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Tanıtım ⭐ HuskHomes ⭐ BungeeCord Destekli Basit ve Sezgisel Işınlanma Paketi

Mesaj gönderimine kapalı.


Sürümler: 1.16 - 1.17
İndirmek için aşağı kaydırın


HuskHomes, Spigot sunucuları için güçlü, sezgisel ve esnek bir ışınlanma eklentisidir. Eklenti, çok çeşitli özellikleri destekler; oyuncular arasında ışınlanma, ışınlanma istekleri, genel ve özel evler, warplar, rastgele ışınlanma ve daha fazlası. Ayrıca, bir BungeeCord ağındaki birden çok Spigot sunucusu arasında bunu destekler.


  • Oyuncuların saniyeler içinde anlayacağı çok çeşitli komutları destekler
  • Basit ve sezgisel GUI; tıknaz göğüs GUI'leri yok! Bunun yerine, yuvaları ve çarpıklıkları görüntülemek ve düzenlemek için sağlam, tıklanabilir bir JSON sohbet bağlantı sistemi. (Bir GUI tercih ederseniz, isteğe bağlı bir eklenti vardır )
  • Bir BungeeCord ağındaki birden fazla sunucu üzerinden evlere ve oyunculara ışınlanmayı destekler
  • Işınlanma istekleri (/tpa; /tpahere; /tpaccept; /tpdeny), birden çok sunucu aracılığıyla desteklenir
  • Oyuncuların önceki konumlarına veya doğru izinlere sahip oldukları takdirde öldükleri yere dönmelerine izin veren bir /back komutuna sahiptir
  • Sunucunuzun Dynmap , BlueMap veya Pl3xMap'inde halka açık evlerin ve çarpıklıkların yerini gösterin
  • Ev kurmak için maliyetler belirleyerek, onları herkese açık hale getirerek ve rastgele ışınlanma maliyetleriyle ekonominizi entegre edin
  • Çoklu dil ve özel onaltılık renk desteği ile tamamen özelleştirilebilir eklenti mesajları
  • Genişletme yoluyla PlaceholderAPI aracılığıyla kullanışlı yer tutucular sağlar
  • /setwarp ve /warp komutlarıyla sunucunuz için warp ayarlayın
  • Oyuncuların ilk katıldıklarında da yerleştirileceği sunucu başına bir /spawn konumu belirleyin
  • Oyuncuların vahşi doğaya hızla çıkmasını sağlayan yapılandırılabilir rastgele ışınlanma komutu
  • Kullanımı daha da kolay ve hızlı hale getirmek için tüm komutlarda TAB desteği
  • İzin düğümleri ve iyi belgelenmiş bir eklenti Wiki ile her özelliği sunucunuzun ihtiyaçlarına göre kolayca ayarlayın
  • Oyuncu evlerini görüntülemek ve yönetmek için yönetici izin düğümleri
  • EssentialsX'ten geçişi destekler






  • /home, /sethome, /edithome, /homelist
  • /publichome, /publichomelist
  • /warp, /setwarp, /editwarp
  • /tpa, /tpahere, /tpaccept, /tpdeny
  • /tp, /tphere
  • /spawn, /rtp
  • Ve dahası...


#  ------------------------------
# |       HuskHomes Config       |
# |    Developed by William278   |
#  ------------------------------
# Configuration guide:

language: 'en-gb' # The plugin language
check_for_updates: true # Whether to check for plugin updates on startup.
  storage_type: 'SQLite' # Type of database to use for storing data; MySQL or SQLite
  mysql_credentials: # If you are using MySQL for your database, put the credentials here
    host: localhost
    port: 3306
    database: HuskHomes
    username: root
    password: pa55w0rd
    params: '?autoReconnect=true&useSSL=false'
  table_names: # Names of the tables to be used in the databases. Do not change unless you need to!
    player_data: 'huskhomes_player_data'
    locations_data: 'huskhomes_location_data'
    homes_data: 'huskhomes_home_data'
    warps_data: 'huskhomes_warp_data'
  max_sethomes: 10 # The maximum number of sethomes a player can make. Can be overridden on a per-player basis with permissions.
  teleport_warmup_time: 5 # How many seconds a player needs to stand still for before teleporting
  teleport_request_expiry_time: 60 # How many seconds tp requests stay before expiring
  allow_unicode_descriptions: true # Whether to allow unicode characters in home and warp descriptions
  sounds: # Sounds that play when certain actions occur.
    teleportation_complete: 'ENTITY_ENDERMAN_TELEPORT'
    teleportation_warmup: 'BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BANJO'
    teleportation_cancelled: 'ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK'
  lists: # How many items should appear per page on warp and home lists
    private_homes_per_page: 10
    public_homes_per_page: 10
    warps_per_page: 10
    hide_commands_without_permission: true # Whether commands users dont have permissions to use should be hidden on /huskhomes help
    hide_huskhomes_command: false # Whether to hide the /huskhomes command from /huskhomes help
  enable_bungee_mode: false # Whether to enable Bungee features & cross-server support (requires a MySQL database)
  server_id: 'server' # The name of this server, as defined in BungeeCord's config.yml
  cluster_id: 0 # The ID of this cluster of servers, don't change unless you know what you are doing.
    enabled: true # Whether to tab complete player names cross-server
    delay: 60 # How often, in seconds, this server should fetch the player list of all the other servers
  enabled: true # Whether to enable the /warp and /setwarp commands
    require_permission: false # Whether to enable permission-restricted warps, requiring users to have the correct permissions to use warps
    format: 'huskhomes.warp.' # Format of the warp permission node; the default here specifies huskhomes.warp.<warp_name> as the node
    hide_restricted_warps: true # Whether to hide warps players do not have permission to use from the warp list
  enabled: true # Whether to enable the /spawn and /setspawn commands
  force_teleport_on_login: false # Whether players should always be teleported to spawn when they log in
    enabled: false # Whether to enable having one /spawn position across the network of HuskHomes-enabled servers
    warp_name: 'Spawn' # Name of the warp that is used for /spawn
  position: # Spawn position on this server (It's best to let /setspawn generate this for you).
  enabled: true # Whether to enable the /rtp command
  cooldown: 30 # How many minutes should players need to wait before using /rtp again?
  range: 5000 # The radius from 0, 0 players will be randomly teleported
  enabled: false # Whether or not to enable integration with a map plugin
  plugin: 'dynmap' # The plugin to integrate with (Dynmap, BlueMap and Pl3xMap are supported)
    public_homes: # Settings for displaying Public Homes on your server map
      show: true
      set_name: 'Public Homes'
    warps: # Settings for displaying Warps on your server map
      show: true
      set_name: 'Warps'
  enabled: false # Whether to enable integration with your server economy through. Vault
  free_home_slots: 5 # The number of set homes a player gets for free by default before they have to pay for more
    additional_home_slot: 100 # After a player has used their free slots, how much it costs to set a home
    make_home_public: 50 # How much it costs to make a home public
    random_teleport: 20 # How much it costs to use the /rtp command
    back: 0 # How much it costs to use the /back command
handle_vanished_players: true # Whether or not to respect vanished players as set by another plugin
config_file_version: 8 # An internal value; do not change this!

