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O Bir İnsan



11 Temmuz 2017


Birisi mi Spawnlandı?
29 Ağustos 2017
güzel , geliştirilebilir ama iyi


Fırında Isıttığım İlk Taş



2 Ağustos 2018
skript üzerinden hologram sistemini nasıl kaldırabiliriz?


Koydum Çalışma Masasını



25 Ağustos 2018
Emeğine sağlık kardo ama test etmedim test edip bir arkadaşımız %100 sorunsuz çalışıyor yazarsa sevinirim... Rep rep rep
Gönderi otomatik olarak birleştirildi:

skript üzerinden hologram sistemini nasıl kaldırabiliriz?

Script içinde hologram için yazan kısmı silebilirsin sorun çıkabilir diye düşünüyorm ama yinede denemekte fayda var


Birisi mi Spawnlandı?



5 Eylül 2018
Websend uyarlı yapabilirmisin bunu? Console den komutu algılamıyor
Son düzenleme:


Koydum Çalışma Masasını



25 Ağustos 2018
@ZeusPro Kardo sadece elmas ve demir olanı ve levelsiz hologramlı olanı özelden veya burdan atarmısın bana ?
Gönderi otomatik olarak birleştirildi:

Merhaba Zeus Bey DragonSky Olarak Sunucumuza Pluginer veya Skripter arıyoruz sunucumuza gelip katkıda bulunmak istermisin ?

Yetkililerden izin alındı mı ? sunucu reklamı yaparken ?



>> Pluginer & Skripter



21 Ağustos 2017


Birisi mi Spawnlandı?



5 Eylül 2018
En kısa zamanda skriptleri güncelleyeceğim. Güncellediğimde haber veririm.

Skriptleri güncelledikten sonra yaparım.
Hocam skyblock sunucum için sizin skriptinizi kullanıyorum fakat oyuncular nether deki spawnerleri kıramıyor. sahibi <none> diyor bu sorunu nasıl çözebilirim?


>> Pluginer & Skripter



21 Ağustos 2017

OP yetkisine sahip olan kişiler başkasının spawnerini kırınca spawnerin sahibine spawner hakkı verir.
* Konsoldan Spawner verebilme eklendi.

*** Konudaki Tüm Skriptler İçin Geçerlidir!!


Birisi mi Spawnlandı?



5 Eylül 2018
Merhaba Sevgili Forum Üyeleri

Kendi sunucumda kullandığım ve kendi yapmış olduğum ZeuSpawner
skriptini sizlerle paylaşmaya karar verdim.

Spawner Türleri:
- Demir
- Altın
- Zümrüt
- Elmas
- End
- Sünger

Spawnerlerden bir örnek resim:
Eki Görüntüle 37043

Spawnerin Özellikleri:
- Spawneri kim koyarsa spawneri o kırabilir ve levelini yükseltebilir.
- Spawnerlerin hologramlarını /hologram [kapat/aç] yazarak açıp kapatabilirsiniz.
- Spawnere sağ tıklarsanız spawnerin sahibi sizseniz yükseltme ve bilgi menüsü açılır. değilseniz sahibinin kim olduğunu söyler.
- Spawner koyma hakkı[limiti] vardır.
- Oyuncular yan çar açarak veya başka bir yolla aldığı adakitteki spawnerleri kendi hesabına verse bile koyamaz.(Default limit: Demir Spawner=2 diğer spawnerler=0)
- OP olan bir kişi kendinin olmayan bir spawneri kırdığıda spawnerin sahibine spawner koyma hakkı verir.
- Her spawnerin kendine özel hologramı vardır.
- /hakver [spawner türü] [isim] [adet] yazarak bir kişiye spawner koyma hakkı verirsiniz.
(hak verirken adet kısmına eksi[negatif] bir sayı yazarsak kişiden spawner koyma hakkını alır)

