%&aScenarios: &f%{setmotds}%
    GSeparator: &a&m------------------------------------
    TeamsLine1: &aWrite the timesize of the UHC
    TeamsLine2: &aExample: FFA, To2, To3....
    TeamSizeMessage: &bTeamSize: &6%{setmotdteamsize}%
    WhitelistLine1: &aWrite the time of the whitelist-off
    WhitelistLine2: &aExample: 10:50
    WhitelistTimeMessage: &bTime WL-Off: &6%{setmotdwl}%
    ScenariosLine1: &aWrite the scenarios
    ScenariosLine2: &aExample: CutClean-Timber / CC-T
    ScenariosListMessage: &bScenarios: &6%{setmotds}%
    SuccessfullySet: Next Game implemented in the MOTD.
    RemovedMOTD: Next Game removed of the MOTD.
    MOTDGameStarted: &aThe Game has been started.

#                                                     #
#             U H C + / U H C  P L U S                #
#          C O D E D  B Y  S O Y D R E X              #
#                                                     #
command /UHC+:
    permission: UHC+.Command
    permission message: &cYou do not have the necessary permissions to execute this command.
    aliases: /UHCM, /UHC
        open chest with 3 rows named "{@MainGUI}" to player
        format slot 4 of player with golden apple named "&7• &eSkript Created &7•" with lore "&7by SoyDrex ^-^" to be unstealable
        format slot 10 of player with diamond sword named "{@PracticeItemName}" with lore "{@PracticeItemLore}" to close then run [make player execute command "/PracticeMenu"]
        format slot 13 of player with yellow wool named "&7• &6&lReload &7•" with lore "&7Click here to reload the Skript" to close then run [make player execute command "/UHCReload"]
        format slot 16 of player with apple named "{@StartItemName}" with lore "{@StartItemLore}" to close then run [make player execute command "/start"]

command /PracticeMenu:
    permission: UHC+.Menus
    permission message: &cYou do not have the necessary permissions to execute this command.
        wait 3 ticks
        open chest with 3 rows named "{@PracticeGUIName}" to player
        format slot 10 of player with green wool named "{@EnablePracticeItem}" with lore "{@EnablePracticeItemLore}" to close then run [make player execute command "/epractice"]
        format slot 16 of player with red wool named "{@DisablePracticeItem}" with lore "{@DisablePracticeItemLore}" to close then run [make player execute command "/dpractice"]

command /epractice:
    permission: UHC+.Practice
    permission message: &cYou do not have the necessary permissions to execute this command.
    aliases: /ep, /pe
        broadcast "{@Prefix} {@EnablingPracticeMessage}"
        wait {@WaitTime} seconds
        execute console command "/practice on"
        broadcast "{@Prefix} {@EnabledPracticeMessage}"

command /dpractice:
    permission: UHC+.Practice
    permission message: &cYou do not have the necessary permissions to execute this command.
    aliases: /dp, /pd
        broadcast "{@Prefix} {@DisablingPracticeMessage}"
        if {PracticeDisableEffects} is true:
            world is "{PracticeWorld}":
                apply blindness 250 to the player
                apply slowness 250 to the player
                apply jump 250 to the player
                apply weakness 250 to the player
        wait {@WaitTime} seconds
        execute console command "/practice off"
        broadcast "{@Prefix} {@DisabledPracticeMessage}"
        if {PracticeDisableEffects} is true:
            remove blindness from the player
            remove slowness from the player
            remove jump from the player
            remove weakness from the player

command /UHCReload:
    permission: UHC+.Reload
    permission message: &cYou do not have the necessary permissions to execute this command.
    aliases: /UHCR
        message "&8&l[&6&lUHC&f&lPlus&8&l] &7&l» &fReloading..."
        wait 1 seconds
        execute console command "/skript reload"
        wait 1 seconds
        message "&8&l[&6&lUHC&f&lPlus&8&l] &7&l» &aReload completed."

command /ClearChat:
    permission: UHC+.ClearChat
    permission message: &cYou do not have the necessary permissions to execute this command.
    aliases: /cc
        loop 100 times:
            broadcast "&7"
        broadcast "{@Prefix} {@ClearChatMessage}"
#                                                                          #
#                                                           #
#              A S S I N G  U H C  R E M A K E              #
#                   B Y  S O Y D R E X                      #
#                                                                          #
command /assign [<text>] [<player>] [<player>] [<player>] [<player>]:
    aliases: /cf
    permission: UHC+.AssingUHC
    permission message: &cYou do not have the necessary permissions to execute this command.
        if arg 1 is "ffa":
            if arg-2 is set:
                if arg-3 is set:
                    set {assign.team1} to arg-2
                    set {assing.team2} to arg-3
                    set {pvp.arg-2} to arg-2
                    set {pvp.arg-1} to arg-3
                    wait 1 second
                    broadcast "{@Prefix} {@AssignMessage1}"
                    wait 1 second
                    broadcast "{@Prefix} {@AssignMessage2}"
                    wait 1 second
                    broadcast "{@Prefix} {@AssignMessage3}"
                    wait 1 second
                    broadcast "{@ASeparator}"
                    broadcast "{@Title}"
                    broadcast " "
                    broadcast "{@FigthersTitle}"
                    broadcast "{@Fighters} "
                    broadcast " "
                    broadcast "{@AssignRule}"
                    broadcast "{@ASeparator}"
                    if {freezedall} is true:
                        make player execute command "/freeze %arg-2%"
                        make player execute command "/freeze %arg-3%"
                else if arg-3 is not set:
                    send "{@Prefix} {@PlayerNotSet}"
            else if arg-2 is not set:
                send "{@Prefix} {@PlayerNotSet}"
        else if arg-1 is not set:
            send "{@Prefix} &cPlease set between ffa or teams"
        if arg 1 is "teams":
            if arg 2 is set:
                if arg 3 is set:
                    if arg 4 is set:
                        if arg 5 is set:
                            set {assign.team1} to arg-2
                            set {assign.team1} to arg-3
                            set {assing.team2} to arg-4
                            set {assing.team2} to arg-5
                            set {pvp.arg-2} to arg-2
                            set {pvp.arg-2} to arg-3
                            set {pvp.arg-1} to arg-4
                            set {pvp.arg-1} to arg-5
                            wait 1 second
                            broadcast "{@Prefix} {@AssignMessage1}"
                            wait 1 second
                            broadcast "{@Prefix} {@AssignMessage2}"
                            wait 1 second
                            broadcast "{@Prefix} {@AssignMessage3}"
                            wait 1 second
                            broadcast "{@ASeparator}"
                            broadcast "{@Title}"
                            broadcast " "
                            broadcast "{@FigthersTitle}"
                            broadcast "{@FightersTo2} "
                            broadcast " "
                            broadcast "{@AssignRule}"
                            broadcast "{@ASeparator}"
                            if {freezedall} is true:
                                make player execute command "/freeze %arg-2%"
                                make player execute command "/freeze %arg-3%"
                                make player execute command "/freeze %arg-4%"
                                make player execute command "/freeze %arg-5%"
                        else if arg-5 is not set:
                            send "{@Prefix} {@PlayerNotSet}"
                    else if arg-4 is not set:
                        send "{@Prefix} {@PlayerNotSet}"
                else if arg-3 is not set:
                    send "{@Prefix} {@PlayerNotSet}"
            else if arg-2 is not set:
                send "{@Prefix} {@PlayerNotSet}"
        else if arg-1 is not set:
            send "{@Prefix} &cPlease set between ffa or teams"

on death of player:
    attacker is a player:
        delete {assign.team1}
        delete {assign.team2}
        delete {pvp.arg-1}
        delete {pvp.arg-2}
    victim is a player:
        delete {assign.team1}
        delete {assign.team2}
        delete {pvp.arg-2}
        delete {pvp.arg-1}

on damage of player:
    if {assign.team2} is set:
        if attacker is not {pvp.arg-1}:
            send "{@Prefix} {@AssignedPlayerHit}" to the attacker
            cancel event

on damage of player:
    if {assign.team1} is set:
        if attacker is not {pvp.arg-2}:
            send "{@Prefix} {@AssignedPlayerHit}" to the attacker
            cancel event

command /UnAssign [<player>] [<player>]:
    aliases: /una, /dea
    permission: UHC+.AssingUHC
    permission message: &cYou do not have the necessary permissions to execute this command.
        if arg-1 is set:
            if arg-2 is set:
                send "{@Prefix} {@UnAssignMessage}"
                delete {pvp.arg-1}
                delete {pvp.arg-2}
                make player execute command "/freeze %arg-1%"
                make player execute command "/freeze %arg-2%"
            else if arg-2 is not set:
                send "{@Prefix} {@UnAssingPlayerNotSet}"
        else if arg-1 is not set:
            send "{@Prefix} {@UnAssingPlayerNotSet}"

command /freeze [<text>]:
    aliases: /fall, /ssall
    permission: UHC+.SSAll
    permission message: &cYou do not have the necessary permissions to execute this command.
        if arg 1 is "all":
            set {freezedall} to true
            loop all players:
                if player has permission "UHC+.Staff":
                execute console command "/freeze %loop-players%"
                broadcast "{@Prefix} {@FreezedAllPlayers}"
        if arg 1 is "unfreeze":
            set {freezedall} to false
            loop all players:
                execute console command "/freeze %loop-players%"

