Sol Reklam
Sağ Reklam

Çözüldü Acil Skript Yardımı

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Koydum Çalışma Masasını
10 Ekim 2017
Tüh yetişemedim
   prefix: &a&lSkript &8&l»

command /krediver [<player>]:
    permission: ruhoz.admin
    permission message: &cYetersiz Yetki
        give 1 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" to arg-1

command /market:
        wait 2 tick
        open chest with 1 rows named "&9&nKredi Market" to player
        wait 2 tick
        format slot 0 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 1 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 2 of player with 1 of nether star named "&aVIP Satışları"  with lore "&eBuradan Kredi Karşılığında VIP Alabilirsin." to run "vip_"
        format slot 3 of player with 1 of gold ingot named "&aOyun Parası Satışları" with lore "&eBuradan Kredi Karşılığında Oyun Parası Alabilirsin" to run "para_"
        format slot 4 of player with 1 of diamond sword named "&aKit Satışları" with lore "&eBuradan Kredi Karşılığında Bir Kiti Alabilirsin" to run "kit_"
        format slot 5 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 6 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""

command /vip_:
        wait 2 tick
        open chest with 1 rows named "&9&nVIP Market" to player
        wait 2 tick
        format slot 0 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 1 of player with 1 of gold ingot named "&aVIP" with lore "&e1 Aylık &a30 Kredi" to run "vipal_"
        format slot 2 of player with 1 of iron ingot named "&aMEGAVIP" with lore "&e1 Aylık &a40 Kredi" to run "mvipal_"
        format slot 3 of player with 1 of diamond named "&aULTRAVIP" with lore "&e1 Aylık &a50 Kredi" to run "uvipal_"
        format slot 4 of player with 1 of gold block named "&aVIP" with lore "&eSınırsız &a50 Kredi" to run "svipal_"    
        format slot 5 of player with 1 of iron block named "&aMEGAVIP" with lore "&eSınırsız &a60 Kredi" to run "smvipal_"
        format slot 6 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""

command /para_:
        wait 2 tick
        open chest with 1 rows named "&9&nOyun Parası Market" to player
        wait 2 tick
        format slot 0 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 1 of player with 1 of name tag named "&a100K Para" with lore "&e2 &aKredi" to run "100k_"
        format slot 2 of player with 1 of name tag named "&a200K Para" with lore "&e4 &aKredi" to run "200k_"
        format slot 3 of player with 1 of name tag named "&a500K Para" with lore "&e6 &aKredi" to run "500k_"
        format slot 4 of player with 1 of name tag named "&a1M Para" with lore "&e8 &aKredi" to run "1m_"
        format slot 5 of player with 1 of name tag named "&a2M Para" with lore "&e10 &aKredi" to run "2m_"    
        format slot 6 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
command /kit_:
        wait 2 tick
        open chest with 1 rows named "&9&nKit Market" to player
        wait 2 tick
        format slot 0 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 1 of player with 1 of diamond chestplate named "&aVIP Kit" with lore "&e1 Aylık &a10 Kredi" to run "kitvip_"
        format slot 2 of player with 1 of gold chestplate named "&aMEGAVIP Kit" with lore "&e1 Aylık &a20 Kredi" to run "kitmvip_"
        format slot 3 of player with 1 of iron chestplate named "&aULTRAVIP Kit" with lore "&e1 Aylık &a30 Kredi" to run "kituvip_"
        format slot 4 of player with 1 of leather chestplate named "&aVIP KIT" with lore "&eSınırsız &a30 Kredi" to run "svipkit_"
        format slot 5 of player with 1 of diamond chestplate named "&aMEGAVIP KIT" with lore "&eSınırsız &a40 Kredi" to run "smvipkit_"    
        format slot 6 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""    
command /vipal_:
        if player has 30 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 30 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla VIP Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuadd %player% vip"
            wait 30 days
            execute console command "manuadd %player% oyuncu"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."
command /mvipal_:
        if player has 40 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 40 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla MEGAVIP Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuadd %player% megavip"
            wait 30 days
            execute console command "manuadd %player% oyuncu"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /uvipal_:
        if player has 50 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 50 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla ULTRAVIP Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuadd %player% ultravip"
            wait 30 days
            execute console command "manuadd %player% oyuncu"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /svipal_:
        if player has 50 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 50 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla Sınırsız VIP Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuadd %player% vip"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."
command /smvipal_:
        if player has 60 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 60 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla Sınırsız MegaVIP Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuadd %player% megavip"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."


