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Skript Paylaşımı Skript - ADMIN PANEL V1 - Orco

  • Konuyu başlatan Konuyu başlatan Orco
  • Başlangıç Tarihi Başlangıç Tarihi
  • Görüntüleme 3.293


  • Gelsin V2 Gelsin

    Oylar: 20 80,0%
  • Gelmesin Gerek Yok

    Oylar: 5 20,0%

  • Oy Verenler
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Yay Yok, İskelet Yok
2 Aralık 2017



/oyuncupanel nick - Oyuncu ayarları
/panel - Paneli açar
Skript Kodu
    elimyoruliycopypaste: &7[&e&l+&7] &a»»  &c&lBu komutu kullanmak icin &b&lOP &c&lolmalisiniz !

command /panel:
    permission: panel.orco
    permission message: {@elimyoruliycopypaste}
        open chest with 3 rows named "&e» & &dAdminPanel&7/&4V1" to player
        wait 2 tick
        format slot 0 of player with 276 named "&a&lZORLUK" with lore "&eTiklayarak Zorlugu Ayarlayabilirsiniz" to close then run [execute player command "zorlukmenu"]
        format slot 10 of player with 347 named "&b&lZAMAN" to close then run [execute player command "zamanmenu"]
        format slot 20 of player with compass named "&a&lHAVA" to close then run [execute player command "havamenu"]
        format slot 12 of player with 169 named "&6&lBLOCK EVENT" to close then run [execute player command "eventmenu"]
        format slot 1 of player with 160:14 named "&c&lBu kisimlar &a&lV2 &c&lde doldurulacaktir" to close
        format slot 2 of player with 160:14 named "&c&lBu kisimlar &a&lV2 &c&lde doldurulacaktir" to close
        format slot 3 of player with 160:14 named "&c&lBu kisimlar &a&lV2 &c&lde doldurulacaktir" to close
        format slot 4 of player with book named "&b&lKOMUTLAR" to close then run [execute player command "orcoyardim"]
        format slot 5 of player with 160:14 named "&c&lBu kisimlar &a&lV2 &c&lde doldurulacaktir" to close
        format slot 6 of player with 160:14 named "&c&lBu kisimlar &a&lV2 &c&lde doldurulacaktir" to close
        format slot 7 of player with 160:14 named "&c&lBu kisimlar &a&lV2 &c&lde doldurulacaktir" to close
        format slot 8 of player with 160:14 named "&c&lBu kisimlar &a&lV2 &c&lde doldurulacaktir" to close
        format slot 9 of player with 160:14 named "&c&lBu kisimlar &a&lV2 &c&lde doldurulacaktir" to close
        format slot 11 of player with 160:14 named "&c&lBu kisimlar &a&lV2 &c&lde doldurulacaktir" to close
        format slot 13 of player with 160:14 named "&c&lBu kisimlar &a&lV2 &c&lde doldurulacaktir" to close
        format slot 14 of player with 160:14 named "&c&lBu kisimlar &a&lV2 &c&lde doldurulacaktir" to close
        format slot 15 of player with 160:14 named "&c&lBu kisimlar &a&lV2 &c&lde doldurulacaktir" to close
        format slot 16 of player with 160:14 named "&c&lBu kisimlar &a&lV2 &c&lde doldurulacaktir" to close
        format slot 17 of player with 160:14 named "&c&lBu kisimlar &a&lV2 &c&lde doldurulacaktir" to close
        format slot 18 of player with 160:14 named "&c&lBu kisimlar &a&lV2 &c&lde doldurulacaktir" to close
        format slot 19 of player with 160:14 named "&c&lBu kisimlar &a&lV2 &c&lde doldurulacaktir" to close
        format slot 21 of player with 160:14 named "&c&lBu kisimlar &a&lV2 &c&lde doldurulacaktir" to close
        format slot 22 of player with 160:14 named "&c&lBu kisimlar &a&lV2 &c&lde doldurulacaktir" to close
        format slot 23 of player with 160:14 named "&c&lBu kisimlar &a&lV2 &c&lde doldurulacaktir" to close
        format slot 24 of player with 160:14 named "&c&lBu kisimlar &a&lV2 &c&lde doldurulacaktir" to close
        format slot 25 of player with 160:14 named "&c&lBu kisimlar &a&lV2 &c&lde doldurulacaktir" to close
        format slot 26 of player with 123 named "&a&lMenuyu KAPAT" to close

command /orcoyardim:
    permission: panel.orco
    permission message: {@elimyoruliycopypaste}
        send "&e&m---------- &6&lI &a&lORCO &6&lI &e&m----------"
        send "&a/oyuncupanel nick &f- &7Oyuncu panelini acar"
        send "&a/panel &f- &7Paneli acar"
        send "&e&m---------- &6&lI &a&lORCO &6&lI &e&m----------"
        send " "
        send " "
        send "&b&lEGER BEGENILIRSE COK YAKINDA &c&lV2 &b&lSIZLERLE &a&l!!!"

