command /eventparası:
send player title "&a%player% &6Para Alcaksan" with subtitle "&a&lVericez"
wait 2 seconds
give 1 paper name "&6Event Parası"
on rightclick with paper:
if tool name is "&6Event Parası":
execute console command "eco give %player% 1000000"
send player title "&a%player% &6Paranı aldın."
command /eventparası:
send player title "&a%player% &6Para Alcaksan" with subtitle "&a&lVericez"
wait 2 seconds
give 1 paper name "&6Event Parası" to player
on rightclick with paper:
if tool name is "&6Event Parası":
execute console command "eco give %player% 1000000"
send player title "&a%player% &6Paranı aldın."