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Çözüldü Clealagg tekne siliniyor

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1 Kasım 2018
Clearlagg düzgün ayarlıyamadım yardım edecek bazı ıtemler ve hayvanlar gıdıyo sanırım
#                   ClearLag Configuration File                      #
# Configure to your liking, reload the config by tying: /lagg reload #
#                                -                                   #
#  Here is a helpful tutorial on this configuration setup! (Updated) #
# #
#          All possible mob names: https://*/cch8YK             #
  auto-update: true
  config-version: 13
  enable-api: true

#Limits the amount of item transfers for all the hoppers in a single chunk
# -- 'transfer-limit' How many transfers per check interval until the hopper should be disabled
# -- 'check-interval' In seconds, on what interval should the transfer limit be reset
  enabled: false
  transfer-limit: 5
  check-interval: 1

#Meters your ram usage, if it goes above 'limit', run 'commands:'
# -- 'ram-limit' is in MB, do not set it exactly to your max allocated ram amount
# -- 'interval' is how often clearlag will check your ram usage
# -- 'commands' lists the commands that will be ran upon hitting your ram-limit
  enabled: false
  interval: 20
  ram-limit: 5000
    - 'lagg killmobs'
    - 'lagg clear'
    - 'lagg gc'

#Configure what the '/lagg halt' command does
# -- 'remove-entities' remove entities such as items, primed-tnt, and mobs
# -- 'disable-natural-entity-spawning' disables the server's natural world spawning
# -- 'halted' this section defines which actions should be halted during '/lagg halt'
  remove-entities: true
  disable-natural-entity-spawning: true
    fire: true
    fire-burn: true
    explosion: true
    decay: true
    block-fade: true
    block-form: true
    block-spread: true
    block-natural-change: true

#This limits how fast a user can move by walking or flying in a single tick (20 ticks a second)
#I HIGHLY recommend you use this on servers with increased player-speed/fly to prevent chunk overload
# -- 'move-max-speed' Max speed on foot
# -- 'fly-max-speed'  Max speed while flying
  enabled: false
  move-max-speed: 0.7
  fly-max-speed: 0.8

#Should mobs be nerfed to prevent over-breeding to reduce CPU usage (And possibly raise TPS)
#When mobs are stuck too close, collisions are extremely intensive putting a pretty mean load on the server
# -- 'max-mobs' means how many bably/adult animals are allowed within the 'check-radius'
# -- 'check-radius' is the radius of what clearlag will check for 'max-mobs'
  enabled: false
  max-mobs: 6
  check-radius: 15

#Should clearlag purge logs under /logs when the server starts?
# -- 'days-old' means how many days old can the log be to be deleted
  enabled: false
  days-old: 3

#What type of entities SHOULD NOT be removed while doing /lagg area?
    - Itemframe
    - Minecart
    - Wolf
    - Villager
    - Horse

#Should clearlag reset the config, or attempt to update your config on updates
# -- 'force-update' is whether or not clearlag will reset your config with a newer version
# -- settings this to false will make clearlag update your config rather then resetting
  force-update: false

#This limits the mob egg spawners so players cannot "overload" the server with them
# -- 'check-radius' is the radius clearlag will check for nearby entities
# -- 'max-mobs' is how many entities may be in the radius before the spawning is blocked
  enabled: false
  check-radius: 8
  max-mobs: 5

#Disable new chunk generation, or just put a cap on how many can load at once.
#May cause many bugs with Spigot 1.8+, not recommended!
# -- 'create-new-chunks' disables or enables chunk creation. false would disallow new chunks
  enabled: false
  limit: 6000
  create-new-chunks: false

#This modifies the view range of entities
# -- Lower it is, the better your entity tick will be and the more CPU cycles you'll save
# -- If it's too high, expect bugs / lots of lag
  enabled: false
  zombie: 30
  skeleton: 30
  creeper: 20

#How long should items/Mobs be left on the ground
# -- live-time's go by ticks (20 ticks a second)
  enabled: false
  interval: 10
  mobtimer: true
  itemtimer: true
  arrowtimer: true
  arrowkilltime: 15
  moblivetime: 600
  itemlivetime: 240

#This option disallows the placement of too many tnt-minecarts
# -- 'radius' is the radius clearlag will check for TNT-Minecarts
  enabled: false
  max: 2
  radius: 6

