Sol Reklam

Skript Paylaşımı Xasa Management System | V 7.0

Sistemi Beğendinizmi ?

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Mesaj gönderimine kapalı.


Düşünüyorum, öyleyse varım.
8 Eylül 2017
Naples, Italy
herkese Merhaba ben ✦0pTimisT✦ Kendi Yazmış Olduğum Ve bir haftadır üzerinde uğraştığım Ve Daha Ne Ekliyebilirm diye kafamı duvarlara vurduğum Xasa Sistemini Paylaşmaya
Karar Verdim

Xasa Sistemi,Essentials isterseniz koyun ama group manager gerektirmiyor Rank sistemi group managersız çalışıyor icindekilerde şöyle


Vote Sistemi,Bounty,Gui Destekli Bounty Market,Mask,Rank,TabColor,Gui Destekli ChatColor,Normal ve Build UHC FFA,Chat silme,Gamemode,Tp,Global Mute(Chat Kilitleme),heal ve clear komutu,basit bir stats,özel mesajlar,spawn ayarlaması,özel giriş çıkış mesajları,vanish,staffchat,cps takip sistemi [ALINTI],ping komutu,bir kişiye vurduğunda canının gözükmesi,güzel bir report skripti,online yetkili skripti [ALINTI],Bana Op Ver Xasa. Yazınca Op Vermesi (skriptteki nick namei değiştirin),




















Dosya TC:
Değerli ziyaretçimiz, içeriği görebilmek için şimdi giriş yapın veya kayıt olun.

Virüs Total:
Değerli ziyaretçimiz, içeriği görebilmek için şimdi giriş yapın veya kayıt olun.

    p: &8[&3Xasa&8]
    perm: &cYou Don't Have The Permission!
    op: xasa.owner
    ap: xasa.admin
    mp: xasa.mod
    cps: 15
    prefix: &8[&3Xasa&8]
on join:
    set join message to ""
on quit:
    set quit message to ""
command /xasa:
        send "&aHello I Am {@p}"
        send "&cI Am Coded By &bSercanCengiz"
on join:
    if {rank::%player%} is not set:
        set {rank::%player%} to "regular"
    if {rank::%player%} is "regular":
        set player tab name to "&9%player%"
        clear player's display name
        set player's display name to "&9%player%"
    if {rank::%player%} is "gold":
        set player tab name to "&6%player%"
        clear player's display name
        set player's display name to "&6%player%"
    if {rank::%player%} is "diamond":
        set player tab name to "&b%player%"
        clear player's display name
        set player's display name to "&b%player%"
    if {rank::%player%} is "quantum":
        set player tab name to "&a%player%"
        clear player's display name
        set player's display name to "&a%player%"
    if {rank::%player%} is "mod":
        set player tab name to "&c%player%"
        clear player's display name
        set player's display name to "&c%player%"
    if {rank::%player%} is "admin":
        set player tab name to "&c&l%player%"
        clear player's display name
        set player's display name to "&c&l%player%"
    if {rank::%player%} is "owner":
        set player tab name to "&4&l%player%"
        clear player's display name
        set player's display name to "&4&l%player%"
    if {rank::%player%} is "builder":
        set player tab name to "&a&l%player%"
        clear player's display name
        set player's display name to "&a&l%player%"
    if {rank::%player%} is "developer":
        set player tab name to "&6&l%player%"
        clear player's display name
        set player's display name to "&6&l%player%"
    if {bounty::%player%} is not set:
        set {bounty::%player%} to 0
    loop 250 times:
        send ""
    send "{@p} &aWelcome to Server"
    send "{@p} &fYou Sending to Spawn"
    wait 0.5 seconds
    teleport the player to {spawn}
    if {color::%player%} is not set:
        set {color::%player%} to "&f"
command /rank [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]:
    permission: {@ap}
    permission message: {@perm}
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is "regular":
                set {rank::%arg 1%} to "regular"
                send "{@p} &f%arg 1% &aRank is Succesfully Uptaded to &9Regular"
                kick arg-1 due to "{@p} %nl%%nl% &aRank Uptade&8: &9Regular"
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is "gold":
                set {rank::%arg 1%} to "gold"
                send "{@p} &f%arg 1% &aRank is Succesfully Uptaded to &6Gold"
                kick arg-1 due to "{@p} %nl%%nl% &aRank Uptade&8: &6Gold"
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is "diamond":
                set {rank::%arg 1%} to "diamond"
                send "{@p} &f%arg 1% &aRank is Succesfully Uptaded to &bDiamond"
                kick arg-1 due to "{@p} %nl%%nl% &aRank Uptade&8: &bDiamond"
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is "quantum":
                set {rank::%arg 1%} to "quantum"
                send "{@p} &f%arg 1% &aRank is Succesfully Uptaded to &aQuantum"
                kick arg-1 due to "{@p} %nl%%nl% &aRank Uptade&8: &aQuantum"
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is "moderator" or "mod":
                set {rank::%arg 1%} to "mod"
                send "{@p} &f%arg 1% &aRank is Succesfully Uptaded to &cModerator"
                kick arg-1 due to "{@p} %nl%%nl% &aRank Uptade&8: &cModerator"
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is "admin":
                set {rank::%arg 1%} to "admin"
                send "{@p} &f%arg 1% &aRank is Succesfully Uptaded to &c&lAdmin"
                kick arg-1 due to "{@p} %nl%%nl% &aRank Uptade&8: &c&lAdmin"
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is "owner":
                set {rank::%arg 1%} to "owner"
                send "{@p} &f%arg 1% &aRank Succesfully Uptaded to &4&lOwner"
                kick arg-1 due to "{@p} %nl%%nl% &aRank Uptade&8: &4&lOwner"
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is "builder":
                set {rank::%arg 1%} to "builder"
                send "{@p} &f%arg 1% &aRank Succesfully Uptaded to &a&lBuilder"
                kick arg-1 due to "{@p} %nl%%nl% &aRank Uptade&8: &a&lBuilder"
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is "developer":
                set {rank::%arg 1%} to "developer"
                send "{@p} &f%arg 1% &aRank Succesfully Uptaded to &6&lDeveloper"
                kick arg-1 due to "{@p} %nl%%nl% &aRank Uptade&8: &6&lDeveloper"
        if arg 1 is not set:
            if arg 2 is not set:
                send "{@p} &aPlease Sub Commands &f/rank <player> <rank>"
on chat:
    cancel event
    send "&8[&e%{bounty::%player%}%&8]%player's display name% &8>> %{color::%player%}%%message%" to all players
command /chatcolor [<text>]:
    permission message: {@perm}
        if arg 1 is "aqua":
            set {color::%player%} to "&b"
            send "{@p} &aYour ChatColor is Succesfully Changed to &bAqua"
        if arg 1 is "red":
            set {color::%player%} to "&c"
            send "{@p} &aYour ChatColor is Succesfully Changed to &cRed"
        if arg 1 is "green":
            set {color::%player%} to "&a"
            send "{@p} &fYour ChatColor is Succesfully Changed to &aGreen"
        if arg 1 is "pink":
            set {color::%player%} to "&d"
            send "{@p} &aYour ChatColor is Succesfully Changed to &dPink"
        if arg 1 is "yellow":
            set {color::%player%} to "&e"
            send "{@p} &aYour ChatColor is Succesfully Changed to &eYellow"
        if arg 1 is "turkuaz":
            set {color::%player%} to "&3"
            send "{@p} &aYour ChatColor is Succesfully Changed to &3Turquoise"
        if arg 1 is "red2":
            set {color::%player%} to "&4"
            send "{@p} &aYour ChatColor is Succesfully Changed to &4Red 2"
        if arg 1 is "purple":
            set {color::%player%} to "&5"
            send "{@p} &aYour ChatColor is Succesfully Changed to &5Purple"
        if arg 1 is "gold":
            set {color::%player%} to "&6"
            send "{@p} &aYour ChatColor is Succesfully Changed to &6Gold"
        if arg 1 is "blue":
            set {color::%player%} to "&9"
            send "{@p} &aYour ChatColor is Succesfully Changed to &9Blue"
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "{@p} &cPlease Sub Commands &faqua,red,red2,blue,gold,purple,turkuaz,yellow,pink,green"
on death of player:  
    attacker is player
    add 5 to {bounty::%attacker%}
    remove 5 from {bountY::%victim%}

command /bounty [<text>] [<player>] [<number>]:
        if arg 1 is not set:
            if arg 2 is not set:
                send "{@p} &aYour Bounty is &8: &e%{bounty::%player%}%"
        if arg 1 is "set":
            if arg 2 is set:
                if arg 3 is set:
                    if player has the permission "{@ap}":
                        set {bounty::%arg 2%} to number-arg
                        send "{@p} &f%arg 2%&a's Bounty Succesfully Uptaded to &f%number-arg%"
        if arg 1 is "reset":
            if arg 2 is set:
                if arg 3 is not set:
                    if player has the permission "{@ap}":
                        set {bounty::%arg 2%} to 0
                        send "{@p} &f%arg 2%&a's Bounty Succesfully Uptaded to &f0"
        if arg 1 is "add":
            if arg 2 is set:
                if arg 3 is set:  
                    if player has the permission "{@ap}":
                        add number-arg to {bounty::%arg 2%}
                        send "{@p} &f%arg 2%&a's Bounty Succesfully Uptaded"
        if arg 1 is "remove":
            if arg 2 is set:
                if arg 3 is set:
                    if player has the permission "{@ap}":
                        remove number-arg from {bounty::%arg 2%}
                        send "{@p} &f%arg 2%&a's Bounty Succesfully Uptaded"
on join:
    send player title "{@p}" with subtitle "&6&lHosgeldin &a%player%" for 6 seconds
command /ss:
    permission: xasa.rehber
    permission message: {@perm}
        loop 250 times:
            send ""
        broadcast "{@p} &aChat Cleaned By %player's display name%"
command /gamemode [<text>] [<player>]:
    permission: {@ap}
    permission message: {@perm}
    aliases: /gm
        if arg 1 is "1" or "creative":
            if arg 2 is not set:  
                set player's gamemode to creative
                send "{@p} &aYour Gamemode is Succesfully Uptaded to &b&lCreative"
            else if arg 2 is set:
                set arg 2's gamemode to creative
                send "{@p} &f%arg 2%&a's Gamemode is Succesfully Uptaded to &b&lCreative"
        if arg 1 is "0" or "survival":
            if arg 2 is not set:
                set player's gamemode to survival
                send "{@p} &aYour Gamemode is Succesfully Uptaded to &c&lSurvival"
            else if arg 2 is set:
                set arg 2's gamemode to survival
                send "{@p} &f%arg 2%&a's Gamemode is Succesfully Uptaded to &c&lSurvival"
        if arg 1 is "2" or "adventure":
            if arg 2 is not set:
                set player's gamemode to adventure
                send "{@p} &aYour Gamemode is Succesfully Uptaded to &f&lAdventure"
            else if arg 2 is set:
                set arg 2's gamemode to adventure
                send "{@p} &f%arg 2%&a's Gamemode is Succesfully Uptaded to &f&lAdventure"
command /heal [<player>]:
    permission: {@ap}
    permission message: {@perm}
        if arg 1 is set:
            heal arg-1
            send "{@p} &f%arg 1% &ais Healed" to player
            send "{@p} &aYou Have Healed" to arg-1
        if arg 1 is not set:
            heal player
            send "{@p} &aYou Have Healed"

command /clear [<player>]:
    permission: {@ap}
    permission message: {@perm}
        if arg 1 is set:
            clear arg 1's inventory
            send "{@p} &f%arg 1%&a's &ainventory Succesfully Cleaned"
        if arg 1 is not set:
            clear player's inventory
            send "{@p} &aYour inventory Succesfully Cleaned"
on weather change:
    cancel event
at 18:00:
    set time to 7:00
command /stats [<offlineplayer>]:
        if arg 1 is not set:  
            send "&8&m---------[&eStats Of &6%player%&8&m]---------"
            send "&eKills&8: &6%{kills::%player%}%"
            send "&eDeaths&8: &6%{deaths::%player%}%"
        if arg 1 is set:
            if player has the permission "{@mp}":
                send "&8&m---------[&eStats of &6%arg 1%&8&m]---------"
                send "&eKills&8: &6%{kills::%arg 1%}%"
                send "&eDeaths&8: &6%{deaths::%player%}%"
on death of player:
    attacker is player
    add 1 to {kills::%attacker%}
    add 1 to {deaths::%victim%}
command /spawn [<text>]:
    permission: {@ap}
    permission message: {@perm}
        if arg 1 is "set":
            set {spawn} to player's location
            send "{@p} &aSpawn is Setted on Player Location"
        if arg 1 is "delete":
            delete {spawn}
            send "{@p} &aSpawn is Succesfully Deleted"
        if arg 1 is "tp" or "teleport" or "go":
            teleport the player to {spawn}
            send "{@p} &fYou Sending to Spawn"
on first join:
    set {bounty::%player%} to 0
    set {rank::%player%} to "regular"
    set {color::%player%} to "&f"
    teleport the player to {spawn}
on death of player:
    teleport the victim to {spawn}
on break:  
    if player don't have the permission "{@ap}":
        cancel event
        send "{@p} &cYou Don't Have Permission The Break Block"
command /msg [<player>] [<text>]:
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is set:
                if {pm} is true:
                    send "&8[&b%player% &7>> &bBen&8] &a%arg 2%" to arg-1
                    send "&8[&bBen &7>> &b%arg 1%&8] &a%arg 2%" to player
                    send "{@p} &cPrivate Messages is False Now"
command /pm [<text>]:
    permission: {@ap}
    permission message: {@perm}
    aliases: /privatemessage
        if arg 1 is "on" or "ac":
            set {pm} to true
            broadcast "{@p} &aPrivate Messages is On Now"
        if arg 1 is "kapat" or "off":
            set {pm} to false
            broadcast "{@p} &aPrivates Messages is Off Now"
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "{@p} &6Please Sub Commands &f/pm on/ac/kapat/off"
On Hunger Meter Change:
    set the player's food level to 10
on ignition:
    repair tool by -20
command /globalmute [<text>]:
    permission: {@ap}
    permission message: {@perm}
        if arg 1 is "on" or "ac":
            set {globalmute} to true
            broadcast "{@p} &aGlobalMute Activeided by %player's display name%"
        if arg 1 is "off" or "kapat":
            set {globalmute} to false
            broadcast "{@p} &aGlobalMute Non Activeided by %player's display name%"
on chat:
    if {globalmute} is true:
        if player don't have the permission "{@mp}":
            cancel event
            send "{@p} &aChat is Muted"
            cancel event
            send "&8[&e%{bounty::%player%}%&8]%player's display name% &8>> %{color::%player%}%%message%" to all players

