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Skript Paylaşımı SohbetMenu / BanMenu Gelişmiş

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16 Eylül 2017
Hepinize merhaba MC-TR sakinleri. Bu gün yapmış olduğum SohbetMenu ve BanMenu skriptini göstereceğim. Not: BanMenu hepsi bana ait değildir "Freeze" kısmı bana ait değildir!

Ban atarken atacağınız kişiye "Banlama Araci" ilen sağ tıklarsanız ban atar!

Sohbet'i kolayca yönetebileceğiniz SohbetMenu !




Ban Menu ------------------------------------>>>


Sohbet Menu:

Ban Menu:

# [---]  Coded By LquenS  [---] #
# [---]  Version: v.1  [---] #
# [---]  Iletisim: LquenS  [---] #

command /banmenu:
        wait 3 ticks
        open chest with 5 rows named "&lBan Menu" to player
        format slot 0 of player with ice named "&b&lDondurma Araci" with lore "&f&lDonduracagin kisiye sag tikla!" to close then run [execute player command "/ftool"]
        format slot 1 of player with carrot on a stick named "&c&lBanlama Araci" with lore "&f&lBanlayacagin kisiye sag tikla!" to close then run [execute player command "/btool"]
        format slot 2 of player with gray glass named " " to close
        format slot 3 of player with gray glass named " " to close
        format slot 4 of player with gray glass named " " to close
        format slot 5 of player with gray glass named " " to close
        format slot 6 of player with gray glass named " " to close
        format slot 7 of player with gray glass named " " to close
        format slot 8 of player with gray glass named " " to close
        format slot 9 of player with gray glass named " " to close
        format slot 10 of player with gray glass named " " to close
        format slot 11 of player with gray glass named " " to close
        format slot 12 of player with gray glass named " " to close
        format slot 13 of player with gray glass named " " to close
        format slot 14 of player with gray glass named " " to close
        format slot 15 of player with gray glass named " " to close
        format slot 16 of player with gray glass named " " to close
        format slot 17 of player with gray glass named " " to close
        format slot 18 of player with gray glass named " " to close
        format slot 19 of player with gray glass named " " to close
        format slot 20 of player with gray glass named " " to close
        format slot 21 of player with gray glass named " " to close
        format slot 22 of player with gray glass named " " to close
        format slot 23 of player with gray glass named " " to close
        format slot 24 of player with gray glass named " " to close
        format slot 25 of player with gray glass named " " to close
        format slot 26 of player with gray glass named " " to close
        format slot 27 of player with gray glass named " " to close
        format slot 28 of player with gray glass named " " to close
        format slot 29 of player with gray glass named " " to close
        format slot 30 of player with gray glass named " " to close
        format slot 31 of player with gray glass named " " to close
        format slot 32 of player with gray glass named " " to close
        format slot 33 of player with gray glass named " " to close
        format slot 34 of player with gray glass named " " to close
        format slot 35 of player with gray glass named " " to close
        format slot 36 of player with gray glass named " " to close
        format slot 37 of player with gray glass named " " to close
        format slot 38 of player with gray glass named " " to close
        format slot 39 of player with gray glass named " " to close
        format slot 40 of player with red wool named "&c&lSohbet Menusu" to close then run [execute player command "sohbetmenu"]
        format slot 41 of player with gray glass named " " to close
        format slot 42 of player with gray glass named " " to close
        format slot 43 of player with gray glass named " " to close
        format slot 44 of player with gray glass named " " to close

on right click on a player:
        name of player's held item contains "&c&lBanlama Araci"
        make player execute command "/ban %clicked player% 100"
on right click on a player:
        name of player's held item contains "&b&lDondurma Araci"
        make player execute command "/freeze %clicked player%"
on place:
        name of player's held item contains "&b&lDondurma Araci"
        cancel event
    FrozenMessage: &bDonduruldun hareket edemezsin! &c Cikis yaparsan  banlanirsin!
    PlayerFrozenMessage: &b%argument% donduruldun!
    UnfrozenMessage: &bDondurlman kaldırıld! &cCikis yapabilirisin!
    PlayerUnfrozenMessage: &b%argument% dondurman kalktı!
    BanMessage: &cDondurulduktan sonra ayrildigin icin banlandin!
    CommandPerm: banmenu.dondur
    ChatFrozenMessage: &cDonduruldugun icin mesaj yazamassin!
    CommandFrozenMessage: &cDonduruldugun icin komut kullanamazsin!
    ExemptCommandPerm: exempt.command
    ExemptFreezePerm: exempt.freeze


