Sol Reklam
Sağ Reklam

ultimateclans türkçe %60 çeviri yapıldı

Mesaj gönderimine kapalı.


1 Kasım 2018
  command by player: '%tag% &cThis command must be used by a player.'
  command by console: '%tag% &cThis command must be used by a CONSOLE.'
  empty chat help: '%tag% &cError, Use &b/. <message>'
  disabled world command: '%tag% &cClan Homes are turned off in this world.'
  error start action: '%tag% &cThere was an error running this.'
  error character: '%tag% &cThis contains invalid characters.'
  error mod desc: '%tag% &cError changing the Clan description.'
  has globalff: '%tag% &aGlobal friendly fire is now on!'
  no permission: '%tag% &cYou do not have permission'
  chest extra buyed update: '%tag% &b%player% &ahas purchased a new Chest for the Clan.'
  region list header: '&9&lList of regions:'
  region list empty: '&8 - There are no saved regions'
  region list format: ' &b%region_name% &7- %region_creator% &7- &b%region_firstpoint%&7/&b%region_secondpoint%'
  region not exists: '%tag% &cThere is no region with this name.'
  region exists: '%tag% &cThere is already a region with this name.'
  currency vault: Para
  currency playerpoints: Puan
  currency clansouls: Ruhlar
  export same storage: '%tag% &cYou must choose a different storage than the current one to export.'
  export no data: '%tag% &cThere is currently no data to export.'
  export mysql deconfigured: '%tag% &cAn error occurred, mysql fields are misconfigured.'
  export mysql connection error: '%tag% &cThere was an error connecting to MYSQL.'
  export sqlite connection error: '%tag% &cThere was an error connecting to SQLITE.'
  export yaml connection error: '%tag% &cThere was an error connecting to YAML.'
  tag in use: '%tag% &cBu Etiket zaten kullanımda.'
  clan not found: '%tag% &cBu ETİKET sahip klan mevcut değil.'
  clan ally header: '&9&lMüttefik Listesi. &8(tag/kdr/members)'
  clan list empty: ' &cBu listede Klan yok.'
  clan is your clan: '%tag% &cbu senin klanın.'
  clan is rival: '%tag% &cBu Klan zaten bir rakip.'
  clan already ally: '%tag% &cBu Klan zaten bir müttefik.'
  clan dont ally: '%tag% &cBu Klan müttefik değil.'
  clan player isnot your clan: '%tag% &cBu oyuncu Klanınızda değil.'
  clan max members: '&cBu Klan zaten maksimum sayıda oyuncuya sahip.'
  clan max members level: '%tag% &cBu klanda zaten mevcut seviye için maksimum sayıda oyuncu var.'
  clan player kicked out: '%tag% &aKlandan atıldın &b%clan% &cby &a%clan_leader%'
  clan player kicked outby: '%tag% &4%player% &etarafından klandan atıldı &a%clan_leader%'
  clan tag equals: '%tag% &cDeğişmeyen TAG, aynı görünüyor.'
  clan name equals: '%tag% &cNAME değişmedi, aynı görünüyor.'
  clan already rival: '%tag% &cBu Klan zaten bir rakip.'
  clan is ally: '%tag% &cBu Klan zaten bir müttefik.'
  clan rival error add: '%tag% &cRakip eklenirken hata oluştu.'
  clan rival error remove: '%tag% &cRakip kaldırılırken hata oluştu.'
  clan dont rival: '%tag% &cBu Klan bir rakip değil.'
  clan new ally: '%tag% &c&l! &eKlan ile yeni bir ittifak kuruldu. &a%clan_tag%'
  clan removed ally: '%tag% &c&l! &e&a%clan_tag% &eklanı ile ittifak kaldırıldı.'
  clan one removed ally: '%tag% &c&l! &eBir ittifak kaldırıldı.'
  clan one removed rival: '%tag% &c&l! &eBir rekabet kaldırıldı.'
  clan created: '%tag% &c&l! &eYeni bir Klan &b%clan_tag% &a%player%. &e, tarafından oluşturuldu.'
  clan deleted: '%tag% &c&l! &eKlan &b%clan_tag%  &a%player%.&e, tarafından silindi.'
  clan deleted small: '&c&mSilindi'
  clan ff changed: '%tag% &c&l! &edost ateşi &b%value%.'
  clan globalff changed: '%tag% &c&l! &eküresel dost ateşi &b%value%.'
  clan new join: '%tag% &c&l! &eOyuncu &a%player% &klana girdi.'
  clan new kick: '%tag% &c&l! &eOyuncu &a%player% &e Klandan atıldı.'
  clan new leave: '%tag% &c&l! &c&a%player% oyuncusu &a%clan_tag% &cClandan ayrıldı.'
  clan new rival: '%tag% &c&l! &eKlan &a%clan_tag% ile yeni rekabet'
  clan new rival removed: '%tag% &c&l! &e&a%clan_tag% &e klanı ile rekabet feshedildi.'
  clan new leader: '%tag% &c&l! &eKlanın yeni lideri &a%clan_tag% &e&a%player%'
  clan rival removed: '%tag% &c&l! &e&a%clan_tag% Klanı ile rekabet geri alındı'
  clan verify changed: '%tag% &c&l! &eKlan olarak değiştirildi &a%value%.'
  clan new promote: '%tag% &c&l! &eOyuncu &a%player% &e terfi etti.'
  clan new demote: '%tag% &c&l! &cOyuncu &a%player% &enin rütbesi düşürüldü.'
  clan tag blacklist: '%tag% &cBu Etiket Klanlarda kullanılamaz.'
  clan changed settings: '%tag% &aKlan ayarları değiştirildi.'
  clan settings warinvite: '&bSavaş Davetiyesi'
  clan settings allysharedchat: '&bAlly paylaşılan sohbet'
  clan settings joinleave: '&bKatıl ve Ayrıl'
  clan settings allysharedhome: '&bAlly paylaşılan evler'
  clan settings clanff: '&bClan FF'
  clan settings membermanagerhomes: '&bÜye Yöneticisi Evleri'
  clan settings membermanagerwars: '&bÜye Yönetici Savaşları'
  clan settings opened: '&bClan herkese açık'
  clan delete error gui: '&4silme hatası!'
  clan no actions: '%tag% &cİptal edilecek bekleyen işlem yok.'
  clan sign create: =YUKARIDAKİ KLAN ETİKETİ=
  clan sign desc: ===YUKARIDAKİ TANIM===
  clan sign invite: =YUKARIDAKİ RAKAM=
  clan point reason level change: Klan seviye değişikliği
  clan point reason quest finished: Biten görev %uclans_quest_finished%
  clan point reason no reason: Sebep yok
  help uclan header: '&4&lAdmin Clan Help:'
  help clan header: '&9&lHelp with Clan:'
  help info header: '&9&lKlan Bilgileri &8%clan_tag%&9&l:'
  help info empty: '&cNothing here'
  help clanlist: '&9&lKlan Listesi: &8(rank/tag/desc/kdr/members)'
  help clanlist subheader: ' &8Showing %cur%/%amount% of %total% (Page: %pag_cur%/%pag_max%)'
  help profile header: '&9&lProfil &a%player%&9&l:'
  help rival header: '&9&lRakip Listesi. &8(tag/kdr/members)'
  help stats header: '&9&lKlan Durumu &a%clan_tag%&9&l:'
  help stats format player: '  &7&a%list_player% &7- &b%list_player_role% &7- &b%list_player_kills%&8/&b%list_player_deaths% &8(%list_player_kdr%) &7[%list_player_seen_date%]'
  translaction players: oyuncular
  translaction is on: '&a&lÇevrimiçi'
  translaction is off: '&c&lçevrimdışı'
  translaction yes: '&b&lEVET'
  translaction no: '&c&lHAYIR'
  clan dont leader: '%tag% &cKlanın lideri değilsin.'
  clan dont permission top demote: '%tag% &cOyuncuları indiremezsiniz.'
  clan dont permission top promote: '%tag% &cOyuncuları yükseltemezsiniz.'
  player no invitation: '%tag% &chiç davetiyen yok.'
  clan dont mod and leader: '%tag% &cKlanın lideri veya Modu değilsiniz.'
  clan dont mod and leader gui: '&c&4&lLider &cveya &4&lMod&c gerektirir!!'
  player dont mod: '%tag% &cBu oyuncu moderatör değil.'
  player is mod: '%tag% &cBu oyuncu zaten bir moderatör.'
  player offline: '%tag% &cThe player is offline or does not exist!'
  player cannot expel leader: '%tag% &cKlan Liderini ihraç edemezsiniz.'
  player cannot expel mod: '%tag% &cA moderator cannot expel another from the same position.'
  player is clan leader: '%tag% &cYou are the Clan Leader, to leave use &b/clan disband&c and you will delete the Clan ...'
  you donthave clan: '%tag% &cYou dont have a Clan.'
  player donthave clan: '%tag% &cThis player does not have a clan.'
  player have clan: '%tag% &cYou already have a clan.'