command /100k_:
        if player has 2 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 2 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla 100K Oyun Parası Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "eco give %player% 100000"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /200k_:
        if player has 4 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 4 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla 200K Oyun Parası Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "eco give %player% 200000"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /500k_:
        if player has 6 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 6 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla 500K Oyun Parası Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "eco give %player% 500000"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /1m_:
        if player has 8 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 8 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla 1M Oyun Parası Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "eco give %player% 1000000"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /2m_:
        if player has 10 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 10 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla 2M Oyun Parası Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "eco give %player% 2000000"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

# Kit
command /kitvip_:
        if player has 10 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 10 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla VIP Kitini Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuaddp %player%"
            wait 30 days
            execute console command "manudelp %player%"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /kitmvip_:
        if player has 20 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 20 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla MegaVIP Kitini Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% essentials.kits.megavip"
            wait 30 days
            execute console command "manudelp %player% essentials.kits.megavip"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /kituvip_:
        if player has 30 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 30 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla UltraVIP Kitini Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% essentials.kits.ultravip"
            wait 30 days
            execute console command "manudelp %player% essentials.kits.ultravip"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /svipkit_:
        if player has 30 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 30 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla Sınırsız VIP Kitini Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuaddp %player%"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /smvipkit_:
        if player has 40 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 40 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla Sınırsız VIP Kitini Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% essentials.kits.megavip"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."
Tüh yetişemedim
   prefix: &a&lSkript &8&l»

command /krediver [<player>]:
    permission: ruhoz.admin
    permission message: &cYetersiz Yetki
        give 1 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" to arg-1

command /market:
        wait 2 tick
        open chest with 1 rows named "&9&nKredi Market" to player
        wait 2 tick
        format slot 0 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 1 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 2 of player with 1 of nether star named "&aVIP Satışları"  with lore "&eBuradan Kredi Karşılığında VIP Alabilirsin." to run "vip_"
        format slot 3 of player with 1 of gold ingot named "&aOyun Parası Satışları" with lore "&eBuradan Kredi Karşılığında Oyun Parası Alabilirsin" to run "para_"
        format slot 4 of player with 1 of diamond sword named "&aKit Satışları" with lore "&eBuradan Kredi Karşılığında Bir Kiti Alabilirsin" to run "kit_"
        format slot 5 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 6 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""

command /vip_:
        wait 2 tick
        open chest with 1 rows named "&9&nVIP Market" to player
        wait 2 tick
        format slot 0 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 1 of player with 1 of gold ingot named "&aVIP" with lore "&e1 Aylık &a30 Kredi" to run "vipal_"
        format slot 2 of player with 1 of iron ingot named "&aMEGAVIP" with lore "&e1 Aylık &a40 Kredi" to run "mvipal_"
        format slot 3 of player with 1 of diamond named "&aULTRAVIP" with lore "&e1 Aylık &a50 Kredi" to run "uvipal_"
        format slot 4 of player with 1 of gold block named "&aVIP" with lore "&eSınırsız &a50 Kredi" to run "svipal_"    
        format slot 5 of player with 1 of iron block named "&aMEGAVIP" with lore "&eSınırsız &a60 Kredi" to run "smvipal_"
        format slot 6 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""

