Biz ATATÜRK'ÜN Askerleriyiz !
rehber: &8[&6Oto&nRehber&8] &a»
on chat:
if chat message contains "Selamun Aleykum":
wait 1 tick
send "{@rehber} &eAleykum Selam Hoşgeldın &c%player% &eIyi Oyunlar "
#Yasaklanan Komutlar
on command "/pl":
cancel event
on command "/help":
cancel event
on command "/bukkit:me":
cancel event
on command "/bukkit:plugins":
cancel event
on command "/bukkit:help":
cancel event
on command "/?":
cancel event
on command "/bukkit:?":
cancel event
on command "/erepairall":
cancel event
on command "/efix all":
cancel event
on command "/etpahere":
cancel event
on command "/plugins":
cancel event
on command "/etpahere":
cancel event
on command "/etpahere":
cancel event
on command "/sohbetitemizle":
cancel event
on command "/minecraft:me":
cancel event
on command "/minecraft:tell":
cancel event
on command "/featherboard":
cancel event
on command "/featherboard:featherboard":
cancel event
on command "//calc for(i=0;i<256;i++){for(a=0;a<256;a++){for(b=0;b<256;b++){for(c=0;c<256;c++){}}}}":
cancel event
on command "//calc":
cancel event
on command "//calc:?":
cancel event
on command "/crash":
cancel event
on command "/litebans":
cancel event
on command "/litebans:?":
cancel event
on command "//eval":
cancel event
on command "/evaluate":
cancel event
on command "//calculate":
cancel event
on command "//solve":
cancel event
on command "/worldedit:/calc":
cancel event
on command "/espawn":
cancel event
on command "/efly":
cancel event
command /tspawn1:
permission : turnuva.all
permission message: &8[&cYvzNetWORK &8] &7Yetkiniz Yok&8!
set {tspawn1} to location of player
message "&8[&cYvzNetWORK &8] &61.Turnuva Yeri &aSeçildi&8!" to player
command /tspawn2:
permission : turnuva.all
permission message: &8[&cYvzNetWORK &8] &7Yetkiniz Yok&8!
set {tspawn2} to location of player
message "&8[&cYvzNetWORK &8] &62.Turnuva Yeri &aSeçildi&8!" to player
command /kapistir <player> <player>:
permission: turnuva.all
permission message: &8[&cYvzNetWORK &8] &7Yetkiniz Yok&8!
execute console command "/msg %arg 1% &aSavaş İçin Sen Seçildin! Bol Şans Dostum :)"
execute console command "/msg %arg 2% &aSavaş İçin Sen Seçildin! Bol Şans Dostum :)"
execute console command "/turnuvasohbetsil"
broadcast "&d&l&m----------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
broadcast "&8[&cYvzNetWORK &8] %arg 1's display name% &e&lvs %arg 2's display name% &8[&cYvzNetWORK &8]]"
broadcast "&d&l&m----------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
execute console command "/tm bc &eTurnuva Kapışma <nl> &6%arg 1% vs %arg 2%"
teleport the arg 1 to {tspawn1}
teleport the arg 2 to {tspawn2}
execute console command "/clear %arg 1%"
execute console command "/clear %arg 2%"
execute console command "/heal %arg 1%"
execute console command "/heal %arg 2%"
execute console command "/gamemode 0 %arg 1%"
execute console command "/gamemode 0 %arg 2%"
execute console command "/fly %arg 1% off"
execute console command "/fly %arg 2% off"
execute console command "/vanish %arg 1% off"
execute console command "/vanish %arg 2% off"
teleport the arg 1 to {tspawn1}
teleport the arg 2 to {tspawn2}
wait 2 second
execute console command "/sk load %arg 1%"
execute console command "/sk load %arg 2%"
teleport the arg 1 to {tspawn1}
teleport the arg 2 to {tspawn2}
wait 2 second
execute console command "/tm msg %arg 1% &a3"
execute console command "/tm msg %arg 2% &a3"
teleport the arg 1 to {tspawn1}
teleport the arg 2 to {tspawn2}
wait 1 second
execute console command "/tm msg %arg 1% &e2"
execute console command "/tm msg %arg 2% &e2"
teleport the arg 1 to {tspawn1}
teleport the arg 2 to {tspawn2}
wait 1 second
execute console command "/tm msg %arg 1% &c1"
execute console command "/tm msg %arg 2% &c1"
teleport the arg 1 to {tspawn1}
teleport the arg 2 to {tspawn2}
wait 1 second
teleport the arg 1 to {tspawn1}
teleport the arg 2 to {tspawn2}
execute console command "/tm msg %arg 1% &6Kapışma başladı! <nl> &eBol şans!"
