Sol Reklam
Sağ Reklam

Çözüldü Sandıksatar Sk çalışmıyor yardım

Mesaj gönderimine kapalı.


Odunlara Vur Vur Vur!
12 Temmuz 2018
else if amount of 153 in clicked block is greater than 0:
add (amount of 153 in clicked block * 3125000) to player's money
send "&a&l%amount of 153 in clicked block% &7Kuvars Cevheri &f&lKazanç: &e&l%(amount of 153 in clicked block * 3125000)%" to player
remove every 153 from clicked block

Böylede denedim

else if amount of quartz ore in clicked block is greater than 0:
add (amount of quartz ore in clicked block * 3125000) to player's money
send "&a&l%amount of quartz ore in clicked block% &7Kuvars Cevheri &f&lKazanç: &e&l%(amount of quartzore in clicked block * 3125000)%" to player
remove every quartzore from clicked block

Silinen üye 79251


Merhaba, öncelikle WildSkript, SkQuery, Tuske ve Skellet gibi temel eklentileri sunucunuza yüklediniz mi?


Bilmem halla yaşıyorum galiba.



6 Ocak 2018
Buyur sana kendi kullandım sk yi atıyım

command /otosatcubuk:
    permission: otosat
        give 1 diamond hoe named "&c&lSatış Çubuğu" to player

on left click with diamond hoe:
    if name of player's tool is "&c&lSatış Çubuğu":
        if clicked block is a chest:
            if amount of iron block in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of iron block in clicked block * 65000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of iron block in clicked block * 65000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi. " to player
                remove every iron blocks from clicked block
            else if amount of gold block in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of gold block in clicked block * 70000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of gold block in clicked block * 70000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every gold blocks from clicked block
            else if amount of emerald block in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of emerald block in clicked block * 100000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of emerald block in clicked block * 100000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every emerald blocks from clicked block
            else if amount of diamond block in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of diamond block in clicked block * 90000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of diamond block in clicked block * 90000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every diamond blocks from clicked block
            else if amount of iron ingot in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of iron ingot in clicked block * 15000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of iron ingot in clicked block * 15000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every iron ingots from clicked block
            else if amount of diamond in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of diamond in clicked block * 25000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of diamond in clicked block * 25000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every diamonds from clicked block
            else if amount of emerald in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of emerald  in clicked block * 30000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of emerald in clicked block * 30000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every emeralds from clicked block
            else if amount of gold ingot in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of gold ingot in clicked block * 20000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of gold ingot in clicked block * 20000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every gold ingots from clicked block
            else if amount of cactus in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of cactus in clicked block * 2500000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of cactus in clicked block * 2500000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every cactus from clicked block
            else if amount of redstone ore in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of redstone ore in clicked block * 25000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of redstone ore in clicked block * 25000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every redstone ore from clicked block
            else if amount of coal ore in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of coal ore in clicked block * 1200000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of coal ore in clicked block * 1200000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every coal ore from clicked block
            else if amount of iron ore in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of iron ore in clicked block * 7800000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of iron ore in clicked block * 7800000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every iron ore from clicked block
            else if amount of gold ore in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of gold ore in clicked block * 19800000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of gold ore in clicked block * 19800000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every gold ore from clicked block
            else if amount of diamond ore in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of diamond ore in clicked block * 61000000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of diamond ore in clicked block * 61000000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every diamond ore from clicked block
on right click with diamond hoe:
    if name of player's tool is "&c&lSatış Çubuğu":
        if clicked block is a trapped chest:
            if amount of iron block in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of iron block in clicked block * 65000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of iron block in clicked block * 65000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi. " to player
                remove every iron blocks from clicked block
            else if amount of gold block in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of gold block in clicked block * 70000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of gold block in clicked block * 70000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every gold blocks from clicked block
            else if amount of emerald block in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of emerald block in clicked block * 100000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of emerald block in clicked block * 100000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every emerald blocks from clicked block
            else if amount of diamond block in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of diamond block in clicked block * 90000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of diamond block in clicked block * 90000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every diamond blocks from clicked block
            else if amount of iron ingot in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of iron ingot in clicked block * 15000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of iron ingot in clicked block * 15000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every iron ingots from clicked block
            else if amount of diamond in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of diamond in clicked block * 25000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of diamond in clicked block * 25000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every diamonds from clicked block
            else if amount of emerald in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of emerald  in clicked block * 30000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of emerald in clicked block * 30000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every emeralds from clicked block
            else if amount of gold ingot in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of gold ingot in clicked block * 20000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of gold ingot in clicked block * 20000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every gold ingots from clicked block   
            else if amount of cactus in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of cactus in clicked block * 600000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of cactus in clicked block * 600000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every cactus from clicked block   
            else if amount of redstone ore in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of redstone ore in clicked block * 3200000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of redstone ore in clicked block * 3200000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every redstone ore from clicked block
            else if amount of coal ore in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of coal ore in clicked block * 1200000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of coal ore in clicked block * 1200000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every coal ore from clicked block
            else if amount of iron ore in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of iron ore in clicked block * 7800000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of iron ore in clicked block * 7800000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every iron ore from clicked block
            else if amount of gold ore in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of gold ore in clicked block * 19800000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of gold ore in clicked block * 19800000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every gold ore from clicked block
            else if amount of diamond ore in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of diamond ore in clicked block * 61000000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of diamond ore in clicked block * 61000000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every diamond ore from clicked block
Gönderi otomatik olarak birleştirildi:

Sorun çözüldümü ?
Son düzenleme:


Fırında Isıttığım İlk Taş



21 Eylül 2019
Skript'e reload çektiğinize sohbete yansıttığı bir şeyler varsa atabilir misiniz? Eğer yoksa skripti en başından itibaren kod özelliğini kullanarak atabilir misin?


Odunlara Vur Vur Vur!
12 Temmuz 2018
Buyur sana kendi kullandım sk yi atıyım

command /otosatcubuk:
    permission: otosat
        give 1 diamond hoe named "&c&lSatış Çubuğu" to player

on left click with diamond hoe:
    if name of player's tool is "&c&lSatış Çubuğu":
        if clicked block is a chest:
            if amount of iron block in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of iron block in clicked block * 65000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of iron block in clicked block * 65000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi. " to player
                remove every iron blocks from clicked block
            else if amount of gold block in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of gold block in clicked block * 70000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of gold block in clicked block * 70000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every gold blocks from clicked block
            else if amount of emerald block in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of emerald block in clicked block * 100000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of emerald block in clicked block * 100000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every emerald blocks from clicked block
            else if amount of diamond block in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of diamond block in clicked block * 90000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of diamond block in clicked block * 90000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every diamond blocks from clicked block
            else if amount of iron ingot in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of iron ingot in clicked block * 15000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of iron ingot in clicked block * 15000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every iron ingots from clicked block
            else if amount of diamond in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of diamond in clicked block * 25000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of diamond in clicked block * 25000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every diamonds from clicked block
            else if amount of emerald in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of emerald  in clicked block * 30000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of emerald in clicked block * 30000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every emeralds from clicked block
            else if amount of gold ingot in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of gold ingot in clicked block * 20000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of gold ingot in clicked block * 20000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every gold ingots from clicked block
            else if amount of cactus in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of cactus in clicked block * 2500000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of cactus in clicked block * 2500000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every cactus from clicked block
            else if amount of redstone ore in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of redstone ore in clicked block * 25000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of redstone ore in clicked block * 25000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every redstone ore from clicked block
            else if amount of coal ore in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of coal ore in clicked block * 1200000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of coal ore in clicked block * 1200000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every coal ore from clicked block
            else if amount of iron ore in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of iron ore in clicked block * 7800000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of iron ore in clicked block * 7800000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every iron ore from clicked block
            else if amount of gold ore in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of gold ore in clicked block * 19800000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of gold ore in clicked block * 19800000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every gold ore from clicked block
            else if amount of diamond ore in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of diamond ore in clicked block * 61000000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of diamond ore in clicked block * 61000000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every diamond ore from clicked block
on right click with diamond hoe:
    if name of player's tool is "&c&lSatış Çubuğu":
        if clicked block is a trapped chest:
            if amount of iron block in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of iron block in clicked block * 65000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of iron block in clicked block * 65000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi. " to player
                remove every iron blocks from clicked block
            else if amount of gold block in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of gold block in clicked block * 70000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of gold block in clicked block * 70000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every gold blocks from clicked block
            else if amount of emerald block in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of emerald block in clicked block * 100000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of emerald block in clicked block * 100000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every emerald blocks from clicked block
            else if amount of diamond block in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of diamond block in clicked block * 90000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of diamond block in clicked block * 90000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every diamond blocks from clicked block
            else if amount of iron ingot in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of iron ingot in clicked block * 15000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of iron ingot in clicked block * 15000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every iron ingots from clicked block
            else if amount of diamond in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of diamond in clicked block * 25000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of diamond in clicked block * 25000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every diamonds from clicked block
            else if amount of emerald in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of emerald  in clicked block * 30000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of emerald in clicked block * 30000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every emeralds from clicked block
            else if amount of gold ingot in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of gold ingot in clicked block * 20000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of gold ingot in clicked block * 20000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every gold ingots from clicked block  
            else if amount of cactus in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of cactus in clicked block * 600000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of cactus in clicked block * 600000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every cactus from clicked block  
            else if amount of redstone ore in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of redstone ore in clicked block * 3200000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of redstone ore in clicked block * 3200000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every redstone ore from clicked block
            else if amount of coal ore in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of coal ore in clicked block * 1200000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of coal ore in clicked block * 1200000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every coal ore from clicked block
            else if amount of iron ore in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of iron ore in clicked block * 7800000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of iron ore in clicked block * 7800000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every iron ore from clicked block
            else if amount of gold ore in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of gold ore in clicked block * 19800000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of gold ore in clicked block * 19800000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every gold ore from clicked block
            else if amount of diamond ore in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of diamond ore in clicked block * 61000000000) to player's money
                send "&c&lNationalSky &8► &c%(amount of diamond ore in clicked block * 61000000000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every diamond ore from clicked block
Gönderi otomatik olarak birleştirildi:

Sorun çözüldümü ?
Senden hiç birşey almıyorum iyi günler
Gönderi otomatik olarak birleştirildi:

Merhaba, öncelikle WildSkript, SkQuery, Tuske ve Skellet gibi temel eklentileri sunucunuza yüklediniz mi?
else if amount of iron block in clicked block is greater than 0:
add (amount of iron block in clicked block * 15625) to player's money
send "&a&l%amount of iron block in clicked block% &7Demir Blok Satıldı &f&lKazanç: &e&l%(amount of iron block in clicked block * 15625)%" to player
remove every iron blocks from clicked block
else if amount of gold block in clicked block is greater than 0:
add (amount of gold block in clicked block * 31250) to player's money
send "&a&l%amount of gold block in clicked block% &7Gold Blok Satıldı &f&lKazanç: &e&l%(amount of gold block in clicked block * 31250)%" to player
remove every gold blocks from clicked block
else if amount of emerald block in clicked block is greater than 0:
add (amount of emerald block in clicked block * 46875) to player's money
send "&a&l%amount of emerald block in clicked block% &7Emerald Blok Satıldı &f&lKazanç: &e&l%(amount of emerald block in clicked block 46875)%" to player
remove every emerald blocks from clicked block
else if amount of diamond block in clicked block is greater than 0:
add (amount of diamond block in clicked block * 62500) to player's money
send "&a&l%amount of diamond block in clicked block% &7Dia Blok Satıldı &f&lKazanç: &e&l%(amount of diamond block in clicked block * 62500)%" to player
remove every diamond blocks from clicked block
else if amount of cactus in clicked block is greater than 0:
add (amount of cactus in clicked block * 546875) to player's money
send "&a&l%amount of cactus in clicked block% &7Kaktüs Satıldı &f&lKazanç: &e&l%(amount of cactus in clicked block * 546875)%" to player
remove every cactus from clicked block

Bak mesala bunlar oluyor


Bilmem halla yaşıyorum galiba.



6 Ocak 2018
Senden hiç birşey almıyorum iyi günler
Gönderi otomatik olarak birleştirildi:

else if amount of iron block in clicked block is greater than 0:
add (amount of iron block in clicked block * 15625) to player's money
send "&a&l%amount of iron block in clicked block% &7Demir Blok Satıldı &f&lKazanç: &e&l%(amount of iron block in clicked block * 15625)%" to player
remove every iron blocks from clicked block
else if amount of gold block in clicked block is greater than 0:
add (amount of gold block in clicked block * 31250) to player's money
send "&a&l%amount of gold block in clicked block% &7Gold Blok Satıldı &f&lKazanç: &e&l%(amount of gold block in clicked block * 31250)%" to player
remove every gold blocks from clicked block
else if amount of emerald block in clicked block is greater than 0:
add (amount of emerald block in clicked block * 46875) to player's money
send "&a&l%amount of emerald block in clicked block% &7Emerald Blok Satıldı &f&lKazanç: &e&l%(amount of emerald block in clicked block 46875)%" to player
remove every emerald blocks from clicked block
else if amount of diamond block in clicked block is greater than 0:
add (amount of diamond block in clicked block * 62500) to player's money
send "&a&l%amount of diamond block in clicked block% &7Dia Blok Satıldı &f&lKazanç: &e&l%(amount of diamond block in clicked block * 62500)%" to player
remove every diamond blocks from clicked block
else if amount of cactus in clicked block is greater than 0:
add (amount of cactus in clicked block * 546875) to player's money
send "&a&l%amount of cactus in clicked block% &7Kaktüs Satıldı &f&lKazanç: &e&l%(amount of cactus in clicked block * 546875)%" to player
remove every cactus from clicked block