  player has clan: '%tag% &cThis player already has a clan.'
  player is you: '%tag% &cThis player is you.'
  player dont have money: '%tag% &cYou need to &a%uclans_money_currency%%amount% &cfor this.'
  player dont have money gui: '&cYou need to &a%uclans_money_currency%%amount%'
  player debited money: '%tag% &aIt was debited &a%amount% &eyour account.'
  player deposited money: '%tag% &a%uclans_money_currency%%amount% &ehas been deposited in your account.'
  player invitation player expired: '%tag% &cYour player invite has expired and there has been no response.'
  player invitation expired: '%tag% &cYour invitation to join the Clan &f%clan_tag% &chas expired.'
  player invitation daniel: '%tag% &cThe player denied the invitation.'
  player already invited: '%tag% &cThere is already an invitation for this player in progress!'
  player already invited gui: '&cInvitation for player in progress!'
  player invitation error: '%tag% &cThere was an error sending the invite.'
  player invitation error gui: '&cError to sending the invite.'
  player invitation success: '%tag% &cThe invitation was sent successfully.'
  player invitation success gui: '&aInvitation sent successfully!'
  gui error: '%tag% &cThis menu contains an error and cannot be opened'
  player teleport dont move: '%tag% &aPreparing teleport, do not move by %sec% sec.'
  player teleport moved: '%tag% &cYou moved and the teleport was canceled!!!'
  player teleport true: '%tag% &aYou were teleported!'
  player teleport false: '%tag% &cYou have not been teleported for any mistake!'
  unknown error: '%tag% &cAn unknown error occurred with this, please try again!'
  nothing here: '&cNothing here.'
  clan empty name: '&c<Without name!>'
  clan empty desc: '&c<Without description!>'
  json advanced action create: '%tag% &7Type in the chat the name of the new clan you want to create or use &c/clan cancel &r&7to cancel!'
  json advanced action disband: '%tag% &7Type &b&l%confirm_action% &r&7in the chat to confirm or use &c/clan cancel &r&7to cancel!'
  json advanced action changeleder: '%tag% &7Type &b&l%confirm_action% &r&7in the chat to confirm or use &c/clan cancel &r&7to cancel!'
  json advanced action modtag: '%tag% &7Type in the chat the new TAG of the clan or use &c/clan cancel &r&7to cancel!'
  json advanced action desc: '%tag% &7Type in the chat the new clan description or use &c/clan cancel &r&7to cancel!'
  json advanced action name: '%tag% &7Type in the chat the new clan name or use &c/clan cancel &r&7to cancel!'
  json advanced action invite: '%tag% &7Write in the chat who you want to invite to the clan or use &c/clan cancel &r&7to cancel!'
  json simple invite received: ' &c&l! &eKlana katılma daveti aldınız &f%clan_tag%&e, davetiyenin süresi doluyor &b%sec_expires% saniye&e. &eUse &b/clan join %clan_tag_nocolor% &eya da &b/clan deny %clan_tag_nocolor%'
  json advanced help pagination: ' &cFor next use: &b/clan help [page]'
  json simple command unknown: '%tag% &cBilinmeyen komut, &b/uclan yardım kullanın &ct mevcut komutların listesini görün.'
  json simple command unknown player: '%tag% &cBilinmeyen komut, &b/clan yardımını kullanın ve mevcut komutların listesini görün.'
  json simple clan ally rival list format: ' &8%clan_tag% &7- &b%clan_kdr% &7- &b%clan_members_count%'
  json simple clan list format: ' &a%clan_rank%� &7- &8%clan_tag% &7- &f%clan_desc% &7- &b%clan_kdr% &7- &b%clan_members_count%'
  json simple list next: ' &bSonraki Sayfa >>'
  json simple list prev: ' << &bÖnceki Sayfa'
  json simple list controler: ' << &bÖnceki Sayfa'
  json simple clan deleted: ' &a%clan_rank%� &7- &c&mClan Silindi!'
  disabled function: '%tag% &cThis function/addon appears to be off.'
  admin opened clanchest: '%tag% &cAn admin opened the clan chest.'
  top kdr format: '&b%num%� &7| &a%uclans_tag_color% &7| &fKdr: &b%uclans_clan_kdr%'
  top kill format: '&b%num%� &7| &a%uclans_tag_color% &7| &fÖldürme: &b%uclans_clan_kills%'
  top death format: '&b%num%� &7| &a%uclans_tag_color% &7| &fÖlme: &b%uclans_clan_deaths%'
  top member format: '&b%num%� &7| &a%uclans_tag_color% &7| &fÜyeler: &b%uclans_count_members%'
  top bank format: '&b%num%� &7| &a%uclans_tag_color% &7| &fBank: &b%uclans_bank_balance%'
  top level format: '&b%num%� &7| &a%uclans_tag_color% &7| &fLV: &b%uclans_level%'
  top war format: '&b%num%� &7| &a%uclans_tag_color% &7| &a%uclans_clan_war_win%&7/&4%uclans_clan_war_lose%'
  clan new balance: '%tag% &aThe banks new balance sheet is &a%uclans_money_currency%%uclans_bank_balance%&e, changed by &a%uclans_player%'
  clan quest change: '%tag% &aClan Guest Points is now &b%uclans_quest_points%&e, total finished &b%uclans_quest_finished%'
  player reseted kdr: '%tag% &aThe player &a%player% &ehad the KDR reset!'
  clan reseted kdr: '%tag% &aThe clan &a%uclans_tag_color% &ehad the KDR reset!'
  value greater than zero: '%tag% &cValue must be greater than zero'
  clan level change: '%tag% &b%clan% &eclanı yeni leveli &b%num%'
  clan not have levels: '%tag% &cClan does not have levels to remove'
  clan has only levels: '%tag% &cThe clan has only &b%num% &clevels'
  command in cooldown: '%tag% &cWait for &b%sec% &cto use this command again.'
  error length: '%tag% &cThe value must have a size between &b%min% &cand &b%max%'
  kits list header: '&9&lKit List:'
  kits list empty: ' &c- No kits to show'
  kits list format: ' &a%kit_name% &7- &7%kit_desc% &7- &fDate: &b%kit_creation_date%'
  kit not exists: '%tag% &cThere is no kit with this name.'
  kit already exists: '%tag% &cThere is already a kit with this name.'
  empty inventory: '%tag% &cYour inventory cannot be empty.'
  state true: '&aETKİNLEŞTİRİLMİŞ'
  state false: '&cENGELLİ'
  accept type: '%tag% &cTür geçersiz, kullanın: &b%types%'
  clan regroup invite expired: '%tag% &cYeniden toplanma davetinin süresi doldu!'
  clan regroup invite doesnot exists: '%tag% &cThere is no regroup request sent.'
  clan regroup invite already exists: '%tag% &cThere is already a regroup request sent.'
  clan regroup invite deny: '%tag% &cThe player &a%player% &cdenied your request!'
  clan regroup invite accept: '%tag% &cThe player &a%player% &eaccepted your request!'
  clan regroup invite already denied: '%tag% &cYou already denied the request.'
  clan regroup invite already accepted: '%tag% &cYou already accepted the request.'
  clan has no members: '%tag% &cKlanınızın hiç üyesi yok.'
  disabled world regroup: '%tag% &cYou cannot send regroup requests in this world.'
  disabled region regroup: '%tag% &cYou cannot send regroup requests in this region.'
  disabled region command: '%tag% &cYou cannot use these commands in this region.'
  clan rival remove already invited: '%tag% &cThere is already a peace request from your clan or another one in progress to this clan, wait and try again!'
  clan rival remove error: '%tag% &cThere was an error sending the request!'
  clan rival remove moderation offline: '%tag% &cThere are no moderators or online leaders in the other clan.'
  clan rival remove sended: '%tag% &aPeace request sent, wait for the clan to accept or deny.'
  clan rival remove not found: '%tag% &cThere are no peace requests.'
  clan rival remove deny: '%tag% &cYou denied the request to remove the rivalry.'
  clan rival remove deny received: '%tag% &cThe other clan denied the request for peace.'
  clan rival remove expired: '%tag% &cThe invitation to peace has expired!'
  clan ally invite not found: '%tag% &cThere are no invitations for allies.'
  clan ally invite deny: '%tag% &cYou have denied the invitation to the alliance.'
  clan ally invite already invited: '%tag% &cThere is already an invitation from your clan or another one in progress to this clan, wait and try again!'
  clan ally invite error: '%tag% &cThere was an error sending the request!'
  clan ally invite moderation offline: '%tag% &cThere are no moderators or online leaders in the other clan.'
  clan ally invite sended: '%tag% &aDavet gönderildi, klanın kabul etmesini veya reddetmesini bekleyin.'
  clan ally invite expired: '%tag% &cThe invitation to alliance has expired!'
  clan ally invite deny received: '%tag% &cThe other clan denied the request for an alliance.'
