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Skript Paylaşımı HqPowers [V0.1] ~ Öldürme Efekti

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Fırında Isıttığım İlk Taş



17 Mayıs 2017
Herkese Merhaba Millet ben Hqes !
Bugün size kendi ellerimle yapmış olduğum bir skripti tanıtıcam bu skripti
den esinlenerek yaptım kendisine sonsuz teşekkürler!

Skriptin amacı çevrenizdeki mob & oyuncular yani yaşayan herkes için // Saldırgan olmayan yaratıklar bile
bir tehdit!!!

Skriptimiz şöyle çalışıyor


yazarak elimize bir adet çapa geliyor bu çapaya sağ tıkladığımız zaman etrafımızda efektli bir şekilde (çokta bir efekt yok ama bi gideri var)
çember oluşuyor ve alevleniyor.
Çemberin içinde bulunan her canlıya yıldırım çarparak canı alınıyor.

DİPNOT: Yıldırım çarpması için sizinde çemberin içinde olmanız gerek yoksa kimse ölmez yani çapaya sağ tıkladıktan sonra haraket etmeyin !

:: Resim ve Gif ::




//Çalışmassa eğer ek olarak " Umbaska " yükleyin

Muhteşemler Muhteşemi Kodumuz
Ubuntu Pastebin
on join:
    set {oldurucu.vurus.%player%} to true

command /Hqpower:  
    aliases: hq
        if player is op:
            if {oldurucu.vurus.%player%} is true:
                if player has diamond hoe named "&9&lHqes'in &cÖlüm Tirpani":
                    send "&c&lZaten guce ulasmissin" to player
                    set {olduru.vurus.%player%} to false
                    give diamond hoe named "&9&lHqes'in &cÖlüm Tirpani" to player
                    set {olduru.vurus.%player%} to true
                send "&c&lZaten guce ulasmissin" to player
on rightclick with diamond hoe:
    if player's tool's name is "&9&lHqes'in &cÖlüm Tirpani":
        send player title "&c&lOLUM HALKASI " with subtitle "&9&l%player% &a&lÖlüm halkasını açtı" for 5 seconds
        set {kodcu.%player%} to player
        set {_baslangic_} to player's location
        set {_isinla_} to location 2 meters upwards {_baslangic_}
        #kuzey bolgesi
        set {_kuzey_1} to location 10 meters north player
        set {_kuzey_2} to location 10 meters north 1 meters east player
        set {_kuzey_3} to location 10 meters north 2 meters east player
        set {_kuzey_4} to location 10 meters north 3 meters east player
        set {_kuzey_5} to location 10 meters north 1 meters west player
        set {_kuzey_6} to location 10 meters north 2 meters west player
        set {_kuzey_7} to location 10 meters north 3 meters west player
        set {_kuzey_8} to location 9 meters north 4 meters east player
        set {_kuzey_9} to location 9 meters north 5 meters east player
        set {_kuzey_10} to location 8 meters north 6 meters east player
        set {_kuzey_11} to location 7 meters north 7 meters east player
        set {_kuzey_12} to location 6 meters north 8 meters east player
        set {_kuzey_13} to location 5 meters north 9 meters east player
        set {_kuzey_14} to location 4 meters north 9 meters east player
        set {_kuzey_15} to location 6 meters north 6 meters east player
        set {_kuzey_16} to location 5 meters north 5 meters east player
        set {_kuzey_17} to location 4 meters north 4 meters east player
        set {_kuzey_18} to location 3 meters north 3 meters east player
        set {_kuzey_19} to location 2 meters north 2 meters east player
        set {_kuzey_20} to location 1 meters north 1 meters east player
        set {_kuzeyyangin_1} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_7}
        set {_kuzeyyangin_2} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_6}
        set {_kuzeyyangin_3} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_5}
        set {_kuzeyyangin_4} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_1}
        set {_kuzeyyangin_5} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_2}
        set {_kuzeyyangin_6} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_3}
        set {_kuzeyyangin_7} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_4}
        set {_kuzeyyangin_8} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_8}
        set {_kuzeyyangin_9} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_9}
        set {_kuzeyyangin_10} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_10}
        set {_kuzeyyangin_11} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_11}
        set {_kuzeyyangin_12} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_12}
        set {_kuzeyyangin_13} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_13}
        set {_kuzeyyangin_14} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_14}
        set {_kuzeyyangin_15} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_15}
        set {_kuzeyyangin_16} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_16}
        set {_kuzeyyangin_17} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_17}
        set {_kuzeyyangin_18} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_18}
        set {_kuzeyyangin_19} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_19}
        set {_kuzeyyangin_20} to location 1 meters upwards {_kuzey_20}