command /eventmenu:
    permission: panel.orco
    permission message: {@elimyoruliycopypaste}
        wait 2 tick
        open chest with 1 rows named "&6&lEVENT" to player
        wait 2 tick
        format slot 0 of player with 57 named "&b&lELMAS BLOCK EVENT" to close then run [execute player command "elmasevent"]
        format slot 1 of player with 133 named "&a&lZUMRUT BLOCK EVENT" to close then run [execute player command "zumrutevent"]
        format slot 2 of player with 41 named "&e&lALTIN BLOCK EVENT" to close then run [execute player command "altinevent"]
        format slot 3 of player with 42 named "&7&lDEMIR BLOCK EVENT" to close then run [execute player command "demirevent"]
        format slot 4 of player with 166 named "&c&lBu kisimlar &a&lV2 &c&lde doldurulacaktir" to close
        format slot 5 of player with 166 named "&c&lBu kisimlar &a&lV2 &c&lde doldurulacaktir" to close
        format slot 6 of player with 166 named "&c&lBu kisimlar &a&lV2 &c&lde doldurulacaktir" to close
        format slot 7 of player with 166 named "&c&lBu kisimlar &a&lV2 &c&lde doldurulacaktir" to close
        format slot 8 of player with 166 named "&c&lBu kisimlar &a&lV2 &c&lde doldurulacaktir" to close

command /elmasevent:
    permission: panel.orco
    permission message: {@elimyoruliycopypaste}
        give 64 57 to all players
        send "&7[&e&lEVENT&7] &b&lHERKEZE &a&lELMAS BLOCK 64 &b&lITEMI VERILDI" to all players

command /zumrutevent:
    permission: panel.orco
    permission message: {@elimyoruliycopypaste}
        give 64 133 to all players
        send "&7[&e&lEVENT&7] &b&lHERKEZE &a&lZUMRUT BLOCK 64 &b&lITEMI VERILDI" to all players

command /altinevent:
    permission: panel.orco
    permission message: {@elimyoruliycopypaste}
        give 64 41 to all players
        send "&7[&e&lEVENT&7] &b&lHERKEZE &a&lALTIN BLOCK 64 &b&lITEMI VERILDI" to all players

command /demirevent:
    permission: panel.orco
    permission message: {@elimyoruliycopypaste}
        give 64 42 to all players
        send "&7[&e&lEVENT&7] &b&lHERKEZE &a&lDEMIR BLOCK 64 &b&lITEMI VERILDI" to all players

command /zamanmenu:
    permission: panel.orco
    permission message: {@elimyoruliycopypaste}
        wait 2 tick
        open chest with 1 rows named "&b&lZAMAN" to player
        wait 2 tick
        format slot 0 of player with 347 named "&a&lSABAH" to close then run [execute player command "time set day"]

        format slot 1 of player with 347 named "&6&lOGLEN" to close then run [execute player command "time set 1000"]

        format slot 2 of player with 347 named "&e&lGUN BATIMI" to close then run [execute player command "time set 12000"]

        format slot 3 of player with 347 named "&a&lGECE" to close then run [execute player command "time set night"]

        format slot 4 of player with 166 named "&c&lBu kisimlar &a&lV2 &c&lde doldurulacaktir" to close

        format slot 5 of player with 166 named "&c&lBu kisimlar &a&lV2 &c&lde doldurulacaktir" to close

        format slot 6 of player with 166 named "&c&lBu kisimlar &a&lV2 &c&lde doldurulacaktir" to close

        format slot 7 of player with 166 named "&c&lBu kisimlar &a&lV2 &c&lde doldurulacaktir" to close

        format slot 8 of player with 166 named "&c&lBu kisimlar &a&lV2 &c&lde doldurulacaktir" to close