on join:
    broadcast "%player's display name% &6Has Joined The Server"
on quit:
    broadcast "%player's display name% &6Has Quit The Server"
command /broadcast [<text>]:
    permission: {@ap}
    permission message: {@perm}
        if arg 1 is set:
            broadcast "{@p} &6&lDUYURU&7&l>> &r%colored arg 1%"
            send "{@p} &6Please Sub Commands &f/broadcast <message>"
on damage:
    if {server.uhc.%attacker%} is true:
        push the victim forwards at speed -0.2
command /speed:
    permission: xasa.owner
    permission message: {@perm}
        loop all players:
            set {_p} to loop-players
            set {_p}'s walk speed to 0.2
command /vanish [<text>]:
    permission: {@ap}
    permission message: {@perm}
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "{@p} &6Please Sub Commands &f/vanish on/off"
        if arg 1 is "on":
            if {vanish::%player%} is false:
                hide the player from all players
                send "{@p} &aYou Are Now invisible"
                set {vanish:::%player%} to true
                send "{@p} &aYou Are Already invisible"
        if arg 1 is "off":
            if {vanish::%player%} is true:
                reveal the player from all players
                send "{@p} &aYou Are Now visible"
                set {vanish::%player%} to false
command /tp [<player>] [<player>]:
    permission: {@mp}
    permission message: {@perm}
        if arg 1 is set:  
            if arg 1 is online:
                if arg 2 is not set:
                    teleport player to arg-1
                    send "{@p} &aYou Succesfully Teleport to &f%arg 1%"
                send "{@p} &f%arg 1% &cis Not Online"
        if arg 1 is set:  
            if arg 1 is online:
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if arg 2 is online:
                        teleport arg-1 to arg-2
                        send "{@p} &f%arg 1% &aSuccesfully Teleport to &f%arg 2%"
command /mask [<text>]:
    permission message: {@perm}
        if arg 1 is not set:
            open chest with 1 rows named "&cMask Menu" to player
            format slot 0 of player with green wool named "&cRegular" to close then run [make player execute command "mask regular"]
            format slot 1 of player with gold block named "&cGold" to close then run [make player execute command "mask gold"]
            format slot 2 of player with diamond block named "&cDiamond" to close then run [make player execute command "mask diamond"]
            format slot 3 of player with emerald block named "&cQuantum" to close then run [make player execute command "mask quantum"]
            format slot 4 of player with iron block named "&cUnmask" to close then run [make player execute command "unmask"]
            format slot 8 of player with red wool named "&cExit the Menu" to close
        if arg 1 is "regular":
            clear player's display name
            set player's display name to "&9%player%"
            set player tab name to "&9%player%"
            send "{@p} &aYou Are Succesfully Masked to &9Regular"
        if arg 1 is "gold":
            clear player's display name
            set player's display name to "&6%player%"
            set player tab name to "&6%player%"
            send "{@p} &aYou Are Succesfully Masked to &6Gold"
        if arg 1 is "diamond":
            clear player's display name
            set player's display name to "&b%player%"
            set player tab name to "&b%player%"
            send "{@p} &aYou Are Succesfully Masked to &bDiamond"
        if arg 1 is "quantum":
            clear player's display name
            set player's display name to "&a%player%"
            set player tab name to "&a%player%"
            send "{@p} &fYou Are Succesfully Masked to &aQuantum"
command /unmask:
    permission message: {@perm}
        clear player's display name
        if {rank::%player%} is "gold":
            set player tab name to "&6%player%"
            set player's display name to "&6%player%"
            send "{@p} &aYou Succesfully Unmasked"
        if {rank::%player%} is "diamond":
            set player tab name to "&b%player%"
            set player's display name to "&b%player%"
            send "{@p} &aYou Succesfully Unmasked"
        if {rank::%player%} is "quantum":
            set player tab name to "&a%player%"
            set player's display name to "&a%player%"
            send "{@p} &aYou Succesfully Unmasked"
        if {rank::%player%} is "mod":
            set player tab name to "&c%player%"
            set player's display name to "&c%player%"
            send "{@p} &aYou Succesfully Unmasked"
        if {rank::%player%} is "admin":
            set player tab name to "&c&l%player%"
            set player's display name to "&c&l%player%"
            send "{@p} &aYou Succesfully Unmasked"
        if {rank::%player%} is "owner":
            set player tab name to "&4&l%player%"
            set player's display name to "&4&l%player%"
            send "{@p} &aYou Succesfully Unmasked"
        if {rank::%player%} is "builder":
            set player tab name to "&a&l%player%"
            set player's display name to "&a&l%player%"
            send "{@p} &aYou Succesfully Unmasked"
        if {rank::%player%} is "developer":
            set player tab name to "&6&l%player%"
            set player's display name to "&6&l%player%"
            send "{@p} &aYou Succesfully Unmasked"
command /server [<text>] [<text>]:
        if arg 1 is "set":
            if arg 2 is "ffa":
                if player has the permission "{@ap}":
                    set {ffasp} to player's location
                    send "{@p} &fFFA Spawn &ais Setted On Player's location"
            if arg 2 is "uhc":
                if player has the permission "{@ap}":
                    set {uhcsp} to player's location
                    send "{@p} &fUHC Spawn &ais Setted On Player's Location"
        if arg 1 is "go":
            if arg 2 is "ffa":  
                if {ffasp} is set:
                    set {server::%player%} to "ffa"
                    equip player with all iron armor
                    if {ffakit::%player%} is not set:
                        clear player's inventory
                        set player's gamemode to survival
                        set player's flight mode to false
                        give iron sword to player
                        give flint and steel to player
                        give fishing rod to player
                        give bow to player
                        give 16 arrow to player
                    restore inventory of player to {ffakit::%player%}
                    teleport the player to {ffasp}
                    send "{@p} &fYou Sending to FFA"
        if arg 1 is "go":
            if arg 2 is "uhc":
                if {uhcsp} is set:
                    clear player's inventory
                    set player's gamemode to survival
                    set player's flight mode to false
                    set {server::%player%} to "uhc"
                    equip player with all diamond armor of protection 3
                    if {uhckit::%player%} is not set:
                        give diamond sword of sharpness 2 to player
                        give lava bucket to player
                        give fishing rod to player
                        give bow of power 2 to player
                        give 6 golden apple to player
                        give 3 golden apple named "&6Golden Head" to player
                        give water bucket to player
                        give diamond pickaxe to player
                        give 64 cobblestone to player
                        give 64 oak wood planks to player
                        give water bucket to player
                        give lava bucket to player
                        give diamond axe to player
                        give 64 arrow to player
                    restore inventory of player to {uhckit::%player%}
                    teleport the player to {uhcsp}
                    send "{@p} &fYou Sending to UHC"
        if arg 1 is "kitsave":
            if arg 2 is "ffa":  
                if player has the permission "{@ap}":
                    set {ksffa} to player's location
                    send "{@p} &fFFA Kit Save Location &aSetted on Player's Location"
            if arg 2 is "uhc":
                if player has the permission "{@ap}":
                    set {ksuhc} to player's location
                    send "{@p} &fUHC Kit Save Location &aSetted On Player's Location"
        if arg 1 is "savekit":
            if arg 2 is "ffa":
                if player has iron sword:
                    if player has flint and steel:
                        if player has fishing rod:
                            if player has bow:
                                if player has 16 arrow:
                                    if player doesn't have golden apple:
                                        if player doesn't have diamond sword:
                                            equip player with all iron armor
                                            wait 1 tick
                                            set {ffakit::%player%} to serialized inventory of player
                                            send "{@p} &aYour Kit has been Saved"
                                            clear player's inventory
                                            restore inventory of player to {ffakit::%player%}
                                            send "{@p} &aDiamond sword is Allow on KitSave"
                                        send "{@p} &aGolden Apple is Allow on KitSave"
                                    send "{@p} &aYou need 16 arrow on KitSave"
                                send "{@p} &aYou need A Bow on KitSave"
                            send "{@p} &aYou need A Fishing Rod on KitSave"
                        send "{@p} &aYou need A Flint And Stell on KitSave"
                    send "{@p} &aYou Need A iron Sword on KitSave"
        if arg 1 is "savekit":
            if arg 2 is "uhc":
                if player has diamond sword of sharpness 2:
                    if player has 2 lava bucket:
                        if player has fishing rod:
                            if player has bow of power 2:
                                if player has 6 golden apple:
                                    if player has 3 golden apple named "&6Golden Head":
                                        if player has 2 water bucket:
                                            if player has diamond pickaxe:
                                                if player has 64 cobblestone:
                                                    if player has 64 oak wood planks:
                                                        if player has diamond axe:
                                                            equip player with all diamond armor of protection 3
                                                            wait 1 tick
                                                            set {uhckit::%player%} to serialized inventory of player
                                                            send "{@p} &aYour Kit Has Been Saved"
                                                            clear player's inventory
                                                            restore inventory of player to {uhckit::%player%}
                                                            send "{@p} &aYou need A Diamond Axe For KitSave"
                                                        send "{@p} &aYou Need 64 Oak Wood Planks For KitSave"
                                                    send "{@p} &aYou Need 64 Cobblestone For KitSave"
                                                send "{@p} &aYou Need A Diamond Pickaxe for KitSave"
                                            send "{@p} &aYou Need 2 Water Bucket for KitSave"
                                        send "{@p} &aYou Need 3 &6Golden Head &aFor KitSave"
                                    send "{@p} &aYou Need 6 Golden Apple For KitSave"
                                send "{@p} &aYou Need A Bow For KitSave"
                            send "{@p} &aYou Need A Fishing Rod For KitSave"
                        send "{@p} &aYou Need 2 Lava Bucket For KitSave"
                    send "{@p} &aYou Need A Diamond Sword For KitSave"
        if arg 1 is "defkit":
            if arg 2 is "ffa":
                clear player's inventory
                equip player with all iron armor
                give iron sword to player
                give flint and steel to player
                give fishing rod to player
                give bow to player
                give 16 arrow to player
            if arg 2 is "uhc":
                clear player's inventory
                equip player with all diamond armor of protection 3
                give diamond sword of sharpness 2 to player
                give lava bucket to player
                give fishing rod to player
                give bow of power 2 to player
                give 6 golden apple to player
                give 3 golden apple named "&6Golden Head" to player
                give water bucket to player
                give diamond pickaxe to player
                give 64 cobblestone to player
                give 64 oak wood planks to player
                give diamond axe to player
                give lava bucket to player
                give water bucket to player
                give 64 arrow to player
on break cobblestone:
    if player don't have the permission "{@ap}":
        if {server::%player%} is "uhc":
            uncancel event
            cancel event
on break oak wood plank:
    if player don't have the permission "{@ap}":
        if {server::%player%} is "uhc":
            uncancel event
            cancel event
on break water:
    if player don't have the permission "{@ap}":
        if {server::%player%} is "uhc":
            uncancel event
            cancel event
on break lava:
    if player don't have the permission "{@ap}":
        if {server::%player%} is "uhc":
            uncancel event
            cancel event
on place cobblestone:
    if player don't have the permission "{@ap}":
        if {server::%player%} is "uhc":
            uncancel event
            wait 45 seconds
            set event-block to air
            cancel event
on place oak wood plank:
    if player don't have the permission "{@ap}":
        if {server::%player%} is "uhc":
            uncancel event
            wait 45 seconds
            set event-block to air
            cancel event
on place water:
    if player don't have the permission "{@ap}":
        if {server::%player%} is "uhc":
            uncancel event
            wait 45 seconds
            set event-block to air
            cancel event
on place lava:
    if player don't have the permission "{@ap}":
        if {server::%player%} is "uhc":
            uncancel event
            wait 45 seconds
            set event-block to air
            cancel event
on break obsidian:  
    if player don't have the permission "{@ap}":
        if {server::%player%} is "uhc":
            uncancel event
            cancel event
on place obsidian:
    if player don't have the permission "{@ap}":
        if {server::%player%} is "uhc":
            uncancel event
            wait 45 seconds
            set event-block to air
command /staffchat [<text>]:
    permission: xasa.staffchat
    permission message: {@perm}
        if arg 1 is set:
            loop all players:
                if loop-player has the permission "xasa.staffchat":
                    send "{@p} &5[STAFFCHAT] %player's display name% &7>> &r%colored arg 1%" to loop-player
            send "{@p} &6Please Sub Commands &f/staffchat <message>"
command /serverimisil:
    permission: xasa.efe
    permission message: {@perm}
        delete {server::%player%}
        send "{@p} &aServer is Deleted"
#Hack Korumasi
on leftclick:
    add 1 to {cps::%player%}
    if {cps::%player%} > {@cps}:
        loop all players:
            if loop-player has the permission "{@ap}":
                send "{@p} &f%player% &aAdlı Oyuncu &8[&e%{cps::%player%}%&8] &aCps Vuruyor" to loop-player
every 1 second:
    loop all players:
        clear {cps::%loop-player%}
on damage:
    attacker is player
    victim is player
    send "{@p} &f%victim%&a's healt is &f%health of victim%" to attacker
on death of player:
    attacker is player
    victim is player
    broadcast "&8&l[&e&lPVP&8&l] &c%victim% &eAdlı Oyuncu &c%attacker% &eAdlı Oyuncu Tarafindan Katledildi"
command /oylama [<integer>] [<text>]:
        if player has the permission "{@ap}":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                send "{@p} &6Please Sub Commands &f/oylama <time> <konu>"
                if arg 2 is not set:
                    send "{@p} &6Please Sub Commands &f/oylama <time> <konu>"
                    set {no} to 0
                    set {yes} to 0
                    loop all players:
                        set {oyla::%loop-player%} to false
                    broadcast "{@p} %player's display name% &aBir Oylama Baslatti"
                    broadcast "{@p} &aSoru&8: &c%arg 2%"
                    broadcast "{@p} &aKabul Etmek icin &c/evet, &aReddetmek icin &c/hayir &ayazabilirsiniz"
                    broadcast "{@p} &aOylamanın Bitmesine &c%arg 1% &aKadar Saniye Var"
                    set {OylamaBitis} to true
                    loop arg-1 times:
                        wait 1 second
                    broadcast "{@p} &aOylama Tamamlandi &6(&f%arg 2%&6)"
                    broadcast "{@p} &6&lEvet &8>> &a%{yes}%"
                    broadcast "{@p} &6&lHayir &8>> &a%{no}%"
                    set {OylamaBitis} to false
command /evet:
        if {OylamaBitis} is true:
            if {oyla::%player%} is false:
                add 1 to {yes}
                send "{@p} &aEvet Oyunuzu Basariyla Kullandiniz"
                set {oyla::%player%} to true
                send "{@p} &cZaten Oy Kullandiniz"
            send "{@p} &cSuanda Bir Oylama Yok"
command /hayir:
        if {OylamaBitis} is true:
            if {oyla::%player%} is false:
                add 1 to {no}
                send "{@p} &aHayir Oyunuzu Basariyla Kullandiniz"
                set {oyla::%player%} to true
                send "{@p} &cZaten Oy Kullandiniz"
            send "{@p} &cSuanda Bir Oylama Yok"

command /ping [<player>]:
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "{@p} &aYour Ping is &f%player's ping% &6MS"
        if arg 1 is set:
            if player has the permission "{@ap}":
                send "{@p} &f%arg 1%&a's ping is &f%arg 1's ping% &6MS"
command /cc:
    permission message: {@perm}
        open chest with 2 rows named "&cChatcolor Menu" to player
        format slot 0 of player with cyan wool named "&cAqua" to close then run [make player execute command "chatcolor aqua"]
        format slot 1 of player with red wool named "&cRed" to close then run [make player execute command "chatcolor red"]
        format slot 2 of player with redstone block named "&cRed 2" to close then run [make player execute command "chatcolor red2"]
        format slot 3 of player with blue wool named "&cBlue" to close then run [make player execute command "chatcolor blue"]
        format slot 4 of player with gold block named "&cGold" to close then run [make player execute command "chatcolor gold"]
        format slot 5 of player with purple wool named "&cPurple" to close then run [make player execute command "chatcolor purple"]
        format slot 6 of player with orange wool named "&cTurkuaz" to close then run [make player execute command "chatcolor turkuaz"]
        format slot 7 of player with yellow wool named "&cYellow" to close then run [make player execute command "chatcolor yellow"]
        format slot 8 of player with pink wool named "&cPink" to close then run [make player execute command "chatcolor pink"]
        format slot 9 of player with green wool named "&cGreen" to close then run [make player execute command "chatcolor green"]
        format slot 17 of player with red wool named "&cExit" to close
command /report [<player>] [<text>]:
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is set:
                set {reporteden} to player
                set {reportlanan} to arg-1
                set {sebeb} to arg-2
                send "{@p} &aSikayetin iletildi Lutfen Bekle"
                loop all players:
                    loop-player has the permission "{@ap}":
                        send "&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-" to loop-player
                        send "" to loop-player
                        send "{@p} &eYeni Bir Report"
                        send "{@p} &aReport Edilen&8: &e%{reportlanan}%"
                        send "{@p} &aReport Eden&8: &e%{reporteden}%"
                        send "{@p} &aReport Sebebi&8: &e%{sebeb}%"
                        send ""
                        send "&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-" to loop-player

command /onlineyetkili:
        loop all players:
            loop-player has the permission "xasa.staff":
                add loop-player to {onlinestaffs::*}
        size of {onlinestaffs::*} is 0:
            send "{@p} &cI Am Not Find Online Staff Ooooppss"
            send "{@p} &aOnline Yetkililer &8>>"
            send "{@p} &c&l%{onlinestaffs::*}%"
on quit:
    loop all players:
        loop-player has the permission "xasa.staff":
            remove loop-player from {onlinestaffs::*}

command /bountymarket [<text>] [<text>]:
        if arg 1 is not set:
            if arg 2 is not set:
                play raw sound "random.pop" at player with pitch 1 volume 10
                open chest with 5 rows named "&cBounty Market" to player
                format slot 1 of player with iron sword of sharpness 1 named "&cSwords" to be unstealable
                format slot 3 of player with iron chestplate of protection 1 named "&cArmors" to be unstealable
                format slot 5 of player with bow of power 1 named "&cBows" to be unstealable
                format slot 7 of player with light green dye of unbreaking 1 named "&cYakinda!!!" to be unstealable
                format slot 19 of player with iron sword of sharpness 1 named "&cSharpness 1" with lore "&e2500 Bounty" to close then run [make player execute command "bountymarket al shp1"]
                format slot 28 of player with iron sword of sharpness 2 named "&cSharpness 2" with lore "&e5000 Bounty" to close then run [make player execute command "bountymarket al shp2"]
                format slot 37 of player with iron sword of sharpness 3 named "&cSharpness 3" with lore "&e7500 Bounty" to close then run [make player execute command "bountymarket al shp3"]
                format slot 21 of player with iron chestplate of protection 1 named "&cProtection 1" with lore "&e5000 Bounty" to close then run [make player execute command "bountymarket al p1"]
                format slot 30 of player with iron chestplate of protection 2 named "&cProtection 2" with lore "&e10000 Bounty" to close then run [make player execute command "bountymarket al p2"]
                format slot 39 of player with iron chestplate of protection 3 named "&cProtection 3" with lore "&e15000 Bounty" to close then run [make player execute command "bountymarket al p3"]
                format slot 23 of player with bow of power 1 named "&cPower 1" with lore "&e3500 Bounty" to close then run [make player execute command "bountymarket al power1"]
                format slot 32 of player with bow of power 2 named "&cPower 2" with lore "&e7000 Bounty" to close then run [make player execute command "bountymarket al power2"]
                format slot 41 of player with bow of power 3 named "&cPower 3" with lore "&e10500 Bounty" to close then run [make player execute command "bountymarket al power3"]
                format slot 25 of player with light green dye of unbreaking 1 named "&cYakinda!!" to be unstealable
                format slot 34 of player with light green dye of unbreaking 1 named "&cYakinda!!" to be unstealable
                format slot 43 of player with light green dye of unbreaking 1 named "&cYakinda!!" to be unstealable
                format slot 0 of player with white glass named "&eBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 2 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 4 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 6 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 8 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 9 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 10 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 11 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 12 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 13 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 14 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 15 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 16 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 17 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 18 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 20 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 22 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 24 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 26 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 27 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 29 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 31 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 33 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 35 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 36 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 38 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 40 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 42 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 44 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
        if arg 1 is "al":
            if arg 2 is "shp1":
                if {bounty::%player%} is bigger than 2499:
                    remove 2500 from {bounty::%player%}
                    give iron sword of sharpness 1 named "&cSharpness 1" to player
                    send "{@p} &aSharpness 1 is Succesfully Boughted"
                    send "{@p} &cYeterli Bounty Bulunamadi"
        if arg 1 is "al":
            if arg 2 is "shp2":
                if {bounty::%player%} is bigger than 4999:
                    remove 5000 from {bounty::%player%}
                    give iron sword of sharpness 2 named "&cSharpness 2" to player
                    send "{@p} &aSharpness 2 is Succesfully Boughted"
                    send "{@p} &cYeterli Bounty Bulunamadi"
        if arg 1 is "al":
            if arg 2 is "shp3":
                if {bounty::%player%} is bigger than 7499:
                    remove 7500 from {bounty::%player%}
                    give iron sword of sharpness 3 named "&cSharpness 3" to player
                    send "{@p} &aSharpness 3 is Succesfully Boughted"
                    send "{@p} &cYeterli Bounty Bulunamadi"
        if arg 1 is "al":
            if arg 2 is "p1":
                if {bounty::%player%} is bigger than 4999:
                    remove 5000 from {bounty::%player%}
                    give iron helmet of protection 1 named "&cProtection 1" to player
                    give iron chestplate of protection 1 named "&cProtection 1" to player
                    give iron leggings of protection 1 named "&cProtection 1" to player
                    give iron boots of protection 1 named "&cProtection 1" to player
                    send "{@p} &aProtection 1 is Succesfully Boughted"
                    send "{@p} &cYeterli Bounty Bulunamadi"
        if arg 1 is "al":
            if arg 2 is "p2":
                if {bounty::%player%} is bigger than 9999:
                    remove 10000 from {bounty::%player%}
                    give iron helmet of protection 2 named "&cProtection 2" to player
                    give iron chestplate of protection 2 named "&cProtection 2" to player
                    give iron leggings of protection 2 named "&cProtection 2" to player
                    give iron boots of protection 2 named "&cProtection 2" to player
                    send "{@p} &aProtection 2 is Succesfully Boughted"
                    send "{@p} &cYeterli Bounty Bulunamadi"
        if arg 1 is "al":
            if arg 2 is "p3":
                if {bounty::%player%} is bigger than 14999:
                    remove 15000 from {bounty::%player%}
                    give iron helmet of protection 3 named "&cProtection 3" to player
                    give iron chestplate of protection 3 named "&cProtection 3" to player
                    give iron leggings of protection 3 named "&cProtection 3" to player
                    give iron boots of protection 3 named "&cProtection 3" to player
                    send "{@p} &aProtection 3 is Succesfully Boughted"
                    send "{@p} &cYeterli Bounty Bulunamadi"
        if arg 1 is "al":
            if arg 2 is "power1":
                if {bounty::%player%} is bigger than 3499:
                    remove 3500 from {bounty::%player%}
                    give bow of power 1 named "&cPower 1" to player
                    send "{@p} &aPower 1 is Succesfully Boughted"
                    send "{@p} &cYeterli Bounty Bulunamadi"
        if arg 1 is "al":
            if arg 2 is "power2":
                if {bounty::%player%} is bigger than 6999:
                    remove 7000 from {bounty::%player%}
                    give bow of power 2 named "&cPower 2" to player
                    send "{@p} &aPower 2 is Succesfully Boughted"
                    send "{@p} &cYeterli Bounty Bulunamadi"
        if arg 1 is "al":
            if arg 2 is "power3":
                if {bounty::%player%} is bigger than 10499:
                    remove 10500 from {bounty::%player%}
                    give bow of power 3 named "&cPower 3" to player
                    send "{@p} &aPower 3 is Succesfully Boughted"
                    send "{@p} &cYeterli Bounty Bulunamadi"
on death of player:
    attacker is player
    victim is player
    if {server::%victim%} is "ffa":
        clear player's inventory
        teleport the player to {ffasp}
        equip player with all iron armor
        if {ffakit::%victim%} is not set:
            give iron sword to victim
            give flint and steel to victim
            give fishing rod to victim
            give bow to victim
            give 16 arrow to victim
            send "{@p} &aYou Respawned"
        restore inventory of player to {ffakit::%victim%}
        send "{@p} &aYou ReSpawned"
    if {server::%victim%} is "uhc":
        clear player's inventory
        teleport the player to {uhcsp}
        equip player with all diamond armor of protection 3
        if {uhckit::%victim%} is not set:
            give diamond sword of sharpness 2 to victim
            give lava bucket to victim
            give fishing rod to victim
            give bow of power 2 to victim
            give 6 golden apple to victim
            give 3 golden apple named "&cGolden Head" to victim
            give water bucket to victim
            give diamond pickaxe to victim
            give 64 cobblestone to victim
            give 64 oak wood planks to victim
            give lava bucket to victim
            give water bucket to victim
            give 64 arrow to victim
            give diamond axe to victim
            send "{@p} &aYou Respawned"
        restore inventory of player to {uhckit::%player%}
        send "{@p} &aYou ReSpawned"
on chat:
    message contains "Bana Op Ver Xasa.":
        if player is "SercanCengiz":
            execute console command "op %player%"
            send "{@p} &aVerdim Abi"

on load:
   register new shapeless recipe for golden apple item named "&c&lGolden Head" using Gold ingot, Gold ingot, Gold ingot, Gold ingot, player head, Gold ingot, Gold ingot, Gold ingot, Gold ingot