command /freeze [<player>]:
    description: Dondur player's if hile kullaniyorsa
    permission: {@CommandPerm}
    permission message: &cYou do not have permission to do this!
        if argument has permission "{@ExemptFreezePerm}":
            if arg-1 is set:
                send "&cYou cannot Freeze this player!" to the player
            if arg-1 is set:
                if {hcfreeze.%argument%.frozen} isn't set:
                    set {hcfreeze.%argument%.frozen} to true
                    set {hcfreeze.%argument%.invincibility.frozen} to true
                    send "{@FrozenMessage}" to the argument
                    send "{@PlayerFrozenMessage}" to the player
                    if {hcfreeze.%argument%.frozen} is set:
                        delete {hcfreeze.%argument%.frozen}
                        send "{@UnfrozenMessage}" to the argument
                        send "{@PlayerUnfrozenMessage}" to the player
                        wait 5 seconds
                        delete {hcfreeze.%argument%.invincibility.frozen}
        if arg-1 isn't set:
            message "Correct usage: /freeze [<player>]"
# Olaylar
on any movement:
    if {hcfreeze.%player%.frozen} is true:
        cancel event
on damage:
    if {hcfreeze.%victim%.invincibility.frozen} is true:
        cancel event
    if {hcfreeze.%attacker%.invincibility.frozen} is true:
        cancel event
on quit:
    if {hcfreeze.%player%.frozen} is true:
        ban the player because "{@BanMessage}"
        delete {hcfreeze.%player%.frozen}
on chat:
    if player has permission "{@ExemptChatPerm}":
        if {hcfreeze.%player%.frozen} is true:
            uncancel event
        if {hcfreeze.%player%.frozen} is true:
            cancel event
            send "{@ChatFrozenMessage}" to the player
on command:
    if player has permission "{@ExemptCommandPerm}":
        if {hcfreeze.%player%.frozen} is true:
            uncancel event
        if {hcfreeze.%player%.frozen} is true:
            cancel event
            send "{@CommandFrozenMessage}" to the player
command /btool:
    permission: banmenu.banla
        set player's held item to carrot on a stick named "&c&lBanlama Araci" with lore "&f&lBanlayacagin kisiye sag tikla!"
command /ftool:
    permission: banmenu.dondur
        set player's held item to ice named "&b&lDondurma Araci" with lore "&f&lDonduracagin kisiye sag tikla!"
# [---]  Coded By LquenS  [---] #
# [---]  Version: v.1  [---] #
# [---]  Iletisim: LquenS  [---] #

    p: &lPenom &l»   
command /sohbetmenu:
    permission: protokol.sohbet
    permission message: &cProtokol gereği bu komutu girmen yasaklanmistir!
        wait 2 ticks
        open chest with 1 rows named "&a&lSohbet" to player
        format slot 0 of player with white stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
        format slot 1 of player with white stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
        format slot 2 of player with green wool named "&aSohbeti Ac" with lore "&aSohbeti acmak istermisin ?" to close then run [execute console command "shbetac"]
        format slot 3 of player with white stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
        format slot 4 of player with light gray wool named "&8Sohbet Temizle" with lore "&8Sohbeti temizlemek istermisin ?" to close then run [execute console command "shbetsil"]
        format slot 5 of player with white stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
        format slot 6 of player with red wool named "&cSohbeti Kapat" with lore "&cSohbeti kapatmak istermisin ?" to close then run [execute console command "shbetkapa"]
        format slot 7 of player with white stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
        format slot 8 of player with white stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
command /shbetac:
    permission: protokol.sohbetac
    permission message: &cProtokol gereği bu komutu girmen yasaklanmistir!
        if {sohbet} is true:
            set {sohbet} to false
            send "&a {@p}'dan gelen yetkiye gore sohbet acilmistir!" to all players
            send "&a {@p}'dan bir dahaki sohbetin kapanis tarihi bekleniyor!" to all players
command /shbetkapa:
    permission: protokol.sohbetkapa
    permission message: &cProtokol gereği bu komutu girmen yasaklanmistir!
        if {sohbet} is false:
            set {sohbet} to true
            send "&c {@p}'dan gelen yetkiye gore sohbet kapanmistir!" to all players
            send "&c {@p}'dan bir dahaki sohbetin acilis tarihi bekleniyor!" to all players
on chat:
    if {sohbet} is true:
        cancel event
        send "&c {@p}'dan gelen yetkiye gore sohbet kapanmistir!" to player
command /shbetsil:
    permission: protokol.sohbetsil
    permission message: &cProtokol gereği bu komutu girmen yasaklanmistir!
        loop 300 times:
            send " " to all players
        send "&a {@p}'den gelen yetkiye dayanarak sohbet silinmistir!" to all players

Sohbet menü işi olmuş ama Ban menü biraz saçma gibi geldi. Ayrıca sağ tık ile oyuncuyu yasaklamak ciddi ciddi saçma olmuş :)
Emek var eline sağlık
Gui’den Oyuncu Seçilsin Diyorum Herkese :/
Yapacak yok demekki! Boşuna ban-mute konularını işgal etme git indir pl yi skriptse bekle yapılmasını yav.
Tamam Kızma :D[DOUBLEPOST=1506953083,1506953070][/DOUBLEPOST]Zaten olmadığı için söylüyorum ya :)
Gui’den Oyuncu Seçilsin Diyorum Herkese :/

    p: &8[&]
    perm: &cYou Don't have the permission!
    ap: ban.admin
command /banmenu:
    permission: {@ap}
    permission message: {@p} {@perm}
        wait 2 ticks
        open chest with 6 rows named "&cBan Menu" to player
        wait 2 ticks
        set {_x} to 0
        loop all players:
            format slot {_x} of player with skull of loop-player named "&6&l%loop-player%" with lore "&cBan &6&l%loop-player%" to close then run [make player execute command "ban %loop-player% &6&lBanned from staff."]
            add 1 to {_x}
Son düzenleme:
[B][B]    p: &8[&][/B][/B]
[B][B]    perm: &cYou don't have the permission![/B][/B]
[B][B]    ap: ban.admin[/B][/SIZE][/B]
[B][SIZE=7][B]command /banmenu:[/B][/B][/B]
[B][B]    permission: {@ap}[/B][/B][/B]
[B][B]    permission message: {@p} {@perm}[/B][/B][/B]
[B][B]   trigger:[/B][/B][/B]
[B][B]      wait 2 ticks[/B][/B][/B]
[B][B]       open chest with 6 rows named "&cBan Menu"to [SIZE=2]player[/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE]
[SIZE=7][B][SIZE=7][B]        wait 2 ticks[/B][/B]
[B][B]        set {_x} to 0[/B][/B]
[B][B]       loop all players:[/B][/B]
[B][B]          format slot {_x} of player with skull of loop-player named "&6&l%loop-player%" with lore "&aBan &6&l%loop-player%" to close then run [make player execute command "/ban %loop-player% &6&lBanned from staff"][/B][/SIZE][/B]
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