on chat:
    if {PracticeChat} is true:
        world is "{PracticeWorld}":
            cancel event
            broadcast "{@PracticeChatFormat}"
#                                                      #
#                 G A M E  M O T D                     #
#                                                      #
command /setmotd:
    aliases: /gamemotd
    permission: UHC+.GameMOTD
    permission message: &cYou do not have the necessary permissions to execute this command.
        open chest with 1 rows named "{@MOTDGUIName}" to player
        wait 1 ticks
        format slot 0 of player with light green wool named "{@PostMOTDItem}" with lore "{PostMOTDItemLore}" to close then run [make player execute command "/§setmotd"]
        format slot 1 of player with beacon named "{@WhitelistOFFItem}" to run [make player execute "/§setmotdt"]
        format slot 2 of player with beacon named "{@ScenariosItem}" to run [make player execute "/§setmotds"]
        format slot 3 of player with beacon named "{@TeamsizeItem}" to run [make player execute "/§setmotdteams"]

on command "/§setmotdteams":
    set {motdteam.%player%} to true
    send "{@GSeparator}"
    send "{@TeamsLine1}"
    send "{@TeamsLine2}"
    send "{@GSeparator}"

on chat:
    {motdteam.%player%} is true
    cancel event
    set {setmotdteamsize} to message
    send "{@TeamSizeMessage}"
    set {motdteam.%player%} to false

on command "/§setmotdt":
    set {motdwloff.%player%} to true
    send "{@GSeparator}"
    send "{@WhitelistLine1}"
    send "{@WhitelistLine2}"
    send "{@GSeparator}"

on chat:
    {motdwloff.%player%} is true
    cancel event
    set {setmotdwl} to message
    send "{@WhitelistTimeMessage}"
    set {motdwloff.%player%} to false

on command "/§setmotds":
    set {motds.%player%} to true
    send "{@GSeparator}"
    send "{@ScenariosLine1}"
    send "{@ScenariosLine2}"
    send "{@GSeparator}"

on chat:
    {motds.%player%} is true
    cancel event
    set {setmotds} to message
    send "{@ScenariosListMessage}"
    set {motds.%player%} to false

command /§setmotd <text="toggle">:
    permission: UHC+.GameMOTD
    permission message: &cYou do not have the necessary permissions to execute this command.
        if arg 1 is "toggle":
            if {postmotd} is false:
                set {postmotd} to true
                send "{@GamePrefix} {@SuccessfullySet}"
                make player execute "/starttime"
                set {postmotd} to false
                send "{@GamePrefix} {@RemovedMOTD}"

command /startuhc <text="toggle">:
    permission: UHC+.GameMOTD
    permission message: &cYou don't have permission.
        if arg 1 is "toggle":
            if {started} is false:
                set {started} to true
                send "{@GamePrefix} {@SuccessfullySet}"
                set {started} to false
                send "{@GamePrefix} {@RemovedMOTD}"
on load:
    set {postmotd} to false
    set {started} to false
    set {setmotds} to ""
    set {setmotdwl} to ""
    set {setmotdteamsize} to ""

on server list ping:
    if {started} is true:
        set motd to "{@ServerName} {@MOTDGameStarted}"
    if {postmotd} is true:
        set motd to "{@ServerName} {@MOTDFormat}"

# Thanks to iThanatosPlayer for allow me use this code <3

#                                                      #
#                 R U L E S  U H C                     #
#                                                      #
command /rulesuhc:
    permission: UHC+.Rules
    permission message: &cYou do not have the necessary permissions to execute this command.
        set {uhcrules} to true
        loop 100 times:
            broadcast "&7 "
        broadcast "{@GamePrefix} {@StartBroadRules}"
        wait {@TimeoutMessages} seconds
        loop 100 times:
            broadcast "&7 "
        wait {@TimeoutMessages} seconds
        broadcast "{@RSeparator}"
        broadcast "&b "
        broadcast "{@BroadMessage1}"
        broadcast "{@BroadMessage2}"
        broadcast "&b "
        broadcast "{@RSeparator2}"
        broadcast "&b "
        wait {@TimeoutMessages} seconds
        loop 100 times:
            broadcast "&7 "
        broadcast "{@RSeparator}"
        broadcast "&b "
        broadcast "{@BroadMessage3}"
        broadcast "{@BroadMessage4}"
        broadcast "&b "
        broadcast "{@RSeparator2}"
        broadcast "&b "
        wait {@TimeoutMessages} seconds
        loop 100 times:
            broadcast "&7 "
        broadcast "{@RSeparator}"
        broadcast "&b "
        broadcast "{@BroadMessage5}"
        broadcast "{@BroadMessage6}"
        broadcast "&b "
        broadcast "{@RSeparator2}"
        broadcast "&b "
        wait {@TimeoutMessages} seconds
        loop 100 times:
            broadcast "&7 "
        broadcast "{@RSeparator}"
        broadcast "&b "
        broadcast "{@BroadMessage7}"
        broadcast "{@BroadMessage8}"
        broadcast "&b "
        broadcast "{@RSeparator2}"
        broadcast "&b "
        wait {@TimeoutMessages} seconds
        loop 100 times:
            broadcast "&7 "
        broadcast "{@RSeparator}"
        broadcast "&b "
        broadcast "{@BroadMessage9}"
        broadcast "{@BroadMessage10}"
        broadcast "&b "
        broadcast "{@RSeparator2}"
        broadcast "&b "
        wait {@TimeoutMessages} seconds
        loop 100 times:
            broadcast "&7 "
        broadcast "{@GamePrefix} {@RulesEndMessage}"
        set {uhcrules} to false
on chat:
    if {uhcrules} is true:
        cancel event
        send "{@GamePrefix} {@CancelChatMessage}"
on join:
    if {DisableJoinMessage} is true:
        if {uhcrules} is true:
            set join message to ""
            send "{@GamePrefix} {@DisabledJoinMessage}"
on first join:
    if {DisableJoinMessage} is true:
        if {uhcrules} is true:
            set join message to ""
            send "{@GamePrefix} {@DisabledJoinMessage}"
on quit:
    if {DisableJoinMessage} is true:
        if {uhcrules} is true:
            set quit message to ""
on join:
    player has permission "UHC+.StaffJoin":
        if {uhcrules} is true:
            set join message to ""
            set join message to ""
            broadcast "{@Prefix} {@StaffJoinMessage}"

#                                                      #
#              B U I L D  U H C  K I T                 #
#            C O D E D  B Y  S O Y D R E X             #
#                                                      #
command /buhc [<player>]:
    permission: UHC+.BuildUHC
    usage: /buhc DrexPlayz
        send "{@Prefix} {@BUHCPlayerGived}" to arg-1
        equip arg-1 with diamond helmet of Projectile Protection 2
        equip arg-1 with diamond boots of Projectile Protection 2
        equip arg-1 with diamond leggings of Protection 3
        equip arg-1 with diamond chestplate of Protection 3
        give arg-1 a diamond sword of sharpness 2
        give arg-1 a bow of power 2
        give arg-1 a fishing rod
        give arg-1 32 golden apples
        give arg-1 32 arrow
        give arg-1 3 fishing rod
        give arg-1 64 oak wood planks
        give arg-1 64 cobblestone
        give arg-1 3 water bucket
        give arg-1 3 lava bucket
        give arg-1 1 diamond axe
        give arg-1 1 diamond pickaxe
        give arg-1 22 steak
command /BuildUHC:
    permission: UHC+.BuildUHC
        broadcast "{@Prefix} {@BUHCGiveAll}"
        loop all players:
            equip loop-players with diamond helmet of Projectile Protection 2
            equip loop-players with diamond boots of Projectile Protection 2
            equip loop-players with diamond leggings of Protection 3
            equip loop-players with diamond chestplate of Protection 3
            give loop-players a diamond sword of sharpness 2
            give loop-players a bow of power 2
            give loop-players a fishing rod
            give loop-players 32 golden apples
            give loop-players 32 arrow
            give loop-players 3 fishing rod
            give loop-players 64 oak wood planks
            give loop-players 64 cobblestone
            give loop-players 3 water bucket
            give loop-players 3 lava bucket
            give loop-players 1 diamond axe
            give loop-players 1 diamond pickaxe
            give loop-players 22 steak
# [!] Don't erase this please <3 [!] #

on Skript start:
    send "&8&l[&6&lUHC&f&lPlus&8&l] &7&l> &7UHC+ is now &aenabled" to the console
    send "&8&l[&6&lUHC&f&lPlus&8&l] &7&l> &7Skript by SoyDrex" to the console
    send "&8&l[&6&lUHC&f&lPlus&8&l] &7&l> &7Using version {@Version}" to the console
    wait 3 seconds
    send "&8&l[&6&lUHC&f&lPlus&8&l] &7&l> &7Stay updated for a better experience" to the console
on Skript stop:
    send "&8&l[&6&lUHC&f&lPlus&8&l] &7&l> &7UHC+ is now &cdisabled" to the console