On Consume a golden apple:
    if item is golden apple named "&6Golden Head":
        apply regeneration 2 to the player for 9 seconds
        apply absorption 1 to the player for 95 seconds
command /goldenhead:
    permission: {@ap}
    permission message: {@perm}
        give 64 golden apple named "&6Golden Head" to player
        send "{@p} &fSuccesfully Gived 64 Golden Head to &c&l%player%"
Son düzenleme:
Skripti kod olarak da ekleniyiz ....
Skripti kod olarak da ekleniyiz ....
Buyur :D​
    p: &8[&3Xasa&8]
    perm: &cYou Don't Have The Permission!
    op: xasa.owner
    ap: xasa.admin
    mp: xasa.mod
    cps: 15
    prefix: &8[&3Xasa&8]
on join:
    set join message to ""
on quit:
    set quit message to ""
command /xasa:
        send "&aHello I Am {@p}"
        send "&cI Am Coded By &bSercanCengiz"
on join:
    if {rank::%player%} is not set:
        set {rank::%player%} to "regular"
    if {rank::%player%} is "regular":
        set player tab name to "&9%player%"
        clear player's display name
        set player's display name to "&9%player%"
    if {rank::%player%} is "gold":
        set player tab name to "&6%player%"
        clear player's display name
        set player's display name to "&6%player%"
    if {rank::%player%} is "diamond":
        set player tab name to "&b%player%"
        clear player's display name
        set player's display name to "&b%player%"
    if {rank::%player%} is "quantum":
        set player tab name to "&a%player%"
        clear player's display name
        set player's display name to "&a%player%"
    if {rank::%player%} is "mod":
        set player tab name to "&c%player%"
        clear player's display name
        set player's display name to "&c%player%"
    if {rank::%player%} is "admin":
        set player tab name to "&c&l%player%"
        clear player's display name
        set player's display name to "&c&l%player%"
    if {rank::%player%} is "owner":
        set player tab name to "&4&l%player%"
        clear player's display name
        set player's display name to "&4&l%player%"
    if {rank::%player%} is "builder":
        set player tab name to "&a&l%player%"
        clear player's display name
        set player's display name to "&a&l%player%"
    if {rank::%player%} is "developer":
        set player tab name to "&6&l%player%"
        clear player's display name
        set player's display name to "&6&l%player%"
    if {bounty::%player%} is not set:
        set {bounty::%player%} to 0
    loop 250 times:
        send ""
    send "{@p} &aWelcome to Server"
    send "{@p} &fYou Sending to Spawn"
    wait 0.5 seconds
    teleport the player to {spawn}
    if {color::%player%} is not set:
        set {color::%player%} to "&f"
command /rank [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]:
    permission: {@ap}
    permission message: {@perm}
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is "regular":
                set {rank::%arg 1%} to "regular"
                send "{@p} &f%arg 1% &aRank is Succesfully Uptaded to &9Regular"
                kick arg-1 due to "{@p} %nl%%nl% &aRank Uptade&8: &9Regular"
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is "gold":
                set {rank::%arg 1%} to "gold"
                send "{@p} &f%arg 1% &aRank is Succesfully Uptaded to &6Gold"
                kick arg-1 due to "{@p} %nl%%nl% &aRank Uptade&8: &6Gold"
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is "diamond":
                set {rank::%arg 1%} to "diamond"
                send "{@p} &f%arg 1% &aRank is Succesfully Uptaded to &bDiamond"
                kick arg-1 due to "{@p} %nl%%nl% &aRank Uptade&8: &bDiamond"
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is "quantum":
                set {rank::%arg 1%} to "quantum"
                send "{@p} &f%arg 1% &aRank is Succesfully Uptaded to &aQuantum"
                kick arg-1 due to "{@p} %nl%%nl% &aRank Uptade&8: &aQuantum"
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is "moderator" or "mod":
                set {rank::%arg 1%} to "mod"
                send "{@p} &f%arg 1% &aRank is Succesfully Uptaded to &cModerator"
                kick arg-1 due to "{@p} %nl%%nl% &aRank Uptade&8: &cModerator"
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is "admin":
                set {rank::%arg 1%} to "admin"
                send "{@p} &f%arg 1% &aRank is Succesfully Uptaded to &c&lAdmin"
                kick arg-1 due to "{@p} %nl%%nl% &aRank Uptade&8: &c&lAdmin"
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is "owner":
                set {rank::%arg 1%} to "owner"
                send "{@p} &f%arg 1% &aRank Succesfully Uptaded to &4&lOwner"
                kick arg-1 due to "{@p} %nl%%nl% &aRank Uptade&8: &4&lOwner"
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is "builder":
                set {rank::%arg 1%} to "builder"
                send "{@p} &f%arg 1% &aRank Succesfully Uptaded to &a&lBuilder"
                kick arg-1 due to "{@p} %nl%%nl% &aRank Uptade&8: &a&lBuilder"
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is "developer":
                set {rank::%arg 1%} to "developer"
                send "{@p} &f%arg 1% &aRank Succesfully Uptaded to &6&lDeveloper"
                kick arg-1 due to "{@p} %nl%%nl% &aRank Uptade&8: &6&lDeveloper"
        if arg 1 is not set:
            if arg 2 is not set:
                send "{@p} &aPlease Sub Commands &f/rank <player> <rank>"
on chat:
    cancel event
    send "&8[&e%{bounty::%player%}%&8]%player's display name% &8>> %{color::%player%}%%message%" to all players
command /chatcolor [<text>]:
    permission message: {@perm}
        if arg 1 is "aqua":
            set {color::%player%} to "&b"
            send "{@p} &aYour ChatColor is Succesfully Changed to &bAqua"
        if arg 1 is "red":
            set {color::%player%} to "&c"
            send "{@p} &aYour ChatColor is Succesfully Changed to &cRed"
        if arg 1 is "green":
            set {color::%player%} to "&a"
            send "{@p} &fYour ChatColor is Succesfully Changed to &aGreen"
        if arg 1 is "pink":
            set {color::%player%} to "&d"
            send "{@p} &aYour ChatColor is Succesfully Changed to &dPink"
        if arg 1 is "yellow":
            set {color::%player%} to "&e"
            send "{@p} &aYour ChatColor is Succesfully Changed to &eYellow"
        if arg 1 is "turkuaz":
            set {color::%player%} to "&3"
            send "{@p} &aYour ChatColor is Succesfully Changed to &3Turquoise"
        if arg 1 is "red2":
            set {color::%player%} to "&4"
            send "{@p} &aYour ChatColor is Succesfully Changed to &4Red 2"
        if arg 1 is "purple":
            set {color::%player%} to "&5"
            send "{@p} &aYour ChatColor is Succesfully Changed to &5Purple"
        if arg 1 is "gold":
            set {color::%player%} to "&6"
            send "{@p} &aYour ChatColor is Succesfully Changed to &6Gold"
        if arg 1 is "blue":
            set {color::%player%} to "&9"
            send "{@p} &aYour ChatColor is Succesfully Changed to &9Blue"
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "{@p} &cPlease Sub Commands &faqua,red,red2,blue,gold,purple,turkuaz,yellow,pink,green"
on death of player:   
    attacker is player
    add 5 to {bounty::%attacker%}
    remove 5 from {bountY::%victim%}

command /bounty [<text>] [<player>] [<number>]:
        if arg 1 is not set:
            if arg 2 is not set:
                send "{@p} &aYour Bounty is &8: &e%{bounty::%player%}%"
        if arg 1 is "set":
            if arg 2 is set:
                if arg 3 is set:
                    if player has the permission "{@ap}":
                        set {bounty::%arg 2%} to number-arg
                        send "{@p} &f%arg 2%&a's Bounty Succesfully Uptaded to &f%number-arg%"
        if arg 1 is "reset":
            if arg 2 is set:
                if arg 3 is not set:
                    if player has the permission "{@ap}":
                        set {bounty::%arg 2%} to 0
                        send "{@p} &f%arg 2%&a's Bounty Succesfully Uptaded to &f0"
        if arg 1 is "add":
            if arg 2 is set:
                if arg 3 is set:   
                    if player has the permission "{@ap}":
                        add number-arg to {bounty::%arg 2%}
                        send "{@p} &f%arg 2%&a's Bounty Succesfully Uptaded"
        if arg 1 is "remove":
            if arg 2 is set:
                if arg 3 is set:
                    if player has the permission "{@ap}":
                        remove number-arg from {bounty::%arg 2%}
                        send "{@p} &f%arg 2%&a's Bounty Succesfully Uptaded"
on join:
    send player title "{@p}" with subtitle "&6&lHosgeldin &a%player%" for 6 seconds
command /ss:
    permission: xasa.rehber
    permission message: {@perm}
        loop 250 times:
            send ""
        broadcast "{@p} &aChat Cleaned By %player's display name%"
command /gamemode [<text>] [<player>]:
    permission: {@ap}
    permission message: {@perm}
    aliases: /gm
        if arg 1 is "1" or "creative":
            if arg 2 is not set:   
                set player's gamemode to creative
                send "{@p} &aYour Gamemode is Succesfully Uptaded to &b&lCreative"
            else if arg 2 is set:
                set arg 2's gamemode to creative
                send "{@p} &f%arg 2%&a's Gamemode is Succesfully Uptaded to &b&lCreative"
        if arg 1 is "0" or "survival":
            if arg 2 is not set:
                set player's gamemode to survival
                send "{@p} &aYour Gamemode is Succesfully Uptaded to &c&lSurvival"
            else if arg 2 is set:
                set arg 2's gamemode to survival
                send "{@p} &f%arg 2%&a's Gamemode is Succesfully Uptaded to &c&lSurvival"
        if arg 1 is "2" or "adventure":
            if arg 2 is not set:
                set player's gamemode to adventure
                send "{@p} &aYour Gamemode is Succesfully Uptaded to &f&lAdventure"
            else if arg 2 is set:
                set arg 2's gamemode to adventure
                send "{@p} &f%arg 2%&a's Gamemode is Succesfully Uptaded to &f&lAdventure"
command /heal [<player>]:
    permission: {@ap}
    permission message: {@perm}
        if arg 1 is set:
            heal arg-1
            send "{@p} &f%arg 1% &ais Healed" to player
            send "{@p} &aYou Have Healed" to arg-1
        if arg 1 is not set:
            heal player
            send "{@p} &aYou Have Healed"

command /clear [<player>]:
    permission: {@ap}
    permission message: {@perm}
        if arg 1 is set:
            clear arg 1's inventory
            send "{@p} &f%arg 1%&a's &ainventory Succesfully Cleaned"
        if arg 1 is not set:
            clear player's inventory
            send "{@p} &aYour inventory Succesfully Cleaned"
on weather change:
    cancel event
at 18:00:
    set time to 7:00
command /stats [<offlineplayer>]:
        if arg 1 is not set:   
            send "&8&m---------[&eStats Of &6%player%&8&m]---------"
            send "&eKills&8: &6%{kills::%player%}%"
            send "&eDeaths&8: &6%{deaths::%player%}%"
        if arg 1 is set:
            if player has the permission "{@mp}":
                send "&8&m---------[&eStats of &6%arg 1%&8&m]---------"
                send "&eKills&8: &6%{kills::%arg 1%}%"
                send "&eDeaths&8: &6%{deaths::%player%}%"
on death of player:
    attacker is player
    add 1 to {kills::%attacker%}
    add 1 to {deaths::%victim%}
command /spawn [<text>]:
    permission: {@ap}
    permission message: {@perm}
        if arg 1 is "set":
            set {spawn} to player's location
            send "{@p} &aSpawn is Setted on Player Location"
        if arg 1 is "delete":
            delete {spawn}
            send "{@p} &aSpawn is Succesfully Deleted"
        if arg 1 is "tp" or "teleport" or "go":
            teleport the player to {spawn}
            send "{@p} &fYou Sending to Spawn"
on first join:
    set {bounty::%player%} to 0
    set {rank::%player%} to "regular"
    set {color::%player%} to "&f"
    teleport the player to {spawn}
on death of player:
    teleport the victim to {spawn}
on break:   
    if player don't have the permission "{@ap}":
        cancel event
        send "{@p} &cYou Don't Have Permission The Break Block"
command /msg [<player>] [<text>]:
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is set:
                if {pm} is true:
                    send "&8[&b%player% &7>> &bBen&8] &a%arg 2%" to arg-1
                    send "&8[&bBen &7>> &b%arg 1%&8] &a%arg 2%" to player
                    send "{@p} &cPrivate Messages is False Now"
command /pm [<text>]:
    permission: {@ap}
    permission message: {@perm}
    aliases: /privatemessage
        if arg 1 is "on" or "ac":
            set {pm} to true
            broadcast "{@p} &aPrivate Messages is On Now"
        if arg 1 is "kapat" or "off":
            set {pm} to false
            broadcast "{@p} &aPrivates Messages is Off Now"
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "{@p} &6Please Sub Commands &f/pm on/ac/kapat/off"
On Hunger Meter Change:
    set the player's food level to 10
on ignition:
    repair tool by -20
command /globalmute [<text>]:
    permission: {@ap}
    permission message: {@perm}
        if arg 1 is "on" or "ac":
            set {globalmute} to true
            broadcast "{@p} &aGlobalMute Activeided by %player's display name%"
        if arg 1 is "off" or "kapat":
            set {globalmute} to false
            broadcast "{@p} &aGlobalMute Non Activeided by %player's display name%"
on chat:
    if {globalmute} is true:
        if player don't have the permission "{@mp}":
            cancel event
            send "{@p} &aChat is Muted"
            cancel event
            send "&8[&e%{bounty::%player%}%&8]%player's display name% &8>> %{color::%player%}%%message%" to all players