error_no_permission: '[Error:](#ff3300) [You do not have permission to execute that command.](#ff7e5e)'
error_no_last_position: '[Error:](#ff3300) [You have no last position to return to!](#ff7e5e)'
teleporting_last_position: '[Returning to your last position in](#00fb9a) [%1%](#00fb9a bold) [seconds](#00fb9a)'
teleporting_offline_player: '[Teleporting you to where %1% last logged out...](#00fb9a)'
teleporting_countdown_start: '[You will be teleported in](#00fb9a) [%1%](#00fb9a bold) [seconds](#00fb9a)'
teleporting_cancelled_movement: '[Teleportation cancelled; you moved!](#ff7e5e)'
teleporting_cancelled_damage: '[Teleportation cancelled; you took damage!](#ff7e5e)'
teleporting_complete: '[Teleportation complete!](#00fb9a)'
teleporting_action_bar_countdown: '[Teleporting in](#00fb9a) [%1%](#00fb9a bold)[...](#00fb9a)'
teleporting_action_bar_cancelled: '[Teleportation cancelled!](#ff7e5e)'
teleporting_please_stand_still: '[Teleportation will be cancelled if you move or take damage.](gray)'
home_deleted: '[Successfully deleted the home called](#00fb9a) [%1%](#00fb9a bold)'
home_deleted_other: '[Successfully deleted %1%''s home,](#00fb9a) [%2%](#00fb9a bold)'
warp_deleted: '[Successfully deleted the warp called](#00fb9a) [%1%](#00fb9a bold)'
error_home_invalid: '[Error:](#ff3300) [You do not have a home named "%1%"](#ff7e5e)'
error_warp_invalid: '[Error:](#ff3300) [There is no warp set named "%1%"](#ff7e5e)'
error_invalid_syntax: '[Error:](#ff3300) [Incorrect syntax. Usage: %1%](#ff7e5e)'
edit_home_title: '\n[Edit home details for](#00fb9a) [%1%](#00fb9a bold)[:](#00fb9a)'
edit_home_title_other: '\n[Edit home details for %1%''s home,](#00fb9a) [%2%](#00fb9a bold)[:](#00fb9a)'
edit_home_options: '\n[[Teleport]](green show_text=&7Teleport to this home run_command=/huskhomes:home %1%.%2%) [[Delete]](red show_text=&7Delete this home run_command=/huskhomes:delhome %1%.%2%) [[Relocate]](blue show_text=&7Update this home''s location run_command=/huskhomes:edithome %1%.%2% location)\n[[Rename]](yellow show_text=&7Change the name of this home suggest_command=/huskhomes:edithome %1%.%2% rename ) [[Edit Description]](gold show_text=&7Update the description of this home suggest_command=/huskhomes:edithome %1%.%2% description )\n'
edit_home_options_make_public: '\n[[Teleport]](green show_text=&7Teleport to this home run_command=/huskhomes:home %1%.%2%) [[Delete]](red show_text=&7Delete this home run_command=/huskhomes:delhome %1%.%2%) [[Relocate]](blue show_text=&7Update this home''s location run_command=/huskhomes:edithome %1%.%2% location)\n[[Rename]](yellow show_text=&7Change the name of this home suggest_command=/huskhomes:edithome %1%.%2% rename ) [[Edit Description]](gold show_text=&7Update the description of this home suggest_command=/huskhomes:edithome %1%.%2% description ) [[Make Public]](dark_green show_text=&7Open this home to the public run_command=/huskhomes:edithome %1%.%2% public)\n'
edit_home_options_make_private: '\n[[Teleport]](green show_text=&7Teleport to this home run_command=/huskhomes:home %1%.%2%) [[Delete]](red show_text=&7Delete this home run_command=/huskhomes:delhome %1%.%2%) [[Relocate]](blue show_text=&7Update this home''s location run_command=/huskhomes:edithome %1%.%2% location)\n[[Rename]](yellow show_text=&7Change the name of this home suggest_command=/huskhomes:edithome %1%.%2% rename ) [[Edit Description]](gold show_text=&7Update the description of this home suggest_command=/huskhomes:edithome %1%.%2% description ) [[Make Private]](dark_red show_text=&7Make this home private run_command=/huskhomes:edithome %1%.%2% private)\n'
edit_home_privacy_private: '• Access: &#ff7e5e&Private &7(Only you can use it)'
edit_home_privacy_private_other: '• Access: &#ff7e5e&Private &7(Only %1% can use it)'