command /para_:
        wait 2 tick
        open chest with 1 rows named "&9&nOyun Parası Market" to player
        wait 2 tick
        format slot 0 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 1 of player with 1 of name tag named "&a100K Para" with lore "&e2 &aKredi" to run "100k_"
        format slot 2 of player with 1 of name tag named "&a200K Para" with lore "&e4 &aKredi" to run "200k_"
        format slot 3 of player with 1 of name tag named "&a500K Para" with lore "&e6 &aKredi" to run "500k_"
        format slot 4 of player with 1 of name tag named "&a1M Para" with lore "&e8 &aKredi" to run "1m_"
        format slot 5 of player with 1 of name tag named "&a2M Para" with lore "&e10 &aKredi" to run "2m_"    
        format slot 6 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
command /kit_:
        wait 2 tick
        open chest with 1 rows named "&9&nKit Market" to player
        wait 2 tick
        format slot 0 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 1 of player with 1 of diamond chestplate named "&aVIP Kit" with lore "&e1 Aylık &a10 Kredi" to run "kitvip_"
        format slot 2 of player with 1 of gold chestplate named "&aMEGAVIP Kit" with lore "&e1 Aylık &a20 Kredi" to run "kitmvip_"
        format slot 3 of player with 1 of iron chestplate named "&aULTRAVIP Kit" with lore "&e1 Aylık &a30 Kredi" to run "kituvip_"
        format slot 4 of player with 1 of leather chestplate named "&aVIP KIT" with lore "&eSınırsız &a30 Kredi" to run "svipkit_"
        format slot 5 of player with 1 of diamond chestplate named "&aMEGAVIP KIT" with lore "&eSınırsız &a40 Kredi" to run "smvipkit_"    
        format slot 6 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""    
command /vipal_:
        if player has 30 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 30 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla VIP Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuadd %player% vip"
            wait 30 days
            execute console command "manuadd %player% oyuncu"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."
command /mvipal_:
        if player has 40 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 40 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla MEGAVIP Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuadd %player% megavip"
            wait 30 days
            execute console command "manuadd %player% oyuncu"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /uvipal_:
        if player has 50 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 50 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla ULTRAVIP Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuadd %player% ultravip"
            wait 30 days
            execute console command "manuadd %player% oyuncu"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /svipal_:
        if player has 50 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 50 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla Sınırsız VIP Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuadd %player% vip"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."
command /smvipal_:
        if player has 60 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 60 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla Sınırsız MegaVIP Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuadd %player% megavip"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."


command /100k_:
        if player has 2 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 2 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla 100K Oyun Parası Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "eco give %player% 100000"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /200k_:
        if player has 4 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 4 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla 200K Oyun Parası Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "eco give %player% 200000"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /500k_:
        if player has 6 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 6 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla 500K Oyun Parası Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "eco give %player% 500000"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /1m_:
        if player has 8 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 8 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla 1M Oyun Parası Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "eco give %player% 1000000"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /2m_:
        if player has 10 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 10 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla 2M Oyun Parası Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "eco give %player% 2000000"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

# Kit
command /kitvip_:
        if player has 10 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 10 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla VIP Kitini Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuaddp %player%"
            wait 30 days
            execute console command "manudelp %player%"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /kitmvip_:
        if player has 20 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 20 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla MegaVIP Kitini Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% essentials.kits.megavip"
            wait 30 days
            execute console command "manudelp %player% essentials.kits.megavip"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /kituvip_:
        if player has 30 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 30 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla UltraVIP Kitini Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% essentials.kits.ultravip"
            wait 30 days
            execute console command "manudelp %player% essentials.kits.ultravip"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /svipkit_:
        if player has 30 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 30 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla Sınırsız VIP Kitini Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuaddp %player%"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /smvipkit_:
        if player has 40 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 40 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla Sınırsız VIP Kitini Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% essentials.kits.megavip"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."
Tüh yetişemedim
   prefix: &a&lSkript &8&l»

command /krediver [<player>]:
    permission: ruhoz.admin
    permission message: &cYetersiz Yetki
        give 1 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" to arg-1

command /market:
        wait 2 tick
        open chest with 1 rows named "&9&nKredi Market" to player
        wait 2 tick
        format slot 0 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 1 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 2 of player with 1 of nether star named "&aVIP Satışları"  with lore "&eBuradan Kredi Karşılığında VIP Alabilirsin." to run "vip_"
        format slot 3 of player with 1 of gold ingot named "&aOyun Parası Satışları" with lore "&eBuradan Kredi Karşılığında Oyun Parası Alabilirsin" to run "para_"
        format slot 4 of player with 1 of diamond sword named "&aKit Satışları" with lore "&eBuradan Kredi Karşılığında Bir Kiti Alabilirsin" to run "kit_"
        format slot 5 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 6 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""

command /vip_:
        wait 2 tick
        open chest with 1 rows named "&9&nVIP Market" to player
        wait 2 tick
        format slot 0 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 1 of player with 1 of gold ingot named "&aVIP" with lore "&e1 Aylık &a30 Kredi" to run "vipal_"
        format slot 2 of player with 1 of iron ingot named "&aMEGAVIP" with lore "&e1 Aylık &a40 Kredi" to run "mvipal_"
        format slot 3 of player with 1 of diamond named "&aULTRAVIP" with lore "&e1 Aylık &a50 Kredi" to run "uvipal_"
        format slot 4 of player with 1 of gold block named "&aVIP" with lore "&eSınırsız &a50 Kredi" to run "svipal_"    
        format slot 5 of player with 1 of iron block named "&aMEGAVIP" with lore "&eSınırsız &a60 Kredi" to run "smvipal_"
        format slot 6 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""