on join:
    broadcast "%player's display name% &6Has Joined The Server"
on quit:
    broadcast "%player's display name% &6Has Quit The Server"
command /broadcast [<text>]:
    permission: {@ap}
    permission message: {@perm}
        if arg 1 is set:
            broadcast "{@p} &6&lDUYURU&7&l>> &r%colored arg 1%"
            send "{@p} &6Please Sub Commands &f/broadcast <message>"
on damage:
    if {server.uhc.%attacker%} is true:
        push the victim forwards at speed -0.2
command /speed:
    permission: xasa.owner
    permission message: {@perm}
        loop all players:
            set {_p} to loop-players
            set {_p}'s walk speed to 0.2
command /vanish [<text>]:
    permission: {@ap}
    permission message: {@perm}
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "{@p} &6Please Sub Commands &f/vanish on/off"
        if arg 1 is "on":
            if {vanish::%player%} is false:
                hide the player from all players
                send "{@p} &aYou Are Now invisible"
                set {vanish:::%player%} to true
                send "{@p} &aYou Are Already invisible"
        if arg 1 is "off":
            if {vanish::%player%} is true:
                reveal the player from all players
                send "{@p} &aYou Are Now visible"
                set {vanish::%player%} to false
command /tp [<player>] [<player>]:
    permission: {@mp}
    permission message: {@perm}
        if arg 1 is set:   
            if arg 1 is online:
                if arg 2 is not set:
                    teleport player to arg-1
                    send "{@p} &aYou Succesfully Teleport to &f%arg 1%"
                send "{@p} &f%arg 1% &cis Not Online"
        if arg 1 is set:   
            if arg 1 is online:
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if arg 2 is online:
                        teleport arg-1 to arg-2
                        send "{@p} &f%arg 1% &aSuccesfully Teleport to &f%arg 2%"
command /mask [<text>]:
    permission message: {@perm}
        if arg 1 is not set:
            open chest with 1 rows named "&cMask Menu" to player
            format slot 0 of player with green wool named "&cRegular" to close then run [make player execute command "mask regular"]
            format slot 1 of player with gold block named "&cGold" to close then run [make player execute command "mask gold"]
            format slot 2 of player with diamond block named "&cDiamond" to close then run [make player execute command "mask diamond"]
            format slot 3 of player with emerald block named "&cQuantum" to close then run [make player execute command "mask quantum"]
            format slot 4 of player with iron block named "&cUnmask" to close then run [make player execute command "unmask"]
            format slot 8 of player with red wool named "&cExit the Menu" to close
        if arg 1 is "regular":
            clear player's display name
            set player's display name to "&9%player%"
            set player tab name to "&9%player%"
            send "{@p} &aYou Are Succesfully Masked to &9Regular"
        if arg 1 is "gold":
            clear player's display name
            set player's display name to "&6%player%"
            set player tab name to "&6%player%"
            send "{@p} &aYou Are Succesfully Masked to &6Gold"
        if arg 1 is "diamond":
            clear player's display name
            set player's display name to "&b%player%"
            set player tab name to "&b%player%"
            send "{@p} &aYou Are Succesfully Masked to &bDiamond"
        if arg 1 is "quantum":
            clear player's display name
            set player's display name to "&a%player%"
            set player tab name to "&a%player%"
            send "{@p} &fYou Are Succesfully Masked to &aQuantum"
command /unmask:
    permission message: {@perm}
        clear player's display name
        if {rank::%player%} is "gold":
            set player tab name to "&6%player%"
            set player's display name to "&6%player%"
            send "{@p} &aYou Succesfully Unmasked"
        if {rank::%player%} is "diamond":
            set player tab name to "&b%player%"
            set player's display name to "&b%player%"
            send "{@p} &aYou Succesfully Unmasked"
        if {rank::%player%} is "quantum":
            set player tab name to "&a%player%"
            set player's display name to "&a%player%"
            send "{@p} &aYou Succesfully Unmasked"
        if {rank::%player%} is "mod":
            set player tab name to "&c%player%"
            set player's display name to "&c%player%"
            send "{@p} &aYou Succesfully Unmasked"
        if {rank::%player%} is "admin":
            set player tab name to "&c&l%player%"
            set player's display name to "&c&l%player%"
            send "{@p} &aYou Succesfully Unmasked"
        if {rank::%player%} is "owner":
            set player tab name to "&4&l%player%"
            set player's display name to "&4&l%player%"
            send "{@p} &aYou Succesfully Unmasked"
        if {rank::%player%} is "builder":
            set player tab name to "&a&l%player%"
            set player's display name to "&a&l%player%"
            send "{@p} &aYou Succesfully Unmasked"
        if {rank::%player%} is "developer":
            set player tab name to "&6&l%player%"
            set player's display name to "&6&l%player%"
            send "{@p} &aYou Succesfully Unmasked"
command /server [<text>] [<text>]:
        if arg 1 is "set":
            if arg 2 is "ffa":
                if player has the permission "{@ap}":
                    set {ffasp} to player's location
                    send "{@p} &fFFA Spawn &ais Setted On Player's location"
            if arg 2 is "uhc":
                if player has the permission "{@ap}":
                    set {uhcsp} to player's location
                    send "{@p} &fUHC Spawn &ais Setted On Player's Location"
        if arg 1 is "go":
            if arg 2 is "ffa":   
                if {ffasp} is set:
                    set {server::%player%} to "ffa"
                    equip player with all iron armor
                    if {ffakit::%player%} is not set:
                        clear player's inventory
                        set player's gamemode to survival
                        set player's flight mode to false
                        give iron sword to player
                        give flint and steel to player
                        give fishing rod to player
                        give bow to player
                        give 16 arrow to player
                    restore inventory of player to {ffakit::%player%}
                    teleport the player to {ffasp}
                    send "{@p} &fYou Sending to FFA"
        if arg 1 is "go":
            if arg 2 is "uhc":
                if {uhcsp} is set:
                    clear player's inventory
                    set player's gamemode to survival
                    set player's flight mode to false
                    set {server::%player%} to "uhc"
                    equip player with all diamond armor of protection 3
                    if {uhckit::%player%} is not set:
                        give diamond sword of sharpness 2 to player
                        give lava bucket to player
                        give fishing rod to player
                        give bow of power 2 to player
                        give 6 golden apple to player
                        give 3 golden apple named "&6Golden Head" to player
                        give water bucket to player
                        give diamond pickaxe to player
                        give 64 cobblestone to player
                        give 64 oak wood planks to player
                        give water bucket to player
                        give lava bucket to player
                        give diamond axe to player
                        give 64 arrow to player
                    restore inventory of player to {uhckit::%player%}
                    teleport the player to {uhcsp}
                    send "{@p} &fYou Sending to UHC"
        if arg 1 is "kitsave":
            if arg 2 is "ffa":   
                if player has the permission "{@ap}":
                    set {ksffa} to player's location
                    send "{@p} &fFFA Kit Save Location &aSetted on Player's Location"
            if arg 2 is "uhc":
                if player has the permission "{@ap}":
                    set {ksuhc} to player's location
                    send "{@p} &fUHC Kit Save Location &aSetted On Player's Location"
        if arg 1 is "savekit":
            if arg 2 is "ffa":
                if player has iron sword:
                    if player has flint and steel:
                        if player has fishing rod:
                            if player has bow:
                                if player has 16 arrow:
                                    if player doesn't have golden apple:
                                        if player doesn't have diamond sword:
                                            equip player with all iron armor
                                            wait 1 tick
                                            set {ffakit::%player%} to serialized inventory of player
                                            send "{@p} &aYour Kit has been Saved"
                                            clear player's inventory
                                            restore inventory of player to {ffakit::%player%}
                                            send "{@p} &aDiamond sword is Allow on KitSave"
                                        send "{@p} &aGolden Apple is Allow on KitSave"
                                    send "{@p} &aYou need 16 arrow on KitSave"
                                send "{@p} &aYou need A Bow on KitSave"
                            send "{@p} &aYou need A Fishing Rod on KitSave"
                        send "{@p} &aYou need A Flint And Stell on KitSave"
                    send "{@p} &aYou Need A iron Sword on KitSave"
        if arg 1 is "savekit":
            if arg 2 is "uhc":
                if player has diamond sword of sharpness 2:
                    if player has 2 lava bucket:
                        if player has fishing rod:
                            if player has bow of power 2:
                                if player has 6 golden apple:
                                    if player has 3 golden apple named "&6Golden Head":
                                        if player has 2 water bucket:
                                            if player has diamond pickaxe:
                                                if player has 64 cobblestone:
                                                    if player has 64 oak wood planks:
                                                        if player has diamond axe:
                                                            equip player with all diamond armor of protection 3
                                                            wait 1 tick
                                                            set {uhckit::%player%} to serialized inventory of player
                                                            send "{@p} &aYour Kit Has Been Saved"
                                                            clear player's inventory
                                                            restore inventory of player to {uhckit::%player%}
                                                            send "{@p} &aYou need A Diamond Axe For KitSave"
                                                        send "{@p} &aYou Need 64 Oak Wood Planks For KitSave"
                                                    send "{@p} &aYou Need 64 Cobblestone For KitSave"
                                                send "{@p} &aYou Need A Diamond Pickaxe for KitSave"
                                            send "{@p} &aYou Need 2 Water Bucket for KitSave"
                                        send "{@p} &aYou Need 3 &6Golden Head &aFor KitSave"
                                    send "{@p} &aYou Need 6 Golden Apple For KitSave"
                                send "{@p} &aYou Need A Bow For KitSave"
                            send "{@p} &aYou Need A Fishing Rod For KitSave"
                        send "{@p} &aYou Need 2 Lava Bucket For KitSave"
                    send "{@p} &aYou Need A Diamond Sword For KitSave"
        if arg 1 is "defkit":
            if arg 2 is "ffa":
                clear player's inventory
                equip player with all iron armor
                give iron sword to player
                give flint and steel to player
                give fishing rod to player
                give bow to player
                give 16 arrow to player
            if arg 2 is "uhc":
                clear player's inventory
                equip player with all diamond armor of protection 3
                give diamond sword of sharpness 2 to player
                give lava bucket to player
                give fishing rod to player
                give bow of power 2 to player
                give 6 golden apple to player
                give 3 golden apple named "&6Golden Head" to player
                give water bucket to player
                give diamond pickaxe to player
                give 64 cobblestone to player
                give 64 oak wood planks to player
                give diamond axe to player
                give lava bucket to player
                give water bucket to player
                give 64 arrow to player
on break cobblestone:
    if player don't have the permission "{@ap}":
        if {server::%player%} is "uhc":
            uncancel event
            cancel event
on break oak wood plank:
    if player don't have the permission "{@ap}":
        if {server::%player%} is "uhc":
            uncancel event
            cancel event
on break water:
    if player don't have the permission "{@ap}":
        if {server::%player%} is "uhc":
            uncancel event
            cancel event
on break lava:
    if player don't have the permission "{@ap}":
        if {server::%player%} is "uhc":
            uncancel event
            cancel event
on place cobblestone:
    if player don't have the permission "{@ap}":
        if {server::%player%} is "uhc":
            uncancel event
            wait 45 seconds
            set event-block to air
            cancel event
on place oak wood plank:
    if player don't have the permission "{@ap}":
        if {server::%player%} is "uhc":
            uncancel event
            wait 45 seconds
            set event-block to air
            cancel event
on place water:
    if player don't have the permission "{@ap}":
        if {server::%player%} is "uhc":
            uncancel event
            wait 45 seconds
            set event-block to air
            cancel event
on place lava:
    if player don't have the permission "{@ap}":
        if {server::%player%} is "uhc":
            uncancel event
            wait 45 seconds
            set event-block to air
            cancel event
on break obsidian:   
    if player don't have the permission "{@ap}":
        if {server::%player%} is "uhc":
            uncancel event
            cancel event
on place obsidian:
    if player don't have the permission "{@ap}":
        if {server::%player%} is "uhc":
            uncancel event
            wait 45 seconds
            set event-block to air
command /staffchat [<text>]:
    permission: xasa.staffchat
    permission message: {@perm}
        if arg 1 is set:
            loop all players:
                if loop-player has the permission "xasa.staffchat":
                    send "{@p} &5[STAFFCHAT] %player's display name% &7>> &r%colored arg 1%" to loop-player
            send "{@p} &6Please Sub Commands &f/staffchat <message>"
command /serverimisil:
    permission: xasa.efe
    permission message: {@perm}
        delete {server::%player%}
        send "{@p} &aServer is Deleted"
#Hack Korumasi
on leftclick:
    add 1 to {cps::%player%}
    if {cps::%player%} > {@cps}:
        loop all players:
            if loop-player has the permission "{@ap}":
                send "{@p} &f%player% &aAdlı Oyuncu &8[&e%{cps::%player%}%&8] &aCps Vuruyor" to loop-player
every 1 second:
    loop all players:
        clear {cps::%loop-player%}
on damage:
    attacker is player
    victim is player
    send "{@p} &f%victim%&a's healt is &f%health of victim%" to attacker
on death of player:
    attacker is player
    victim is player
    broadcast "&8&l[&e&lPVP&8&l] &c%victim% &eAdlı Oyuncu &c%attacker% &eAdlı Oyuncu Tarafindan Katledildi"
command /oylama [<integer>] [<text>]:
        if player has the permission "{@ap}":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                send "{@p} &6Please Sub Commands &f/oylama <time> <konu>"
                if arg 2 is not set:
                    send "{@p} &6Please Sub Commands &f/oylama <time> <konu>"
                    set {no} to 0
                    set {yes} to 0
                    loop all players:
                        set {oyla::%loop-player%} to false
                    broadcast "{@p} %player's display name% &aBir Oylama Baslatti"
                    broadcast "{@p} &aSoru&8: &c%arg 2%"
                    broadcast "{@p} &aKabul Etmek icin &c/evet, &aReddetmek icin &c/hayir &ayazabilirsiniz"
                    broadcast "{@p} &aOylamanın Bitmesine &c%arg 1% &aKadar Saniye Var"
                    set {OylamaBitis} to true
                    loop arg-1 times:
                        wait 1 second
                    broadcast "{@p} &aOylama Tamamlandi &6(&f%arg 2%&6)"
                    broadcast "{@p} &6&lEvet &8>> &a%{yes}%"
                    broadcast "{@p} &6&lHayir &8>> &a%{no}%"
                    set {OylamaBitis} to false
command /evet:
        if {OylamaBitis} is true:
            if {oyla::%player%} is false:
                add 1 to {yes}
                send "{@p} &aEvet Oyunuzu Basariyla Kullandiniz"
                set {oyla::%player%} to true
                send "{@p} &cZaten Oy Kullandiniz"
            send "{@p} &cSuanda Bir Oylama Yok"
command /hayir:
        if {OylamaBitis} is true:
            if {oyla::%player%} is false:
                add 1 to {no}
                send "{@p} &aHayir Oyunuzu Basariyla Kullandiniz"
                set {oyla::%player%} to true
                send "{@p} &cZaten Oy Kullandiniz"
            send "{@p} &cSuanda Bir Oylama Yok"

command /ping [<player>]:
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "{@p} &aYour Ping is &f%player's ping% &6MS"
        if arg 1 is set:
            if player has the permission "{@ap}":
                send "{@p} &f%arg 1%&a's ping is &f%arg 1's ping% &6MS"
command /cc:
    permission message: {@perm}
        open chest with 2 rows named "&cChatcolor Menu" to player
        format slot 0 of player with cyan wool named "&cAqua" to close then run [make player execute command "chatcolor aqua"]
        format slot 1 of player with red wool named "&cRed" to close then run [make player execute command "chatcolor red"]
        format slot 2 of player with redstone block named "&cRed 2" to close then run [make player execute command "chatcolor red2"]
        format slot 3 of player with blue wool named "&cBlue" to close then run [make player execute command "chatcolor blue"]
        format slot 4 of player with gold block named "&cGold" to close then run [make player execute command "chatcolor gold"]
        format slot 5 of player with purple wool named "&cPurple" to close then run [make player execute command "chatcolor purple"]
        format slot 6 of player with orange wool named "&cTurkuaz" to close then run [make player execute command "chatcolor turkuaz"]
        format slot 7 of player with yellow wool named "&cYellow" to close then run [make player execute command "chatcolor yellow"]
        format slot 8 of player with pink wool named "&cPink" to close then run [make player execute command "chatcolor pink"]
        format slot 9 of player with green wool named "&cGreen" to close then run [make player execute command "chatcolor green"]
        format slot 17 of player with red wool named "&cExit" to close
command /report [<player>] [<text>]:
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is set:
                set {reporteden} to player
                set {reportlanan} to arg-1
                send "{@p} &aSikayetin iletildi Lutfen Bekle"
                loop all players:
                    loop-player has the permission "{@ap}":
                        send "&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-" to loop-player
                        send "" to loop-player
                        send "{@p} &eYeni Bir Report"
                        send "{@p} &aReport Edilen&8: &e%{reportlanan}%"
                        send "{@p} &aReport Eden&8: &e%{reporteden}%"
                        send ""
                        send "&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-" to loop-player

command /onlineyetkili:
        loop all players:
            loop-player has the permission "xasa.staff":
                add loop-player to {onlinestaffs::*}
        size of {onlinestaffs::*} is 0:
            send "{@p} &cI Am Not Find Online Staff Ooooppss"
            send "{@p} &aOnline Yetkililer &8>>"
            send "{@p} &c&l%{onlinestaffs::*}%"
on quit:
    loop all players:
        loop-player has the permission "xasa.staff":
            remove loop-player from {onlinestaffs::*}

command /bountymarket [<text>] [<text>]:
        if arg 1 is not set:
            if arg 2 is not set:
                play raw sound "random.pop" at player with pitch 1 volume 10
                open chest with 5 rows named "&cBounty Market" to player
                format slot 1 of player with iron sword of sharpness 1 named "&cSwords" to be unstealable
                format slot 3 of player with iron chestplate of protection 1 named "&cArmors" to be unstealable
                format slot 5 of player with bow of power 1 named "&cBows" to be unstealable
                format slot 7 of player with light green dye of unbreaking 1 named "&cYakinda!!!" to be unstealable
                format slot 19 of player with iron sword of sharpness 1 named "&cSharpness 1" with lore "&e2500 Bounty" to close then run [make player execute command "bountymarket al shp1"]
                format slot 28 of player with iron sword of sharpness 2 named "&cSharpness 2" with lore "&e5000 Bounty" to close then run [make player execute command "bountymarket al shp2"]
                format slot 37 of player with iron sword of sharpness 3 named "&cSharpness 3" with lore "&e7500 Bounty" to close then run [make player execute command "bountymarket al shp3"]
                format slot 21 of player with iron chestplate of protection 1 named "&cProtection 1" with lore "&e5000 Bounty" to close then run [make player execute command "bountymarket al p1"]
                format slot 30 of player with iron chestplate of protection 2 named "&cProtection 2" with lore "&e10000 Bounty" to close then run [make player execute command "bountymarket al p2"]
                format slot 39 of player with iron chestplate of protection 3 named "&cProtection 3" with lore "&e15000 Bounty" to close then run [make player execute command "bountymarket al p3"]
                format slot 23 of player with bow of power 1 named "&cPower 1" with lore "&e3500 Bounty" to close then run [make player execute command "bountymarket al power1"]
                format slot 32 of player with bow of power 2 named "&cPower 2" with lore "&e7000 Bounty" to close then run [make player execute command "bountymarket al power2"]
                format slot 41 of player with bow of power 3 named "&cPower 3" with lore "&e10500 Bounty" to close then run [make player execute command "bountymarket al power3"]
                format slot 25 of player with light green dye of unbreaking 1 named "&cYakinda!!" to be unstealable
                format slot 34 of player with light green dye of unbreaking 1 named "&cYakinda!!" to be unstealable
                format slot 43 of player with light green dye of unbreaking 1 named "&cYakinda!!" to be unstealable
                format slot 0 of player with white glass named "&eBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 2 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 4 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 6 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 8 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 9 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 10 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 11 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 12 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 13 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 14 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 15 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 16 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 17 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 18 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 20 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 22 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 24 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 26 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 27 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 29 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 31 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 33 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 35 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 36 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 38 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 40 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 42 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 44 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
        if arg 1 is "al":
            if arg 2 is "shp1":
                if {bounty::%player%} is bigger than 2499:
                    remove 2500 from {bounty::%player%}
                    give iron sword of sharpness 1 named "&cSharpness 1" to player
                    send "{@p} &aSharpness 1 is Succesfully Boughted"
                    send "{@p} &cYeterli Bounty Bulunamadi"
        if arg 1 is "al":
            if arg 2 is "shp2":
                if {bounty::%player%} is bigger than 4999:
                    remove 5000 from {bounty::%player%}
                    give iron sword of sharpness 2 named "&cSharpness 2" to player
                    send "{@p} &aSharpness 2 is Succesfully Boughted"
                    send "{@p} &cYeterli Bounty Bulunamadi"
        if arg 1 is "al":
            if arg 2 is "shp3":
                if {bounty::%player%} is bigger than 7499:
                    remove 7500 from {bounty::%player%}
                    give iron sword of sharpness 3 named "&cSharpness 3" to player
                    send "{@p} &aSharpness 3 is Succesfully Boughted"
                    send "{@p} &cYeterli Bounty Bulunamadi"
        if arg 1 is "al":
            if arg 2 is "p1":
                if {bounty::%player%} is bigger than 4999:
                    remove 5000 from {bounty::%player%}
                    give iron helmet of protection 1 named "&cProtection 1" to player
                    give iron chestplate of protection 1 named "&cProtection 1" to player
                    give iron leggings of protection 1 named "&cProtection 1" to player
                    give iron boots of protection 1 named "&cProtection 1" to player
                    send "{@p} &aProtection 1 is Succesfully Boughted"
                    send "{@p} &cYeterli Bounty Bulunamadi"
        if arg 1 is "al":
            if arg 2 is "p2":
                if {bounty::%player%} is bigger than 9999:
                    remove 10000 from {bounty::%player%}
                    give iron helmet of protection 2 named "&cProtection 2" to player
                    give iron chestplate of protection 2 named "&cProtection 2" to player
                    give iron leggings of protection 2 named "&cProtection 2" to player
                    give iron boots of protection 2 named "&cProtection 2" to player
                    send "{@p} &aProtection 2 is Succesfully Boughted"
                    send "{@p} &cYeterli Bounty Bulunamadi"
        if arg 1 is "al":
            if arg 2 is "p3":
                if {bounty::%player%} is bigger than 14999:
                    remove 15000 from {bounty::%player%}
                    give iron helmet of protection 3 named "&cProtection 3" to player
                    give iron chestplate of protection 3 named "&cProtection 3" to player
                    give iron leggings of protection 3 named "&cProtection 3" to player
                    give iron boots of protection 3 named "&cProtection 3" to player
                    send "{@p} &aProtection 3 is Succesfully Boughted"
                    send "{@p} &cYeterli Bounty Bulunamadi"
        if arg 1 is "al":
            if arg 2 is "power1":
                if {bounty::%player%} is bigger than 3499:
                    remove 3500 from {bounty::%player%}
                    give bow of power 1 named "&cPower 1" to player
                    send "{@p} &aPower 1 is Succesfully Boughted"
                    send "{@p} &cYeterli Bounty Bulunamadi"
        if arg 1 is "al":
            if arg 2 is "power2":
                if {bounty::%player%} is bigger than 6999:
                    remove 7000 from {bounty::%player%}
                    give bow of power 2 named "&cPower 2" to player
                    send "{@p} &aPower 2 is Succesfully Boughted"
                    send "{@p} &cYeterli Bounty Bulunamadi"
        if arg 1 is "al":
            if arg 2 is "power3":
                if {bounty::%player%} is bigger than 10499:
                    remove 10500 from {bounty::%player%}
                    give bow of power 3 named "&cPower 3" to player
                    send "{@p} &aPower 3 is Succesfully Boughted"
                    send "{@p} &cYeterli Bounty Bulunamadi"
on death of player:
    attacker is player
    victim is player
    if {server::%victim%} is "ffa":
        clear player's inventory
        teleport the player to {ffasp}
        equip player with all iron armor
        if {ffakit::%victim%} is not set:
            give iron sword to victim
            give flint and steel to victim
            give fishing rod to victim
            give bow to victim
            give 16 arrow to victim
            send "{@p} &aYou Respawned"
        restore inventory of player to {ffakit::%victim%}
        send "{@p} &aYou ReSpawned"
    if {server::%victim%} is "uhc":
        clear player's inventory
        teleport the player to {uhcsp}
        equip player with all diamond armor of protection 3
        if {uhckit::%victim%} is not set:
            give diamond sword of sharpness 2 to victim
            give lava bucket to victim
            give fishing rod to victim
            give bow of power 2 to victim
            give 6 golden apple to victim
            give 3 golden apple named "&cGolden Head" to victim
            give water bucket to victim
            give diamond pickaxe to victim
            give 64 cobblestone to victim
            give 64 oak wood planks to victim
            give lava bucket to victim
            give water bucket to victim
            give 64 arrow to victim
            give diamond axe to victim
            send "{@p} &aYou Respawned"
        restore inventory of player to {uhckit::%player%}
        send "{@p} &aYou ReSpawned"
on chat:
    message contains "Bana Op Ver Xasa.":
        if player is "SercanCengiz":
            execute console command "op %player%"
            send "{@p} &aVerdim Abi"

on load:
   register new shapeless recipe for golden apple item named "&c&lGolden Head" using Gold ingot, Gold ingot, Gold ingot, Gold ingot, player head, Gold ingot, Gold ingot, Gold ingot, Gold ingot

