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Rütbe kuponu ile rütbe atlama olabilirmi??

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Odunlara Vur Vur Vur!
12 Ağustos 2018
Herkese selamlar.şöyle bir isteğim var olursa tabi.
Oyuncular kömür kazarak rütbe kuponu düşürcek ve ona sağ tıklayarak parasını verip rütbe eğer parası yetersizse rütbe kuponu yanıcak yapılırsa çok iyi olur.


5 Ekim 2017
Rütbe eklentisi olarak bunu kullan, örnek config dosyası ve rütbe kuponu skripti aşağıda.
    p: §3MottoX §8»
    dusmesansi: 100
    kuponisim: §dRütbe Kuponu
    kuponlore: §eRütbe atlayabilmen için gerekli olan bir kağıt parçası.
    kuponbuldun: §eKömür kazarken §61 §eadet §dRütbe Kuponu §ebuldun!
    kuponyok: §eRütbe atlayabilmek için §61 §eadet §dRütbe Kuponu §egerek.   
on break of coal_ore:
    chance of {@dusmesansi}%:
        give 1 paper named "{@kuponisim}" with lore "{@kuponlore}" to player
        send "{@p} {@kuponbuldun}" to player
on command "rankup":
    if player have 1 paper named "{@kuponisim}" with lore "{@kuponlore}":
        remove 1 paper named "{@kuponisim}" with lore "{@kuponlore}" from player's inventory
        cancel event
        send "{@p} {@kuponyok}" to player
# Rankup configuration file.
# Created by: Okx
# All rights reserved.

ranks: # Defines ranks and their prices
- Oyuncu:0
- rütbe1:50000
- rütbe2:100000
- rütbe3:250000
prestige: # Defines prestige ranks and their prices
- P1:100000
- P2:200000
  noMoneyToRankup: '&3MottoX &8» &eRütbe atlayabilmek için yeterli miktarda paran bulunmamakta!'
  highestRank: '&3MottoX &8» &eSon rütbeye ulaşmışsın.' # Sent when the player cannot rankup anymore and prestiging is off
  highestRankToPrestige: '&aYou need to prestige to get to a higher rank!' # Sent when the player cannot rankup but can prestige
  successfullRankupPrivate: '&3MottoX &8» &EBaşarıyla &a%RANK% &Erütbesine yükseldin!' # Sent to the player when the player successfully runs /rankup
  successfullRankupPublic: '&3MottoX &8» &a%PLAYER% &Ebaşarıyla &d%RANK% &erütbesine yükseldi!' # Sent to everyone on the server when someone ranks up (configurable)
  successfullPrestigePrivate: '&aYou successfully prestiged up to: &d%RANK%' # Sent to the player when the player successfully runs /prestige
  successfullPrestigePublic: '&a%PLAYER% &esuccessfully prestiged up to: &d%RANK%' # Sent to everyone on the server when someone prestiges (configurable)
  notInLadder: '&3MottoX &8» &7Şu an bulunduğun rütbe, rütbe listesinde bulunmamakta!' # Sent to the player when they are not in a group specified in ranks
  listRanks: # Configures how ranks are listed
    default: "&3MottoX &8» &a%OLDRANK% &8> &a%RANK% &b%AMOUNT%"
    complete: "&3MottoX &8» &a%RANK% &B%AMOUNT%"
    inProgress: "&3MottoX &8» &a%OLDRANK% &8> &a%RANK% &b%AMOUNT% &8[&c%PERCENTDONE%%&8]"
    custom: # This section should only be needed for very advanced configurations (this can be used for headers)
      A: "&rA &e\xbb &r%RANK% &efor &r%AMOUNT%"
        overrideComplete: false
        overrideInProgress: false
        overrideDefault: true