        #Doğu bölgesi
        set {_dogu_1} to location 10 meters east player
        set {_dogu_2} to location 10 meters east 1 meters north player
        set {_dogu_3} to location 10 meters east 2 meters north player
        set {_dogu_4} to location 10 meters east 3 meters north player
        set {_dogu_5} to location 10 meters east 1 meters south player
        set {_dogu_6} to location 10 meters east 2 meters south player
        set {_dogu_7} to location 10 meters east 3 meters south player
        set {_dogu_8} to location 9 meters east 4 meters south player
        set {_dogu_9} to location 9 meters east 5 meters south player
        set {_dogu_10} to location 8 meters east 6 meters south player
        set {_dogu_11} to location 7 meters east 7 meters south player
        set {_dogu_12} to location 6 meters east  8 meters south player
        set {_dogu_13} to location 5 meters east 9 meters south player
        set {_dogu_14} to location 4 meters east 9 meters south player
        set {_dogu_15} to location 6 meters east 6 meters south player
        set {_dogu_16} to location 5 meters east 5 meters south player
        set {_dogu_17} to location 4 meters east 4 meters south player
        set {_dogu_18} to location 3 meters east 3 meters south player
        set {_dogu_19} to location 2 meters east 2 meters south player
        set {_dogu_20} to location 1 meters east 1 meters south player
        set {_doguyangin_1} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_4}
        set {_doguyangin_2} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_3}
        set {_doguyangin_3} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_2}
        set {_doguyangin_4} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_1}
        set {_doguyangin_5} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_5}
        set {_doguyangin_6} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_6}
        set {_doguyangin_7} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_7}
        set {_doguyangin_8} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_8}
        set {_doguyangin_9} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_9}
        set {_doguyangin_10} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_10}
        set {_doguyangin_11} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_11}
        set {_doguyangin_12} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_12}
        set {_doguyangin_13} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_13}
        set {_doguyangin_14} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_14}
        set {_doguyangin_15} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_15}
        set {_doguyangin_16} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_16}
        set {_doguyangin_17} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_17}
        set {_doguyangin_18} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_18}
        set {_doguyangin_19} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_19}
        set {_doguyangin_20} to location 1 meters upwards {_dogu_20}

        #Güney bölgesi
        set {_guney_1} to location 10 meters south player
        set {_guney_2} to location 10 meters south 1 meters east player
        set {_guney_3} to location 10 meters south 2 meters east player
        set {_guney_4} to location 10 meters south 3 meters east player
        set {_guney_5} to location 10 meters south 1 meters west player
        set {_guney_6} to location 10 meters south 2 meters west player
        set {_guney_7} to location 10 meters south 3 meters west player
        set {_guney_8} to location 9 meters south 4 meters west player
        set {_guney_9} to location 9 meters south 5 meters west player
        set {_guney_10} to location 8 meters south 6 meters west player
        set {_guney_11} to location 7 meters south 7 meters west player
        set {_guney_12} to location 6 meters south  8 meters west player
        set {_guney_13} to location 5 meters south 9 meters west player
        set {_guney_14} to location 4 meters south 9 meters west player
        set {_guney_15} to location 6 meters south 6 meters west player
        set {_guney_16} to location 5 meters south 5 meters west player
        set {_guney_17} to location 4 meters south 4 meters west player
        set {_guney_18} to location 3 meters south 3 meters west player
        set {_guney_19} to location 2 meters south 2 meters west player
        set {_guney_20} to location 1 meters south 1 meters west player
        set {_guneyyangin_1} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_4}
        set {_guneyyangin_2} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_3}
        set {_guneyyangin_3} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_2}
        set {_guneyyangin_4} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_1}
        set {_guneyyangin_5} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_5}
        set {_guneyyangin_6} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_6}
        set {_guneyyangin_7} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_7}
        set {_guneyyangin_8} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_8}
        set {_guneyyangin_9} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_9}
        set {_guneyyangin_10} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_10}
        set {_guneyyangin_11} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_11}
        set {_guneyyangin_12} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_12}
        set {_guneyyangin_13} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_13}
        set {_guneyyangin_14} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_14}
        set {_guneyyangin_15} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_15}
        set {_guneyyangin_16} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_16}
        set {_guneyyangin_17} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_17}
        set {_guneyyangin_18} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_18}
        set {_guneyyangin_19} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_19}
        set {_guneyyangin_20} to location 1 meters upwards {_guney_20}

