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Çözüldü ENVANTER SKRİPTİ taşlar alınmıyor

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Yay Yok, İskelet Yok
2 Aralık 2017



/envanter Yazıp kırıktaşa basıyorum topladıgım taşları almak icin ama almıyor altın elmas demir hepsinde aynı buyrun
    dunyaadi: conconcraft

command /asd [<player>] [<text>]:
    executable by: console
        player's world is "{@dunyaadi}":
            arg 2 is "tas":
                if {tas.%arg-1%} is greater than or equal to 2304:
                    give 2304 cobblestone to arg 1
                    remove 2304 from {tas.%arg-1%}
                    execute command "give %arg-1% 4 %{tas.%arg-1%}%"
                    set {tas.%arg-1%} to 0
            arg 2 is "odun":
                if {odun.%arg-1%} is greater than or equal to 2304:
                    give 2304 oak wood to arg 1
                    remove 2304 from {odun.%arg-1%}
                    execute command "give %arg-1% 17 %{odun.%arg-1%}%"
                    set {odun.%arg-1%} to 0
            arg 2 is "odun1":
                if {odun1.%arg-1%} is greater than or equal to 2304:
                    give 2304 spruce wood to arg 1
                    remove 2304 from {odun1.%arg-1%}
                    execute command "give %arg-1% 17:1 %{odun1.%arg-1%}%"
                    set {odun1.%arg-1%} to 0
            arg 2 is "odun2":
                if {odun2.%arg-1%} is greater than or equal to 2304:
                    give 2304 birch wood to arg 1
                    remove 2304 from {odun2.%arg-1%}
                    execute command "give %arg-1% 17:2 %{odun2.%arg-1%}%"
                    set {odun2.%arg-1%} to 0
            arg 2 is "odun3":
                if {odun3.%arg-1%} is greater than or equal to 2304:
                    give 2304 jungle wood to arg 1
                    remove 2304 from {odun3.%arg-1%}
                    execute command "give %arg-1% 17:3 %{odun3.%arg-1%}%"
                    set {odun3.%arg-1%} to 0
            arg 2 is "odun4":
                if {odun4.%arg-1%} is greater than or equal to 2304:
                    give 2304 acacia wood to arg 1
                    remove 2304 from {odun4.%arg-1%}
                    execute command "give %arg-1% 162 %{odun4.%arg-1%}%"
                    set {odun4.%arg-1%} to 0
            arg 2 is "odun5":
                if {odun5.%arg-1%} is greater than or equal to 2304:
                    give 2304 dark oak wood to arg 1
                    remove 2304 from {odun5.%arg-1%}
                    execute command "give %arg-1% 162:1 %{odun5.%arg-1%}%"
                    set {odun5.%arg-1%} to 0
            arg 2 is "elmas":
                if {elmass.%arg-1%} is greater than or equal to 2304:
                    give 2304 diamond to arg 1
                    remove 2304 from {elmass.%arg-1%}
                    execute command "give %arg-1% 264 %{elmass.%arg-1%}%"
                    set {elmass.%arg-1%} to 0
            arg 2 is "demir":
                if {demir.%arg-1%} is greater than or equal to 2304:
                    give 2304 iron ingot to arg 1
                    remove 2304 from {demir.%arg-1%}
                    execute command "give %arg-1% 265 %{demir.%arg-1%}%"
                    set {demir.%arg-1%} to 0
            arg 2 is "altın":
                if {altın.%arg-1%} is greater than or equal to 2304:
                    give 2304 gold ingot to arg 1
                    remove 2304 from {altın.%arg-1%}
                    execute command "give %arg-1% 266 %{altın.%arg-1%}%"
                    set {altın.%arg-1%} to 0
            arg 2 is "lapis":
                if {lapis.%arg-1%} is greater than or equal to 2304:
                    give 2304 lapis lazuli to arg 1