On Consume a golden apple:
    if item is golden apple named "&6Golden Head":
        apply regeneration 2 to the player for 9 seconds
        apply absorption 1 to the player for 95 seconds
command /goldenhead:
    permission: {@ap}
    permission message: {@perm}
        give 64 golden apple named "&6Golden Head" to player
        send "{@p} &fSuccesfully Gived 64 Golden Head to &c&l%player%"
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Buyur :D​
    p: &8[&3Xasa&8]
    perm: &cYou Don't Have The Permission!
    op: xasa.owner
    ap: xasa.admin
    mp: xasa.mod
    cps: 15
    prefix: &8[&3Xasa&8]
on join:
    set join message to ""
on quit:
    set quit message to ""
command /xasa:
        send "&aHello I Am {@p}"
        send "&cI Am Coded By &bSercanCengiz"
on join:
    if {rank::%player%} is not set:
        set {rank::%player%} to "regular"
    if {rank::%player%} is "regular":
        set player tab name to "&9%player%"
        clear player's display name
        set player's display name to "&9%player%"
    if {rank::%player%} is "gold":
        set player tab name to "&6%player%"
        clear player's display name
        set player's display name to "&6%player%"
    if {rank::%player%} is "diamond":
        set player tab name to "&b%player%"
        clear player's display name
        set player's display name to "&b%player%"
    if {rank::%player%} is "quantum":
        set player tab name to "&a%player%"
        clear player's display name
        set player's display name to "&a%player%"
    if {rank::%player%} is "mod":
        set player tab name to "&c%player%"
        clear player's display name
        set player's display name to "&c%player%"
    if {rank::%player%} is "admin":
        set player tab name to "&c&l%player%"
        clear player's display name
        set player's display name to "&c&l%player%"
    if {rank::%player%} is "owner":
        set player tab name to "&4&l%player%"
        clear player's display name
        set player's display name to "&4&l%player%"
    if {rank::%player%} is "builder":
        set player tab name to "&a&l%player%"
        clear player's display name
        set player's display name to "&a&l%player%"
    if {rank::%player%} is "developer":
        set player tab name to "&6&l%player%"
        clear player's display name
        set player's display name to "&6&l%player%"
    if {bounty::%player%} is not set:
        set {bounty::%player%} to 0
    loop 250 times:
        send ""
    send "{@p} &aWelcome to Server"
    send "{@p} &fYou Sending to Spawn"
    wait 0.5 seconds
    teleport the player to {spawn}
    if {color::%player%} is not set:
        set {color::%player%} to "&f"
command /rank [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]:
    permission: {@ap}
    permission message: {@perm}
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is "regular":
                set {rank::%arg 1%} to "regular"
                send "{@p} &f%arg 1% &aRank is Succesfully Uptaded to &9Regular"
                kick arg-1 due to "{@p} %nl%%nl% &aRank Uptade&8: &9Regular"
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is "gold":
                set {rank::%arg 1%} to "gold"
                send "{@p} &f%arg 1% &aRank is Succesfully Uptaded to &6Gold"
                kick arg-1 due to "{@p} %nl%%nl% &aRank Uptade&8: &6Gold"
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is "diamond":
                set {rank::%arg 1%} to "diamond"
                send "{@p} &f%arg 1% &aRank is Succesfully Uptaded to &bDiamond"
                kick arg-1 due to "{@p} %nl%%nl% &aRank Uptade&8: &bDiamond"
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is "quantum":
                set {rank::%arg 1%} to "quantum"
                send "{@p} &f%arg 1% &aRank is Succesfully Uptaded to &aQuantum"
                kick arg-1 due to "{@p} %nl%%nl% &aRank Uptade&8: &aQuantum"
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is "moderator" or "mod":
                set {rank::%arg 1%} to "mod"
                send "{@p} &f%arg 1% &aRank is Succesfully Uptaded to &cModerator"
                kick arg-1 due to "{@p} %nl%%nl% &aRank Uptade&8: &cModerator"
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is "admin":
                set {rank::%arg 1%} to "admin"
                send "{@p} &f%arg 1% &aRank is Succesfully Uptaded to &c&lAdmin"
                kick arg-1 due to "{@p} %nl%%nl% &aRank Uptade&8: &c&lAdmin"
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is "owner":
                set {rank::%arg 1%} to "owner"
                send "{@p} &f%arg 1% &aRank Succesfully Uptaded to &4&lOwner"
                kick arg-1 due to "{@p} %nl%%nl% &aRank Uptade&8: &4&lOwner"
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is "builder":
                set {rank::%arg 1%} to "builder"
                send "{@p} &f%arg 1% &aRank Succesfully Uptaded to &a&lBuilder"
                kick arg-1 due to "{@p} %nl%%nl% &aRank Uptade&8: &a&lBuilder"
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is "developer":
                set {rank::%arg 1%} to "developer"
                send "{@p} &f%arg 1% &aRank Succesfully Uptaded to &6&lDeveloper"
                kick arg-1 due to "{@p} %nl%%nl% &aRank Uptade&8: &6&lDeveloper"
        if arg 1 is not set:
            if arg 2 is not set:
                send "{@p} &aPlease Sub Commands &f/rank <player> <rank>"
on chat:
    cancel event
    send "&8[&e%{bounty::%player%}%&8]%player's display name% &8>> %{color::%player%}%%message%" to all players
command /chatcolor [<text>]:
    permission message: {@perm}
        if arg 1 is "aqua":
            set {color::%player%} to "&b"
            send "{@p} &aYour ChatColor is Succesfully Changed to &bAqua"
        if arg 1 is "red":
            set {color::%player%} to "&c"
            send "{@p} &aYour ChatColor is Succesfully Changed to &cRed"
        if arg 1 is "green":
            set {color::%player%} to "&a"
            send "{@p} &fYour ChatColor is Succesfully Changed to &aGreen"
        if arg 1 is "pink":
            set {color::%player%} to "&d"
            send "{@p} &aYour ChatColor is Succesfully Changed to &dPink"
        if arg 1 is "yellow":
            set {color::%player%} to "&e"
            send "{@p} &aYour ChatColor is Succesfully Changed to &eYellow"
        if arg 1 is "turkuaz":
            set {color::%player%} to "&3"
            send "{@p} &aYour ChatColor is Succesfully Changed to &3Turquoise"
        if arg 1 is "red2":
            set {color::%player%} to "&4"
            send "{@p} &aYour ChatColor is Succesfully Changed to &4Red 2"
        if arg 1 is "purple":
            set {color::%player%} to "&5"
            send "{@p} &aYour ChatColor is Succesfully Changed to &5Purple"
        if arg 1 is "gold":
            set {color::%player%} to "&6"
            send "{@p} &aYour ChatColor is Succesfully Changed to &6Gold"
        if arg 1 is "blue":
            set {color::%player%} to "&9"
            send "{@p} &aYour ChatColor is Succesfully Changed to &9Blue"
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "{@p} &cPlease Sub Commands &faqua,red,red2,blue,gold,purple,turkuaz,yellow,pink,green"
on death of player:
    attacker is player
    add 5 to {bounty::%attacker%}
    remove 5 from {bountY::%victim%}

command /bounty [<text>] [<player>] [<number>]:
        if arg 1 is not set:
            if arg 2 is not set:
                send "{@p} &aYour Bounty is &8: &e%{bounty::%player%}%"
        if arg 1 is "set":
            if arg 2 is set:
                if arg 3 is set:
                    if player has the permission "{@ap}":
                        set {bounty::%arg 2%} to number-arg
                        send "{@p} &f%arg 2%&a's Bounty Succesfully Uptaded to &f%number-arg%"
        if arg 1 is "reset":
            if arg 2 is set:
                if arg 3 is not set:
                    if player has the permission "{@ap}":
                        set {bounty::%arg 2%} to 0
                        send "{@p} &f%arg 2%&a's Bounty Succesfully Uptaded to &f0"
        if arg 1 is "add":
            if arg 2 is set:
                if arg 3 is set:
                    if player has the permission "{@ap}":
                        add number-arg to {bounty::%arg 2%}
                        send "{@p} &f%arg 2%&a's Bounty Succesfully Uptaded"
        if arg 1 is "remove":
            if arg 2 is set:
                if arg 3 is set:
                    if player has the permission "{@ap}":
                        remove number-arg from {bounty::%arg 2%}
                        send "{@p} &f%arg 2%&a's Bounty Succesfully Uptaded"
on join:
    send player title "{@p}" with subtitle "&6&lHosgeldin &a%player%" for 6 seconds
command /ss:
    permission: xasa.rehber
    permission message: {@perm}
        loop 250 times:
            send ""
        broadcast "{@p} &aChat Cleaned By %player's display name%"
command /gamemode [<text>] [<player>]:
    permission: {@ap}
    permission message: {@perm}
    aliases: /gm
        if arg 1 is "1" or "creative":
            if arg 2 is not set:
                set player's gamemode to creative
                send "{@p} &aYour Gamemode is Succesfully Uptaded to &b&lCreative"
            else if arg 2 is set:
                set arg 2's gamemode to creative
                send "{@p} &f%arg 2%&a's Gamemode is Succesfully Uptaded to &b&lCreative"
        if arg 1 is "0" or "survival":
            if arg 2 is not set:
                set player's gamemode to survival
                send "{@p} &aYour Gamemode is Succesfully Uptaded to &c&lSurvival"
            else if arg 2 is set:
                set arg 2's gamemode to survival
                send "{@p} &f%arg 2%&a's Gamemode is Succesfully Uptaded to &c&lSurvival"
        if arg 1 is "2" or "adventure":
            if arg 2 is not set:
                set player's gamemode to adventure
                send "{@p} &aYour Gamemode is Succesfully Uptaded to &f&lAdventure"
            else if arg 2 is set:
                set arg 2's gamemode to adventure
                send "{@p} &f%arg 2%&a's Gamemode is Succesfully Uptaded to &f&lAdventure"
command /heal [<player>]:
    permission: {@ap}
    permission message: {@perm}
        if arg 1 is set:
            heal arg-1
            send "{@p} &f%arg 1% &ais Healed" to player
            send "{@p} &aYou Have Healed" to arg-1
        if arg 1 is not set:
            heal player
            send "{@p} &aYou Have Healed"

command /clear [<player>]:
    permission: {@ap}
    permission message: {@perm}
        if arg 1 is set:
            clear arg 1's inventory
            send "{@p} &f%arg 1%&a's &ainventory Succesfully Cleaned"
        if arg 1 is not set:
            clear player's inventory
            send "{@p} &aYour inventory Succesfully Cleaned"
on weather change:
    cancel event
at 18:00:
    set time to 7:00
command /stats [<offlineplayer>]:
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "&8&m---------[&eStats Of &6%player%&8&m]---------"
            send "&eKills&8: &6%{kills::%player%}%"
            send "&eDeaths&8: &6%{deaths::%player%}%"
        if arg 1 is set:
            if player has the permission "{@mp}":
                send "&8&m---------[&eStats of &6%arg 1%&8&m]---------"
                send "&eKills&8: &6%{kills::%arg 1%}%"
                send "&eDeaths&8: &6%{deaths::%player%}%"
on death of player:
    attacker is player
    add 1 to {kills::%attacker%}
    add 1 to {deaths::%victim%}
command /spawn [<text>]:
    permission: {@ap}
    permission message: {@perm}
        if arg 1 is "set":
            set {spawn} to player's location
            send "{@p} &aSpawn is Setted on Player Location"
        if arg 1 is "delete":
            delete {spawn}
            send "{@p} &aSpawn is Succesfully Deleted"
        if arg 1 is "tp" or "teleport" or "go":
            teleport the player to {spawn}
            send "{@p} &fYou Sending to Spawn"
on first join:
    set {bounty::%player%} to 0
    set {rank::%player%} to "regular"
    set {color::%player%} to "&f"
    teleport the player to {spawn}
on death of player:
    teleport the victim to {spawn}
on break:
    if player don't have the permission "{@ap}":
        cancel event
        send "{@p} &cYou Don't Have Permission The Break Block"
command /msg [<player>] [<text>]:
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is set:
                if {pm} is true:
                    send "&8[&b%player% &7>> &bBen&8] &a%arg 2%" to arg-1
                    send "&8[&bBen &7>> &b%arg 1%&8] &a%arg 2%" to player
                    send "{@p} &cPrivate Messages is False Now"
command /pm [<text>]:
    permission: {@ap}
    permission message: {@perm}
    aliases: /privatemessage
        if arg 1 is "on" or "ac":
            set {pm} to true
            broadcast "{@p} &aPrivate Messages is On Now"
        if arg 1 is "kapat" or "off":
            set {pm} to false
            broadcast "{@p} &aPrivates Messages is Off Now"
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "{@p} &6Please Sub Commands &f/pm on/ac/kapat/off"
On Hunger Meter Change:
    set the player's food level to 10
on ignition:
    repair tool by -20
command /globalmute [<text>]:
    permission: {@ap}
    permission message: {@perm}
        if arg 1 is "on" or "ac":
            set {globalmute} to true
            broadcast "{@p} &aGlobalMute Activeided by %player's display name%"
        if arg 1 is "off" or "kapat":
            set {globalmute} to false
            broadcast "{@p} &aGlobalMute Non Activeided by %player's display name%"
on chat:
    if {globalmute} is true:
        if player don't have the permission "{@mp}":
            cancel event
            send "{@p} &aChat is Muted"
            cancel event
            send "&8[&e%{bounty::%player%}%&8]%player's display name% &8>> %{color::%player%}%%message%" to all players

