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Bir Kömür Göründü Kaptanım!
16 Nisan 2017
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Adama İple Sağ Tıkladığımız Zaman 30 Saniye boyunca adam kör olsun
ve otomatik olarak jaile yollansın

adama sağ tıkladığım Kendimi kelepçelemiş oluyorum :///

on rightclick with string on entity:
    if {kelepce.%player%} is not set:
        if entity is a player:
            set {kelepce.%player%} to true
            apply potion of slowness 999 to player for 999 minutes
            set {kelepceyeri.%player%} to location of player
            apply potion of blindness 999 to player for 999 minutes
            send "&8[&bPolis&8] &7Suc islediginden dolayi kelepcelendin! 4 dakika sonra kelepceyi kirabilirsin!" to player
            wait 4 minutes
            send "&8[&bPolis&8] &7Kelepceyi aciyorum fakat bir daha bunu yapma!" to player
            remove blindness from the player
            remove slowness from the player
            delete {kelepce.%player%}
            delete {kelepceyeri.%player%}
    else if {kelepce.%player%} is true:

on damage of player:
    if {kelepce.%attacker%} is not set:
        if attacker is a player:
            if attacker is holding string:
                set {kelepce.%attacker%} to true
                apply potion of slowness 999 to attacker for 999 minutes
                set {kelepceyeri.%attacker%} to location of attacker
                apply potion of blindness 999 to attacker for 999 minutes
                send "&8[&bPolis&8] &7Suc islediginden dolayi kelepcelendin! 4 dakika sonra kelepceyi kirabilirsin!" to attacker
                wait 4 minutes
                send "&8[&bPolis&8] &7Kelepceyi aciyorum fakat bir daha bunu yapma!" to attacker
                remove blindness from the attacker
                remove slowness from the attacker
                delete {kelepce.%attacker%}
                delete {kelepceyeri.%attacker%}
    else if {kelepce.%attacker%} is true:
on jump:
    if {kelepce.%player%} is true:
        teleport player to {kelepceyeri.%player%}
on damage:
    if attacker is a player:
        if victim is a player:
            if {kelepce.%attacker%} is true:
                cancel event
                send "&8[&bPolis&8] &7Bu oyuncuya dokunamassin! Su an kelepcelisin!" to attacker
    if victim is a player:
        if {kelepce.%victim%} is true:
            cancel event
            send "&8[&bPolis&8] &7Bu oyuncuya dokunamassin! Su an kelepceli." to attacker

on command:
    if {kelepce.%player%} is true:
        cancel event
        send "&8[&bPolis&8] &7Kelepceliyken komut kullanman yasak!" to player
on chat:
    if {kelepce.%player%} is true:
        cancel event
        send "&8[&bPolis&8] &7Kelepceliyken konusman yasak!" to player
on eat:
    if {kelepce.%player%} is true:
        cancel event
        send "&8[&bPolis&8] &7Kelepceliyken bir sey yemen yasak!" to player
on break:
    if {kelepce.%player%} is true:
        cancel event
        send "&8[&bPolis&8] &7Kelepceliyken blok kirman yasak!" to player
on pick up:
    if {kelepce.%player%} is true:
        cancel event
        send "&8[&bPolis&8] &7Kelepceliyken yerden esya alman yasak!" to player
on drop:
    if {kelepce.%player%} is true:
        cancel event
        send "&8[&bPolis&8] &7Kelepceliyken esya atman yasak!" to player