edit_home_privacy_public: '• Access: &aPublic &7(Anyone can use it)'
edit_home_privacy_public_success: '[Successfully made the home,](#00fb9a) [%1%](#00fb9a bold)[, open to the public.](#00fb9a)'
edit_home_privacy_public_success_economy: '[Successfully made the home,](#00fb9a) [%1%](#00fb9a bold)[, open to the public for %2%.](#00fb9a)'
edit_home_privacy_private_success: '[Successfully made the home,](#00fb9a) [%1%](#00fb9a bold)[, private.](#00fb9a)'
error_edit_home_privacy_already_public: '[Error:](#ff3300) [This home is already set as public.](#ff7e5e)'
error_edit_home_privacy_already_private: '[Error:](#ff3300) [This home is already set as private.](#ff7e5e)'
error_edit_home_privacy_no_permission: '[Error:](#ff3300) [You do not have permission to make homes public.](#ff7e5e)'
error_edit_home_description_length: '[Error:](#ff3300) [Home descriptions must be less than 255 characters in length.](#ff7e5e)'
error_edit_home_description_characters: '[Error:](#ff3300) [Home descriptions may only contain alphanumeric (A-Z, 0-9) characters, hyphens (-) and underscores (_)](#ff7e5e)'
edit_home_update_location: '[Re-located](#00fb9a) [%1%](#00fb9a bold) [to your current position.](#00fb9a)'
edit_home_update_description: '[Changed the description for](#00fb9a) [%1%](#00fb9a bold) [to "%2%"](#00fb9a)'
edit_home_update_name: '[Successfully changed your home''s name: %1% →](#00fb9a) [%2%](#00fb9a bold)'
edit_warp_title: '\n[Edit details for the warp](#00fb9a) [%1%](#00fb9a bold)[:](#00fb9a)'
edit_warp_options: '\n[[Teleport]](green show_text=&7Teleport to this warp run_command=/huskhomes:warp %1%) [[Delete]](red show_text=&7Delete this warp run_command=/huskhomes:delwarp %1%) [[Relocate]](blue show_text=&7Update this warp''s location run_command=/huskhomes:editwarp %1% location)\n[[Rename]](yellow show_text=&7Change the name of this warp suggest_command=/huskhomes:editwarp %1% rename ) [[Edit Description]](gold show_text=&7Update this warp''s description suggest_command=/huskhomes:editwarp %1% description )\n'
error_edit_warp_description_length: '[Error:](#ff3300) [Warp descriptions must be less than 255 characters in length.](#ff7e5e)'
error_edit_warp_description_characters: '[Error:](#ff3300) [Warp descriptions may only contain alphanumeric (A-Z, 0-9) characters, hyphens (-) and underscores (_)](#ff7e5e)'
edit_warp_update_location: '[Re-located the warp](#00fb9a) [%1%](#00fb9a bold) [to your current position.](#00fb9a)'
edit_warp_update_description: '[Changed the description for the warp](#00fb9a) [%1%](#00fb9a bold) [to "%2%".](#00fb9a)'
edit_warp_update_name: '[Successfully changed a warp''s name: %1% →](#00fb9a) [%2%](#00fb9a bold)'
edit_description: '• Description: &7%1%'
edit_location: '• Location: &7%1%, %2%, %3%'
edit_world: '• World: &7%1%'
edit_server: '• Server: &7%1%'
edit_timestamp: '• Created: &7%1%'
error_no_homes_set: '[Error:](#ff3300) [You haven''t set any homes!](#ff7e5e)'
error_no_public_homes_set: '[Error:](#ff3300) [There aren''t any public homes set!](#ff7e5e)'
error_no_warps_set: '[Error:](#ff3300) [There aren''t any warps set!](#ff7e5e)'
private_home_list_page_top: '\n[%1%''s Homes:](#00fb9a) [(](#00fb9a)[%2%-%3%](#00fb9a bold) [of](#00fb9a) [%4%](#00fb9a bold)[)](#00fb9a)\n'
public_home_list_page_top: '\n[Public Homes:](#00fb9a) [(](#00fb9a)[%1%-%2%](#00fb9a bold) [of](#00fb9a) [%3%](#00fb9a bold)[)](#00fb9a)\n'
warp_list_page_top: '\n[Warps:](#00fb9a) [(](#00fb9a)[%1%-%2%](#00fb9a bold) [of](#00fb9a) [%3%](#00fb9a bold)[)](#00fb9a)\n'
error_public_home_invalid: '[Error:](#ff3300) [Could not find a public home owned by %1% called %2%.](#ff7e5e)'
error_set_home_invalid_characters: '[Error:](#ff3300) [Home names must be alphanumeric (A-Z, 0-9, -_)](#ff7e5e)'