2) Shop (Mağaza)

Test Edilen Minecraft Versiyonları:
  • 1.8
Yapacak güzel fikirleri arıyordum ve sonra Skript'te bir Dükkan'ı yeniden düzenlemenin oldukça açık olacağını düşünmüştüm, çünkü tam donanımlı, iyi çalışan bir tane bulamıyorum. Ve işte buradayız.​
Özellikleri ve komutları okumadan önce, lütfen bunu okuyun! Hataların ve aksaklıkların olabileceğinin farkındayım! Lütfen bunları bana bildirin ve en kısa zamanda bir düzeltme yayınlayacağım.​
Hataların yanı sıra, bir özellik eklemek veya kaldırmak isteyebilirsiniz. Kime:​
  • bir özellik ekle - özelliğin ne olduğunu ve müzikçaların nasıl kullanacağını açıkla
  • bir özelliği kaldırın - bir özelliği kaldırmak BÜYÜK bir anlaşma olduğundan, neden kaldırılması gerektiğine dair çok iyi bir neden gösterin
Bilmeniz gereken bir diğer şey, bunu tam olarak test etmediğim! Skript acele edilemedi, ama okul yüzünden (ve diğer nedenlerden dolayı) test etmek için fazla zamanım olmadı!​
Yani, temelde söylediğim şu ki, herhangi bir hata veya aksaklık bulursanız, LÜTFEN bana haber verin ve mümkün olan en kısa sürede düzelteceğim! Yine, herhangi bir sorun için şimdiden özür dilerim!​
  • Dükkan guis kullanımı basit
  • Sol tıklama ile al, sağa sat
  • / dükkan (bloklar, cevherler, çiftlik, yiyecek, mobdrop, iksirler, misc)
    • Yukarıdaki mağazalardan herhangi birini açacak
    • Eğer argüman verilmezse, seçmenize izin veren bir gui açılacaktır.