Birde Bu Var Error Düzeltilirse Sevinirim
command /kelepce:
        if {%player%.polis} is true:
            give 1 tripwire hook named "        &3Kelepce     " with lore "||&fSuclu Oyuncuya Sag||&fTiklayarak Kelepceyi||&fTakmis Olursun" to player
on rightclick on player:
    if {%player%.polis} is true:
        if tool is tripwire hook named "        &3Kelepce     " with lore "||&fSuclu Oyuncuya Sag||&fTiklayarak Kelepceyi||&fTakmis Olursun":
            if {%name of clicked player%.suc} is true:
                send "&4 %clicked player% &2Adli Oyuncuya Basariyla Kelepce Takildi." to player
                send "&3 %player% &cAdli Oyuncu Size Kelepce Takti" to clicked player
                send "&c 30 Saniye Boyunca Hareket Edemez Ve Kimseye Vuramazsin." to clicked player
                set {%name of clicked player%.suc} to false
                set {%name of clicked player%.kelepce} to false
                apply jump -10 to clicked player for 30 seconds
                apply speed -10 to clicked player for 30 seconds
                wait 30 seconds
                set {%name of clicked player%.kelepce} to true
                send "&2 Kelepcen Cozuldu." to clicked player
                send "&c Oyuncu Suclu Degil." to player
    else if {%player%.polis} is false:
        send "&c Kelepce Takabilmek Icin Polis Olmalisiniz." to player
command /sucluyap <player>:
        set {%arg 1%.suc} to true
        send "&e %arg 1% &2Adli Oyuncuyu Suclu Yaptiniz." to player
command /sucluyapma <player>:
        set {%arg 1%.suc} to false
        send "&e %arg 1% &2Adli Oyuncuyu Suclulugunu Kapattiniz." to player
on damage:
    attacker is a player:
        if {%attacker%.polis} is true:
            if {%attacker%.polis.uyari} is 9:
                send "&9 Uyari &7> &410 &f/ &410" to attacker
                send "&c Uyarin 10 Oldugu Icin Polislikten Atildin." to attacker
                set {%attacker%.polis} to false
                set {%attacker%.suc} to true
                broadcast "&3 %attacker% &cAdli Polis 10 Defa Suclu Olmayan Kisilere"
                broadcast "&c Vurdugu Icin Polislikten Atildi."
                if {%victim%.suc} is false:
                    send "&c Suclu Olmayan Vatandasa Vurdugunuz Icin 1 Uyari Aldin" to attacker
                    send "&c Uyari Sayin 10 Olursa Polislikten Atilirsin." to attacker
                    add 1 to {%attacker%.polis.uyari}
                    send "&9 Uyari &7>&c %{%attacker%.polis.uyari}% &f/ &410" to attacker
            if {%attacker%.kelepce} is false:
                send "&c Kelepceliyken Kimseye Vuramazsin." to attacker
                cancel event
                set {%attacker%.suc} to true
on join:
    if {%player%.kelepce} is false:
        send "&c Kelepceliyken Oyundan Ciktiginiz Icin Ek Olarak" to player
        send "&c 30 Saniye Kelepce Suresi Eklendi." to player
        apply jump 255 to player for 30 seconds
        apply slowness 255 to player for 30 seconds
        wait 30 seconds
        set {%player%.kelepce} to true
command /polisyetkiver <player>:
    permission: op
        send "&3 %arg 1% &2Adli Oyuncu Basariyla Polis Oldu." to player
        set {%arg 1%.polis.uyari} to 0
        set {%arg 1%.polis} to true
        set {%arg 1%.suc} to false
command /polisyetkial <player>:
    permission: op
        send "&3 %arg 1% &2Adli Oyuncunun Polislik Yetkisi Basariyla Alindi." to player
        set {%arg 1%.polis} to false
        set {%arg 1%.suc} to false
on chat:
    cancel event
    if {%player%.polis} is true:
        broadcast " &3%player% &7> &f%message%"
    else if {%player%.suc} is true:
        broadcast " &4%player% &7> &f%message%"
        broadcast " &e%player% &7> &f%message%"




Yanlış Yere Açtıysam Konuyu kusuruma bakmayın

2nci Script İçin Destek Bölümüne açmaya gerek duymadım boşuna post kaplamasın diye

DjuitieTR | oSoloTurk

Creeper Evimi Patlattı
24 Nisan 2016
on rightclick with string on entity:
    if {kelepce.%clicked entity%} is not set:
        if entity is a player:
            set {kelepce.%clicked entity%} to true
            apply potion of slowness 999 to clicked entity for 999 minutes
            set {kelepceyeri.%clicked entity%} to location of clicked entity
            apply potion of blindness 999 to clicked entity for 999 minutes
            send "&8[&bPolis&8] &7Suc islediginden dolayi kelepcelendin! 4 dakika sonra kelepceyi kirabilirsin!" to clicked entity
            wait 4 minutes
            send "&8[&bPolis&8] &7Kelepceyi aciyorum fakat bir daha bunu yapma!" to clicked entity
            remove blindness from the clicked entity
            remove slowness from the clicked entity
            delete {kelepce.%clicked entity%}
            delete {kelepceyeri.%clicked entity%}
    else if {kelepce.%clicked entity%} is true:

on damage of player:
    if {kelepce.%attacker%} is not set:
        if attacker is a player:
            if attacker's tool is string:
                set {kelepce.%attacker%} to true
                apply potion of slowness 999 to victim for 999 minutes
                set {kelepceyeri.%victim%} to location of victim

on jump:
    if {kelepce.%player%} is true:
        teleport player to {kelepceyeri.%player%}
on damage:
    if attacker is a player:
        if victim is a player:
            if {kelepce.%attacker%} is true:
                cancel event
                send "&8[&bPolis&8] &7Bu oyuncuya dokunamassin! Su an kelepcelisin!" to attacker
    if victim is a player:
        if {kelepce.%victim%} is true:
            cancel event
            send "&8[&bPolis&8] &7Bu oyuncuya dokunamassin! Su an kelepceli." to attacker

on command:
    if {kelepce.%player%} is true:
        cancel event
        send "&8[&bPolis&8] &7Kelepceliyken komut kullanman yasak!" to player
on chat:
    if {kelepce.%player%} is true:
        cancel event
        send "&8[&bPolis&8] &7Kelepceliyken konusman yasak!" to player
on eat:
    if {kelepce.%player%} is true:
        cancel event
        send "&8[&bPolis&8] &7Kelepceliyken bir sey yemen yasak!" to player
on break:
    if {kelepce.%player%} is true:
        cancel event
        send "&8[&bPolis&8] &7Kelepceliyken blok kirman yasak!" to player
on pick up:
    if {kelepce.%player%} is true:
        cancel event
        send "&8[&bPolis&8] &7Kelepceliyken yerden esya alman yasak!" to player
on drop:
    if {kelepce.%player%} is true:
        cancel event
        send "&8[&bPolis&8] &7Kelepceliyken esya atman yasak!" to player
command /kelepce:
        if {%player%.polis} is true:
            give 1 tripwire hook named "        &3Kelepce     " with lore "||&fSuclu Oyuncuya Sag||&fTiklayarak Kelepceyi||&fTakmis Olursun" to player
on rightclick on player:
    if {%player%.polis} is true:
        if tool is tripwire hook named "        &3Kelepce     " with lore "||&fSuclu Oyuncuya Sag||&fTiklayarak Kelepceyi||&fTakmis Olursun":
            if {%name of clicked player%.suc} is true:
                send "&4 %clicked player% &2Adli Oyuncuya Basariyla Kelepce Takildi." to player
                send "&3 %player% &cAdli Oyuncu Size Kelepce Takti" to clicked player
                send "&c 30 Saniye Boyunca Hareket Edemez Ve Kimseye Vuramazsin." to clicked player
                set {%name of clicked player%.suc} to false
                set {%name of clicked player%.kelepce} to false
                apply jump -10 to clicked player for 30 seconds
                apply speed -10 to clicked player for 30 seconds
                wait 30 seconds
                set {%name of clicked player%.kelepce} to true
                send "&2 Kelepcen Cozuldu." to clicked player
                send "&c Oyuncu Suclu Degil." to player
    else if {%player%.polis} is false:
        send "&c Kelepce Takabilmek Icin Polis Olmalisiniz." to player
command /sucluyap <player>:
        set {%arg 1%.suc} to true
        send "&e %arg 1% &2Adli Oyuncuyu Suclu Yaptiniz." to player
command /sucluyapma <player>:
        set {%arg 1%.suc} to false
        send "&e %arg 1% &2Adli Oyuncuyu Suclulugunu Kapattiniz." to player
on damage:
    attacker is a player:
        if {%attacker%.polis} is true:
            if {%attacker%.polis.uyari} is 9:
                send "&9 Uyari &7> &410 &f/ &410" to attacker
                send "&c Uyarin 10 Oldugu Icin Polislikten Atildin." to attacker
                set {%attacker%.polis} to false
                set {%attacker%.suc} to true
                broadcast "&3 %attacker% &cAdli Polis 10 Defa Suclu Olmayan Kisilere"
                broadcast "&c Vurdugu Icin Polislikten Atildi."
                if {%victim%.suc} is false:
                    send "&c Suclu Olmayan Vatandasa Vurdugunuz Icin 1 Uyari Aldin" to attacker
                    send "&c Uyari Sayin 10 Olursa Polislikten Atilirsin." to attacker
                    add 1 to {%attacker%.polis.uyari}
                    send "&9 Uyari &7>&c %{%attacker%.polis.uyari}% &f/ &410" to attacker
            if {%attacker%.kelepce} is false:
                send "&c Kelepceliyken Kimseye Vuramazsin." to attacker
                cancel event
                set {%attacker%.suc} to true
on join:
    if {%player%.kelepce} is false:
        send "&c Kelepceliyken Oyundan Ciktiginiz Icin Ek Olarak" to player
        send "&c 30 Saniye Kelepce Suresi Eklendi." to player
        apply jump 255 to player for 30 seconds
        apply slowness 255 to player for 30 seconds
        wait 30 seconds
        set {%player%.kelepce} to true
command /polisyetkiver <player>:
    permission: op
        send "&3 %arg 1% &2Adli Oyuncu Basariyla Polis Oldu." to player
        set {%arg 1%.polis.uyari} to 0
        set {%arg 1%.polis} to true
        set {%arg 1%.suc} to false
command /polisyetkial <player>:
    permission: op
        send "&3 %arg 1% &2Adli Oyuncunun Polislik Yetkisi Basariyla Alindi." to player
        set {%arg 1%.polis} to false
        set {%arg 1%.suc} to false
on chat:
    cancel event
    if {%player%.polis} is true:
        broadcast " &3%player% &7> &f%message%"
    else if {%player%.suc} is true:
        broadcast " &4%player% &7> &f%message%"
        broadcast " &e%player% &7> &f%message%"
İkisini birleştirdim şöle birşey yaptım hatası yok ama denemedim :D