  clan not have points: '%tag% &cClan does not have points to remove'
  clan has only points: '%tag% &cThe clan has only &b%num% &cpoints'
  clan ally in limit: '%tag% &cYour clan has reached the allies limit and needs to gain levels to unlock more allies, Your clans current limit is &b&l%uclans_limit_ally%'
  clan rival in limit: '%tag% &cYour clan has reached the rivalries limit and needs to gain levels to unlock more rivalries, Your clans current limit is &b&l%uclans_limit_rival%'
  command deprecated: '%tag% &cThis command has been deprecated and can be removed from the settings'
  chan does not exists: '%tag% &cThis clan does not exist'
  need level min: '%tag% &cYour Clan must have at least &b&l%level% &cfor this!'
  disabled region chest: '%tag% &cYou cannot use chests in this region.'
  player_leave: '%tag% &cMember &b&l%player% &chas logged out.'
  player_join: '%tag% &aMember &b&l%player% &ahas just joined.'
  home already exists: '%tag% &cThere is already a man with this name.'
  home create error: '%tag% &cThere was an error creating.'
  home create success: '%tag% &aNew home created successfully!'
  home no exists: '%tag% &cThere is no man with that name.'
  home no exists gui: '&cThis home has an error.'
  home delete error: '%tag% &cThere was an error deleting.'
  home delete error gui: '&cThere was an error deleting.'
  home delete success: '%tag% &aHome successfully deleted!'
  home delete success gui: '&aSuccessfully deleted!'
  new create home: '%tag% &aA new clan home has been created on the server &b%server% &awith the name &b%name%'
  home removed: '%tag% &cThe home &b%name% &cof the server &b%server% &cof the clan has been deleted'
  disabled region home: '%tag% &cClan Homes are turned off in this region.'
  home limit: '&cThis is the limit (%limit%) for your Clan!'
  home limit reached: '%tag% &cThe limit for your clan is %homes% homes.'
  new point received: '%tag% &aYour clan received &b%points% points&a, and now has &b%totalpoints% points (%reason%)'
  new point removed: '%tag% &cYour clan lost &b%points% points&c, and now has &b%totalpoints% points (%reason%)'
  new point set: '%tag% &aYour clan points have been changed to &b%totalpoints% points (%reason%)'
  General disband_confirm title: '&c&lClanı silmek için onayla?'
  General disband_confirm items fill name: ' '
  General disband_confirm items fill lore: [
  General disband_confirm items confirm name: '&aOnayla'
  General disband_confirm items confirm lore:
  - ''
  - ' &cOnaylamak için tıkla.'
  General disband_confirm items cancel name: '&aİptal'
  General disband_confirm items cancel lore:
  - ''
  - ' &eİptal etmek için tıkla.'
  General changeleader_confirm title: '&c&lCconfirm changing the Clan Leader?'
  General changeleader_confirm items fill name: ' '
  General changeleader_confirm items fill lore: [
  General changeleader_confirm items confirm name: '&aOnayla'
  General changeleader_confirm items confirm lore:
  - ''
  - ' &cOnaylamak için tıkla.'
  General changeleader_confirm items cancel name: '&aİptal'
  General changeleader_confirm items cancel lore:
  - ' &eİptal etmek için tıkla.'
  Home clan_home title: '&9&lClan Home'
  Home clan_home items fill name: ' '
  Home clan_home items fill lore: [
  Home clan_home items ally_homes name: '&aDost evlerini gör'
  Home clan_home items ally_homes lore:
  - ''
  - ' &eAçmak için tıkla.'
  Home clan_home items create name: '&aYeni ev oluştur'
  Home clan_home items create lore:
  - ''
  - ' &eOluşturmak için tıkla.'
  Home clan_home items back name: '&cGeri Dön'
  Home clan_home items back lore:
  - ''
  - ' &eGeri dönmek için tıkla.'
  Home clan_home items next name: '&aSonraki Sayfa'
  Home clan_home items next lore:
  - ''
  - ' &eİlerlemek için tıkla.'
  Home clan_home items previous name: '&aÖnceki Sayfa'
  Home clan_home items previous lore:
  - ''
  - ' &eGeri gitmek için tıkla.'
  Home clan_home items current name: '&aEv %uclans_home:<num>:name%'
  Home clan_home items current lore:
  - ''
  - ' &eEv Bilgisi'
  - ' &7'
  - ' &7Server: &a%uclans_home:<num>:server%'
  - ' &7Name: &b%uclans_home:<num>:name%'
  - ''
  - ' &eIşınlanmak için sol tıkla '
  - ' &cSilmek için sağ tıkla.'
  Home clan_delhome_confirm title: '&c&lEvi silmek için onayla &4&l%home_name% &c?'
  Home clan_delhome_confirm items fill name: ' '
  Home clan_delhome_confirm items fill lore: [
  Home clan_delhome_confirm items confirm name: '&aOnaylamak için tıkla'
  Home clan_delhome_confirm items confirm lore:
  - ' '
  - ' &eOnaylamak için tıkla.'
  Home clan_delhome_confirm items cancel name: '&aİptal etmek için tıkla'
  Home clan_delhome_confirm items cancel lore:
  - ' '
  - ' &eİptal etmek için tıkla.'
  General noclan_home title: '&9&lClan &7| &cClan bulunamadı'
  General noclan_home items fill name: ' '
  General noclan_home items fill lore: [
  General noclan_home items fill2 name: ' '
  General noclan_home items fill2 lore: [
  General noclan_home items commands name: '&aCommand List and Help'
  General noclan_home items commands lore:
  - ' &eClick to see the complete list'
  - '&eof commands for Clans and Land.'
  General noclan_home items clans name: '&aClanlar'
  General noclan_home items clans lore:
  - ' &eClan listesini açmak için tıkla.'
  General noclan_home items create name: '&cClan bulunamadı'
  General noclan_home items create lore:
  - ' &eClan kurmak için tıkla.'
  General noclan_home items profile name: '&aProfilin'
  General noclan_home items profile lore:
  - ' &eProfilini görüntülemek için tıkla'
  General clan_home title: '&9&lClan Menu'
  General clan_home items fill name: ' '
  General clan_home items fill lore: [
  General clan_home items fill2 name: ' '
  General clan_home items fill2 lore: [
  General clan_home items info name: '&aClan %uclans_tag_color%'
  General clan_home items info lore:
  - ' &eClan Bilgisi'
  - ' &7'
  - ' &7Clan Level: &a%uclans_level%'
  - ' &7Clan Puanı: &a%uclans_points%'
  - ' &7Bank: &a%uclans_money_currency%%uclans_bank_balance%'
  - ' &7'
  - ' &7Tag: &b%uclans_tag_color%'
  - ' &7Desc: &b%uclans_desc_color%'
  - ' '
  - ' &eBir durum listesi açmak için tıklayın.'
  General clan_home items banner name: '&aClan Banner'
  General clan_home items banner lore:
  - ' '
  - ' &eBanner Bilgisi:'
  - ''
  - ' &fBanner: &b%uclans_hasbanner_formated%'
  - ' '
  - ' &eKlan sancağı sizin markanızdır'
  - '&eve arazi işaretlemesi için &b&lNEXUS &kullanımınız!'
  - ' &eYalnızca Lider veya Moderatörler şunları yapabilir:'
  - '&eklan afişini düzenle'
  General clan_home items clans name: '&aClanlar'
  General clan_home items clans lore:
  - ' &eKlan listesi menüsünü açmak için tıklayın.'
  General clan_home items commands name: '&aCommand List and Help'
  General clan_home items commands lore:
  - ' &eTüm listeyi görmek için tıklayın'
  General clan_home items settings name: '&aClan Ayarları'
  General clan_home items settings lore:
  - ' &eAçmak için tıkla.'
  General clan_home items home name: '&aAna menüyü aç.'
  General clan_home items home lore:
  - ' &eAçmak için tıkla.'
  General clan_home items ally name: '&aİttifaklar'
  General clan_home items ally lore:
  - ' '
  - ' &7Müttefikler: &b%uclans_clan_count_ally%'
  - ' '
  - ' &eİttifaklar menüsünü açmak için tıklayın.'
  General clan_home items rival name: '&arekabetler'
  General clan_home items rival lore:
  - ' '
  - ' &7rakipler: &b%uclans_clan_count_rival%'
  - ' '
  - ' &eRekabet menüsünü açmak için tıklayın.'
  General clan_home items members name: '&aClan Üyeleri'
  General clan_home items members lore:
  - ' '
  - ' &7Üyeler: &b%uclans_count_members%'
  - ' '
  - ' &eÜyeler menüsünü açmak için tıklayın.'