Bak mesala bunlar oluyor
Benden al demedim ister kullan ister kullanma kullanmassan benim için daha iyi olur kendi sunucumda kendi yaptığım sk yi ben kullanıyorum :))


Fırında Isıttığım İlk Taş



21 Eylül 2019
@ArslanCraft sanırım tam olarak anlayamamışsınız, satış çubuğu skriptinizi en başından itibaren kopyalayıp kod tablosu içinde atabilir misiniz? Daha iyi yardımcı olabilirim ve attığınız şeyler arasında bir fark gözlemleyemedim belki de boşluklarda bir hata yapmışsındır.


Odunlara Vur Vur Vur!
12 Temmuz 2018
command /sandıksatar:
permission: sandı
give 1 diamond hoe named "&f&lSandik &c&lSatar" to player

on right click with diamond hoe:
if name of player's tool is "&f&lSandik &c&lSatar":
if clicked block is a chest or trapped chest:
if amount of emerald ore in clicked block is greater than 0:
add (amount of emerald ore in clicked block * 1562500) to player's money
send "&a&l%amount of emerald ore in clicked block% &7Zümrüt Cevheri Satıldı &f&lKazanç: &e&l%(amount of emerald ore in clicked block * 1562500)%" to player
remove every emerald ore from clicked block
else if amount of iron block in clicked block is greater than 0:
add (amount of iron block in clicked block * 15625) to player's money
send "&a&l%amount of iron block in clicked block% &7Demir Blok Satıldı &f&lKazanç: &e&l%(amount of iron block in clicked block * 15625)%" to player
remove every iron blocks from clicked block
else if amount of gold block in clicked block is greater than 0:
add (amount of gold block in clicked block * 31250) to player's money
send "&a&l%amount of gold block in clicked block% &7Gold Blok Satıldı &f&lKazanç: &e&l%(amount of gold block in clicked block * 31250)%" to player
remove every gold blocks from clicked block
else if amount of emerald block in clicked block is greater than 0:
add (amount of emerald block in clicked block * 46875) to player's money
send "&a&l%amount of emerald block in clicked block% &7Emerald Blok Satıldı &f&lKazanç: &e&l%(amount of emerald block in clicked block 46875)%" to player
remove every emerald blocks from clicked block
else if amount of diamond block in clicked block is greater than 0:
add (amount of diamond block in clicked block * 62500) to player's money
send "&a&l%amount of diamond block in clicked block% &7Dia Blok Satıldı &f&lKazanç: &e&l%(amount of diamond block in clicked block * 62500)%" to player
remove every diamond blocks from clicked block
else if amount of cactus in clicked block is greater than 0:
add (amount of cactus in clicked block * 546875) to player's money
send "&a&l%amount of cactus in clicked block% &7Kaktüs Satıldı &f&lKazanç: &e&l%(amount of cactus in clicked block * 546875)%" to player
remove every cactus from clicked block
else if amount of 153 in clicked block is greater than 0:
add (amount of 153 in clicked block * 3125000) to player's money
send "&a&l%amount of 153 in clicked block% &7Kuvars Cevheri &f&lKazanç: &e&l%(amount of 153 in clicked block * 3125000)%" to player
remove every 153 from clicked block

Sadece şu quartz ore olmuyor kodlada deniyorum yineo lmuyor


Fırında Isıttığım İlk Taş



21 Eylül 2019
153 sayıları yerine nether quartz ore koymayı denediniz mi?


Odunlara Vur Vur Vur!
12 Temmuz 2018
nether koymadım quartz ore olarak yazdım ama denicem


Java / Skripter


! metemoii#9257

10 Temmuz 2019


Odunlara Vur Vur Vur!
12 Temmuz 2018


Java / Skripter


! metemoii#9257

10 Temmuz 2019


Odunlara Vur Vur Vur!
12 Temmuz 2018
Mesaj gönderimine kapalı.
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