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Skript Paylaşımı SilahSavaslari (Guns FFA Lite) - Silahini al savasa basla !

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Merhaba MC-TR forum üyeleri ve moderatorleri,...
bu sefer sizinle birlikte Skript Paylaşacağım
Hemen başlayalım ;)


Skript Adı: Guns FFA Lite
Skript Yazarı: oflords
Skript Tanıtan: ddarkk
Skript Versiyonu: 1.8.x (1.8.x sürümünde test edildi.)
Dosyayı indirmek için:

Skript Açıklaması:
Her zaman kılıç ile pvp atardin.bunu değiştirmek istemezmisin? ozaman hemen bu skriptti kullanmaya başla ve Silahla adamlarinla savaş.Unutma cok taramak taktik değil! az tarayarak mermiyim iyi kullanmak taktikdir ;)


♢ /gunsffalite [join - leave - stats - coins - help - cosmetics - topstats]
♢ /gunsffaliteadmin [setspawn - reset - setlobby - menu]
♢ /gunsffalitekit [trooper - tactical - menu - scout - kits]


(*) 8 Adet Guncellenme Mevcut!




# The prefix for the plugin
# Tanıtım ddarkk
  prefixffalite: &6[&9Guns FFA &a&lLite&6]
# Change this link for the download
  packffa: &3
  version: 1.5.1

on sign change:
    player has permission "guns.admin"
    line 1 is "[gunsffalite]"
    line 2 is "join"
    message "{@prefixffalite} &7Sign &3&lJoin &7made sucessfully!"
    set line 1 to "&2[&9GUNS FFA &3&lLITE&2]"
    set line 2 to "&5&lJoin"

on right click on a sign:
    if line 1 is "&2[&9GUNS FFA &3&lLITE&2]":
        if line 2 is "&5&lJoin":
            make player execute command "/gunsffalite join"

on sign change:
    player has permission "guns.admin"
    line 1 is "[gunsffalite]"
    line 2 is "stats"
    message "{@prefixffalite} &7Sign &3&lStats &7made sucessfully!"
    set line 1 to "&2[&9GUNS FFA &3&lLITE&2]"
    set line 2 to "&5&lStats"

on right click on a sign:
    if line 1 is "&2[&9GUNS FFA &3&lLITE&2]":
        if line 2 is "&5&lStats":
            make player execute command "/gunsffalite stats"

on sign change:
    player has permission "guns.admin"
    line 1 is "[gunsffalite]"
    line 2 is "leave"
    message "{@prefixffalite} &7Sign &3&lLeave &7made sucessfully!"
    set line 1 to "&2[&9GUNS FFA &3&lLITE&2]"
    set line 2 to "&5&lLeave"

on right click on a sign:
    if line 1 is "&2[&9GUNS FFA &3&lLITE&2]":
        if line 2 is "&5&lLeave":
            make player execute command "/gunsffalite leave"

on sign change:
    player has permission "guns.admin"
    line 1 is "[gunsffalite]"
    line 2 is "trooper"
    message "{@prefixffalite} &7Sign &3&lKit Trooper &7made sucessfully!"
    set line 1 to "&2[&9GUNS FFA &3&lLITE&2]"
    set line 2 to "&5&lKit"
    set line 3 to "&3&lTrooper"

on right click on a sign:
    if line 1 is "&2[&9GUNS FFA &3&lLITE&2]":
        if line 2 is "&5&lKit":
            if line 3 is "&3&lTrooper":
                make player execute command "/gunsffalitekit trooper"

on sign change:
    player has permission "guns.admin"
    line 1 is "[gunsffalite]"
    line 2 is "scout"
    message "{@prefixffalite} &7Sign &3&lKit Scout &7made sucessfully!"
    set line 1 to "&2[&9GUNS FFA &3&lLITE&2]"
    set line 2 to "&5&lKit"
    set line 3 to "&3&lScout"

on right click on a sign:
    if line 1 is "&2[&9GUNS FFA &3&lLITE&2]":
        if line 2 is "&5&lKit":
            if line 3 is "&3&lScout":
                make player execute command "/gunsffalitekit scout"

