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Birisi mi Spawnlandı?



27 Temmuz 2022
benim isteğim belirli bir oyuncu
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6 Haziran 2022
Discord İzni
command /rulet:
open chest with 1 row named "&b&lSunucuİsmi &8>" to player
format slot 0 of player with green wool named "&b> &fRulet oynamak için; &c1 Milyon TL&f'ye ihtiyacınız vardır!" with lore "&b> &aOynamak istiyorsan tıkla!" to close then run [execute player command "/0ruletstart"]
format slot 1 of player with black glass named " " to act unstealable
format slot 2 of player with black glass named " " to act unstealable
format slot 3 of player with black glass named " " to act unstealable
format slot 4 of player with diamond named "&b> &b&lRULET NEDIR?" with lore "&b> &fRulette amaç 3 adet kağıdı yan yana getirmektir.||&b> &f3 adet kağıt yan yana gelirse ödül 2'ye katlanır. ||&b> &fOynamak için yeşil butona tıkla!" to act unstealable
format slot 5 of player with black glass named " " to act unstealable
format slot 6 of player with black glass named " " to act unstealable
format slot 7 of player with black glass named " " to act unstealable
format slot 8 of player with red wool named "&b> &fRulet oynamak için; &c1 Milyon TL&f'ye ihtiyacınız vardır!" with lore "&b> &aOynamak istemiyorsan tıkla!" to close

command /0ruletstart:
wait 0.2 seconds
if player's balance is greater than or equal to 1000000:
execute console command "eco take %player% 1000000"
wait 0.1 seconds
open chest with 3 row named "&b&lBATIHOST" to player
format slot 0 of player with red glass named "&b> &fRulet çekilmeye başladı, lütfen bekle..." to act unstealable
format slot 1 of player with red glass named "&b> &fRulet çekilmeye başladı, lütfen bekle..." to act unstealable
format slot 2 of player with red glass named "&b> &fRulet çekilmeye başladı, lütfen bekle..." to act unstealable
format slot 3 of player with red glass named "&b> &fRulet çekilmeye başladı, lütfen bekle..." to act unstealable
format slot 4 of player with red glass named "&b> &fRulet çekilmeye başladı, lütfen bekle..." to act unstealable
format slot 5 of player with red glass named "&b> &fRulet çekilmeye başladı, lütfen bekle..." to act unstealable
format slot 6 of player with red glass named "&b> &fRulet çekilmeye başladı, lütfen bekle..." to act unstealable
format slot 7 of player with red glass named "&b> &fRulet çekilmeye başladı, lütfen bekle..." to act unstealable
format slot 8 of player with red glass named "&b> &fRulet çekilmeye başladı, lütfen bekle..." to act unstealable
format slot 9 of player with red glass named "&b> &fRulet çekilmeye başladı, lütfen bekle..." to act unstealable
format slot 10 of player with red glass named "&b> &fRulet çekilmeye başladı, lütfen bekle..." to act unstealable
format slot 11 of player with red glass named "&b> &fRulet çekilmeye başladı, lütfen bekle..." to act unstealable
format slot 15 of player with red glass named "&b> &fRulet çekilmeye başladı, lütfen bekle..." to act unstealable
format slot 16 of player with red glass named "&b> &fRulet çekilmeye başladı, lütfen bekle..." to act unstealable
format slot 17 of player with red glass named "&b> &fRulet çekilmeye başladı, lütfen bekle..." to act unstealable
format slot 18 of player with red glass named "&b> &fRulet çekilmeye başladı, lütfen bekle..." to act unstealable
format slot 19 of player with red glass named "&b> &fRulet çekilmeye başladı, lütfen bekle..." to act unstealable
format slot 20 of player with red glass named "&b> &fRulet çekilmeye başladı, lütfen bekle..." to act unstealable
format slot 21 of player with red glass named "&b> &fRulet çekilmeye başladı, lütfen bekle..." to act unstealable
format slot 22 of player with red glass named "&b> &fRulet çekilmeye başladı, lütfen bekle..." to act unstealable
format slot 23 of player with red glass named "&b> &fRulet çekilmeye başladı, lütfen bekle..." to act unstealable
format slot 24 of player with red glass named "&b> &fRulet çekilmeye başladı, lütfen bekle..." to act unstealable
format slot 25 of player with red glass named "&b> &fRulet çekilmeye başladı, lütfen bekle..." to act unstealable
format slot 26 of player with red glass named "&b> &fRulet çekilmeye başladı, lütfen bekle..." to act unstealable
wait 1 seconds
set slot 0 of current inventory of player to blue glass
set slot 1 of current inventory of player to blue glass
set slot 2 of current inventory of player to blue glass
set slot 3 of current inventory of player to blue glass
set slot 4 of current inventory of player to blue glass
set slot 5 of current inventory of player to blue glass
set slot 6 of current inventory of player to blue glass
set slot 7 of current inventory of player to blue glass
set slot 8 of current inventory of player to blue glass
set slot 9 of current inventory of player to blue glass
set slot 10 of current inventory of player to blue glass
set slot 11 of current inventory of player to blue glass
set slot 15 of current inventory of player to blue glass
set slot 16 of current inventory of player to blue glass
set slot 17 of current inventory of player to blue glass
set slot 18 of current inventory of player to blue glass
set slot 19 of current inventory of player to blue glass
set slot 20 of current inventory of player to blue glass
set slot 21 of current inventory of player to blue glass
set slot 22 of current inventory of player to blue glass
set slot 23 of current inventory of player to blue glass
set slot 24 of current inventory of player to blue glass
set slot 25 of current inventory of player to blue glass
set slot 26 of current inventory of player to blue glass
wait 1 seconds
set slot 0 of current inventory of player to light green glass
set slot 1 of current inventory of player to light green glass
set slot 2 of current inventory of player to light green glass
