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Bi Forumdan Bulmuş Olduğum Bir Skript Var Fakat Skript Error Vermediği Halde Rütbe Atlatmıyor+Puan'ı sıfırlamıyor Düzeltebilirmisiniz?
on death:
attacker is a player
victim is a player
add 3 to {puan::%attacker%}
add -1 to {puan::%victim%}
if {puan::%attacker%} is 60:
send "&a60 &6puana sahipsin" to attacker
loop 3 times:
execute console command "/playsound fireworks.largeBlast %attacker%"
execute console command "/playsound fireworks.twinkle_far %attacker%"
execute console command "/playsound fireworks.blast %attacker%"
execute console command "/manuadd %attacker% kasap"
if {puan::%attacker%} is 150:
send "&150 puana sahipsin" to attacker
loop 3 times:
execute console command "/playsound fireworks.largeBlast %attacker%"
execute console command "/playsound fireworks.twinkle_far %attacker%"
execute console command "/playsound fireworks.blast %attacker%"
execute console command "/manuadd %attacker% katil"
if {puan::%attacker%} is 300:
send "&300 puana sahipsin" to attacker
loop 3 times:
execute console command "/playsound fireworks.largeBlast %attacker%"
execute console command "/playsound fireworks.twinkle_far %attacker%"
execute console command "/playsound fireworks.blast %attacker%"
execute console command "/manuadd %attacker% serikatil"
if {puan::%attacker%} is 750:
send "&750 puana sahipsin" to attacker
loop 3 times:
execute console command "/playsound fireworks.largeBlast %attacker%"
execute console command "/playsound fireworks.twinkle_far %attacker%"
execute console command "/playsound fireworks.blast %attacker%"
execute console command "/manuadd %attacker% samuray"
if {puan::%attacker%} is 1500:
send "&1500 puana sahipsin" to attacker
loop 3 times:
execute console command "/playsound fireworks.largeBlast %attacker%"
execute console command "/playsound fireworks.twinkle_far %attacker%"
execute console command "/playsound fireworks.blast %attacker%"
execute console command "/manuadd %attacker% cellat"
command /sıfırla <text>:
delete {puan::%arg%}
send "&6Leveli başarıyla sıfırladınız" to player
command /puanbak:
if {puan::%player%} is 1500:
send "&a1500 &bPuana sahipsin. Ötesi yok !"
send "&6Levelin: &a%{puan::%player%}%"