on sign change:
    player has permission "guns.admin"
    line 1 is "[gunsffalite]"
    line 2 is "tactical"
    message "{@prefixffalite} &7Sign &3&lKit Tactical &7made sucessfully!"
    set line 1 to "&2[&9GUNS FFA &3&lLITE&2]"
    set line 2 to "&5&lKit"
    set line 3 to "&3&lTactical"

on right click on a sign:
    if line 1 is "&2[&9GUNS FFA &3&lLITE&2]":
        if line 2 is "&5&lKit":
            if line 3 is "&3&lTactical":
                make player execute command "/gunsffalitekit tactical"

on right click on a sign:
    if line 1 is "&2[&9GUNS FFA &3&lLITE&2]":
        if line 2 is "&5&lKit":
            if line 3 is "&3&lDemolition":
                make player execute command "/gunsffalitekit demolition"

on sign change:
    player has permission "guns.admin"
    line 1 is "[gunsffalite]"
    line 2 is "menu"
    message "{@prefixffalite} &7Sign &3&lKit Menu &7made sucessfully!"
    set line 1 to "&2[&9GUNS FFA &3&lLITE&2]"
    set line 2 to "&5&lKits"

on right click on a sign:
    if line 1 is "&2[&9GUNS FFA &3&lLITE&2]":
        if line 2 is "&5&lKits":
            make player execute command "/gunsffalitekit menu"

command /gunsffaliteadmin <text>:
    permission: guns.admin
    executable by: players, console
    description: Choose a kit!
    usage: &3/gunsffaliteliteadmin &6[&9&9setspawn &e- &9reset &e- &9resetspawn &e- &9menu &e- &9setlobby&6]
    permission message: You do not have permission to do this!
        if argument 1 is "reset":
            clear {gunsffalite.players.count}
            clear {new.update.ready}
            message "{@prefixffalite} &7Game reset!"
        if argument 1 is "setspawn":
            set {gunsffalite.spawn} to location of player
            message "{@prefixffalite} &7Set spawn to your location!"
        if argument 1 is "setlobby":
            set {gunsffalite.lobby} to location of player
            message "{@prefixffalite} &7Set lobby to your location!"
        if argument 1 is "resetspawn":
            clear {gunsffalite.spawn}
            message "{@prefixffalite} &7Spawn Deleted!"
        if argument 1 is "menu":
            wait 1 tick
            open chest with 1 row named "&e&lgunsffalite - Setup" to player
            format slot 2 of player with netherrack named "&3Reset" with lore "&7Reset's player count" to close then run [execute player command "gunsffaliteadmin reset"]
            format slot 4 of player with button named "&3Set Spawn" with lore "&7Sets spawn to your location!" to close then run [execute player command "gunsffaliteadmin setspawn"]
            format slot 6 of player with redstone named "&3Delete Spawn" with lore "&7Delete's spawn!" to close then run [execute player command "gunsffaliteadmin resetspawn"]