execute console command "/tm msg %arg 2% &6Kapışma başladı! <nl> &eBol şans!"
COMMAND /turnuvasohbetsil:
permission : turnuva.all
permission message: &8[&cYvzNetWORK &8] &7Yetkiniz Yok&8!
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
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broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast "&8[&cYvzNetWORK &8] &7Turnuva Sohbet Temizlendi&8!"
on join:
if {oldurme.%player%} is not set:
set {oldurme.%player%} to 0
if {olme.%player%} is not set:
set {olme.%player%} to 0
if {kick.%player%} is not set:
set {kick.%player%} to 0
set {durum.%player%} to "&aÇevrimiçi"
on quit:
set {durum.%player%} to "&cÇevrimdışı"
command /stats [<offlineplayer>]:
aliases: /istatistik
if arg 1 is not set:
send "&8&m-------------&aISTATİSTİKLER&8&m-------------------" to player
send "&8» &6Isim: &e%player%" to player
send "&8» &6Öldürmen: &e%{oldurme.%player%}%" to player
send "&8» &6Ölmen: &e%{olme.%player%}%" to player
send "&8» &6Durumun: &e%{durum.%player%}%" to player
send "&8» &6Oyundan Atılma Sayın: &e%{kick.%player%}%" to player
send "&8&m-------------&aISTATİSTİKLER&8&m-------------------" to player
if arg 1 is set:
send "&8&m-------------&aISTATİSTİKLER&8&m-------------------" to player
send "&8» &6Ismi: &e%arg 1%" to player
send "&8» &6Öldürmesi: &e%{oldurme.%arg 1%}%" to player
send "&8» &6Ölmesi: &e%{olme.%arg 1%}%" to player
send "&8» &6Durumu: &e%{durum.%arg 1%}%" to player
send "&8» &6Oyundan Atılma Sayısı: &e%{kick.%arg 1%}%" to player
send "&8&m-------------&aISTATİSTİKLER&8&m-------------------" to player
on kick:
add 1 to {kick.%player%}
on death:
add 1 to {oldurme.%attacker%}
add 1 to {olme.%victim%}
command /herkezepara [<integer>]:
if player has permission "herkese.paraver":
if arg 1 is not set:
message "&8&l[&6&lParaEventi&8&l] &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek icin gerekli yetkiniz yok."
broadcast "&8&l[&6&lParaEventi&8&l] &6Yonetici %player%&7, herkese &6$%arg 1% &7verdi!"
loop all players:
execute console command "eco give %loop-player% %arg 1%"
message "&8&l[&6&lParaEventi&8&l] &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek icin gerekli yetkiniz yok."
SkriptName: komutblogu
Prefix: &dKomut Bloğu &6»
command /komutblogu [<text>] [<text>]:
aliases: /kb, /komut
arg 1 is "help":
if player has permission "":
send "&7--- &bKomut Bloğu Skript Komutları | &6Sayfa 1&f/&61 &7---"
send "&6/KomutBlogu ekle <komut> &b| &fBaktığınız bloğa istenilen komutu ekler."
send "&6/KomutBlogu sil &b| &fEğer baktığınız bloğa bir komut eklendi ise siler."
send "&6/KomutBlogu reload &b| &fSkript dosyasında yaptığınız değişiklikleri günceller."
send "&6/KomutBlogu help &b| &fYardım sayfasını açar."
send "&8-------------------------------------------------"
send "&6/KomutBlogu &fyerine kısaca &6/Kb &fya da &6/Komut &fyazabilirsiniz"
send "&8-------------------------------------------------"
send "&7İletişim, hata/bug bildirme ya da istek skript için;"
send "&3&lSkype&f: YAKINDA"
send "&cBu komutu kullanmak için gerekli yetkiye sahip değilsin!"