command /shop [<text>]:
        if arg-1 is not set:
            delete {amount.%player%}
            delete {firstshop.%player%}
            delete {price.%player%}
            open chest with 3 row named "Shop / Main" to player
            wait 4 ticks
            format gui slot 0 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
            format gui slot 1 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
            format gui slot 2 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
            format gui slot 3 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
            format gui slot 4 of player with barrier named "&c&lExit?" to close
            format gui slot 5 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
            format gui slot 6 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
            format gui slot 7 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
            format gui slot 8 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
            format gui slot 9 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
            format gui slot 10 of player with grass block named "&f&lBlocks" to close then run player command "/shop blocks"
            format gui slot 11 of player with diamond named "&f&lOres" to close then run player command "/shop ores"
            format gui slot 12 of player with seeds named "&f&lFarming" to close then run player command "/shop farm"
            format gui slot 13 of player with steak named "&f&lFood" to close then run player command "/shop food"
            format gui slot 14 of player with rotten flesh named "&f&lMob Drops" to close then run player command "/shop mobdrop"
            format gui slot 15 of player with brewing stand item named "&f&lPotions" to close then run player command "/shop potions"
            format gui slot 16 of player with anvil named "&f&lMisc" to close then run player command "/shop misc"
            format gui slot 17 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
            format gui slot 18 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
            format gui slot 19 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
            format gui slot 20 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
            format gui slot 21 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
            format gui slot 22 of player with barrier named "&c&lExit?" to close
            format gui slot 23 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
            format gui slot 24 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
            format gui slot 25 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
            format gui slot 26 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
        if arg-1 is set:
            if arg-1 is "blocks" or "block":
                delete {amount.%player%}
                delete {firstshop.%player%}
                delete {price.%player%}
                open chest with 5 row named "Shop / Blocks" to player
                wait 4 ticks
                format gui slot 0 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 1 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 2 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 3 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 4 of player with barrier named "&c&lExit?" to close then run player command "/shop"
                format gui slot 5 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 6 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 7 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 8 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 9 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 10 of player with cobble stone named "&fCobblestone" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 2, cobble stone, "Cobblestone", 1)
                format gui slot 10 of player with cobble stone named "&fCobblestone" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 1, cobble stone, "Cobblestone", 1)
                format gui slot 11 of player with dirt named "&fDirt" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 2, dirt, "Dirt", 1)
                format gui slot 11 of player with dirt named "&fDirt" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 1, dirt, "Dirt", 1)
                format gui slot 12 of player with grass named "&fGrass" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 2, grass, "Grass", 1)
                format gui slot 12 of player with grass named "&fGrass" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 0, grass, "Grass", 1)
                format gui slot 14 of player with stone named "&fStone" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 2, stone, "Stone", 1)
                format gui slot 14 of player with stone named "&fStone" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 1, stone, "Stone", 1)
                format gui slot 15 of player with oak wood log named "&fOak Wood" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 5, oak wood log, "Oak Wood", 1)
                format gui slot 15 of player with oak wood log named "&fOak Wood" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 1, oak wood log, "Oak Wood", 1)
                format gui slot 16 of player with spruce wood log named "&fSpruce Wood" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 5, spruce wood log, "Spruce Wood", 1)
                format gui slot 16 of player with spruce wood log named "&fSpruce Wood" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 1, spruce wood log, "Spruce Wood", 1)
                format gui slot 17 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 18 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 19 of player with birch wood log named "&fBirch Wood" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 5, birch wood log, "Birch Wood", 1)
                format gui slot 19 of player with birch wood log named "&fBirch Wood" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 1, birch wood log, "Birch Wood", 1)
                format gui slot 20 of player with jungle wood log named "&fJungle Wood" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 5, jungle wood log, "Jungle Wood", 1)
                format gui slot 20 of player with jungle wood log named "&fJungle Wood" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 1, jungle wood log, "Jungle Wood", 1)
                format gui slot 21 of player with dark oak wood log named "&fDark Oak Wood" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 5, dark oak wood log, "Dark Oak Wood", 1)
                format gui slot 21 of player with dark oak wood log named "&fDark Oak Wood" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 1, dark oak wood log, "Dark Oak Wood", 1)
                format gui slot 22 of player with sand named "&fSand" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 10, sand, "Sand", 1)
                format gui slot 22 of player with sand named "&fSand" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 2, sand, "Sand", 1)
                format gui slot 23 of player with obsidian named "&fObsidian" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 100, obsidian, "Obsidian", 1)
                format gui slot 23 of player with obsidian named "&fObsidian" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 25, obsidian, "Obsidian", 1)
                format gui slot 24 of player with ice named "&fIce" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 100, ice, "Ice", 1)
                format gui slot 24 of player with ice named "&fIce" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 25, ice, "Ice", 1)
                format gui slot 25 of player with sea lantern named "&fSea Lantern" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 300, sea lantern, "Sea Lantern", 1)
                format gui slot 25 of player with sea lantern named "&fSea Lantern" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 100, sea lantern, "Sea Lantern", 1)
                format gui slot 26 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 27 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 28 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 29 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 30 of player with glowstone named "&fGlowstone" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 300, glowstone, "Glowstone", 1)
                format gui slot 30 of player with glowstone named "&fGlowstone" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 100, glowstone, "Glowstone", 1)
                format gui slot 31 of player with sponge named "&fSponge" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 500, sponge, "Sponge", 1)
                format gui slot 31 of player with sponge named "&fSponge" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 150, sponge, "Sponge", 1)
                format gui slot 32 of player with soul sand named "&fSoul Sand" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 500, soul sand, "Soul Sand", 1)
                format gui slot 32 of player with soul sand named "&fSoul Sand" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 50, soul sand, "Soul Sand", 1)
                format gui slot 33 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 34 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 35 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 36 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 37 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 38 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 39 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 40 of player with barrier named "&c&lExit?" to close then run player command "/shop"
                format gui slot 41 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 42 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 43 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 55 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
            if arg-1 is "ores" or "ore":
                delete {amount.%player%}
                delete {firstshop.%player%}
                delete {price.%player%}
                open chest with 3 row named "Shop / Ores" to player
                wait 4 ticks
                format gui slot 0 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 1 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 2 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 3 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 4 of player with barrier named "&c&lExit?" to close then run player command "/shop"
                format gui slot 5 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 6 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 7 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 8 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 9 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 10 of player with coal named "&fCoal" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 15, coal, "Coal", 1)
                format gui slot 10 of player with coal named "&fCoal" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 10, coal, "Coal", 1)
                format gui slot 11 of player with iron ingot named "&fIron Ingot" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 1000, iron ingot, "Iron Ingot", 1)
                format gui slot 11 of player with iron ingot named "&fIron Ingot" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 500, iron ingot, "Iron Ingot", 1)
                format gui slot 12 of player with gold ingot named "&fGold Ingot" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 500, gold ingot, "Gold Ingot", 1)
                format gui slot 12 of player with gold ingot named "&fGold Ingot" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 200, gold ingot, "Gold Ingot", 1)
                format gui slot 13 of player with diamond named "&fDiamond" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 4000, diamond, "Diamond", 1)
                format gui slot 13 of player with diamond named "&fDiamond" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 2000, diamond, "Diamond", 1)
                format gui slot 14 of player with emerald named "&fEmerald" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 2050, emerald, "Emerald", 1)
                format gui slot 14 of player with emerald named "&fEmerald" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 1000, emerald, "Emerald", 1)
                format gui slot 15 of player with redstone named "&fRedstone" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 100, redstone, "Redstone", 1)
                format gui slot 15 of player with redstone named "&fRedstone" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 10, redstone, "Redstone", 1)
                format gui slot 16 of player with lapis lazuli named "&fLapis Lazuli" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 100, lapis lazuli, "Lapis Lazuli", 1)
                format gui slot 16 of player with lapis lazuli named "&fLapis Lazuli" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 10, lapis lazuli, "Lapis Lazuli", 1)
                format gui slot 17 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 18 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 19 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 20 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 21 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 22 of player with barrier named "&c&lExit?" to close then run player command "/shop"
                format gui slot 23 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 24 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 25 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 26 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
            if arg-1 is "farming" or "farm":
                delete {amount.%player%}
                delete {firstshop.%player%}
                delete {price.%player%}
                open chest with 3 row named "Shop / Farming" to player
                wait 4 ticks
                format gui slot 0 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 1 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 2 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 3 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 4 of player with barrier named "&c&lExit?" to close then run player command "/shop"
                format gui slot 5 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 6 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 7 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 8 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 9 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 10 of player with oak sapling named "&fOak Sapling" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 5, oak sapling, "Oak Sapling", 1)
                format gui slot 10 of player with oak sapling named "&fOak Sapling" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 0, oak sapling, "Oak Sapling", 1)
                format gui slot 11 of player with spruce sapling named "&fSpruce Sapling" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 5, spruce sapling, "Spruce Sapling", 1)
                format gui slot 11 of player with spruce sapling named "&fSpruce Sapling" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 0, spruce sapling, "Spruce Sapling", 1)
                format gui slot 12 of player with birch sapling named "&fBirch Sapling" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 5, birch sapling, "Birch Sapling", 1)
                format gui slot 12 of player with birch sapling named "&fBirch Sapling" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 0, birch sapling, "Birch Sapling", 1)
                format gui slot 13 of player with jungle sapling named "&fJungle Sapling" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 5, jungle sapling, "Jungle Sapling", 1)
                format gui slot 13 of player with jungle sapling named "&fJungle Sapling" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 0, jungle sapling, "Jungle Sapling", 1)
                format gui slot 14 of player with dark oak sapling named "&fDark Oak Sapling" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 5, dark oak sapling, "Dark Oak Sapling", 1)
                format gui slot 14 of player with dark oak sapling named "&fDark Oak Sapling" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 0, dark oak sapling, "Dark Oak Sapling", 1)
                format gui slot 15 of player with wheat item named "&fWheat" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 10, wheat item, "Wheat", 1)
                format gui slot 15 of player with wheat item named "&fWheat" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 2, wheat item, "Wheat", 1)
                format gui slot 16 of player with pumpkin named "&fPumpkin" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 100, pumpkin, "Pumpkin", 1)
                format gui slot 16 of player with pumpkin named "&fPumpkin" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 10, pumpkin, "Pumpkin", 1)
                format gui slot 17 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 18 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 19 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 20 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 21 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 22 of player with barrier named "&c&lExit?" to close then run player command "/shop"
                format gui slot 23 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 24 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 25 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 26 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
            if arg-1 is "food":
                delete {amount.%player%}
                delete {firstshop.%player%}
                delete {price.%player%}
                open chest with 3 row named "Shop / Food" to player
                wait 4 ticks
                format gui slot 0 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 1 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 2 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 3 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 4 of player with barrier named "&c&lExit?" to close then run player command "/shop"
                format gui slot 5 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 6 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 7 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 8 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 9 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 10 of player with pumpkin seeds named "&fPumpkin Seeds" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 2, pumpkin seeds, "Pumpkin Seeds", 1)
                format gui slot 10 of player with pumpkin seeds named "&fPumpkin Seeds" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 0, pumpkin seeds, "Pumpkin Seeds", 1)
                format gui slot 11 of player with melon seeds named "&fMelon Seeds" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 2, melon seeds, "Melon Seeds", 1)
                format gui slot 11 of player with melon seeds named "&fMelon Seeds" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 0, melon seeds, "Melon Seeds", 1)
                format gui slot 12 of player with cooked chicken named "&fCooked Chicken" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 5, cooked chicken, "Cooked Chicken", 1)
                format gui slot 12 of player with cooked chicken named "&fCooked Chicken" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 1, cooked chicken, "Cooked Chicken", 1)
                format gui slot 13 of player with cooked mutton named "&fCooked Rabbit" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 15, cooked mutton, "Cooked Rabbit", 1)
                format gui slot 13 of player with cooked mutton named "&fCooked Rabbit" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 10, cooked mutton, "Cooked Rabbit", 1)
                format gui slot 14 of player with steak named "&fSteak" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 15, steak , "Steak", 1)
                format gui slot 14 of player with steak named "&fSteak" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 10, steak , "Steak", 1)
                format gui slot 15 of player with bread named "&fBread" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 15, bread, "Bread", 1)
                format gui slot 15 of player with bread named "&fBread" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 10, bread, "Bread", 1)
                format gui slot 16 of player with carrot named "&fCarrot" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 15, carrot, "Carrot", 1)
                format gui slot 16 of player with carrot named "&fCarrot" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 10, carrot, "Carrot", 1)
                format gui slot 17 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 18 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 19 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 20 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 21 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 22 of player with barrier named "&c&lExit?" to close then run player command "/shop"
                format gui slot 23 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 24 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 25 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 26 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
            if arg-1 is "mob drop" or "mob drops" or "mobs" or "mob" or "mobdrop" or "mobdrops":
                delete {amount.%player%}
                delete {firstshop.%player%}
                delete {price.%player%}
                open chest with 5 row named "Shop / Mob Drops" to player
                wait 4 ticks
                format gui slot 0 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 1 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 2 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 3 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 4 of player with barrier named "&c&lExit?" to close then run player command "/shop"