Gerekli Addonlar:
- Skript(2.1.2)
- SkQuery
- SkyRayFall

- Wild Skript
- HolograpicDisplay

#                        ZeuSpawner
#                     YAPIMCI:   ZeusPro
    {sp::dsp::%player%} = 0
    {sp::asp::%player%} = 0
    {sp::zsp::%player%} = 0
    {sp::esp::%player%} = 0
    {sp::endsp::%player%} = 0
    {sp::ssp::%player%} = 0
    {dspp::%player%} = 2 #DEMİR SPAWNER LİMİTİ
    {aspp::%player%} = 0 #ALTIN SPAWNER LİMİTİ
    {zspp::%player%} = 0 #ZÜMRÜT SPAWNER LİMİTİ
    {espp::%player%} = 0 #ELMAS SPAWNER LİMİTİ
    {endspp::%player%} = 0 #END SPAWNER LİMİTİ
    {sspp::%player%} = 0 #SÜNGER SPAWNER LİMİTİ
    {ipeksi::*} = false
    {yükseltme2::fiyat} = 5 # 5 zcoin karşılığı 1 level spawneri 2 level yapıyor.
    {yükseltme3::fiyat} = 7 # 7 zcoin karşılığı 2 level spawneri 3 level yapıyor.
    {yükseltme4::fiyat} = 10 # 10 zcoin karşılığı 3 level spawneri 4 level yapıyor.
    {yükseltme5::fiyat} = 15 # 15 zcoin karşılığı 4 level spawneri 5(MAX) level yapıyor.
# BİR KİŞİYE SPAWNER VERMEK İÇİN /Sp [Spawner Türü] [Spawneri Vereceğiniz Kişinin İsmi] [Vereceğiniz Spawner Sayısı]
command /sp [<text>] [<player>] [<number>]:
        if player has permission "op":
            if arg 1 isn't set:
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Kullanım &7/&8Sp &7[&fDemir&7/&6Altın&7/&2Zümrüt&7/&bElmas&7/&eEnd&7/&3Sünger&7] [&aIsim&7] [&aAdet&7]" to player
            if arg 1 is "demir" or "iron":
                if arg 2 isn't set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Demir &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &fDemir &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Demir &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &fDemir &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Demir &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &fDemir &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &fDemir &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Demir &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &fDemir &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &fDemir &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
            if arg 1 is "altın" or "gold" or "altin":
                if arg 2 isn't set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Altın &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &6Altın &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Altın &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &6Altın &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Altın &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &6Altın &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &6Altın &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Altın &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &6Altın &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &6Altın &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
            if arg 1 is "zümrüt" or "emerald" or "zumrut":
                if arg 2 isn't set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Zümrüt &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &2Zümrüt &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Zümrüt &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &2Zümrüt &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Zümrüt &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &2Zümrüt &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &2Zümrüt &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Zümrüt &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &2Zümrüt &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &2Zümrüt &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
            if arg 1 is "elmas" or "dia" or "diamond":
                if arg 2 isn't set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Elmas &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &bElmas &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Elmas &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &bElmas &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Elmas &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &bElmas &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &bElmas &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Elmas &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &bElmas &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &bElmas &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
            if arg 1 is "end":
                if arg 2 isn't set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner of protection named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7End &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &eEnd &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner of protection named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7End &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &eEnd &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner of protection named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7End &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &eEnd &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &eEnd &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner of protection named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7End &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &eEnd &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &eEnd &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
            if arg 1 is "sünger" or "sponge" or "sunger":
                if arg 2 isn't set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner of protection named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Sünger &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &3Sünger &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner of protection named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Sünger &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &3Sünger &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner of protection named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Sünger &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &3Sünger &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &3Sünger &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner of protection named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Sünger &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &3Sünger &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &3Sünger &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
        else if executor is console:
            if arg 1 isn't set:
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Kullanım &7/&8Sp &7[&fDemir&7/&6Altın&7/&2Zümrüt&7/&bElmas&7/&eEnd&7/&3Sünger&7] [&aIsim&7] [&aAdet&7]" to console
            if arg 1 is "demir" or "iron":
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Demir &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &fDemir &aSpawner Verildi." to console
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &fDemir &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Demir &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &fDemir &aSpawner Verildi." to console
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &fDemir &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Kişi Girmelisiniz." to console
            if arg 1 is "altın" or "gold" or "altin":
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Altın &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &6Altın &aSpawner Verildi." to console
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &6Altın &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Altın &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &6Altın &aSpawner Verildi." to console
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &6Altın &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Kişi Girmelisiniz." to console
            if arg 1 is "zümrüt" or "emerald" or "zumrut":
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Zümrüt &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &2Zümrüt &aSpawner Verildi." to console
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &2Zümrüt &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Zümrüt &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &2Zümrüt &aSpawner Verildi." to console
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &2Zümrüt &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Kişi Girmelisiniz." to console
            if arg 1 is "elmas" or "dia" or "diamond":
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Elmas &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &bElmas &aSpawner Verildi." to console
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &bElmas &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Elmas &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &bElmas &aSpawner Verildi." to console
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &bElmas &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Kişi Girmelisiniz." to console
            if arg 1 is "end":
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner of protection named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7End &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &eEnd &aSpawner Verildi." to console
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &eEnd &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner of protection named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7End &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &eEnd &aSpawner Verildi." to console
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &eEnd &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Kişi Girmelisiniz." to console
            if arg 1 is "sünger" or "sponge" or "sunger":
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner of protection named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Sünger &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &3Sünger &aSpawner Verildi." to console
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &3Sünger &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner of protection named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Sünger &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &3Sünger &aSpawner Verildi." to console
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &3Sünger &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Kişi Girmelisiniz." to console
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Bu komutu kullanamazsın." to player
on place of mob spawner:
    if name of player's tool is "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Demir &aSpawner":
        if {sp::dsp::%player%} is smaller than {dspp::%player%}:
            set {dsp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} to location of targeted block
            set {_x} to x coord of event-location
            set {_y} to y coord of event-location
            set {_z} to z coord of event-location
            add {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%} to location of targeted block
            set {tür::%location of targeted block%} to dsp
            set {item::%location of targeted block%} to "Iron Ingot"
            add location of targeted block to {hologram::*}
            set {tür::%location of targeted block%} to "dsp"
            set {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%} to player
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &61":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 1
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to 2
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 40
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 20
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &62":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 2
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to 3
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 36
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 18
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &63":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 3
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to 4
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 32
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 16
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &64":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 4
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to 5
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 28
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 14
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &65":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 5
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to "MAX"
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 24
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 12
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 2 tick
            create holo object "ItemStack:Iron Ingot;&7&m----------&7;&aLevel &6%{level::%location of targeted block%}%;&7&m----------&7" with id "%location of targeted block%" at block above above location of targeted block
            execute player command "setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:minecraft:iron_ingot,Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:1,RequiredPlayerRange:20,Delay:1,MinSpawnDelay:%{hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%}%0,MaxSpawnDelay:%{hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%}%0,MaxNearbyEntities:9999}"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri Başarıyla Koydun." to player
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri Kazma İle Kırabilirsin." to player
            wait 2 tick
            add 1 to {sp::dsp::%player%}
            cancel event
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawner Koymak İçin Hakkın Kalmamış" to player
    if name of player's tool is "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Altın &aSpawner":
        if {sp::asp::%player%} is smaller than or equal to {aspp::%player%}:
            set {asp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} to location of targeted block
            set {_x} to x coord of event-location
            set {_y} to y coord of event-location
            set {_z} to z coord of event-location
            add {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%} to location of targeted block
            set {tür::%location of targeted block%} to asp
            set {item::%location of targeted block%} to "Gold Ingot"
            add location of targeted block to {hologram::*}
            set {tür::%location of targeted block%} to "asp"
            set {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%} to player
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &61":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 1
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to 2
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 40
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 20
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &62":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 2
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to 3
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 36
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 18
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &63":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 3
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to 4
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 32
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 16
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &64":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 4
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to 5
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 28
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 14
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &65":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 5
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to "MAX"
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 24
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 12
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 2 tick
            create holo object "ItemStack:Gold Ingot;&7&m----------&7;&aLevel &6%{level::%location of targeted block%}%;&7&m----------&7" with id "%location of targeted block%" at block above above location of targeted block
            execute player command "setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:minecraft:gold_ingot,Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:2,RequiredPlayerRange:20,Delay:1,MinSpawnDelay:%{hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%}%0,MaxSpawnDelay:%{hız1::%player%::%location of targeted block%}%0,MaxNearbyEntities:9999}"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri Başarıyla Koydun." to player
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri Kazma İle Kırabilirsin." to player
            wait 2 tick
            add 1 to {sp::asp::%player%}
            cancel event
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawner Koymak İçin Hakkın Kalmamış" to player
    if name of player's tool is "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Zümrüt &aSpawner":
        if {sp::zsp::%player%} is smaller than or equal to {zspp::%player%}:
            set {zsp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} to location of targeted block
            set {_x} to x coord of event-location
            set {_y} to y coord of event-location
            set {_z} to z coord of event-location
            add {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%} to location of targeted block
            set {tür::%location of targeted block%} to zsp
            set {item::%location of targeted block%} to "Emerald"
            add location of targeted block to {hologram::*}
            set {tür::%location of targeted block%} to "zsp"
            set {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%} to player
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &61":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 1
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to 2
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 40
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 20
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &62":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 2
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to 3
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 36
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 18
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &63":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 3
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to 4
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 32
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 16
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &64":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 4
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to 5
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 28
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 14
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &65":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 5
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to "MAX"
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 24
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 12
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 2 tick
            create holo object "ItemStack:Emerald;&7&m----------&7;&aLevel &6%{level::%location of targeted block%}%;&7&m----------&7" with id "%location of targeted block%" at block above above location of targeted block
            execute player command "setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:minecraft:emerald,Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:2,RequiredPlayerRange:20,Delay:1,MinSpawnDelay:%{hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%}%0,MaxSpawnDelay:%{hız1::%player%::%location of targeted block%}%0,MaxNearbyEntities:9999}"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri Başarıyla Koydun." to player
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri Kazma İle Kırabilirsin." to player
            wait 2 tick
            add 1 to {sp::zsp::%player%}
            cancel event
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawner Koymak İçin Hakkın Kalmamış" to player
    if name of player's tool is "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Elmas &aSpawner":
        if {sp::esp::%player%} is smaller than or equal to {espp::%player%}:
            set {esp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} to location of targeted block
            set {_x} to x coord of event-location
            set {_y} to y coord of event-location
            set {_z} to z coord of event-location
            add {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%} to location of targeted block