command /havamenu:
    permission: panel.orco
    permission message: {@elimyoruliycopypaste}
        wait 2 tick
        open chest with 1 rows named "&a&lHAVA" to player
        wait 2 tick
        format slot 0 of player with compass named "&e&lGUNESLI" to close then run [execute player command "weather clear"]

        format slot 1 of player with compass named "&b&lYAGISLI" to close then run [execute player command "weather storm"]

        format slot 2 of player with 166 named "&c&lBu kisimlar &a&lV2 &c&lde doldurulacaktir" to close

        format slot 3 of player with 166 named "&c&lBu kisimlar &a&lV2 &c&lde doldurulacaktir" to close

        format slot 4 of player with 166 named "&c&lBu kisimlar &a&lV2 &c&lde doldurulacaktir" to close

        format slot 5 of player with 166 named "&c&lBu kisimlar &a&lV2 &c&lde doldurulacaktir" to close

        format slot 6 of player with 166 named "&c&lBu kisimlar &a&lV2 &c&lde doldurulacaktir" to close

        format slot 7 of player with 166 named "&c&lBu kisimlar &a&lV2 &c&lde doldurulacaktir" to close

        format slot 8 of player with 166 named "&c&lBu kisimlar &a&lV2 &c&lde doldurulacaktir" to close

command /zorlukbariscil:
    permission: panel.orco
    permission message: {@elimyoruliycopypaste}
        execute player command "/difficulty 0"
        send "&aOyun Modu &cBariscil &aa alindi"

command /zorlukkolay:
    permission: panel.orco
    permission message: {@elimyoruliycopypaste}
        execute player command "/difficulty 1"
        send "&aOyun Modu &cKolay &aa alindi"

command /zorluknormal:
    permission: panel.orco
    permission message: {@elimyoruliycopypaste}
        execute player command "/difficulty 2"
        send "&aOyun Modu &cNormal &ae alindi"

command /zorlukzor:
    permission: panel.orco
    permission message: {@elimyoruliycopypaste}
        execute player command "/difficulty 3"
        send "&aOyun Modu &cZor &aa alindi"

command /zorlukmenu:
    permission: panel.orco
    permission message: {@elimyoruliycopypaste}
        wait 2 tick
        open chest with 1 rows named "&e«» &c&lZOR&a&lLUK &e«»" to player
        wait 2 tick
        format slot 0 of player with 385 named "&e» &a&lZorluk &5: &c&lZOR &e«" to close then run [execute player command "zorlukzor"]
        format slot 1 of player with 385 named "&e» &a&lZorluk &5: &c&lNORMAL &e«" to close then run [execute player command "zorluknormal"]
        format slot 2 of player with 385 named "&e» &a&lZorluk &5: &c&lKOLAY &e«" to close then run [execute player command "zorlukkolay"]
        format slot 3 of player with 385 named "&e» &a&lZorluk &5: &c&lBARISCIL &e«" to close then run [execute player command "zorlukbariscil"]

command /envanterbak <player>:
    permission: panel.orco
    permission message: {@elimyoruliycopypaste}
        wait 1 seconds
        execute player command "/invsee %arg 1%"
        send "&aBasarili Bir sekilde envantere baglandiniz &e»»»» &aOrco &dAdminPanel&7/&4V1"

command /yasakkaldir <player>:
    permission: panel.orco
    permission message: {@elimyoruliycopypaste}
        execute player command "pardon %arg 1%"
        send "&a&lYASAK KALDIRILDI"

command /yasakla <player>:
    permission: panel.orco
    permission message: {@elimyoruliycopypaste}
        open chest with 1 rows named "&a&lYASAKLAMA MENU &b&lORCO &d&lAdmin V1" to player
        wait 2 tick
        format slot 0 of player with red dye named "&a&l1 GUN" to close then run [execute player command "tempban %arg 1% 1d Yasaklandin"]

        format slot 1 of player with red dye named "&a&l2 GUN" to close then run [execute player command "tempban %arg 1% 2d Yasaklandin"]

        format slot 2 of player with red dye named "&a&l3 GUN" to close then run [execute player command "tempban %arg 1% 3d Yasaklandin"]

        format slot 3 of player with red dye named "&a&l4 GUN" to close then run [execute player command "tempban %arg 1% 4d Yasaklandin"]