        #Batı Bölgesi
        set {_bati_1} to location 10 meters west player
        set {_bati_2} to location 10 meters west 1 meters south player
        set {_bati_3} to location 10 meters west 2 meters south player
        set {_bati_4} to location 10 meters west 3 meters south player
        set {_bati_5} to location 10 meters west 1 meters north player
        set {_bati_6} to location 10 meters west 2 meters north player
        set {_bati_7} to location 10 meters west 3 meters north player
        set {_bati_8} to location 9 meters west 4 meters north player
        set {_bati_9} to location 9 meters west 5 meters north player
        set {_bati_10} to location 8 meters west 6 meters north player
        set {_bati_11} to location 7 meters west 7 meters north player
        set {_bati_12} to location 6 meters west  8 meters north player
        set {_bati_13} to location 5 meters west 9 meters north player
        set {_bati_14} to location 4 meters west 9 meters north player
        set {_bati_15} to location 6 meters west 6 meters north player
        set {_bati_16} to location 5 meters west 5 meters north player
        set {_bati_17} to location 4 meters west 4 meters north player
        set {_bati_18} to location 3 meters west 3 meters north player
        set {_bati_19} to location 2 meters west 2 meters north player
        set {_bati_20} to location 1 meters west 1 meters north player
        set {_batiyangin_1} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_4}
        set {_batiyangin_2} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_3}
        set {_batiyangin_3} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_2}
        set {_batiyangin_4} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_1}
        set {_batiyangin_5} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_5}
        set {_batiyangin_6} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_6}
        set {_batiyangin_7} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_7}
        set {_batiyangin_8} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_8}
        set {_batiyangin_9} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_9}
        set {_batiyangin_10} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_10}
        set {_batiyangin_11} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_11}
        set {_batiyangin_12} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_12}
        set {_batiyangin_13} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_13}
        set {_batiyangin_14} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_14}
        set {_batiyangin_15} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_15}
        set {_batiyangin_16} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_16}
        set {_batiyangin_17} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_17}
        set {_batiyangin_18} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_18}
        set {_batiyangin_19} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_19}
        set {_batiyangin_20} to location 1 meters upwards {_bati_20}

        set block at {_kuzey_7} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_kuzey_6} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_kuzey_5} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_kuzey_1} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_kuzey_2} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_kuzey_3} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_kuzey_4} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_kuzey_8} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_kuzey_9} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_kuzey_10} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_kuzey_11} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_kuzey_12} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_kuzey_13} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_kuzey_14} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_dogu_4} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_dogu_3} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_dogu_2} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_dogu_1} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_dogu_5} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_dogu_6} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_dogu_7} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_dogu_8} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_dogu_9} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_dogu_10} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_dogu_11} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_dogu_12} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_dogu_13} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_dogu_14} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_guney_4} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_guney_3} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_guney_2} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_guney_1} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_guney_5} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_guney_6} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_guney_7} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_guney_8} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_guney_9} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_guney_10} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_guney_11} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_guney_12} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_guney_13} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_guney_14} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_bati_4} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_bati_3} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_bati_2} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_bati_1} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_bati_5} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_bati_6} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_bati_7} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_bati_8} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_bati_9} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_bati_10} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_bati_11} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_bati_12} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_bati_13} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_bati_14} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_kuzey_15} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_kuzey_16} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_kuzey_17} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_kuzey_18} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_kuzey_19} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_kuzey_20} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_dogu_15} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_dogu_16} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_dogu_17} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_dogu_18} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_dogu_19} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_dogu_20} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_guney_15} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_guney_16} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_guney_17} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_guney_18} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_guney_19} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_guney_20} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_bati_15} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_bati_16} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_bati_17} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_bati_18} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_bati_19} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_bati_20} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds
        teleport player to {_isinla_}
        set block at {_baslangic_} to netherrack
        wait 0.05 seconds

        set block at {_kuzeyyangin_1} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_kuzeyyangin_2} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_kuzeyyangin_3} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_kuzeyyangin_4} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_kuzeyyangin_5} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_kuzeyyangin_6} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_kuzeyyangin_7} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_kuzeyyangin_8} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_kuzeyyangin_9} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_kuzeyyangin_10} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_kuzeyyangin_11} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_kuzeyyangin_12} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_kuzeyyangin_13} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_kuzeyyangin_14} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_kuzeyyangin_15} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_kuzeyyangin_16} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_kuzeyyangin_17} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_kuzeyyangin_18} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_kuzeyyangin_19} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_kuzeyyangin_20} to fire