command /para_:
        wait 2 tick
        open chest with 1 rows named "&9&nOyun Parası Market" to player
        wait 2 tick
        format slot 0 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 1 of player with 1 of name tag named "&a100K Para" with lore "&e2 &aKredi" to run "100k_"
        format slot 2 of player with 1 of name tag named "&a200K Para" with lore "&e4 &aKredi" to run "200k_"
        format slot 3 of player with 1 of name tag named "&a500K Para" with lore "&e6 &aKredi" to run "500k_"
        format slot 4 of player with 1 of name tag named "&a1M Para" with lore "&e8 &aKredi" to run "1m_"
        format slot 5 of player with 1 of name tag named "&a2M Para" with lore "&e10 &aKredi" to run "2m_"    
        format slot 6 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
command /kit_:
        wait 2 tick
        open chest with 1 rows named "&9&nKit Market" to player
        wait 2 tick
        format slot 0 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 1 of player with 1 of diamond chestplate named "&aVIP Kit" with lore "&e1 Aylık &a10 Kredi" to run "kitvip_"
        format slot 2 of player with 1 of gold chestplate named "&aMEGAVIP Kit" with lore "&e1 Aylık &a20 Kredi" to run "kitmvip_"
        format slot 3 of player with 1 of iron chestplate named "&aULTRAVIP Kit" with lore "&e1 Aylık &a30 Kredi" to run "kituvip_"
        format slot 4 of player with 1 of leather chestplate named "&aVIP KIT" with lore "&eSınırsız &a30 Kredi" to run "svipkit_"
        format slot 5 of player with 1 of diamond chestplate named "&aMEGAVIP KIT" with lore "&eSınırsız &a40 Kredi" to run "smvipkit_"    
        format slot 6 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""    
command /vipal_:
        if player has 30 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 30 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla VIP Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuadd %player% vip"
            wait 30 days
            execute console command "manuadd %player% oyuncu"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."
command /mvipal_:
        if player has 40 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 40 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla MEGAVIP Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuadd %player% megavip"
            wait 30 days
            execute console command "manuadd %player% oyuncu"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /uvipal_:
        if player has 50 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 50 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla ULTRAVIP Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuadd %player% ultravip"
            wait 30 days
            execute console command "manuadd %player% oyuncu"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /svipal_:
        if player has 50 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 50 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla Sınırsız VIP Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuadd %player% vip"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."
command /smvipal_:
        if player has 60 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 60 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla Sınırsız MegaVIP Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuadd %player% megavip"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."


command /100k_:
        if player has 2 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 2 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla 100K Oyun Parası Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "eco give %player% 100000"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /200k_:
        if player has 4 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 4 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla 200K Oyun Parası Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "eco give %player% 200000"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /500k_:
        if player has 6 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 6 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla 500K Oyun Parası Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "eco give %player% 500000"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /1m_:
        if player has 8 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 8 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla 1M Oyun Parası Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "eco give %player% 1000000"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /2m_:
        if player has 10 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 10 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla 2M Oyun Parası Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "eco give %player% 2000000"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

# Kit
command /kitvip_:
        if player has 10 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 10 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla VIP Kitini Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuaddp %player%"
            wait 30 days
            execute console command "manudelp %player%"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /kitmvip_:
        if player has 20 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 20 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla MegaVIP Kitini Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% essentials.kits.megavip"
            wait 30 days
            execute console command "manudelp %player% essentials.kits.megavip"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /kituvip_:
        if player has 30 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 30 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla UltraVIP Kitini Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% essentials.kits.ultravip"
            wait 30 days
            execute console command "manudelp %player% essentials.kits.ultravip"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /svipkit_:
        if player has 30 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 30 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla Sınırsız VIP Kitini Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuaddp %player%"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /smvipkit_:
        if player has 40 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 40 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla Sınırsız VIP Kitini Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% essentials.kits.megavip"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."
denedim ama yine de 63 hata veriyor ve /magaza yazınca girmiyor server spigot craft bukkitde de denedim[DOUBLEPOST=1507832571,1507832541][/DOUBLEPOST]
Tüh yetişemedim
   prefix: &a&lSkript &8&l»

command /krediver [<player>]:
    permission: ruhoz.admin
    permission message: &cYetersiz Yetki
        give 1 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" to arg-1