                    remove 2304 from {lapis.%arg-1%}
                    execute command "give %arg-1% 351:4 %{lapis.%arg-1%}%"
                    set {lapis.%arg-1%} to 0
command /Envanter:
        player's world is "{@dunyaadi}":
            wait 2 tick
            if {as::beklemesuresi::%player%} was less than 1 minutes ago:
                message "&aDakikada &41 &aKez Bu Kodu Kullana Bilirsiniz." to player
            open chest with 4 rows named "             &4&o&lEnvanter" to player
            wait 2 tick
            format slot 0 of player with orange glass pane named "&f   " to close
            format slot 1 of player with orange glass pane named "&f   " to close
            format slot 2 of player with orange glass pane named "&f   " to close
            format slot 3 of player with orange glass pane named "&f   " to close
            format slot 4 of player with orange glass pane named "&f   " to close
            format slot 5 of player with orange glass pane named "&f   " to close
            format slot 6 of player with orange glass pane named "&f   " to close
            format slot 7 of player with orange glass pane named "&f   " to close
            format slot 8 of player with orange glass pane named "&f   " to close
            format slot 9 of player with orange glass pane named "&f   " to close
            format slot 17 of player with orange glass pane named "&f   " to close
            format slot 18 of player with orange glass pane named "&f   " to close
            format slot 26 of player with orange glass pane named "&f   " to close
            format slot 27 of player with orange glass pane named "&f   " to close
            format slot 28 of player with orange glass pane named "&f   " to close
            format slot 29 of player with orange glass pane named "&f   " to close
            format slot 30 of player with orange glass pane named "&f   " to close
            format slot 31 of player with orange glass pane named "&f   " to close
            format slot 32 of player with orange glass pane named "&f   " to close
            format slot 33 of player with orange glass pane named "&f   " to close
            format slot 34 of player with orange glass pane named "&f   " to close
            format slot 35 of player with orange glass pane named "&f   " to close
            format slot 10 of player with ender chest named "&2Sandıklar" with lore "&bTıklayın." to close then run [make player execute command "smenu"]
            set {as::beklemesuresi::%player%} to now
            format slot 20 of player with 17 named "&6Odunlar" with lore "&bTıklayın." to close then run [make player execute command "omenu"]
            wait 0.01 tick
            if {altın.%player%} is greater than or equal to 1:
                format slot 24 of player with gold ingot of unbreaking 1 named "&6Altın" with lore "&7Durum: &aAlınabilir ||&7Sahip Oldugun: &a%{altın.%player%}%||&7Alınacak: &a%{altın.%player%}%" to close then run "asd %player% altın"
                format slot 24 of player with gold ingot named "&6Altın" with lore "&7Durum: &cAlınamaz ||&7Sahip Oldugun: &c%{altın.%player%}%||&7Alınacak: &c%{altın.%player%}%" to close
            if {elmass.%player%} is greater than or equal to 1:
                format slot 22 of player with diamond of unbreaking 1 named "&bElmas" with lore "&7Durum: &aAlınabilir ||&7Sahip Oldugun: &a%{elmass.%player%}%||&7Alınacak: &a%{elmass.%player%}%" to close then run "asd %player% elmas"
                format slot 22 of player with diamond named "&bElmas" with lore "&7Durum: &cAlınamaz ||&7Sahip Oldugun: &c%{elmass.%player%}%||&7Alınacak: &c%{elmass.%player%}%" to close
            if {lapis.%player%} is greater than or equal to 1:
                format slot 16 of player with lapis lazuli of unbreaking 1 named "&3Lapis Lazuli" with lore "&7Durum: &aAlınabilir ||&7Sahip Oldugun: &a%{lapis.%player%}%||&7Alınacak: &a%{lapis.%player%}%" to close then run "asd %player% lapis"
                format slot 16 of player with lapis lazuli named "&3Lapis Lazuli" with lore "&7Durum: &cAlınamaz ||&7Sahip Oldugun: &c%{lapis.%player%}%||&7Alınacak: &c%{lapis.%player%}%" to close         
            if {demir.%player%} is greater than or equal to 1:
                format slot 14 of player with iron ingot of unbreaking 1 named "&fDemir" with lore "&7Durum: &aAlınabilir ||&7Sahip Oldugun: &a%{demir.%player%}%||&7Alınacak: &a%{demir.%player%}%" to close then run "asd %player% demir"
                format slot 14 of player with iron ingot named "&fDemir" with lore "&7Durum: &cAlınamaz ||&7Sahip Oldugun: &c%{demir.%player%}%||&7Alınacak: &%{demir.%player%}%" to close
            if {tas.%player%} is greater than or equal to 1:
                format slot 12 of player with cobblestone of unbreaking 1 named "&9Kırıktaş" with lore "&7Durum: &aAlınabilir ||&7Sahip Oldugun: &a%{tas.%player%}%||&7Alınacak: &a%{tas.%player%}%" to close then run "asd %player% tas"
                format slot 12 of player with cobblestone named "&9Kırıktaş" with lore "&7Durum: &cAlınamaz ||&7Sahip Oldugun: &c%{tas.%player%}%||&7Alınacak: &c%{tas.%player%}%" to close
on break of stone or cobblestone:
    player's world is "{@dunyaadi}":
        cancel event
        set block to air
        add 1 to {tas.%player%}
        set action bar of player to "&4&l» &7%{tas.%player%}% &fAdet &7Kırıktaş &f/Envanter'de Bulunmakta. &4&l»"
on break of oak wood:
    player's world is "{@dunyaadi}":
        cancel event
        set block to air
        add 1 to {odun.%player%}
        set action bar of player to "&4&l» &2%{odun.%player%}% &fAdet &2MeşeOdunu &f/Envanter'de Bulunmakta. &4&l»"
on break of spruce wood:
    player's world is "{@dunyaadi}":
        cancel event
        set block to air
        add 1 to {odun1.%player%}
        set action bar of player to "&4&l» &2%{odun1.%player%}% &fAdet &2Ladin Odunu &f/Envanter'de Bulunmakta. &4&l»"
on break of birch wood:
    player's world is "{@dunyaadi}":
        cancel event
        set block to air
        add 1 to {odun2.%player%}
        set action bar of player to "&4&l» &2%{odun2.%player%}% &fAdet &2Huş Odunu &f/Envanter'de Bulunmakta. &4&l»"
on break of jungle wood:
    player's world is "{@dunyaadi}":
        cancel event
        set block to air
        add 1 to {odun3.%player%}
        set action bar of player to "&4&l» &2%{odun3.%player%}% &fAdet &2Orman Odunu &f/Envanter'de Bulunmakta. &4&l»"
on break of acacia wood:
    player's world is "{@dunyaadi}":
        cancel event
        set block to air
        add 1 to {odun4.%player%}
        set action bar of player to "&4&l» &2%{odun4.%player%}% &fAdet &2Akasya Odunu &f/Envanter'de Bulunmakta. &4&l»"
on break of dark oak wood:
    player's world is "{@dunyaadi}":
        cancel event
        set block to air
        add 1 to {odun5.%player%}
        set action bar of player to "&4&l» &2%{odun5.%player%}% &fAdet &2Koyu Odun &f/Envanter'de Bulunmakta. &4&l»"
on break of iron ore:
    player's world is "{@dunyaadi}":
        cancel event
        set block to air
        add 1 to {demir.%player%}
        set action bar of player to "&4&l» &f%{demir.%player%}% &7Adet &fDemir &7/Envanter'de Bulunmakta. &4&l»"
on break of lapis lazuli ore:
    player's world is "{@dunyaadi}":
        cancel event
        set block to air
        add 1 to {lapis.%player%}
        set action bar of player to "&4&l» &3%{lapis.%player%}% &fAdet &3Lapis Lazuli &f/Envanter'de Bulunmakta. &4&l»"
on break of diamond ore:
    player's world is "{@dunyaadi}":
        cancel event
        set block to air