command /gunsffalite <text> [<player>]:
    permission: guns.use
    executable by: players
    description: Choose a kit!
    usage: &3/gunsffalite &6[&9join &e- &9leave &e- &9stats&6]
    permission message: You do not have permission to do this!
        if argument 1 is "help":
            message "&8&l===&3&lHelp&8&l==="
            message "&9/gunsffalite join &6(Makes you join the game)"
            message "&9/gunsffalite leave &6(Makes you leave the game)"
            message "&9/gunsffalite stats [player] &6(Displays a players stats)"
        if argument 1 is "stats":
            if arg 2 is not set:
                message "&8&l===&3&lStats - %player%&8&l==="
                message "&9Kills: &3%{gunsffalite.%player%.kills}%"
                message "&9Deaths: &3%{gunsffalite.%player%.deaths}%"
                message "&9K/D Ratio: &3%{gunsffalite.%player%.kills}/{gunsffalite.%player%.deaths}%"
                message "&8&l===&3&lStats - %arg 2%&8&l==="
                message "&9Kills: &3%{gunsffalite.%arg 2%.kills}%"
                message "&9Deaths: &3%{gunsffalite.%arg 2%.deaths}%"
                message "&9K/D Ratio: &3%{gunsffalite.%arg 2%.kills}/{gunsffalite.%arg 2%.deaths}%"
                message "&9Joined: &3%{gunsffalite.%arg 2%.joined}%"
        if argument 1 is "join":
            if {gunsffalite.ingame.%player%} is true:
                message "{@prefixffalite} &7You are already ingame! Please type &3/gunsffalite leave &7to leave!"
            set {gunsffalite.ingame.%player%} to true
            set {gunsffalite.ingame.%player%} to true
            if player's gamemode is creative:
                set player's gamemode to adventure
                set {creative.guns.%player%} to 1
            if player's gamemode is survival:
                set player's gamemode to adventure
                set {survival.guns.%player%} to 1
            wait 1 tick
            make player execute command "/scoreblite"
            set helmet of the player to air
            set chestplate of the player to air
            set leggings of the player to air
            set boots of the player to air
            message "{@prefixffalite} &7You joined the game!"
            message "{@prefixffalite} &7Make sure to download the resource pack:"
            message "{@packffa}"
            add 1 to {gunsffalite.players.count}
            add 1 to {gunsffalite.%player%.joined}
            teleport player to {gunsffalite.spawn}
            send player title "&9Guns FFA &aLITE" with subtitle "&c&lMake sure to download the resource pack!" for 3 seconds
            set action bar of player to "&6There are &3&l%{gunsffalite.players.ingame}% &6players ingame"
            set helmet of the player to leather helmet
            set chestplate of the player to leather chestplate
            set leggings of the player to leather leggings
            set boots of the player to leather boots
            dye the player's helmet {_helmet}
            dye the player's chestplate {_chestplate}
            dye the player's leggings {_leggings}
            dye the player's boots {_boots}
        if argument 1 is "leave":
            if {gunsffalite.ingame.%player%} is false:
                message "{@prefixffalite} &7You are not in a game! Please type &3/gunsffalite join &7to join!"
            set {gunsffalite.ingame.%player%} to false
            set {gunsffalite.ingame.%player%} to false
            set player tab name to "%player%"
            delete {gunsffalite.player.%player%}
            set helmet of the player to air
            set chestplate of the player to air
            set leggings of the player to air
            set boots of the player to air
            remove 1 from {gunsffalite.players.count}
            clear player's inventory
            wipe player's sidebar
            wait 2 tick
            teleport player to {gunsffalite.lobby}
            if {creative.guns.%player%} is 1:
                set player's gamemode to creative
                clear {creative.guns.%player%}
            if {survival.guns.%player%} is 1:
                set player's gamemode to survival
                clear {survival.guns.%player%}
            message "{@prefixffalite} &7You left the game!"
            send player title "&9Guns FFA Lite" with subtitle "&7You have left the game" for 3 seconds

command /gunsffalitekit <text>:
    permission: guns.use
    executable by: players
    description: Choose a kit!
    usage: &3/gunsffalitekit &6[&9trooper &e- &9sniper &e- &9menu &e- &9tactical &e- &9demolition &e- &9shop &e- &9kits&6]
    permission message: You do not have permission to do this!
        if {gunsffalite.ingame.%player%} is false:
            message "{@prefixffalite} &cYou must be in a game to choose a gun!"
        if argument 1 is "kits":
            wait 1 tick
            message "&6&lKits List:"
            message "&3Scout"
            message "&3Trooper"
            message "&3Tactical"
        if argument 1 is "menu":
            wait 1 tick
            open chest with 1 row named "&e&lgunsffalite - Kits" to player
            format slot 2 of player with diamond hoe named "&3Trooper &7Kit" with lore "&7AK-47" to close then run [execute player command "gunsffalitekit trooper"]
            format slot 4 of player with wooden shovel named "&3Tactical &7Kit" with lore "&7M4A4" to close then run [execute player command "gunsffalitekit tactical"]
            format slot 6 of player with wooden hoe named "&3Scout &7Kit" with lore "&7Nova" to close then run [execute player command "gunsffalitekit scout"]
        if argument 1 is "trooper":
            make console execute command "clear %player%"
            make console execute command "shot give %player% ak"
            make console execute command "shot give %player% deagle"
            make console execute command "shot give %player% Huntsman"
            message "{@prefixffalite} &7You picked the &3&lTrooper &7Kit"
            set {gunsffalite.%player%.kit} to true
        if argument 1 is "tactical":
            make console execute command "clear %player%"
            make console execute command "shot give %player% m4a4"
            make console execute command "shot give %player% deagle"
            make console execute command "shot give %player% Huntsman"
            message "{@prefixffalite} &7You picked the &3&lTactical &7Kit"
            set {gunsffalite.%player%.kit} to true
        if argument 1 is "scout":
            make console execute command "clear %player%"
            make console execute command "shot give %player% nova"
            make console execute command "shot give %player% deagle"
            make console execute command "shot give %player% Huntsman"
            message "{@prefixffalite} &7You picked the &3&lScout &7Kit"
            set {gunsffalite.%player%.kit} to true