                format gui slot 5 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 6 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 7 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 8 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 9 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 10 of player with arrow named "&fArrow" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 5, arrow, "Arrow", 1)
                format gui slot 10 of player with arrow named "&fArrow" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 1, arrow, "Arrow", 1)
                format gui slot 11 of player with bone named "&fBone" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 5, bone, "Bone", 1)
                format gui slot 11 of player with bone named "&fBone" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 1, bone, "Bone", 1)
                format gui slot 12 of player with ink sack named "&fInk Sack" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 5, ink sack, "Ink Sack", 1)
                format gui slot 12 of player with ink sack named "&fInk Sack" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 1, ink sack, "Ink Sack", 1)
                format gui slot 13 of player with rotten flesh named "&fRotten Flesh" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 5, rotten flesh, "Rotten Flesh", 1)
                format gui slot 13 of player with rotten flesh named "&fRotten Flesh" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 1, rotten flesh, "Rotten Flesh", 1)
                format gui slot 14 of player with feather named "&fFeather" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 5, feather, "Feather", 1)
                format gui slot 14 of player with feather named "&fFeather" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 1, feather, "Feather", 1)
                format gui slot 15 of player with string named "&fString" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 5, string, "String", 1)
                format gui slot 15 of player with string named "&fString" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 1, string, "String", 1)
                format gui slot 16 of player with gunpowder named "&fGun Powder" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 10, gunpowder, "Gun Powder", 1)
                format gui slot 16 of player with gunpowder named "&fGun Powder" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 1, gunpowder, "Gun Powder", 1)
                format gui slot 17 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 18 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 19 of player with snowball named "&fSnowball" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 20, snowball, "Snowball", 1)
                format gui slot 19 of player with snowball named "&fSnowball" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 5, snowball, "Snowball", 1)
                format gui slot 20 of player with leather named "&fLeather" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 30, leather, "Leather", 1)
                format gui slot 20 of player with leather named "&fLeather" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 10, leather, "Leather", 1)
                format gui slot 21 of player with spider eye named "&fSpider Eye" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 50, spider eye, "Spider Eye", 1)
                format gui slot 21 of player with spider eye named "&fSpider Eye" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 5, spider eye, "Spider Eye", 1)
                format gui slot 22 of player with glowstone dust named "&fGlowstone Dust" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 80, glowstone dust, "Glowstone Dust", 1)
                format gui slot 22 of player with glowstone dust named "&fGlowstone Dust" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 30, glowstone dust, "Glowstone Dust", 1)
                format gui slot 23 of player with ender pearl named "&fEnder Pearl" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 100, ender pearl, "Ender Pearl", 1)
                format gui slot 23 of player with ender pearl named "&fEnder Pearl" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 20, ender pearl, "Ender Pearl", 1)
                format gui slot 24 of player with blaze rod named "&fBlaze Rod" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 100, blaze rod, "Blaze Rod", 1)
                format gui slot 24 of player with blaze rod named "&fBlaze Rod" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 20, blaze rod, "Blaze Rod", 1)
                format gui slot 25 of player with slimeball named "&fSlime Ball" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 200, slimeball, "Slime Ball", 1)
                format gui slot 25 of player with slimeball named "&fSlime Ball" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 30, slimeball, "Slime Ball", 1)
                format gui slot 26 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 27 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 28 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 29 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 30 of player with magma cream named "&fMagma Cream" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 200, magma cream, "Magma Cream", 1)
                format gui slot 30 of player with magma cream named "&fMagma Cream" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 100, magma cream, "Magma Cream", 1)
                format gui slot 31 of player with ghast tear named "&fGhast Tear" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 300, ghast tear, "Ghast Tear", 1)
                format gui slot 31 of player with ghast tear named "&fGhast Tear" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 150, ghast tear, "Ghast Tear", 1)
                format gui slot 32 of player with nether star named "&fNether Star" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 1000, nether star, "Nether Star", 1)
                format gui slot 32 of player with nether star named "&fNether Star" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 500, nether star, "Nether Star", 1)
                format gui slot 33 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 34 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 35 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 36 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 37 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 38 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 39 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 40 of player with barrier named "&c&lExit?" to close then run player command "/shop"
                format gui slot 41 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 42 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 43 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 44 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
            if arg-1 is "potions" or "potion":
                delete {amount.%player%}
                delete {firstshop.%player%}
                delete {price.%player%}
                open chest with 3 row named "Shop / Potions" to player
                wait 4 ticks
                format gui slot 0 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 1 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 2 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 3 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 4 of player with barrier named "&c&lExit?" to close then run player command "/shop"
                format gui slot 5 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 6 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 7 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 8 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 9 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 10 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 11 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 12 of player with glass bottle named "&fGlass Bottle" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 5, glass bottle, "Glass Bottle", 1)
                format gui slot 12 of player with glass bottle named "&fGlass Bottle" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 1, glass bottle, "Glass Bottle", 1)
                format gui slot 13 of player with nether wart item named "&fNether Wart" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 8, nether wart item, "Nether Wart", 1)
                format gui slot 13 of player with nether wart item named "&fNether Wart" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 2, nether wart item, "Nether Wart", 1)
                format gui slot 14 of player with cauldron item named "&fCauldron" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 300, cauldron item, "Cauldron", 1)
                format gui slot 14 of player with cauldron item named "&fCauldron" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 0, cauldron item, "Cauldron", 1)
                format gui slot 15 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 16 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 17 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 18 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 19 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 20 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 21 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 22 of player with barrier named "&c&lExit?" to close then run player command "/shop"
                format gui slot 23 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 24 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 25 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 26 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
            if arg-1 is "misc" or "miscellaneous":
                delete {amount.%player%}
                delete {firstshop.%player%}
                delete {price.%player%}
                open chest with 3 row named "Shop / Misc." to player
                wait 4 ticks
                format gui slot 0 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 1 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 2 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 3 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 4 of player with barrier named "&c&lExit?" to close then run player command "/shop"
                format gui slot 5 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 6 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 7 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 8 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 9 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 10 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 11 of player with water bucket named "&fWater Bucket" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 200, water bucket, "Water Bucket", 1)
                format gui slot 11 of player with water bucket named "&fWater Bucket" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 0, water bucket, "Water Bucket", 1)
                format gui slot 12 of player with lava bucket named "&fLava Bucket" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 200, lava bucket, "Lava Bucket", 1)
                format gui slot 12 of player with lava bucket named "&fLava Bucket" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 0, lava bucket, "Lava Bucket", 1)
                format gui slot 13 of player with enchantment table named "&fEnchantment Table" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 1000, enchantment table, "Enchantment Table", 1)
                format gui slot 13 of player with enchantment table named "&fEnchantment Table" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 0, enchantment table, "Enchantment Table", 1)
                format gui slot 14 of player with anvil named "&fAnvil" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 1500, anvil, "Anvil", 1)
                format gui slot 14 of player with anvil named "&fAnvil" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 100, anvil, "Anvil", 1)
                format gui slot 15 of player with ender chest named "&fEnder Chest" to run with "left" click:
                    shopBuy(player, 2000, ender chest, "Ender Chest", 1)
                format gui slot 15 of player with ender chest named "&fEnder Chest" to run with "right" click:
                    shopSell(player, 0, ender chest, "Ender Chest", 1)
                format gui slot 16 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 17 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 18 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 19 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 20 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 21 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 22 of player with barrier named "&c&lExit?" to close then run player command "/shop"
                format gui slot 23 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 24 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 25 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
                format gui slot 26 of player with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
function shopBuy(p: player, price: integer, item: itemtype, itemname: text, amount: integer):
    if {firstshop.%{_p}%} is not set:
        set {amount.%{_p}%} to {_amount}
        set {firstshop.%{_p}%} to true
        set {price.%{_p}%} to {_price}
        open chest with 1 row named "%{_itemname}% / Buy" to {_p}
    if {firstshop.%{_p}%} is true:
        wait 4 ticks
        format gui slot 0 of {_p} with light green glass pane named "&aAdd 1" to run function incBuy({_p}, "add", 1, {_price}, {_item}, "%{_itemname}%")
        format gui slot 1 of {_p} with 10 light green glass pane named "&aAdd 10" to run function incBuy({_p}, "add", 10, {_price}, {_item}, "%{_itemname}%")
        format gui slot 2 of {_p} with 64 light green glass pane named "&aAdd 64" to run function incBuy({_p}, "add", 64, {_price}, {_item}, "%{_itemname}%")
        format gui slot 3 of {_p} with {_amount} of {_item} named "&f&l%{_itemname}%" with lore "||&7Current amount - &a%{_amount}%||&7Current price - &6$%{price.%{_p}%}%" to close then run function buyConfirm({_p}, {_item}, ("%{price.%{_p}%}%" parsed as integer), {amount.%{_p}%})
        format gui slot 4 of {_p} with red stained glass pane named "&cRemove 1" to run function incBuy({_p}, "remove", 1, {_price}, {_item}, "%{_itemname}%")
        format gui slot 5 of {_p} with 10 red stained glass pane named "&cRemove 10" to run function incBuy({_p}, "remove", 10, {_price}, {_item}, "%{_itemname}%")
        format gui slot 6 of {_p} with 64 red stained glass pane named "&cRemove 64" to run function incBuy({_p}, "remove", 64, {_price}, {_item}, "%{_itemname}%")
        format gui slot 7 of {_p} with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
        format gui slot 8 of {_p} with barrier named "&c&lBack?" with lore "&7Bye!" to close then run {_p} command "/shop"
function shopSell(p: player, price: integer, item: itemtype, itemname: text, amount: integer):
    if {firstshop.%{_p}%} is not set:
        set {amount.%{_p}%} to {_amount}
        set {firstshop.%{_p}%} to true
        set {price.%{_p}%} to {_price}
        open chest with 1 row named "%{_itemname}% / Sell" to {_p}
        wait 4 ticks
    if {firstshop.%{_p}%} is true:
        format gui slot 0 of {_p} with light green glass pane named "&aAdd 1" to run function incSell({_p}, "add", 1, {_price}, {_item}, "%{_itemname}%")
        format gui slot 1 of {_p} with 10 light green glass pane named "&aAdd 10" to run function incSell({_p}, "add", 10, {_price}, {_item}, "%{_itemname}%")
        format gui slot 2 of {_p} with 64 light green glass pane named "&aSell All" to run function incSell({_p}, "add", 64, {_price}, {_item}, "%{_itemname}%")
        format gui slot 3 of {_p} with {_amount} of {_item} named "&f&l%{_itemname}%" with lore "||&7Current amount - &a%{_amount}%||&7Current profit - &6$%{price.%{_p}%}%" to close then run function sellConfirm({_p}, {_item}, ("%{price.%{_p}%}%" parsed as integer), {amount.%{_p}%})
        format gui slot 4 of {_p} with red stained glass pane named "&cRemove 1" to run function incSell({_p}, "remove", 1, {_price}, {_item}, "%{_itemname}%")
        format gui slot 5 of {_p} with 10 red stained glass pane named "&cRemove 10" to run function incSell({_p}, "remove", 10, {_price}, {_item}, "%{_itemname}%")
        format gui slot 6 of {_p} with 64 red stained glass pane named "&cSell 1" to run function incSell({_p}, "remove", 64, {_price}, {_item}, "%{_itemname}%")
        format gui slot 7 of {_p} with black stained glass pane named "&0" to do nothing
        format gui slot 8 of {_p} with barrier named "&c&lBack?" with lore "&7Bye!" to close then run {_p} command "/shop"
function incBuy(p: player, type: text, inc: integer, price: integer, item: itemtype, itemname: text):
    if {_type} is "add":
        if {_inc} is 1:
            add 1 to {amount.%{_p}%}
            set {price.%{_p}%} to ({amount.%{_p}%}*{_price})
            shopBuy({_p}, {_price}, {_item}, {_itemname}, {amount.%{_p}%})
        if {_inc} is 10:
            add 10 to {amount.%{_p}%}
            set {price.%{_p}%} to ({amount.%{_p}%}*{_price})
            shopBuy({_p}, {_price}, {_item}, {_itemname}, {amount.%{_p}%})
        if {_inc} is 64:
            add 64 to {amount.%{_p}%}
            set {price.%{_p}%} to ({amount.%{_p}%}*{_price})
            shopBuy({_p}, {_price}, {_item}, {_itemname}, {amount.%{_p}%})
    if {_type} is "remove":
        if {_inc} is 1:
            if {amount.%{_p}%} <= 1:
                shopBuy({_p}, {_price}, {_item}, {_itemname}, {amount.%{_p}%})
            if {amount.%{_p}%} >= 2:
                remove 1 from {amount.%{_p}%}
                set {price.%{_p}%} to ({price.%{_p}%}-(1*{_price}))
                shopBuy({_p}, {_price}, {_item}, {_itemname}, {amount.%{_p}%})
        if {_inc} is 10:
            if {amount.%{_p}%} <= 10:
                set {amount.%{_p}%} to 1
                set {price.%{_p}%} to {_price}
                shopBuy({_p}, {_price}, {_item}, {_itemname}, {amount.%{_p}%})
            if {amount.%{_p}%} >= 11:
                remove 10 from {amount.%{_p}%}
                set {price.%{_p}%} to ({price.%{_p}%}-(10*{_price}))
                shopBuy({_p}, {_price}, {_item}, {_itemname}, {amount.%{_p}%})
        if {_inc} is 64:
            if {amount.%{_p}%} <= 64:
                set {amount.%{_p}%} to 1
                set {price.%{_p}%} to {_price}
                shopBuy({_p}, {_price}, {_item}, {_itemname}, {amount.%{_p}%})
            if {amount.%{_p}%} >= 65:
                remove 64 from {amount.%{_p}%}
                set {price.%{_p}%} to ({price.%{_p}%}-(64*{_price}))
                shopBuy({_p}, {_price}, {_item}, {_itemname}, {amount.%{_p}%})
function incSell(p: player, type: text, inc: integer, price: integer, item: itemtype, itemname: text):
    if {_type} is "add":
        set {_tempamount} to amount of {_item} in {_p}'s inventory
        if {_inc} is 1:
            if ({amount.%{_p}%}+1) <= {_tempamount}:
                add 1 to {amount.%{_p}%}
                set {price.%{_p}%} to ({amount.%{_p}%}*{_price})
                shopSell({_p}, {_price}, {_item}, {_itemname}, {amount.%{_p}%})
                set {amount.%{_p}%} to {_tempamount}
                set {price.%{_p}%} to ({amount.%{_p}%}*{_price})
                shopSell({_p}, {_price}, {_item}, {_itemname}, {amount.%{_p}%})
        if {_inc} is 10:
            if ({amount.%{_p}%}+10) <= {_tempamount}:
                add 10 to {amount.%{_p}%}
                set {price.%{_p}%} to ({amount.%{_p}%}*{_price})
                shopSell({_p}, {_price}, {_item}, {_itemname}, {amount.%{_p}%})
                set {amount.%{_p}%} to {_tempamount}
                set {price.%{_p}%} to ({amount.%{_p}%}*{_price})
                shopSell({_p}, {_price}, {_item}, {_itemname}, {amount.%{_p}%})
        if {_inc} is 64:
            set {amount.%{_p}%} to {_tempamount}
            set {price.%{_p}%} to ({amount.%{_p}%}*{_price})
            shopSell({_p}, {_price}, {_item}, {_itemname}, ({amount.%{_p}%} parsed as integer))
    if {_type} is "remove":
        if {_inc} is 1:
            if {amount.%{_p}%} <= 1:
                shopSell({_p}, {_price}, {_item}, {_itemname}, {amount.%{_p}%})
            if {amount.%{_p}%} >= 2:
                remove 1 from {amount.%{_p}%}
                set {price.%{_p}%} to ({price.%{_p}%}-(1*{_price}))
                shopSell({_p}, {_price}, {_item}, {_itemname}, {amount.%{_p}%})
        if {_inc} is 10:
            if {amount.%{_p}%} <= 10:
                set {amount.%{_p}%} to 1
                set {price.%{_p}%} to {_price}
                shopSell({_p}, {_price}, {_item}, {_itemname}, {amount.%{_p}%})
            if {amount.%{_p}%} >= 11:
                remove 10 from {amount.%{_p}%}
                set {price.%{_p}%} to ({price.%{_p}%}-(10*{_price}))
                shopSell({_p}, {_price}, {_item}, {_itemname}, {amount.%{_p}%})
        if {_inc} is 64:
            set {amount.%{_p}%} to 1
            set {price.%{_p}%} to {_price}
            shopSell({_p}, {_price}, {_item}, {_itemname}, {amount.%{_p}%})
function buyConfirm(p: player, item: itemtype, price: integer, amount: integer):
    give {_amount} of {_item} to {_p}
    set {_player} to ("%{_p}%" parsed as player)
    remove {_price} from {cheezmoney::%{_player}%}
    send "&f&l[&6&lShop&f&l] &aYou received &9%{_amount}% &aof &9%{_item}%&a!" to ("%{_p}%" parsed as player)
    send "&f&l[&6&lShop&f&l] &aIt cost you &6$%{_price}%&a!" to ("%{_p}%" parsed as player)
    delete {amount.%{_p}%}
    delete {firstshop.%{_p}%}
    delete {price.%{_p}%}
function sellConfirm(p: player, item: itemtype, price: integer, amount: integer):
    add {_price} to {cheezmoney::%{_p}%}
    remove {_amount} of {_item} from {_p}
    send "&f&l[&6&lShop&f&l] &aYou received &6$%{_price}% &afor your generous donation of &9%{_item}%&a!" to ("%{_p}%" parsed as player)
    delete {amount.%{_p}%}
    delete {firstshop.%{_p}%}
    delete {price.%{_p}%}