  General player_profile title: '&9&lProfile &7| &a%uclans_player%'
  General player_profile items head name: '&a%uclans_player%'
  General player_profile items head lore:
  - ''
  - ' &7Clan: &b%uclans_hasclan_formated%'
  - ' &7Lider: &b%uclans_leader_formated%'
  - ' '
  - ' &7Nickname: &b%uclans_player%'
  - ' &7Kdr: &b%uclans_player_kills%&8/&b%uclans_player_deaths% &8(%uclans_player_kdr%)'
  - ' &7İçeri giriş: &b%uclans_player_joindate_formated%'
  - ' &7Son Görülme: &b%uclans_player_lastsee_formated%'
  General player_profile items back name: '&cEve dön'
  General player_profile items back lore:
  - ' &eEve dönmek için tıklayın'
  General player_profile items fill name: ' '
  General player_profile items fill lore: [
  General clan_stats title: '&9&lİstatistikler &7| %uclans_tag_color%'
  General clan_stats items fill name: ' '
  General clan_stats items fill lore: [
  General clan_stats items back name: '&cGeri gel'
  General clan_stats items back lore:
  - ' &eGeri dönmek için tıklayın'
  General clan_stats items limits name: '&aClan Limit:'
  General clan_stats items limits lore:
  - ' '
  - '&eLimitler Hakkında:'
  - ' '
  - ' &7Home: &b%uclans_limit_home%'
  - ' &7Dostlar: &b%uclans_limit_ally%'
  - ' &7Düşmanlar: &b%uclans_limit_rival%'
  - ' &7Slots: &b%uclans_slots_total%'
  - ' '
  - ' &eLimitler şu şekilde artırılır:'
  - '&eklan seviye kazanır.'
  General clan_stats items member_rival_ally name: '&aÜyeler, Rakipler ve Müttefikler:'
  General clan_stats items member_rival_ally lore:
  - ' '
  - '&eÜyeler, rakipler ve müttefikler hakkında:'
  - ' '
  - ' &7Üyeler: &b%uclans_count_members%'
  - ' &7Çevrimiçi Üyeler: &b%uclans_count_onlinemembers%'
  - ' &7Müttefikler: &b%uclans_clan_count_ally%'
  - ' &7rakipler: &b%uclans_clan_count_rival%'
  General clan_stats items others name: '&aDiğer istatistikler:'
  General clan_stats items others lore:
  - ' '
  - '&eDiğerleri:'
  - ' '
  - ' &7Katılan Üyeler: &b%uclans_clan_member_joined%'
  - ' &7Ayrılan Üyeler: &b%uclans_clan_member_leave%'
  - ' &7Üyeler Atıldı: &b%uclans_clan_member_kicked%'
  - ' &7Etiket değişiklikleri: &b%uclans_clan_tag_changed%'
  General clan_stats items status name: '&aDurum:'
  General clan_stats items status lore:
  - ' '
  - '&eAbout the Status:'
  - ' '
  - ' &7Bank: &a%uclans_money_currency%%uclans_bank_balance%'
  - ' &7Souls: &a%uclans_money_currency%%uclans_clan_souls%'
  - ' &7Level: &b%uclans_level%'
  - ' &7Max Level reached: &b%uclans_max_level_reached%'
  - ' &7Clan Puanı: &b%uclans_points%'
  - ' &7Quests Finished: &b%uclans_quest_finished%'
  General clan_stats items war name: '&aWar stats:'
  General clan_stats items war lore:
  - ' '
  - '&eAbout wars:'
  - ' '
  - ' &7War Win: &b%uclans_clan_war_win%'
  - ' &7War Lose: &b%uclans_clan_war_lose%'
  - ' &7War total: &b%uclans_clan_war_total%'
  General clan_stats items kdr name: '&aKDR:'
  General clan_stats items kdr lore:
  - ' '
  - '&eAbout the kdr:'
  - ' '
  - ' &7Kills: &b%uclans_clan_kills%'
  - ' &7Deaths: &b%uclans_clan_deaths%'
  - ' &7Kdr Total: &b%uclans_clan_kdr%'
  General clan_stats items banner name: '&aClan Bayrağı'
  General clan_stats items banner lore:
  - ' '
  - ' &eBayrak Bilgisi:'
  - ''
  - ' &fBayrağı: &b%uclans_hasbanner_formated%'
  General clan_stats items foundation name: '&aHakkında:'
  General clan_stats items foundation lore:
  - ' '
  - '&eClan Hakkında:'
  - ' '
  - ' &7Lider: &b%uclans_leader%'
  - ' &7Kuruluş Tarihi: &b%uclans_creation_date_formated%'
  - ' &7Onaylama durumu: &f%uclans_verified%'
  - ' &7Slots: &f%uclans_slots% &8(+%uclans_slots_extra%)'
  - ' &7Herkese açık: &f%uclans_isopen_formated%'
  - ' '
  - ' &7Moderator (%uclans_count_moderators%):'
  - '  &a%uclans_moderators%'
  General clan_stats items members name: '&aÜye Listesi:'
  General clan_stats items members lore:
  - ' '
  - ' &7Üyeler: &b%uclans_count_members%'
  - ''
  - ' &eAçmak için tıkla.'
  General clan_settings title: '&9&lAyarlar Menüsü'
  General clan_settings items fill name: ' '
  General clan_settings items fill lore: [
  General clan_settings items back name: '&cGeri Dön'
  General clan_settings items back lore:
  - ' &eGeri dönmek için tıklayın'
  General clan_settings items actions name: '&aAksiyon'
  General clan_settings items actions lore:
  - ' &eAçmak için tıkla.'
  General clan_settings items delete name: '&c&lClanı sil'
  General clan_settings items delete lore:
  - ' &eClanı silmek için tıkla'
  - ' &cSadece lider bunu yapabilir!!'
  - ' &cBu, arazinizdeki korumayı kaldıracaktır.'
  - ' &cBu, sohbetten onay gerektirir!'
  - ' '
  - ' &cDikkat, bu işlem geri alınamaz!'
  General clan_settings items join_leave name: '&aKatıl ve Ayrıl'
  General clan_settings items join_leave lore:
  - ' '
  - ' &fDurum: %uclans_settings_state:JOINLEAVE%'
  - ''
  - ' &eDeğiştirmek için tıkla'
  - ' '
  - ' &cDevre dışı bırakıldığında klanınız'
  - '&cdaha fazla giriş ve çıkış'
  - '&cmesajı görecek.'
  General clan_settings items member_manager_wars name: '&aÜye Yönetici Savaşları'
  General clan_settings items member_manager_wars lore:
  - ' '
  - ' &fDurum: %uclans_settings_state:MEMBERMANAGERWARS%'
  - ''
  - ' &eDeğiştirmek için tıkla'
  - ' '
  - ' &cDevre dışı bırakıldığında, yalnızca liderler ve'
  - '&cmoderatörler kabul edebilecek '
  - '&cve savaş isteklerini gönderebilecek.'
  General clan_settings items member_manager_homes name: '&aÜye Yöneticisi Evleri'
  General clan_settings items member_manager_homes lore:
  - ' '
  - ' &fDurum: %uclans_settings_state:MEMBERMANAGERHOMES%'
  - ''
  - ' &eDeğiştirmek için tıkla'
  - ' '
  - ' &cDevre dışı bırakıldığında, yalnızca moderatörler veya'
  - '&cliderler yaratabilecek veya '
  - '&cklan için evleri silecek.'
  General clan_settings items opened name: '&aHerkese açık klan'
  General clan_settings items opened lore:
  - ' '
  - ' &fDurum: %uclans_settings_state:OPENED%'
  - ''
  - ' &eDeğiştirmek için tıkla'
  - '&eklan herkese veya yalnızca davetlilere açıktır.'
  General clan_settings items ff name: '&aDost Ateşi'
  General clan_settings items ff lore:
  - ' '
  - ' &fDurum: %uclans_settings_state:CLANFF%'
  - ''
  - ' &eDeğiştirmek için tıkla'
  - ' '
  - ' &cEtkinleştirildiğinde, üyeler şunları yapabilir:'
  - '&abirbirinize saldırın.'
  General clan_settings items allysharedhome name: '&aMüttefik paylaşılan Ana Ev'
  General clan_settings items allysharedhome lore:
  - ' '
  - ' &fDurum: %uclans_settings_state:ALLYSHAREDHOME%'
  - ''
  - ' &eDeğiştirmek için tıkla'
  - ' '
  - ' &cDevre dışı bırakıldığında, klanınızın evleri'
  - '&cmüttefik ev listesinde görünmüyor.'
  General clan_settings items allysharedchat name: '&aMüttefik paylaşılan sohbet'
  General clan_settings items allysharedchat lore:
  - ' '
  - ' &fDurum: %uclans_settings_state:ALLYSHAREDCHAT%'
  - ''
  - ' &eDeğiştirmek için tıkla'
  - ' '
  - ' &cDevre dışı bırakıldığında klanınız'
  - '&cmüttefiklerden mesaj almak veya göndermiyor.'
  General clan_settings items warinvite name: '&aSavaş Davetiyeleri'
  General clan_settings items warinvite lore:
  - ' '
  - ' &fDurum: %uclans_settings_state:WARINVITE%'
  - ''
  - ' &eDeğiştirmek için tıkla'
  - ' '
  - ' &cDevre dışı bırakıldığında klanınız'
  - '&cmeydan okuma almaz'
  General clan_actions title: '&9&lAksiyon Menu'
  General clan_actions items fill name: ' '
  General clan_actions items fill lore: [
  General clan_actions items back name: '&cGeri Dön'
  General clan_actions items back lore:
  - ' &eGeri dönmek için tıklayın'
  General clan_actions items sethome name: '&aKlan Ana Evini Ayarla'
  General clan_actions items sethome lore:
  - ' &eKlan Ana evini ayarlamak için tıklayıne'
  General clan_actions items name name: '&aKlan Adını Değiştirme'
  General clan_actions items name lore:
  - ' &eKlan adını değiştirmek için tıklayın.'