command /market:
        wait 2 tick
        open chest with 1 rows named "&9&nKredi Market" to player
        wait 2 tick
        format slot 0 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 1 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 2 of player with 1 of nether star named "&aVIP Satışları"  with lore "&eBuradan Kredi Karşılığında VIP Alabilirsin." to run "vip_"
        format slot 3 of player with 1 of gold ingot named "&aOyun Parası Satışları" with lore "&eBuradan Kredi Karşılığında Oyun Parası Alabilirsin" to run "para_"
        format slot 4 of player with 1 of diamond sword named "&aKit Satışları" with lore "&eBuradan Kredi Karşılığında Bir Kiti Alabilirsin" to run "kit_"
        format slot 5 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 6 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""

command /vip_:
        wait 2 tick
        open chest with 1 rows named "&9&nVIP Market" to player
        wait 2 tick
        format slot 0 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 1 of player with 1 of gold ingot named "&aVIP" with lore "&e1 Aylık &a30 Kredi" to run "vipal_"
        format slot 2 of player with 1 of iron ingot named "&aMEGAVIP" with lore "&e1 Aylık &a40 Kredi" to run "mvipal_"
        format slot 3 of player with 1 of diamond named "&aULTRAVIP" with lore "&e1 Aylık &a50 Kredi" to run "uvipal_"
        format slot 4 of player with 1 of gold block named "&aVIP" with lore "&eSınırsız &a50 Kredi" to run "svipal_"    
        format slot 5 of player with 1 of iron block named "&aMEGAVIP" with lore "&eSınırsız &a60 Kredi" to run "smvipal_"
        format slot 6 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""

command /para_:
        wait 2 tick
        open chest with 1 rows named "&9&nOyun Parası Market" to player
        wait 2 tick
        format slot 0 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 1 of player with 1 of name tag named "&a100K Para" with lore "&e2 &aKredi" to run "100k_"
        format slot 2 of player with 1 of name tag named "&a200K Para" with lore "&e4 &aKredi" to run "200k_"
        format slot 3 of player with 1 of name tag named "&a500K Para" with lore "&e6 &aKredi" to run "500k_"
        format slot 4 of player with 1 of name tag named "&a1M Para" with lore "&e8 &aKredi" to run "1m_"
        format slot 5 of player with 1 of name tag named "&a2M Para" with lore "&e10 &aKredi" to run "2m_"    
        format slot 6 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
command /kit_:
        wait 2 tick
        open chest with 1 rows named "&9&nKit Market" to player
        wait 2 tick
        format slot 0 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 1 of player with 1 of diamond chestplate named "&aVIP Kit" with lore "&e1 Aylık &a10 Kredi" to run "kitvip_"
        format slot 2 of player with 1 of gold chestplate named "&aMEGAVIP Kit" with lore "&e1 Aylık &a20 Kredi" to run "kitmvip_"
        format slot 3 of player with 1 of iron chestplate named "&aULTRAVIP Kit" with lore "&e1 Aylık &a30 Kredi" to run "kituvip_"
        format slot 4 of player with 1 of leather chestplate named "&aVIP KIT" with lore "&eSınırsız &a30 Kredi" to run "svipkit_"
        format slot 5 of player with 1 of diamond chestplate named "&aMEGAVIP KIT" with lore "&eSınırsız &a40 Kredi" to run "smvipkit_"    
        format slot 6 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""    
command /vipal_:
        if player has 30 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 30 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla VIP Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuadd %player% vip"
            wait 30 days
            execute console command "manuadd %player% oyuncu"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."
command /mvipal_:
        if player has 40 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 40 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla MEGAVIP Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuadd %player% megavip"
            wait 30 days
            execute console command "manuadd %player% oyuncu"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /uvipal_:
        if player has 50 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 50 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla ULTRAVIP Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuadd %player% ultravip"
            wait 30 days
            execute console command "manuadd %player% oyuncu"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /svipal_:
        if player has 50 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 50 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla Sınırsız VIP Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuadd %player% vip"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."
command /smvipal_:
        if player has 60 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 60 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla Sınırsız MegaVIP Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuadd %player% megavip"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."


command /100k_:
        if player has 2 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 2 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla 100K Oyun Parası Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "eco give %player% 100000"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /200k_:
        if player has 4 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 4 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla 200K Oyun Parası Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "eco give %player% 200000"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /500k_:
        if player has 6 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 6 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla 500K Oyun Parası Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "eco give %player% 500000"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /1m_:
        if player has 8 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 8 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla 1M Oyun Parası Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "eco give %player% 1000000"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /2m_:
        if player has 10 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 10 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla 2M Oyun Parası Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "eco give %player% 2000000"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