#This option reduces global dispenser fire rate
# -- 'time' is in milliseconds
  enabled: false
  time: 100

#This option reduces the explosions of mass amounts of tnt, and reduces tnt lag
# -- 'check-radius' is the radius clearlag will check for primed TNT
# -- 'max-primed' is the max primed TNT within the radius allowed before clearlag begins to remove
  enabled: false
  check-radius: 5
  max-primed: 3

#This option reduces fire spread rate
# -- 'time' is in milliseconds
  enabled: false
  time: 2000

#How many entities should one chunk be allowed to hold?
# -- 'entities' lists all the entities that will be counted
#     and possibly removed.
  enabled: false
  limit: 10
    - Squid
    - Zombie
    - Skeleton
    - Creeper
    - Chicken
    - Pig
    - Sheep
    - Cow
    - Horse
  # - Pig liveTime=100 <- This mob will be REMOVED if it's been alive for 100 ticks (5 seconds)

#How many mobs should be allowed to spawn globally
# -- 'interval' is the check interval check the current spawn amounts
  enabled: false
  interval: 15
  mobs: 300
  animals: 300

#Meters your TPS, if it goes to low, run the commands you wrote below!
# -- 'interval' is how often tps-meter will check the TPS
# -- 'tps-trigger' is at what TPS the commands will be ran at
# -- 'tps-recover' is at what TPS should the TPS be considered stable after 'tps-trigger' is executed
# -- 'commands' lists what commands will be executed when tps-tigger is reached
# -- 'recover-commands' lists what commands will be executed when tps-recover is reached
# -- 'trigger-broadcast-message' specifies which message should be broadcasted when tps-trigger runs
# -- 'recover-broadcast-message' specifies which message should be broadcasted when TPS recovers
# -- 'broadcast-enabled' defines whether or not tps-meter should broadcast
  enabled: false
  trigger-broadcast-message: '&cThe server is overloaded, executing lag-perventing measures'
  recover-broadcast-message: '&aThe server is no longer overloaded!'
  broadcast-enabled: false
  interval: 15
  tps-trigger: 14.0
  tps-recover: 19.0
    - 'lagg killmobs'
    - 'lagg clear'
    - 'lagg halt'
    - 'lagg halt'

#This is /lagg killmobs, put what you DON'T want removed!
# -- 'remove-named', when FALSE entities with custom names will NOT be removed
# -- 'mob-filter' lists which mobs will be IGNORED during /lagg killmobs
  remove-named: false
   - Villager
   - Wolf
#  - Pig !name="Test" <- This entity will filtered if the name does NOT equal "Test"
#  - Zombie hasName <- This entity will be filtered if it HAS a name
   - Horse

#This nerfs mob-spawners (Natural and player-made)
#This goes by chunks rather then spawners. This is to prevent
#a large buildup of mob-spawners within a small region to "bypass"
#your set limit. It also allows for keys to be generated more easily
#increasing the performance
# -- 'max-spawn' is the maximum mobs allowed to spawn by a mob-spawner
# -- 'remove-mobs-on-chunk-unload' is whether or not Clearlag should remove
# --  the mobs spawned by the mobspawner upon chunk unload (Highly Recommended)
  enabled: false
  max-spawn: 4
  remove-mobs-on-chunk-unload: true

#Dont use if you have CB++ or Spigot!
  enabled: false
  radius: 6

#Auto-removal options
# -- warnings works like this; time = the time warning should be given, msg = warning message at that time
# -- NOTE: The below 'remove' section applies to this remover!
# -- NOTE: Putting the interval to low will cause issues!
# -- NOTE: To disable "warnings", set it to "warnings: []"
# -- NOTE: bukkit.broadcast.user permission will allow users to see broadcasts (If not enabled by default)
#        !==[ All string values MUST be inside '']==!
# -- 'remove-entities' lists what entities should be REMOVED on removal
# -- 'warnings' list warnings to be given out at specified times
  enabled: true
  broadcast-message: '&dSunucudaki &7(&e+RemoveAmount&7) &döğe silindi.!'
  broadcast-removal: true
  autoremoval-interval: 460
  # - this_world <-This world will be ignored during removal!
  boat: true
  falling-block: true
  experience-orb: true
  painting: false
  projectile: true
  item: true
  itemframe: false
  minecart: true
  primed-tnt: true
  # - Stone <-This item-id will be ignored during removal!
  # - Grass
  # - cow <- This mob-type will be REMOVED during removal!
  # - Pig liveTime=100 <- This mob will be REMOVED if it's been alive for 100 ticks (5 seconds)
  # - Minecart !isMounted <- This entity will be REMOVED if it's NOT mounted
  # - Wolf !hasName <- This entity will be REMOVED if it doesn't have a name
        - 'time:455 msg:&dYerdeki itemlerin silinmesine &5+remaining &dSaniye kaldı!' 
        - 'time:456 msg:&dYerdeki itemlerin silinmesine &5+remaining &dSaniye kaldı!'
        - 'time:457 msg:&dYerdeki itemlerin silinmesine &5+remaining &dSaniye kaldı!'
        - 'time:458 msg:&dYerdeki itemlerin silinmesine &5+remaining &dSaniye kaldı!'
        - 'time:459 msg:&dYerdeki itemlerin silinmesine &5+remaining &dSaniye kaldı!'
        - 'time:460 msg:&dYerdeki itemlerin silinmesine &5+remaining &dSaniye kaldı!'

