çok iyi olur :)[DOUBLEPOST=1502963440,1502963374][/DOUBLEPOST]Bende MineTurk'un Var İstersen Atabilirim.
mesela obsidyen kırıcak ancak sectiğim obsidyeni /obsidyenayarla yazicak bir admin. ondan sonra o obsidyeni kırdıkça canı inicek 50 tane canı olucak her kırışında zombiler doğucak 5, 20, 30 falan diye sonunda kırdıklarında dia block falan verilcek.Tam olarak ne istediğinizi anlayamadım
Prefix: &e| &7- &cMetinTASI &7- &e| &7
command /tasayarla:
if player has permission "tas.admin":
if targeted block is obsidian:
if {ozeltas::%location of targeted block%} is not set:
set {_loc} to location of targeted block
set {ozeltas::%{_loc}%} to {_loc}
message "{@Prefix} &7Onunuzdeki obsidyeni metin tasina cevirdiniz normale cevirmek icin tekrar &c/tasayarla &7yaziniz..!"
else if {ozeltas::%location of targeted block%} is set:
clear {ozeltas::%location of targeted block%}
message "{@Prefix} &7Metin tasini normal obsidyene cevirdiniz tekrar metin tasi yapmak icin &c/tasayarla &7yaziniz..!"
message "{@Prefix} &7Bu komutu gerceklestirebilmek icin bir &cobsidyene &7dogru bakiyor olmaniz gerekmektedir..!"
message "{@Prefix} &7Bunun icin gerekli yetkiye sahip degilsin.."
on break of obsidian:
if {ozeltas::can} is smaller than 0:
message "&f[&a%{ozeltas::can}% &7x &cMetin Tasini Kirdin !i&f]"
drop 30 Gray dye named "&c&lTas Parcasi"
drop 20 Rose red named "&c&lPet Parcasi"
drop 2 diamond helmet of protection 75, unbreaking 75 named "&c&lYildiz Kask"
drop 2 diamond chestplate of protection 75, unbreaking 75 named "&c&lYildiz Zirh"
drop 2 diamond leggings of protection 75, unbreaking 75 named "&c&lYildiz Pantolon"
drop 2 diamond boots of protection 75, unbreaking 75 named "&c&lYildiz Ayakkabi"
drop 2 diamond sword of sharpness 90, unbreaking 90, smite 90 named "&c&lYildiz Silah"
set {ozeltas::can} to 400
set event-block to air
message "&e| &7- &cMetinTASI &7- &e| &7Oyuncular &cmetin tasini &7parcaladi , &c3 dakika &7icinde tekrar cikacaktir..!" to players
wait 180 seconds
set event-block to obsidian
message "&e| &7- &cMetinTASI &7- &e| &cMetin tasi &7yeniden dustu , &c/warp metintasi &7giderek metin tasini kesebilirsiniz..!" to players
if {ozeltas::%location of event-block%} is set:
message "&f[ &cCAN &7x &a%{ozeltas::can}% &7x &f]"
remove 1 from {ozeltas::can}
chance of 20%:
damage the player by 3 heart
chance of 20%:
damage the player by 6 heart
message "&e| &7- &cMetinTASI &7- &e| &7Metin tasina &4Kritik Vurus &7yaptin .. !!" to player
chance of 5%:
damage the player by 8 heart
message "&e| &7- &cMetinTASI &7- &e| &7Metin tasina &cDelici Vurus &7yaptin .. !!" to player
chance of 70%:
spawn 50 zombie at player's location
chance of 50%:
spawn 80 zombie at player's location
chance of 30%:
spawn 90 zombie at player's location
spawn 12 skeleton at player's location
chance of 15%:
spawn 100 zombie at player's location
spawn 24 skeleton at player's location
spawn 12 creeper at player's location
cancel event
set {ozeltas::can} to 400
tamda İstediğin Skript Dostum :D[DOUBLEPOST=1502976518][/DOUBLEPOST]Konu Çözüldüyse Belirtin.çok iyi olur :)[DOUBLEPOST=1502963440,1502963374][/DOUBLEPOST]
mesela obsidyen kırıcak ancak sectiğim obsidyeni /obsidyenayarla yazicak bir admin. ondan sonra o obsidyeni kırdıkça canı inicek 50 tane canı olucak her kırışında zombiler doğucak 5, 20, 30 falan diye sonunda kırdıklarında dia block falan verilcek.
Prefix: &6&lMETINTAŞI &f&l»&7
command /taşayarla:
if player has permission "taş.admin":
if targeted block is obsidian:
if {ozeltas::%location of targeted block%} is not set:
set {_loc} to location of targeted block
set {ozeltas::%{_loc}%} to {_loc}
send "{@Prefix} Önünüzdeki obsidyen artık metintaşı, metintaşının özelliğini kaldırmak için /taşayarla yazabilirsin."
else if {ozeltas::%location of targeted block%} is set:
clear {ozeltas::%location of targeted block%}
send "{@Prefix} Önünüzdeki obsidyen artık metintaşı değil, tekrar metintaşı yapmak için /taşayarla yazabilirsin."
send "{@Prefix} Bunu kullanabilmek için bir obsidyene bakman gerek!"
send "{@Prefix} Bunun için iznin yok"
on break of obsidian:
if {ozeltas::%location of event-block%} is set:
if {ozeltas::can} is equal to 20:
send "&f[&a%{ozeltas::can}% &7x &c❤&f]"
remove 1 from {ozeltas::can}
cancel event
else if {ozeltas::can} is equal to 19:
send "&f[&a%{ozeltas::can}% &7x &c❤&f]"
remove 1 from {ozeltas::can}
cancel event
else if {ozeltas::can} is equal to 18:
send "&f[&a%{ozeltas::can}% &7x &c❤&f]"
remove 1 from {ozeltas::can}
cancel event
else if {ozeltas::can} is equal to 17:
send "&f[&a%{ozeltas::can}% &7x &c❤&f]"
remove 1 from {ozeltas::can}
cancel event
else if {ozeltas::can} is equal to 16:
send "&f[&a%{ozeltas::can}% &7x &c❤&f]"
remove 1 from {ozeltas::can}
cancel event
else if {ozeltas::can} is equal to 15:
send "&f[&a%{ozeltas::can}% &7x &c❤&f]"
remove 1 from {ozeltas::can}
spawn 3 zombie at event-block
cancel event
else if {ozeltas::can} is equal to 14:
send "&f[&a%{ozeltas::can}% &7x &c❤&f]"
remove 1 from {ozeltas::can}
cancel event
else if {ozeltas::can} is equal to 13:
send "&f[&a%{ozeltas::can}% &7x &c❤&f]"
remove 1 from {ozeltas::can}
cancel event
else if {ozeltas::can} is equal to 12:
send "&f[&a%{ozeltas::can}% &7x &c❤&f]"
remove 1 from {ozeltas::can}
cancel event
else if {ozeltas::can} is equal to 11:
send "&f[&a%{ozeltas::can}% &7x &c❤&f]"
remove 1 from {ozeltas::can}
cancel event
else if {ozeltas::can} is equal to 10:
send "&f[&a%{ozeltas::can}% &7x &c❤&f]"
remove 1 from {ozeltas::can}
cancel event
spawn 3 zombie at event-block
else if {ozeltas::can} is equal to 9:
send "&f[&a%{ozeltas::can}% &7x &c❤&f]"
remove 1 from {ozeltas::can}
cancel event
else if {ozeltas::can} is equal to 8:
send "&f[&a%{ozeltas::can}% &7x &c❤&f]"
remove 1 from {ozeltas::can}
cancel event
else if {ozeltas::can} is equal to 7:
send "&f[&a%{ozeltas::can}% &7x &c❤&f]"
remove 1 from {ozeltas::can}
cancel event
else if {ozeltas::can} is equal to 6:
send "&f[&a%{ozeltas::can}% &7x &c❤&f]"
remove 1 from {ozeltas::can}
cancel event
else if {ozeltas::can} is equal to 5:
send "&f[&a%{ozeltas::can}% &7x &c❤&f]"
remove 1 from {ozeltas::can}
cancel event
spawn 6 zombie at player's location
else if {ozeltas::can} is equal to 4:
send "&f[&a%{ozeltas::can}% &7x &c❤&f]"
remove 1 from {ozeltas::can}
cancel event
else if {ozeltas::can} is equal to 3:
send "&f[&a%{ozeltas::can}% &7x &c❤&f]"
remove 1 from {ozeltas::can}
cancel event
spawn 6 zombie at player's location
else if {ozeltas::can} is equal to 2:
send "&f[&a%{ozeltas::can}% &7x &c❤&f]"
remove 1 from {ozeltas::can}
cancel event
spawn 9 zombie at player's location
else if {ozeltas::can} is equal to 1:
send "&f[&a%{ozeltas::can}% &7x &c❤&f]"
remove 1 from {ozeltas::can}
cancel event
spawn 12 zombie at player's location
else if {ozeltas::can} is equal to 0:
send "&f[&a%{ozeltas::can}% &7x &c❤&f]"
drop 2 diamond
drop 4 iron ingot
drop 5 redstone
drop 1 coal block
set {ozeltas::can} to 20
set {ozeltas::can} to 20
Kod:options: Prefix: &6&lMETINTAŞI &f&l»&7 command /taşayarla: trigger: if player has permission "taş.admin": if targeted block is obsidian: if {ozeltas::%location of targeted block%} is not set: set {_loc} to location of targeted block set {ozeltas::%{_loc}%} to {_loc} send "{@Prefix} Önünüzdeki obsidyen artık metintaşı, metintaşının özelliğini kaldırmak için /taşayarla yazabilirsin." stop else if {ozeltas::%location of targeted block%} is set: clear {ozeltas::%location of targeted block%} send "{@Prefix} Önünüzdeki obsidyen artık metintaşı değil, tekrar metintaşı yapmak için /taşayarla yazabilirsin." else: send "{@Prefix} Bunu kullanabilmek için bir obsidyene bakman gerek!" else: send "{@Prefix} Bunun için iznin yok" on break of obsidian: if {ozeltas::%location of event-block%} is set: if {ozeltas::can} is equal to 20: send "&f[&a%{ozeltas::can}% &7x &c❤&f]" remove 1 from {ozeltas::can} cancel event stop else if {ozeltas::can} is equal to 19: send "&f[&a%{ozeltas::can}% &7x &c❤&f]" remove 1 from {ozeltas::can} cancel event stop else if {ozeltas::can} is equal to 18: send "&f[&a%{ozeltas::can}% &7x &c❤&f]" remove 1 from {ozeltas::can} cancel event stop else if {ozeltas::can} is equal to 17: send "&f[&a%{ozeltas::can}% &7x &c❤&f]" remove 1 from {ozeltas::can} cancel event stop else if {ozeltas::can} is equal to 16: send "&f[&a%{ozeltas::can}% &7x &c❤&f]" remove 1 from {ozeltas::can} cancel event stop else if {ozeltas::can} is equal to 15: send "&f[&a%{ozeltas::can}% &7x &c❤&f]" remove 1 from {ozeltas::can} spawn 3 zombie at event-block cancel event stop else if {ozeltas::can} is equal to 14: send "&f[&a%{ozeltas::can}% &7x &c❤&f]" remove 1 from {ozeltas::can} cancel event stop else if {ozeltas::can} is equal to 13: send "&f[&a%{ozeltas::can}% &7x &c❤&f]" remove 1 from {ozeltas::can} cancel event stop else if {ozeltas::can} is equal to 12: send "&f[&a%{ozeltas::can}% &7x &c❤&f]" remove 1 from {ozeltas::can} cancel event stop else if {ozeltas::can} is equal to 11: send "&f[&a%{ozeltas::can}% &7x &c❤&f]" remove 1 from {ozeltas::can} cancel event stop else if {ozeltas::can} is equal to 10: send "&f[&a%{ozeltas::can}% &7x &c❤&f]" remove 1 from {ozeltas::can} cancel event spawn 3 zombie at event-block stop else if {ozeltas::can} is equal to 9: send "&f[&a%{ozeltas::can}% &7x &c❤&f]" remove 1 from {ozeltas::can} cancel event stop else if {ozeltas::can} is equal to 8: send "&f[&a%{ozeltas::can}% &7x &c❤&f]" remove 1 from {ozeltas::can} cancel event stop else if {ozeltas::can} is equal to 7: send "&f[&a%{ozeltas::can}% &7x &c❤&f]" remove 1 from {ozeltas::can} cancel event stop else if {ozeltas::can} is equal to 6: send "&f[&a%{ozeltas::can}% &7x &c❤&f]" remove 1 from {ozeltas::can} cancel event stop else if {ozeltas::can} is equal to 5: send "&f[&a%{ozeltas::can}% &7x &c❤&f]" remove 1 from {ozeltas::can} cancel event spawn 6 zombie at player's location stop else if {ozeltas::can} is equal to 4: send "&f[&a%{ozeltas::can}% &7x &c❤&f]" remove 1 from {ozeltas::can} cancel event stop else if {ozeltas::can} is equal to 3: send "&f[&a%{ozeltas::can}% &7x &c❤&f]" remove 1 from {ozeltas::can} cancel event spawn 6 zombie at player's location stop else if {ozeltas::can} is equal to 2: send "&f[&a%{ozeltas::can}% &7x &c❤&f]" remove 1 from {ozeltas::can} cancel event spawn 9 zombie at player's location stop else if {ozeltas::can} is equal to 1: send "&f[&a%{ozeltas::can}% &7x &c❤&f]" remove 1 from {ozeltas::can} cancel event spawn 12 zombie at player's location stop else if {ozeltas::can} is equal to 0: send "&f[&a%{ozeltas::can}% &7x &c❤&f]" drop 2 diamond drop 4 iron ingot drop 5 redstone drop 1 coal block set {ozeltas::can} to 20 stop set {ozeltas::can} to 20
Değerli ziyaretçimiz, içeriği görebilmek için şimdi giriş yapın veya kayıt olun.
Değerli ziyaretçimiz, içeriği görebilmek için şimdi giriş yapın veya kayıt olun.
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