# Kit
command /kitvip_:
        if player has 10 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 10 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla VIP Kitini Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuaddp %player%"
            wait 30 days
            execute console command "manudelp %player%"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /kitmvip_:
        if player has 20 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 20 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla MegaVIP Kitini Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% essentials.kits.megavip"
            wait 30 days
            execute console command "manudelp %player% essentials.kits.megavip"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /kituvip_:
        if player has 30 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 30 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla UltraVIP Kitini Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% essentials.kits.ultravip"
            wait 30 days
            execute console command "manudelp %player% essentials.kits.ultravip"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /svipkit_:
        if player has 30 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 30 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla Sınırsız VIP Kitini Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuaddp %player%"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /smvipkit_:
        if player has 40 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 40 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla Sınırsız VIP Kitini Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% essentials.kits.megavip"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."
Tüh yetişemedim
   prefix: &a&lSkript &8&l»

command /krediver [<player>]:
    permission: ruhoz.admin
    permission message: &cYetersiz Yetki
        give 1 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" to arg-1

command /market:
        wait 2 tick
        open chest with 1 rows named "&9&nKredi Market" to player
        wait 2 tick
        format slot 0 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 1 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 2 of player with 1 of nether star named "&aVIP Satışları"  with lore "&eBuradan Kredi Karşılığında VIP Alabilirsin." to run "vip_"
        format slot 3 of player with 1 of gold ingot named "&aOyun Parası Satışları" with lore "&eBuradan Kredi Karşılığında Oyun Parası Alabilirsin" to run "para_"
        format slot 4 of player with 1 of diamond sword named "&aKit Satışları" with lore "&eBuradan Kredi Karşılığında Bir Kiti Alabilirsin" to run "kit_"
        format slot 5 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 6 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""

command /vip_:
        wait 2 tick
        open chest with 1 rows named "&9&nVIP Market" to player
        wait 2 tick
        format slot 0 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 1 of player with 1 of gold ingot named "&aVIP" with lore "&e1 Aylık &a30 Kredi" to run "vipal_"
        format slot 2 of player with 1 of iron ingot named "&aMEGAVIP" with lore "&e1 Aylık &a40 Kredi" to run "mvipal_"
        format slot 3 of player with 1 of diamond named "&aULTRAVIP" with lore "&e1 Aylık &a50 Kredi" to run "uvipal_"
        format slot 4 of player with 1 of gold block named "&aVIP" with lore "&eSınırsız &a50 Kredi" to run "svipal_"    
        format slot 5 of player with 1 of iron block named "&aMEGAVIP" with lore "&eSınırsız &a60 Kredi" to run "smvipal_"
        format slot 6 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""

command /para_:
        wait 2 tick
        open chest with 1 rows named "&9&nOyun Parası Market" to player
        wait 2 tick
        format slot 0 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 1 of player with 1 of name tag named "&a100K Para" with lore "&e2 &aKredi" to run "100k_"
        format slot 2 of player with 1 of name tag named "&a200K Para" with lore "&e4 &aKredi" to run "200k_"
        format slot 3 of player with 1 of name tag named "&a500K Para" with lore "&e6 &aKredi" to run "500k_"
        format slot 4 of player with 1 of name tag named "&a1M Para" with lore "&e8 &aKredi" to run "1m_"
        format slot 5 of player with 1 of name tag named "&a2M Para" with lore "&e10 &aKredi" to run "2m_"    
        format slot 6 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
command /kit_:
        wait 2 tick
        open chest with 1 rows named "&9&nKit Market" to player
        wait 2 tick
        format slot 0 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 1 of player with 1 of diamond chestplate named "&aVIP Kit" with lore "&e1 Aylık &a10 Kredi" to run "kitvip_"
        format slot 2 of player with 1 of gold chestplate named "&aMEGAVIP Kit" with lore "&e1 Aylık &a20 Kredi" to run "kitmvip_"
        format slot 3 of player with 1 of iron chestplate named "&aULTRAVIP Kit" with lore "&e1 Aylık &a30 Kredi" to run "kituvip_"
        format slot 4 of player with 1 of leather chestplate named "&aVIP KIT" with lore "&eSınırsız &a30 Kredi" to run "svipkit_"
        format slot 5 of player with 1 of diamond chestplate named "&aMEGAVIP KIT" with lore "&eSınırsız &a40 Kredi" to run "smvipkit_"    
        format slot 6 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""    
command /vipal_:
        if player has 30 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 30 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla VIP Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuadd %player% vip"
            wait 30 days
            execute console command "manuadd %player% oyuncu"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."
command /mvipal_:
        if player has 40 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 40 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla MEGAVIP Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuadd %player% megavip"
            wait 30 days
            execute console command "manuadd %player% oyuncu"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /uvipal_:
        if player has 50 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 50 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla ULTRAVIP Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuadd %player% ultravip"
            wait 30 days
            execute console command "manuadd %player% oyuncu"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /svipal_:
        if player has 50 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 50 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla Sınırsız VIP Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuadd %player% vip"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."
command /smvipal_:
        if player has 60 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 60 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla Sınırsız MegaVIP Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuadd %player% megavip"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."