  General clan_actions items desc name: '&aKlan Açıklamasını Değiştirme'
  General clan_actions items desc lore:
  - ' &eKlan açıklamasını değiştirmek için tıklayın.'
  General clan_actions items modtag name: '&aKlan Etiketini Değiştir'
  General clan_actions items modtag lore:
  - ' &eKlan etiketini değiştirmek için tıklayın'
  General clan_top title: '&9&lKlan Listesi &7| %current%'
  General clan_top items fill name: ' '
  General clan_top items fill lore: [
  General clan_top items active name: ' &aŞuanki'
  General clan_top items active lore: [
  General clan_top items kdr name: '&cTop KDR'
  General clan_top items kdr lore:
  - ' '
  General clan_top items kill name: '&cTop Öldürme'
  General clan_top items kill lore:
  - ' '
  General clan_top items death name: '&cTop Ölme'
  General clan_top items death lore:
  - ' '
  General clan_top items bank name: '&cTop BANK'
  General clan_top items bank lore:
  - ' '
  General clan_top items member name: '&cTop Üyeler'
  General clan_top items member lore:
  - ' '
  General clan_top items level name: '&cTop Level'
  General clan_top items level lore:
  - ' '
  General clan_top items current_all name: '&aClan %uclans_tag_color%'
  General clan_top items current_all lore:
  - ''
  - ' &eClan Bilgisi'
  - ' &7'
  - ' &7Kuruluş Tarihi: &a%uclans_creation_date_formated%'
  - ' &7'
  - ' &7Tag: &b%uclans_tag_color%'
  - ' &7Lider: &b%uclans_leader%'
  - ' &7Üyeler: &b%uclans_count_members%'
  - ''
  - ' &eSağ-Tık Bilgi verir.'
  General clan_top items current_war name: '&aClan %uclans_tag_color%'
  General clan_top items current_war lore:
  - ''
  - ' &eClan Bilgisi'
  - ' &7'
  - ' &7Wars won: &a%uclans_clan_war_win%'
  - ' &7'
  - ' &7Tag: &b%uclans_tag_color%'
  - ' &7Lider: &b%uclans_leader%'
  - ' &7Üyeler: &b%uclans_count_members%'
  - ''
  - ' &eSağ-Tık Bilgi verir.'
  General clan_top items current_bank name: '&aClan %uclans_tag_color%'
  General clan_top items current_bank lore:
  - ''
  - ' &eClan Bilgisi'
  - ' &7'
  - ' &7Bank: &a%uclans_money_currency%%uclans_bank_balance%'
  - ' &7'
  - ' &7Tag: &b%uclans_tag_color%'
  - ' &7Lider: &b%uclans_leader%'
  - ' &7Üyeler: &b%uclans_count_members%'
  - ''
  - ' &eSağ-Tık Bilgi verir.'
  General clan_top items current_member name: '&aClan %uclans_tag_color%'
  General clan_top items current_member lore:
  - ''
  - ' &eClan Bilgisi'
  - ' &7'
  - ' &7Üyeler: &a%uclans_count_members%'
  - ' &7'
  - ' &7Tag: &b%uclans_tag_color%'
  - ' &7Lider: &b%uclans_leader%'
  - ' &7Üyeler: &b%uclans_count_members%'
  - ''
  - ' &eSağ-Tık Bilgi verir.'
  General clan_top items current_death name: '&aClan %uclans_tag_color%'
  General clan_top items current_death lore:
  - ''
  - ' &eClan Bilgisi'
  - ' &7'
  - ' &7Deaths: &a%uclans_clan_deaths%'
  - ' &7'
  - ' &7Tag: &b%uclans_tag_color%'
  - ' &7Lider: &b%uclans_leader%'
  - ' &7Üyeler: &b%uclans_count_members%'
  - ''
  - ' &eSağ-Tık Bilgi verir.'
  General clan_top items current_kill name: '&aClan %uclans_tag_color%'
  General clan_top items current_kill lore:
  - ''
  - ' &eClan Bilgisi'
  - ' &7'
  - ' &7Kills: &a%uclans_clan_kills%'
  - ' &7'
  - ' &7Tag: &b%uclans_tag_color%'
  - ' &7Lider: &b%uclans_leader%'
  - ' &7Üyeler: &b%uclans_count_members%'
  - ''
  - ' &eSağ-Tık Bilgi verir.'
  General clan_top items current_kdr name: '&aClan %uclans_tag_color%'
  General clan_top items current_kdr lore:
  - ''
  - ' &eClan Bilgisi'
  - ' &7'
  - ' &7KDR: &a%uclans_clan_kdr%'
  - ' &7'
  - ' &7Tag: &b%uclans_tag_color%'
  - ' &7Lider: &b%uclans_leader%'
  - ' &7Üyeler: &b%uclans_count_members%'
  - ''
  - ' &eSağ-Tık Bilgi verir.'
  General clan_top items current_level name: '&aClan %uclans_tag_color%'
  General clan_top items current_level lore:
  - ''
  - ' &eClan Bilgisi'
  - ' &7'
  - ' &7Level: &a%uclans_level%'
  - ' &7'
  - ' &7Tag: &b%uclans_tag_color%'
  - ' &7Lider: &b%uclans_leader%'
  - ' &7Üyeler: &b%uclans_count_members%'
  - ''
  - ' &eSağ-Tık Bilgi verir.'
  General clan_top items current name: '&aClan %uclans_tag_color%'
  General clan_top items current lore:
  - ''
  - ' &eClan Bilgisi'
  - ' &7'
  - ' &7Level: &a%uclans_level%'
  - ' &7'
  - ' &7Tag: &b%uclans_tag_color%'
  - ' &7Lider: &b%uclans_leader%'
  - ' &7Üyeler: &b%uclans_count_members%'
  - ''
  - ' &eSağ-Tık Bilgi verir.'
  General clan_top items war name: '&cTop War'
  General clan_top items war lore:
  - ' '
  General clan_top items all name: '&cOnaylılar'
  General clan_top items all lore:
  - ''
  General clan_top items next name: '&aSonraki'
  General clan_top items next lore:
  - ' &eSonraki için tıklayın'
  General clan_top items previous name: '&aÖnceki'
  General clan_top items previous lore:
  - ' &eÖnceki için tıklayın'
  General clan_top items back name: '&cGeri Dön'
  General clan_top items back lore:
  - ' &eGeri dönmek için tıklayın'
  General clan_members title: '&9&lÜye Menu'
  General clan_members items fill name: ' '
  General clan_members items fill lore: [
  General clan_members items fill2 name: ' '
  General clan_members items fill2 lore: [
  General clan_members items back name: '&cGeri Dön'
  General clan_members items back lore:
  - ' &eGeri dönmek için tıklayın'
  General clan_members items invite name: '&aOyuncu Davetleri'
  General clan_members items invite lore:
  - ' &e&eYeni üyeler davet etmek için tıklayın'
  General clan_members items list name: '&aÜye List'
  General clan_members items list lore:
  - ' '
  - ' &7Üyeler: &b%uclans_count_members%'
  - ' '
  - ' &eÜye listesini görüntülemek için tıklayın'
  General clan_members_invite title: '&9&lÜyeleri davet et'
  General clan_members_invite items fill name: ' '
  General clan_members_invite items fill lore: [
  General clan_members_invite items back name: '&cGeri Dön'
  General clan_members_invite items back lore:
  - ' &eGeri dönmek için tıklayın'
  General clan_members_invite items current name: '&a%uclans_player%'
  General clan_members_invite items current lore:
  - ''
  - ' &7Nickname: &b%uclans_player%'
  - ' &7Kdr: &b%uclans_player_kills%&8/&b%uclans_player_deaths% &8(%uclans_player_kdr%)'
  - ' &7Katılış: &b%uclans_player_joindate_formated%'
  - ' &cSon Görülme: &b%uclans_player_lastsee_formated%'
  - ' '
  - ' &eClick to invite.'
  General clan_members_invite items search name: '&cAra'
  General clan_members_invite items search lore:
  - ' &eClick to search members.'
  General clan_search_members_invite title: '&9&lSearch Members &7| &4%amount%&7:&4 %search%...'
  General clan_search_members_invite items fill name: ' '
  General clan_search_members_invite items fill lore: [
  General clan_search_members_invite items back name: '&cGeri Dön'
  General clan_search_members_invite items back lore:
  - ' &eGeri dönmek için tıklayın'
  General clan_search_members_invite items current name: '&a%uclans_player%'
  General clan_search_members_invite items current lore:
  - ''
  - ' &7Nickname: &b%uclans_player%'
  - ' &7Kdr: &b%uclans_player_kills%&8/&b%uclans_player_deaths% &8(%uclans_player_kdr%)'
  - ' &7Katılış: &b%uclans_player_joindate_formated%'
  - ' &7Son Görülme: &b%uclans_player_lastsee_formated%'
  - ' '
  - ' &eDavet etmek için tıkla.'