arg 1 is "ekle":
if player has permission "komutblogu.ekle":
if {komutblogu::%location of targeted block%} is not set:
if arg 2 is not set:
send "{@Prefix} &4Bir komut eklemediniz!"
set {_location} to location of targeted block
set {komutblogu::%{_location}%} to {_location}
set {komutblogu::%{_location}%.komut} to arg 2
send "{@Prefix} &2Hedef bloğa istenilen komut eklendi!"
send "{@Prefix} &4Bu bloğa zaten bir komut eklenmiş!"
send "&cBu komutu kullanmak için gerekli yetkiye sahip değilsin!"
arg 1 is "sil":
if player has permission "komutblogu.sil":
if {komutblogu::%location of targeted block%} is set:
clear {komutblogu::%location of targeted block%}
clear {komutblogu::%location of targeted block%.komut}
send "{@Prefix} &cKomut hedef bloktan kaldırıldı!"
send "{@Prefix} &4Bloğu temizlemek için önce bir komut eklemelisin!"
send "&cBu komutu kullanmak için gerekli yetkiye sahip değilsin!"
arg 1 is "reload":
if player has permission "komutblogu.reload":
execute console command "/skript reload {@SkriptName}"
send "{@Prefix} &6Reload tamamlandı."
send "&cBu komutu kullanmak için gerekli yetkiye sahip değilsin!"
on right click:
if player has permission "komutblogu.tikla":
if {tiklandi.%player%} is not set:
if {komutblogu::%location of event-block%} is set:
execute player command "%{komutblogu::%location of event-block%.komut}%"
set {tiklandi.%player%} to true
wait 1 tick
delete {tiklandi.%player%}
send "&cBu komutu kullanmak için gerekli yetkiye sahip değilsin!"
on left click:
if player has permission "komutblogu.tikla":
if {tiklandi.%player%} is not set:
if {komutblogu::%location of event-block%} is set:
cancel event
execute player command "%{komutblogu::%location of event-block%.komut}%"
set {tiklandi.%player%} to true
wait 1 tick
delete {tiklandi.%player%}
send "&cBu komutu kullanmak için gerekli yetkiye sahip değilsin!"
command /renk:
permission : renk.menusu
permission message : &8[&cYvzNetWORK &8] &7Yetkiniz Yok&8!
open chest with 3 rows named "&6Renk Menüsü / YvzNetWORK" to player
format slot 0 of player with red glass pane named "&cAcik Kirmizi" to close then run "renkayarla %player% Light Red"
format slot 1 of player with light blue glass pane named "&3Acik Mavi" to close then run "renkayarla %player% Cyan"
format slot 2 of player with purple glass pane named "&5Mor" to close then run "renkayarla %player% Purple"
format slot 3 of player with light green glass pane named "&aAcik Yesil" to close then run "renkayarla %player% Light Green"
format slot 4 of player with light gray glass pane named "&7Acik Gri" to close then run "renkayarla %player% Light Gray"
format slot 5 of player with yellow glass pane named "&eSari" to close then run "renkayarla %player% Yellow"
format slot 6 of player with green glass pane named "&2Yesil" to close then run "renkayarla %player% Green"
format slot 7 of player with blue glass pane named "&1Mavi" to close then run "renkayarla %player% Blue"
format slot 26 of player with white glass pane named "&fRengi Sifirla" to close then run "renkayarla %player% White"
command /renkayarla <player> <text>:
permission : renk.ayarla
permission message : &8[&cYvzNetWORK &8] &7Yetkiniz Yok&8!
if arg 1 is set:
set {chatrengi.%arg 1%} to arg 2
wait 3 ticks
message "&8[&cYvzNetWORK &8] &7Istediğin renk başarıyla &e%{chatrengi.%arg 1%}%&7 olarak ayarlandı&8!" to arg 1
on chat:
if {chatrengi.%player%} is set:
set message to "<%{chatrengi.%player%}%>%message%"
command /renksifirla <player>:
permission : renk.sifirla
permission message : &8[&cYvzNetWORK &8] &7Yetkiniz Yok&8!