            set {tür::%location of targeted block%} to esp
            set {item::%location of targeted block%} to "Diamond"
            add location of targeted block to {hologram::*}
            set {tür::%location of targeted block%} to "esp"
            set {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%} to player
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &61":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 1
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to 2
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 40
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 20
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &62":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 2
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to 3
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 36
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 18
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &63":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 3
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to 4
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 32
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 16
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &64":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 4
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to 5
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 28
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 14
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &65":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 5
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to "MAX"
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 24
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 12
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 2 tick
            create holo object "ItemStack:Diamond;&7&m----------&7;&aLevel &6%{level::%location of targeted block%}%;&7&m----------&7" with id "%location of targeted block%" at block above above location of targeted block
            execute player command "setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:minecraft:diamond,Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:2,RequiredPlayerRange:20,Delay:1,MinSpawnDelay:%{hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%}%0,MaxSpawnDelay:%{hız1::%player%::%location of targeted block%}%0,MaxNearbyEntities:9999}"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri Başarıyla Koydun." to player
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri Kazma İle Kırabilirsin." to player
            wait 2 tick
            add 1 to {sp::esp::%player%}
            cancel event
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawner Koymak İçin Hakkın Kalmamış" to player
    if name of player's tool is "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7End &aSpawner":
        if {sp::endsp::%player%} is smaller than or equal to {endspp::%player%}:
            set {endsp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} to location of targeted block
            set {_x} to x coord of event-location
            set {_y} to y coord of event-location
            set {_z} to z coord of event-location
            add {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%} to location of targeted block
            set {tür::%location of targeted block%} to endsp
            set {item::%location of targeted block%} to "End Stone"
            add location of targeted block to {hologram::*}
            set {tür::%location of targeted block%} to "endsp"
            set {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%} to player
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &61":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 1
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to 2
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 40
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 20
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &62":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 2
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to 3
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 36
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 18
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &63":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 3
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to 4
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 32
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 16
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &64":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 4
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to 5
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 28
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 14
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &65":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 5
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to "MAX"
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 24
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 12
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 2 tick
            create holo object "ItemStack:End;&7&m----------&7;&aLevel &6%{level::%location of targeted block%}%;&7&m----------&7" with id "%location of targeted block%" at block above above location of targeted block
            execute player command "setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:minecraft:end_stone,Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:2,RequiredPlayerRange:20,Delay:1,MinSpawnDelay:%{hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%}%0,MaxSpawnDelay:%{hız1::%player%::%location of targeted block%}%0,MaxNearbyEntities:9999}"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri Başarıyla Koydun." to player
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri Kazma İle Kırabilirsin." to player
            wait 2 tick
            add 1 to {sp::endsp::%player%}
            cancel event
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawner Koymak İçin Hakkın Kalmamış" to player
    if name of player's tool is "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Sünger &aSpawner":
        if {sp::ssp::%player%} is smaller than or equal to {sspp::%player%}:
            set {ssp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} to location of targeted block
            set {_x} to x coord of event-location
            set {_y} to y coord of event-location
            set {_z} to z coord of event-location
            add {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%} to location of targeted block
            set {tür::%location of targeted block%} to ssp
            set {item::%location of targeted block%} to "Sponge"
            add location of targeted block to {hologram::*}
            set {tür::%location of targeted block%} to "ssp"
            set {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%} to player
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &61":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 1
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to 2
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 40
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 20
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &62":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 2
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to 3
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 36
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 18
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &63":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 3
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to 4
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 32
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 16
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &64":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 4
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to 5
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 28
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 14
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &65":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 5
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to "MAX"
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 24
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 12
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 2 tick
            create holo object "ItemStack:Sponge;&7&m----------&7;&aLevel &6%{level::%location of targeted block%}%;&7&m----------&7" with id "%location of targeted block%" at block above above location of targeted block
            execute player command "setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:minecraft:sponge,Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:2,RequiredPlayerRange:20,Delay:1,MinSpawnDelay:%{hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%}%0,MaxSpawnDelay:%{hız1::%player%::%location of targeted block%}%0,MaxNearbyEntities:9999}"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri Başarıyla Koydun." to player
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri Kazma İle Kırabilirsin." to player
            wait 2 tick
            add 1 to {sp::ssp::%player%}
            cancel event
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawner Koymak İçin Hakkın Kalmamış" to player
on right click on mob spawner:
    if {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
        open chest with 1 row named "&b&lZ&6&lSp &8» &7Spawner Menüsü" to player
        wait 2 tick
        if {level::%location of targeted block%} is equal to 1:
            format slot 2 of player with 1 experience bottle named "&a&lYükselt" with lore "&7||&7Yükseltince &6%{level1::%location of targeted block%}% &7level olucak" to close then run [execute console command "yukselt %location of targeted block% 2 %player%"]
        if {level::%location of targeted block%} is equal to 2:
            format slot 2 of player with 1 experience bottle named "&a&lYükselt" with lore "&7||&7Yükseltince &6%{level1::%location of targeted block%}% &7level olucak" to close then run [execute console command "yukselt %location of targeted block% 3 %player%"]
        if {level::%location of targeted block%} is equal to 3:
            format slot 2 of player with 1 experience bottle named "&a&lYükselt" with lore "&7||&7Yükseltince &6%{level1::%location of targeted block%}% &7level olucak" to close then run [execute console command "yukselt %location of targeted block% 4 %player%"]
        if {level::%location of targeted block%} is equal to 4:
            format slot 2 of player with 1 experience bottle named "&a&lYükselt" with lore "&7||&7Yükseltince &6%{level1::%location of targeted block%}% &7level olucak" to close then run [execute console command "yukselt %location of targeted block% 5 %player%"]
        if {level::%location of targeted block%} is equal to 5:
            format slot 2 of player with 1 experience bottle named "&a&lYükselt" with lore "&7||&7Bu spawner zaten MAX seviyede" to close
        format slot 5 of player with mob spawner named "&b&lBilgi" with lore "&7||&aLevel &8» &6%{level::%location of targeted block%}%||&7||&e%{hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%}% &7saniyede &e1 &7çıkartıyor" to close
        format slot 8 of player with redstone block named "&c&lKapat" to close
        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin sahibi &c%{Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}% &7!!" to player
command /yukselt [<text>] [<text>] [<text>] [<player>]:
    executable by: console
        if arg 2 is "2":
            if {zcoin::%arg 3%} is greater than or equal to {yükseltme2::fiyat}:
                remove {yükseltme2::fiyat} from {zcoin::%arg 3%}
                set {_location} to arg 1
                set {_x} to x coord of {_location}
                set {_y} to y coord of {_location}
                set {_z} to z coord of {_location}
                add 1 to {level::%{_location}%}
                add 1 to {level1::%{_location}%}
                remove 2 from {hız::%player%::%{_location}%}
                remove 4 from {hızz::%player%::%{_location}%}
                delete holo object "%{_location}%"
                execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
                wait 2 tick
                create holo object "ItemStack:%{item::%{_location}%}%;&7&m----------&7;&aLevel &6%{level::%{_location}%}%;&7&m----------&7" with id "%{_location}%" at block above above {_location}
                execute player command "setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:minecraft:%{item1::%player%::%{_location}%}%,Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:2,RequiredPlayerRange:20,Delay:1,MinSpawnDelay:360,MaxSpawnDelay:360,MaxNearbyEntities:9999}"
                execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri &6%{level::%{_location}%}% &7Level Yaptın." to player
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri yükseltmen için {yükseltme2::fiyat} paran olması lazım!" to player
        if arg 2 is "3":
            if {zcoin::%arg 3%} is greater than or equal to {yükseltme3::fiyat}:
                remove {yükseltme3::fiyat} from {zcoin::%arg 3%}
                set {_location} to arg 1
                set {_x} to x coord of {_location}
                set {_y} to y coord of {_location}
                set {_z} to z coord of {_location}
                add 1 to {level::%{_location}%}
                add 1 to {level1::%{_location}%}
                remove 2 from {hız::%player%::%{_location}%}
                remove 4 from {hızz::%player%::%{_location}%}
                delete holo object "%{_location}%"
                execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
                wait 2 tick
                create holo object "ItemStack:%{item::%{_location}%}%;&7&m----------&7;&aLevel &6%{level::%{_location}%}%;&7&m----------&7" with id "%{_location}%" at block above above {_location}
                execute player command "setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:minecraft:%{item1::%player%::%{_location}%}%,Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:2,RequiredPlayerRange:20,Delay:1,MinSpawnDelay:320,MaxSpawnDelay:320,MaxNearbyEntities:9999}"
                execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri &6%{level::%{_location}%}% &7Level Yaptın." to player
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri yükseltmen için {yükseltme3::fiyat} paran olması lazım!" to player
        if arg 2 is "4":
            if {zcoin::%arg 3%} is greater than or equal to {yükseltme4::fiyat}:
                remove {yükseltme4::fiyat} from {zcoin::%arg 3%}
                set {_location} to arg 1
                set {_x} to x coord of {_location}
                set {_y} to y coord of {_location}
                set {_z} to z coord of {_location}
                add 1 to {level::%{_location}%}
                add 1 to {level1::%{_location}%}
                remove 2 from {hız::%player%::%{_location}%}
                remove 4 from {hızz::%player%::%{_location}%}
                delete holo object "%{_location}%"
                execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
                wait 2 tick
                create holo object "ItemStack:%{item::%{_location}%}%;&7&m----------&7;&aLevel &6%{level::%{_location}%}%;&7&m----------&7" with id "%{_location}%" at block above above {_location}
                execute player command "setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:minecraft:%{item1::%player%::%{_location}%}%,Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:2,RequiredPlayerRange:20,Delay:1,MinSpawnDelay:280,MaxSpawnDelay:280,MaxNearbyEntities:9999}"
                execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri &6%{level::%{_location}%}% &7Level Yaptın." to player
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri yükseltmen için {yükseltme4::fiyat} paran olması lazım!" to player
        if arg 2 is "5":
            if {zcoin::%arg 3%} is greater than or equal to {yükseltme5::fiyat}:
                remove {yükseltme5::fiyat} from {zcoin::%arg 3%}
                set {_location} to arg 1
                set {_x} to x coord of {_location}
                set {_y} to y coord of {_location}
                set {_z} to z coord of {_location}
                add 1 to {level::%{_location}%}
                add 1 to {level1::%{_location}%}
                remove 2 from {hız::%player%::%{_location}%}
                remove 4 from {hızz::%player%::%{_location}%}
                delete holo object "%{_location}%"
                execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
                wait 2 tick
                create holo object "ItemStack:%{item::%{_location}%}%;&7&m----------&7;&aLevel &6%{level::%{_location}%}%;&7&m----------&7" with id "%{_location}%" at block above above {_location}
                execute player command "setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:minecraft:%{item1::%player%::%{_location}%}%,Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:2,RequiredPlayerRange:20,Delay:1,MinSpawnDelay:240,MaxSpawnDelay:240,MaxNearbyEntities:9999}"
                execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri &6%{level::%{_location}%}% &7Level Yaptın." to player
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri yükseltmen için {yükseltme5::fiyat} zcoinin olması lazım!" to player
on break of mob spawner:
    if {ipeksi::*} is true:
        if tool of player is any pickaxe of silk touch:
            if {dsp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
                remove 1 from {sp::dsp::%player%}
                cancel event
                set block to air
                delete {item::%location of targeted block%}
                remove location of targeted block from {hologram::*}
                remove location of targeted block from {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                clear {dsp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
                delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
                execute console command "give %player% mob_spawner 1 name:&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner_&7Demir_&aSpawner lore:&aLevel_&8»_&6%{level::%location of targeted block%}%"
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
            if {asp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
                remove 1 from {sp::asp::%player%}
                cancel event
                set block to air
                delete {item::%location of targeted block%}
                remove location of targeted block from {hologram::*}
                remove location of targeted block from {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                clear {asp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
                delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
                execute console command "give %player% mob_spawner 1 name:&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner_&7Altın_&aSpawner lore:&aLevel_&8»_&6%{level::%location of targeted block%}%"
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
            if {zsp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
                remove 1 from {sp::zsp::%player%}
                cancel event
                set block to air
                delete {item::%location of targeted block%}
                remove location of targeted block from {hologram::*}
                remove location of targeted block from {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                clear {zsp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
                delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
                execute console command "give %player% mob_spawner 1 name:&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner_&7Zümrüt_&aSpawner lore:&aLevel_&8»_&6%{level::%location of targeted block%}%"
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
            if {esp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
                remove 1 from {sp::esp::%player%}
                cancel event
                set block to air
                delete {item::%location of targeted block%}
                remove location of targeted block from {hologram::*}
                remove location of targeted block from {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                clear {esp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
                delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
                execute console command "give %player% mob_spawner 1 name:&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner_&7Elmas_&aSpawner lore:&aLevel_&8»_&6%{level::%location of targeted block%}%"
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
