Creeper Evimi Patlattı
- Katılım
- 18 Ağustos 2017
- Mesajlar
- 392
- Elmaslar
- 213
- Puanlar
- 13.820
- Yer
- Bursa
- Minecraft
- Deichor
Bu sikript sizlere oyunda sıpawnır almanızı sağlar. Güle güle kullanın.
/gspawner (Tüm komutları gösterir.)
1.8 üstü kullancaksanız 1 adet 1.8 üstü blok destekleyici skripti.
Sadece ASkyBlock adlı dünyalarda çalışır. Düzenlemek için aklınızı kullanabilirsiniz.
Kullanıcı yorumları:
ByPorsuk: Sikiript çok yararlı ben kullanıyorum. Sunucum 1 onlineden 98 online oldu.
5 rep atmayanın forumu çöksün zaa xdxdxd
/gspawner (Tüm komutları gösterir.)
1.8 üstü kullancaksanız 1 adet 1.8 üstü blok destekleyici skripti.
Değerli ziyaretçimiz, içeriği görebilmek için
şimdi giriş yapın veya kayıt olun.
Sadece ASkyBlock adlı dünyalarda çalışır. Düzenlemek için aklınızı kullanabilirsiniz.
Kullanıcı yorumları:
ByPorsuk: Sikiript çok yararlı ben kullanıyorum. Sunucum 1 onlineden 98 online oldu.
5 rep atmayanın forumu çöksün zaa xdxdxd
on place:
if player's world is "ASkyBlock":
if name of player's tool contains "&6Altın Blok &7Spawner":
execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
set {_x} to x coord of event-location
set {_y} to y coord of event-location
set {_z} to z coord of event-location
send "&8[- &aMC-TR &8-] &7Başarıyla &6Altın Blok &7Spawner'i yerleştirdin."
execute player command "setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:minecraft:gold_block,Count:1b}},SpawnCount:200,SpawnRange:5,RequiredPlayerRange:140,Delay:200,MinSpawnDelay:200,MaxSpawnDelay:200,MaxNearbyEntities:1}"
execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
set {_1} to location of event-block
add {_1} to {altinblok::*}
if name of player's tool contains "&bElmas Blok &7Spawner":
execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
set {_x} to x coord of event-location
set {_y} to y coord of event-location
set {_z} to z coord of event-location
send "&8[- &aMC-TR &8-] &7Başarıyla &bElmask Blok &7Spawner'i yerleştirdin."
execute player command "setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:minecraft:diamond_block,Count:1b}},SpawnCount:240,SpawnRange:5,RequiredPlayerRange:140,Delay:240,MinSpawnDelay:240,MaxSpawnDelay:240,MaxNearbyEntities:1}"
execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
set {_1} to location of event-block
add {_1} to {elmasblok::*}
if name of player's tool contains "&aZümrüt Blok &7Spawner":
execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
set {_x} to x coord of event-location
set {_y} to y coord of event-location
set {_z} to z coord of event-location
send "&8[- &aMC-TR &8-] &7Başarıyla &aZümrüt Blok &7Spawner'i yerleştirdin."
execute player command "setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:minecraft:emerald_block,Count:1b}},SpawnCount:300,SpawnRange:5,RequiredPlayerRange:140,Delay:300,MinSpawnDelay:300,MaxSpawnDelay:300,MaxNearbyEntities:1}"
execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
set {_1} to location of event-block
add {_1} to {zumrutblok::*}
if name of player's tool contains "&fDemir Blok &7Spawner":
execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
set {_x} to x coord of event-location
set {_y} to y coord of event-location
set {_z} to z coord of event-location
send "&8[- &aMC-TR &8-] &7Başarıyla &fDemir Blok &7Spawner'i yerleştirdin."