  rankTooLowToPrestige: '&cYou cannot prestige to %RANK%, your rank isn''t high enough' # Sent to a player when they cannot prestige
  noMoneyToPrestige: '&cYou cannot prestige to %RANK%, you need %AMOUNTTOTAL%' # Sent to the player when they don't have enough moolah to prestige
  highestPrestigeGroup: '&aGood work! You are at the highest prestige rank (%RANK%)!' # Sent to the plaer when they attempt to prestige but cannot
  noPrestigeRank: none # Placeholder for when a player hasn't prestiged
  publicMessage: true # Should we send the message successfullRankupPublic?
  publicPrestigeMessage: true # Should we send the message successfullPrestigePublic?
  removePointZero: true # Should we remove the .0 at the end of prices?
  prestigeDisabled: false # Should we disable prestiging?
  prestigeToRank: A # When someone prestiges, what rank should we set them to
  prestigeAtRanks: D # At what rank can someone prestige? (can be multiple ranks, eg if you write D,E)
  prestigeRankMultiplier: 1.5 # Multiply the rankup prices by this when someone prestiges (set to 1 to disable) (do not set to less than 1)
  prestigeChangeRank: true # You should leave this at true
runCommands: {} # These are some examples of what you can do with runCommands. They are commented out so they don't run. Remove the {} when you want to add a command
#- CONSOLE:RANKUP:say console rankup (this will make the console run this command when a player ranks up)
#- PLAYER:RANKUP:say player rankup (this will make the player run this command when that player ranks up)
#- CONSOLE:PRESTIGE:say console prestige (this will make the console run this command when a player prestiges)
#- PLAYER:PRESTIGE:say player prestige (this will make the player run this command when that player prestiges)
#- PLAYER:B:say I ranked up to rank B (this will make the player run this command when they rank up to rank B)
#- CONSOLE:P2:say %PLAYER% prestiged to P2 (this will make the console run this command when a player prestiges to P2)
gui: # How should the GUI be made
  size: 9 # The size of the GUI. Must be a multiple of nine.
  'yes': # Options specifying the 'yes i want to rankup' block
    material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE:5
    lore: ' '
    index: 0-3
    name: '&a&lOnayla'
  'no': # Options specifying the 'no i don't want to rankup - cancel' block
    material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE:14
    lore: ' '
    index: 5-8
    name: '&c&lİptal Et'
  fill: # What block we should use to fill the spaces in the GUI
    name: ' '
    lore: ' '
    material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE:15
  name: '%RANK% Rütbesine Atla!' # The name of the GUI at the top (cannot be longer than 32 characters or an error will be thrown)
  currentRankCostFormat: '0.00'
  nextRankCostFormat: '0.00'
  useShortening: true # Whether we should shorten rank prices (eg turn $1000 into $1k)
  - k
  - M
  - B
  - T
  percentDoneFormat: '#.##'
  percentLeftFormat: '#.##'
  allowNegativePercent: false
  highestRank: 'None' # What should be used as a placeholder for ranks above the highest rank