            if {endsp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
                remove 1 from {sp::endsp::%player%}
                cancel event
                set block to air
                delete {item::%location of targeted block%}
                remove location of targeted block from {hologram::*}
                remove location of targeted block from {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                clear {endsp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
                delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
                give 1 mob spawner of protection named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7End &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &6%{level::%location of targeted block%}%" to player
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
            if {ssp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
                remove 1 from {sp::ssp::%player%}
                cancel event
                set block to air
                delete {item::%location of targeted block%}
                remove location of targeted block from {hologram::*}
                remove location of targeted block from {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                clear {ssp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
                delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
                give 1 mob spawner of protection named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Sünger &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &6%{level::%location of targeted block%}%" to player
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
            if {golem::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
                clear {golem::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
            if {blaze::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
                clear {blaze::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
            if {skeleton::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
                clear {skeleton::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
            if {zombi::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
                clear {zombi::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
            if {pigman::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
                clear {pigman::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
                if player has permission "op":
                    set block to air
                    remove location of targeted block from {hologram::*}
                    delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
                    remove 1 from {sp::%{tür::%location of targeted block%}%::%{Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}%}
                    loop players:
                        clear {dsp1::%location of targeted block%::%loop-player%}
                        clear {asp1::%location of targeted block%::%loop-player%}
                        clear {zsp1::%location of targeted block%::%loop-player%}
                        clear {esp1::%location of targeted block%::%loop-player%}
                        clear {endsp1::%location of targeted block%::%loop-player%}
                        clear {ssp1::%location of targeted block%::%loop-player%}
                        delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%::%loop-player%}
                    send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin sahibi &c%{Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}% &7!!" to player
                    cancel event
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri kırmak için ipeksi kazmaya ihtiyacın var!!" to player
        if {dsp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
            remove 1 from {sp::dsp::%player%}
            cancel event
            set block to air
            delete {item::%location of targeted block%}
            remove location of targeted block from {hologram::*}
            remove location of targeted block from {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            clear {dsp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
            delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
            execute console command "give %player% mob_spawner 1 name:&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner_&7Demir_&aSpawner lore:&aLevel_&8»_&6%{level::%location of targeted block%}%"
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
        if {asp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
            remove 1 from {sp::asp::%player%}
            cancel event
            set block to air
            delete {item::%location of targeted block%}
            remove location of targeted block from {hologram::*}
            remove location of targeted block from {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            clear {asp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
            delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
            execute console command "give %player% mob_spawner 1 name:&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner_&7Altın_&aSpawner lore:&aLevel_&8»_&6%{level::%location of targeted block%}%"
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
        if {zsp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
            remove 1 from {sp::zsp::%player%}
            cancel event
            set block to air
            delete {item::%location of targeted block%}
            remove location of targeted block from {hologram::*}
            remove location of targeted block from {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            clear {zsp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
            delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
            execute console command "give %player% mob_spawner 1 name:&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner_&7Zümrüt_&aSpawner lore:&aLevel_&8»_&6%{level::%location of targeted block%}%"
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
        if {esp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
            remove 1 from {sp::esp::%player%}
            cancel event
            set block to air
            delete {item::%location of targeted block%}
            remove location of targeted block from {hologram::*}
            remove location of targeted block from {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            clear {esp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
            delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
            execute console command "give %player% mob_spawner 1 name:&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner_&7Elmas_&aSpawner lore:&aLevel_&8»_&6%{level::%location of targeted block%}%"
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
        if {endsp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
            remove 1 from {sp::endsp::%player%}
            cancel event
            set block to air
            delete {item::%location of targeted block%}
            remove location of targeted block from {hologram::*}
            remove location of targeted block from {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            clear {endsp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
            delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
            give 1 mob spawner of protection named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7End &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &6%{level::%location of targeted block%}%" to player
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
        if {ssp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
            remove 1 from {sp::ssp::%player%}
            cancel event
            set block to air
            delete {item::%location of targeted block%}
            remove location of targeted block from {hologram::*}
            remove location of targeted block from {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            clear {ssp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
            delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
            give 1 mob spawner of protection named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Sünger &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &6%{level::%location of targeted block%}%" to player
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
        if {golem::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
            clear {golem::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
        if {blaze::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
            clear {blaze::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
        if {skeleton::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
            clear {skeleton::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
        if {zombi::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
            clear {zombi::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
        if {pigman::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
            clear {pigman::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
            if player has permission "op":
                set block to air
                remove location of targeted block from {hologram::*}
                delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
                remove 1 from {sp::%{tür::%location of targeted block%}%::%{Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}%}
                loop players:
                    clear {dsp1::%location of targeted block%::%loop-player%}
                    clear {asp1::%location of targeted block%::%loop-player%}
                    clear {zsp1::%location of targeted block%::%loop-player%}
                    clear {esp1::%location of targeted block%::%loop-player%}
                    clear {endsp1::%location of targeted block%::%loop-player%}
                    clear {ssp1::%location of targeted block%::%loop-player%}
                    delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%::%loop-player%}
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin sahibi &c%{Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}% &7!!" to player
                cancel event
every 10 minute:
    loop {hologram::*}:
        delete holo object "%loop-value%"
        create holo object "ItemStack:%{item::%loop-value%}%;&7&m----------&7;&aLevel &6%{level::%loop-value%}%;&7&m----------&7" with id "%loop-value%" at block above above loop-value
command /hologram [<text>]:
    aliases: /h
        if targeted block is mob spawner:
            if arg 1 is "aç" or "ac":
                if {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
                    delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
                    create holo object "ItemStack:%{item::%location of targeted block%}%;&7&m----------&7;&aLevel &6%{level::%location of targeted block%}%;&7&m----------&7" with id "%location of targeted block%" at block above above location of targeted block
                    add location of targeted block to {hologram::*}
                    send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Hologramı başarıyla açtın"
                    if player has permission "op":
                        delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
                        create holo object "ItemStack:%{item::%location of targeted block%}%;&7&m----------&7;&aLevel &6%{level::%location of targeted block%}%;&7&m----------&7" with id "%location of targeted block%" at block above above location of targeted block
                        add location of targeted block to {hologram::*}
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Hologramı başarıyla açtın"
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin sahibi &c%{Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}% &7!!" to player
            if arg 1 is "kapa" or "kapat":
                if {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
                    delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
                    remove location of targeted block from {hologram::*}
                    send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Hologramı başarıyla kapattın"
                    if player has permission "op":
                        delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
                        remove location of targeted block from {hologram::*}
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Hologramı başarıyla kapattın"
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin sahibi &c%{Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}% &7!!" to player
            if arg 1 is not set:
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Kullanım &8/&3Hologram &7[&aAç&7/&cKapat&7]" to player
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Bir spawnere bakmalısın"
# /Hakver [Koyma Hakkı Vermek İstediğniz Spawner Türü] [Spawner Koyma Hakkı Vermek İstediğiniz Kişi] [Eklemek İstediğiniz Hak Sayısı]
#                ÖNEMLİ NOT!!
# Bir kişiden hak almak için sayının başına - getirmelisiniz
#                ÖRNEK!!
# /Hakver Altın ZeusPro 2 yazarsak ZeusPro adlı kişiye 2 tane altın spawner koyma hakkı verir.
# /Hakver Elmas ZeusPro -3 yazarsak ZeusPro adlı kişiden 3 tane elmas spawner koyma hakkı alır.
command /hakver [<text>] [<player>] [<number>]:
        if player has permission "op":
            if arg 2 is not set:
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Kullanım &7/&8Hakver &7[&fDemir&7/&6Altın&7/&2Zümrüt&7/&bElmas&7/&eEnd&7/&3Sünger&7] [&aplayer&7] [&aadet&7]" to player
                if arg 1 is "demir" or "iron" or "altın" or "gold" or "elmas" or "dia" or "diamond" or "zümrüt" or "emerald" or "end" or "ender" or "sünger" or "sponge":
                    if arg 1 is "demir" or "iron":
                        add arg-3 to {dspp::%arg 2%}
                    if arg 1 is "altın" or "gold":
                        add arg-3 to {aspp::%arg 2%}
                    if arg 1 is "dia" or "diamond" or "elmas":
                        add arg-3 to {espp::%arg 2%}
                    if arg 1 is "zümrüt" or "emerald":
                        add arg-3 to {zspp::%arg 2%}
                    if arg 1 is "end" or "ender":
                        add arg-3 to {endspp::%arg 2%}
                    if arg 1 is "sünger" or "sponge":
                        add arg-3 to {sspp::%arg 2%}
                    send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &a%arg-2% &7adlı kişiye &6%arg-3% &7adet &3%arg-1% &7Spawner kullanım hakkı verildi"
                    send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Kullanım &7/&8Hakver &7[&fDemir&7/&6Altın&7/&2Zümrüt&7/&bElmas&7/&eEnd&7/&3Sünger&7] [&aplayer&7] [&aadet&7]" to player
# /Dağıt [Demir/Altın/Elmas/End/Sünger] yazarak sunucudaki herkeze spawner dağıtabilirsin.
command /dagıt [<text>]:
    aliases: /dağıt
        if arg 1 is "demir" or "iron" or "altın" or "gold" or "elmas" or "dia" or "diamond" or "zümrüt" or "emerald" or "end" or "ender" or "sünger" or "sponge":
            loop all players:
                if arg 1 is "demir" or "iron":
                    execute console command "give %loop-player% mob_spawner 1 name:&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner_&7Demir_&aSpawner lore:&aLevel_&8»_&61"
                if arg 1 is "altın" or "gold":
                    execute console command "give %loop-player% mob_spawner 1 name:&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner_&7Altın_&aSpawner lore:&aLevel_&8»_&61"
                if arg 1 is "dia" or "diamond" or "elmas":
                    execute console command "give %loop-player% mob_spawner 1 name:&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner_&7Elmas_&aSpawner lore:&aLevel_&8»_&61"
                if arg 1 is "zümrüt" or "emerald":
                    execute console command "give %loop-player% mob_spawner 1 name:&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner_&7Zümrüt_&aSpawner lore:&aLevel_&8»_&61"
                if arg 1 is "end" or "ender":
                    execute console command "give %loop-player% mob_spawner 1 name:&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner_&7End_&aSpawner lore:&aLevel_&8»_&61"
                if arg 1 is "sünger" or "sponge":
                    execute console command "give %loop-player% mob_spawner 1 name:&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner_&7Sünger_&aSpawner lore:&aLevel_&8»_&61"
                broadcast "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Yönetici %player% herkeze %arg 1% spawner verdi!!"
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Kullanım &7/&8Dağıt &7[&fDemir&7/&6Altın&7/&2Zümrüt&7/&bElmas&7/&eEnd&7/&3Sünger&7]" to player
# Taş kırdığında 0.5 ihtimalle 1 tane Zcoin çıkıyor.
on break of cobblestone:
    chance of 0.5%:
        add 1 to {zcoin::%player%}
        add 1 to {ztoplam::%player%}
        send "&b&lZ&3&lCoin &7» &b&lZ&3&lCoin &aBuldunuz Tebrikler!" to player
        send "&b&lZ&3&lCoin &7» &8/&3Zcoin &ayazarak Zcoin miktarını öğrenebilirsin!" to player
# Burayı Ellemeyin!!
on join:
    if {zcoin::%player%} is not set:
        set {zcoin::%player%} to 0
    if {ztoplam::%player%} is not set:
        set {ztoplam::%player%} to 0
# Zcoin miktarına bakma, öğrenme, verme, alma vb.
# /Zcoin [Coin vereceğiniz kişi] [+/-] [vereceğiniz coin miktarı] ile birine zcoin eklersiniz veya çıkarırsınız.
# /Zcoin [zcoin miktarına bakacağınız kişi] ilede bir kişinin zcoin miktarına bakabilirsiniz.
command /Zcoin [<player>] [<text>] [<integer>]:
        if player is op:
            if arg 1 is not set:
                send "&b&lZ&3&lCoin &3» &7Hesabındaki Zcoinin &3➙ &6%{zcoin::%player%}%" to player
                send "&b&lZ&3&lCoin &3» &7Toplam Zcoin miktarın &3➙ &6%{ztoplam::%player%}%" to player
            if arg 1 is set:
                if arg 2 is not set:
                    send "&b&lZ&3&lCoin &3» &7%arg 1% &3» %{zcoin::%arg 1%}% &3» &aZcoini var" to player
                if arg 2 is "+":
                    if arg 3 is not set:
                        send "&5            =&b_&5=&b_&5=&b_&5=&b_&b&lZ&3&lCoin&5=&b_&5=&b_&5=&b_&5=&b_" to player
                        send "&b&lZ&3&lCoin &3» &7/Zcoin <İsim> [+/-] <Miktar> &3» &aSeçilen Oyuncuya Zcoin Ekler ya da Zcoinini Silersiniz" to player
                        send "&b&lZ&3&lCoin &3» &7/Zcoin <Oyuncu> &3» &aIstedigin Oyuncunun Zcoinine Bakabilirsin" to player
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        add arg 3 to {zcoin::%arg 1%}
                        add arg 3 to {ztoplam::%arg %}
                        send "&b&lZ&3&lCoin &3» &6%arg 1% adlı oyuncuya &a%arg 3% &7Zcoin verdin" to player
                        send "&b&lZ&3&lCoin &3» &6%player% &7adlı yönetici hesabına &a%arg 3% &7Zcoin verdi." to arg 1
                if arg 2 is "-":
                    if arg 3 is not set:
                        send "&5            =&b_&5=&b_&5=&b_&5=&b_&b&lZ&3&lCoin&5=&b_&5=&b_&5=&b_&5=&b_" to player
                        send "&b&lZ&3&lCoin &3» &7/zcoin <İsim> [+/-] <Miktar> &3» &aSeçilen Oyuncuya Zcoin Ekler ya da Zcoinini Silersiniz" to player
                        send "&b&lZ&3&lCoin &3» &7/zcoin <Oyuncu> &3» &aIstedigin Oyuncunun Zcoinine Bakabilirsin" to player
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        remove arg 3 from {zcoin::%arg 1%}
                        send "&b&lZ&3&lCoin &3» &6%arg 1% adlı oyuncuya &a%arg 3% &7Zcoinini aldın" to player
                        send "&b&lZ&3&lCoin &3» &6%player% &7adlı yönetici hesabından &a%arg 3% &7Zcoinini aldı." to arg 1
                if arg 2 is "sil":
                    if arg 3 is not set:
                        set {zcoin::%arg 1%} to 0
                        set {ztoplam::%arg 1%} to 0
                        send "&b&lZ&3&lCoin &3» &6%arg 1% adlı oyuncuya &a%arg 3% &7Zcoinini aldın" to player
                        send "&b&lZ&3&lCoin &3» &6%player% &7adlı yönetici hesabından &a%arg 3% &7Zcoinini aldı." to arg 1
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        remove arg 3 from {zcoin::%arg 1%}
                        remove arg 3 from {ztoplam::%arg 1%}
                        send "&b&lZ&3&lCoin &3» &6%arg 1% adlı oyuncuya &a%arg 3% &7Zcoinini aldın" to player
                        send "&b&lZ&3&lCoin &3» &6%player% &7adlı yönetici hesabından &a%arg 3% &7Zcoinini aldı." to arg 1
            send "&b&lZ&3&lCoin &3» &7Hesabındaki Zcoinin &3➙ &6%{zcoin::%player%}%" to player
            send "&b&lZ&3&lCoin &3» &7Toplam Zcoin miktarın &3➙ &6%{ztoplam::%player%}%" to player