execute player command "setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:minecraft:iron_block,Count:1b}},SpawnCount:140,SpawnRange:5,RequiredPlayerRange:140,Delay:140,MinSpawnDelay:140,MaxSpawnDelay:140,MaxNearbyEntities:1}"
execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
set {_1} to location of event-block
add {_1} to {demirblok::*}
if name of player's tool contains "&6Altın &7Spawner":
execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
set {_x} to x coord of event-location
set {_y} to y coord of event-location
set {_z} to z coord of event-location
send "&8[- &aMC-TR &8-] &7Başarıyla &6Altın &7Spawner'i yerleştirdin."
execute player command "setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:minecraft:gold_ingot,Count:1b}},SpawnCount:60,SpawnRange:5,RequiredPlayerRange:140,Delay:60,MinSpawnDelay:60,MaxSpawnDelay:60,MaxNearbyEntities:1}"
execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
set {_1} to location of event-block
add {_1} to {altin::*}
if name of player's tool contains "&fDemir &7Spawner":
execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
set {_x} to x coord of event-location
set {_y} to y coord of event-location
set {_z} to z coord of event-location
send "&8[- &aMC-TR &8-] &7Başarıyla &fDemir &7Spawner'i yerleştirdin."
execute player command "setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:minecraft:iron_ingot,Count:1b}},SpawnCount:20,SpawnRange:5,RequiredPlayerRange:140,Delay:20,MinSpawnDelay:20,MaxSpawnDelay:20,MaxNearbyEntities:1}"
execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
set {_1} to location of event-block
add {_1} to {demir::*}
if name of player's tool contains "&bElmas &7Spawner":
execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
set {_x} to x coord of event-location
set {_y} to y coord of event-location
set {_z} to z coord of event-location
send "&8[- &aMC-TR &8-] &7Başarıyla &bElmas &7Spawner'i yerleştirdin."
execute player command "setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:minecraft:diamond,Count:1b}},SpawnCount:100,SpawnRange:5,RequiredPlayerRange:140,Delay:100,MinSpawnDelay:100,MaxSpawnDelay:100,MaxNearbyEntities:1}"
execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
set {_1} to location of event-block
add {_1} to {elmas::*}
if name of player's tool contains "&aZümrüt &7Spawner":
execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
set {_x} to x coord of event-location
set {_y} to y coord of event-location
set {_z} to z coord of event-location
send "&8[- &aMC-TR &8-] &7Başarıyla &aZümrüt &7Spawner'i yerleştirdin."
execute player command "setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:minecraft:emerald,Count:1b}},SpawnCount:160,SpawnRange:5,RequiredPlayerRange:140,Delay:160,MinSpawnDelay:160,MaxSpawnDelay:160,MaxNearbyEntities:1}"
execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
set {_1} to location of event-block
add {_1} to {zumrut::*}
if name of player's tool contains "&3Prizmarin &7Spawner":
execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
set {_x} to x coord of event-location
set {_y} to y coord of event-location
set {_z} to z coord of event-location
send "&8[- &aMC-TR &8-] &7Başarıyla &3Prizmarin &7Spawner'i yerleştirdin."
execute player command "setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:minecraft:prismarine,Count:1b}},SpawnCount:24000,SpawnRange:5,RequiredPlayerRange:140,Delay:24000,MinSpawnDelay:24000,MaxSpawnDelay:24000,MaxNearbyEntities:1}"
execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
set {_1} to location of event-block
add {_1} to {prizmarin::*}
if name of player's tool contains "&3Prizmarin Tuğlası &7Spawner":
execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
set {_x} to x coord of event-location
set {_y} to y coord of event-location
set {_z} to z coord of event-location
send "&8[- &aMC-TR &8-] &7Başarıyla &3Prizmarin Tuğlası &7Spawner'i yerleştirdin."