#What should be removed during /lagg clear
  # - this_world <-This world will be ignored during removal!
  broadcast-removal: false
  boat: true
  falling-block: true
  experience-orb: true
  painting: false
  projectile: true
  item: true
  itemframe: false
  minecart: true
  primed-tnt: true
  # - Stone <-This item-id will be ignored during removal!
  # - Grass
  # - cow <- This mob-type will be REMOVED during removal!
  # - Pig liveTime=100 <- This mob will be REMOVED if it's been alive for 100 ticks (5 seconds)
  # - Minecart !isMounted <- This entity will be REMOVED if it's NOT mounted
  # - Wolf !hasName <- This entity will be REMOVED if it doesn't have a name

  enabled: false
  max: 1000
  check-interval: 60
  broadcast-message: '&aLimit reached, removed +RemoveAmount Entities!'
  # - this_world <-This world will be ignored during removal!
  broadcast-removal: true
  boat: true
  falling-block: true
  experience-orb: true
  painting: false
  projectile: true
  item: true
  itemframe: false
  minecart: true
  primed-tnt: true
  # - Stone
  # - Grass <-This item-id will be ignored during removal!


Ahanda Zümrüt!



16 Eylül 2018
Discord İzni
Buyrun bunu deneyin lütfen konunuz çözüldüyse çözüldü olarak değiştirin.
#                   ClearLag Configuration File                      #
# Configure to your liking, reload the config by tying: /lagg reload #
#                                -                                   #
#  Here is a helpful tutorial on this configuration setup! (Updated) #
# #
#          All possible mob names: https://*/cch8YK             #
  auto-update: true
  config-version: 13
  enable-api: true

#Limits the amount of item transfers for all the hoppers in a single chunk
# -- 'transfer-limit' How many transfers per check interval until the hopper should be disabled
# -- 'check-interval' In seconds, on what interval should the transfer limit be reset
  enabled: false
  transfer-limit: 5
  check-interval: 1

#Meters your ram usage, if it goes above 'limit', run 'commands:'
# -- 'ram-limit' is in MB, do not set it exactly to your max allocated ram amount
# -- 'interval' is how often clearlag will check your ram usage
# -- 'commands' lists the commands that will be ran upon hitting your ram-limit
  enabled: false
  interval: 20
  ram-limit: 5000
    - 'lagg killmobs'
    - 'lagg clear'
    - 'lagg gc'

#Configure what the '/lagg halt' command does
# -- 'remove-entities' remove entities such as items, primed-tnt, and mobs
# -- 'disable-natural-entity-spawning' disables the server's natural world spawning
# -- 'halted' this section defines which actions should be halted during '/lagg halt'
  remove-entities: true
  disable-natural-entity-spawning: true
    fire: true
    fire-burn: true
    explosion: true
    decay: true
    block-fade: true
    block-form: true
    block-spread: true
    block-natural-change: true

#This limits how fast a user can move by walking or flying in a single tick (20 ticks a second)
#I HIGHLY recommend you use this on servers with increased player-speed/fly to prevent chunk overload
# -- 'move-max-speed' Max speed on foot
# -- 'fly-max-speed'  Max speed while flying
  enabled: false
  move-max-speed: 0.7
  fly-max-speed: 0.8

