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Skript Paylaşımı Troll Skript 0.1V

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28 Kasım 2019
]Merhaba MC-TR! Kendimce basit ama kullanışlı bir troll skripti yaptım içinde /trollherobrine,/trollvipcekilis,/trollevent,/trollbot,/trollop vs. gibi şeyler var.
İlk komut /trollitemleri: Size troll itemlerini verir. Görsel aşağıda. Komudun sonunda 10 saniye içerisinde komutlar gözüküyor. Ama manuel ulaşmak için /trollkomutlari yazmanız yeterlidir.


İkinci komut: /trollvipcekilis Sahte bir vip çekilişi yapar. Görsel aşağıda.


Üçüncü komutumuz: /trollop Sunucuda Herobrine Entity 303'ün oplandığını görürüz. Ama bu faketir :D


Dördüncü komutumuz ise: /trollherobrine. Herobrine joined the game diye bir mesaj verir sonrası görselde.


Beşinci komutumuz ise: /trollevent. Oyunculara fake bir event yapar :)


Altıncı ve son komutumuz ise: /trollbot 1 saniyede bir bot giriyormuş gibi gösterir. Bayağı uzun sürer. Küçük bir görsel aldım.


Evet komutlar bu kadar. Not: Ben profesyonel bir skripter değilim. Bu skripti eğlence ve hobi olarak yaptım. Biraz sade ama kullanışlı. Bu arada ek güvenlik olarak sadece opların kullanabileceği komutlar bunlar. Her neyse. İyi troller!
Gönderi otomatik olarak birleştirildi:

Kod da şu unuttum ya :D



    permission message: &cÜzgünüm, bunu yapmaya yetkin yok!

command /trollitemleri:



        send "&3NirvanaCraft &8» &6Bu skripti yazan MehmetAtaa'dır. İtemleriniz 5 saniye içinde gelecektir. İyi troller. Komutlar item verilmesinin sonunda otomatikman gösterilecek. Komutlara manuelw ulaşmak için /trollkomutlari yazabilirsiniz." to player

        wait 5 second

        send "&3NirvanaCraft &8» &4&lTroll itemleri veriliyor!"

        give 1 stick of knockback 1000 named "&cUCURAN CUBUK" with lore "&aOyuncuya vurduğunuzda oyuncu uçar!" to player

        wait 2 second

        give 1 stick of sharpness 1000 named "&cOLDUREN CUBUK" with lore "&aOyuncuya vurduğunuz anda oyuncu ölür" to player

        wait 2 second

        give 1 stick of fire aspect 1000 named "&cYAKAN CUBUK" with lore "&aOyuncuya vurduğunuzda oyuncu yanar." to player

        wait 2 second

        give 1 bedrock of power 10 named "&cYILDIRIM BLOGU" with lore "&aOyuncuya veya herhangi bir bloğa sağ tıkladığınızda yıldırım çarpar." to player

        wait 2 second

        give 1 bow to player

        wait 2 second

        give 64 arrow to player

        wait 2 second

        give 64 cobweb to player

        wait 2 second

        give 64 tnt to player

        wait 2 second

        give 1 flint and steel to player

        wait 2 second

        give 1 373:16428 to player

        wait 2 second

        give 64 101 to player

        wait 2 second

        give 1 anvil to player

        wait 2 second

        give 1 lava bucket to player

        wait 2 second

        give 1 water bucket to player

        wait 2 second

        give 64 stone to player

        wait 2 second

        send "&3NirvanaCraft &8» &a&lTroll itemleri başarıyla alındı! 10 saniye sonra komutlar gözükecek." to player

        wait 10 second

        send "&7&l&m-------------------------------------------"

        send "&8&l» &6&l/trollvipcekilis &a✔"

        send "&8&l» &6&l/trollop &a✔"

        send "&8&l» &6&l/trollherobrine &a✔"

        send "&8&l» &6&l/trollevent &a✔"

        send "&8&l» &6&l/trollbot &a✔"

        send "&7&l&m-------------------------------------------"

        send "&3NirvanaCraft &8» &a&lTroll komutlarını kısa yoldan görmek için /trollkomutlari yazın.


    permission: admin.troll

    permission message: &cÜzgünüm, bunu yapmaya yetkin yok!

command /trollkomutlari:


        send "&7&l&m-------------------------------------------"

        send "&8&l» &6&l/trollvipcekilis &a✔"

        send "&8&l» &6&l/trollop &a✔"

        send "&8&l» &6&l/trollherobrine &a✔"

        send "&8&l» &6&l/trollevent &a✔"

        send "&8&l» &6&l/trollbot &a✔"

        send "&7&l&m-------------------------------------------"

on command "trollkomutlari":

    cancel event

    player is op

    uncancel event



    permission: admin.troll

    permission message: &cÜzgünüm, bunu yapmaya yetkin yok!