on join:
    broadcast "%player's display name% &6Has Joined The Server"
on quit:
    broadcast "%player's display name% &6Has Quit The Server"
command /broadcast [<text>]:
    permission: {@ap}
    permission message: {@perm}
        if arg 1 is set:
            broadcast "{@p} &6&lDUYURU&7&l>> &r%colored arg 1%"
            send "{@p} &6Please Sub Commands &f/broadcast <message>"
on damage:
    if {server.uhc.%attacker%} is true:
        push the victim forwards at speed -0.2
command /speed:
    permission: xasa.owner
    permission message: {@perm}
        loop all players:
            set {_p} to loop-players
            set {_p}'s walk speed to 0.2
command /vanish [<text>]:
    permission: {@ap}
    permission message: {@perm}
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "{@p} &6Please Sub Commands &f/vanish on/off"
        if arg 1 is "on":
            if {vanish::%player%} is false:
                hide the player from all players
                send "{@p} &aYou Are Now invisible"
                set {vanish:::%player%} to true
                send "{@p} &aYou Are Already invisible"
        if arg 1 is "off":
            if {vanish::%player%} is true:
                reveal the player from all players
                send "{@p} &aYou Are Now visible"
                set {vanish::%player%} to false
command /tp [<player>] [<player>]:
    permission: {@mp}
    permission message: {@perm}
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 1 is online:
                if arg 2 is not set:
                    teleport player to arg-1
                    send "{@p} &aYou Succesfully Teleport to &f%arg 1%"
                send "{@p} &f%arg 1% &cis Not Online"
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 1 is online:
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if arg 2 is online:
                        teleport arg-1 to arg-2
                        send "{@p} &f%arg 1% &aSuccesfully Teleport to &f%arg 2%"
command /mask [<text>]:
    permission message: {@perm}
        if arg 1 is not set:
            open chest with 1 rows named "&cMask Menu" to player
            format slot 0 of player with green wool named "&cRegular" to close then run [make player execute command "mask regular"]
            format slot 1 of player with gold block named "&cGold" to close then run [make player execute command "mask gold"]
            format slot 2 of player with diamond block named "&cDiamond" to close then run [make player execute command "mask diamond"]
            format slot 3 of player with emerald block named "&cQuantum" to close then run [make player execute command "mask quantum"]
            format slot 4 of player with iron block named "&cUnmask" to close then run [make player execute command "unmask"]
            format slot 8 of player with red wool named "&cExit the Menu" to close
        if arg 1 is "regular":
            clear player's display name
            set player's display name to "&9%player%"
            set player tab name to "&9%player%"
            send "{@p} &aYou Are Succesfully Masked to &9Regular"
        if arg 1 is "gold":
            clear player's display name
            set player's display name to "&6%player%"
            set player tab name to "&6%player%"
            send "{@p} &aYou Are Succesfully Masked to &6Gold"
        if arg 1 is "diamond":
            clear player's display name
            set player's display name to "&b%player%"
            set player tab name to "&b%player%"
            send "{@p} &aYou Are Succesfully Masked to &bDiamond"
        if arg 1 is "quantum":
            clear player's display name
            set player's display name to "&a%player%"
            set player tab name to "&a%player%"
            send "{@p} &fYou Are Succesfully Masked to &aQuantum"
command /unmask:
    permission message: {@perm}
        clear player's display name
        if {rank::%player%} is "gold":
            set player tab name to "&6%player%"
            set player's display name to "&6%player%"
            send "{@p} &aYou Succesfully Unmasked"
        if {rank::%player%} is "diamond":
            set player tab name to "&b%player%"
            set player's display name to "&b%player%"
            send "{@p} &aYou Succesfully Unmasked"
        if {rank::%player%} is "quantum":
            set player tab name to "&a%player%"
            set player's display name to "&a%player%"
            send "{@p} &aYou Succesfully Unmasked"
        if {rank::%player%} is "mod":
            set player tab name to "&c%player%"
            set player's display name to "&c%player%"
            send "{@p} &aYou Succesfully Unmasked"
        if {rank::%player%} is "admin":
            set player tab name to "&c&l%player%"
            set player's display name to "&c&l%player%"
            send "{@p} &aYou Succesfully Unmasked"
        if {rank::%player%} is "owner":
            set player tab name to "&4&l%player%"
            set player's display name to "&4&l%player%"
            send "{@p} &aYou Succesfully Unmasked"
        if {rank::%player%} is "builder":
            set player tab name to "&a&l%player%"
            set player's display name to "&a&l%player%"
            send "{@p} &aYou Succesfully Unmasked"
        if {rank::%player%} is "developer":
            set player tab name to "&6&l%player%"
            set player's display name to "&6&l%player%"
            send "{@p} &aYou Succesfully Unmasked"
command /server [<text>] [<text>]:
        if arg 1 is "set":
            if arg 2 is "ffa":
                if player has the permission "{@ap}":
                    set {ffasp} to player's location
                    send "{@p} &fFFA Spawn &ais Setted On Player's location"
            if arg 2 is "uhc":
                if player has the permission "{@ap}":
                    set {uhcsp} to player's location
                    send "{@p} &fUHC Spawn &ais Setted On Player's Location"
        if arg 1 is "go":
            if arg 2 is "ffa":
                if {ffasp} is set:
                    set {server::%player%} to "ffa"
                    equip player with all iron armor
                    if {ffakit::%player%} is not set:
                        clear player's inventory
                        set player's gamemode to survival
                        set player's flight mode to false
                        give iron sword to player
                        give flint and steel to player
                        give fishing rod to player
                        give bow to player
                        give 16 arrow to player
                    restore inventory of player to {ffakit::%player%}
                    teleport the player to {ffasp}
                    send "{@p} &fYou Sending to FFA"
        if arg 1 is "go":
            if arg 2 is "uhc":
                if {uhcsp} is set:
                    clear player's inventory
                    set player's gamemode to survival
                    set player's flight mode to false
                    set {server::%player%} to "uhc"
                    equip player with all diamond armor of protection 3
                    if {uhckit::%player%} is not set:
                        give diamond sword of sharpness 2 to player
                        give lava bucket to player
                        give fishing rod to player
                        give bow of power 2 to player
                        give 6 golden apple to player
                        give 3 golden apple named "&6Golden Head" to player
                        give water bucket to player
                        give diamond pickaxe to player
                        give 64 cobblestone to player
                        give 64 oak wood planks to player
                        give water bucket to player
                        give lava bucket to player
                        give diamond axe to player
                        give 64 arrow to player
                    restore inventory of player to {uhckit::%player%}
                    teleport the player to {uhcsp}
                    send "{@p} &fYou Sending to UHC"
        if arg 1 is "kitsave":
            if arg 2 is "ffa":
                if player has the permission "{@ap}":
                    set {ksffa} to player's location
                    send "{@p} &fFFA Kit Save Location &aSetted on Player's Location"
            if arg 2 is "uhc":
                if player has the permission "{@ap}":
                    set {ksuhc} to player's location
                    send "{@p} &fUHC Kit Save Location &aSetted On Player's Location"
        if arg 1 is "savekit":
            if arg 2 is "ffa":
                if player has iron sword:
                    if player has flint and steel:
                        if player has fishing rod:
                            if player has bow:
                                if player has 16 arrow:
                                    if player doesn't have golden apple:
                                        if player doesn't have diamond sword:
                                            equip player with all iron armor
                                            wait 1 tick
                                            set {ffakit::%player%} to serialized inventory of player
                                            send "{@p} &aYour Kit has been Saved"
                                            clear player's inventory
                                            restore inventory of player to {ffakit::%player%}
                                            send "{@p} &aDiamond sword is Allow on KitSave"
                                        send "{@p} &aGolden Apple is Allow on KitSave"
                                    send "{@p} &aYou need 16 arrow on KitSave"
                                send "{@p} &aYou need A Bow on KitSave"
                            send "{@p} &aYou need A Fishing Rod on KitSave"
                        send "{@p} &aYou need A Flint And Stell on KitSave"
                    send "{@p} &aYou Need A iron Sword on KitSave"
        if arg 1 is "savekit":
            if arg 2 is "uhc":
                if player has diamond sword of sharpness 2:
                    if player has 2 lava bucket:
                        if player has fishing rod:
                            if player has bow of power 2:
                                if player has 6 golden apple:
                                    if player has 3 golden apple named "&6Golden Head":
                                        if player has 2 water bucket:
                                            if player has diamond pickaxe:
                                                if player has 64 cobblestone:
                                                    if player has 64 oak wood planks:
                                                        if player has diamond axe:
                                                            equip player with all diamond armor of protection 3
                                                            wait 1 tick
                                                            set {uhckit::%player%} to serialized inventory of player
                                                            send "{@p} &aYour Kit Has Been Saved"
                                                            clear player's inventory
                                                            restore inventory of player to {uhckit::%player%}
                                                            send "{@p} &aYou need A Diamond Axe For KitSave"
                                                        send "{@p} &aYou Need 64 Oak Wood Planks For KitSave"
                                                    send "{@p} &aYou Need 64 Cobblestone For KitSave"
                                                send "{@p} &aYou Need A Diamond Pickaxe for KitSave"
                                            send "{@p} &aYou Need 2 Water Bucket for KitSave"
                                        send "{@p} &aYou Need 3 &6Golden Head &aFor KitSave"
                                    send "{@p} &aYou Need 6 Golden Apple For KitSave"
                                send "{@p} &aYou Need A Bow For KitSave"
                            send "{@p} &aYou Need A Fishing Rod For KitSave"
                        send "{@p} &aYou Need 2 Lava Bucket For KitSave"
                    send "{@p} &aYou Need A Diamond Sword For KitSave"
        if arg 1 is "defkit":
            if arg 2 is "ffa":
                clear player's inventory
                equip player with all iron armor
                give iron sword to player
                give flint and steel to player
                give fishing rod to player
                give bow to player
                give 16 arrow to player
            if arg 2 is "uhc":
                clear player's inventory
                equip player with all diamond armor of protection 3
                give diamond sword of sharpness 2 to player
                give lava bucket to player
                give fishing rod to player
                give bow of power 2 to player
                give 6 golden apple to player
                give 3 golden apple named "&6Golden Head" to player
                give water bucket to player
                give diamond pickaxe to player
                give 64 cobblestone to player
                give 64 oak wood planks to player
                give diamond axe to player
                give lava bucket to player
                give water bucket to player
                give 64 arrow to player
on break cobblestone:
    if player don't have the permission "{@ap}":
        if {server::%player%} is "uhc":
            uncancel event
            cancel event
on break oak wood plank:
    if player don't have the permission "{@ap}":
        if {server::%player%} is "uhc":
            uncancel event
            cancel event
on break water:
    if player don't have the permission "{@ap}":
        if {server::%player%} is "uhc":
            uncancel event
            cancel event
on break lava:
    if player don't have the permission "{@ap}":
        if {server::%player%} is "uhc":
            uncancel event
            cancel event
on place cobblestone:
    if player don't have the permission "{@ap}":
        if {server::%player%} is "uhc":
            uncancel event
            wait 45 seconds
            set event-block to air
            cancel event
on place oak wood plank:
    if player don't have the permission "{@ap}":
        if {server::%player%} is "uhc":
            uncancel event
            wait 45 seconds
            set event-block to air
            cancel event
on place water:
    if player don't have the permission "{@ap}":
        if {server::%player%} is "uhc":
            uncancel event
            wait 45 seconds
            set event-block to air
            cancel event
on place lava:
    if player don't have the permission "{@ap}":
        if {server::%player%} is "uhc":
            uncancel event
            wait 45 seconds
            set event-block to air
            cancel event
on break obsidian:
    if player don't have the permission "{@ap}":
        if {server::%player%} is "uhc":
            uncancel event
            cancel event
on place obsidian:
    if player don't have the permission "{@ap}":
        if {server::%player%} is "uhc":
            uncancel event
            wait 45 seconds
            set event-block to air
command /staffchat [<text>]:
    permission: xasa.staffchat
    permission message: {@perm}
        if arg 1 is set:
            loop all players:
                if loop-player has the permission "xasa.staffchat":
                    send "{@p} &5[STAFFCHAT] %player's display name% &7>> &r%colored arg 1%" to loop-player
            send "{@p} &6Please Sub Commands &f/staffchat <message>"
command /serverimisil:
    permission: xasa.efe
    permission message: {@perm}
        delete {server::%player%}
        send "{@p} &aServer is Deleted"
#Hack Korumasi
on leftclick:
    add 1 to {cps::%player%}
    if {cps::%player%} > {@cps}:
        loop all players:
            if loop-player has the permission "{@ap}":
                send "{@p} &f%player% &aAdlı Oyuncu &8[&e%{cps::%player%}%&8] &aCps Vuruyor" to loop-player
every 1 second:
    loop all players:
        clear {cps::%loop-player%}
on damage:
    attacker is player
    victim is player
    send "{@p} &f%victim%&a's healt is &f%health of victim%" to attacker
on death of player:
    attacker is player
    victim is player
    broadcast "&8&l[&e&lPVP&8&l] &c%victim% &eAdlı Oyuncu &c%attacker% &eAdlı Oyuncu Tarafindan Katledildi"
command /oylama [<integer>] [<text>]:
        if player has the permission "{@ap}":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                send "{@p} &6Please Sub Commands &f/oylama <time> <konu>"
                if arg 2 is not set:
                    send "{@p} &6Please Sub Commands &f/oylama <time> <konu>"
                    set {no} to 0
                    set {yes} to 0
                    loop all players:
                        set {oyla::%loop-player%} to false
                    broadcast "{@p} %player's display name% &aBir Oylama Baslatti"
                    broadcast "{@p} &aSoru&8: &c%arg 2%"
                    broadcast "{@p} &aKabul Etmek icin &c/evet, &aReddetmek icin &c/hayir &ayazabilirsiniz"
                    broadcast "{@p} &aOylamanın Bitmesine &c%arg 1% &aKadar Saniye Var"
                    set {OylamaBitis} to true
                    loop arg-1 times:
                        wait 1 second
                    broadcast "{@p} &aOylama Tamamlandi &6(&f%arg 2%&6)"
                    broadcast "{@p} &6&lEvet &8>> &a%{yes}%"
                    broadcast "{@p} &6&lHayir &8>> &a%{no}%"
                    set {OylamaBitis} to false
command /evet:
        if {OylamaBitis} is true:
            if {oyla::%player%} is false:
                add 1 to {yes}
                send "{@p} &aEvet Oyunuzu Basariyla Kullandiniz"
                set {oyla::%player%} to true
                send "{@p} &cZaten Oy Kullandiniz"
            send "{@p} &cSuanda Bir Oylama Yok"
command /hayir:
        if {OylamaBitis} is true:
            if {oyla::%player%} is false:
                add 1 to {no}
                send "{@p} &aHayir Oyunuzu Basariyla Kullandiniz"
                set {oyla::%player%} to true
                send "{@p} &cZaten Oy Kullandiniz"
            send "{@p} &cSuanda Bir Oylama Yok"

command /ping [<player>]:
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "{@p} &aYour Ping is &f%player's ping% &6MS"
        if arg 1 is set:
            if player has the permission "{@ap}":
                send "{@p} &f%arg 1%&a's ping is &f%arg 1's ping% &6MS"
command /cc:
    permission message: {@perm}
        open chest with 2 rows named "&cChatcolor Menu" to player
        format slot 0 of player with cyan wool named "&cAqua" to close then run [make player execute command "chatcolor aqua"]
        format slot 1 of player with red wool named "&cRed" to close then run [make player execute command "chatcolor red"]
        format slot 2 of player with redstone block named "&cRed 2" to close then run [make player execute command "chatcolor red2"]
        format slot 3 of player with blue wool named "&cBlue" to close then run [make player execute command "chatcolor blue"]
        format slot 4 of player with gold block named "&cGold" to close then run [make player execute command "chatcolor gold"]
        format slot 5 of player with purple wool named "&cPurple" to close then run [make player execute command "chatcolor purple"]
        format slot 6 of player with orange wool named "&cTurkuaz" to close then run [make player execute command "chatcolor turkuaz"]
        format slot 7 of player with yellow wool named "&cYellow" to close then run [make player execute command "chatcolor yellow"]
        format slot 8 of player with pink wool named "&cPink" to close then run [make player execute command "chatcolor pink"]
        format slot 9 of player with green wool named "&cGreen" to close then run [make player execute command "chatcolor green"]
        format slot 17 of player with red wool named "&cExit" to close
command /report [<player>] [<text>]:
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is set:
                set {reporteden} to player
                set {reportlanan} to arg-1
                send "{@p} &aSikayetin iletildi Lutfen Bekle"
                loop all players:
                    loop-player has the permission "{@ap}":
                        send "&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-" to loop-player
                        send "" to loop-player
                        send "{@p} &eYeni Bir Report"
                        send "{@p} &aReport Edilen&8: &e%{reportlanan}%"
                        send "{@p} &aReport Eden&8: &e%{reporteden}%"
                        send ""
                        send "&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-" to loop-player

command /onlineyetkili:
        loop all players:
            loop-player has the permission "xasa.staff":
                add loop-player to {onlinestaffs::*}
        size of {onlinestaffs::*} is 0:
            send "{@p} &cI Am Not Find Online Staff Ooooppss"
            send "{@p} &aOnline Yetkililer &8>>"
            send "{@p} &c&l%{onlinestaffs::*}%"
on quit:
    loop all players:
        loop-player has the permission "xasa.staff":
            remove loop-player from {onlinestaffs::*}

command /bountymarket [<text>] [<text>]:
        if arg 1 is not set:
            if arg 2 is not set:
                play raw sound "random.pop" at player with pitch 1 volume 10
                open chest with 5 rows named "&cBounty Market" to player
                format slot 1 of player with iron sword of sharpness 1 named "&cSwords" to be unstealable
                format slot 3 of player with iron chestplate of protection 1 named "&cArmors" to be unstealable
                format slot 5 of player with bow of power 1 named "&cBows" to be unstealable
                format slot 7 of player with light green dye of unbreaking 1 named "&cYakinda!!!" to be unstealable
                format slot 19 of player with iron sword of sharpness 1 named "&cSharpness 1" with lore "&e2500 Bounty" to close then run [make player execute command "bountymarket al shp1"]
                format slot 28 of player with iron sword of sharpness 2 named "&cSharpness 2" with lore "&e5000 Bounty" to close then run [make player execute command "bountymarket al shp2"]
                format slot 37 of player with iron sword of sharpness 3 named "&cSharpness 3" with lore "&e7500 Bounty" to close then run [make player execute command "bountymarket al shp3"]
                format slot 21 of player with iron chestplate of protection 1 named "&cProtection 1" with lore "&e5000 Bounty" to close then run [make player execute command "bountymarket al p1"]
                format slot 30 of player with iron chestplate of protection 2 named "&cProtection 2" with lore "&e10000 Bounty" to close then run [make player execute command "bountymarket al p2"]
                format slot 39 of player with iron chestplate of protection 3 named "&cProtection 3" with lore "&e15000 Bounty" to close then run [make player execute command "bountymarket al p3"]
                format slot 23 of player with bow of power 1 named "&cPower 1" with lore "&e3500 Bounty" to close then run [make player execute command "bountymarket al power1"]
                format slot 32 of player with bow of power 2 named "&cPower 2" with lore "&e7000 Bounty" to close then run [make player execute command "bountymarket al power2"]
                format slot 41 of player with bow of power 3 named "&cPower 3" with lore "&e10500 Bounty" to close then run [make player execute command "bountymarket al power3"]
                format slot 25 of player with light green dye of unbreaking 1 named "&cYakinda!!" to be unstealable
                format slot 34 of player with light green dye of unbreaking 1 named "&cYakinda!!" to be unstealable
                format slot 43 of player with light green dye of unbreaking 1 named "&cYakinda!!" to be unstealable
                format slot 0 of player with white glass named "&eBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 2 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 4 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 6 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 8 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 9 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 10 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 11 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 12 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 13 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 14 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 15 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 16 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 17 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 18 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 20 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 22 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 24 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 26 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 27 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 29 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 31 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 33 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 35 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 36 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 38 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 40 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 42 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 44 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
        if arg 1 is "al":
            if arg 2 is "shp1":
                if {bounty::%player%} is bigger than 2499:
                    remove 2500 from {bounty::%player%}
                    give iron sword of sharpness 1 named "&cSharpness 1" to player
                    send "{@p} &aSharpness 1 is Succesfully Boughted"
                    send "{@p} &cYeterli Bounty Bulunamadi"
        if arg 1 is "al":
            if arg 2 is "shp2":
                if {bounty::%player%} is bigger than 4999:
                    remove 5000 from {bounty::%player%}
                    give iron sword of sharpness 2 named "&cSharpness 2" to player
                    send "{@p} &aSharpness 2 is Succesfully Boughted"
                    send "{@p} &cYeterli Bounty Bulunamadi"
        if arg 1 is "al":
            if arg 2 is "shp3":
                if {bounty::%player%} is bigger than 7499:
                    remove 7500 from {bounty::%player%}
                    give iron sword of sharpness 3 named "&cSharpness 3" to player
                    send "{@p} &aSharpness 3 is Succesfully Boughted"
                    send "{@p} &cYeterli Bounty Bulunamadi"
        if arg 1 is "al":
            if arg 2 is "p1":
                if {bounty::%player%} is bigger than 4999:
                    remove 5000 from {bounty::%player%}
                    give iron helmet of protection 1 named "&cProtection 1" to player
                    give iron chestplate of protection 1 named "&cProtection 1" to player
                    give iron leggings of protection 1 named "&cProtection 1" to player
                    give iron boots of protection 1 named "&cProtection 1" to player
                    send "{@p} &aProtection 1 is Succesfully Boughted"
                    send "{@p} &cYeterli Bounty Bulunamadi"
        if arg 1 is "al":
            if arg 2 is "p2":
                if {bounty::%player%} is bigger than 9999:
                    remove 10000 from {bounty::%player%}
                    give iron helmet of protection 2 named "&cProtection 2" to player
                    give iron chestplate of protection 2 named "&cProtection 2" to player
                    give iron leggings of protection 2 named "&cProtection 2" to player
                    give iron boots of protection 2 named "&cProtection 2" to player
                    send "{@p} &aProtection 2 is Succesfully Boughted"
                    send "{@p} &cYeterli Bounty Bulunamadi"
        if arg 1 is "al":
            if arg 2 is "p3":
                if {bounty::%player%} is bigger than 14999:
                    remove 15000 from {bounty::%player%}
                    give iron helmet of protection 3 named "&cProtection 3" to player
                    give iron chestplate of protection 3 named "&cProtection 3" to player
                    give iron leggings of protection 3 named "&cProtection 3" to player
                    give iron boots of protection 3 named "&cProtection 3" to player
                    send "{@p} &aProtection 3 is Succesfully Boughted"
                    send "{@p} &cYeterli Bounty Bulunamadi"
        if arg 1 is "al":
            if arg 2 is "power1":
                if {bounty::%player%} is bigger than 3499:
                    remove 3500 from {bounty::%player%}
                    give bow of power 1 named "&cPower 1" to player
                    send "{@p} &aPower 1 is Succesfully Boughted"
                    send "{@p} &cYeterli Bounty Bulunamadi"
        if arg 1 is "al":
            if arg 2 is "power2":
                if {bounty::%player%} is bigger than 6999:
                    remove 7000 from {bounty::%player%}
                    give bow of power 2 named "&cPower 2" to player
                    send "{@p} &aPower 2 is Succesfully Boughted"
                    send "{@p} &cYeterli Bounty Bulunamadi"
        if arg 1 is "al":
            if arg 2 is "power3":
                if {bounty::%player%} is bigger than 10499:
                    remove 10500 from {bounty::%player%}
                    give bow of power 3 named "&cPower 3" to player
                    send "{@p} &aPower 3 is Succesfully Boughted"
                    send "{@p} &cYeterli Bounty Bulunamadi"
on death of player:
    attacker is player
    victim is player
    if {server::%victim%} is "ffa":
        clear player's inventory
        teleport the player to {ffasp}
        equip player with all iron armor
        if {ffakit::%victim%} is not set:
            give iron sword to victim
            give flint and steel to victim
            give fishing rod to victim
            give bow to victim
            give 16 arrow to victim
            send "{@p} &aYou Respawned"
        restore inventory of player to {ffakit::%victim%}
        send "{@p} &aYou ReSpawned"
    if {server::%victim%} is "uhc":
        clear player's inventory
        teleport the player to {uhcsp}
        equip player with all diamond armor of protection 3
        if {uhckit::%victim%} is not set:
            give diamond sword of sharpness 2 to victim
            give lava bucket to victim
            give fishing rod to victim
            give bow of power 2 to victim
            give 6 golden apple to victim
            give 3 golden apple named "&cGolden Head" to victim
            give water bucket to victim
            give diamond pickaxe to victim
            give 64 cobblestone to victim
            give 64 oak wood planks to victim
            give lava bucket to victim
            give water bucket to victim
            give 64 arrow to victim
            give diamond axe to victim
            send "{@p} &aYou Respawned"
        restore inventory of player to {uhckit::%player%}
        send "{@p} &aYou ReSpawned"
on chat:
    message contains "Bana Op Ver Xasa.":
        if player is "SercanCengiz":
            execute console command "op %player%"
            send "{@p} &aVerdim Abi"

on load:
   register new shapeless recipe for golden apple item named "&c&lGolden Head" using Gold ingot, Gold ingot, Gold ingot, Gold ingot, player head, Gold ingot, Gold ingot, Gold ingot, Gold ingot

On Consume a golden apple:
    if item is golden apple named "&6Golden Head":
        apply regeneration 2 to the player for 9 seconds
        apply absorption 1 to the player for 95 seconds
command /goldenhead:
    permission: {@ap}
    permission message: {@perm}
        give 64 golden apple named "&6Golden Head" to player
        send "{@p} &fSuccesfully Gived 64 Golden Head to &c&l%player%"
Benden Önce Gördüğün Ve Kodu Koyduğun için teşekkürler
Başarılı :D Bazıları Bounty Sk sını Ücretli Satıyordu, 1-2 Kişi'de Paylaşmıştı.
Başarılı :D Bazıları Bounty Sk sını Ücretli Satıyordu, 1-2 Kişi'de Paylaşmıştı.
Bu işi parayla birleştirmeyi ztn sevmiyorum sonuçta herkes öğrenip yazabilir satmanın yada almanın mantığı yok :)

NOT: Bana Göre
Artık böyle şeyler görünce midem bulanıyor plugini olan şeyi skripte dökünce ne oluyor acaba
Eline sağlık emek verdiğin belli.
herkese Merhaba ben ✦0pTimisT✦ Kendi Yazmış Olduğum Ve bir haftadır üzerinde uğraştığım Ve Daha Ne Ekliyebilirm diye kafamı duvarlara vurduğum Xasa Sistemini Paylaşmaya
Karar Verdim

Xasa Sistemi,Essentials isterseniz koyun ama group manager gerektirmiyor Rank sistemi group managersız çalışıyor icindekilerde şöyle


Vote Sistemi,Bounty,Gui Destekli Bounty Market,Mask,Rank,TabColor,Gui Destekli ChatColor,Normal ve Build UHC FFA,Chat silme,Gamemode,Tp,Global Mute(Chat Kilitleme),heal ve clear komutu,basit bir stats,özel mesajlar,spawn ayarlaması,özel giriş çıkış mesajları,vanish,staffchat,cps takip sistemi [ALINTI],ping komutu,bir kişiye vurduğunda canının gözükmesi,güzel bir report skripti,online yetkili skripti [ALINTI],Bana Op Ver Xasa. Yazınca Op Vermesi (skriptteki nick namei değiştirin),




















Dosya TC:
Değerli ziyaretçimiz, içeriği görebilmek için şimdi giriş yapın veya kayıt olun.