ve spawnerleri yükseltmek için coin sistemi hakkında bilgi:
/Zcoin [Coin vereceğiniz kişi] [+/-] [vereceğiniz coin miktarı] ile birine zcoin eklersiniz veya çıkarırsınız. (sadece op olanlar kullanabilir)
/Zcoin [zcoin miktarına bakacağınız kişi] ilede bir kişinin zcoin miktarına bakabilirsiniz. (sadece op olanlar kullanabilir)
/Zcoin yazarak kendi zcoin miktarına bakabilirsin.(oyuncular dahil herkez kullanabilir)

ZCoin Yerine Para İle Yükseltilebilir Hali:
#                        ZeuSpawner
#                     YAPIMCI:   ZeusPro
    {sp::dsp::%player%} = 0
    {sp::asp::%player%} = 0
    {sp::zsp::%player%} = 0
    {sp::esp::%player%} = 0
    {sp::endsp::%player%} = 0
    {sp::ssp::%player%} = 0
    {dspp::%player%} = 2 #DEMİR SPAWNER LİMİTİ
    {aspp::%player%} = 0 #ALTIN SPAWNER LİMİTİ
    {zspp::%player%} = 0 #ZÜMRÜT SPAWNER LİMİTİ
    {espp::%player%} = 0 #ELMAS SPAWNER LİMİTİ
    {endspp::%player%} = 0 #END SPAWNER LİMİTİ
    {sspp::%player%} = 0 #SÜNGER SPAWNER LİMİTİ
    {ipeksi::*} = false
    {yükseltme2::fiyat} = 2000 # 2000 para karşılığı 1 level spawneri 2 level yapıyor.
    {yükseltme3::fiyat} = 4000 # 4000 para karşılığı 2 level spawneri 3 level yapıyor.
    {yükseltme4::fiyat} = 7000 # 7000 para karşılığı 3 level spawneri 4 level yapıyor.
    {yükseltme5::fiyat} = 10000 # 10000 para karşılığı 4 level spawneri 5(MAX) level yapıyor.
# BİR KİŞİYE SPAWNER VERMEK İÇİN /Sp [Spawner Türü] [Spawneri Vereceğiniz Kişinin İsmi] [Vereceğiniz Spawner Sayısı]
command /sp [<text>] [<player>] [<number>]:
        if player has permission "op":
            if arg 1 isn't set:
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Kullanım &7/&8Sp &7[&fDemir&7/&6Altın&7/&2Zümrüt&7/&bElmas&7/&eEnd&7/&3Sünger&7] [&aIsim&7] [&aAdet&7]" to player
            if arg 1 is "demir" or "iron":
                if arg 2 isn't set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Demir &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &fDemir &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Demir &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &fDemir &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Demir &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &fDemir &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &fDemir &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Demir &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &fDemir &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &fDemir &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
            if arg 1 is "altın" or "gold" or "altin":
                if arg 2 isn't set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Altın &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &6Altın &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Altın &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &6Altın &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Altın &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &6Altın &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &6Altın &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Altın &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &6Altın &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &6Altın &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
            if arg 1 is "zümrüt" or "emerald" or "zumrut":
                if arg 2 isn't set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Zümrüt &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &2Zümrüt &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Zümrüt &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &2Zümrüt &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Zümrüt &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &2Zümrüt &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &2Zümrüt &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Zümrüt &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &2Zümrüt &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &2Zümrüt &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
            if arg 1 is "elmas" or "dia" or "diamond":
                if arg 2 isn't set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Elmas &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &bElmas &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Elmas &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &bElmas &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Elmas &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &bElmas &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &bElmas &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Elmas &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &bElmas &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &bElmas &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
            if arg 1 is "end":
                if arg 2 isn't set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner of protection named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7End &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &eEnd &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner of protection named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7End &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &eEnd &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner of protection named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7End &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &eEnd &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &eEnd &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner of protection named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7End &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &eEnd &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &eEnd &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
            if arg 1 is "sünger" or "sponge" or "sunger":
                if arg 2 isn't set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner of protection named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Sünger &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &3Sünger &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner of protection named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Sünger &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &3Sünger &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner of protection named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Sünger &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &3Sünger &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &3Sünger &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner of protection named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Sünger &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &3Sünger &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &3Sünger &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
        else if executor is console:
            if arg 1 isn't set:
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Kullanım &7/&8Sp &7[&fDemir&7/&6Altın&7/&2Zümrüt&7/&bElmas&7/&eEnd&7/&3Sünger&7] [&aIsim&7] [&aAdet&7]" to console
            if arg 1 is "demir" or "iron":
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Demir &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &fDemir &aSpawner Verildi." to console
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &fDemir &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Demir &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &fDemir &aSpawner Verildi." to console
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &fDemir &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Kişi Girmelisiniz." to console
            if arg 1 is "altın" or "gold" or "altin":
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Altın &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &6Altın &aSpawner Verildi." to console
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &6Altın &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Altın &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &6Altın &aSpawner Verildi." to console
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &6Altın &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Kişi Girmelisiniz." to console
            if arg 1 is "zümrüt" or "emerald" or "zumrut":
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Zümrüt &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &2Zümrüt &aSpawner Verildi." to console
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &2Zümrüt &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Zümrüt &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &2Zümrüt &aSpawner Verildi." to console
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &2Zümrüt &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Kişi Girmelisiniz." to console
            if arg 1 is "elmas" or "dia" or "diamond":
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Elmas &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &bElmas &aSpawner Verildi." to console
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &bElmas &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Elmas &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &bElmas &aSpawner Verildi." to console
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &bElmas &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Kişi Girmelisiniz." to console
            if arg 1 is "end":
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner of protection named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7End &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &eEnd &aSpawner Verildi." to console
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &eEnd &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner of protection named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7End &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &eEnd &aSpawner Verildi." to console
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &eEnd &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Kişi Girmelisiniz." to console
            if arg 1 is "sünger" or "sponge" or "sunger":
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner of protection named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Sünger &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &3Sünger &aSpawner Verildi." to console
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &3Sünger &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner of protection named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Sünger &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &3Sünger &aSpawner Verildi." to console
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &3Sünger &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Kişi Girmelisiniz." to console
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Bu komutu kullanamazsın." to player
on place of mob spawner:
    if name of player's tool is "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Demir &aSpawner":
        if {sp::dsp::%player%} is smaller than {dspp::%player%}:
            set {dsp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} to location of targeted block
            set {_x} to x coord of event-location
            set {_y} to y coord of event-location
            set {_z} to z coord of event-location
            add {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%} to location of targeted block
            set {tür::%location of targeted block%} to dsp
            set {item::%location of targeted block%} to "Iron Ingot"
            set {item1::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to "iron_ingot"
            add location of targeted block to {hologram::*}
            set {tür::%location of targeted block%} to "dsp"
            set {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%} to player
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &61":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 1
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to 2
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 40
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 20
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &62":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 2
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to 3
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 36
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 18
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &63":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 3
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to 4
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 32
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 16
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &64":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 4
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to 5
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 28
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 14
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &65":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 5
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to "MAX"
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 24
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 12
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 2 tick
            create holo object "ItemStack:Iron Ingot;&7&m----------&7;&aLevel &6%{level::%location of targeted block%}%;&7&m----------&7" with id "%location of targeted block%" at block above above location of targeted block
            execute player command "setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:minecraft:iron_ingot,Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:1,RequiredPlayerRange:20,Delay:1,MinSpawnDelay:%{hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%}%0,MaxSpawnDelay:%{hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%}%0,MaxNearbyEntities:9999}"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri Başarıyla Koydun." to player
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri Kazma İle Kırabilirsin." to player
            wait 2 tick
            add 1 to {sp::dsp::%player%}
            cancel event
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawner Koymak İçin Hakkın Kalmamış" to player
    if name of player's tool is "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Altın &aSpawner":
        if {sp::asp::%player%} is smaller than or equal to {aspp::%player%}:
            set {asp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} to location of targeted block
            set {_x} to x coord of event-location
            set {_y} to y coord of event-location
            set {_z} to z coord of event-location
            add {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%} to location of targeted block
            set {tür::%location of targeted block%} to asp
            set {item::%location of targeted block%} to "Gold Ingot"
            set {item1::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to "gold_ingot"
            add location of targeted block to {hologram::*}
            set {tür::%location of targeted block%} to "asp"
            set {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%} to player
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &61":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 1
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to 2
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 40
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 20
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &62":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 2
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to 3
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 36
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 18
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &63":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 3
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to 4
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 32
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 16
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &64":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 4
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to 5
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 28
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 14
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &65":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 5
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to "MAX"
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 24
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 12
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 2 tick
            create holo object "ItemStack:Gold Ingot;&7&m----------&7;&aLevel &6%{level::%location of targeted block%}%;&7&m----------&7" with id "%location of targeted block%" at block above above location of targeted block
            execute player command "setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:minecraft:gold_ingot,Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:2,RequiredPlayerRange:20,Delay:1,MinSpawnDelay:%{hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%}%0,MaxSpawnDelay:%{hız1::%player%::%location of targeted block%}%0,MaxNearbyEntities:9999}"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri Başarıyla Koydun." to player
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri Kazma İle Kırabilirsin." to player
            wait 2 tick
            add 1 to {sp::asp::%player%}
            cancel event
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawner Koymak İçin Hakkın Kalmamış" to player
    if name of player's tool is "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Zümrüt &aSpawner":
        if {sp::zsp::%player%} is smaller than or equal to {zspp::%player%}:
            set {zsp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} to location of targeted block
            set {_x} to x coord of event-location
            set {_y} to y coord of event-location
            set {_z} to z coord of event-location
            add {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%} to location of targeted block
            set {tür::%location of targeted block%} to zsp
            set {item::%location of targeted block%} to "Emerald"
            set {item1::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to "emerald"
            add location of targeted block to {hologram::*}
            set {tür::%location of targeted block%} to "zsp"
            set {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%} to player
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &61":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 1
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to 2
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 40
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 20
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &62":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 2
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to 3
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 36
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 18
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &63":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 3
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to 4
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 32
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 16
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &64":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 4
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to 5
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 28
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 14
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &65":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 5
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to "MAX"
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 24
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 12