command /trollvipcekilis:


        broadcast "&3NirvanaCraft &8» &eVip çekilişi başladı, başlatan kişi &c%player%"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&3NirvanaCraft &8» &eVip çekilişinin başlamasına &c10"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&3NirvanaCraft &8» &eVip çekilişinin başlamasına &c9"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&3NirvanaCraft &8» &eVip çekilişinin başlamasına &c8"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&3NirvanaCraft &8» &eVip çekilişinin başlamasına &c7"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&3NirvanaCraft &8» &eVip çekilişinin başlamasına &c6"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&3NirvanaCraft &8» &eVip çekilişinin başlamasına &c5"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&3NirvanaCraft &8» &eVip çekilişinin başlamasına &c4"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&3NirvanaCraft &8» &eVip çekilişinin başlamasına &c3"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&3NirvanaCraft &8» &eVip çekilişinin başlamasına &c2"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&3NirvanaCraft &8» &eVip çekilişinin başlamasına &c1"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&3NirvanaCraft &8» &eVip çekilişinin başlamasına &c0"

        wait 5 second

        broadcast "&3NirvanaCraft &8» &eVip çekilişi ertelendi. Çünkü bu bir troll :D :D :D"

                on command "trollkomutlari":

on command "trollvipcekilis":

    cancel event

    player is op

    uncancel event


    permission: admin.troll

    permission message: &cÜzgünüm, bunu yapmaya yetkin yok!

command /trollop:


        broadcast "&7&o[SERVER]: Opped Herobrine"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&7&o[SERVER]: Opped Entity303"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&7&o[SERVER]: Opped Slenderman

        wait 5 second

        broadcast "&aSakin ol :D Bu sadece bir troll :D

on command "trollop":

    cancel event

    player is op

    uncancel event


    permission: admin.troll

    permission message: &cÜzgünüm, bunu yapmaya yetkin yok!

command /trollherobrine:


        broadcast "&eHerobrine joined the game"

        wait 10 second

        broadcast "&3NirvanaCraft &8» &aŞaka şaka :D"

        wait 2 second

        broadcast "&eHerobrine left the game"


    permission: admin.troll

    permission message: &cÜzgünüm, bunu yapmaya yetkin yok!

command /trollevent:


        broadcast "&3NirvanaCraft &8» &eEventin başlamasına son 10 saniye! Başlatan yetkili &c%player%"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&3NirvanaCraft &8» &e9"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&3NirvanaCraft &8» &e8"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&3NirvanaCraft &8» &e7"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&3NirvanaCraft &8» &e6"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&3NirvanaCraft &8» &e5"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&3NirvanaCraft &8» &e4"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&3NirvanaCraft &8» &e3"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&3NirvanaCraft &8» &e2"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&3NirvanaCraft &8» &e1"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&3NirvanaCraft &8» &e0"

        wait 2 second

        broadcast "&3NirvanaCraft &8» &eİtemler dağıtılıyor..."

        wait 2 second

        broadcast "&3NirvanaCraft &8» &eDerrrrmişim :D Bu bir troll :D"

on command "trollevent":

    cancel event

    player is op

    uncancel event



    permission: admin.troll

    permission message: &cÜzgünüm, bunu yapmaya yetkin yok!

command /trollbot:


        broadcast "&eBot 1qwqw joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1qwqw joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1wewe joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1we joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot qwqw1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1qwqwqw joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1qwqw joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 312 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 12313 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1113 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1311 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1213131 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1qwqw joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1qwqw joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1wewe joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1we joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot qwqw1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1qwqwqw joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1qwqw joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 312 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 12313 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1113 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1311 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1213131 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1qwqw joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1qwqw joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1wewe joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1we joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot qwqw1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1qwqwqw joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1qwqw joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 312 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 12313 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1113 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1311 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1213131 joined the game"

        wait 1 second

        broadcast "&eBot 1 joined the game"

        wait 5 second

        broadcast "&eSunucu DarkHackTeam tarafından çökertildi!"

        wait 5 second

        broadcast "&eYine derrrmişim höhöhöhööö :D"


on command "trollbot":

    cancel event

    player is op

    uncancel event


on rightclick with bedrock:

    strike lightning at targeted block


on command "trollitemleri":

    cancel event

    player is op

    uncancel event


on command "trollherobrine":

    cancel event

    player is op

    uncancel event
Son düzenleyen: Moderatör:


Karanlık taraftan merhaba!



23 Nisan 2017
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