Odunlara Vur Vur Vur!
12 Ağustos 2018
Rütbe eklentisi olarak bunu kullan, örnek config dosyası ve rütbe kuponu skripti aşağıda.
    p: §3MottoX §8»
    dusmesansi: 100
    kuponisim: §dRütbe Kuponu
    kuponlore: §eRütbe atlayabilmen için gerekli olan bir kağıt parçası.
    kuponbuldun: §eKömür kazarken §61 §eadet §dRütbe Kuponu §ebuldun!
    kuponyok: §eRütbe atlayabilmek için §61 §eadet §dRütbe Kuponu §egerek.  
on break of coal_ore:
    chance of {@dusmesansi}%:
        give 1 paper named "{@kuponisim}" with lore "{@kuponlore}" to player
        send "{@p} {@kuponbuldun}" to player
on command "rankup":
    if player have 1 paper named "{@kuponisim}" with lore "{@kuponlore}":
        remove 1 paper named "{@kuponisim}" with lore "{@kuponlore}" from player's inventory
        cancel event
        send "{@p} {@kuponyok}" to player
# Rankup configuration file.
# Created by: Okx
# All rights reserved.

ranks: # Defines ranks and their prices
- Oyuncu:0
- rütbe1:50000
- rütbe2:100000
- rütbe3:250000
prestige: # Defines prestige ranks and their prices
- P1:100000
- P2:200000
  noMoneyToRankup: '&3MottoX &8» &eRütbe atlayabilmek için yeterli miktarda paran bulunmamakta!'
  highestRank: '&3MottoX &8» &eSon rütbeye ulaşmışsın.' # Sent when the player cannot rankup anymore and prestiging is off
  highestRankToPrestige: '&aYou need to prestige to get to a higher rank!' # Sent when the player cannot rankup but can prestige
  successfullRankupPrivate: '&3MottoX &8» &EBaşarıyla &a%RANK% &Erütbesine yükseldin!' # Sent to the player when the player successfully runs /rankup
  successfullRankupPublic: '&3MottoX &8» &a%PLAYER% &Ebaşarıyla &d%RANK% &erütbesine yükseldi!' # Sent to everyone on the server when someone ranks up (configurable)
  successfullPrestigePrivate: '&aYou successfully prestiged up to: &d%RANK%' # Sent to the player when the player successfully runs /prestige
  successfullPrestigePublic: '&a%PLAYER% &esuccessfully prestiged up to: &d%RANK%' # Sent to everyone on the server when someone prestiges (configurable)
  notInLadder: '&3MottoX &8» &7Şu an bulunduğun rütbe, rütbe listesinde bulunmamakta!' # Sent to the player when they are not in a group specified in ranks
  listRanks: # Configures how ranks are listed
    default: "&3MottoX &8» &a%OLDRANK% &8> &a%RANK% &b%AMOUNT%"
    complete: "&3MottoX &8» &a%RANK% &B%AMOUNT%"
    inProgress: "&3MottoX &8» &a%OLDRANK% &8> &a%RANK% &b%AMOUNT% &8[&c%PERCENTDONE%%&8]"
    custom: # This section should only be needed for very advanced configurations (this can be used for headers)
      A: "&rA &e\xbb &r%RANK% &efor &r%AMOUNT%"
        overrideComplete: false
        overrideInProgress: false
        overrideDefault: true
  rankTooLowToPrestige: '&cYou cannot prestige to %RANK%, your rank isn''t high enough' # Sent to a player when they cannot prestige
  noMoneyToPrestige: '&cYou cannot prestige to %RANK%, you need %AMOUNTTOTAL%' # Sent to the player when they don't have enough moolah to prestige
  highestPrestigeGroup: '&aGood work! You are at the highest prestige rank (%RANK%)!' # Sent to the plaer when they attempt to prestige but cannot
  noPrestigeRank: none # Placeholder for when a player hasn't prestiged
  publicMessage: true # Should we send the message successfullRankupPublic?
  publicPrestigeMessage: true # Should we send the message successfullPrestigePublic?
  removePointZero: true # Should we remove the .0 at the end of prices?
  prestigeDisabled: false # Should we disable prestiging?
  prestigeToRank: A # When someone prestiges, what rank should we set them to
  prestigeAtRanks: D # At what rank can someone prestige? (can be multiple ranks, eg if you write D,E)
  prestigeRankMultiplier: 1.5 # Multiply the rankup prices by this when someone prestiges (set to 1 to disable) (do not set to less than 1)
  prestigeChangeRank: true # You should leave this at true
runCommands: {} # These are some examples of what you can do with runCommands. They are commented out so they don't run. Remove the {} when you want to add a command
#- CONSOLE:RANKUP:say console rankup (this will make the console run this command when a player ranks up)
#- PLAYER:RANKUP:say player rankup (this will make the player run this command when that player ranks up)
#- CONSOLE:PRESTIGE:say console prestige (this will make the console run this command when a player prestiges)
#- PLAYER:PRESTIGE:say player prestige (this will make the player run this command when that player prestiges)
#- PLAYER:B:say I ranked up to rank B (this will make the player run this command when they rank up to rank B)
#- CONSOLE:P2:say %PLAYER% prestiged to P2 (this will make the console run this command when a player prestiges to P2)
gui: # How should the GUI be made
  size: 9 # The size of the GUI. Must be a multiple of nine.
  'yes': # Options specifying the 'yes i want to rankup' block
    material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE:5
    lore: ' '
    index: 0-3
    name: '&a&lOnayla'
  'no': # Options specifying the 'no i don't want to rankup - cancel' block
    material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE:14
    lore: ' '
    index: 5-8
    name: '&c&lİptal Et'
  fill: # What block we should use to fill the spaces in the GUI
    name: ' '
    lore: ' '
    material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE:15
  name: '%RANK% Rütbesine Atla!' # The name of the GUI at the top (cannot be longer than 32 characters or an error will be thrown)
  currentRankCostFormat: '0.00'
  nextRankCostFormat: '0.00'
  useShortening: true # Whether we should shorten rank prices (eg turn $1000 into $1k)
  - k
  - M
  - B
  - T
  percentDoneFormat: '#.##'
  percentLeftFormat: '#.##'
  allowNegativePercent: false
  highestRank: 'None' # What should be used as a placeholder for ranks above the highest rank
düşme şansını 0.09 yapıyorum fakat düşmüyor nasıl 1in altında yapıcaz düşme şansını ?




Odunlara Vur Vur Vur!
12 Ağustos 2018
Mesaj gönderimine kapalı.
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