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 2 tick
            create holo object "ItemStack:Emerald;&7&m----------&7;&aLevel &6%{level::%location of targeted block%}%;&7&m----------&7" with id "%location of targeted block%" at block above above location of targeted block
            execute player command "setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:minecraft:emerald,Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:2,RequiredPlayerRange:20,Delay:1,MinSpawnDelay:%{hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%}%0,MaxSpawnDelay:%{hız1::%player%::%location of targeted block%}%0,MaxNearbyEntities:9999}"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri Başarıyla Koydun." to player
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri Kazma İle Kırabilirsin." to player
            wait 2 tick
            add 1 to {sp::zsp::%player%}
            cancel event
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawner Koymak İçin Hakkın Kalmamış" to player
    if name of player's tool is "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Elmas &aSpawner":
        if {sp::esp::%player%} is smaller than or equal to {espp::%player%}:
            set {esp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} to location of targeted block
            set {_x} to x coord of event-location
            set {_y} to y coord of event-location
            set {_z} to z coord of event-location
            add {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%} to location of targeted block
            set {tür::%location of targeted block%} to esp
            set {item::%location of targeted block%} to "Diamond"
            set {item1::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to "diamond"
            add location of targeted block to {hologram::*}
            set {tür::%location of targeted block%} to "esp"
            set {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%} to player
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &61":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 1
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to 2
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 40
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 20
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &62":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 2
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to 3
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 36
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 18
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &63":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 3
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to 4
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 32
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 16
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &64":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 4
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to 5
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 28
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 14
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &65":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 5
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to "MAX"
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 24
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 12
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 2 tick
            create holo object "ItemStack:Diamond;&7&m----------&7;&aLevel &6%{level::%location of targeted block%}%;&7&m----------&7" with id "%location of targeted block%" at block above above location of targeted block
            execute player command "setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:minecraft:diamond,Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:2,RequiredPlayerRange:20,Delay:1,MinSpawnDelay:%{hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%}%0,MaxSpawnDelay:%{hız1::%player%::%location of targeted block%}%0,MaxNearbyEntities:9999}"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri Başarıyla Koydun." to player
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri Kazma İle Kırabilirsin." to player
            wait 2 tick
            add 1 to {sp::esp::%player%}
            cancel event
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawner Koymak İçin Hakkın Kalmamış" to player
    if name of player's tool is "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7End &aSpawner":
        if {sp::endsp::%player%} is smaller than or equal to {endspp::%player%}:
            set {endsp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} to location of targeted block
            set {_x} to x coord of event-location
            set {_y} to y coord of event-location
            set {_z} to z coord of event-location
            add {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%} to location of targeted block
            set {tür::%location of targeted block%} to endsp
            set {item::%location of targeted block%} to "End Stone"
            set {item1::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to "end_stone"
            add location of targeted block to {hologram::*}
            set {tür::%location of targeted block%} to "endsp"
            set {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%} to player
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &61":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 1
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to 2
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 40
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 20
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &62":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 2
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to 3
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 36
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 18
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &63":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 3
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to 4
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 32
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 16
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &64":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 4
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to 5
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 28
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 14
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &65":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 5
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to "MAX"
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 24
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 12
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 2 tick
            create holo object "ItemStack:End;&7&m----------&7;&aLevel &6%{level::%location of targeted block%}%;&7&m----------&7" with id "%location of targeted block%" at block above above location of targeted block
            execute player command "setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:minecraft:end_stone,Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:2,RequiredPlayerRange:20,Delay:1,MinSpawnDelay:%{hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%}%0,MaxSpawnDelay:%{hız1::%player%::%location of targeted block%}%0,MaxNearbyEntities:9999}"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri Başarıyla Koydun." to player
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri Kazma İle Kırabilirsin." to player
            wait 2 tick
            add 1 to {sp::endsp::%player%}
            cancel event
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawner Koymak İçin Hakkın Kalmamış" to player
    if name of player's tool is "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Sünger &aSpawner":
        if {sp::ssp::%player%} is smaller than or equal to {sspp::%player%}:
            set {ssp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} to location of targeted block
            set {_x} to x coord of event-location
            set {_y} to y coord of event-location
            set {_z} to z coord of event-location
            add {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%} to location of targeted block
            set {tür::%location of targeted block%} to ssp
            set {item::%location of targeted block%} to "Sponge"
            set {item1::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to "sponge"
            add location of targeted block to {hologram::*}
            set {tür::%location of targeted block%} to "ssp"
            set {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%} to player
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &61":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 1
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to 2
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 40
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 20
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &62":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 2
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to 3
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 36
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 18
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &63":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 3
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to 4
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 32
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 16
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &64":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 4
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to 5
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 28
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 14
            if lore of player's tool is "&aLevel &8» &65":
                set {level::%location of targeted block%} to 5
                set {level1::%location of targeted block%} to "MAX"
                set {hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 24
                set {hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%} to 12
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 2 tick
            create holo object "ItemStack:Sponge;&7&m----------&7;&aLevel &6%{level::%location of targeted block%}%;&7&m----------&7" with id "%location of targeted block%" at block above above location of targeted block
            execute player command "setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:minecraft:sponge,Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:2,RequiredPlayerRange:20,Delay:1,MinSpawnDelay:%{hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%}%0,MaxSpawnDelay:%{hız1::%player%::%location of targeted block%}%0,MaxNearbyEntities:9999}"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri Başarıyla Koydun." to player
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri Kazma İle Kırabilirsin." to player
            wait 2 tick
            add 1 to {sp::ssp::%player%}
            cancel event
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawner Koymak İçin Hakkın Kalmamış" to player
on right click on mob spawner:
    if {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
        open chest with 1 row named "&b&lZ&6&lSp &8» &7Spawner Menüsü" to player
        wait 2 tick
        if {level::%location of targeted block%} is equal to 1:
            format slot 2 of player with 1 experience bottle named "&a&lYükselt" with lore "&7||&7Yükseltince &6%{level1::%location of targeted block%}% &7level olucak" to close then run [execute console command "yukselt %location of targeted block% 2 %player%"]
        if {level::%location of targeted block%} is equal to 2:
            format slot 2 of player with 1 experience bottle named "&a&lYükselt" with lore "&7||&7Yükseltince &6%{level1::%location of targeted block%}% &7level olucak" to close then run [execute console command "yukselt %location of targeted block% 3 %player%"]
        if {level::%location of targeted block%} is equal to 3:
            format slot 2 of player with 1 experience bottle named "&a&lYükselt" with lore "&7||&7Yükseltince &6%{level1::%location of targeted block%}% &7level olucak" to close then run [execute console command "yukselt %location of targeted block% 4 %player%"]
        if {level::%location of targeted block%} is equal to 4:
            format slot 2 of player with 1 experience bottle named "&a&lYükselt" with lore "&7||&7Yükseltince &6%{level1::%location of targeted block%}% &7level olucak" to close then run [execute console command "yukselt %location of targeted block% 5 %player%"]
        if {level::%location of targeted block%} is equal to 5:
            format slot 2 of player with 1 experience bottle named "&a&lYükselt" with lore "&7||&7Bu spawner zaten MAX seviyede" to close
        format slot 5 of player with mob spawner named "&b&lBilgi" with lore "&7||&aLevel &8» &6%{level::%location of targeted block%}%||&7||&e%{hızz::%player%::%location of targeted block%}% &7saniyede &e1 &7çıkartıyor" to close
        format slot 8 of player with redstone block named "&c&lKapat" to close
        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin sahibi &c%{Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}% &7!!" to player
command /yukselt [<text>] [<text>] [<player>]:
    executable by: console
        set {oyuncu::para} to arg 3
        if arg 2 is "2":
            if {oyuncu::para} is greater than or equal to {yükseltme2::fiyat}:
                remove {yükseltme2::fiyat} from {oyuncu::para}
                set {_location} to arg 1
                set {_x} to x coord of {_location}
                set {_y} to y coord of {_location}
                set {_z} to z coord of {_location}
                add 1 to {level::%{_location}%}
                add 1 to {level1::%{_location}%}
                remove 2 from {hız::%arg 3%::%{_location}%}
                remove 4 from {hızz::%arg 3%::%{_location}%}
                delete holo object "%{_location}%"
                execute console command "manuaddp %arg 3% minecraft.command.setblock"
                wait 2 tick
                create holo object "ItemStack:%{item::%{_location}%}%;&7&m----------&7;&aLevel &6%{level::%{_location}%}%;&7&m----------&7" with id "%{_location}%" at block above above {_location}
                execute arg 3 command "setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:minecraft:%{item1::%arg 3%::%{_location}%}%,Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:2,Requiredarg 3Range:20,Delay:1,MinSpawnDelay:360,MaxSpawnDelay:360,MaxNearbyEntities:9999}"
                execute console command "manudelp %arg 3% minecraft.command.setblock"
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri &6%{level::%{_location}%}% &7Level Yaptın." to arg 3
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri yükseltmen için {yükseltme2::fiyat} paran olması lazım!" to arg 3
        if arg 2 is "3":
            if {oyuncu::para} is greater than or equal to {yükseltme3::fiyat}:
                remove {yükseltme3::fiyat} from {oyuncu::para}
                set {_location} to arg 1
                set {_x} to x coord of {_location}
                set {_y} to y coord of {_location}
                set {_z} to z coord of {_location}
                add 1 to {level::%{_location}%}
                add 1 to {level1::%{_location}%}
                remove 2 from {hız::%arg 3%::%{_location}%}
                remove 4 from {hızz::%arg 3%::%{_location}%}
                delete holo object "%{_location}%"
                execute console command "manuaddp %arg 3% minecraft.command.setblock"
                wait 2 tick
                create holo object "ItemStack:%{item::%{_location}%}%;&7&m----------&7;&aLevel &6%{level::%{_location}%}%;&7&m----------&7" with id "%{_location}%" at block above above {_location}
                execute arg 3 command "setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:minecraft:%{item1::%arg 3%::%{_location}%}%,Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:2,Requiredarg 3Range:20,Delay:1,MinSpawnDelay:320,MaxSpawnDelay:320,MaxNearbyEntities:9999}"
                execute console command "manudelp %arg 3% minecraft.command.setblock"
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri &6%{level::%{_location}%}% &7Level Yaptın." to arg 3
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri yükseltmen için {yükseltme3::fiyat} paran olması lazım!" to arg 3
        if arg 2 is "4":
            if {oyuncu::para} is greater than or equal to {yükseltme4::fiyat}:
                remove {yükseltme4::fiyat} from {oyuncu::para}
                set {_location} to arg 1
                set {_x} to x coord of {_location}
                set {_y} to y coord of {_location}
                set {_z} to z coord of {_location}
                add 1 to {level::%{_location}%}
                add 1 to {level1::%{_location}%}
                remove 2 from {hız::%arg 3%::%{_location}%}
                remove 4 from {hızz::%arg 3%::%{_location}%}
                delete holo object "%{_location}%"
                execute console command "manuaddp %arg 3% minecraft.command.setblock"
                wait 2 tick
                create holo object "ItemStack:%{item::%{_location}%}%;&7&m----------&7;&aLevel &6%{level::%{_location}%}%;&7&m----------&7" with id "%{_location}%" at block above above {_location}
                execute arg 3 command "setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:minecraft:%{item1::%arg 3%::%{_location}%}%,Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:2,Requiredarg 3Range:20,Delay:1,MinSpawnDelay:280,MaxSpawnDelay:280,MaxNearbyEntities:9999}"
                execute console command "manudelp %arg 3% minecraft.command.setblock"
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri &6%{level::%{_location}%}% &7Level Yaptın." to arg 3
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri yükseltmen için {yükseltme4::fiyat} paran olması lazım!" to arg 3
        if arg 2 is "5":
            if {oyuncu::para} is greater than or equal to {yükseltme5::fiyat}:
                remove {yükseltme5::fiyat} from {oyuncu::para}
                set {_location} to arg 1
                set {_x} to x coord of {_location}
                set {_y} to y coord of {_location}
                set {_z} to z coord of {_location}
                add 1 to {level::%{_location}%}
                add 1 to {level1::%{_location}%}
                remove 2 from {hız::%arg 3%::%{_location}%}
                remove 4 from {hızz::%arg 3%::%{_location}%}
                delete holo object "%{_location}%"
                execute console command "manuaddp %arg 3% minecraft.command.setblock"
                wait 2 tick
                create holo object "ItemStack:%{item::%{_location}%}%;&7&m----------&7;&aLevel &6%{level::%{_location}%}%;&7&m----------&7" with id "%{_location}%" at block above above {_location}
                execute arg 3 command "setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:minecraft:%{item1::%arg 3%::%{_location}%}%,Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:2,Requiredarg 3Range:20,Delay:1,MinSpawnDelay:240,MaxSpawnDelay:240,MaxNearbyEntities:9999}"
                execute console command "manudelp %arg 3% minecraft.command.setblock"
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri &6%{level::%{_location}%}% &7Level Yaptın." to arg 3
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri yükseltmen için {yükseltme5::fiyat} paran olması lazım!" to arg 3
on break of mob spawner:
    if {ipeksi::*} is true:
        if tool of player is any pickaxe of silk touch:
            if {dsp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
                remove 1 from {sp::dsp::%player%}
                cancel event
                set block to air
                delete {item::%location of targeted block%}
                remove location of targeted block from {hologram::*}
