Animated rainbow color! (Preview)
Each player sees his name.
Requires ProtocolLib v3.6.4+.
Each player sees his display name. This can be changed by plugins like Essentials.
Requires ProtocolLib v3.6.4+.
Online players.
Max online players.
{world: worldName}
Players online in a specific world (e.g.: {online: world_nether} ).
Displays the real world's time. You can change the format and the time zone in config.yml, here you can find a tutorial about time patterns.
{online: serverName}
Players online in another BungeeCord server (e.g.: {online: hub} ). Set multiple servers by separating them with a comma (e.g.: {online: hub, hub2} ).
{online: ALL}
Players online in the whole BungeeCord network.
{status: serverName}
Checks if another server is online.
Requires the "pinger" enabled and configured with server IPs in config.yml.
{max_players: serverName}
The max amount of players in another server.
Requires the "pinger" enabled and configured with server IPs in config.yml.
{motd: serverName}
The first line of the motd of another server.
Requires the "pinger" enabled and configured with server IPs in config.yml.
{motd2: serverName}
The second line of the motd of another server.
Requires the "pinger" enabled and configured with server IPs in config.yml.