3)Mimar (Oluşturucu) Araçları
Test Edilen Minecraft Versiyonları:
  • 1.12
Bu skript, inşaatçıların inşaat zamanlarını hızlandırmasına ve boşa harcanan zamanı hurdaya çıkarmasına yardımcı olmak içindir. Bu, birçok eklenti eklentisinde bulamayacağınız araçlar içerir, bunlar özel olarak ince ayarlarda harcanan zamanı azaltmak için yapılır.

Bu skript şu anda sadece sunucum için yaptığım tek bir özelliğe sahip ve gerektiğinde daha fazlasını yapacak.

Sürükle ve / Skript / komut içine damla
"buildertools / sk yeniden" "/ sk tüm yeniden" veya komutunu çalıştırın


izinler yapılandırma bölümünde özelleştirilebilir.
buildertools.stack tarafından


1 (1.8 test edilmiştir) . / change <yoksayılacak öğe - > Bozuk bloğu tutulan bloğunuzla değiştirin. (yok sayma bloğunu yoksayır) [Plotlar uyumlu]
2. / splash <radius> <yoksayılacak blok> - Bir yarıçaptaki tüm blokları tutulan bloğunuza değiştirin. (yok sayma bloğunu yoksayır)
3. / matkap <uzunluk> <yoksayılacak blok> - Kırık bloktaki tüm blokları, kırık bloğun altındaki x bloklarla tutulan bloğunuza değiştirin. (yok sayma bloğunu yoksayır ) [Arsalar uyumlu]
4. / yığın <uzunluk> <değiştirilecek blok>- Kırık bloktaki tüm blokları, kırık blok üzerindeki x bloklarına, tutulan bloğunuza yerleştirin. (sadece yeni bloğu değiştirir) [Plot uyumlu]
5. / random <add / undo> <block> - Yerleştirilen bloğu, lore listesinden rastgele bir blokla değiştirin. [ Parseller uyumlu ] Yenilikler: 1. Eklendi rastgele aracı 2. Alet isimleri araçları etkinleştirme / devre dışı üzerinde kaldırılmaz 3. Tüm şimdi takma adlara sahip komutları 4. Artık tıpkı aşağı bakarak bir görmezden / değiştirme blok ayarlayabilirsiniz blok 5. YENİ matkap aracı (yukarıdakileri okuyun) 6. YENİ yığın aracı (yukarıdakileri okuyun) Gelecek Fikirler: 1.


    # --- HELP COMMAND: --- #
    hc: bt                                                      # The help command prefix.
    hal: buildertools, btools, buildert                         # Other command prefixes.
    hp:                                       # Permission to execute the help command.
    hpm: &cYou do not have access to this tool help!            # If you do not have the required permission.
    hm: &c/bt <tool> &7(replace, splash, drill, stack, random)  # If the command is incorrectly used.


    # --- REPLACE OPTIONS: --- #                       (PlotSquared compatable)
    1c: replace                                       # The command prefix.
    1al: btre                                         # Other command prefixes. (split with ', ' to list aliases.)
    1p: buildertools.replace                          # Permission to execute the command.
    1pm: &cYou do not have access to this tool!       # If you do not have the required permission.
    1a: &cThere is nothing in your hand!              # If you are not holding an item.
    1m: &2Build tool enabled: &7replace               # The message to notify you that the block has replace enabled. (set to 'false' to disable msg)
    1rm: &4Build tool disabled: &7replace             # The message to notify you that the block has replace disabled. (set to 'false' to disable msg)
    1pb: &aIgnore block set to: &7                    # If your target block is in range of 1, it will be set to the ignore block.
    1l: &8##replace                                   # The lore id to enable replace for the block.
    1sl: &8##ignore: &8                               # The lore id to set an ignored block.