command /100k_:
        if player has 2 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 2 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla 100K Oyun Parası Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "eco give %player% 100000"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /200k_:
        if player has 4 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 4 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla 200K Oyun Parası Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "eco give %player% 200000"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /500k_:
        if player has 6 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 6 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla 500K Oyun Parası Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "eco give %player% 500000"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /1m_:
        if player has 8 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 8 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla 1M Oyun Parası Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "eco give %player% 1000000"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /2m_:
        if player has 10 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 10 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla 2M Oyun Parası Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "eco give %player% 2000000"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

# Kit
command /kitvip_:
        if player has 10 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 10 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla VIP Kitini Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuaddp %player%"
            wait 30 days
            execute console command "manudelp %player%"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /kitmvip_:
        if player has 20 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 20 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla MegaVIP Kitini Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% essentials.kits.megavip"
            wait 30 days
            execute console command "manudelp %player% essentials.kits.megavip"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /kituvip_:
        if player has 30 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 30 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla UltraVIP Kitini Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% essentials.kits.ultravip"
            wait 30 days
            execute console command "manudelp %player% essentials.kits.ultravip"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /svipkit_:
        if player has 30 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 30 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla Sınırsız VIP Kitini Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuaddp %player%"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /smvipkit_:
        if player has 40 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 40 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla Sınırsız VIP Kitini Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% essentials.kits.megavip"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."
Tüh yetişemedim
   prefix: &a&lSkript &8&l»

command /krediver [<player>]:
    permission: ruhoz.admin
    permission message: &cYetersiz Yetki
        give 1 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" to arg-1

command /market:
        wait 2 tick
        open chest with 1 rows named "&9&nKredi Market" to player
        wait 2 tick
        format slot 0 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 1 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 2 of player with 1 of nether star named "&aVIP Satışları"  with lore "&eBuradan Kredi Karşılığında VIP Alabilirsin." to run "vip_"
        format slot 3 of player with 1 of gold ingot named "&aOyun Parası Satışları" with lore "&eBuradan Kredi Karşılığında Oyun Parası Alabilirsin" to run "para_"
        format slot 4 of player with 1 of diamond sword named "&aKit Satışları" with lore "&eBuradan Kredi Karşılığında Bir Kiti Alabilirsin" to run "kit_"
        format slot 5 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 6 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""

command /vip_:
        wait 2 tick
        open chest with 1 rows named "&9&nVIP Market" to player
        wait 2 tick
        format slot 0 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 1 of player with 1 of gold ingot named "&aVIP" with lore "&e1 Aylık &a30 Kredi" to run "vipal_"
        format slot 2 of player with 1 of iron ingot named "&aMEGAVIP" with lore "&e1 Aylık &a40 Kredi" to run "mvipal_"
        format slot 3 of player with 1 of diamond named "&aULTRAVIP" with lore "&e1 Aylık &a50 Kredi" to run "uvipal_"
        format slot 4 of player with 1 of gold block named "&aVIP" with lore "&eSınırsız &a50 Kredi" to run "svipal_"    
        format slot 5 of player with 1 of iron block named "&aMEGAVIP" with lore "&eSınırsız &a60 Kredi" to run "smvipal_"
        format slot 6 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""