        format slot 4 of player with red dye named "&a&l5 GUN" to close then run [execute player command "tempban %arg 1% 5d Yasaklandin"]

        format slot 5 of player with red dye named "&a&l6 GUN" to close then run [execute player command "tempban %arg 1% 6d Yasaklandin"]

        format slot 6 of player with red dye named "&a&l7 GUN" to close then run [execute player command "tempban %arg 1% 7d Yasaklandin"]

        format slot 7 of player with red dye named "&a&l8 GUN" to close then run [execute player command "tempban %arg 1% 8d Yasaklandin"]

        format slot 8 of player with red dye named "&c&lSINIRSIZ" to close then run [execute player command "ban %arg 1% Sinirsiz Yasaklandin"]

command /atmak <player>:
    permission: panel.orco
    permission message: {@elimyoruliycopypaste}
        execute player command "kick %arg 1%"
        send "&a&l%arg 1% &b&lAdli oyuncu atildi"

command /oyuncupanel <player>:
    permission: panel.orco
    permission message: {@elimyoruliycopypaste}
        wait 2 tick
        open chest with 1 rows named "&e» &b&l%arg 1% &dV1&0-&d&lORCO &e«" to player
        wait 2 tick
        format slot 0 of player with 332 named "&b&lOYUNCUYU OLDUR" to close then run [execute player command "kill %arg 1%"]

        format slot 1 of player with 385 named "&a&lOYUNCUYA VIP VER" to close then run [execute player command "manuadd %arg 1% Vip"]

        format slot 2 of player with chest named "&a&lOyuncu Envanteri" to close then run [execute player command "envanterbak %arg 1%"]

        format slot 3 of player with 313 named "&c&lYASAKLA&d/&b&lBANLA" to close then run [execute player command "yasakla %arg 1%"]

        format slot 4 of player with 301 named "&b&lAT&d/&a&lKICK" to close then run [execute player command "atmak %arg 1%"]

        format slot 5 of player with 305 named "&c&lYASAK&d/&b&lBAN &a&lKALDIR" with lore "&eTiklayarak oyuncunun banini kaldirabilirsiniz" to close then run [execute player command "yasakkaldir %arg 1%"]

        format slot 6 of player with 166 named "&c&lBu kisimlar &a&lV2 &c&lde doldurulacaktir" to close

        format slot 7 of player with 166 named "&c&lBu kisimlar &a&lV2 &c&lde doldurulacaktir" to close

        format slot 8 of player with 166 named "&c&lBu kisimlar &a&lV2 &c&lde doldurulacaktir" to close
Değerli ziyaretçimiz, içeriği görebilmek için şimdi giriş yapın veya kayıt olun.

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Güzel bir skripte benziyor. Başarılar Dilerim...
skript güzel fakat, ChestCommandsla yapılabilir ama ginede emek vermişsin güzel olmuş. rep
V2 Yi yayinlayacam yakında :0sevın:
Mesela bu panele belirlenmiş bir şifre ile invsee komutu eklenebilir.
Invsee dediğimden mesela
AdmPanel > Hangi oyuncunun envanterine bakmak istiyorsun?
Kişi chate yazacak mesela BugraB onun envanterine bakabilecek.
Şifre ise /panelsifrebelirle 123456 /panelgirisyap 123456 veya bir menü çıkacak 1'den 9-a kadar
Bir numpad yazacak ordan 123456 öyle giriş yapacak.
Başarılı bir skript bu arada :)
Mesela bu panele belirlenmiş bir şifre ile invsee komutu eklenebilir.
Invsee dediğimden mesela
AdmPanel > Hangi oyuncunun envanterine bakmak istiyorsun?
Kişi chate yazacak mesela BugraB onun envanterine bakabilecek.
Şifre ise /panelsifrebelirle 123456 /panelgirisyap 123456 veya bir menü çıkacak 1'den 9-a kadar
Bir numpad yazacak ordan 123456 öyle giriş yapacak.
Başarılı bir skript bu arada :)
Ben boyle paylaşmayacam ama size özel ayrı atabilirim bunu yapablrsem özelden atarım isterseniz :D :sa: :0sevın:
Ben boyle paylaşmayacam ama size özel ayrı atabilirim bunu yapablrsem özelden atarım isterseniz :D :sa: :0sevın:
Olabilir :) hem bilgilerimi birazdaha geliştiririm bu sayede
Mesaj gönderimine kapalı.