Skript in Kurulumu İçin Videomuzu İzleyebilirsiniz.
prefix: &8»
g1: &eSon &c❶ &eSaniye
g2: &eSon &c❷ &eSaniye
g3: &eSon &c❸ &eSaniye
g4: &eSon &c❹ &eSaniye
g5: &eSon &c❺ &eSaniye
g6: &eSon &c➓ &eSaniye
g7: &cDikkat
g8: &eSon &c30 &eSaniye &c/warp Banka
g9: &eSon &c60 &eSaniye &c/warp Banka
g10: &ePolislerin Gelmesine Son &c❶ &eSaniye
g11: &ePolislerin Gelmesine Son &c❷ &eSaniye
g12: &ePolislerin Gelmesine Son &c❸ &eSaniye
g13: &ePolislerin Gelmesine Son &c❹ &eSaniye
g14: &ePolislerin Gelmesine Son &c❺ &eSaniye
g15: &ePolisler Geldi Kasada Olanlar Tutuklandı.
s1: &bBanka Soygunu Başlıyor.
s2: &eKapak Açılıyıyor.
s3: &eKapak Kapandı.
s4: &ePolise İhbar Edildiniz!
command /soygunSpawn:
permission: soygun.admin
set {soygunspawn} to player's location
message "&8 » &6Soygun Spawn ayarlandı."
command /Soygunevent:
permission: soygun.admin
permission message: &cBu Komutu Kullanabilmek İçin Gerekli Yetkiye Sahip Degilsiniz.
if {soygun} is true:
set {soygun} to false
send "&6&l» &e Kasanın Kapağı Kapandı."
set {soygun} to true
send "&6&l» &e Kasanın Kapağı Açılıyor Hazırlan."
if {soygun} is true:
send players title "{@prefix} {@s1}" with subtitle "{@g9}" for 5 seconds
wait 30 second
send players title "{@prefix} {@s1}" with subtitle "{@g8}" for 5 seconds
wait 20 second
send players title "{@prefix} {@g6}" with subtitle "{@s1}"
wait 5 second
send players title "{@prefix} {@g5}" with subtitle "{@s1}"
wait 5 second
send players title "{@prefix} {@g4}" with subtitle "{@s1}"
wait 1 second
send players title "{@prefix} {@g3}" with subtitle "{@s1}"
wait 1 second
send players title "{@prefix} {@g2}" with subtitle "{@s1}"
wait 1 second
send players title "{@prefix} {@g1}" with subtitle "{@s1}"
wait 1 second
send players title "{@prefix} {@g7}" with subtitle "{@s2}"
wait 3 second
execute player command "rg sel kapak"
execute player command "//set 0"
execute player command "rg sel kasa"
execute player command "rg flag kasa build allow"
wait 20 second
execute player command "rg select kasa"
execute player command "rg flag kasa build deny"
execute player command "rg sel kapak"
execute player command "//set 167"
wait 1 second
send players title "{@prefix} {@g7}" with subtitle "{@s4}"
wait 1 second
send players title "{@prefix} {@g7}" with subtitle "{@g14}"
wait 1 second
send players title "{@prefix} {@g7}" with subtitle "{@g13}"
wait 1 second
send players title "{@prefix} {@g7}" with subtitle "{@g12}"
wait 1 second
send players title "{@prefix} {@g7}" with subtitle "{@g11}"
wait 1 second
send players title "{@prefix} {@g7}" with subtitle "{@g15}"
if {soygun} is true:
set {soygun} to false
send "&6&l» &e Kasanın Kapağı Kapandı."
on walking on iron block or stone brick or gold block:
if "%region at player%" contains "soygun":
if {soygun} is false:
teleport player to {soygunspawn}
send " &7» &ePolisler Seni Yakaladı Hapise Atılıyorsun." to player
wait 1 second
execute console command "jail %player% 1 30"
on left click on gold block:
if "%region at player%" contains "soygun":
if {soygun} is true:
cancel event
set block to air
set {_x} to random integer between 1 and 800
add {_x} to player's balance
send "&7» &e%{_x}%TL kazandın."
V1.1 Güncellemesi
Menü Oluşturuldu.
Eventi Başlatma
Menü de Event'in Durumu Belirtildi.(Event Aktif-Deaktif)
Event Alanına Işınlanma
Hapishane Oluşturma
Event'in Duyurusunu Yapma
Menü Oluşturuldu.
Eventi Başlatma
Menü de Event'in Durumu Belirtildi.(Event Aktif-Deaktif)
Event Alanına Işınlanma
Hapishane Oluşturma
Event'in Duyurusunu Yapma
prefix: &8»
g1: &eSon &c❶ &eSaniye
g2: &eSon &c❷ &eSaniye
g3: &eSon &c❸ &eSaniye
g4: &eSon &c❹ &eSaniye
g5: &eSon &c❺ &eSaniye
g6: &eSon &c➓ &eSaniye
g7: &cDikkat
g8: &eSon &c30 &eSaniye &c/warp Banka
g9: &eSon &c60 &eSaniye &c/warp Banka
g10: &ePolislerin Gelmesine Son &c❶ &eSaniye
g11: &ePolislerin Gelmesine Son &c❷ &eSaniye
g12: &ePolislerin Gelmesine Son &c❸ &eSaniye
g13: &ePolislerin Gelmesine Son &c❹ &eSaniye
g14: &ePolislerin Gelmesine Son &c❺ &eSaniye
g15: &ePolisler Geldi Kasada Olanlar Tutuklandı.