    # --- SPLASH OPTIONS: --- #  
    2c: splash                                        # The command prefix.
    2al: btsp                                         # Other command prefixes. (split with ', ' to list aliases.)
    2p: buildertools.splash                           # Permission to execute the command.
    2pm: &cYou do not have access to this tool!       # If you do not have the required permission.
    2h: &c/splash <radius> <block to ignore>          # If command is used incorrectly.
    2e: &cCannot set splash radius to less than 1!    # If you to setting the radius to less than 1.
    2se: &cSplash radius above 10 can cause lag!      # If the radius is set to 10 or more. (can cause lag)
    2ca: 15                                           # The max splash radius.
    2cam: &cCannot set radius to more than 15!        # If the radius exceeds the max size.
    2a: &cThere is nothing in your hand!              # If you are not holding an item.
    2m: &2Build tool enabled: &7splash                # The message to notify you that the block has splash enabled. (set to 'false' to disable msg)
    2rm: &4Build tool disabled: &7splash              # The message to notify you that the block has splash disabled. (set to 'false' to disable msg)
    2pb: &aIgnore block set to: &7                    # If your target block is in range of 1, it will be set to the ignore block.
    2l: &8##splash: &8                                # The lore id to enable splash for the block.
    2sl: &8##ignore: &8                               # The lore id to set an ignored block.


    # --- DRILL OPTIONS: --- #                         (PlotSquared compatable)
    3c: drill                                         # The command prefix.
    3al: btdr                                         # Other command prefixes. (split with ', ' to list aliases.)
    3p: buildertools.drill                            # Permission to execute the command.
    3pm: &cYou do not have access to this tool!       # If you do not have the required permission.
    3h: &c/drill <length> <block to ignore>           # If command is used incorrectly.
    3e: &cCannot set drill length to less than 1!     # If you to setting the length to less than 1.
    3a: &cThere is nothing in your hand!              # If you are not holding an item.
    3m: &2Build tool enabled: &7drill                 # The message to notify you that the block has drill enabled. (set to 'false' to disable msg)
    3rm: &4Build tool disabled: &7drill               # The message to notify you that the block has drill disabled. (set to 'false' to disable msg)
    3pb: &aIgnore block set to: &7                    # If your target block is in range of 1, it will be set to the ignore block.
    3l: &8##drill: &8                                 # The lore id to enable drill for the block.
    3sl: &8##ignore: &8                               # The lore id to set an ignored block.


    # --- STACK OPTIONS: --- #                         (PlotSquared compatable)
    4c: stack                                         # The command prefix.
    4al: btst                                         # Other command prefixes. (split with ', ' to list aliases.)
    4p: buildertools.stack                            # Permission to execute the command.
    4pm: &cYou do not have access to this tool!       # If you do not have the required permission.
    4h: &c/stack <length> <block to replace>          # If command is used incorrectly.
    4e: &cCannot set stack length to less than 1!     # If you to setting the length to less than 1.
    4a: &cThere is nothing in your hand!              # If you are not holding an item.
    4m: &2Build tool enabled: &7stack                 # The message to notify you that the block has drill enabled. (set to 'false' to disable msg)
    4rm: &4Build tool disabled: &7stack               # The message to notify you that the block has drill disabled. (set to 'false' to disable msg)
    4pb: &aReplace block set to: &7                   # If your target block is in range of 1, it will be set to the ignore block.
    4l: &8##stack: &8                                 # The lore id to enable stack for the block.
    4sl: &8##replace: &8                              # The lore id to set a block to be replaced.


    # --- RANDOM OPTIONS: --- #                         (PlotSquared compatable)
    5c: random                                        # The command prefix.
    5al: btra                                         # Other command prefixes. (split with ', ' to list aliases.)
    5p: buildertools.random                           # Permission to execute the command.
    5pm: &cYou do not have access to this tool!       # If you do not have the required permission.
    5h: &c/random <add/undo> <block>                  # If command is used incorrectly.
    5ml: 20                                           # The max amount of blocks in list.
    5a: &cThere is nothing in your hand!              # If you are not holding an item.
    5m: &2Build tool enabled: &7random                # The message to notify you that the block has random enabled. (set to 'false' to disable msg)
    5rm: &4Build tool disabled: &7random              # The message to notify you that the block has random disabled. (set to 'false' to disable msg)
    5u: &cRemoved last added item!                    # If you use the undo feature.
    5nu: &cNo more items to be removed!               # If there are no more items on the tool list.
    5cu: &cThis is not a tool!                        # If the item isnt a tool.
    5al: &aAdded item to list:&7                      # Message to notify you that an item has been added to the list.
    5nl: &cThis tool has no list!                     # If there are no items in the tool's list.
    5l: &8##random: &8                                # The lore id to enable random for the block.


# SKRIPT SECTION - DO NOT edit if you don't know what you are doing!

command /{@hc} [<text>]:
    permission: {@hp}
    permission message: {@hpm}
    aliases: {@hal}
        if arg-1 is "{@1c}":
            send "&2/replace <block to ignore>"
            send "&a&l* &7Enable or disable the replace tool for your held block."
            send "&a&l* &7Replace the broken block with your held block if this tool is enabled."
            send "&a&l* &7If an ignore block is set, the ignore block will not be replaced if broken."
            send "&a&l* &7The replace block will not be replaced if broken."
        if arg-1 is "{@2c}":
            send "&2/splash <radius> <block to ignore>"
            send "&a&l* &7Enable or disable the splash tool for your held block."
            send "&a&l* &7Replace all blocks in a radius from the broken block to your held block"
            send "&a&l* &7If an ignore block is set, the ignore block will not be replaced in the radius."
            send "&a&l* &7The replace block will not be replaced if broken."
        if arg-1 is "{@3c}":
            send "&2/drill <length> <block to ignore>"
            send "&a&l* &7Enable or disable the drill tool for your held block."
            send "&a&l* &7Replace all blocks x meters below the broken block with your held block."
            send "&a&l* &7If an ignore block is set, the ignore block will not be replaced in the drill."
            send "&a&l* &7The replace block will not be replaced if broken."
        if arg-1 is "{@4c}":
            send "&2/stack <length> <block to replace>"
            send "&a&l* &7Enable or disable the stack tool for your held block."
            send "&a&l* &7Replace all blocks x meters above the placed block with your held block."
            send "&a&l* &7If a replace block is set, only the replace block will be replaced in the drill."
        if arg-1 is "{@5c}":
            send "&2/random <add/undo> <block>"
            send "&a&l* &7Enable or disable the random tool for your held block."
            send "&a&l* &7Replace the placed block with a random block from the lore list."
        send "{@hm}"


command /{@1c} [<item>] [<text>]:
    permission: {@1p}
    permission message: {@1pm}
    aliases: {@1al}
        if player's held item is not air:
            if line 1 of lore of player's tool is "{@1l}":
                set {_b} to player's tool's type
                set {_name} to held item's name
                delete player's held item
                if {_name} is set:
                    give player {_b} named "%{_name}%"
                    give player {_b}
                if "{@1rm}" is not "false":
                    send "{@1rm}"
            set line 1 of the lore of player's tool to "{@1l}"
            if "{@1m}" is not "false":
                send "{@1m}"
            if arg-1 is set:
                set line 2 of the lore of player's tool to "{@1sl}%arg-1%"
            loop all blocks in radius 1 around the player:
                if loop-block is target block:
                    set line 2 of the lore of player's tool to "{@1sl}%target block's type%"
                    send "{@1pb}%target block's type%"
        send "{@1a}"
on break:
    if event-block is not player's tool's type:
        if line 1 of lore of player's tool is "{@1l}":
            if player has permission "{@1p}":
                set {_i} to line 2 of lore of player's tool
                if {_i} is set:
                    set {_s::*} to {_i} split at "{@1sl}"
                    set {_i} to uncolored {_s::2}
                    if event-block is {_i} parsed as an item:
                set event-block to player's tool's type

# --- SPLASH

command /{@2c} [<integer>] [<item>] [<text>]:
    permission: {@2p}
    permission message: {@2pm}
    aliases: {@2al}
        if player's held item is not air:
            if line 1 of lore of player's tool contains "{@2l}":
                set {_b} to player's tool's type
                set {_name} to held item's name
                delete player's held item
                if {_name} is set:
                    give player {_b} named "%{_name}%"
                    give player {_b}
                if "{@2rm}" is not "false":
                    send "{@2rm}"
            if arg-1 is set:
                if arg-1 is less than 1:
                    send "{@2e}"
                if arg-1 is greater than {@2ca}:
                    send "{@2cam}"
                if arg-1 is greater than 9:
                    send "{@2se}"
                set line 1 of the lore of player's tool to "{@2l}%arg-1%"
                if "{@2m}" is not "false":
                    send "{@2m}"
                if arg-2 is set:
                    set line 2 of the lore of player's tool to "{@2sl}%arg-2%"
                loop all blocks in radius 1 around the player:
                    if loop-block is target block:
                        set line 2 of the lore of player's tool to "{@2sl}%target block's type%"
                        send "{@2pb}%target block's type%"
            send "{@2h}"
        send "{@2a}"
on break:
    if event-block is not player's tool's type:
        if line 1 of lore of player's tool contains "{@2l}":
            if player has permission "{@2p}":
                cancel event
                set {_r} to line 1 of lore of player's tool
                set {_s::*} to {_r} split at "{@2l}"
                set {_r} to uncolored {_s::2} parsed as an integer
                set {_i} to line 2 of lore of player's tool
                if {_i} is set:
                    set {_s::*} to {_i} split at "{@2sl}"
                    set {_i} to uncolored {_s::2}
                loop all blocks in radius {_r} around event-block:
                    if loop-block is not air:
                        if {_i} is set:
                            if loop-block is not {_i} parsed as an item:
                                set loop-block to player's tool's type
                            set loop-block to player's tool's type