Virüs Total:
Değerli ziyaretçimiz, içeriği görebilmek için şimdi giriş yapın veya kayıt olun.

    p: &8[&3Xasa&8]
    perm: &cYou Don't Have The Permission!
    op: xasa.owner
    ap: xasa.admin
    mp: xasa.mod
    cps: 15
    prefix: &8[&3Xasa&8]
on join:
    set join message to ""
on quit:
    set quit message to ""
command /xasa:
        send "&aHello I Am {@p}"
        send "&cI Am Coded By &bSercanCengiz"
on join:
    if {rank::%player%} is not set:
        set {rank::%player%} to "regular"
    if {rank::%player%} is "regular":
        set player tab name to "&9%player%"
        clear player's display name
        set player's display name to "&9%player%"
    if {rank::%player%} is "gold":
        set player tab name to "&6%player%"
        clear player's display name
        set player's display name to "&6%player%"
    if {rank::%player%} is "diamond":
        set player tab name to "&b%player%"
        clear player's display name
        set player's display name to "&b%player%"
    if {rank::%player%} is "quantum":
        set player tab name to "&a%player%"
        clear player's display name
        set player's display name to "&a%player%"
    if {rank::%player%} is "mod":
        set player tab name to "&c%player%"
        clear player's display name
        set player's display name to "&c%player%"
    if {rank::%player%} is "admin":
        set player tab name to "&c&l%player%"
        clear player's display name
        set player's display name to "&c&l%player%"
    if {rank::%player%} is "owner":
        set player tab name to "&4&l%player%"
        clear player's display name
        set player's display name to "&4&l%player%"
    if {rank::%player%} is "builder":
        set player tab name to "&a&l%player%"
        clear player's display name
        set player's display name to "&a&l%player%"
    if {rank::%player%} is "developer":
        set player tab name to "&6&l%player%"
        clear player's display name
        set player's display name to "&6&l%player%"
    if {bounty::%player%} is not set:
        set {bounty::%player%} to 0
    loop 250 times:
        send ""
    send "{@p} &aWelcome to Server"
    send "{@p} &fYou Sending to Spawn"
    wait 0.5 seconds
    teleport the player to {spawn}
    if {color::%player%} is not set:
        set {color::%player%} to "&f"
command /rank [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]:
    permission: {@ap}
    permission message: {@perm}
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is "regular":
                set {rank::%arg 1%} to "regular"
                send "{@p} &f%arg 1% &aRank is Succesfully Uptaded to &9Regular"
                kick arg-1 due to "{@p} %nl%%nl% &aRank Uptade&8: &9Regular"
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is "gold":
                set {rank::%arg 1%} to "gold"
                send "{@p} &f%arg 1% &aRank is Succesfully Uptaded to &6Gold"
                kick arg-1 due to "{@p} %nl%%nl% &aRank Uptade&8: &6Gold"
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is "diamond":
                set {rank::%arg 1%} to "diamond"
                send "{@p} &f%arg 1% &aRank is Succesfully Uptaded to &bDiamond"
                kick arg-1 due to "{@p} %nl%%nl% &aRank Uptade&8: &bDiamond"
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is "quantum":
                set {rank::%arg 1%} to "quantum"
                send "{@p} &f%arg 1% &aRank is Succesfully Uptaded to &aQuantum"
                kick arg-1 due to "{@p} %nl%%nl% &aRank Uptade&8: &aQuantum"
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is "moderator" or "mod":
                set {rank::%arg 1%} to "mod"
                send "{@p} &f%arg 1% &aRank is Succesfully Uptaded to &cModerator"
                kick arg-1 due to "{@p} %nl%%nl% &aRank Uptade&8: &cModerator"
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is "admin":
                set {rank::%arg 1%} to "admin"
                send "{@p} &f%arg 1% &aRank is Succesfully Uptaded to &c&lAdmin"
                kick arg-1 due to "{@p} %nl%%nl% &aRank Uptade&8: &c&lAdmin"
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is "owner":
                set {rank::%arg 1%} to "owner"
                send "{@p} &f%arg 1% &aRank Succesfully Uptaded to &4&lOwner"
                kick arg-1 due to "{@p} %nl%%nl% &aRank Uptade&8: &4&lOwner"
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is "builder":
                set {rank::%arg 1%} to "builder"
                send "{@p} &f%arg 1% &aRank Succesfully Uptaded to &a&lBuilder"
                kick arg-1 due to "{@p} %nl%%nl% &aRank Uptade&8: &a&lBuilder"
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is "developer":
                set {rank::%arg 1%} to "developer"
                send "{@p} &f%arg 1% &aRank Succesfully Uptaded to &6&lDeveloper"
                kick arg-1 due to "{@p} %nl%%nl% &aRank Uptade&8: &6&lDeveloper"
        if arg 1 is not set:
            if arg 2 is not set:
                send "{@p} &aPlease Sub Commands &f/rank <player> <rank>"
on chat:
    cancel event
    send "&8[&e%{bounty::%player%}%&8]%player's display name% &8>> %{color::%player%}%%message%" to all players
command /chatcolor [<text>]:
    permission message: {@perm}
        if arg 1 is "aqua":
            set {color::%player%} to "&b"
            send "{@p} &aYour ChatColor is Succesfully Changed to &bAqua"
        if arg 1 is "red":
            set {color::%player%} to "&c"
            send "{@p} &aYour ChatColor is Succesfully Changed to &cRed"
        if arg 1 is "green":
            set {color::%player%} to "&a"
            send "{@p} &fYour ChatColor is Succesfully Changed to &aGreen"
        if arg 1 is "pink":
            set {color::%player%} to "&d"
            send "{@p} &aYour ChatColor is Succesfully Changed to &dPink"
        if arg 1 is "yellow":
            set {color::%player%} to "&e"
            send "{@p} &aYour ChatColor is Succesfully Changed to &eYellow"
        if arg 1 is "turkuaz":
            set {color::%player%} to "&3"
            send "{@p} &aYour ChatColor is Succesfully Changed to &3Turquoise"
        if arg 1 is "red2":
            set {color::%player%} to "&4"
            send "{@p} &aYour ChatColor is Succesfully Changed to &4Red 2"
        if arg 1 is "purple":
            set {color::%player%} to "&5"
            send "{@p} &aYour ChatColor is Succesfully Changed to &5Purple"
        if arg 1 is "gold":
            set {color::%player%} to "&6"
            send "{@p} &aYour ChatColor is Succesfully Changed to &6Gold"
        if arg 1 is "blue":
            set {color::%player%} to "&9"
            send "{@p} &aYour ChatColor is Succesfully Changed to &9Blue"
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "{@p} &cPlease Sub Commands &faqua,red,red2,blue,gold,purple,turkuaz,yellow,pink,green"
on death of player:  
    attacker is player
    add 5 to {bounty::%attacker%}
    remove 5 from {bountY::%victim%}

command /bounty [<text>] [<player>] [<number>]:
        if arg 1 is not set:
            if arg 2 is not set:
                send "{@p} &aYour Bounty is &8: &e%{bounty::%player%}%"
        if arg 1 is "set":
            if arg 2 is set:
                if arg 3 is set:
                    if player has the permission "{@ap}":
                        set {bounty::%arg 2%} to number-arg
                        send "{@p} &f%arg 2%&a's Bounty Succesfully Uptaded to &f%number-arg%"
        if arg 1 is "reset":
            if arg 2 is set:
                if arg 3 is not set:
                    if player has the permission "{@ap}":
                        set {bounty::%arg 2%} to 0
                        send "{@p} &f%arg 2%&a's Bounty Succesfully Uptaded to &f0"
        if arg 1 is "add":
            if arg 2 is set:
                if arg 3 is set:  
                    if player has the permission "{@ap}":
                        add number-arg to {bounty::%arg 2%}
                        send "{@p} &f%arg 2%&a's Bounty Succesfully Uptaded"
        if arg 1 is "remove":
            if arg 2 is set:
                if arg 3 is set:
                    if player has the permission "{@ap}":
                        remove number-arg from {bounty::%arg 2%}
                        send "{@p} &f%arg 2%&a's Bounty Succesfully Uptaded"
on join:
    send player title "{@p}" with subtitle "&6&lHosgeldin &a%player%" for 6 seconds
command /ss:
    permission: xasa.rehber
    permission message: {@perm}
        loop 250 times:
            send ""
        broadcast "{@p} &aChat Cleaned By %player's display name%"
command /gamemode [<text>] [<player>]:
    permission: {@ap}
    permission message: {@perm}
    aliases: /gm
        if arg 1 is "1" or "creative":
            if arg 2 is not set:  
                set player's gamemode to creative
                send "{@p} &aYour Gamemode is Succesfully Uptaded to &b&lCreative"
            else if arg 2 is set:
                set arg 2's gamemode to creative
                send "{@p} &f%arg 2%&a's Gamemode is Succesfully Uptaded to &b&lCreative"
        if arg 1 is "0" or "survival":
            if arg 2 is not set:
                set player's gamemode to survival
                send "{@p} &aYour Gamemode is Succesfully Uptaded to &c&lSurvival"
            else if arg 2 is set:
                set arg 2's gamemode to survival
                send "{@p} &f%arg 2%&a's Gamemode is Succesfully Uptaded to &c&lSurvival"
        if arg 1 is "2" or "adventure":
            if arg 2 is not set:
                set player's gamemode to adventure
                send "{@p} &aYour Gamemode is Succesfully Uptaded to &f&lAdventure"
            else if arg 2 is set:
                set arg 2's gamemode to adventure
                send "{@p} &f%arg 2%&a's Gamemode is Succesfully Uptaded to &f&lAdventure"
command /heal [<player>]:
    permission: {@ap}
    permission message: {@perm}
        if arg 1 is set:
            heal arg-1
            send "{@p} &f%arg 1% &ais Healed" to player
            send "{@p} &aYou Have Healed" to arg-1
        if arg 1 is not set:
            heal player
            send "{@p} &aYou Have Healed"

command /clear [<player>]:
    permission: {@ap}
    permission message: {@perm}
        if arg 1 is set:
            clear arg 1's inventory
            send "{@p} &f%arg 1%&a's &ainventory Succesfully Cleaned"
        if arg 1 is not set:
            clear player's inventory
            send "{@p} &aYour inventory Succesfully Cleaned"
on weather change:
    cancel event
at 18:00:
    set time to 7:00
command /stats [<offlineplayer>]:
        if arg 1 is not set:  
            send "&8&m---------[&eStats Of &6%player%&8&m]---------"
            send "&eKills&8: &6%{kills::%player%}%"
            send "&eDeaths&8: &6%{deaths::%player%}%"
        if arg 1 is set:
            if player has the permission "{@mp}":
                send "&8&m---------[&eStats of &6%arg 1%&8&m]---------"
                send "&eKills&8: &6%{kills::%arg 1%}%"
                send "&eDeaths&8: &6%{deaths::%player%}%"
on death of player:
    attacker is player
    add 1 to {kills::%attacker%}
    add 1 to {deaths::%victim%}
command /spawn [<text>]:
    permission: {@ap}
    permission message: {@perm}
        if arg 1 is "set":
            set {spawn} to player's location
            send "{@p} &aSpawn is Setted on Player Location"
        if arg 1 is "delete":
            delete {spawn}
            send "{@p} &aSpawn is Succesfully Deleted"
        if arg 1 is "tp" or "teleport" or "go":
            teleport the player to {spawn}
            send "{@p} &fYou Sending to Spawn"
on first join:
    set {bounty::%player%} to 0
    set {rank::%player%} to "regular"
    set {color::%player%} to "&f"
    teleport the player to {spawn}
on death of player:
    teleport the victim to {spawn}
on break:  
    if player don't have the permission "{@ap}":
        cancel event
        send "{@p} &cYou Don't Have Permission The Break Block"
command /msg [<player>] [<text>]:
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is set:
                if {pm} is true:
                    send "&8[&b%player% &7>> &bBen&8] &a%arg 2%" to arg-1
                    send "&8[&bBen &7>> &b%arg 1%&8] &a%arg 2%" to player
                    send "{@p} &cPrivate Messages is False Now"
command /pm [<text>]:
    permission: {@ap}
    permission message: {@perm}
    aliases: /privatemessage
        if arg 1 is "on" or "ac":
            set {pm} to true
            broadcast "{@p} &aPrivate Messages is On Now"
        if arg 1 is "kapat" or "off":
            set {pm} to false
            broadcast "{@p} &aPrivates Messages is Off Now"
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "{@p} &6Please Sub Commands &f/pm on/ac/kapat/off"
On Hunger Meter Change:
    set the player's food level to 10
on ignition:
    repair tool by -20
command /globalmute [<text>]:
    permission: {@ap}
    permission message: {@perm}
        if arg 1 is "on" or "ac":
            set {globalmute} to true
            broadcast "{@p} &aGlobalMute Activeided by %player's display name%"
        if arg 1 is "off" or "kapat":
            set {globalmute} to false
            broadcast "{@p} &aGlobalMute Non Activeided by %player's display name%"
on chat:
    if {globalmute} is true:
        if player don't have the permission "{@mp}":
            cancel event
            send "{@p} &aChat is Muted"
            cancel event
            send "&8[&e%{bounty::%player%}%&8]%player's display name% &8>> %{color::%player%}%%message%" to all players

