Son kullanma tarihi geçmiş, bayatlamış bir tarayıcı kullanıyorsanız. Mercedes kullanmak yerine tosbaya binmek gibi... Websiteleri düzgün görüntüleyemiyorsanız eh, bi zahmet tarayıcınızı güncelleyiniz. Modern Web standartlarını karşılayan bir tarayıcı alternatifine göz atın.
Chat kapatıp açma ve çekiliş skriptlerinin var olduğunu sayarak bu skripti yaptım
on command "/vipçek":
cancel event
send player title "&a&l/vipmenu"
wait 0.5 seconds
execute player command "/vipmenu"
command /vipmenu:
open chest with 3 rows named "&a» &eVip Çekilişi &a«" to player
format slot 0 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
format slot 1 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
format slot 2 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
format slot 3 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
format slot 4 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
format slot 5 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
format slot 6 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
format slot 7 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
format slot 8 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
format slot 9 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
format slot 10 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
format slot 11 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
format slot 12 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
format slot 13 of player with diamond named "&aVIP Çekilişini başlatmak için tıkla!" to close then run [execute console command "vipcekiliseventinibaslat"]
format slot 14 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
format slot 15 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
format slot 16 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
format slot 17 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
format slot 18 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
format slot 19 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
format slot 20 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
format slot 21 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
format slot 22 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
format slot 23 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
format slot 24 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
format slot 25 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
format slot 26 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
command /vipcekiliseventinibaslat:
permission: event.cekilisiyap
execute console command "chat kapat" # chati kapatma komutun
wait 2 seconds
execute console command "cekilis" # vip çekilişi yapma komutun
command /vipcek:
permission: vipcek
send player title "&3&lVip Menusu" with subtitle "&a&lAçılıyor..." for 1 second
wait 1 second
execute player command "/vipmenu"
command /vipmenu:
wait 1 ticks
open chest with 3 rows named "&a» &eVip Çekilişi &a«" to player
format slot 0 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
format slot 1 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
format slot 2 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
format slot 3 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
format slot 4 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
format slot 5 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
format slot 6 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
format slot 7 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
format slot 8 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
format slot 9 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
format slot 10 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
format slot 11 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
format slot 12 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
format slot 13 of player with diamond named "&aVIP Çekilişini başlatmak için tıkla!" to close then run [execute player command "vipckbasla"]
format slot 14 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
format slot 15 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
format slot 16 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
format slot 17 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
format slot 18 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
format slot 19 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
format slot 20 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
format slot 21 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
format slot 22 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
format slot 23 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
format slot 24 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
format slot 25 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
format slot 26 of player with stained glass pane named " " to act unstealable
command /vipckbasla:
permission: vipcek.baslat
execute player command "chatikapa" #chati kapatacak kod"
loop all players:
add loop-player to {cekilis::*}
send "&3&lCekilis &a»%player% adlı admin çekilişi başlattı" to players
wait 1 second
send "&3&lCekilis &a» 10" to players
wait 1 second
send "&3&lCekilis &a»9" to players
wait 1 second
send "&3&lCekilis &a»8" to players
wait 1 second
send "&3&lCekilis &a»7" to players
wait 1 second
send "&3&lCekilis &a»6" to players
wait 1 second
send "&3&lCekilis &a»5" to players
wait 1 second
send "&3&lCekilis &a»4" to players
wait 1 second
send "&3&lCekilis &a»3" to players
wait 1 second
send "&3&lCekilis &a»2" to players
wait 1 second
send "&3&lCekilis &a»1" to players
wait 1 second
set {kazanancekilis} to random element of {cekilistekiler::*}
send "&3&lCekilis &a» %{kazanancekilis}% kazanan!" to players
wait 1 second
send "&3&lCekilis &a» Vip'i veriliyor" to players
wait 1 second
execute console command "manuadd %{kazanancekilis}% vip adi"