# --- DRILL

command /{@3c} [<integer>] [<item>] [<text>]:
    permission: {@3p}
    permission message: {@3pm}
    aliases: {@3al}
        if player's held item is not air:
            if line 1 of lore of player's tool contains "{@3l}":
                set {_b} to player's tool's type
                set {_name} to held item's name
                delete player's held item
                if {_name} is set:
                    give player {_b} named "%{_name}%"
                    give player {_b}
                if "{@3rm}" is not "false":
                    send "{@3rm}"
            if arg-1 is set:
                if arg-1 is less than 1:
                    send "{@3e}"
                set line 1 of the lore of player's tool to "{@3l}%arg-1%"
                if "{@3m}" is not "false":
                    send "{@3m}"
                if arg-2 is set:
                    set line 2 of the lore of player's tool to "{@3sl}%arg-2%"
                loop all blocks in radius 1 around the player:
                    if loop-block is target block:
                        set line 2 of the lore of player's tool to "{@3sl}%target block's type%"
                        send "{@3pb}%target block's type%"
            send "{@3h}"
        send "{@3a}"
on break:
    if event-block is not player's tool's type:
        if line 1 of lore of player's tool contains "{@3l}":
            if player has permission "{@3p}":
                cancel event
                set {_d} to line 1 of lore of player's tool
                set {_s::*} to {_d} split at "{@3l}"
                set {_d} to uncolored {_s::2} parsed as an integer
                set {_i} to line 2 of lore of player's tool
                if {_i} is set:
                    set {_s::*} to {_i} split at "{@3sl}"
                    set {_i} to uncolored {_s::2}
                loop blocks between the event-block and the block {_d} down the event-block:
                    if loop-block is not air:
                        if {_i} is set:
                            if loop-block is not {_i} parsed as an item:
                                set loop-block to player's tool's type
                            set loop-block to player's tool's type

# --- STACK

command /{@4c} [<integer>] [<item>] [<text>]:
    permission: {@4p}
    permission message: {@4pm}
    aliases: {@4al}
        if player's held item is not air:
            if line 1 of lore of player's tool contains "{@4l}":
                set {_b} to player's tool's type
                set {_name} to held item's name
                delete player's held item
                if {_name} is set:
                    give player {_b} named "%{_name}%"
                    give player {_b}
                if "{@4rm}" is not "false":
                    send "{@4rm}"
            if arg-1 is set:
                if arg-1 is less than 1:
                    send "{@4e}"
                set line 1 of the lore of player's tool to "{@4l}%arg-1%"
                if "{@4m}" is not "false":
                    send "{@4m}"
                if arg-2 is set:
                    set line 2 of the lore of player's tool to "{@4sl}%arg-2%"
                loop all blocks in radius 1 around the player:
                    if loop-block is target block:
                        set line 2 of the lore of player's tool to "{@4sl}%target block's type%"
                        send "{@4pb}%target block's type%"
            send "{@4h}"
        send "{@4a}"
on place:
    if line 1 of lore of player's tool contains "{@4l}":
        if player has permission "{@4p}":
            set {_s} to line 1 of lore of player's tool
            set {_s::*} to {_s} split at "{@4l}"
            set {_s} to uncolored {_s::2} parsed as an integer
            set {_r} to line 2 of lore of player's tool
            if {_r} is set:
                set {_s::*} to {_r} split at "{@4sl}"
                set {_r} to uncolored {_s::2}
            loop blocks between the event-block and the block {_s} up the event-block:
                if {_r} is set:
                    if loop-block is {_r} parsed as an item:
                        set loop-block to player's tool's type
                    set loop-block to player's tool's type
# --- RANDOM

command /{@5c} [<text>] [<item>] [<text>]:
    permission: {@5p}
    permission message: {@5pm}
    aliases: {@5al}
        if player's held item is not air:
            if arg-1 is "add":
                if line 1 of lore of player's tool is not "{@5l}":
                    set line 1 of the lore of player's tool to "{@5l}"
                    if "{@5m}" is not "false":
                        send "{@5m}"
                if arg-2 is set:
                    loop {@5ml} times:
                        add 1 to {_tl}
                        set {_t.%{_tl}%} to line {_tl} of lore of player's tool
                        if {_t.%{_tl}%} is set:
                            add 1 to {_l}
                    add 1 to {_l}
                    set line {_l} of the lore of player's tool to "&8%arg-2%"
                    send "{@5al} %arg-2%"
                send "{@5h}"
            if arg-1 is "undo":
                if line 1 of lore of player's tool is "{@5l}":
                    loop {@5ml} times:
                        add 1 to {_tl}
                        set {_t::%{_tl}%} to line {_tl} of lore of player's tool
                        if {_t::%{_tl}%} is set:
                            add 1 to {_l}
                    remove 1 from {_l}
                    set {_b} to player's tool's type
                    set {_name} to held item's name
                    delete player's held item
                    if {_name} is set:
                        give player {_b} named "%{_name}%"
                        give player {_b}
                    set line 1 of the lore of player's tool to "{@5l}"
                    if {_l} is greater than 1:
                        loop {_l} times:
                            add 1 to {_li}
                            set line loop-number of the lore of player's tool to "%{_t::%{_li}%}%"
                        send "{@5u}"
                    send "{@5nu}"
                send "{@5cu}"
            if arg-1 is not set:
                if line 1 of lore of player's tool contains "{@5l}":
                    set {_b} to player's tool's type
                    set {_name} to held item's name
                    delete player's held item
                    if {_name} is set:
                        give player {_b} named "%{_name}%"
                        give player {_b}
                    if "{@5rm}" is not "false":
                        send "{@5rm}"
            send "{@5h}"
        send "{@5a}"
on place:
    if line 1 of lore of player's tool contains "{@5l}":
        if player has permission "{@5p}":
            if line 2 of lore of player's tool is set:
                set {_b} to 1
                loop {@5ml} times:
                    add 1 to {_b}
                    set {_l::%{_b}%} to line {_b} of lore of player's tool
                    if {_l::%{_b}%} is set:
                        set {_i} to uncolored {_l::%{_b}%} parsed as an item
                        add {_i} to {_r::*}
                set {_p} to a random element of {_r::*}
                set event-block to {_p}
            send "{@5nl}"

# ---

Evet MC-TR üyeleri bu konum burada sonlanmakta, eğer gerçekten sizlere bir şeyler katabildiysem, Sizler İçin Seçtiğim 3 Yararlı Skript! hakkında bilgi verebildiysem ne mutlu bana eğer siz de bir nebze bir şeyler öğrendiyseniz konumdan aşağıd teşekkür edip, beğenip ve yorum yazmayı unutmayın iyi günler!
Son düzenleyen: Moderatör:


Demir Cevheri Gibiyim


Caner Artuç#0046

18 Ocak 2019
Forumdaki diğer güzel skriptler'de kona bilirdi, ama ginede ellerine sağlık bunlarıda arıyanlar belki vardır oralarda bir yerlerde :)

Silinen üye 79251


Gerçekten birbirinden farklı bilmediğimiz 3 yararlı Skript listesi olmuş. Bence bu serinin devamı gelmeli çünkü bu liste dikkatimi çekti.​



Gerçekten birbirinden farklı bilmediğimiz 3 yararlı Skript listesi olmuş. Bence bu serinin devamı gelmeli çünkü bu liste dikkatimi çekti.​
Bunu Yönetime bildireceğim, teşekkür ederim :)


Somon Balığı Selam Vermeye Geldi



28 Kasım 2018
güzel bir konu daha çok paylaşman gerekiyor acilen skript sevenler için faydalı


Birisi mi Spawnlandı?
12 Mart 2019
Güzel bir konu.
Bir sorum olacak skriptler sunucuyu yavaşlatmaz mı? Pek bir bilgim yok o yüzden soruyorum..




Birisi mi Spawnlandı?
12 Mart 2019
Emin değilim, ama bence yavaşlatmaz o kadar ağır skriptler değil.

Anladım.. daha önce hiç kullanmadım o yüzden performansa ne gibi etkileri oluyor bilmiyorum, etraftan gördüğüm/duyduğum kadarıyla skript yavaşlatıyor diyorlardı da ondan şey ettim.
Mesaj gönderimine kapalı.
Neden altınlarını Discord sunucumuzda kazmıyorsun? TIKLA VE KATIL!