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Birisi mi Spawnlandı?
3 Ağustos 2017
Arkadaşlar 1.7-1.8 yani 1.7.9 ItemSpawner Plugini lazım skript olursada olur.
Buyur :
Değerli ziyaretçimiz, içeriği görebilmek için şimdi giriş yapın veya kayıt olun.
1.7.9 diyorum bu 1.8 sürümü benim sunucum hem 1.7-1.8 olduğu için olmuyo[DOUBLEPOST=1510398843,1510398807][/DOUBLEPOST]
Mob spawner yaratıyor ve o item spawnlıyor, indirmek ve detaylı bilgi için
Değerli ziyaretçimiz, içeriği görebilmek için şimdi giriş yapın veya kayıt olun.
Sitedende satış yapıcağım için öle olursa malesef olmuyor
Skirpt @FurkanZhlp Tarafından yapılmıştır. (ALINTIDIR)
Baya iş görüyor tam istediğin bir plugin kullanım :

1-“/itemspawner create Demir-Spawner” komutunu yaz
2-plugins/FItemSpawner/Spawners.yml’yi aç
3-Oluşan “Demir-Spawner” spawnerını bul.
4-ItemID’ye 265 yaz
5-BlockID’ye 42 yaz
6-“/itemspawner reload” komutunu yaz
7-“/itemspawner get Demir-Spawner” komutunu yaz ve spawnerı kullan
#Coded by FurkanZhlp
#Report bugs to my skype = FurkanZhlp
on load:
    if file "plugins/FItemSpawner/config.yml" doesn't exists:
        create file "./plugins/FItemSpawner/config.yml"
        delete {isl::*}
        delete {s::*}
        delete {rsp::*}
        # Sunucu
        set yaml value "Prefix" from file "../../FItemSpawner/config.yml" to "&b&lFIS &8&l> &f"
        #set yaml value "Spawn-Second" from file "../../FItemSpawner/config.yml" to 3
        set yaml value "Language" from file "../../FItemSpawner/config.yml" to "en"
        #set yaml value "SilkTouch-Mode" from file "../../FItemSpawner/config.yml" to false
    if file "plugins/FItemSpawner/messages-en.yml" doesn't exists:
        create file "./plugins/FItemSpawner/messages-en.yml"
        set yaml value "successfully-created" from file "../../FItemSpawner/messages-en.yml" to "&a{SPAWNER} &fsuccessfully created in spawners.yml"
        set yaml value "already-created" from file "../../FItemSpawner/messages-en.yml" to "&c{SPAWNER} &falready created!"
        set yaml value "doesnt-exist" from file "../../FItemSpawner/messages-en.yml" to "&c{SPAWNER} &fdoesn't exist!"
        set yaml value "spawners" from file "../../FItemSpawner/messages-en.yml" to "&2&lSpawners;"
        set yaml value "reloading" from file "../../FItemSpawner/messages-en.yml" to "&fConfiguration reloading..."
        set yaml value "reloaded" from file "../../FItemSpawner/messages-en.yml" to "&fConfiguration reloaded!"
        set yaml value "break" from file "../../FItemSpawner/messages-en.yml" to "&fYou breaked {SPAWNER}!"
        set yaml value "place" from file "../../FItemSpawner/messages-en.yml" to "&fYou placed {SPAWNER}!"
        set yaml value "successfully-created" from file "../../FItemSpawner/messages-tr.yml" to "&a{SPAWNER} &fadlı spawner spawners.yml'nin içerisine yerleştirildi!"
        set yaml value "already-created" from file "../../FItemSpawner/messages-tr.yml" to "&c{SPAWNER} &fZaten var!"
        set yaml value "doesnt-exist" from file "../../FItemSpawner/messages-tr.yml" to "&c{SPAWNER} &fbulunamadı!!"
        set yaml value "spawners" from file "../../FItemSpawner/messages-tr.yml" to "&2&lYaratıcılar;"
        set yaml value "reloading" from file "../../FItemSpawner/messages-tr.yml" to "&fAyarlar yenileniyor..."
        set yaml value "reloaded" from file "../../FItemSpawner/messages-tr.yml" to "&fAyarlar yenilendi!!"
        set yaml value "break" from file "../../FItemSpawner/messages-tr.yml" to "&fSpawner kırdın {SPAWNER}!"
        set yaml value "place" from file "../../FItemSpawner/messages-tr.yml" to "&fSpawner koydun {SPAWNER}!"