  General clan_ally title: '&9&lAlliances Menu'
  General clan_ally items fill name: ' '
  General clan_ally items fill lore: [
  General clan_ally items fill2 name: ' '
  General clan_ally items fill2 lore: [
  General clan_ally items back name: '&cGeri Dön'
  General clan_ally items back lore:
  - ' &eGeri dönmek için tıkla'
  General clan_ally items invite name: '&aİttifak Ekle veya Kaldır'
  General clan_ally items invite lore:
  - ' &eİttifak eklemek veya kaldırmak için tıklayın'
  General clan_ally items list name: '&aİttifak Listesi'
  General clan_ally items list lore:
  - ' '
  - ' &7Müttefikler: &b%uclans_clan_count_ally%'
  - ' '
  - ' &eİttifak listesini görmek için tıklayın'
  General clan_rival title: '&9&lRekabetler Menu'
  General clan_rival items fill name: ' '
  General clan_rival items fill lore: [
  General clan_rival items fill2 name: ' '
  General clan_rival items fill2 lore: [
  General clan_rival items back name: '&cGeri Dön'
  General clan_rival items back lore:
  - ' &eGeri dönmek için tıklayın'
  General clan_rival items invite name: '&aRekabet Ekle veya Kaldır'
  General clan_rival items invite lore:
  - ' &eRekabet eklemek veya kaldırmak için tıklayın'
  General clan_rival items list name: '&aRekabet Listesi'
  General clan_rival items list lore:
  - ' '
  - ' &7Rakipler: &b%uclans_clan_count_rival%'
  - ' '
  - ' &eRakiplerin listesini görüntülemek için tıklayın'
  Pagination rival title: '&9&lRival List.'
  Pagination rival items fill name: ' '
  Pagination rival items fill lore: [
  Pagination rival items back name: '&cGeri Dön'
  Pagination rival items back lore:
  - ''
  - ' &eGeri dönmek için tıkla.'
  Pagination rival items next name: '&aSonraki Sayfa'
  Pagination rival items next lore:
  - ''
  - ' &eOnaylamak için tıkla.'
  Pagination rival items previous name: '&aÖnceki Sayfa'
  Pagination rival items previous lore:
  - ''
  - ' &eGeri dönmek için tıkla.'
  Pagination rival items current name: '&aClan %uclans_tag_color%'
  Pagination rival items current lore:
  - ''
  - ' &eClan Bilgisi'
  - ' &7'
  - ' &7Level: &a%uclans_level%'
  - ' &7'
  - ' &7Tag: &b%uclans_tag_color%'
  - ' &7Lider: &b%uclans_leader%'
  - ' &7Üyeler: &b%uclans_count_members%'
  - ''
  - ' &eSağ-Tık Bilgi verir.'
  Pagination ally title: '&9&lAlly List.'
  Pagination ally items fill name: ' '
  Pagination ally items fill lore: [
  Pagination ally items back name: '&cGeri Dön'
  Pagination ally items back lore:
  - ''
  - ' &eGeri dönmek için tıkla.'
  Pagination ally items next name: '&aSonraki Sayfa'
  Pagination ally items next lore:
  - ''
  - ' &eOnaylamak için tıkla.'
  Pagination ally items previous name: '&aÖnceki Sayfa'
  Pagination ally items previous lore:
  - ''
  - ' &eGeri dönmek için tıkla.'
  Pagination ally items current name: '&aClan %uclans_tag_color%'
  Pagination ally items current lore:
  - ''
  - ' &eClan Bilgisi'
  - ' &7'
  - ' &7Level: &a%uclans_level%'
  - ' &7'
  - ' &7Tag: &b%uclans_tag_color%'
  - ' &7Lider: &b%uclans_leader%'
  - ' &7Üyeler: &b%uclans_count_members%'
  - ''
  - ' &eSağ-Tık Bilgi verir.'
  Pagination members title: '&9&lMember List.'
  Pagination members items fill name: ' '
  Pagination members items fill lore: [
  Pagination members items back name: '&cGeri Dön'
  Pagination members items back lore:
  - ''
  - ' &eGeri dönmek için tıkla.'
  Pagination members items next name: '&aSonraki Sayfa'
  Pagination members items next lore:
  - ''
  - ' &eOnaylamak için tıkla.'
  Pagination members items previous name: '&aÖnceki Sayfa'
  Pagination members items previous lore:
  - ''
  - ' &eGeri dönmek için tıkla.'
  Pagination members items current name: '&a%uclans_player%'
  Pagination members items current lore:
  - ''
  - ' &7Lider: &b%uclans_player_leader_yes_no%'
  - ' &7Moderators: &b%uclans_player_mod_yes_no%'
  - ' &7Nickname: &b%uclans_player%'
  - ' &7Kdr: &b%uclans_player_kills%&8/&b%uclans_player_deaths% &8(%uclans_player_kdr%)'
  - ' &7Katılış: &b%uclans_player_joindate_formated%'
  - ' &cSon Görülme: &b%uclans_player_lastsee_formated%'
  - ' '
  - ' &eTıkla ve profili görüntüle.'
  Pagination clans title: '&9&lOnaylı Clanlar.'
  Pagination clans items fill name: ' '
  Pagination clans items fill lore: [
  Pagination clans items back name: '&cGeri Dön'
  Pagination clans items back lore:
  - ''
  - ' &eGeri dönmek için tıkla.'
  Pagination clans items next name: '&aSonraki Sayfa'
  Pagination clans items next lore:
  - ''
  - ' &eOnaylamak için tıkla.'
  Pagination clans items previous name: '&aÖnceki Sayfa'
  Pagination clans items previous lore:
  - ''
  - ' &eGeri dönmek için tıkla.'
  Pagination clans items current name: '&aClan %uclans_tag_color%'
  Pagination clans items current lore:
  - ''
  - ' &eClan Bilgisi'
  - ' &7'
  - ' &7Level: &a%uclans_level%'
  - ' &7'
  - ' &7Tag: &b%uclans_tag_color%'
  - ' &7Lider: &b%uclans_leader%'
  - ' &7Üyeler: &b%uclans_count_members%'
  - ''
  - ' &eSağ-Tık Bilgi verir.'
  Home clan_allyhome title: '&9&lAllied Houses'
  Home clan_allyhome items back name: '&cGeri Dön'
  Home clan_allyhome items back lore:
  - ''
  - ' &eGeri dönmek için tıkla.'
  Home clan_allyhome items next name: '&aSonraki Sayfa'
  Home clan_allyhome items next lore:
  - ''
  - ' &eOnaylamak için tıkla.'
  Home clan_allyhome items previous name: '&aÖnceki Sayfa'
  Home clan_allyhome items previous lore:
  - ''
  - ' &eGeri dönmek için tıkla.'
  Home clan_allyhome items current name: '&aHome %uclans_home:<num>:name% of clan %uclans_tag_color%.'
  Home clan_allyhome items current lore:
  - ''
  - ' &eEv Bilgisi'
  - ' &7'
  - ' &7Clan: &b%uclans_tag_color%'
  - ' &7Server: &a%uclans_home:<num>:server%'
  - ' &7Name: &b%uclans_home:<num>:name%'
  - ''
  - ' &eIşınlanmak için Sol Tıkla.'
  Home clan_allyhome items fill name: ' '
  Home clan_allyhome items fill lore: [
  clan help show on_help: ' &b/clan help &7-&e Yardım menüsünü göster.'
  clan help show on_help_json hover_text: '&aKlanların yardımını görüntülemek için tıklayın.'
  clan help show on_success: '%tag% &ayardımı görüyorsun!'
  clan help show on_error: '%tag%&cError to show text.'
  clan help show on_usage: '%tag% &cKullanım &b/clan help'
  clan create show on_help_json hover_text: '&aYeni bir klan oluşturmak için tıklayın.'
  clan create show on_help: ' &b/clan create &7-&e Yeni bir Klan oluştur.'
  clan create show on_success: '%tag% &aYeni bir klan oluşturdunuz!'
  clan create show on_error: '%tag% &cYeni bir Klan oluştururken hata oluştu, tekrar deneyin.'
  clan create show on_usage: '%tag% &cKullanım &b/clan create <tag>'
  clan cancel show on_help_json hover_text: '&aBekleyen işlemleri iptal etmek için tıklayın.'
  clan cancel show on_help: ' &b/clan cancel &7-&e Bekleyen işlemleri iptal et.'
  clan cancel show on_success: '%tag% &aBaşarıyla iptal edildi!!'
  clan cancel show on_error: '%tag% &cİptal hatası'
  clan cancel show on_usage: '%tag% &cKullanım &b/clan cancel'
  clan changeleader show on_help_json hover_text: '&aLiderliği aktarmak için tıklayın.'
