on chat:
message contains "alım var mı" or "alim var mi" or "alım varmı" or "alim varmi":
open chest with 1 rows named "ALIM YOK" to player
format slot 0 of player with diamond named "ALIM YOK" to close
format slot 1 of player with diamond named "ALIM YOK" to close
format slot 2 of player with diamond named "ALIM YOK" to close
format slot 3 of player with diamond named "ALIM YOK" to close
format slot 4 of player with diamond named "ALIM YOK" to close
format slot 5 of player with diamond named "ALIM YOK" to close
format slot 6 of player with diamond named "ALIM YOK" to close
format slot 7 of player with diamond named "ALIM YOK" to close
format slot 8 of player with diamond named "ALIM YOK" to close
Buyrun. Sorun çözülürse belirtmeyi unutmayın. İyi forumlar.Kod:on chat: message contains "alım var mı" or "alim var mi" or "alım varmı" or "alim varmi": open chest with 1 rows named "ALIM YOK" to player format slot 0 of player with diamond named "ALIM YOK" to close format slot 1 of player with diamond named "ALIM YOK" to close format slot 2 of player with diamond named "ALIM YOK" to close format slot 3 of player with diamond named "ALIM YOK" to close format slot 4 of player with diamond named "ALIM YOK" to close format slot 5 of player with diamond named "ALIM YOK" to close format slot 6 of player with diamond named "ALIM YOK" to close format slot 7 of player with diamond named "ALIM YOK" to close format slot 8 of player with diamond named "ALIM YOK" to close
on chat:
message contains "alım var mı" or "alim var mi" or "alım varmı" or "alim varmi":
cancel event
open chest with 1 rows named "ALIM YOK" to player
format slot 0 of player with diamond named "ALIM YOK" to close
format slot 1 of player with diamond named "ALIM YOK" to close
format slot 2 of player with diamond named "ALIM YOK" to close
format slot 3 of player with diamond named "ALIM YOK" to close
format slot 4 of player with diamond named "ALIM YOK" to close
format slot 5 of player with diamond named "ALIM YOK" to close
format slot 6 of player with diamond named "ALIM YOK" to close
format slot 7 of player with diamond named "ALIM YOK" to close
format slot 8 of player with diamond named "ALIM YOK" to close
Kod:on chat: message contains "alım var mı" or "alim var mi" or "alım varmı" or "alim varmi": cancel event send "deneme" to player
Sonuçta Gene Göndericek Böle Olsa Daha İyi Olur
Kod:on chat: message contains "alım var mı" or "alim var mi" or "alım varmı" or "alim varmi": cancel event open chest with 1 rows named "ALIM YOK" to player format slot 0 of player with diamond named "ALIM YOK" to close format slot 1 of player with diamond named "ALIM YOK" to close format slot 2 of player with diamond named "ALIM YOK" to close format slot 3 of player with diamond named "ALIM YOK" to close format slot 4 of player with diamond named "ALIM YOK" to close format slot 5 of player with diamond named "ALIM YOK" to close format slot 6 of player with diamond named "ALIM YOK" to close format slot 7 of player with diamond named "ALIM YOK" to close format slot 8 of player with diamond named "ALIM YOK" to close
Böle Yaparsan Yazı Chate Gitmez İyi Forumlar :)
Menu olmadan Ekrana Yazı Gelmesini İstiyorum
Buyrun. Sorun çözülürse belirtmeyi unutmayın. İyi forumlar.Kod:on chat: message contains "alım var mı" or "alim var mi" or "alım varmı" or "alim varmi": open chest with 1 rows named "ALIM YOK" to player format slot 0 of player with diamond named "ALIM YOK" to close format slot 1 of player with diamond named "ALIM YOK" to close format slot 2 of player with diamond named "ALIM YOK" to close format slot 3 of player with diamond named "ALIM YOK" to close format slot 4 of player with diamond named "ALIM YOK" to close format slot 5 of player with diamond named "ALIM YOK" to close format slot 6 of player with diamond named "ALIM YOK" to close format slot 7 of player with diamond named "ALIM YOK" to close format slot 8 of player with diamond named "ALIM YOK" to close
Arkadaşlar Sizden İsteğim Adamlar Sunucuya Girince alım varmı diyorlar ve bende cevaplamaktan bıkıtım
Alım varmı yazınca ekrana Yazı gelsin &4Alım Yoktur ve bir menu halinde olsun
on chat:
message contains "alım var mı" or "alim var mi" or "alım varmı" or "alim varmi":
cancel event
send players title "&3Serverİsmi &e- &6Alım Yok!" to player for 2 seconds
arkadaşlar yazmış ama bende yazim sorunuz çözüldüyse konu kilitlensinKod:on chat: message contains "alım var mı" or "alim var mi" or "alım varmı" or "alim varmi" or"yetkili alımı varmı": cancel event send "YAZACAĞINIZ YAZI" to player
on chat:
message contains "alım var mı" or "alim var mi" or "alım varmı" or "alim varmi":
cancel event
send players title "&3Serverİsmi &e- &6Alım Yok!" to player for 2 seconds
addon yükledin mi? SkQuery ve ya skRayFall yükle
on chat:
message contains "alım var mı" or "alim var mi" or "alım varmı" or "alim varmi":
send player title "ALIM YOK" with subtitle "ALIM YOK" for 5 seconds