        add 1 to {elmass.%player%}
        set action bar of player to "&4&l» &b%{elmass.%player%}% &fAdet &bElmas &f/Envanter'de Bulunmakta. &4&l»"
on break of gold ore:
    player's world is "{@dunyaadi}":
        cancel event
        set block to air
        add 1 to {altın.%player%}
        set action bar of player to "&4&l» &6%{altın.%player%}% &fAdet &6Altın &f/Envanter'de Bulunmakta. &4&l»"
command /omenu:
        player's world is "{@dunyaadi}":
            wait 2 ticks
            open chest with 1 rows named "          &e&o&lOdun Çeşitleri" to player
            delete {as::beklemesuresi::%player%}
            wait 2 tick
            format slot 8 of player with 324 named "&aGERI" with lore "&fTıkladıgınızda Bi Önceki Sayfaya Döner." to close then run [make player execute command "Envanter"]
            format slot 7 of player with 152 named "&cCIKIŞ" with lore "&fTıkladıgınızda Menu Kapanır." to close
            if {odun.%player%} is greater than or equal to 1:
                format slot 0 of player with 17:0 of unbreaking 1 named "&6Meşe Odunu" with lore "&7Durum: &aAlınabilir ||&7Sahip Oldugun: &a%{odun.%player%}%||&7Alınacak: &a%{odun.%player%}%" to close then run "asd %player% odun"
                format slot 0 of player with 17 named "&6Meşe Odunu" with lore "&7Durum: &cAlınamaz||&7Sahip Oldugun: &c%{odun.%player%}%||&7Alınacak: &c%{odun.%player%}%" to close
            if {odun1.%player%} is greater than or equal to 1:
                format slot 1 of player with 17:1 of unbreaking 1 named "&6Ladin Odunu" with lore "&7Durum: &aAlınabilir ||&7Sahip Oldugun: &a%{odun1.%player%}%||&7Alınacak: &a%{odun1.%player%}%" to close then run "asd %player% odun1"
                format slot 1 of player with 17:1 named "&6Ladin Odunu" with lore "&7Durum: &cAlınamaz||&7Sahip Oldugun: &c%{odun1.%player%}%||&7Alınacak: &c%{odun1.%player%}%" to close
            if {odun2.%player%} is greater than or equal to 1:
                format slot 2 of player with 17:2 of unbreaking 1 named "&6Huş Odunu" with lore "&7Durum: &aAlınabilir ||&7Sahip Oldugun: &a%{odun2.%player%}%||&7Alınacak: &a%{odun2.%player%}%" to close then run "asd %player% odun2"
                format slot 2 of player with 17:2 named "&6Huş Odunu" with lore "&7Durum: &cAlınamaz||&7Sahip Oldugun: &c%{odun2.%player%}%||&7Alınacak: &c%{odun2.%player%}%" to close
            if {odun3.%player%} is greater than or equal to 1:
                format slot 3 of player with 17:3 of unbreaking 1 named "&6Orman Ağacı Odunu" with lore "&7Durum: &aAlınabilir ||&7Sahip Oldugun: &a%{odun3.%player%}%||&7Alınacak: &a%{odun3.%player%}%" to close then run "asd %player% odun3"
                format slot 3 of player with 17:3 named "&6Orman Ağacı Odunu" with lore "&7Durum: &cAlınamaz ||&7Sahip Oldugun: &c%{odun3.%player%}%||&7Alınacak: &c%{odun3.%player%}%" to close
            if {odun4.%player%} is greater than or equal to 1:
                format slot 4  of player with 162:0 of unbreaking 1 named "&6Akasya Odunu" with lore "&7Durum: &aAlınabilir ||&7Sahip Oldugun: &a%{odun4.%player%}%||&7Alınacak: &a%{odun4.%player%}%" to close then run "asd %player% odun4"
                format slot 4 of player with 162 named "&6Akasya Odunu" with lore "&7Durum: &cAlınamaz ||&7Sahip Oldugun: &c%{odun4.%player%}%||&7Alınacak: &c%{odun4.%player%}%" to close
            if {odun5.%player%} is greater than or equal to 1:
                format slot 5 of player with 162:1 of unbreaking 1 named "&6Koyu Meşe Odunu" with lore "&7Durum: &aAlınabilir ||&7Sahip Oldugun: &a%{odun5.%player%}%||&7Alınacak: &a%{odun5.%player%}%" to close then run "asd %player% odun5"
                format slot 5 of player with 162:1 named "&6Koyu Meşe Odunu" with lore "&7Durum: &cAlınamaz ||&7Sahip Oldugun: &c%{odun5.%player%}%||&7Alınacak: &c%{odun5.%player%}%" to close