  clan changeleader show on_help: ' &b/clan changeleader <player> &7-&e liderliği devretmek.'
  clan changeleader show on_success: '%tag% &aYou have changed clan leadership to %clan_leader%'
  clan changeleader show on_error: '%tag% &cError transferring leadership.'
  clan changeleader show on_usage: '%tag% &cKullanım &b/clan changeleader <player>'
  clan desc show on_help: ' &b/clan desc &7-&e Add desc to Clan.'
  clan desc show on_help_json hover_text: '&aClick to add/change a clan description.'
  clan desc show on_success: '%tag% &aYou have changed the description of clan!'
  clan desc show on_error: '%tag% &cError changing the Clan description.'
  clan desc show on_usage: '%tag% &cKullanım &b/clan desc <description>'
  clan disband show on_help: ' &b/clan disband &7-&e Klanı sil.'
  clan disband show on_help_json hover_text: '&aClick to disband a clan.'
  clan disband show on_success: '%tag% &aYou have deleted you clan!'
  clan disband show on_error: '%tag% &cError deleting the Clan, try again.'
  clan disband show on_usage: '%tag% &cKullanım &b/clan disband CONFIRM'
  clan leave show on_help: ' &b/clan leave &7-&e Leave a Clan.'
  clan leave show on_help_json hover_text: '&aClick to leave to Clan.'
  clan leave show on_success: '%tag% &aYou left the Clan!'
  clan leave show on_error: '%tag% &cError when leaving the Clan, try again.'
  clan leave show on_usage: '%tag% &cKullanım &b/clan leave'
  clan invite show on_help: ' &b/clan invite <player> &7-&e Invite a Player to your clan.'
  clan invite show on_help_json hover_text: '&aOyuncuya davet göndermek için tıklayın'
  clan invite show on_success: '%tag% &aAn invitation has been sent to the player, please wait!'
  clan invite show on_error: '%tag% &cError to invite player.'
  clan invite show on_usage: '%tag% &cKullanım &b/clan invite <player>'
  clan join show on_help: ' &b/clan join <tag> &7- &eBir oyuncunun davetini kabul edin.'
  clan join show on_help_json hover_text: '&aDaveti kabul etmek için tıkla'
  clan join show on_success: '%tag% &aKlana girme davetini kabul ettiniz!'
  clan join show on_error: '%tag% &cKlana girerken hata oluştu, tekrar deneyin.'
  clan join show on_usage: '%tag% &cKullanım &b/clan join <tag>'
  clan deny show on_help: ' &b/clan deny <tag> &7- &eDeny invitation of a player.'
  clan deny show on_help_json hover_text: '&aClick to cancel invite.'
  clan deny show on_success: '%tag% &aYou have danied invite!'
  clan deny show on_error: '%tag% &cError declining invitation.'
  clan deny show on_usage: '%tag% &cKullanım &b/clan deny <tag>'
  clan kick show on_help: ' &b/clan kick <player> &7-&e Remove player from Clan.'
  clan kick show on_help_json hover_text: '&aClick to remove one player from the Clan.'
  clan kick show on_success: '%tag% &aPlayer has been removed from clan.'
  clan kick show on_error: '%tag% &cError kicking the player.'
  clan kick show on_usage: '%tag% &cKullanım &b/clan kick <player>'
  clan promote show on_help: ' &b/clan promote <player> &7-&e Promote player do Mod.'
  clan promote show on_help_json hover_text: '&aClick to promote player.'
  clan promote show on_success: '%tag% &aPlayer as promoted to Mod of clan.'
  clan promote show on_error: '%tag% &cError promoting the player, try again.'
  clan promote show on_usage: '%tag% &cKullanım &b/clan promote <player>'
  clan demote show on_help: ' &b/clan demote <player> &7-&e Demote player on Clan.'
  clan demote show on_help_json hover_text: '&aClick to demote player.'
  clan demote show on_success: '%tag% &aPlayer has been demoted in clan.'
  clan demote show on_error: '%tag% &cError demoting this player, try again'
  clan demote show on_usage: '%tag% &cKullanım &b/clan demote <player>'
  clan home show on_help: ' &b/clan home <create|delete|list|teleport>  <name> &7-&e Teleport to Clan home.'
  clan home show on_help_json hover_text: '&aClick to teleport to home of Clan.'
  clan home show on_success: '%tag% &aYou have teleported to Clan home!'
  clan home show on_error: '%tag% &cError teleport to Clan home.'
  clan home show on_usage: '%tag% &cKullanım &b/clan home <create|delete|list|teleport> <name>'
  clan chat show on_help: ' &b/clan chat &7-&e Lock chat to Clan or use &b/  <msg>'
  clan chat show on_help_json hover_text: '&aKlan sohbetini açıp kapatmak için tıklayın.'
  clan chat show on_success: '%tag% &aŞimdi olduğu gibi klan kilitli sohbet: &b%player_chat%'
  clan chat show on_error: '%tag% &cError to use chat.'
  clan chat show on_usage: '%tag% &cKullanım &b/clan sohbet'
  clan ff show on_help: ' &b/clan ff &7-&e Toggle Friedly Fire on Clan.'
  clan ff show on_help_json hover_text: '&aClick to toggle friendly fire of clan.'
  clan ff show on_success: '%tag% &aFriendly Fire of Clan as changed to &b%clan_ff%'
  clan ff show on_error: '%tag% &cError to use ff.'
  clan ff show on_usage: '%tag% &cKullanım &b/clan ff'
  clan modtag show on_help: ' &b/clan modtag <newtag> &7-&e Change tag of Clan.'
  clan modtag show on_help_json hover_text: '&aClick to change Tag.'
  clan modtag show on_success: '%tag% &aA tag of Clan as changed to &b%clan_tag%'
  clan modtag show on_error: '%tag% &cError when changing the clan Tag.'
  clan modtag show on_usage: '%tag% &cKullanım &b/clan modtag <newtag>'
  clan list show on_help: ' &b/clan list &c(type) &7-&e List of all Clans.'
  clan list show on_help_json hover_text: '&aClick to list all Clans.'
  clan list show on_success: '%tag% &aSuccess to use list.'
  clan list show on_error: '%tag% &cError to use list.'
  clan list show on_usage: '%tag% &cKullanım &b/clan list &c(type)'
  clan info show on_help: ' &b/clan info [tag] &7-&e Show info of clan.'
  clan info show on_help_json hover_text: '&aClick to view info of Clan.'
  clan info show on_success: ''
  clan info show on_error: '%tag% &cError to use info.'
  clan info show on_usage: '%tag% &cKullanım &b/clan info [tag]'
  clan profile show on_help: ' &b/clan profile [player] &7-&e Show profile of player.'
  clan profile show on_help_json hover_text: '&aClick to show profile.'
  clan profile show on_success: '%tag% &aSuccess to use profile.'
  clan profile show on_error: '%tag% &cError to use profile.'
  clan profile show on_usage: '%tag% &cKullanım &b/clan profile [player]'
  clan rival show on_help: ' &b/clan rival <add/remove> <tag> &7-&e Add Clan to rival.'
  clan rival show on_help_json hover_text: '&aClick to add/remove a Clan rival.'
  clan rival show on_success: '%tag% &aList of rivalries is updated.'
  clan rival show on_error: '%tag% &cError to use rival.'
  clan rival show on_usage: '%tag% &cKullanım &b/clan rival <add/remove> <tag>.'
  clan rivalries show on_help: ' &b/clan rivalries &7-&e List rivalries'
  clan rivalries show on_help_json hover_text: '&aClick to list rivalries Clan.'
  clan rivalries show on_success: '%tag% &aSuccess to use rivalries.'
  clan rivalries show on_error: '%tag% &cError to use rivalries.'
  clan rivalries show on_usage: '%tag% &cKullanım &b/clan rivalries'
  clan ally show on_help: ' &b/clan ally <add/remove/accept/deny> <tag> &7-&e Add Clan as ally.'
  clan ally show on_help_json hover_text: '&aClick to add/remove a Clan ally.'
  clan ally show on_success: '%tag% &aList of alliances is updated.'
  clan ally show on_error: '%tag% &cError to use ally.'
  clan ally show on_usage: '%tag% &cKullanım &b/clan ally <add/remove/accept/deny> <tag>.'
  clan alliances show on_help: ' &b/clan alliances &7-&e List alliances.'
  clan alliances show on_help_json hover_text: '&aClick to list alliances of Clan.'
  clan alliances show on_success: '%tag% &aSuccess to use alliances.'
  clan alliances show on_error: '%tag% &cError to use alliances.'
  clan alliances show on_usage: '%tag% &cKullanım &b/clan alliances.'
  clan members show on_help: ' &b/clan members &7-&e Shows the list of members.'
  clan members show on_help_json hover_text: '&aClick to view.'
  clan members show on_success: '%tag% &aSuccess to use members.'
  clan members show on_error: '%tag% &cError to use members.'