command /scoreblite:
        wipe player's sidebar
        wait 1 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&3&lGuns FFA &a&lLite"
        set score "&1&3&m-------------" in sidebar of player to -1
        set score "&6Player:" in sidebar of player to -2
        set score "&b&l%player%" in sidebar of player to -3
        set score "&2&3&m-------------" in sidebar of player to -4
        set score "&aKills:" in sidebar of player to -5
        set score "&b&l%{gunsffalite.%player%.kills}%" in sidebar of player to -6
        set score "&3&m-------------" in sidebar of player to -7
        set score "&4Deaths:" in sidebar of player to -8
        set score "&b&l%{gunsffalite.%player%.deaths}%" in sidebar of player to -9
        set score "&4&3&m-------------" in sidebar of player to -10
        set score "&2Times Joined:" in sidebar of player to -11
        set score "&b&l%{gunsffalite.%player%.joined}%" in sidebar of player to -12
        set score "&4&3&m-------------" in sidebar of player to -13

on respawn:
    if {gunsffalite.ingame.%player%} is true:
        wait 1 tick
        teleport player to {gunsffalite.spawn}
        wait 1 tick
        set helmet of the player to leather helmet
        set chestplate of the player to leather chestplate
        set leggings of the player to leather leggings
        set boots of the player to leather boots

on death of player:
    if {gunsffalite.ingame.%attacker%} is true:
        make console execute command "/gunsffaliteadmin add %attacker% 10"
        add 1 to {gunsffalite.%attacker%.kills}
        set {guns.%attacker%.kd} to {gunsffalite.%attacker%.kills}/{gunsffalite.%attacker%.deaths}
        make attacker execute command "/scoreblite"

on death of player:
    if {gunsffalite.ingame.%victim%} is true:
        make console execute command "clear %player%"
        add 1 to {gunsffalite.%victim%.deaths}
        set {guns.%victim%.kd} to {gunsffalite.%victim%.kills}/{gunsffalite.%victim%.deaths}
        clear {gunsffalite.%victim%.kills_session}
        make player execute command "/scoreblite"

on pickup:
    if {gunsffalite.ingame.%player%} is false:
    if {gunsffalite.ingame.%player%} is true:
        cancel event

on drop:
    if {gunsffalite.ingame.%player%} is false:
    if {gunsffalite.ingame.%player%} is true:
        cancel event

on join:
    if {gunsffalite.ingame.%player%} is true:
        make player execute command "gunsffalite leave"

on quit:
    if {gunsffalite.ingame.%player%} is true:
        make player execute command "gunsffalite leave"

on join:
    set {gunsffalite.%player%.kd} to {gunsffalite.%player%.kills}/{gunsffalite.%player%.deaths}

on join:
    player has permission "guns.admin":
        wait 1 second
        message "{@prefixffalite} &5&lChecking for updates..."
        wait 30 tick
        if text from "" is not "{@version}":
            message "{@prefixffalite} &c&lYour version of GunsFFA &a&lLite &c&lis out of date! Please update it here: &3&l"
            message "{@prefixffalite} &a&lThere are no new updates."


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