#Should mobs be nerfed to prevent over-breeding to reduce CPU usage (And possibly raise TPS)
#When mobs are stuck too close, collisions are extremely intensive putting a pretty mean load on the server
# -- 'max-mobs' means how many bably/adult animals are allowed within the 'check-radius'
# -- 'check-radius' is the radius of what clearlag will check for 'max-mobs'
  enabled: false
  max-mobs: 6
  check-radius: 15

#Should clearlag purge logs under /logs when the server starts?
# -- 'days-old' means how many days old can the log be to be deleted
  enabled: false
  days-old: 3

#What type of entities SHOULD NOT be removed while doing /lagg area?
    - Itemframe
    - Minecart
    - Wolf
    - Villager
    - Horse

#Should clearlag reset the config, or attempt to update your config on updates
# -- 'force-update' is whether or not clearlag will reset your config with a newer version
# -- settings this to false will make clearlag update your config rather then resetting
  force-update: false

#This limits the mob egg spawners so players cannot "overload" the server with them
# -- 'check-radius' is the radius clearlag will check for nearby entities
# -- 'max-mobs' is how many entities may be in the radius before the spawning is blocked
  enabled: false
  check-radius: 8
  max-mobs: 5

#Disable new chunk generation, or just put a cap on how many can load at once.
#May cause many bugs with Spigot 1.8+, not recommended!
# -- 'create-new-chunks' disables or enables chunk creation. false would disallow new chunks
  enabled: false
  limit: 6000
  create-new-chunks: false

#This modifies the view range of entities
# -- Lower it is, the better your entity tick will be and the more CPU cycles you'll save
# -- If it's too high, expect bugs / lots of lag
  enabled: false
  zombie: 30
  skeleton: 30
  creeper: 20

#How long should items/Mobs be left on the ground
# -- live-time's go by ticks (20 ticks a second)
  enabled: false
  interval: 10
  mobtimer: true
  itemtimer: true
  arrowtimer: true
  arrowkilltime: 15
  moblivetime: 600
  itemlivetime: 240

#This option disallows the placement of too many tnt-minecarts
# -- 'radius' is the radius clearlag will check for TNT-Minecarts
  enabled: false
  max: 2
  radius: 6

#This option reduces global dispenser fire rate
# -- 'time' is in milliseconds
  enabled: false
  time: 100

#This option reduces the explosions of mass amounts of tnt, and reduces tnt lag
# -- 'check-radius' is the radius clearlag will check for primed TNT
# -- 'max-primed' is the max primed TNT within the radius allowed before clearlag begins to remove
  enabled: false
  check-radius: 5
  max-primed: 3

#This option reduces fire spread rate
# -- 'time' is in milliseconds
  enabled: false
  time: 2000

#How many entities should one chunk be allowed to hold?
# -- 'entities' lists all the entities that will be counted
#     and possibly removed.
  enabled: false
  limit: 10
    - Squid
    - Zombie
    - Skeleton
    - Creeper
    - Chicken
    - Pig
    - Sheep
    - Cow
    - Horse
  # - Pig liveTime=100 <- This mob will be REMOVED if it's been alive for 100 ticks (5 seconds)

#How many mobs should be allowed to spawn globally
# -- 'interval' is the check interval check the current spawn amounts
  enabled: false
  interval: 15
  mobs: 300
  animals: 300

#Meters your TPS, if it goes to low, run the commands you wrote below!
# -- 'interval' is how often tps-meter will check the TPS
# -- 'tps-trigger' is at what TPS the commands will be ran at
# -- 'tps-recover' is at what TPS should the TPS be considered stable after 'tps-trigger' is executed
# -- 'commands' lists what commands will be executed when tps-tigger is reached
# -- 'recover-commands' lists what commands will be executed when tps-recover is reached
# -- 'trigger-broadcast-message' specifies which message should be broadcasted when tps-trigger runs
# -- 'recover-broadcast-message' specifies which message should be broadcasted when TPS recovers
# -- 'broadcast-enabled' defines whether or not tps-meter should broadcast
  enabled: false
  trigger-broadcast-message: '&cThe server is overloaded, executing lag-perventing measures'
  recover-broadcast-message: '&aThe server is no longer overloaded!'
  broadcast-enabled: false
  interval: 15
  tps-trigger: 14.0
  tps-recover: 19.0
    - 'lagg killmobs'
    - 'lagg clear'
    - 'lagg halt'
    - 'lagg halt'

