Zombi Geldi, Beni Yedi
- Katılım
- 12 Kasım 2016
- Mesajlar
- 236
- Elmaslar
- 14
- Puanlar
- 13.420
on damage:
if attacker is player:
chance of 10%:
add 2 to health of attacker
remove 2 from health of victim
send "&8[&3Sistem&8] &cCan Calma &byetenegin ile &c%victim%&b'den 2 kalp caldin&8!" to attacker
send "&8[&3Sistem&8] &b%attacker% &cCan Calma &3yetenegini kullanarak senden 2 kalp caldi&8!" to victim
peki bunu özel kılıca ekleyebilir miyiz?Kod:on damage: if attacker is player: chance of 10%: add 2 to health of attacker remove 2 from health of victim send "&8[&3Sistem&8] &cCan Calma &byetenegin ile &c%victim%&b'den 2 kalp caldin&8!" to attacker send "&8[&3Sistem&8] &b%attacker% &cCan Calma &3yetenegini kullanarak senden 2 kalp caldi&8!" to victim
p: &8[&3Xasa&8]
perm: &cYou Don't have the permission!
ap: xasa.admin
command /lsw [<text>]:
permission: {@ap}
permission message: {@perm}
if arg 1 is "al" or "take":
give diamond sword named "&c&lLife steal sword" to player
send "{@p} &fYou tooked life steal sword"
if arg 1 is not set:
send "{@p} &cLife steal sword help page."
send " "
send "{@p} &6&l/lsw <al,take>"
on damage:
if attacker's tool is diamond sword:
if display name of attacker's tool contains "&c&lLife steal sword":
chance of 25%:
remove 2 from healt of victim
add 2 to healt of attacker
send "{@p} &a%attacker% &fstoled your 2 hearts!" to victim
send "{@p} &fYou're stoled 2 hearts from &c%victim%" to attacker