                remove location of targeted block from {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                clear {dsp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
                delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
                execute console command "give %player% mob_spawner 1 name:&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner_&7Demir_&aSpawner lore:&aLevel_&8»_&6%{level::%location of targeted block%}%"
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
            if {asp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
                remove 1 from {sp::asp::%player%}
                cancel event
                set block to air
                delete {item::%location of targeted block%}
                remove location of targeted block from {hologram::*}
                remove location of targeted block from {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                clear {asp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
                delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
                execute console command "give %player% mob_spawner 1 name:&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner_&7Altın_&aSpawner lore:&aLevel_&8»_&6%{level::%location of targeted block%}%"
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
            if {zsp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
                remove 1 from {sp::zsp::%player%}
                cancel event
                set block to air
                delete {item::%location of targeted block%}
                remove location of targeted block from {hologram::*}
                remove location of targeted block from {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                clear {zsp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
                delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
                execute console command "give %player% mob_spawner 1 name:&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner_&7Zümrüt_&aSpawner lore:&aLevel_&8»_&6%{level::%location of targeted block%}%"
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
            if {esp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
                remove 1 from {sp::esp::%player%}
                cancel event
                set block to air
                delete {item::%location of targeted block%}
                remove location of targeted block from {hologram::*}
                remove location of targeted block from {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                clear {esp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
                delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
                execute console command "give %player% mob_spawner 1 name:&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner_&7Elmas_&aSpawner lore:&aLevel_&8»_&6%{level::%location of targeted block%}%"
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
            if {endsp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
                remove 1 from {sp::endsp::%player%}
                cancel event
                set block to air
                delete {item::%location of targeted block%}
                remove location of targeted block from {hologram::*}
                remove location of targeted block from {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                clear {endsp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
                delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
                give 1 mob spawner of protection named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7End &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &6%{level::%location of targeted block%}%" to player
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
            if {ssp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
                remove 1 from {sp::ssp::%player%}
                cancel event
                set block to air
                delete {item::%location of targeted block%}
                remove location of targeted block from {hologram::*}
                remove location of targeted block from {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                clear {ssp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
                delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
                give 1 mob spawner of protection named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Sünger &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &6%{level::%location of targeted block%}%" to player
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
            if {golem::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
                clear {golem::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
            if {blaze::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
                clear {blaze::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
            if {skeleton::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
                clear {skeleton::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
            if {zombi::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
                clear {zombi::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
            if {pigman::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
                clear {pigman::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
                if player has permission "op":
                    set block to air
                    remove location of targeted block from {hologram::*}
                    delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
                    remove 1 from {sp::%{tür::%location of targeted block%}%::%{Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}%}
                    loop players:
                        clear {dsp1::%location of targeted block%::%loop-player%}
                        clear {asp1::%location of targeted block%::%loop-player%}
                        clear {zsp1::%location of targeted block%::%loop-player%}
                        clear {esp1::%location of targeted block%::%loop-player%}
                        clear {endsp1::%location of targeted block%::%loop-player%}
                        clear {ssp1::%location of targeted block%::%loop-player%}
                        delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%::%loop-player%}
                    send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin sahibi &c%{Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}% &7!!" to player
                    cancel event
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri kırmak için ipeksi kazmaya ihtiyacın var!!" to player
        if {dsp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
            remove 1 from {sp::dsp::%player%}
            cancel event
            set block to air
            delete {item::%location of targeted block%}
            remove location of targeted block from {hologram::*}
            remove location of targeted block from {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            clear {dsp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
            delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
            execute console command "give %player% mob_spawner 1 name:&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner_&7Demir_&aSpawner lore:&aLevel_&8»_&6%{level::%location of targeted block%}%"
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
        if {asp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
            remove 1 from {sp::asp::%player%}
            cancel event
            set block to air
            delete {item::%location of targeted block%}
            remove location of targeted block from {hologram::*}
            remove location of targeted block from {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            clear {asp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
            delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
            execute console command "give %player% mob_spawner 1 name:&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner_&7Altın_&aSpawner lore:&aLevel_&8»_&6%{level::%location of targeted block%}%"
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
        if {zsp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
            remove 1 from {sp::zsp::%player%}
            cancel event
            set block to air
            delete {item::%location of targeted block%}
            remove location of targeted block from {hologram::*}
            remove location of targeted block from {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            clear {zsp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
            delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
            execute console command "give %player% mob_spawner 1 name:&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner_&7Zümrüt_&aSpawner lore:&aLevel_&8»_&6%{level::%location of targeted block%}%"
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
        if {esp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
            remove 1 from {sp::esp::%player%}
            cancel event
            set block to air
            delete {item::%location of targeted block%}
            remove location of targeted block from {hologram::*}
            remove location of targeted block from {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            clear {esp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
            delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
            execute console command "give %player% mob_spawner 1 name:&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner_&7Elmas_&aSpawner lore:&aLevel_&8»_&6%{level::%location of targeted block%}%"
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
        if {endsp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
            remove 1 from {sp::endsp::%player%}
            cancel event
            set block to air
            delete {item::%location of targeted block%}
            remove location of targeted block from {hologram::*}
            remove location of targeted block from {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            clear {endsp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
            delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
            give 1 mob spawner of protection named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7End &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &6%{level::%location of targeted block%}%" to player
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
        if {ssp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
            remove 1 from {sp::ssp::%player%}
            cancel event
            set block to air
            delete {item::%location of targeted block%}
            remove location of targeted block from {hologram::*}
            remove location of targeted block from {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            clear {ssp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
            delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
            give 1 mob spawner of protection named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Sünger &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &6%{level::%location of targeted block%}%" to player
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
        if {golem::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
            clear {golem::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
        if {blaze::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
            clear {blaze::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
        if {skeleton::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
            clear {skeleton::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
        if {zombi::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
            clear {zombi::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
        if {pigman::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
            clear {pigman::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
            if player has permission "op":
                set block to air
                remove location of targeted block from {hologram::*}
                delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
                remove 1 from {sp::%{tür::%location of targeted block%}%::%{Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}%}
                loop players:
                    clear {dsp1::%location of targeted block%::%loop-player%}
                    clear {asp1::%location of targeted block%::%loop-player%}
                    clear {zsp1::%location of targeted block%::%loop-player%}
                    clear {esp1::%location of targeted block%::%loop-player%}
                    clear {endsp1::%location of targeted block%::%loop-player%}
                    clear {ssp1::%location of targeted block%::%loop-player%}
                    delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%::%loop-player%}
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin sahibi &c%{Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}% &7!!" to player
                cancel event
every 10 minute:
    loop {hologram::*}:
        delete holo object "%loop-value%"
        create holo object "ItemStack:%{item::%loop-value%}%;&7&m----------&7;&aLevel &6%{level::%loop-value%}%;&7&m----------&7" with id "%loop-value%" at block above above loop-value
command /hologram [<text>]:
    aliases: /h
        if targeted block is mob spawner:
            if arg 1 is "aç" or "ac":
                if {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
                    delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
                    create holo object "ItemStack:%{item::%location of targeted block%}%;&7&m----------&7;&aLevel &6%{level::%location of targeted block%}%;&7&m----------&7" with id "%location of targeted block%" at block above above location of targeted block
                    add location of targeted block to {hologram::*}
                    send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Hologramı başarıyla açtın"
                    if player has permission "op":
                        delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
                        create holo object "ItemStack:%{item::%location of targeted block%}%;&7&m----------&7;&aLevel &6%{level::%location of targeted block%}%;&7&m----------&7" with id "%location of targeted block%" at block above above location of targeted block
                        add location of targeted block to {hologram::*}
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Hologramı başarıyla açtın"
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin sahibi &c%{Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}% &7!!" to player
            if arg 1 is "kapa" or "kapat":
                if {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
                    delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
                    remove location of targeted block from {hologram::*}
                    send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Hologramı başarıyla kapattın"
                    if player has permission "op":
                        delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
                        remove location of targeted block from {hologram::*}
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Hologramı başarıyla kapattın"
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin sahibi &c%{Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}% &7!!" to player
            if arg 1 is not set:
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Kullanım &8/&3Hologram &7[&aAç&7/&cKapat&7]" to player
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Bir spawnere bakmalısın"
# /Hakver [Koyma Hakkı Vermek İstediğniz Spawner Türü] [Spawner Koyma Hakkı Vermek İstediğiniz Kişi] [Eklemek İstediğiniz Hak Sayısı]
#                ÖNEMLİ NOT!!
# Bir kişiden hak almak için sayının başına - getirmelisiniz
#                ÖRNEK!!
# /Hakver Altın ZeusPro 2 yazarsak ZeusPro adlı kişiye 2 tane altın spawner koyma hakkı verir.
# /Hakver Elmas ZeusPro -3 yazarsak ZeusPro adlı kişiden 3 tane elmas spawner koyma hakkı alır.
command /hakver [<text>] [<player>] [<number>]:
        if player has permission "op":
            if arg 2 is not set:
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Kullanım &7/&8Hakver &7[&fDemir&7/&6Altın&7/&2Zümrüt&7/&bElmas&7/&eEnd&7/&3Sünger&7] [&aplayer&7] [&aadet&7]" to player
                if arg 1 is "demir" or "iron" or "altın" or "gold" or "elmas" or "dia" or "diamond" or "zümrüt" or "emerald" or "end" or "ender" or "sünger" or "sponge":
                    if arg 1 is "demir" or "iron":
                        add arg-3 to {dspp::%arg 2%}
                    if arg 1 is "altın" or "gold":
                        add arg-3 to {aspp::%arg 2%}
                    if arg 1 is "dia" or "diamond" or "elmas":
                        add arg-3 to {espp::%arg 2%}
                    if arg 1 is "zümrüt" or "emerald":
                        add arg-3 to {zspp::%arg 2%}
                    if arg 1 is "end" or "ender":
                        add arg-3 to {endspp::%arg 2%}
                    if arg 1 is "sünger" or "sponge":
                        add arg-3 to {sspp::%arg 2%}
                    send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &a%arg-2% &7adlı kişiye &6%arg-3% &7adet &3%arg-1% &7Spawner kullanım hakkı verildi"
                    send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Kullanım &7/&8Hakver &7[&fDemir&7/&6Altın&7/&2Zümrüt&7/&bElmas&7/&eEnd&7/&3Sünger&7] [&aplayer&7] [&aadet&7]" to player
# /Dağıt [Demir/Altın/Elmas/End/Sünger] yazarak sunucudaki herkeze spawner dağıtabilirsin.
command /dagıt [<text>]:
    aliases: /dağıt
        if arg 1 is "demir" or "iron" or "altın" or "gold" or "elmas" or "dia" or "diamond" or "zümrüt" or "emerald" or "end" or "ender" or "sünger" or "sponge":
            loop all players:
                if arg 1 is "demir" or "iron":
                    execute console command "give %loop-player% mob_spawner 1 name:&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner_&7Demir_&aSpawner lore:&aLevel_&8»_&61"
                if arg 1 is "altın" or "gold":
                    execute console command "give %loop-player% mob_spawner 1 name:&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner_&7Altın_&aSpawner lore:&aLevel_&8»_&61"
                if arg 1 is "dia" or "diamond" or "elmas":
                    execute console command "give %loop-player% mob_spawner 1 name:&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner_&7Elmas_&aSpawner lore:&aLevel_&8»_&61"
                if arg 1 is "zümrüt" or "emerald":
                    execute console command "give %loop-player% mob_spawner 1 name:&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner_&7Zümrüt_&aSpawner lore:&aLevel_&8»_&61"
                if arg 1 is "end" or "ender":
                    execute console command "give %loop-player% mob_spawner 1 name:&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner_&7End_&aSpawner lore:&aLevel_&8»_&61"
                if arg 1 is "sünger" or "sponge":
                    execute console command "give %loop-player% mob_spawner 1 name:&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner_&7Sünger_&aSpawner lore:&aLevel_&8»_&61"
                broadcast "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Yönetici %player% herkeze %arg 1% spawner verdi!!"
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Kullanım &7/&8Dağıt &7[&fDemir&7/&6Altın&7/&2Zümrüt&7/&bElmas&7/&eEnd&7/&3Sünger&7]" to player