execute player command "setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:minecraft:prismarine,Damage:1,Count:1b}},SpawnCount:6000,SpawnRange:5,RequiredPlayerRange:140,Delay:6000,MinSpawnDelay:6000,MaxSpawnDelay:6000,MaxNearbyEntities:1}"
execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
set {_1} to location of event-block
add {_1} to {prizmarintuglasi::*}
if name of player's tool contains "&3Koyu Prizmarin &7Spawner":
execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
set {_x} to x coord of event-location
set {_y} to y coord of event-location
set {_z} to z coord of event-location
send "&8[- &aMC-TR &8-] &7Başarıyla &3Koyu Prizmarin &7Spawner'i yerleştirdin."
execute player command "setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:minecraft:prismarine,Damage:2,Count:1b}},SpawnCount:1800,SpawnRange:5,RequiredPlayerRange:140,Delay:1800,MinSpawnDelay:1800,MaxSpawnDelay:1800,MaxNearbyEntities:1}"
execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
set {_1} to location of event-block
add {_1} to {koyuprizmarin::*}
if name of player's tool contains "&2Kaktüs &7Spawner":
execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
set {_x} to x coord of event-location
set {_y} to y coord of event-location
set {_z} to z coord of event-location
send "&8[- &aMC-TR &8-] &7Başarıyla &2Kaktüs &7Spawner'i yerleştirdin."
execute player command "setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:minecraft:cactus,Count:1b}},SpawnCount:200,SpawnRange:5,RequiredPlayerRange:140,Delay:200,MinSpawnDelay:200,MaxSpawnDelay:200,MaxNearbyEntities:1}"
execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
set {_1} to location of event-block
add {_1} to {kaktus::*}
if name of player's tool contains "&eSünger &7Spawner":
execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
set {_x} to x coord of event-location
set {_y} to y coord of event-location
set {_z} to z coord of event-location
send "&8[- &aMC-TR &8-] &7Başarıyla &eSünger &7Spawner'i yerleştirdin."
execute player command "setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:minecraft:sponge,Count:1b}},SpawnCount:400,SpawnRange:5,RequiredPlayerRange:140,Delay:400,MinSpawnDelay:400,MaxSpawnDelay:400,MaxNearbyEntities:1}"
execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
set {_1} to location of event-block
add {_1} to {sunger::*}
if name of player's tool contains "&0Bedrock &7Spawner":
execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
set {_x} to x coord of event-location
set {_y} to y coord of event-location
set {_z} to z coord of event-location
send "&8[- &aMC-TR &8-] &7Başarıyla &0Bedrock &7Spawner'i yerleştirdin."
execute player command "setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:minecraft:bedrock,Count:1b}},SpawnCount:200,SpawnRange:5,RequiredPlayerRange:140,Delay:200,MinSpawnDelay:200,MaxSpawnDelay:200,MaxNearbyEntities:1}"
execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
set {_1} to location of event-block
add {_1} to {bedrock::*}
if name of player's tool contains "&dNether Star &7Spawner":
execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
set {_x} to x coord of event-location
set {_y} to y coord of event-location
set {_z} to z coord of event-location
send "&8[- &aMC-TR &8-] &7Başarıyla &dNether Star &7Spawner'i yerleştirdin."