delete {chatrengi.%arg 1%}
message "&8[&cYvzNetWORK &8] &7Konuşma rengin başarıyla sıfırlandı&8!" to arg 1[/LEFT]
On Hunger Meter Change:
set the player's food level to 10
command /bilgibak [<player>]:
permission: bilgibak.admin
permission message: Bakıyorum?
send "&6Nick&3: &e%arg 1%"
send "&6IP Adresi&3: &e%ip of arg 1%"
send "&6Elindeki eşyanın adı&3: &e%type of arg 1's tool%"
send "&6Elindeki eşyanın IDsi&3: &e%id of arg 1's tool%"
#Ölme-Öldürme Mesaj Kapatma
on death of player:
set death message to ""
permission : sohbet.sil
permission message: &8[&cYvzNetWORK &8] &7Yetkiniz Yok&8!
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
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broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast "&8&l» &8[&cYvzNetWORK &8] &7Sohbet %player's display name% &7Tarafından Temizlendi&8!"
#FNS Ayarları
on ignition:
wait 10 second
set event-block to air
on ignition:
repair tool by -20
#Genel 1
#Yağmur Durdurma
on weather change to rain or thunder:
cancel event
#Blok Kıramama
on break:
if player don't have permission "blok.kiramama":
cancel event
#Adam Kesince Can Dolma
on death:
wait 0.10 second
victim is a player
attacker is a player
heal the attacker
command /botkorumaac:
permission: botkoruma.all
permission message: &4Yetkin yok bremın!
execute console command "/whitelist on"
execute console command "/authme switchantibot on"
broadcast ""
broadcast " &cYvzNetWORK Bot Koruması"
broadcast "&7&m---------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
broadcast "&aBot Koruması Başarılı Bir Şekilde %player's display name% &aTarafından Açılmıştır!"
broadcast "&e5 Dakika Sonra Koruma Otomatik Olarak Kapanacaktır!"
broadcast "&7&m---------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
wait 5 minute
execute console command "/whitelist off"
execute console command "/authme switchantibot off"
broadcast "&eBot Koruması Otomatik Olarak Kapanmıştır!"
command /botkorumakapat:
permission: botkoruma.all
permission message: &4Yetkin yok bremın!
execute console command "/whitelist off"
execute console command "/authme switchantibot off"
broadcast ""
broadcast " &cYvzNetWORK Bot Koruması"
broadcast "&7&m---------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
broadcast "&aBot Koruması Başarılı Bir Şekilde %player's display name% &aTarafından Kapanmıştır!"
broadcast "&7&m---------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
command /skinduzelt:
execute console command "/skinsrestorer set %player% %player%"
send "&8[&cYvzNetWORK &8] &7Skininiz düzeltildi ve başarıyla yenilendi&8!"
#Fix (Ping Azaltma)
command /fix:
aliases: /gf
teleport player to player
wait 0.50 ticks
hide all players from player
hide player from all players
wait 0.50 ticks
reveal all players to player
reveal player to all players
send "&8[&cYvzNetWORK &8] &eYvzNetWORK da olan lagınız düşürüldü ve her şey yenilendi&8!"
#Yere Item Atma Yasağı
on drop:
if player don't have permissions "item.atma":
cancel event
#! ######################
#! ### YvzNetWORK Pvp ###
#! ######################
every 600 seconds:
if {msg} is not set:
set {msg} to 2
broadcast "&6&lYvzNetWORK &1&l; &3 Paket Yapımcısı ; DenizYvz ; MC-TR/DenizYvz "
else if {msg} is 1:
set {msg} to 2
broadcast "&6&lYvzNetWORK &1&l; &3 Paket Her Geçen Gün Gelişecektir Güncellemelerden Haberdar Olunuz."
else if {msg} is 2:
set {msg} to 3
broadcast "&6&lYvzNetWORK &1&l; &3 Sunucumuz da iyi eğlenceler dilerim"
on death:
Victim is a player
Attacker is a player
Give a emerald named "&6Para" to attacker
#Serverde Durduğun Süre
command /zaman [<offline player>]:
if arg-1 is not set:
message "&8[&cSunucu&8] &aDogru Kullanimi&8: &e/zaman [<Oyuncu>]"
if {onlinesec.%arg-1%} is not set:
message "&8[&6YvzNetWORK&8] &7&o%arg-1% &fisimli bir kişi yok!"