s1: &bBanka Soygunu Başlıyor.
s2: &eKapak Açılıyıyor.
s3: &eKapak Kapandı.
s4: &ePolise İhbar Edildiniz!
command /Soygunevent:
permission: soygun.admin
permission message: &cBu Komutu Kullanabilmek İçin Gerekli Yetkiye Sahip Degilsiniz.
if {soygun} is true:
set {soygun} to false
send "&6&l» &e Kasanın Kapağı Kapandı."
set {soygun} to true
send "&6&l» &e Kasanın Kapağı Açılıyor Hazırlan."
if {soygun} is true:
send players title "{@prefix} {@s1}" with subtitle "{@g9}" for 5 seconds
wait 30 second
send players title "{@prefix} {@s1}" with subtitle "{@g8}" for 5 seconds
wait 20 second
send players title "{@prefix} {@g6}" with subtitle "{@s1}"
wait 5 second
send players title "{@prefix} {@g5}" with subtitle "{@s1}"
wait 5 second
send players title "{@prefix} {@g4}" with subtitle "{@s1}"
wait 1 second
send players title "{@prefix} {@g3}" with subtitle "{@s1}"
wait 1 second
send players title "{@prefix} {@g2}" with subtitle "{@s1}"
wait 1 second
send players title "{@prefix} {@g1}" with subtitle "{@s1}"
wait 1 second
send players title "{@prefix} {@g7}" with subtitle "{@s2}"
wait 3 second
execute player command "rg sel kapak"
execute player command "//set 0"
execute player command "rg sel kasa"
execute player command "rg flag kasa build allow"
wait 20 second
execute player command "rg select kasa"
execute player command "rg flag kasa build deny"
execute player command "rg sel kapak"
execute player command "//set 167"
wait 1 second
send players title "{@prefix} {@g7}" with subtitle "{@s4}"
wait 1 second
send players title "{@prefix} {@g7}" with subtitle "{@g14}"
wait 1 second
send players title "{@prefix} {@g7}" with subtitle "{@g13}"
wait 1 second
send players title "{@prefix} {@g7}" with subtitle "{@g12}"
wait 1 second
send players title "{@prefix} {@g7}" with subtitle "{@g11}"
wait 1 second
send players title "{@prefix} {@g7}" with subtitle "{@g15}"
if {soygun} is true:
set {soygun} to false
send "&6&l» &e Kasanın Kapağı Kapandı."
on walking on iron block or stone brick or gold block:
if "%region at player%" contains "soygun":
if {soygun} is false:
teleport player to {soygunspawn}
send " &7» &ePolisler Seni Yakaladı Hapise Atılıyorsun." to player
wait 1 second
execute console command "jail %player% soygun 30"
on left click on gold block:
if "%region at player%" contains "soygun":
if {soygun} is true:
cancel event
set block to air
set {_x} to random integer between 1 and 800
add {_x} to player's balance
send "&7» &e%{_x}%TL kazandın."
command /soygun:
open chest with 3 rows named " &e&lSoygun Menüsü" to player
wait 1 tick
if {soygun} is true:
format slot 22 of player with light green dye named "&a&lSoygun Eventi Aktif " with lore " ||&7&lGitmek için tıkla." to close then run [execute player command "git"]
if {soygun} is false:
format slot 22 of player with gray dye named "&c&lSoygun Eventi Deaktif " with lore " ||&7&lEvent Saatini Bekle." to close then run ""
format slot 13 of player with ender pearl named "&e&lSoygun Yerine Gider." with lore " ||&7&lSoygun Yerine Gitmek İçin Tıkla." to close then run [execute player command "git"]
if player has permission "soygun.admin":
format slot 10 of player with gold block named "&e&lSoygun Eventi " with lore " ||&7&lSoygun Eventini Başlatır." to close then run [execute player command "soygunevent"]
format slot 12 of player with eye of ender named "&e&lSoygun Spawn" with lore " ||&7&lSoygun Spawnını Belirler." to close then run [execute player command "soygunspawn"]
format slot 14 of player with bars_ named "&e&lSoygun Hapisanesi'ni Oluşturur." with lore " ||&7&lKasada Kalanlar Buraya Atılır." to close then run [execute player command "setjail soygun"]
format slot 16 of player with paper named "&e&lEvent Duyuru." with lore " ||&7&lSoygun Eventini Olduğunu Söyler." to close then run [execute player command "soygunduyuru"]
command /git:
teleport player to {soygunspawn}
command /soygunduyuru:
permission: soygun.admin
permission message: &8[&6Soygun&8] &eBu Komutu Kullanmak için gerekli yetkiye sahip değilsiniz.
loop 5 times:
send players title "&8» &eSoygun Eventi Başlıyor" with subtitle "&7/soygun"
wait 10 second
loop 5 times:
send players title "&8» &eSoygun Eventi Başlıyor" with subtitle "&7/soygun"
wait 10 second
loop 5 times:
send players title "&8» &eSoygun Eventi Başlıyor" with subtitle "&7/soygun"
wait 10 second
loop 5 times:
send players title "&8» &eSoygun Eventi Başlıyor" with subtitle "&7/soygun"
command /soygunSpawn:
permission: soygun.admin
permission message: &8[&6Soygun&8] &eBu Komutu Kullanmak için gerekli yetkiye sahip değilsiniz.
set {soygunspawn} to player's location
message "&8 » &6Soygun Spawn ayarlandı."
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