execute player command "setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:minecraft:nether_star,Count:1b}},SpawnCount:200,SpawnRange:5,RequiredPlayerRange:140,Delay:200,MinSpawnDelay:200,MaxSpawnDelay:200,MaxNearbyEntities:1}"
execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
set {_1} to location of event-block
add {_1} to {netherstar::*}
if name of player's tool contains "&6Altın Blok &7Spawner":
send "&8[- &aMC-TR &8-] &7Bu dünyada spawner aktif değildir!" to player
cancel event
if name of player's tool contains "&6Altın &7Spawner":
send "&8[- &aMC-TR &8-] &7Bu dünyada spawner aktif değildir!" to player
cancel event
if name of player's tool contains "&bElmas Blok &7Spawner":
send "&8[- &aMC-TR &8-] &7Bu dünyada spawner aktif değildir!" to player
cancel event
if name of player's tool contains "&bElmas &7Spawner":
send "&8[- &aMC-TR &8-] &7Bu dünyada spawner aktif değildir!" to player
cancel event
if name of player's tool contains "&aZümrüt Blok &7Spawner":
send "&8[- &aMC-TR &8-] &7Bu dünyada spawner aktif değildir!" to player
cancel event
if name of player's tool contains "&aZümrüt &7Spawner":
send "&8[- &aMC-TR &8-] &7Bu dünyada spawner aktif değildir!" to player
cancel event
if name of player's tool contains "&fDemir Blok &7Spawner":
send "&8[- &aMC-TR &8-] &7Bu dünyada spawner aktif değildir!" to player
cancel event
if name of player's tool contains "&fDemir &7Spawner":
send "&8[- &aMC-TR &8-] &7Bu dünyada spawner aktif değildir!" to player
cancel event
if name of player's tool contains "&3Prizmarin &7Spawner":
send "&8[- &aMC-TR &8-] &7Bu dünyada spawner aktif değildir!" to player
cancel event
if name of player's tool contains "&3Prizmarin Tuğlası &7Spawner":
send "&8[- &aMC-TR &8-] &7Bu dünyada spawner aktif değildir!" to player
cancel event
if name of player's tool contains "&3Koyu Prizmarin &7Spawner":
send "&8[- &aMC-TR &8-] &7Bu dünyada spawner aktif değildir!" to player
cancel event
if name of player's tool contains "&2Kaktüs &7Spawner":
send "&8[- &aMC-TR &8-] &7Bu dünyada spawner aktif değildir!" to player
cancel event
if name of player's tool contains "&eSünger &7Spawner":
send "&8[- &aMC-TR &8-] &7Bu dünyada spawner aktif değildir!" to player
cancel event
if name of player's tool contains "&0Bedrock &7Spawner":
send "&8[- &aMC-TR &8-] &7Bu dünyada spawner aktif değildir!" to player
cancel event
if name of player's tool contains "&dNether Star &7Spawner":
send "&8[- &aMC-TR &8-] &7Bu dünyada spawner aktif değildir!" to player
cancel event
on break of mob spawner:
tool of player is any pickaxe of silk touch
set {_1} to location of event-block
loop {altinblok::*}:
loop-value is {_1}
cancel event
set block at {_1} to air
give player a gold block named "&6Altın Blok &7Spawner"
remove {_1} from {altinblok::*}
loop {elmasblok::*}:
loop-value is {_1}
cancel event
set block at {_1} to air
give player a diamond block named "&bElmas Blok &7Spawner"
remove {_1} from {elmasblok::*}
loop {elmas::*}:
loop-value is {_1}
cancel event
set block at {_1} to air
give player a diamond ore named "&bElmas &7Spawner"
remove {_1} from {elmas::*}
loop {zumrutblok::*}:
loop-value is {_1}
cancel event
set block at {_1} to air
give player a emerald block named "&aZümrüt Blok &7Spawner"
remove {_1} from {zumrutblok::*}
loop {zumrut::*}:
loop-value is {_1}
cancel event
set block at {_1} to air
give player a emerald ore named "&aZümrüt &7Spawner"
remove {_1} from {zumrut::*}
loop {demirblok::*}:
loop-value is {_1}
cancel event
set block at {_1} to air
give player a iron block named "&fDemir Blok &7Spawner"
remove {_1} from {demirblok::*}
loop {demir::*}:
loop-value is {_1}
cancel event
set block at {_1} to air