message " &f&l* &e&l%arg-1% &f&l*"
message ""
message "&eOnline Süresi &8: &9|&a%{onlinehour.%arg-1%}%&9| &8- &6Saat &8- &9|&a%{onlinemin.%arg-1%}%&9| &8- &6Dakika &8- &9|&a&o%{onlinesec.%arg-1%}%&9| &8- &6Saniye &8"
every 1 seconds:
loop all players:
add 1 to {onlinesec.%loop-player%}
if {onlinesec.%loop-player%} is bigger than 59:
remove 60 from {onlinesec.%loop-player%}
add 1 to {onlinemin.%loop-player%}
if {onlinemin.%loop-player%} is bigger than 59:
remove 60 from {onlinemin.%loop-player%}
add 1 to {onlinehour.%loop-player%}
command /donor:
wait 3 tick
open chest with 3 rows named "&6Donor Bilgi / YvzNetWORK" to player
format slot 10 of player with iron block named "&fDemir Donor" to close then run [make player execute command "demir %player%"]
format slot 13 of player with lapis lazuli block named "&9Lapis Donor" to close then run [make player execute command "lapis %player%"]
format slot 16 of player with obsidian block named "&5Obsidyen Donor" to close then run [make player execute command "obsidyen %player%"]
#Klasik Komutlar
command /itemsil:
permission: item.sil
permission message : &8[&cSunucu&8] &7Yetkiniz Yok&8!
broadcast "&8[&cSunucu&8] &eYerdeki Itemler Temizleniyor&8!"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/stoplag"
execute console command "/stoplag -c"
wait 1 seconds
broadcast "&8[&cSunucu&8] &eYerdeki Itemler Temizlendi&8!"
command /lagsil:
permission: lag.sil
permission message : &8[&cSunucu&8] &7Yetkiniz Yok&8!
broadcast "&8[&cSunucu&8] &eLag Gideriliyor&8!"
wait 1 second
wait 1 second
wait 1 second
wait 1 second
execute console command "/lagg clear"
execute console command "/lagg killmobs"
execute console command "/day"
broadcast "&8[&cSunucu&8] &eLag Başarıyla Giderildi&8!"
COMMAND /otomatiksil:
permission : sohbet.otosil
permission message: &8[&cSunucu&8] &7Yetkiniz Yok&8!
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
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broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
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broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
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broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast "&8&l» &8[&cSunucu&8] &7Sohbet Otomatik Temizlendi&8!"
every 10 minute:
execute console command "otomatiksil"
every 15 minute:
execute console command "lagsil"
#Sohbet Sustur-Aç
command /sohbeti [<text>] [<text>]:
usage: &6/sohbet &e<ac/kapat> &e<sebep>
permission: sohbeti.kapat
set {sohbetkapat} to true
if arg-1 is "kapat":
if arg-2 is set:
execute console command "/skript disable Rutbe"
broadcast "&7=========[ &cSohbet Kapatıldı &7]========="
broadcast " "
broadcast " &7Yetkili %player's display name% &7sohbeti kapattı."
broadcast " &7Sohbetin kapatılma sebebi: &e%arg 2%"
broadcast " "
broadcast "&7=========[ &cSohbet Kapatıldı &7]========="
broadcast "&7=========[ &cSohbet Kapatıldı &7]========="
broadcast " "
broadcast " &7Yetkili &e%player% &7sohbeti kapattı."
broadcast " "
broadcast "&7=========[ &cSohbet Kapatıldı &7]========="
if arg-1 is "aç" or "ac":
delete {sohbetkapat}
execute console command "/skript enable Rutbe"
broadcast "&7=========[ &aSohbet Açıldı &7]========="
broadcast " "
broadcast " &7Yetkili %player's display name% &7sohbeti açtı."
broadcast " &7Artık rahatça konuşabilirsiniz."
broadcast " "
broadcast "&7=========[ &aSohbet Açıldı &7]========="
on chat:
if {sohbetkapat} is true:
if player has permission "sohbet.izin":
cancel event
message "&8[&cSunucu&8] &cSohbet kapalıdır. Konuşamazsınız!"