Bir Kömür Göründü Kaptanım!
16 Nisan 2017
on rightclick with string on entity:
    if {kelepce.%clicked entity%} is not set:
        if entity is a player:
            set {kelepce.%clicked entity%} to true
            apply potion of slowness 999 to clicked entity for 999 minutes
            set {kelepceyeri.%clicked entity%} to location of clicked entity
            apply potion of blindness 999 to clicked entity for 999 minutes
            send "&8[&bPolis&8] &7Suc islediginden dolayi kelepcelendin! 4 dakika sonra kelepceyi kirabilirsin!" to clicked entity
            wait 4 minutes
            send "&8[&bPolis&8] &7Kelepceyi aciyorum fakat bir daha bunu yapma!" to clicked entity
            remove blindness from the clicked entity
            remove slowness from the clicked entity
            delete {kelepce.%clicked entity%}
            delete {kelepceyeri.%clicked entity%}
    else if {kelepce.%clicked entity%} is true:

on damage of player:
    if {kelepce.%attacker%} is not set:
        if attacker is a player:
            if attacker's tool is string:
                set {kelepce.%attacker%} to true
                apply potion of slowness 999 to victim for 999 minutes
                set {kelepceyeri.%victim%} to location of victim

on jump:
    if {kelepce.%player%} is true:
        teleport player to {kelepceyeri.%player%}
on damage:
    if attacker is a player:
        if victim is a player:
            if {kelepce.%attacker%} is true:
                cancel event
                send "&8[&bPolis&8] &7Bu oyuncuya dokunamassin! Su an kelepcelisin!" to attacker
    if victim is a player:
        if {kelepce.%victim%} is true:
            cancel event
            send "&8[&bPolis&8] &7Bu oyuncuya dokunamassin! Su an kelepceli." to attacker

