Sol Reklam
Sağ Reklam
Mesaj gönderimine kapalı.


Birisi mi Spawnlandı?



27 Ekim 2018


powered by Fabulous.



20 Haziran 2018
Buyur kendine göre düzenlersin;
command /meslekler:
        message "&8&l&m--=*=--&8&l>> &3Meslekler &8&l<<&m--=*=--"
        message ""
        send json of "&7Madenci    &4Katilmak icin tikla!" run "/meslek gir madenci" tooltip "&8&l&m--=*=--||&8&l* &7Maden kirarak para kazanir." to player
        send json of "&6Oduncu    &4Katilmak icin tikla!" run "/meslek gir oduncu" tooltip "&8&l&m--=*=--||&8&l* &6Odun ve Tahta kirarak para kazanir." to player
        send json of "&9Kazici    &4Katilmak icin tikla!" run "/meslek gir kazici" tooltip "&8&l&m--=*=--||&8&l* &9Toprak Ve Cimen kazarak para kazanir." to player
        send json of "&cAvci    &4Katilmak icin tikla!" run "/meslek gir avci" tooltip "&8&l&m--=*=--||&8&l* &cHayvan, Yaratik ve insen oldurerek para kazanir." to player
        send json of "&5Silahtar    &4Katilmak icin tikla!" run "/meslek gir silahtar" tooltip "&8&l&m--=*=--||&8&l* &5Kilic, Ok ve yaya yaparak para kazanir." to player
        message ""

command /meslek <text> <text>:
    usage: &3Meslek &8- &7/meslek &8<&bgir&8/&bcik&8> <&bMeslek Adi&8/&bMeslekler&8>
        if arg-1 is "gir" or "g":
            if arg-2 is "madenci":
                if {meslekler.%player%} is greater than 1:
                    message "&3Meslek &8- &7Sadece &63 &7meslege girebilirsin."
                if {meslekler.%player%} is less than 3:
                    set {madenci.%player%} to true
                    add 1 to {meslekler.%player%}
                    message "&3Meslek &8- &7Basariyla &0Madenci &7meslegine girdin."
            if arg-2 is "oduncu":
                if {meslekler.%player%} is greater than 1:
                    message "&3Meslek &8- &7Sadece &63 &7meslege girebilirsin."
                if {meslekler.%player%} is less than 3:
                    set {oduncu.%player%} to true
                    add 1 to {meslekler.%player%}
                    message "&3Meslek &8- &7Basariyla &6Oduncu &7meslegine girdin."
            if arg-2 is "Kazici" or "kazıcı":
                if {meslekler.%player%} is greater than 1:
                    message "&3Meslek &8- &7Sadece &63 &7meslege girebilirsin."
                if {meslekler.%player%} is less than 3:
                    set {kazici.%player%} to true
                    add 1 to {meslekler.%player%}
                    message "&3Meslek &8- &7Basariyla &eKazici &7meslegine girdin."
            if arg-2 is "Avci" or "avcı":
                if {meslekler.%player%} is greater than 1:
                    message "&3Meslek &8- &7Sadece &63 &7meslege girebilirsin."
                if {meslekler.%player%} is less than 3:
                    set {avci.%player%} to true
                    add 1 to {meslekler.%player%}
                    message "&3Meslek &8- &7Basariyla &cAvci &7meslegine girdin."
            if arg-2 is "Silahtar":
                if {meslekler.%player%} is greater than 1:
                    message "&3Meslek &8- &7Sadece &63 &7meslege girebilirsin."
                if {meslekler.%player%} is less than 3:
                    set {Silahtar.%player%} to true
                    add 1 to {meslekler.%player%}
                    message "&3Meslek &8- &7Basariyla &5Silahtar &7meslegine girdin."
        if arg-1 is "çık" or "cik" or "cık" or "çik" or "ç" or "c":
            if arg-2 is "madenci":
                if {madenci.%player%} is true:
                    set {madenci.%player%} to false
                    remove 1 from {meslekler.%player%}
                    message "&3Meslek &8- &7Basariyla &0Madenci &7mesleginden ciktin."
                    message "&3Meslek &8- &7Zaten bu meslekde calismiyorsun!"
            if arg-2 is "oduncu":
                if {oduncu.%player%} is true:
                    set {oduncu.%player%} to false
                    remove 1 from {meslekler.%player%}
                    message "&3Meslek &8- &7Basariyla &6Oduncu &7mesleginden ciktin."
                    message "&3Meslek &8- &7Zaten bu meslekde calismiyorsun!"
            if arg-2 is "Kazici" or "kazıcı":
                if {kazici.%player%} is true:
                    set {kazici.%player%} to false
                    remove 1 from {meslekler.%player%}
                    message "&3Meslek &8- &7Basariyla &eKazici &7mesleginden ciktin."
                    message "&3Meslek &8- &7Zaten bu meslekde calismiyorsun!"
            if arg-2 is "Avci" or "avcı":
                if {avci.%player%} is true:
                    set {avci.%player%} to false
                    remove 1 from {meslekler.%player%}
                    message "&3Meslek &8- &7Basariyla &cAvci &7mesleginden ciktin."
                    message "&3Meslek &8- &7Zaten bu meslekde calismiyorsun!"
            if arg-2 is "Silahtar":
                if {silahtar.%player%} is true:
                    set {Silahtar.%player%} to false
                    remove 1 from {meslekler.%player%}
                    message "&3Meslek &8- &7Basariyla &5Silahtar &7mesleginden ciktin."
                    message "&3Meslek &8- &7Zaten bu meslekde calismiyorsun!" 

on break of lapis lazuli ore:
    if {madenci.%player%} is true:
        set {_X.%player%} to random integer between 5 and 10
        execute console command "eco give %player% %{_X.%player%}%"
on break of stone:
    if {madenci.%player%} is true:
        set {_X.%player%} to random integer between 1 and 5
        execute console command "eco give %player% %{_X.%player%}%"
on break of cobblestone:
    if {madenci.%player%} is true:
        set {_X.%player%} to random integer between 1 and 5
        execute console command "eco give %player% %{_X.%player%}%"
on break of coal ore:
    if {madenci.%player%} is true:
        set {_X.%player%} to random integer between 2 and 6
        execute console command "eco give %player% %{_X.%player%}%"
on break of redstone ore:
    if {madenci.%player%} is true:
        set {_X.%player%} to random integer between 5 and 10
        execute console command "eco give %player% %{_X.%player%}%"

on break of iron ore:
    if {madenci.%player%} is true:
        set {_X.%player%} to random integer between 7 and 15
        execute console command "eco give %player% %{_X.%player%}%"
on break of Gold ore:
    if {madenci.%player%} is true:
        set {_X.%player%} to random integer between 10 and 20
        execute console command "eco give %player% %{_X.%player%}%"
on break of diamond ore:
    if {madenci.%player%} is true:
        set {_X.%player%} to random integer between 15 and 25
        execute console command "eco give %player% %{_X.%player%}%"
on break of emerald ore:
    if {madenci.%player%} is true:
        set {_X.%player%} to random integer between 25 and 40
        execute console command "eco give %player% %{_X.%player%}%"
on break of Oak wood:
    if {oduncu.%player%} is true:
        set {_X.%player%} to random integer between 10 and 20
        execute console command "eco give %player% %{_X.%player%}%"
on break of Spruce wood:
    if {oduncu.%player%} is true:
        set {_X.%player%} to random integer between 10 and 20
        execute console command "eco give %player% %{_X.%player%}%"
on break of birch wood:
    if {oduncu.%player%} is true:
        set {_X.%player%} to random integer between 10 and 20
        execute console command "eco give %player% %{_X.%player%}%"

on break of Jungle wood:
    if {oduncu.%player%} is true:
        set {_X.%player%} to random integer between 10 and 20
        execute console command "eco give %player% %{_X.%player%}%"
on break of Dark Oak wood:
    if {oduncu.%player%} is true:
        set {_X.%player%} to random integer between 10 and 20
        execute console command "eco give %player% %{_X.%player%}%"
on break of Acacia wood:
    if {oduncu.%player%} is true:
        set {_X.%player%} to random integer between 10 and 20
        execute console command "eco give %player% %{_X.%player%}%"
on break of Oak wood planks:
    if {oduncu.%player%} is true:
        set {_X.%player%} to random integer between 5 and 15
        execute console command "eco give %player% %{_X.%player%}%"
on break of Spruce wood planks:
    if {oduncu.%player%} is true:
        set {_X.%player%} to random integer between 5 and 15
        execute console command "eco give %player% %{_X.%player%}%"
on break of birch wood planks:
    if {oduncu.%player%} is true:
        set {_X.%player%} to random integer between 5 and 15
        execute console command "eco give %player% %{_X.%player%}%"

on break of Jungle wood planks:
    if {oduncu.%player%} is true:
        set {_X.%player%} to random integer between 5 and 15
        execute console command "eco give %player% %{_X.%player%}%"
on break of Dark Oak wood planks:
    if {oduncu.%player%} is true:
        set {_X.%player%} to random integer between 5 and 15
        execute console command "eco give %player% %{_X.%player%}%"
on break of Acacia wood planks:
    if {oduncu.%player%} is true:
        set {_X.%player%} to random integer between 5 and 15
        execute console command "eco give %player% %{_X.%player%}%"
on break of grass:
    if {kazici.%player%} is true:
        set {_X.%player%} to random integer between 10 and 15
        execute console command "eco give %player% %{_X.%player%}%"
on break of dirt:
    if {kazici.%player%} is true:
        set {_X.%player%} to random integer between 10 and 15
        execute console command "eco give %player% %{_X.%player%}%"
on death of chicken:
    if {avci.%attacker%} is true:
        set {_X.%attacker%} to random integer between 5 and 15
        execute console command "eco give %attacker% {_X.%attacker%}"
on death of cow:
    if {avci.%attacker%} is true:
        set {_X.%attacker%} to random integer between 5 and 15
        execute console command "eco give %attacker% {_X.%attacker%}"
on death of sheep:
    if {avci.%attacker%} is true:
        set {_X.%attacker%} to random integer between 5 and 15
        execute console command "eco give %attacker% {_X.%attacker%}"
on death of pig:
    if {avci.%attacker%} is true:
        set {_X.%attacker%} to random integer between 5 and 15
        execute console command "eco give %attacker% {_X.%attacker%}"
on death of donkey:
    if {avci.%attacker%} is true:
        set {_X.%attacker%} to random integer between 5 and 15
        execute console command "eco give %attacker% {_X.%attacker%}"
on death of horse:
    if {avci.%attacker%} is true:
        set {_X.%attacker%} to random integer between 5 and 15
        execute console command "eco give %attacker% {_X.%attacker%}"
on death of ocelot:
    if {avci.%attacker%} is true:
        set {_X.%attacker%} to random integer between 5 and 15
        execute console command "eco give %attacker% {_X.%attacker%}"
on death of zombie:
    if {avci.%attacker%} is true:
        set {_X.%attacker%} to random integer between 10 and 20
        execute console command "eco give %attacker% {_X.%attacker%}"
on death of spider:
    if {avci.%attacker%} is true:
        set {_X.%attacker%} to random integer between 10 and 20
        execute console command "eco give %attacker% {_X.%attacker%}"
on death of skeleton:
    if {avci.%attacker%} is true:
        set {_X.%attacker%} to random integer between 10 and 20
        execute console command "eco give %attacker% {_X.%attacker%}"
on death of creeper:
    if {avci.%attacker%} is true:
        set {_X.%attacker%} to random integer between 10 and 20
        execute console command "eco give %attacker% {_X.%attacker%}"
on death of cave spider:
    if {avci.%attacker%} is true:
        set {_X.%attacker%} to random integer between 10 and 20
        execute console command "eco give %attacker% {_X.%attacker%}"
on death of enderman:
    if {avci.%attacker%} is true:
        set {_X.%attacker%} to random integer between 10 and 20
        execute console command "eco give %attacker% {_X.%attacker%}"
on death of zombie pigman:
    if {avci.%attacker%} is true:
        set {_X.%attacker%} to random integer between 10 and 20
        execute console command "eco give %attacker% {_X.%attacker%}"
on death of blaze:
    if {avci.%attacker%} is true:
        set {_X.%attacker%} to random integer between 10 and 20
        execute console command "eco give %attacker% {_X.%attacker%}"
on death of magma cube:
    if {avci.%attacker%} is true:
        set {_X.%attacker%} to random integer between 10 and 20
        execute console command "eco give %attacker% {_X.%attacker%}"
on death of witch:
    if {avci.%attacker%} is true:
        set {_X.%attacker%} to random integer between 10 and 20
        execute console command "eco give %attacker% {_X.%attacker%}"
on death of wither skeleton:
    if {avci.%attacker%} is true:
        set {_X.%attacker%} to random integer between 10 and 20
        execute console command "eco give %attacker% {_X.%attacker%}"

on death of slime:
    if {avci.%attacker%} is true:
        set {_X.%attacker%} to random integer between 10 and 20
        execute console command "eco give %attacker% {_X.%attacker%}"
on death:
    if victim is a player:
        if attacker is a player:
            if {avci.%attacker%} is true:
                set {_X.%attacker%} to random integer between 50 and 100
                execute console command "eco give %player% {_X.%attacker%}"
on craft of wooden sword:
    if {silahtar.%player%} is true:
        set {_X.%player%} to random integer between 1 and 3
        execute console command "eco give %player% %{_X.%player%}%"
on craft of stone sword:
    if {silahtar.%player%} is true:
        set {_X.%player%} to random integer between 3 and 5
        execute console command "eco give %player% %{_X.%player%}%"
on craft of iron sword:
    if {silahtar.%player%} is true:
        set {_X.%player%} to random integer between 5 and 8
        execute console command "eco give %player% %{_X.%player%}%"
on craft of golden sword:
    if {silahtar.%player%} is true:
        set {_X.%player%} to random integer between 8 and 14
        execute console command "eco give %player% %{_X.%player%}%"
on craft of diamond sword:
    if {silahtar.%player%} is true:
        set {_X.%player%} to random integer between 15 and 20
        execute console command "eco give %player% %{_X.%player%}%"
on craft of arrow:
    if {silahtar.%player%} is true:
        set {_X.%player%} to random integer between 1 and 3
        execute console command "eco give %player% %{_X.%player%}%"
on craft of bow:
    if {silahtar.%player%} is true:
        set {_X.%player%} to random integer between 5 and 7
        execute console command "eco give %player% %{_X.%player%}%"
Alıntıdır,pluginin yerini tutmaz.Plugine gitmek için tıkla.
Mesaj gönderimine kapalı.
Neden altınlarını Discord sunucumuzda kazmıyorsun? TIKLA VE KATIL!