set slot 3 of current inventory of player to light green glass
set slot 4 of current inventory of player to light green glass
set slot 5 of current inventory of player to light green glass
set slot 6 of current inventory of player to light green glass
set slot 7 of current inventory of player to light green glass
set slot 8 of current inventory of player to light green glass
set slot 9 of current inventory of player to light green glass
set slot 10 of current inventory of player to light green glass
set slot 11 of current inventory of player to light green glass
set slot 15 of current inventory of player to light green glass
set slot 16 of current inventory of player to light green glass
set slot 17 of current inventory of player to light green glass
set slot 18 of current inventory of player to light green glass
set slot 19 of current inventory of player to light green glass
set slot 20 of current inventory of player to light green glass
set slot 21 of current inventory of player to light green glass
set slot 22 of current inventory of player to light green glass
set slot 23 of current inventory of player to light green glass
set slot 24 of current inventory of player to light green glass
set slot 25 of current inventory of player to light green glass
set slot 26 of current inventory of player to light green glass
wait 1 seconds
set slot 0 of current inventory of player to yellow glass
set slot 1 of current inventory of player to yellow glass
set slot 2 of current inventory of player to yellow glass
set slot 3 of current inventory of player to yellow glass
set slot 4 of current inventory of player to yellow glass
set slot 5 of current inventory of player to yellow glass
set slot 6 of current inventory of player to yellow glass
set slot 7 of current inventory of player to yellow glass
set slot 8 of current inventory of player to yellow glass
set slot 9 of current inventory of player to yellow glass
set slot 10 of current inventory of player to yellow glass
set slot 11 of current inventory of player to yellow glass
set slot 15 of current inventory of player to yellow glass
set slot 16 of current inventory of player to yellow glass
set slot 17 of current inventory of player to yellow glass
set slot 18 of current inventory of player to yellow glass
set slot 19 of current inventory of player to yellow glass
set slot 20 of current inventory of player to yellow glass
set slot 21 of current inventory of player to yellow glass
set slot 22 of current inventory of player to yellow glass
set slot 23 of current inventory of player to yellow glass
set slot 24 of current inventory of player to yellow glass
set slot 25 of current inventory of player to yellow glass
set slot 26 of current inventory of player to yellow glass
wait 1 seconds
set slot 0 of current inventory of player to purple glass
set slot 1 of current inventory of player to purple glass
set slot 2 of current inventory of player to purple glass
set slot 3 of current inventory of player to purple glass
set slot 4 of current inventory of player to purple glass
set slot 5 of current inventory of player to purple glass
set slot 6 of current inventory of player to purple glass
set slot 7 of current inventory of player to purple glass
set slot 8 of current inventory of player to purple glass
set slot 9 of current inventory of player to purple glass
set slot 10 of current inventory of player to purple glass
set slot 11 of current inventory of player to purple glass
set slot 15 of current inventory of player to purple glass
set slot 16 of current inventory of player to purple glass
set slot 17 of current inventory of player to purple glass
set slot 18 of current inventory of player to purple glass
set slot 19 of current inventory of player to purple glass
set slot 20 of current inventory of player to purple glass
set slot 21 of current inventory of player to purple glass
set slot 22 of current inventory of player to purple glass
set slot 23 of current inventory of player to purple glass
set slot 24 of current inventory of player to purple glass
set slot 25 of current inventory of player to purple glass
set slot 26 of current inventory of player to purple glass
wait 2 seconds
chance of 50%:
format slot 12 of player with paper named "&aKazandın! &8[&cTıkla&8]" to close then run [execute console command "eco give %player% 2000000"]
wait 0.3 seconds
format slot 13 of player with paper named "&aKazandın! &8[&cTıkla&8]" to close then run [execute console command "eco give %player% 2000000"]
wait 0.3 seconds
format slot 14 of player with paper named "&aKazandın! &8[&cTıkla&8]!" to close then run [execute console command "eco give %player% 2000000"]
chance of 25%:
format slot 12 of player with paper named "&cKaybettin!" to act unstealable
wait 0.3 seconds
format slot 13 of player with red rose named "&eKaybettin" to close
wait 0.3 seconds
format slot 14 of player with red rose named "&cKaybettin!" to close
chance of 25%:
format slot 12 of player with red rose named "&eKaybettin" to close
wait 0.3 seconds
format slot 13 of player with red rose named "&eKaybettin" to close
wait 0.3 seconds
format slot 14 of player with red rose named "&cKaybettin!" to close
chance of 25%:
format slot 12 of player with paper named "&cKaybettin!" to act unstealable
wait 0.3 seconds
format slot 12 of player with paper named "&cKaybettin!" to act unstealable
wait 0.3 seconds
format slot 14 of player with red rose named "&cKaybettin!" to close
chance of 25%:
format slot 12 of player with paper named "&cKaybettin!" to act unstealable
wait 0.3 seconds
format slot 13 of player with red rose named "&cKaybettin!" to close
wait 0.3 seconds
format slot 14 of player with red rose named "&cKaybettin!" to close
send "&b&lSunucuİsmi &8> &7Rulet için &a1.000.000$ &7gerekir!"
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