Birisi mi Spawnlandı?
on rightclick holding a gray dye:
if tool's name is "&7Dayaniklilik Ilaci":
remove 1 gray dye named "&7Dayaniklilik Ilaci" from player
send "&6[&4MC&bTR&6] &3Dayaniklilik ilacın ozelligi aktif!" to player
apply resistance 2 to player for 3 minute
on rightclick holding a light blue dye:
if tool's name is "&9Hiz Ilaci":
remove 1 light blue dye named "&9Hiz Ilaci" from player
send "&6[&4MC&bTR&6] &9Hiz Ilacin ozelligi aktif!" to player
apply speed 2 to player for 3 minute
on rightclick holding a red dye:
if tool's name is "&4Guc Ilaci":
remove 1 red dye named "&4Guc Ilaci" from player
send "&6[&4MC&bTR&6] &4Guc Ilaci ozelligi aktif!" to player
apply strength 2 to player for 3 minute
on rightclick holding a magenta dye:
if tool's name is "&eCan Ilaci":
remove 1 magenta dye named "&eCan Ilaci" from player
send "&6[&4MC&bTR&6] &eIyilestirildin!" to player
heal the player
command /ilacver:
permission message: &6[&4MC&bTR&6] &4Bu Komutu Kullanmaya Yetkin Yok!
give 1 gray dye named "&7Dayaniklilik Ilaci" to player
give 1 light blue dye named "&9Hiz Ilaci" to player
give 1 red dye named "&4Guc Ilaci" to player
give 1 magenta dye named "&eCan Ilaci" to player
Değerli ziyaretçimiz, içeriği görebilmek için
şimdi giriş yapın veya kayıt olun.