on command:
    if {kelepce.%player%} is true:
        cancel event
        send "&8[&bPolis&8] &7Kelepceliyken komut kullanman yasak!" to player
on chat:
    if {kelepce.%player%} is true:
        cancel event
        send "&8[&bPolis&8] &7Kelepceliyken konusman yasak!" to player
on eat:
    if {kelepce.%player%} is true:
        cancel event
        send "&8[&bPolis&8] &7Kelepceliyken bir sey yemen yasak!" to player
on break:
    if {kelepce.%player%} is true:
        cancel event
        send "&8[&bPolis&8] &7Kelepceliyken blok kirman yasak!" to player
on pick up:
    if {kelepce.%player%} is true:
        cancel event
        send "&8[&bPolis&8] &7Kelepceliyken yerden esya alman yasak!" to player
on drop:
    if {kelepce.%player%} is true:
        cancel event
        send "&8[&bPolis&8] &7Kelepceliyken esya atman yasak!" to player
command /kelepce:
        if {%player%.polis} is true:
            give 1 tripwire hook named "        &3Kelepce     " with lore "||&fSuclu Oyuncuya Sag||&fTiklayarak Kelepceyi||&fTakmis Olursun" to player
on rightclick on player:
    if {%player%.polis} is true:
        if tool is tripwire hook named "        &3Kelepce     " with lore "||&fSuclu Oyuncuya Sag||&fTiklayarak Kelepceyi||&fTakmis Olursun":
            if {%name of clicked player%.suc} is true:
                send "&4 %clicked player% &2Adli Oyuncuya Basariyla Kelepce Takildi." to player
                send "&3 %player% &cAdli Oyuncu Size Kelepce Takti" to clicked player
                send "&c 30 Saniye Boyunca Hareket Edemez Ve Kimseye Vuramazsin." to clicked player
                set {%name of clicked player%.suc} to false
                set {%name of clicked player%.kelepce} to false
                apply jump -10 to clicked player for 30 seconds
                apply speed -10 to clicked player for 30 seconds
                wait 30 seconds
                set {%name of clicked player%.kelepce} to true
                send "&2 Kelepcen Cozuldu." to clicked player
                send "&c Oyuncu Suclu Degil." to player
    else if {%player%.polis} is false:
        send "&c Kelepce Takabilmek Icin Polis Olmalisiniz." to player
command /sucluyap <player>:
        set {%arg 1%.suc} to true
        send "&e %arg 1% &2Adli Oyuncuyu Suclu Yaptiniz." to player
command /sucluyapma <player>:
        set {%arg 1%.suc} to false
        send "&e %arg 1% &2Adli Oyuncuyu Suclulugunu Kapattiniz." to player
on damage:
    attacker is a player:
        if {%attacker%.polis} is true:
            if {%attacker%.polis.uyari} is 9:
                send "&9 Uyari &7> &410 &f/ &410" to attacker
                send "&c Uyarin 10 Oldugu Icin Polislikten Atildin." to attacker
                set {%attacker%.polis} to false
                set {%attacker%.suc} to true
                broadcast "&3 %attacker% &cAdli Polis 10 Defa Suclu Olmayan Kisilere"
                broadcast "&c Vurdugu Icin Polislikten Atildi."
                if {%victim%.suc} is false:
                    send "&c Suclu Olmayan Vatandasa Vurdugunuz Icin 1 Uyari Aldin" to attacker
                    send "&c Uyari Sayin 10 Olursa Polislikten Atilirsin." to attacker
                    add 1 to {%attacker%.polis.uyari}
                    send "&9 Uyari &7>&c %{%attacker%.polis.uyari}% &f/ &410" to attacker
            if {%attacker%.kelepce} is false:
                send "&c Kelepceliyken Kimseye Vuramazsin." to attacker
                cancel event
                set {%attacker%.suc} to true
on join:
    if {%player%.kelepce} is false:
        send "&c Kelepceliyken Oyundan Ciktiginiz Icin Ek Olarak" to player
        send "&c 30 Saniye Kelepce Suresi Eklendi." to player
        apply jump 255 to player for 30 seconds
        apply slowness 255 to player for 30 seconds
        wait 30 seconds
        set {%player%.kelepce} to true
command /polisyetkiver <player>:
    permission: op
        send "&3 %arg 1% &2Adli Oyuncu Basariyla Polis Oldu." to player
        set {%arg 1%.polis.uyari} to 0
        set {%arg 1%.polis} to true
        set {%arg 1%.suc} to false
command /polisyetkial <player>:
    permission: op
        send "&3 %arg 1% &2Adli Oyuncunun Polislik Yetkisi Basariyla Alindi." to player
        set {%arg 1%.polis} to false
        set {%arg 1%.suc} to false
on chat:
    cancel event
    if {%player%.polis} is true:
        broadcast " &3%player% &7> &f%message%"
    else if {%player%.suc} is true:
        broadcast " &4%player% &7> &f%message%"
        broadcast " &e%player% &7> &f%message%"
İkisini birleştirdim şöle birşey yaptım hatası yok ama denemedim :D
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