error_set_home_invalid_length: '[Error:](#ff3300) [Home names can only contain up to 16 characters!](#ff7e5e)'
error_set_warp_invalid_characters: '[Error:](#ff3300) [Warp names must be alphanumeric (A-Z,0-9, -_)](#ff7e5e)'
error_set_warp_invalid_length: '[Error:](#ff3300) [Warp names can only contain up to 16 characters!](#ff7e5e)'
error_set_home_maximum_homes: '[Error:](#ff3300) [You can only set a maximum of %1% homes!](#ff7e5e)'
error_insufficient_funds: '[Error:](#ff3300) [You do not have enough money! (Cost: %1%)](#ff7e5e)'
set_home_spent_money: '[Successfully spent %1% to set an additional home!](gray)'
set_home_used_free_slots: '[You''ve used all of your free set home slots (%1%); setting additional homes will cost %2% each.](gray)'
set_home_success: '[Successfully set a new home called](#00fb9a) [%1%](#00fb9a bold)'
set_warp_success: '[Successfully set a new warp called](#00fb9a) [%1%](#00fb9a bold)'
error_set_home_name_taken: '[Error:](#ff3300) [You already have a home set with that name.](#ff7e5e)'
error_set_warp_name_taken: '[Error:](#ff3300) [There is already a warp set with that name.](#ff7e5e)'
set_spawn_success: '[Updated spawn position for this server to your current location.](#00fb9a)'
error_spawn_undefined: '[Error:](#ff3300) [There is no spawn position defined on this server.](#ff7e5e)'
error_tpa_no_pending_request: '[Error:](#ff3300) [You do not have a pending teleport request.](#ff7e5e)'
error_tpa_request_expired: '[Error:](#ff3300) [Your pending teleport request has expired.](#ff7e5e)'
error_player_not_found: '[Error:](#ff3300) [Could not find the player %1%.](#ff7e5e)'
return_by_death: '[Return to where you died?](gray) [/back](#00fb9a show_text=&#00fb9a&Click to return to where you died run_command=/back)'
teleport_request_options: '[Click an option:](gray) [[Accept]](#00fb9a show_text=&#00fb9a&Accept the teleport request; /tpaccept run_command=/tpaccept) [•](gray) [[Decline]](#ff7e5e show_text=&#ff7e5e&Decline the teleport request; /tpdeny run_command=/tpdeny)'
tpa_you_accepted: '[You accepted %1%''s teleport request](#00fb9a)'
tpa_you_declined: '[You declined %1%''s teleport request](#ff7e5e)'
tpa_has_accepted: '[%1% accepted your teleport request](#00fb9a)'
tpa_has_declined: '[%1% declined your teleport request](#ff7e5e)'
tpa_request_sent: '[You sent a teleport request to teleport to](#00fb9a) [%1%](#00fb9a bold)'
tpa_request_ask: '[%1%](#00fb9a bold) [has requested to teleport to you](#00fb9a)'
tpahere_request_sent: '[You sent a teleport request asking](#00fb9a) [%1%](#00fb9a bold) [to teleport to you](#00fb9a)'
tpahere_request_ask: '[%1%](#00fb9a bold) [has requested that you teleport to them](#00fb9a)'
error_tp_self: '[Error:](#ff3300) [You can''t teleport to yourself!](#ff7e5e)'
error_rtp_invalid_dimension: '[Error:](#ff3300) [You can only randomly teleport in the overworld!](#ff7e5e)'
error_rtp_cooldown: '[Error:](#ff3300) [You must wait %1% minutes before randomly teleporting again.](#ff7e5e)'
rtp_spent_money: '[Spent %1% to randomly teleport.](gray)'
back_spent_money: '[Spent %1% to return to your last position.](gray)'
error_command_disabled: '[Error:](#ff3300) [That command is disabled!](#ff7e5e)'
error_console_only: '[Error:](#ff3300) [That command can only be run from the server console.](#ff7e5e)'
error_tp_invalid_world: '[Error:](#ff3300) [Please specify a valid server world.](#ff7e5e)'
error_rtp_randomization_timeout: '[Error:](#ff3300) [Failed to find a safe random location to teleport you.](#ff7e5e)'
list_item_divider: ' [•](gray) '
home_list_item: [[%1%]](show_text=&7%2% run_command=/huskhomes:edithome %2%.%1%)'
public_home_list_item: [[%1%]](show_text=&#00fb9a&%2%: &7%3% run_command=/huskhomes:phome %2%.%1%)'
warp_list_item: [[%1%]](show_text=&7%2% run_command=/huskhomes:warp %1%)'
home_default_description: '%1%''s home'