#This is /lagg killmobs, put what you DON'T want removed!
# -- 'remove-named', when FALSE entities with custom names will NOT be removed
# -- 'mob-filter' lists which mobs will be IGNORED during /lagg killmobs
  remove-named: false
   - Villager
   - Wolf
#  - Pig !name="Test" <- This entity will filtered if the name does NOT equal "Test"
#  - Zombie hasName <- This entity will be filtered if it HAS a name
   - Horse

#This nerfs mob-spawners (Natural and player-made)
#This goes by chunks rather then spawners. This is to prevent
#a large buildup of mob-spawners within a small region to "bypass"
#your set limit. It also allows for keys to be generated more easily
#increasing the performance
# -- 'max-spawn' is the maximum mobs allowed to spawn by a mob-spawner
# -- 'remove-mobs-on-chunk-unload' is whether or not Clearlag should remove
# --  the mobs spawned by the mobspawner upon chunk unload (Highly Recommended)
  enabled: false
  max-spawn: 4
  remove-mobs-on-chunk-unload: true

#Dont use if you have CB++ or Spigot!
  enabled: false
  radius: 6

#Auto-removal options
# -- warnings works like this; time = the time warning should be given, msg = warning message at that time
# -- NOTE: The below 'remove' section applies to this remover!
# -- NOTE: Putting the interval to low will cause issues!
# -- NOTE: To disable "warnings", set it to "warnings: []"
# -- NOTE: bukkit.broadcast.user permission will allow users to see broadcasts (If not enabled by default)
#        !==[ All string values MUST be inside '']==!
# -- 'remove-entities' lists what entities should be REMOVED on removal
# -- 'warnings' list warnings to be given out at specified times
  enabled: true
  broadcast-message: '&dSunucudaki &7(&e+RemoveAmount&7) &döğe silindi.!'
  broadcast-removal: true
  autoremoval-interval: 460
  # - this_world <-This world will be ignored during removal!
  boat: true
  falling-block: true
  experience-orb: true
  painting: false
  projectile: true
  item: true
  itemframe: false
  minecart: true
  primed-tnt: true
  # - Stone <-This item-id will be ignored during removal!
  # - Grass
  # - cow <- This mob-type will be REMOVED during removal!
  # - Pig liveTime=100 <- This mob will be REMOVED if it's been alive for 100 ticks (5 seconds)
  # - Minecart !isMounted <- This entity will be REMOVED if it's NOT mounted
  # - Wolf !hasName <- This entity will be REMOVED if it doesn't have a name
        - 'time:455 msg:&dYerdeki itemlerin silinmesine &5+remaining &dSaniye kaldı!'
        - 'time:456 msg:&dYerdeki itemlerin silinmesine &5+remaining &dSaniye kaldı!'
        - 'time:457 msg:&dYerdeki itemlerin silinmesine &5+remaining &dSaniye kaldı!'
        - 'time:458 msg:&dYerdeki itemlerin silinmesine &5+remaining &dSaniye kaldı!'
        - 'time:459 msg:&dYerdeki itemlerin silinmesine &5+remaining &dSaniye kaldı!'
        - 'time:460 msg:&dYerdeki itemlerin silinmesine &5+remaining &dSaniye kaldı!'

#What should be removed during /lagg clear
  # - this_world <-This world will be ignored during removal!
  broadcast-removal: false
  boat: true
  falling-block: true
  experience-orb: true
  painting: false
  projectile: true
  item: true
  itemframe: false
  minecart: true
  primed-tnt: true
  # - Stone <-This item-id will be ignored during removal!
  # - Grass
  # - cow <- This mob-type will be REMOVED during removal!
  # - Pig liveTime=100 <- This mob will be REMOVED if it's been alive for 100 ticks (5 seconds)
  # - Minecart !isMounted <- This entity will be REMOVED if it's NOT mounted
  # - Wolf !hasName <- This entity will be REMOVED if it doesn't have a name

  enabled: false
  max: 1000
  check-interval: 60
  broadcast-message: '&aLimit reached, removed +RemoveAmount Entities!'
  # - this_world <-This world will be ignored during removal!
  broadcast-removal: true
  boat: true
  falling-block: true
  experience-orb: true
  painting: false
  projectile: true
  item: true
  itemframe: false
  minecart: true
  primed-tnt: true
  # - Stone
  # - Grass <-This item-id will be ignored during removal!
Mesaj gönderimine kapalı.
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