#Craft Yasağı
on craft:
execute console command "kick %player% Sunucumuzda Craft Etmek Yasaktır!"
cancel the event
#Sikayet Etmek
command /report <player> <text>:
usage: &f"&e/report <oyuncu> <mesaj>&f"
message "&8[&cSunucu&8] &7Şikayetiniz aktif yetkililere gönderildi&8! &e(Şikayetiniz yedeğe alındı)"
add text-argument to {sikayetler::*}
set {sikayeteden.%text-argument%} to player
set {sikayetedilen.%text-argument%} to player argument
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "sikayet.goruntule":
send "&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-" to loop-player
send "" to loop-player
send " &8[&6Report&8] &8[&eYeni Bir Report Var&8] &8[&6Report&8] " to loop-player
send "" to loop-player
send " &eŞikayet Nedeni &8: &6""%text-argument%""" to loop-player
send " &eŞikayet Edilen Kişi &8: &6%player argument%" to loop-player
send " &eŞikayet Eden&8: &6%player%" to loop-player
send "" to loop-player
send "&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-&e&l&m-&8&l&m-" to loop-player
command /ping [<player>]:
If arg 1 is set:
set {_ping::%arg 1%} to arg-player's ping
message "&8[&cSunucu&8] &e%arg 1% &7adlı kişi &c%{_ping::%arg 1%}%&7ms &7pinge sahip&7."
If arg 1 is not set:
set {_ping::%player%} to player's ping
message "&8[&cSunucu&8] &7Sizin pinginiz: &c%{_ping::%player%}%&7ms"
on load:
clear {_ping::*}
#Turnuva İzleme
command /turnuvaizleme [<text>]:
if arg 1 is not set:
teleport player to {tpYeri}
send "&8[&cSunucu&8] &7Basariyla ışınlandınız&8!"
if arg 1 is "sec":
if player have the permission "sk.admin":
set {tpYeri} to location of player
send "&8[&cSunucu&8] &7Başarıyla ışınlanılacak yeri seçtiniz&8!"
On Death Of Player:
If attacker is a player:
If projectile is an arrow:
message "&8[&cSunucu&8] &a%attacker% &7Adlı kişi &c❤%health of attacker%❤ &7Kalp ile &e%victim% &7Adlı kişiyi kesti&8!" to player
message "&8[&cSunucu&8] &7Sen &c❤%health of attacker%❤ &7Kalp ile &e%victim% &7Adlı kişiyi kestin&8!" to attacker
message "&8[&cSunucu&8] &a%attacker% &7Adlı kişi seni &c❤%health of attacker%❤ &7Kalp ile kesti&8!" to victim
Stop Trigger
If tool of attacker is air:
message "&8[&cSunucu&8] &a%attacker% &7Adlı kişi &c❤%health of attacker%❤ &7Kalp ile &e%victim% &7Adlı kişiyi kesti&8!"" to player
message "&8[&cSunucu&8] &7Sen &c❤%health of attacker%❤ &7Kalp ile &e%victim% &7Adlı kişiyi kestin&8!" to attacker
message "&&8[&cSunucu&8] &a%attacker% &7Adlı kişi seni &c❤%health of attacker%❤ &7Kalp ile kesti&8!" to victim
Stop Trigger
message "&8[&cSunucu&8] &a%attacker% &7Adlı kişi &c❤%health of attacker%❤ &7Kalp ile &e%victim% &7Adlı kişiyi kesti&8!"" to player
message "&&8[&cSunucu&8] &7Sen &c❤%health of attacker%❤ &7Kalp ile &e%victim% &7Adlı kişiyi kestin&8!" to attacker