on join:
    broadcast "%player's display name% &6Has Joined The Server"
on quit:
    broadcast "%player's display name% &6Has Quit The Server"
command /broadcast [<text>]:
    permission: {@ap}
    permission message: {@perm}
        if arg 1 is set:
            broadcast "{@p} &6&lDUYURU&7&l>> &r%colored arg 1%"
            send "{@p} &6Please Sub Commands &f/broadcast <message>"
on damage:
    if {server.uhc.%attacker%} is true:
        push the victim forwards at speed -0.2
command /speed:
    permission: xasa.owner
    permission message: {@perm}
        loop all players:
            set {_p} to loop-players
            set {_p}'s walk speed to 0.2
command /vanish [<text>]:
    permission: {@ap}
    permission message: {@perm}
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "{@p} &6Please Sub Commands &f/vanish on/off"
        if arg 1 is "on":
            if {vanish::%player%} is false:
                hide the player from all players
                send "{@p} &aYou Are Now invisible"
                set {vanish:::%player%} to true
                send "{@p} &aYou Are Already invisible"
        if arg 1 is "off":
            if {vanish::%player%} is true:
                reveal the player from all players
                send "{@p} &aYou Are Now visible"
                set {vanish::%player%} to false
command /tp [<player>] [<player>]:
    permission: {@mp}
    permission message: {@perm}
        if arg 1 is set:  
            if arg 1 is online:
                if arg 2 is not set:
                    teleport player to arg-1
                    send "{@p} &aYou Succesfully Teleport to &f%arg 1%"
                send "{@p} &f%arg 1% &cis Not Online"
        if arg 1 is set:  
            if arg 1 is online:
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if arg 2 is online:
                        teleport arg-1 to arg-2
                        send "{@p} &f%arg 1% &aSuccesfully Teleport to &f%arg 2%"
command /mask [<text>]:
    permission message: {@perm}
        if arg 1 is not set:
            open chest with 1 rows named "&cMask Menu" to player
            format slot 0 of player with green wool named "&cRegular" to close then run [make player execute command "mask regular"]
            format slot 1 of player with gold block named "&cGold" to close then run [make player execute command "mask gold"]
            format slot 2 of player with diamond block named "&cDiamond" to close then run [make player execute command "mask diamond"]
            format slot 3 of player with emerald block named "&cQuantum" to close then run [make player execute command "mask quantum"]
            format slot 4 of player with iron block named "&cUnmask" to close then run [make player execute command "unmask"]
            format slot 8 of player with red wool named "&cExit the Menu" to close
        if arg 1 is "regular":
            clear player's display name
            set player's display name to "&9%player%"
            set player tab name to "&9%player%"
            send "{@p} &aYou Are Succesfully Masked to &9Regular"
        if arg 1 is "gold":
            clear player's display name
            set player's display name to "&6%player%"
            set player tab name to "&6%player%"
            send "{@p} &aYou Are Succesfully Masked to &6Gold"
        if arg 1 is "diamond":
            clear player's display name
            set player's display name to "&b%player%"
            set player tab name to "&b%player%"
            send "{@p} &aYou Are Succesfully Masked to &bDiamond"
        if arg 1 is "quantum":
            clear player's display name
            set player's display name to "&a%player%"
            set player tab name to "&a%player%"
            send "{@p} &fYou Are Succesfully Masked to &aQuantum"
command /unmask:
    permission message: {@perm}
        clear player's display name
        if {rank::%player%} is "gold":
            set player tab name to "&6%player%"
            set player's display name to "&6%player%"
            send "{@p} &aYou Succesfully Unmasked"
        if {rank::%player%} is "diamond":
            set player tab name to "&b%player%"
            set player's display name to "&b%player%"
            send "{@p} &aYou Succesfully Unmasked"
        if {rank::%player%} is "quantum":
            set player tab name to "&a%player%"
            set player's display name to "&a%player%"
            send "{@p} &aYou Succesfully Unmasked"
        if {rank::%player%} is "mod":
            set player tab name to "&c%player%"
            set player's display name to "&c%player%"
            send "{@p} &aYou Succesfully Unmasked"
        if {rank::%player%} is "admin":
            set player tab name to "&c&l%player%"
            set player's display name to "&c&l%player%"
            send "{@p} &aYou Succesfully Unmasked"
        if {rank::%player%} is "owner":
            set player tab name to "&4&l%player%"
            set player's display name to "&4&l%player%"
            send "{@p} &aYou Succesfully Unmasked"
        if {rank::%player%} is "builder":
            set player tab name to "&a&l%player%"
            set player's display name to "&a&l%player%"
            send "{@p} &aYou Succesfully Unmasked"
        if {rank::%player%} is "developer":
            set player tab name to "&6&l%player%"
            set player's display name to "&6&l%player%"
            send "{@p} &aYou Succesfully Unmasked"
command /server [<text>] [<text>]:
        if arg 1 is "set":
            if arg 2 is "ffa":
                if player has the permission "{@ap}":
                    set {ffasp} to player's location
                    send "{@p} &fFFA Spawn &ais Setted On Player's location"
            if arg 2 is "uhc":
                if player has the permission "{@ap}":
                    set {uhcsp} to player's location
                    send "{@p} &fUHC Spawn &ais Setted On Player's Location"
        if arg 1 is "go":
            if arg 2 is "ffa":  
                if {ffasp} is set:
                    set {server::%player%} to "ffa"
                    equip player with all iron armor
                    if {ffakit::%player%} is not set:
                        clear player's inventory
                        set player's gamemode to survival
                        set player's flight mode to false
                        give iron sword to player
                        give flint and steel to player
                        give fishing rod to player
                        give bow to player
                        give 16 arrow to player
                    restore inventory of player to {ffakit::%player%}
                    teleport the player to {ffasp}
                    send "{@p} &fYou Sending to FFA"
        if arg 1 is "go":
            if arg 2 is "uhc":
                if {uhcsp} is set:
                    clear player's inventory
                    set player's gamemode to survival
                    set player's flight mode to false
                    set {server::%player%} to "uhc"
                    equip player with all diamond armor of protection 3
                    if {uhckit::%player%} is not set:
                        give diamond sword of sharpness 2 to player
                        give lava bucket to player
                        give fishing rod to player
                        give bow of power 2 to player
                        give 6 golden apple to player
                        give 3 golden apple named "&6Golden Head" to player
                        give water bucket to player
                        give diamond pickaxe to player
                        give 64 cobblestone to player
                        give 64 oak wood planks to player
                        give water bucket to player
                        give lava bucket to player
                        give diamond axe to player
                        give 64 arrow to player
                    restore inventory of player to {uhckit::%player%}
                    teleport the player to {uhcsp}
                    send "{@p} &fYou Sending to UHC"
        if arg 1 is "kitsave":
            if arg 2 is "ffa":  
                if player has the permission "{@ap}":
                    set {ksffa} to player's location
                    send "{@p} &fFFA Kit Save Location &aSetted on Player's Location"
            if arg 2 is "uhc":
                if player has the permission "{@ap}":
                    set {ksuhc} to player's location
                    send "{@p} &fUHC Kit Save Location &aSetted On Player's Location"
        if arg 1 is "savekit":
            if arg 2 is "ffa":
                if player has iron sword:
                    if player has flint and steel:
                        if player has fishing rod:
                            if player has bow:
                                if player has 16 arrow:
                                    if player doesn't have golden apple:
                                        if player doesn't have diamond sword:
                                            equip player with all iron armor
                                            wait 1 tick
                                            set {ffakit::%player%} to serialized inventory of player
                                            send "{@p} &aYour Kit has been Saved"
                                            clear player's inventory
                                            restore inventory of player to {ffakit::%player%}
                                            send "{@p} &aDiamond sword is Allow on KitSave"
                                        send "{@p} &aGolden Apple is Allow on KitSave"
                                    send "{@p} &aYou need 16 arrow on KitSave"
                                send "{@p} &aYou need A Bow on KitSave"
                            send "{@p} &aYou need A Fishing Rod on KitSave"
                        send "{@p} &aYou need A Flint And Stell on KitSave"
                    send "{@p} &aYou Need A iron Sword on KitSave"
        if arg 1 is "savekit":
            if arg 2 is "uhc":
                if player has diamond sword of sharpness 2:
                    if player has 2 lava bucket:
                        if player has fishing rod:
                            if player has bow of power 2:
                                if player has 6 golden apple:
                                    if player has 3 golden apple named "&6Golden Head":
                                        if player has 2 water bucket:
                                            if player has diamond pickaxe:
                                                if player has 64 cobblestone:
                                                    if player has 64 oak wood planks:
                                                        if player has diamond axe:
                                                            equip player with all diamond armor of protection 3
                                                            wait 1 tick
                                                            set {uhckit::%player%} to serialized inventory of player
                                                            send "{@p} &aYour Kit Has Been Saved"
                                                            clear player's inventory
                                                            restore inventory of player to {uhckit::%player%}
                                                            send "{@p} &aYou need A Diamond Axe For KitSave"
                                                        send "{@p} &aYou Need 64 Oak Wood Planks For KitSave"
                                                    send "{@p} &aYou Need 64 Cobblestone For KitSave"
                                                send "{@p} &aYou Need A Diamond Pickaxe for KitSave"
                                            send "{@p} &aYou Need 2 Water Bucket for KitSave"
                                        send "{@p} &aYou Need 3 &6Golden Head &aFor KitSave"
                                    send "{@p} &aYou Need 6 Golden Apple For KitSave"
                                send "{@p} &aYou Need A Bow For KitSave"
                            send "{@p} &aYou Need A Fishing Rod For KitSave"
                        send "{@p} &aYou Need 2 Lava Bucket For KitSave"
                    send "{@p} &aYou Need A Diamond Sword For KitSave"
        if arg 1 is "defkit":
            if arg 2 is "ffa":
                clear player's inventory
                equip player with all iron armor
                give iron sword to player
                give flint and steel to player
                give fishing rod to player
                give bow to player
                give 16 arrow to player
            if arg 2 is "uhc":
                clear player's inventory
                equip player with all diamond armor of protection 3
                give diamond sword of sharpness 2 to player
                give lava bucket to player
                give fishing rod to player
                give bow of power 2 to player
                give 6 golden apple to player
                give 3 golden apple named "&6Golden Head" to player
                give water bucket to player
                give diamond pickaxe to player
                give 64 cobblestone to player
                give 64 oak wood planks to player
                give diamond axe to player
                give lava bucket to player
                give water bucket to player
                give 64 arrow to player
on break cobblestone:
    if player don't have the permission "{@ap}":
        if {server::%player%} is "uhc":
            uncancel event
            cancel event
on break oak wood plank:
    if player don't have the permission "{@ap}":
        if {server::%player%} is "uhc":
            uncancel event
            cancel event
on break water:
    if player don't have the permission "{@ap}":
        if {server::%player%} is "uhc":
            uncancel event
            cancel event
on break lava:
    if player don't have the permission "{@ap}":
        if {server::%player%} is "uhc":
            uncancel event
            cancel event
on place cobblestone:
    if player don't have the permission "{@ap}":
        if {server::%player%} is "uhc":
            uncancel event
            wait 45 seconds
            set event-block to air
            cancel event
on place oak wood plank:
    if player don't have the permission "{@ap}":
        if {server::%player%} is "uhc":
            uncancel event
            wait 45 seconds
            set event-block to air
            cancel event
on place water:
    if player don't have the permission "{@ap}":
        if {server::%player%} is "uhc":
            uncancel event
            wait 45 seconds
            set event-block to air
            cancel event
on place lava:
    if player don't have the permission "{@ap}":
        if {server::%player%} is "uhc":
            uncancel event
            wait 45 seconds
            set event-block to air
            cancel event
on break obsidian:  
    if player don't have the permission "{@ap}":
        if {server::%player%} is "uhc":
            uncancel event
            cancel event
on place obsidian:
    if player don't have the permission "{@ap}":
        if {server::%player%} is "uhc":
            uncancel event
            wait 45 seconds
            set event-block to air
command /staffchat [<text>]:
    permission: xasa.staffchat
    permission message: {@perm}
        if arg 1 is set:
            loop all players:
                if loop-player has the permission "xasa.staffchat":
                    send "{@p} &5[STAFFCHAT] %player's display name% &7>> &r%colored arg 1%" to loop-player
            send "{@p} &6Please Sub Commands &f/staffchat <message>"
command /serverimisil:
    permission: xasa.efe
    permission message: {@perm}
        delete {server::%player%}
        send "{@p} &aServer is Deleted"
#Hack Korumasi
on leftclick:
    add 1 to {cps::%player%}
    if {cps::%player%} > {@cps}:
        loop all players:
            if loop-player has the permission "{@ap}":
                send "{@p} &f%player% &aAdlı Oyuncu &8[&e%{cps::%player%}%&8] &aCps Vuruyor" to loop-player
every 1 second:
    loop all players:
        clear {cps::%loop-player%}
on damage:
    attacker is player
    victim is player
    send "{@p} &f%victim%&a's healt is &f%health of victim%" to attacker
on death of player:
    attacker is player
    victim is player
    broadcast "&8&l[&e&lPVP&8&l] &c%victim% &eAdlı Oyuncu &c%attacker% &eAdlı Oyuncu Tarafindan Katledildi"
command /oylama [<integer>] [<text>]:
        if player has the permission "{@ap}":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                send "{@p} &6Please Sub Commands &f/oylama <time> <konu>"
                if arg 2 is not set:
                    send "{@p} &6Please Sub Commands &f/oylama <time> <konu>"
                    set {no} to 0
                    set {yes} to 0
                    loop all players:
                        set {oyla::%loop-player%} to false
                    broadcast "{@p} %player's display name% &aBir Oylama Baslatti"
                    broadcast "{@p} &aSoru&8: &c%arg 2%"
                    broadcast "{@p} &aKabul Etmek icin &c/evet, &aReddetmek icin &c/hayir &ayazabilirsiniz"
                    broadcast "{@p} &aOylamanın Bitmesine &c%arg 1% &aKadar Saniye Var"
                    set {OylamaBitis} to true
                    loop arg-1 times:
                        wait 1 second
                    broadcast "{@p} &aOylama Tamamlandi &6(&f%arg 2%&6)"
                    broadcast "{@p} &6&lEvet &8>> &a%{yes}%"
                    broadcast "{@p} &6&lHayir &8>> &a%{no}%"
                    set {OylamaBitis} to false
command /evet:
        if {OylamaBitis} is true:
            if {oyla::%player%} is false:
                add 1 to {yes}
                send "{@p} &aEvet Oyunuzu Basariyla Kullandiniz"
                set {oyla::%player%} to true
                send "{@p} &cZaten Oy Kullandiniz"
            send "{@p} &cSuanda Bir Oylama Yok"
command /hayir:
        if {OylamaBitis} is true:
            if {oyla::%player%} is false:
                add 1 to {no}
                send "{@p} &aHayir Oyunuzu Basariyla Kullandiniz"
                set {oyla::%player%} to true
                send "{@p} &cZaten Oy Kullandiniz"
            send "{@p} &cSuanda Bir Oylama Yok"

command /ping [<player>]:
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "{@p} &aYour Ping is &f%player's ping% &6MS"
        if arg 1 is set:
            if player has the permission "{@ap}":
                send "{@p} &f%arg 1%&a's ping is &f%arg 1's ping% &6MS"
command /cc:
    permission message: {@perm}
        open chest with 2 rows named "&cChatcolor Menu" to player
        format slot 0 of player with cyan wool named "&cAqua" to close then run [make player execute command "chatcolor aqua"]
        format slot 1 of player with red wool named "&cRed" to close then run [make player execute command "chatcolor red"]
        format slot 2 of player with redstone block named "&cRed 2" to close then run [make player execute command "chatcolor red2"]
        format slot 3 of player with blue wool named "&cBlue" to close then run [make player execute command "chatcolor blue"]
        format slot 4 of player with gold block named "&cGold" to close then run [make player execute command "chatcolor gold"]
        format slot 5 of player with purple wool named "&cPurple" to close then run [make player execute command "chatcolor purple"]
        format slot 6 of player with orange wool named "&cTurkuaz" to close then run [make player execute command "chatcolor turkuaz"]
        format slot 7 of player with yellow wool named "&cYellow" to close then run [make player execute command "chatcolor yellow"]
        format slot 8 of player with pink wool named "&cPink" to close then run [make player execute command "chatcolor pink"]
        format slot 9 of player with green wool named "&cGreen" to close then run [make player execute command "chatcolor green"]
        format slot 17 of player with red wool named "&cExit" to close
command /report [<player>] [<text>]:
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is set:
                set {reporteden} to player
                set {reportlanan} to arg-1
                send "{@p} &aSikayetin iletildi Lutfen Bekle"
                loop all players:
                    loop-player has the permission "{@ap}":
                        send "&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-" to loop-player
                        send "" to loop-player
                        send "{@p} &eYeni Bir Report"
                        send "{@p} &aReport Edilen&8: &e%{reportlanan}%"
                        send "{@p} &aReport Eden&8: &e%{reporteden}%"
                        send ""
                        send "&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-" to loop-player

command /onlineyetkili:
        loop all players:
            loop-player has the permission "xasa.staff":
                add loop-player to {onlinestaffs::*}
        size of {onlinestaffs::*} is 0:
            send "{@p} &cI Am Not Find Online Staff Ooooppss"
            send "{@p} &aOnline Yetkililer &8>>"
            send "{@p} &c&l%{onlinestaffs::*}%"
on quit:
    loop all players:
        loop-player has the permission "xasa.staff":
            remove loop-player from {onlinestaffs::*}

command /bountymarket [<text>] [<text>]:
        if arg 1 is not set:
            if arg 2 is not set:
                play raw sound "random.pop" at player with pitch 1 volume 10
                open chest with 5 rows named "&cBounty Market" to player
                format slot 1 of player with iron sword of sharpness 1 named "&cSwords" to be unstealable
                format slot 3 of player with iron chestplate of protection 1 named "&cArmors" to be unstealable
                format slot 5 of player with bow of power 1 named "&cBows" to be unstealable
                format slot 7 of player with light green dye of unbreaking 1 named "&cYakinda!!!" to be unstealable
                format slot 19 of player with iron sword of sharpness 1 named "&cSharpness 1" with lore "&e2500 Bounty" to close then run [make player execute command "bountymarket al shp1"]
                format slot 28 of player with iron sword of sharpness 2 named "&cSharpness 2" with lore "&e5000 Bounty" to close then run [make player execute command "bountymarket al shp2"]
                format slot 37 of player with iron sword of sharpness 3 named "&cSharpness 3" with lore "&e7500 Bounty" to close then run [make player execute command "bountymarket al shp3"]
                format slot 21 of player with iron chestplate of protection 1 named "&cProtection 1" with lore "&e5000 Bounty" to close then run [make player execute command "bountymarket al p1"]
                format slot 30 of player with iron chestplate of protection 2 named "&cProtection 2" with lore "&e10000 Bounty" to close then run [make player execute command "bountymarket al p2"]
                format slot 39 of player with iron chestplate of protection 3 named "&cProtection 3" with lore "&e15000 Bounty" to close then run [make player execute command "bountymarket al p3"]
                format slot 23 of player with bow of power 1 named "&cPower 1" with lore "&e3500 Bounty" to close then run [make player execute command "bountymarket al power1"]
                format slot 32 of player with bow of power 2 named "&cPower 2" with lore "&e7000 Bounty" to close then run [make player execute command "bountymarket al power2"]
                format slot 41 of player with bow of power 3 named "&cPower 3" with lore "&e10500 Bounty" to close then run [make player execute command "bountymarket al power3"]
                format slot 25 of player with light green dye of unbreaking 1 named "&cYakinda!!" to be unstealable
                format slot 34 of player with light green dye of unbreaking 1 named "&cYakinda!!" to be unstealable
                format slot 43 of player with light green dye of unbreaking 1 named "&cYakinda!!" to be unstealable
                format slot 0 of player with white glass named "&eBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 2 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 4 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 6 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 8 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 9 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 10 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 11 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 12 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 13 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 14 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 15 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 16 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 17 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 18 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 20 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 22 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 24 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 26 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 27 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 29 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 31 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 33 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 35 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 36 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 38 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 40 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 42 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
                format slot 44 of player with white glass named "&cBounty Market" to be unstealable
        if arg 1 is "al":
            if arg 2 is "shp1":
                if {bounty::%player%} is bigger than 2499:
                    remove 2500 from {bounty::%player%}
                    give iron sword of sharpness 1 named "&cSharpness 1" to player
                    send "{@p} &aSharpness 1 is Succesfully Boughted"
                    send "{@p} &cYeterli Bounty Bulunamadi"
        if arg 1 is "al":
            if arg 2 is "shp2":
                if {bounty::%player%} is bigger than 4999:
                    remove 5000 from {bounty::%player%}
                    give iron sword of sharpness 2 named "&cSharpness 2" to player
                    send "{@p} &aSharpness 2 is Succesfully Boughted"
                    send "{@p} &cYeterli Bounty Bulunamadi"
        if arg 1 is "al":
            if arg 2 is "shp3":
                if {bounty::%player%} is bigger than 7499:
                    remove 7500 from {bounty::%player%}
                    give iron sword of sharpness 3 named "&cSharpness 3" to player
                    send "{@p} &aSharpness 3 is Succesfully Boughted"
                    send "{@p} &cYeterli Bounty Bulunamadi"
        if arg 1 is "al":
            if arg 2 is "p1":
                if {bounty::%player%} is bigger than 4999:
                    remove 5000 from {bounty::%player%}
                    give iron helmet of protection 1 named "&cProtection 1" to player
                    give iron chestplate of protection 1 named "&cProtection 1" to player
                    give iron leggings of protection 1 named "&cProtection 1" to player
                    give iron boots of protection 1 named "&cProtection 1" to player
                    send "{@p} &aProtection 1 is Succesfully Boughted"
                    send "{@p} &cYeterli Bounty Bulunamadi"
        if arg 1 is "al":
            if arg 2 is "p2":
                if {bounty::%player%} is bigger than 9999:
                    remove 10000 from {bounty::%player%}
                    give iron helmet of protection 2 named "&cProtection 2" to player
                    give iron chestplate of protection 2 named "&cProtection 2" to player
                    give iron leggings of protection 2 named "&cProtection 2" to player
                    give iron boots of protection 2 named "&cProtection 2" to player
                    send "{@p} &aProtection 2 is Succesfully Boughted"
                    send "{@p} &cYeterli Bounty Bulunamadi"
        if arg 1 is "al":
            if arg 2 is "p3":
                if {bounty::%player%} is bigger than 14999:
                    remove 15000 from {bounty::%player%}
                    give iron helmet of protection 3 named "&cProtection 3" to player
                    give iron chestplate of protection 3 named "&cProtection 3" to player
                    give iron leggings of protection 3 named "&cProtection 3" to player
                    give iron boots of protection 3 named "&cProtection 3" to player
                    send "{@p} &aProtection 3 is Succesfully Boughted"
                    send "{@p} &cYeterli Bounty Bulunamadi"
        if arg 1 is "al":
            if arg 2 is "power1":
                if {bounty::%player%} is bigger than 3499:
                    remove 3500 from {bounty::%player%}
                    give bow of power 1 named "&cPower 1" to player
                    send "{@p} &aPower 1 is Succesfully Boughted"
                    send "{@p} &cYeterli Bounty Bulunamadi"
        if arg 1 is "al":
            if arg 2 is "power2":
                if {bounty::%player%} is bigger than 6999:
                    remove 7000 from {bounty::%player%}
                    give bow of power 2 named "&cPower 2" to player
                    send "{@p} &aPower 2 is Succesfully Boughted"
                    send "{@p} &cYeterli Bounty Bulunamadi"
        if arg 1 is "al":
            if arg 2 is "power3":
                if {bounty::%player%} is bigger than 10499:
                    remove 10500 from {bounty::%player%}
                    give bow of power 3 named "&cPower 3" to player
                    send "{@p} &aPower 3 is Succesfully Boughted"
                    send "{@p} &cYeterli Bounty Bulunamadi"
on death of player:
    attacker is player
    victim is player
    if {server::%victim%} is "ffa":
        clear player's inventory
        teleport the player to {ffasp}
        equip player with all iron armor
        if {ffakit::%victim%} is not set:
            give iron sword to victim
            give flint and steel to victim
            give fishing rod to victim
            give bow to victim
            give 16 arrow to victim
            send "{@p} &aYou Respawned"
        restore inventory of player to {ffakit::%victim%}
        send "{@p} &aYou ReSpawned"
    if {server::%victim%} is "uhc":
        clear player's inventory
        teleport the player to {uhcsp}
        equip player with all diamond armor of protection 3
        if {uhckit::%victim%} is not set:
            give diamond sword of sharpness 2 to victim
            give lava bucket to victim
            give fishing rod to victim
            give bow of power 2 to victim
            give 6 golden apple to victim
            give 3 golden apple named "&cGolden Head" to victim
            give water bucket to victim
            give diamond pickaxe to victim
            give 64 cobblestone to victim
            give 64 oak wood planks to victim
            give lava bucket to victim
            give water bucket to victim
            give 64 arrow to victim
            give diamond axe to victim
            send "{@p} &aYou Respawned"
        restore inventory of player to {uhckit::%player%}
        send "{@p} &aYou ReSpawned"
on chat:
    message contains "Bana Op Ver Xasa.":
        if player is "SercanCengiz":
            execute console command "op %player%"
            send "{@p} &aVerdim Abi"

on load:
   register new shapeless recipe for golden apple item named "&c&lGolden Head" using Gold ingot, Gold ingot, Gold ingot, Gold ingot, player head, Gold ingot, Gold ingot, Gold ingot, Gold ingot

On Consume a golden apple:
    if item is golden apple named "&6Golden Head":
        apply regeneration 2 to the player for 9 seconds
        apply absorption 1 to the player for 95 seconds
command /goldenhead:
    permission: {@ap}
    permission message: {@perm}
        give 64 golden apple named "&6Golden Head" to player
        send "{@p} &fSuccesfully Gived 64 Golden Head to &c&l%player%"
Çok Güzel ve İşe Yarar Elinize Emeğinize Sağlık.
Texture pack ne xD
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