        set block at {_doguyangin_1} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_doguyangin_2} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_doguyangin_3} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_doguyangin_4} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_doguyangin_5} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_doguyangin_6} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_doguyangin_7} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_doguyangin_8} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_doguyangin_9} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_doguyangin_10} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_doguyangin_11} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_doguyangin_12} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_doguyangin_13} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_doguyangin_14} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_doguyangin_15} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_doguyangin_16} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_doguyangin_17} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_doguyangin_18} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_doguyangin_19} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_doguyangin_20} to fire

        set block at {_guneyyangin_1} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_guneyyangin_2} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_guneyyangin_3} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_guneyyangin_4} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_guneyyangin_5} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_guneyyangin_6} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_guneyyangin_7} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_guneyyangin_8} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_guneyyangin_9} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_guneyyangin_10} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_guneyyangin_11} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_guneyyangin_12} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_guneyyangin_13} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_guneyyangin_14} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_guneyyangin_15} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_guneyyangin_16} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_guneyyangin_17} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_guneyyangin_18} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_guneyyangin_19} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_guneyyangin_20} to fire

        set block at {_batiyangin_1} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_batiyangin_2} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_batiyangin_3} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_batiyangin_4} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_batiyangin_5} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_batiyangin_6} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_batiyangin_7} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_batiyangin_8} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_batiyangin_9} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_batiyangin_10} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_batiyangin_11} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_batiyangin_12} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_batiyangin_13} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_batiyangin_14} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_batiyangin_15} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_batiyangin_16} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_batiyangin_17} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_batiyangin_18} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_batiyangin_19} to fire
        wait 0.05 seconds
        set block at {_batiyangin_20} to fire
        loop entities in radius 10 around the player:
            if loop-entity is not {kodcu.%player%}:
                if loop-entity is not fire:
                    set {yildirimnoktasi} to loop-entity
                    strike lightning at loop-entity
                    kill loop-entity

Emeğe Saygı için 1 Yorum ve 1 Beğeni Yeter
Son düzenleyen: Moderatör:


the temple of the king



25 Ekim 2014
Başarılı ve bazı adminlere ihtiyaç olan bir şey :)


one is glad to be of service



28 Ekim 2014
Gayet güzel. Ancak konuya video veya gif (hareketli resim) eklerseniz iyi olur. En azından tam olarak nasıl çalıştığı anlaşılır :)
Edit: Ayrıca kodu konuya link olarak değilde sadece kod olarak eklerseniz sevinirim.


Bir Kömür Göründü Kaptanım!
16 Nisan 2017
Çember Oluşuyor içindeki oyuncular ölmüyor yıldırımda çarpmıyor ayrica 15 saniye sonra bu yapıldıklar silinemezmi editleyip yapabilirmisiniz?


Fırında Isıttığım İlk Taş



17 Mayıs 2017
Konu Güncellendi Gif Eklendi +1


Bir Kömür Göründü Kaptanım!
16 Nisan 2017


one is glad to be of service



28 Ekim 2014


Fırında Isıttığım İlk Taş



17 Mayıs 2017
Bence yeni Arkadaşların görmesi için yeni konu açmak yerine konu güncellenmeli :)
Ayrıca yeni mağaradan çıkmış olsam bile zaten güce ulaşmışsın yazısını gidermek için envanteri boşaltın sunucudan çıkıp girin düzelecektir iyi forumlar :D


Fırında Isıttığım İlk Taş



4 Aralık 2016
Başarılı böyle bi özellik benim baltamda var hatta sizden almıştım ama ben ateşi kaldırdım ve, bir kaç değişklik yaptım. Size sormadan aldım bi sakıncası yok demi ?


Fırında Isıttığım İlk Taş



17 Mayıs 2017
Başarılı böyle bi özellik benim baltamda var hatta sizden almıştım ama ben ateşi kaldırdım ve, bir kaç değişklik yaptım. Size sormadan aldım bi sakıncası yok demi ?
estafirullah özelden bi video at merak ettim :D


Birisi mi Spawnlandı?
26 Ocak 2018
Baya estetik ve güzel durmakta, ellerinize sağlık.
Mesaj gönderimine kapalı.
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