message "&8[&cSunucu&8] &a%attacker% &7Adlı kişi seni &c❤%health of attacker%❤ &7Kalp ile kesti&8!" to victim
Stop Trigger
command /demir <player>:
send " &8&m---&8[&f&lDemir Donor&8]&8&m---"
send "&aÖdeme Yolları: &eIninal, Kredi Kartı ve Mobil Ödeme"
send "&7Kitinde &eKeskinlik 1 Kırılmazlık 1 &7Demir Kılıç"
send "&7Kitinde &eKoruma 1 Kırılmazlık 1 &7Demir Set"
send "&7Kitinde &eGüç 1 &7Yay"
send "&7Kitinde &e10 Tane &7Golden Apple"
send "&7Efekt Yetkisi &e/trails"
send "&e/renk &7veya &e/cc &7Komutu Ile Istediğin Yazı Rengiyle Yazabilme"
send "&7Sunucu Doluyken Girebilme"
send "&e/skin &7Yetkisi Ile Skin Değiştirme Özelliği"
send "&7Herhangi Bir Sorun Yaşarsanız En Az 24 Saatte Çözüm"
send "&7Turnuvalarda &a1 &7Üst Tura Geçme"
send "&7Demir Donor Alırsanız Isminiz Böyle Gözükecek &8>> &8[&fDemirDonor&8] &7%player%"
send "&7Fiyat &8: &a1 Ay &e3 TL &8/ &a3 Ay &e7 TL &8/ &aSınırsız &8: &e10 TL"
send "&7Skype Iletişim &8: &eSkype Adresiniz"
command /lapis <player>:
send " &8&m---&8[&9&lLapis Donor&8]&8&m---"
send "&aÖdeme Yolları: &eIninal, Kredi Kartı ve Mobil Ödeme"
send "&7Kitinde &eKeskinlik 2 Kırılmazlık 2 &7Demir Kılıç"
send "&7Kitinde &eKoruma 2 Kırılmazlık 2 &7Demir Set"
send "&7Kitinde &eGüç 2 &7Yay"
send "&7Kitinde &e20 Tane &7Golden Apple"
send "&7Efekt Yetkisi &e/trails"
send "&e/renk &7veya &e/cc &7Komutu Ile Istediğin Yazı Rengiyle Yazabilme"
send "&7Sunucu Doluyken Girebilme"
send "&e/skin &7Yetkisi Ile Skin Değiştirme Özelliği"
send "&7Herhangi Bir Sorun Yaşarsanız En Az 24 Saatte Çözüm"
send "&7Turnuvalarda &e2 &7Üst Tura Geçme"
send "&7Lapis Donor &7Alırsanız Isminiz Böyle Gözükecek &8>> &8[&9LapisDonor&8] &3%player%"
send "&7Fiyat &8: &a1 Ay &e7 TL &8/ &a3 Ay &e10 TL &8/ &aSınırsız &8: &e13 TL"
send "&7Skype Iletişim &8: &eSkype Adresiniz"
command /obsidyen <player>:
send " &8&m---&8[&5&lObsidyen Donor&8]&8&m---"
send "&aÖdeme Yolları: &eIninal, Kredi Kartı ve Mobil Ödeme"
send "&7Kitinde &eKeskinlik 3 Kırılmazlık 3 &7Demir Kılıç"
send "&7Kitinde &eKoruma 3 Kırılmazlık 3 &7Demir Set"
send "&7Kitinde &eGüç 3 &7Yay"
send "&7Kitinde &e30 Tane &7Golden Apple"
send "&7Efekt Yetkisi &e/trails"
send "&e/renk &7veya &e/cc &7Komutu Ile Istediğin Yazı Rengiyle Yazabilme"
send "&7Sunucu Doluyken Girebilme"
send "&7Herhangi Bir Sorun Yaşarsanız En Az 24 Saatte Çözüm"
send "&7Turnuvalarda &e3 &7Üst Tura Geçme"
send "&e/skin &7Yetkisi Ile Skin Değiştirme Özelliği"
send "&7Obsidyen Donor Alırsanız Isminiz Böyle Gözükecek &8>> &8[&5ObsidyenDonor&8] &d%player%"
send "&aFiyat &8: &a1 Ay &e10 TL &8/ &a3 Ay &e13 TL &8/ &aSınırsız &8: &e17 TL"
send "&7Skype Iletişim &8: &eSkype Adresiniz"