    if file "plugins/FItemSpawner/spawners.yml" doesn't exists:
        create file "./plugins/FItemSpawner/spawners.yml"
        add "Example-Spawner" to yaml list "Spawner-List" from file "../../FItemSpawner/spawners.yml"
        set yaml value "Spawners.Example-Spawner.ItemID" from file "../../FItemSpawner/spawners.yml" to 264
        set yaml value "Spawners.Example-Spawner.BlockID" from file "../../FItemSpawner/spawners.yml" to 57
        set yaml value "Spawners.Example-Spawner.Name" from file "../../FItemSpawner/spawners.yml" to "&bDiamond Spawner"
    wait 1 seconds
    invoke "getSpawners"
    wait 1 seconds
    invoke "getConfig"
sub "getConfig":
    set {isl::prefix} to single value "Prefix" get of "./plugins/FItemSpawner/config.yml" parsed as text
    set {isl::lang} to single value "Language" get of "./plugins/FItemSpawner/config.yml" parsed as text
    if file "plugins/FItemSpawner/messages-%{isl::lang}%.yml" doesn't exists:
        send "&4&l--------------------------------" to console
        send "&4&lERROR" to console
        send "&4&lERROR" to console
        send "&4&lERROR" to console
        send "&4&lERROR" to console
        send "&4&l&fTHE LANGUAGE &6&l%{isl::lang}% &fDOESNT EXIST" to console
        send "&4&lERROR" to console
        send "&4&lERROR" to console
        send "&4&lERROR" to console
        send "&4&lERROR" to console
        send "&4&lERROR" to console
        send "&4&l--------------------------------" to console
        set {isl::lang} to "en"
    #set {isl::stmode} to single value "SilkTouch-Mode" get of "./plugins/FItemSpawner/config.yml" parsed as boolean
    invoke "getMessages"
sub "getSpawners":
    delete {s::*}
    set {_spawners::*} to yaml list "Spawner-List" from file "../../FItemSpawner/spawners.yml"
    loop {_spawners::*}:
        set {_item} to single value "Spawners.%loop-value%.ItemID" get of "./plugins/FItemSpawner/spawners.yml" parsed as item
        set {_block} to single value "Spawners.%loop-value%.BlockID" get of "./plugins/FItemSpawner/spawners.yml" parsed as item
        set {_name} to single value "Spawners.%loop-value%.Name" get of "./plugins/FItemSpawner/spawners.yml" parsed as text
        add 1 to {_y}
        set {s::spawners::%loop-value%} to "%loop-value%"
        set {s::items::%loop-value%} to {_item}
        set {s::block::%loop-value%} to {_block}
        set {s::name::%loop-value%} to "%{_name}%"
sub "getMessages":
    wait 5 ticks
    set {isl::successfully-created} to single value "successfully-created" get of "./plugins/FItemSpawner/messages-%{isl::lang}%.yml" parsed as text
    set {isl::already-created} to single value "already-created" get of "./plugins/FItemSpawner/messages-%{isl::lang}%.yml" parsed as text
    set {isl::doesnt-exist} to single value "doesnt-exist" get of "./plugins/FItemSpawner/messages-%{isl::lang}%.yml" parsed as text
    set {isl::spawners} to single value "spawners" get of "./plugins/FItemSpawner/messages-%{isl::lang}%.yml" parsed as text
    set {isl::reloading} to single value "reloading" get of "./plugins/FItemSpawner/messages-%{isl::lang}%.yml" parsed as text
    set {isl::reloaded} to single value "reloaded" get of "./plugins/FItemSpawner/messages-%{isl::lang}%.yml" parsed as text
    set {isl::break} to single value "break" get of "./plugins/FItemSpawner/messages-%{isl::lang}%.yml" parsed as text
    set {isl::place} to single value "place" get of "./plugins/FItemSpawner/messages-%{isl::lang}%.yml" parsed as text
on place:
    loop {s::spawners::*}:
        if {s::block::%loop-value%} is event-block:
            if "%name of player's held item%" is "%{s::name::%loop-value%}%":
                set {rsp::spawners::%event-block's location%} to event-block's location
                set {rsp::type::%event-block's location%} to "%loop-value%"
                set {_msg} to "%{isl::place}%"
                replace all "{SPAWNER}" with "%{s::name::%loop-value%}%" in {_msg}
                message "%{isl::prefix}% %{_msg}%"
on break:
    loop {s::spawners::*}:
        if {s::block::%loop-value%} is event-block:
            if {rsp::type::%event-block's location%} is set:
                if player has enough space for 1 of block named "%{s::name::%{rsp::type::%event-block's location%}%}%":
                    cancel event
                    give 1 of {s::block::%{rsp::type::%event-block's location%}%} named "%{s::name::%{rsp::type::%event-block's location%}%}%" to player
                    set block to air
                    set {_msg} to "%{isl::break}%"
                    replace all "{SPAWNER}" with "%{s::name::%{rsp::type::%event-block's location%}%}%" in {_msg}
                    message "%{isl::prefix}% %{_msg}%"
                    delete {rsp::type::%event-block's location%}
                    delete {rsp::spawners::%event-block's location%}
                    message "%{isl::prefix}% You don't have enough space in your inventory"
                    cancel event
command /itemspawner [<text>] [<text>]:
        if arg-1 is "create":
            if arg-2 is set:
                set {_spawners::*} to yaml list "Spawner-List" from file "../../FItemSpawner/spawners.yml"
                loop {_spawners::*}:
                    if "%arg-2%" is "%loop-value%":
                        set {_msg} to "%{isl::already-created}%"
                        replace all "{SPAWNER}" with "%arg-2%" in {_msg}
                        message "%{isl::prefix}% %{_msg}%"
                add "%arg-2%" to yaml list "Spawner-List" from file "../../FItemSpawner/spawners.yml"
                set yaml value "Spawners.%arg-2%.ItemID" from file "../../FItemSpawner/spawners.yml" to 1
                set yaml value "Spawners.%arg-2%.BlockID" from file "../../FItemSpawner/spawners.yml" to 1
                set yaml value "Spawners.%arg-2%.Name" from file "../../FItemSpawner/spawners.yml" to "&7%arg-2%"
                set {_msg} to "%{isl::successfully-created}%"
                replace all "{SPAWNER}" with "%arg-2%" in {_msg}
                message "%{isl::prefix}%%{_msg}%"
                message "%{isl::prefix}%&fUse : &a/itemspawner reload"
        else if arg-1 is "get":
            if arg-2 is set:
                loop {s::spawners::*}:
                    if "%arg-2%" is "%{s::spawners::%arg-2%}%":
                        give 1 of {s::block::%arg-2%} named "%{s::name::%arg-2%}%" to player
                set {_msg} to "%{isl::doesnt-exist}%"
                replace all "{SPAWNER}" with "%arg-2%" in {_msg}
                message "%{isl::prefix}% %{_msg}%"
        else if arg-1 is "list":
            set {_s} to 0
            message "%{isl::spawners}%"
            loop {s::spawners::*}:
                add 1 to {_s}
                message "&a- &f%loop-value%"
            if {_s} is 0:
                message "&cNo Spawners"
                message "&aGet info : &f/itemspawner info (spawner-name)"
        else if arg-1 is "reload":
            message "%{isl::prefix}% %{isl::reloading}%"
            invoke "getConfig"
            invoke "getSpawners"
            message "%{isl::prefix}% %{isl::reloaded}%"
            set {_s} to 0
            message "&2&lLoaded Spawners;"
            loop {s::spawners::*}:
                add 1 to {_s}
                message "&a- &f%loop-value%"
            if {_s} is 0:
                message "&c&oNo spawners"
        else if arg-1 is "delete":
            message "%{isl::prefix}% &cThe skript doesn't support delete!"
        else if arg-1 is "info":
            if arg-2 is set:
                loop {s::spawners::*}:
                    if "%arg-2%" is "%{s::spawners::%arg-2%}%":
                        message "&8&l&m-------/&d&lF&2&lItem&a&lSpaw&f&lner&8&l&m\-------"
                        message "&2&l• &fNAME - &a%{s::spawners::%arg-2%}%"
                        message "&2&l• &fBLOCK - &a%{s::block::%arg-2%}%"
                        message "&2&l• &fITEM - &a%{s::items::%arg-2%}%"
                        message "&8&l&m-------/&d&lF&2&lItem&a&lSpaw&f&lner&8&l&m\-------"
                set {_msg} to "%{isl::doesnt-exist}%"
                replace all "{SPAWNER}" with "%arg-2%" in {_msg}
                message "%{isl::prefix}% %{_msg}%"
        else if arg-1 is "help":
            message "&8&l&m-------/&d&lF&2&lItem&a&lSpaw&f&lner&8&l&m\-------"
            message "&2&l• &f/itemspawner create (spawner-name) - &aCreate a spawner into spawners.yml!"
            message "&2&l• &f/itemspawner delete (spawner-name) - &aDelete a spawner from spawners.yml!"
            message "&2&l• &f/itemspawner get (spawner-name) - &aGives you a spawner!"
            message "&2&l• &f/itemspawner list - &aList the spawners!"
            message "&2&l• &f/itemspawner reload - &aReload the skript!"
            message "&8&l&m-------/&d&lF&2&lItem&a&lSpaw&f&lner&8&l&m\-------"
            message "&5Author : &dFurkanZhlp"
            message "&5Version : &d0.1"
            message "&5&lITEM SPAWNER SKRIPT!"
            message "&a/itemspawner help"
every 3 seconds:
    loop {rsp::spawners::*}:
        set {_loc} to {rsp::spawners::%loop-value%}
        set {_item} to {s::items::%{rsp::type::%loop-value%}%}
        set {_block} to block at location at {_loc}
        if {_block} is {s::block::%{rsp::type::%loop-value%}%}:
            drop 1 of {_item} at {rsp::spawners::%loop-value%}
            delete {rsp::type::%{rsp::spawners::%loop-value%}%}
            delete {rsp::spawners::%{rsp::spawners::%loop-value%}%}
Mesaj gönderimine kapalı.