command /para_:
        wait 2 tick
        open chest with 1 rows named "&9&nOyun Parası Market" to player
        wait 2 tick
        format slot 0 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 1 of player with 1 of name tag named "&a100K Para" with lore "&e2 &aKredi" to run "100k_"
        format slot 2 of player with 1 of name tag named "&a200K Para" with lore "&e4 &aKredi" to run "200k_"
        format slot 3 of player with 1 of name tag named "&a500K Para" with lore "&e6 &aKredi" to run "500k_"
        format slot 4 of player with 1 of name tag named "&a1M Para" with lore "&e8 &aKredi" to run "1m_"
        format slot 5 of player with 1 of name tag named "&a2M Para" with lore "&e10 &aKredi" to run "2m_"    
        format slot 6 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
command /kit_:
        wait 2 tick
        open chest with 1 rows named "&9&nKit Market" to player
        wait 2 tick
        format slot 0 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 1 of player with 1 of diamond chestplate named "&aVIP Kit" with lore "&e1 Aylık &a10 Kredi" to run "kitvip_"
        format slot 2 of player with 1 of gold chestplate named "&aMEGAVIP Kit" with lore "&e1 Aylık &a20 Kredi" to run "kitmvip_"
        format slot 3 of player with 1 of iron chestplate named "&aULTRAVIP Kit" with lore "&e1 Aylık &a30 Kredi" to run "kituvip_"
        format slot 4 of player with 1 of leather chestplate named "&aVIP KIT" with lore "&eSınırsız &a30 Kredi" to run "svipkit_"
        format slot 5 of player with 1 of diamond chestplate named "&aMEGAVIP KIT" with lore "&eSınırsız &a40 Kredi" to run "smvipkit_"    
        format slot 6 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""    
command /vipal_:
        if player has 30 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 30 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla VIP Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuadd %player% vip"
            wait 30 days
            execute console command "manuadd %player% oyuncu"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."
command /mvipal_:
        if player has 40 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 40 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla MEGAVIP Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuadd %player% megavip"
            wait 30 days
            execute console command "manuadd %player% oyuncu"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /uvipal_:
        if player has 50 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 50 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla ULTRAVIP Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuadd %player% ultravip"
            wait 30 days
            execute console command "manuadd %player% oyuncu"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /svipal_:
        if player has 50 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 50 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla Sınırsız VIP Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuadd %player% vip"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."
command /smvipal_:
        if player has 60 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 60 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla Sınırsız MegaVIP Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuadd %player% megavip"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."


command /100k_:
        if player has 2 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 2 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla 100K Oyun Parası Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "eco give %player% 100000"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /200k_:
        if player has 4 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 4 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla 200K Oyun Parası Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "eco give %player% 200000"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /500k_:
        if player has 6 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 6 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla 500K Oyun Parası Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "eco give %player% 500000"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /1m_:
        if player has 8 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 8 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla 1M Oyun Parası Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "eco give %player% 1000000"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /2m_:
        if player has 10 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 10 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla 2M Oyun Parası Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "eco give %player% 2000000"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

# Kit
command /kitvip_:
        if player has 10 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 10 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla VIP Kitini Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuaddp %player%"
            wait 30 days
            execute console command "manudelp %player%"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /kitmvip_:
        if player has 20 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 20 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla MegaVIP Kitini Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% essentials.kits.megavip"
            wait 30 days
            execute console command "manudelp %player% essentials.kits.megavip"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /kituvip_:
        if player has 30 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 30 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla UltraVIP Kitini Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% essentials.kits.ultravip"
            wait 30 days
            execute console command "manudelp %player% essentials.kits.ultravip"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /svipkit_:
        if player has 30 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 30 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla Sınırsız VIP Kitini Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuaddp %player%"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."

command /smvipkit_:
        if player has 40 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin":
            remove 40 ghast tear named "&aKredi" with lore "&eBunu Sanal Markette Harcayabilirsin" from player
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla Sınırsız VIP Kitini Satın Aldınız!"
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% essentials.kits.megavip"
            send "{@prefix} &8&l» &eYeterli Krediniz Bulunmamakta."
denedim ama yine de 63 hata veriyor ve /market yazınca girmiyor server spigot craft bukkitde de denedim


gerekli addonları yükledin mi ?


Koydum Çalışma Masasını
10 Ekim 2017


wildskript, skquery, skellet indir bi öyle dene


Koydum Çalışma Masasını
10 Ekim 2017


yukarıda yazdım onları indir :D


Koydum Çalışma Masasını
10 Ekim 2017
Artık Konu Kilitlenebilir Sorun Çözüldü: 8
Mesaj gönderimine kapalı.
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