warp_default_description: 'A publicly accessible warp'
delete_all_homes_confirm: '[Warning:](#ff3300) [Are you sure you want to delete all of your homes?](#ff7e5e)\n[Once you confirm, it will not be possible to recover them.](gray)\n[→](gray) [[Confirm]](#ff3300 show_text=&#ff3300&Click to confirm deletion. This cannot be undone. run_command=/delhome all confirm)'
delete_all_warps_confirm: '[Warning:](#ff3300) [Are you sure you want to delete every warp?](#ff7e5e)\n[Once you confirm, it will not be possible to recover them.](gray)\n[→](gray) [[Confirm]](#ff3300 show_text=&#ff3300&Click to confirm deletion. This cannot be undone. run_command=/delwarp all confirm)'
delete_all_homes_success: '[Successfully deleted your](#00fb9a) [%1%](#00fb9a bold) [home(s).](#00fb9a)'
delete_all_warps_success: '[Successfully deleted all](#00fb9a) [%1%](#00fb9a bold) [server warp(s).](#00fb9a)'
error_permission_restricted_warp: '[Error:](#ff3300) [You do not have permission to warp to %1%!](#ff7e5e)'
teleporting_complete_console: '[Console teleported you to %1%.](gray)'
spawn_warp_default_description: 'The /spawn position of the server'
error_invalid_page_number: '[Error:](#ff3300) [Please specify a valid page number.](#ff7e5e)'
page_options: '[←](gray show_text=&7View previous page run_command=%1%) [Viewing Page %2%/%3%](#00fb9a) [→](gray show_text=&7View next page run_command=%4%)'
page_options_min: '[Viewing Page %1%/%2%](#00fb9a) [→](gray show_text=&7View next page run_command=%3%)'
page_options_min_max: '[Viewing Page %1%/%2%](#00fb9a)'
page_options_max: '[←](gray show_text=&7View previous page run_command=%1%) [Viewing Page %2%/%3%](#00fb9a)'
page_no_items: '[(No items to display on this page)](gray show_text=&7Try a different page number)'
command_list_header: '\n[HuskHomes](#00fb9a bold) [| Command List](#00fb9a)'
command_list_item: '[/%1%](#00fb9a show_text=&#00fb9a&%2% suggest_command=/%1%) [•](white) [%3%](gray)'
error_invalid_on_arrival: '[Error:](#ff3300) [Failed to finish your teleportation as the target world could not be found.](#ff7e5e)'
tpignore_toggle_on: '[You are now](#00fb9a) [ignoring](#00fb9a bold) [incoming teleport requests.](#00fb9a) [(Click to toggle)](gray show_text=&7Click to listen for incoming teleport requests run_command=/huskhomes:tpignore)'
tpignore_toggle_off: '[You are now](#00fb9a) [listening](#00fb9a bold) [to any incoming teleport requests.](#00fb9a) [(Click to toggle)](gray show_text=&7Click to ignore incoming teleport requests run_command=/huskhomes:tpignore)'
tpignore_on_reminder: '[You are currently ignoring incoming teleport requests!](gray) [(Click to toggle)](gray show_text=&7Click to listen for incoming teleport requests run_command=/huskhomes:tpignore)'
error_ignoring_teleport_requests: '[Error:](#ff3300) [You are currently ignoring teleport requests!](#ff7e5e) [(Click to toggle)](#ff7e5e show_text=&#ff7e5e&Click to listen for incoming teleport requests run_command=/huskhomes:tpignore)'
error_no_offline_position: '[Error:](#ff3300) [Could not find where %1% last logged out.](#ff7e5e)'
error_invalid_player: '[Error:](#ff3300) [Please specify the name of a valid player!](#ff7e5e)'
error_no_homes_set_other: '[Error:](#ff3300) [%1% hasn''t set any homes!](#ff7e5e)'
error_home_invalid_other: '[Error:](#ff3300) [%1% doesn''t have a home set named "%2%"](#ff7e5e)'

İndirmek İçin Tıklayın!.png


Fırında Isıttığım İlk Taş



13 Haziran 2021
Güzel bir eklenti kullanmayı düşünüyorum.


Üzgünüm, dengim değilsin.



21 Mayıs 2022
@m3rt_out kanka kullanıyormusun ben indirdim ama pek anlıyamadım husktowns plsini satın aldım beraber çalışır diye kullanmak istiyorum yardımcı olur musun?
Mesaj gönderimine kapalı.
Neden altınlarını Discord sunucumuzda kazmıyorsun? TIKLA VE KATIL!