  clan members show on_usage: '%tag% &cKullanım &6/clan members'
  clan settings show on_help: ' &b/clan settings <TYPE> <VALUE> &7-&e Change clan settings.'
  clan settings show on_help_json hover_text: '&aClick to change clan settings'
  clan settings show on_success: '%tag% &aClan settings changed to &b%type%&7:&b%value%'
  clan settings show on_error: '%tag% &cAn error occurred while changing clan settings.'
  clan settings show on_usage: '%tag% &cKullanım &b/clan settings <TYPE> <VALUE>'
  clan regroup show on_help: ' &b/clan regroup <send/accept/deny> &7-&e Regroup the clan'
  clan regroup show on_help_json hover_text: '&aClick to regroup the clan'
  clan regroup show on_success: '%tag% &aThe regroup request has been sent.'
  clan regroup show on_error: '%tag% &cAn error occurred when submitting the order.'
  clan regroup show on_usage: '%tag% &cKullanım &b/clan regroup <send/accept/deny>'
  uclan help show on_help: ' &4/uclan help &7-&e Show help menu.'
  uclan help show on_help_json hover_text: '&aClick to view help of Clans.'
  uclan help show on_success: '%tag% &aSuccess to use help.'
  uclan help show on_error: '%tag% &cError to use help'
  uclan help show on_usage: '%tag% &cError use &b/uclan help'
  uclan chatspy show on_help: ' &4/uclan chatspy &7-&e Spy on clan chat'
  uclan chatspy show on_help_json hover_text: '&aClick to spy on clan chat'
  uclan chatspy show on_success: '%tag% &aChat Spy is now: %state%'
  uclan chatspy show on_error: '%tag% &cAn error occurred while changing.'
  uclan chatspy show on_usage: '%tag% &cKullanım &4/uclan chatspy'
  uclan addslot show on_help: ' &4/uclan addslot <player|tag> <amount> &7-&e Add slots to the Clan.'
  uclan addslot show on_help_json hover_text: '&aClick to add slots to the clan'
  uclan addslot show on_success: '%tag% &aYou have added %num% slots to the %clan% clan'
  uclan addslot show on_error: '%tag% &cThere was an error adding.'
  uclan addslot show on_usage: '%tag% &cKullanım &4/uclan addslot <player|tag> <amount>'
  uclan setslot show on_help: ' &4/uclan setslot <player|tag> <amount> &7-&e Set slots to the Clan.'
  uclan setslot show on_help_json hover_text: '&aClick to set slots to the clan'
  uclan setslot show on_success: '%tag% &aYou have set %num% slots to the %clan% clan'
  uclan setslot show on_error: '%tag% &cThere was an error adding.'
  uclan setslot show on_usage: '%tag% &cKullanım &4/uclan setslot <player|tag> <amount>'
  uclan removeslot show on_help: ' &4/uclan removeslot <player|tag> <amount> &7-&e Remove slots to the Clan.'
  uclan removeslot show on_help_json hover_text: '&aClick to remove slots to the clan'
  uclan removeslot show on_success: '%tag% &aYou have removed %num% slots to the %clan% clan'
  uclan removeslot show on_error: '%tag% &cThere was an error adding.'
  uclan removeslot show on_usage: '%tag% &cKullanım &4/uclan removeslot <player|tag> <amount>'
  uclan addpoints show on_help: ' &4/uclan addpoints <player|tag> <amount> [reason] &7-&e Add points to the Clan.'
  uclan addpoints show on_help_json hover_text: '&aClick to add points to the clan'
  uclan addpoints show on_success: '%tag% &aYou have added %num% points to the %clan% clan'
  uclan addpoints show on_error: '%tag% &cThere was an error adding.'
  uclan addpoints show on_usage: '%tag% &cKullanım &4/uclan addpoints <player|tag> <amount> [reason]'
  uclan setpoints show on_help: ' &4/uclan setpoints <player|tag> <amount> [reason] &7-&e set points to the Clan.'
  uclan setpoints show on_help_json hover_text: '&aClick to set points to the clan'
  uclan setpoints show on_success: '%tag% &aYou have set %num% points to the %clan% clan'
  uclan setpoints show on_error: '%tag% &cThere was an error adding.'
  uclan setpoints show on_usage: '%tag% &cKullanım &4/uclan setpoints <player|tag> <amount> [reason]'
  uclan removepoints show on_help: ' &4/uclan removepoints <player|tag> <amount> [reason]&7-&e Remove points to the Clan.'
  uclan removepoints show on_help_json hover_text: '&aClick to remove points to the clan'
  uclan removepoints show on_success: '%tag% &aYou have removed %num% points to the %clan% clan'
  uclan removepoints show on_error: '%tag% &cThere was an error remove.'
  uclan removepoints show on_usage: '%tag% &cKullanım &4/uclan removepoints <player|tag> <amount> [reason]'
  uclan changetag show on_help: ' &4/uclan changetag <tag> <newtag> &7-&e Changing a clan tag.'
  uclan changetag show on_help_json hover_text: '&aCLick to changing a clan tag.'
  uclan changetag show on_success: '%tag% &aThe clan tag &b%clan% &ahas been changed to &b%newtag%'
  uclan changetag show on_error: '%tag% &cAn error occurred while changing the tag.'
  uclan changetag show on_usage: '%tag% &cErro use &4/uclan changetag <tag> <newtag>'
  uclan resetplayerkdr show on_help: ' &4/uclan resetplayerkdr <player> &7-&e Reset Player KDR.'
  uclan resetplayerkdr show on_help_json hover_text: '&aClick to reset player KDR'
  uclan resetplayerkdr show on_success: '%tag% &aYou have reset the KDR of the player &a%player%'
  uclan resetplayerkdr show on_error: '%tag% &cAn error occurred while resetting'
  uclan resetplayerkdr show on_usage: '%tag% &cKullanım &4/uclan resetplayerkdr <player>'
  uclan resetclankdr show on_help: ' &4/uclan resetclankdr <tag> &7-&e Reset Clan KDR.'
  uclan resetclankdr show on_help_json hover_text: '&aClick to reset Clan KDR'
  uclan resetclankdr show on_success: '%tag% &aYou have reset the KDR of the clan &a%uclans_tag_color%'
  uclan resetclankdr show on_error: '%tag% &cAn error occurred while resetting'
  uclan resetclankdr show on_usage: '%tag% &cKullanım &4/uclan resetclankdr <tag>'
  uclan globalff show on_help: ' &4/uclan globalff &7-&e Change a global ff.'
  uclan globalff show on_help_json hover_text: '&aClick change global FF'
  uclan globalff show on_success: '%tag% &aYou have changed a global ff to &b%globalff%'
  uclan globalff show on_error: '%tag% &cError to use globaff.'
  uclan globalff show on_usage: '%tag% &cKullanım &4/uclan globalff'
  uclan delete show on_help: ' &4/uclan delete <tag> &7-&e Delete a new Clan.'
  uclan delete show on_help_json hover_text: '&aClick to delete one Clan.'
  uclan delete show on_success: '%tag% &aYou have deleted a clan!'
  uclan delete show on_error: '%tag% &cError deleting the clan.'
  uclan delete show on_usage: '%tag% &cKullanım &4/uclan delete <tag>'
  uclan forcejoin show on_help: ' &4/uclan forcejoin <player> <tag> &7-&e Adds a player to a clan.'
  uclan forcejoin show on_help_json hover_text: '&aClick to adds a player to a clan.'
  uclan forcejoin show on_success: '%tag% &aYou added the player!'
  uclan forcejoin show on_error: '%tag% &cError adding player.'
  uclan forcejoin show on_usage: '%tag% &cKullanım &4/uclan forcejoin <player> <tag>'
  uclan verify show on_help: ' &4/uclan verify <tag> &7-&e Verify a Clan.'
  uclan verify show on_help_json hover_text: '&aClick to verify one Clan.'
  uclan verify show on_success: '%tag% &aYou have toggled clan verification!'
  uclan verify show on_error: '%tag% &cError checking the clan.'
  uclan verify show on_usage: '%tag% &cKullanım &4/uclan verify <tag>'
  uclan reload show on_help: ' &4/uclan reload &7-&e Reload the plugin.'
  uclan reload show on_help_json hover_text: '&aClick to reload plugin configurations.'
  uclan reload show on_success: '%tag% &aPlugin reloaded successfully &7(%time%).'
  uclan reload show on_error: '%tag% &cError reloading settings.'
  uclan reload show on_usage: '%tag% &cKullanım &4/uclan reload'
  uclan exportdata show on_help: ' &4/uclan exportdata &c<MYSQL|SQLITE|YAML> &7-&e Export the clan data.'
  uclan exportdata show on_help_json hover_text: '&aClick to export data.'
  uclan exportdata show on_success: '%tag% &aData export started, you can follow the progress below.'
  uclan exportdata show on_error: '%tag% &cError exporting data.'
  uclan exportdata show on_usage: '%tag% &cKullanım &4/uclan exportdata &c<MYSQL|SQLITE|YAML>'


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6 Haziran 2022
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