command /bag:
        player's world is "{@dunyaadi}":
            wait 2 tick
            open chest with 6 row named "             &b&l2.Sandık" to player
            wait 2 tick
            set {c2.c2.%player%} to true
            wait 2 tick
            loop {c2.canta::%player%::*}:
                add loop-value to slot loop-index parsed as integer of current inventory of player
on inventory close:
    player's world is "{@dunyaadi}":
        {c2.c2.%player%} is true:
            set {c2.c2.%player%} to false
            clear {c2.canta::%player%::*}
            loop 54 times:
                set {c2.canta::%player%::%loop-number - 1%} to slot "%loop-number - 1%" parsed as an integer of current inventory of player
command /bag2:
        player's world is "{@dunyaadi}":
            wait 2 tick
            open chest with 6 row named "             &b&l3.Sandık" to player
            wait 2 tick
            set {c3.c3.%player%} to true
            wait 2 tick
            loop {c3.canta::%player%::*}:
                add loop-value to slot loop-index parsed as integer of current inventory of player
on inventory close:
    player's world is "{@dunyaadi}":
        {c3.c3.%player%} is true:
            set {c3.c3.%player%} to false
            clear {c3.canta::%player%::*}
            loop 54 times:
                set {c3.canta::%player%::%loop-number - 1%} to slot "%loop-number - 1%" parsed as an integer of current inventory of player
command /bag3:
        player's world is "{@dunyaadi}":
            wait 2 tick
            open chest with 6 row named "             &b&l4.Sandık" to player
            wait 2 tick
            set {c4.c4.%player%} to true
            wait 2 tick
            loop {c4.canta::%player%::*}:
                add loop-value to slot loop-index parsed as integer of current inventory of player
on inventory close:
    player's world is "{@dunyaadi}":
        {c4.c4.%player%} is true:
            set {c4.c4.%player%} to false
            clear {c4.canta::%player%::*}
            loop 54 times:
                set {c4.canta::%player%::%loop-number - 1%} to slot "%loop-number - 1%" parsed as an integer of current inventory of player
command /bag1:
        player's world is "{@dunyaadi}":
            wait 2 tick
            open chest with 6 row named "             &b&l1.Sandık" to player
            wait 2 tick
            set {c1.c1.%player%} to true
            wait 2 tick
            loop {c1.canta::%player%::*}:
                add loop-value to slot loop-index parsed as integer of current inventory of player
on inventory close:
    player's world is "{@dunyaadi}":
        {c1.c1.%player%} is true:
            set {c1.c1.%player%} to false
            clear {c1.canta::%player%::*}
            loop 54 times:
                set {c1.canta::%player%::%loop-number - 1%} to slot "%loop-number - 1%" parsed as an integer of current inventory of player
command /smenu:
        player's world is "{@dunyaadi}":
            wait 2 tick
            open chest with 1 rows named "           &2&o&lSandıklar" to player
            delete {as::beklemesuresi::%player%}
            wait 2 tick
            format slot 0 of player with 386:0 of unbreaking 1 named "&4&o&lNoT" with lore "&6Burdaki Sandıkların ||&6Icerisinde Item ||&6Depolaya Bilirsin." to close
            format slot 2 of player with chest named "&a&6[&b1&6] &eSandık" to close then run [make player execute command "bag1"]
            format slot 3 of player with chest named "&a&6[&b2&6] &eSandık" to close then run [make player execute command "bag"]
            format slot 4 of player with chest named "&a&6[&b3&6] &eSandık" to close then run [make player execute command "bag2"]
Mesaj gönderimine kapalı.