give player a iron ore named "&fDemir &7Spawner"
remove {_1} from {demir::*}
loop {altin::*}:
loop-value is {_1}
cancel event
set block at {_1} to air
give player a gold ore named "&6Altın &7Spawner"
remove {_1} from {altin::*}
loop {prizmarin::*}:
loop-value is {_1}
cancel event
set block at {_1} to air
give player a 168 named "&3Prizmarin &7Spawner"
remove {_1} from {prizmarin::*}
loop {prizmarintuglasi::*}:
loop-value is {_1}
cancel event
set block at {_1} to air
give player a 168:1 named "&3Prizmarin Tuğlası &7Spawner"
remove {_1} from {prizmarintuglasi::*}
loop {koyuprizmarin::*}:
loop-value is {_1}
cancel event
set block at {_1} to air
give player a 168:2 named "&3Koyu Prizmarin &7Spawner"
remove {_1} from {koyuprizmarin::*}
loop {kaktus::*}:
loop-value is {_1}
cancel event
set block at {_1} to air
give player a sand named "&2Kaktüs &7Spawner"
remove {_1} from {kaktus::*}
loop {sunger::*}:
loop-value is {_1}
cancel event
set block at {_1} to air
give player a sponge named "&eSünger &7Spawner"
remove {_1} from {sunger::*}
loop {bedrock::*}:
loop-value is {_1}
cancel event
set block at {_1} to air
give player a bedrock named "&0Bedrock &7Spawner"
remove {_1} from {bedrock::*}
loop {netherstar::*}:
loop-value is {_1}
cancel event
set block at {_1} to air
give player a quartz block named "&dNether Star &7Spawner"
remove {_1} from {netherstar::*}
command /gspawner <text>:
permission: spawner.ver
usage: &3/gspawner yardım
if arg-1 is "altınblok":
give a gold block named "&6Altın Blok &7Spawner" to player
if arg-1 is "elmasblok":
give a diamond block named "&bElmas Blok &7Spawner" to player
if arg-1 is "elmas":
give a diamond ore named "&bElmas &7Spawner" to player
if arg-1 is "zümrütblok":
give a emerald block named "&aZümrüt Blok &7Spawner" to player
if arg-1 is "zümrüt":
give a emerald ore named "&aZümrüt &7Spawner" to player
if arg-1 is "demirblok":
give a iron block named "&fDemir Blok &7Spawner" to player
if arg-1 is "demir":
give a iron ore named "&fDemir &7Spawner" to player
if arg-1 is "herkes":
give a iron ore named "&fDemir &7Spawner" to players
if arg-1 is "altın":
give a gold ore named "&6Altın &7Spawner" to player
if arg-1 is "prizmarin":
give a 168 named "&3Prizmarin &7Spawner" to player
if arg-1 is "prizmarintuğlası":
give a 168:1 named "&3Prizmarin Tuğlası &7Spawner" to player
if arg-1 is "koyuprizmarin":
give a 168:2 named "&3Koyu Prizmarin &7Spawner" to player
if arg-1 is "kaktüs":
give a sand named "&2Kaktüs &7Spawner" to player
if arg-1 is "sünger":
give a sponge named "&eSünger &7Spawner" to player
if arg-1 is "bedrock":
give a bedrock named "&0Bedrock &7Spawner" to player
if arg-1 is "netherstar":
give a quartz block named "&dNether Star &7Spawner" to player
if arg-1 is "yardım":
send "&7----- &8[ &aMC-TR Spawner &8] &7-----" to player
send "" to player
send "&6/gspawner yardım &e| Komutları gösterir." to player
send "&6/gspawner türler &e| Mevcut spawner türlerini gösterir." to player
send "&6/gspawner spawneradı &e| Elinize yazdığınız spawner gelir." to player
send ""
send "&7Eklenti Yapımcısı: &aDeichor" to player
if arg-1 is "türler":
send "&aMevcut Spawner Türleri: &ealtınblok - zümrütblok - elmasblok - demirblok - altın - zümrüt - elmas - demir - prizmarin - prizmarintuğlası - koyuprizmarin - kaktüs - sünger - bedrock - netherstar" to player
send ""
send "&6-*- Spawner almak için &e/gspawner yukardakilerdenbiri &6yazabilirsiniz. -*-" to player
send "&9Örnek; &e/gspawner altın" to player
on quit:
execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
on join:
execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
Değerli ziyaretçimiz, içeriği görebilmek için
şimdi giriş yapın veya kayıt olun.
Son düzenleme: