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Çözüldü İndirdiğim Skript Düzgün Çalışmıyor Yardım Lazım

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Zombi Geldi, Beni Yedi
30 Nisan 2018
Öncelikle merhaba. Spigot sitesinden indirdiğim bir dünyada mob oluşturma skriptinin sorunu için sizden yardım isteyeceğim. Öncelikle sunucum hakkında bilgi veriyim. Sunucum 1.8.8 Spigot.Sunucumdaki plugin sayısı 8. Bunlar - essentials - vault - protocollib - iconomy - skript - skquery - wild skript - skrayfall. Bunların güncellik durumlarına gelirsek hepsi güncel ve versiyonları,
essentials --> 1.8 plugin paketinden aldım
--> v1.5.5 (sürüm 1.8.1)
--> v4.2.1
iconomy reloaded
--> v6.0 (1.8.1)
--> v2.1.2 (Bukkit sitesinde en günceli)
skquery 3
--> 4.0 prerelease 2
wild skript 1.8
--> yüklenme tarihi Sep 14 2014
--> v1.9.14
Bu indirdiğim skript dışında bir skript koyup /skript reload all yazdığımda veya direk sunucuya /reload attığımda hiçbir sıkıntı olmuyor. Hepsi çalışıyor. Fakat bu skripti koyup /skript reload all veya /reload yazdığımda panelde değişik hata mesajları çıkıyor fakat plugin yenilenebiliyor yenilenmesinde sıkıntı da yok. Fakat oyuna girip deneme yaptığımda bu skript ile gelen mobları kestiğimde para mesaj vb. gelmesi gerekirken ne mesaj ne de para geliyor. Paneldeki hatayı ve skriptin bir kısmını vereceğim.
Yardım eden veya etmeyenlere şimdiden teşekkürler
    #Logo will be displayed before each message!
    logo: &b&lCanavarlar&7»
    summonmsg: &aYou have successfully summoned #Mob name will be added auto
    moneymsg: &aYou have recieved &6{@money}$&a!
    cmdmessage: &aYou have recieved &6Reward Kit&a!
    enablemoney: true
    money: 100
    enablecommand: false
    command: /kit reward %attacker% #Use %attacker% to give it to a player who killed a mob

    firedemon: true
    hellhound: true

    firedemonname: &c&lFire Demon
    hellhoundname: &4Hell Hound
# DO NOT TOUCH anything after this!
#                                                Canavarlar
on spawn of a skeleton:
    if {@firedemon} is true:
        chance of 1%:
            set name of the skeleton to "{@firedemonname}"
            apply speed 1 to the skeleton for 9999 minutes
            apply resistance 2 to the skeleton for 9999 minutes
            apply strength 1 to the skeleton for 9999 minutes
            apply fire resistance 2 to the skeleton for 9999 minutes
            ignite the skeleton for 9999 minutes
            apply health boost 30 to the skeleton for 9999 minutes
            heal the skeleton
            set chestplate of skeleton to leather chestplate with name "&cDemon Chestplate"
            dye skeleton's chestplate red
            set leggings of skeleton to leather leggings with name "&cDemon Leggings"
            dye skeleton's leggings black
            set boots of skeleton to leather boots with name "&cDemon Boots"
            dye skeleton's boots red
            set {_p} to "Wither_Skeleton" parsed as offline player
            set the helmet of skeleton to {_p}'s skull
on spawn of a spider:
    if {@hellhound} is true:
        chance of 5%:
            cancel event
            spawn an angry wolf
            set name of the last spawned angry wolf to "{@hellhoundname}"
            set target of last spawned wolf to player
            apply fire resistance 1 to the last spawned angry wolf for 9999 minutes
            ignite the last spawned angry wolf for 9999 minutes
            apply strength 3 to the last spawned angry wolf for 9999 minutes
            apply health boost 20 to the last spawned angry wolf for 9999 minutes
            heal the last spawned angry wolf
#                                        Disable    Hound Taming
on taming:
    if name of wolf contains "{@hellhoundname}":
        cancel event
        send "{@logo} &cYou cannot tame this wolf!"
on right click:
    if name of targeted entity contains "{@hellhoundname}":
        cancel event
        send "{@logo} &cYou cannot tame this wolf!"
#                                                Commands

command /mob [<text>]:
    permission: mob.admin
        if arg 1 is not set:
            message "&7&m----------&r&7[&bCanavarlar&7&m]----------"
            message "&c/mob &bhhound"
            message "&c/mob &bfdemon"
            message "&7&m----------&r&7[&bCanavarlar&7&m]----------"
            if arg 1 is "hhound":
            spawn an wolf
            set name of the last spawned wolf to "{@hellhoundname}"
            set target of last spawned wolf to player
            apply fire resistance 1 to the last spawned wolf for 9999 minutes
            ignite the last spawned wolf for 9999 minutes
            apply strength 7 to the last spawned wolf for 9999 minutes
            apply health boost 20 to the last spawned wolf for 9999 minutes
            heal the last spawned wolf
            send "{@logo} {@summonmsg} {@hellhoundname}" to player
        if arg 1 is "fdemon":
            spawn an skeleton
            set name of the last spawned skeleton to "{@firedemonname}"
            apply speed 1 to the last spawned skeleton for 9999 minutes
            apply resistance 3 to the last spawned skeleton for 9999 minutes
            apply strength 2 to the last spawned skeleton for 9999 minutes
            apply fire resistance 1 to the last spawned skeleton for 9999 minutes
            ignite the last spawned skeleton for 9999 minutes
            apply health boost 30 to the last spawned skeleton for 9999 minutes
            heal the last spawned skeleton
            set chestplate of the last spawned skeleton to leather chestplate with name "&cDemon Chestplate"
            dye the last spawned skeleton's chestplate red
            set leggings of the last spawned skeleton to leather leggings with name "&cDemon Leggings"
            dye the last spawned skeleton's leggings black
            set boots of the last spawned skeleton to leather boots with name "&cDemon Boots"
            dye the last spawned skeleton's boots red
            set {_p} to "Wither_Skeleton" parsed as offline player
            set the helmet of the last spawned skeleton to {_p}'s skull
            send "{@logo} {@summonmsg} {@firedemonname}" to player

#                                              ALL MOBS GUI
command /mmob:
        wait 3 ticks
        open chest with 3 row named "&2&lMobs" to player
        wait 3 ticks
        format slot 13 of player with egg named "&4&lHell Hound" with lore "&7Summon Hell Hound" to run [make player execute command "/mob hell"]
        format slot 17 of player with blaze rod named "&c&lFire Demon" with lore "&7Summon Fire Demon" to run [make player execute command "/mob demon"]
#                                            Money Rewards
on death of a skeleton:
    if name of skeleton contains "{@firedemonname}":
        if attacker is a player:
            if {@enablemoney} is true:
                execute console command "/eco give {@money} %attacker%"
                send "{@logo} {@moneymsg}" to the attacker
            if {@enablecommand} is true:
                execute console command "{@command}"
                send "{@logo} {@cmdmsg}" to attacker


on death of a wolf:
    if name of wolf contains "{@hellhoundname}":
        if attacker is a player:
            if {@enablemoney} is true:
                execute console command "/eco give {@money} %attacker%"
                send "{@logo} {@moneymsg}" to the attacker
            if {@enablecommand} is true:
                execute console command "{@command}"
                send "{@logo} {@cmdmsg}" to attacker

[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#!
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#! If you're developing an add-on for Skript this likely mea
ns that you have done something wrong.
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#! If you're a server admin however please go to http://dev.
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#! and check whether this error has already been reported.
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#! If not please create a new ticket with a meaningful title
, copy & paste this whole error into it,
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#! and describe what you did before it happened and/or what
you think caused the error.
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#! If you think that it's a trigger that's causing the error
please post the trigger as well.
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#! By following this guide fixing the error should be easy a
nd done fast.
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#!
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#! Stack trace:
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#! java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal group referen
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#!     at java.util.regex.Matcher.appendReplacement(Unknown
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#!     at ch.njol.util.StringUtils.replaceAll(StringUtils.ja
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#!     at ch.njol.util.StringUtils.replaceAll(StringUtils.ja
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#!     at ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader.replaceOptions(ScriptL
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#!     at ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader.loadItems(ScriptLoader
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#!     at ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerSection.<init>(TriggerS
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#!     at ch.njol.skript.lang.Conditional.<init>(Conditional
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#!     at ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader.loadItems(ScriptLoader
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#!     at ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerSection.<init>(TriggerS
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#!     at ch.njol.skript.lang.Conditional.<init>(Conditional
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#!     at ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader.loadItems(ScriptLoader
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#!     at ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerSection.<init>(TriggerS
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#!     at ch.njol.skript.lang.Conditional.<init>(Conditional
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#!     at ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader.loadItems(ScriptLoader
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#!     at ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader.loadScript(ScriptLoade
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#!     at ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader.loadScripts(ScriptLoad
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#!     at ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader.loadScripts(ScriptLoad
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#!     at ch.njol.skript.Skript.reload(
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#!     at ch.njol.skript.SkriptCommand.onCommand(SkriptComma
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#!     at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(PluginCom
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#!     at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(Simpl
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#!     at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.CraftServer.dispatc
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#!     at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.CraftServer.dispatc
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#!     at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.DedicatedServer.aO(De
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#!     at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.DedicatedServer.B(Ded
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#!     at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.A(Min
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#!     at
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#!     at Source)
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#!
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#! Version Information:
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#!   Skript: 2.1.2
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#!   Bukkit: 1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#!   Minecraft: 1.8.8
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#!   Java: 1.8.0_181
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#!
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#! Running CraftBukkit: false
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#!
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#! Current node: send "{@logo} {@moneymsg}" to the attacker
(, line 461)
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#! Current item: null
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#!
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#! Thread: Server thread
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#!
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#! End of Error.
[01:33:43 ERROR]: #!#!
[01:33:43 INFO]: All scripts loaded without errors.
[01:33:43 WARN]: No scripts were found, maybe you should write some ;)
[01:33:43 INFO]: [Skript] Successfully reloaded the config and all scripts.
Son düzenleme:


Yaşıyorsak, hala bir umut var demektir.


~ Fati#1883

1 Haziran 2017
Kdz Ereğli / Zonguldak
Bu pluginlerle test edildi.
[Unofficial] SkQuery fork [1.6-1.12+]

    logo: &b&lMore Mobs&7»
    summonmsg: &aYou have successfully summoned #Mob name will be added auto
    moneymsg: &aYou have recieved &6{@money}$&a!
    cmdmessage: &aYou have recieved &6Reward Kit&a!
    enablemoney: true
    money: 100
    enablecommand: false
    command: /kit reward %attacker% #Use %attacker% to give it to a player who killed a mob
    firedemon: true
    hellhound: true
    firedemonname: &c&lFire Demon
    hellhoundname: &4Hell Hound
spawn of a skeleton:
    if {@firedemon} is true:
        if chance of 1%:
            set name of skeleton to "{@firedemonname}"
            apply speed 1 to skeleton for 9999 minutes
            apply resistance 2 to skeleton for 9999 minutes
            apply strength 1 to skeleton for 9999 minutes
            apply fire resistance 2 to skeleton for 9999 minutes
            ignite skeleton for 9999 minutes
            apply health boost 30 to skeleton for 9999 minutes
            heal skeleton
            set chestplate of skeleton to leather chestplate with name "&cDemon Chestplate"
            dye skeleton's chestplate red
            set leggings of skeleton to leather leggings with name "&cDemon Leggings"
            dye skeleton's leggings black
            set boots of skeleton to leather boots with name "&cDemon Boots"
            dye skeleton's boots red
            set {_p} to "Wither_Skeleton" parsed as offline player
            set helmet of skeleton to {_p}'s skull
spawn of a spider:
    if {@hellhound} is true:
        if chance of 5%:
            cancel event
            spawn an angry wolf
            set name of last spawned angry wolf to "{@hellhoundname}"
            set target of last spawned wolf to player
            apply fire resistance 1 to last spawned angry wolf for 9999 minutes
            ignite last spawned angry wolf for 9999 minutes
            apply strength 3 to last spawned angry wolf for 9999 minutes
            apply health boost 20 to last spawned angry wolf for 9999 minutes
            heal last spawned angry wolf
    if name of wolf contains "{@hellhoundname}":
        cancel event
        send "{@logo} &cYou cannot tame this wolf!"
right click:
    if name of targeted entity contains "{@hellhoundname}":
        cancel event
        send "{@logo} &cYou cannot tame this wolf!"
command /mob [<text>]:
    permission: mob.admin
        if arg-1 isn't set:
            send "&7&m----------&r&7[&bCanavarlar&7&m]----------"
            send "&c/mob &bhhound"
            send "&c/mob &bfdemon"
            send "&7&m----------&r&7[&bCanavarlar&7&m]----------"
        if arg-1 is "hhound":
            spawn an wolf
            set name of last spawned wolf to "{@hellhoundname}"
            set target of last spawned wolf to player
            apply fire resistance 1 to last spawned wolf for 9999 minutes
            ignite last spawned wolf for 9999 minutes
            apply strength 7 to last spawned wolf for 9999 minutes
            apply health boost 20 to last spawned wolf for 9999 minutes
            heal last spawned wolf
            send "{@logo} {@summonmsg} {@hellhoundname}"
        else if arg-1 is "fdemon":
            spawn an skeleton
            set name of last spawned skeleton to "{@firedemonname}"
            apply speed 1 to last spawned skeleton for 9999 minutes
            apply resistance 3 to last spawned skeleton for 9999 minutes
            apply strength 2 to last spawned skeleton for 9999 minutes
            apply fire resistance 1 to last spawned skeleton for 9999 minutes
            ignite last spawned skeleton for 9999 minutes
            apply health boost 30 to last spawned skeleton for 9999 minutes
            heal last spawned skeleton
            set chestplate of last spawned skeleton to leather chestplate with name "&cDemon Chestplate"
            dye last spawned skeleton's chestplate red
            set leggings of last spawned skeleton to leather leggings with name "&cDemon Leggings"
            dye last spawned skeleton's leggings black
            set boots of last spawned skeleton to leather boots with name "&cDemon Boots"
            dye last spawned skeleton's boots red
            set {_p} to "Wither_Skeleton" parsed as offline player
            set helmet of last spawned skeleton to {_p}'s skull
            send "{@logo} {@summonmsg} {@firedemonname}"
command /mmob:
        open virtual chest with size 3 named "&2&lMobs" to player
        wait a tick
        make gui slot 13 of player with 64 egg named "&4&lHell Hound" with lore "&7Summon Hell Hound" to close then run player command "mob hhound"
        make gui slot 17 of player with blaze rod named "&c&lFire Demon" with lore "&7Summon Fire Demon" to close then run player command "mob fdemon"
death of a skeleton:
    if name of skeleton contains "{@firedemonname}":
        if attacker is a player:
            if {@enablemoney} is true:
                execute console command "/eco give {@money} %attacker%"
                send "{@logo} {@moneymsg}" to attacker
            if {@enablecommand} is true:
                execute console command "{@command}"
                send "{@logo} {@cmdmessage}" to attacker
death of a wolf:
    if name of wolf contains "{@hellhoundname}":
        if attacker is a player:
            if {@enablemoney} is true:
                execute console command "/eco give {@money} %attacker%"
                send "{@logo} {@moneymsg}" to attacker
            if {@enablecommand} is true:
                execute console command "{@command}"
                send "{@logo} {@cmdmessage}" to attacker


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23 Ekim 2016
1.8 sürüm için en güncel Skript indirme adresini burdan bulabilirsin. Aliases dosyasını güncellemeniz gerecek.


    45,4 KB · Görünt.: 285
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