Yükseltme sistemi olmayan hali:
#                        ZeuSpawner
#                     YAPIMCI:   ZeusPro
    {sp::dsp::%player%} = 0
    {sp::asp::%player%} = 0
    {sp::zsp::%player%} = 0
    {sp::esp::%player%} = 0
    {sp::endsp::%player%} = 0
    {sp::ssp::%player%} = 0
    {dspp::%player%} = 2 #DEMİR SPAWNER LİMİTİ
    {aspp::%player%} = 0 #ALTIN SPAWNER LİMİTİ
    {zspp::%player%} = 0 #ZÜMRÜT SPAWNER LİMİTİ
    {espp::%player%} = 0 #ELMAS SPAWNER LİMİTİ
    {endspp::%player%} = 0 #END SPAWNER LİMİTİ
    {sspp::%player%} = 0 #SÜNGER SPAWNER LİMİTİ
    {ipeksi::*} = false
# BİR KİŞİYE SPAWNER VERMEK İÇİN /Sp [Spawner Türü] [Spawneri Vereceğiniz Kişinin İsmi] [Vereceğiniz Spawner Sayısı]
command /sp [<text>] [<player>] [<number>]:
        if player has permission "op":
            if arg 1 isn't set:
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Kullanım &7/&8Sp &7[&fDemir&7/&6Altın&7/&2Zümrüt&7/&bElmas&7/&eEnd&7/&3Sünger&7] [&aIsim&7] [&aAdet&7]" to player
            if arg 1 is "demir" or "iron":
                if arg 2 isn't set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Demir &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &fDemir &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Demir &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &fDemir &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Demir &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &fDemir &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &fDemir &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Demir &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &fDemir &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &fDemir &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
            if arg 1 is "altın" or "gold" or "altin":
                if arg 2 isn't set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Altın &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &6Altın &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Altın &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &6Altın &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Altın &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &6Altın &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &6Altın &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Altın &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &6Altın &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &6Altın &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
            if arg 1 is "zümrüt" or "emerald" or "zumrut":
                if arg 2 isn't set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Zümrüt &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &2Zümrüt &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Zümrüt &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &2Zümrüt &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Zümrüt &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &2Zümrüt &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &2Zümrüt &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Zümrüt &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &2Zümrüt &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &2Zümrüt &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
            if arg 1 is "elmas" or "dia" or "diamond":
                if arg 2 isn't set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Elmas &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &bElmas &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Elmas &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &bElmas &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Elmas &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &bElmas &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &bElmas &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Elmas &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &bElmas &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &bElmas &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
            if arg 1 is "end":
                if arg 2 isn't set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner of protection named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7End &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &eEnd &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner of protection named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7End &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &eEnd &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner of protection named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7End &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &eEnd &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &eEnd &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner of protection named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7End &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &eEnd &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &eEnd &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
            if arg 1 is "sünger" or "sponge" or "sunger":
                if arg 2 isn't set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner of protection named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Sünger &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &3Sünger &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner of protection named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Sünger &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &3Sünger &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner of protection named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Sünger &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &3Sünger &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &3Sünger &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner of protection named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Sünger &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &3Sünger &aSpawner Verildi." to player
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &3Sünger &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
        else if executor is console:
            if arg 1 isn't set:
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Kullanım &7/&8Sp &7[&fDemir&7/&6Altın&7/&2Zümrüt&7/&bElmas&7/&eEnd&7/&3Sünger&7] [&aIsim&7] [&aAdet&7]" to console
            if arg 1 is "demir" or "iron":
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Demir &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &fDemir &aSpawner Verildi." to console
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &fDemir &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Demir &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &fDemir &aSpawner Verildi." to console
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &fDemir &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Kişi Girmelisiniz." to console
            if arg 1 is "altın" or "gold" or "altin":
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Altın &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &6Altın &aSpawner Verildi." to console
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &6Altın &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Altın &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &6Altın &aSpawner Verildi." to console
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &6Altın &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Kişi Girmelisiniz." to console
            if arg 1 is "zümrüt" or "emerald" or "zumrut":
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Zümrüt &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &2Zümrüt &aSpawner Verildi." to console
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &2Zümrüt &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Zümrüt &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &2Zümrüt &aSpawner Verildi." to console
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &2Zümrüt &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Kişi Girmelisiniz." to console
            if arg 1 is "elmas" or "dia" or "diamond":
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Elmas &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &bElmas &aSpawner Verildi." to console
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &bElmas &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Elmas &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &bElmas &aSpawner Verildi." to console
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &bElmas &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Kişi Girmelisiniz." to console
            if arg 1 is "end":
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner of protection named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7End &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &eEnd &aSpawner Verildi." to console
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &eEnd &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner of protection named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7End &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &eEnd &aSpawner Verildi." to console
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &eEnd &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Kişi Girmelisiniz." to console
            if arg 1 is "sünger" or "sponge" or "sunger":
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        loop arg-3 times:
                            give 1 mob spawner of protection named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Sünger &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &3Sünger &aSpawner Verildi." to console
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &3Sünger &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    if arg 3 isn't set:
                        give 1 mob spawner of protection named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Sünger &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to arg-2
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &3Sünger &aSpawner Verildi." to console
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &51 &3Sünger &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
                    send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Kişi Girmelisiniz." to console
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Bu komutu kullanamazsın." to player
on place of mob spawner:
    if name of player's tool is "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Demir &aSpawner":
        if {sp::dsp::%player%} is smaller than {dspp::%player%}:
            set {dsp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} to location of targeted block
            set {_x} to x coord of event-location
            set {_y} to y coord of event-location
            set {_z} to z coord of event-location
            add {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%} to location of targeted block
            set {tür::%location of targeted block%} to dsp
            add location of targeted block to {hologram::*}
            set {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%} to player
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 2 tick
            create holo object "ItemStack:Iron Ingot;&7&m----------&7;&aSahibi &6%player%;&7&m----------&7" with id "%location of targeted block%" at block above above location of targeted block
            execute player command "setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:minecraft:iron_ingot,Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:1,RequiredPlayerRange:20,Delay:1,MinSpawnDelay:%{hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%}%0,MaxSpawnDelay:%{hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%}%0,MaxNearbyEntities:9999}"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri Başarıyla Koydun." to player
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri Kazma İle Kırabilirsin." to player
            wait 2 tick
            add 1 to {sp::dsp::%player%}
            cancel event
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawner Koymak İçin Hakkın Kalmamış" to player
    if name of player's tool is "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Altın &aSpawner":
        if {sp::asp::%player%} is smaller than or equal to {aspp::%player%}:
            set {asp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} to location of targeted block
            set {_x} to x coord of event-location
            set {_y} to y coord of event-location
            set {_z} to z coord of event-location
            add {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%} to location of targeted block
            set {tür::%location of targeted block%} to asp
            add location of targeted block to {hologram::*}
            set {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%} to player
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 2 tick
            create holo object "ItemStack:Gold Ingot;&7&m----------&7;&aSahibi &6%player%;&7&m----------&7" with id "%location of targeted block%" at block above above location of targeted block
            execute player command "setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:minecraft:gold_ingot,Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:2,RequiredPlayerRange:20,Delay:1,MinSpawnDelay:%{hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%}%0,MaxSpawnDelay:%{hız1::%player%::%location of targeted block%}%0,MaxNearbyEntities:9999}"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri Başarıyla Koydun." to player
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri Kazma İle Kırabilirsin." to player
            wait 2 tick
            add 1 to {sp::asp::%player%}
            cancel event
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawner Koymak İçin Hakkın Kalmamış" to player
    if name of player's tool is "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Zümrüt &aSpawner":
        if {sp::zsp::%player%} is smaller than or equal to {zspp::%player%}:
            set {zsp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} to location of targeted block
            set {_x} to x coord of event-location
            set {_y} to y coord of event-location
            set {_z} to z coord of event-location
            add {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%} to location of targeted block
            set {tür::%location of targeted block%} to zsp
            add location of targeted block to {hologram::*}
            set {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%} to player
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 2 tick
            create holo object "ItemStack:Emerald;&7&m----------&7;&aSahibi &6%player%;&7&m----------&7" with id "%location of targeted block%" at block above above location of targeted block
            execute player command "setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:minecraft:emerald,Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:2,RequiredPlayerRange:20,Delay:1,MinSpawnDelay:%{hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%}%0,MaxSpawnDelay:%{hız1::%player%::%location of targeted block%}%0,MaxNearbyEntities:9999}"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri Başarıyla Koydun." to player
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri Kazma İle Kırabilirsin." to player
            wait 2 tick
            add 1 to {sp::zsp::%player%}
            cancel event
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawner Koymak İçin Hakkın Kalmamış" to player
    if name of player's tool is "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Elmas &aSpawner":
        if {sp::esp::%player%} is smaller than or equal to {espp::%player%}:
            set {esp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} to location of targeted block
            set {_x} to x coord of event-location
            set {_y} to y coord of event-location
            set {_z} to z coord of event-location
            add {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%} to location of targeted block
            set {tür::%location of targeted block%} to esp
            add location of targeted block to {hologram::*}
            set {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%} to player
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 2 tick
            create holo object "ItemStack:Diamond;&7&m----------&7;&aSahibi &6%player%;&7&m----------&7" with id "%location of targeted block%" at block above above location of targeted block
            execute player command "setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:minecraft:diamond,Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:2,RequiredPlayerRange:20,Delay:1,MinSpawnDelay:%{hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%}%0,MaxSpawnDelay:%{hız1::%player%::%location of targeted block%}%0,MaxNearbyEntities:9999}"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri Başarıyla Koydun." to player
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri Kazma İle Kırabilirsin." to player
            wait 2 tick
            add 1 to {sp::esp::%player%}
            cancel event
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawner Koymak İçin Hakkın Kalmamış" to player
    if name of player's tool is "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7End &aSpawner":
        if {sp::endsp::%player%} is smaller than or equal to {endspp::%player%}:
            set {endsp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} to location of targeted block
            set {_x} to x coord of event-location
            set {_y} to y coord of event-location
            set {_z} to z coord of event-location
            add {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%} to location of targeted block
            set {tür::%location of targeted block%} to endsp
            add location of targeted block to {hologram::*}
            set {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%} to player
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 2 tick
            create holo object "ItemStack:End;&7&m----------&7;&aSahibi &6%player%;&7&m----------&7" with id "%location of targeted block%" at block above above location of targeted block
            execute player command "setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:minecraft:end_stone,Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:2,RequiredPlayerRange:20,Delay:1,MinSpawnDelay:%{hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%}%0,MaxSpawnDelay:%{hız1::%player%::%location of targeted block%}%0,MaxNearbyEntities:9999}"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri Başarıyla Koydun." to player
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri Kazma İle Kırabilirsin." to player
            wait 2 tick
            add 1 to {sp::endsp::%player%}
            cancel event
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawner Koymak İçin Hakkın Kalmamış" to player
    if name of player's tool is "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Sünger &aSpawner":
        if {sp::ssp::%player%} is smaller than or equal to {sspp::%player%}:
            set {ssp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} to location of targeted block
            set {_x} to x coord of event-location
            set {_y} to y coord of event-location
            set {_z} to z coord of event-location
            add {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%} to location of targeted block
            set {tür::%location of targeted block%} to ssp
            add location of targeted block to {hologram::*}
            set {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%} to player
            execute console command "manuaddp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            wait 2 tick
            create holo object "ItemStack:Sponge;&7&m----------&7;&aSahibi &6%player%;&7&m----------&7" with id "%location of targeted block%" at block above above location of targeted block
            execute player command "setblock %{_x}% %{_y}% %{_z}% mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Item,SpawnData:{Item:{id:minecraft:sponge,Count:1}},SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:2,RequiredPlayerRange:20,Delay:1,MinSpawnDelay:%{hız::%player%::%location of targeted block%}%0,MaxSpawnDelay:%{hız1::%player%::%location of targeted block%}%0,MaxNearbyEntities:9999}"
            execute console command "manudelp %player% minecraft.command.setblock"
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri Başarıyla Koydun." to player
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri Kazma İle Kırabilirsin." to player
            wait 2 tick
            add 1 to {sp::ssp::%player%}
            cancel event
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawner Koymak İçin Hakkın Kalmamış" to player
on break of mob spawner:
    if {ipeksi::*} is true:
        if tool of player is any pickaxe of silk touch:
            if {dsp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
                remove 1 from {sp::dsp::%player%}
                cancel event
                set block to air
                delete {item::%location of targeted block%}
                remove location of targeted block from {hologram::*}
                remove location of targeted block from {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                clear {dsp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
                delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
                execute console command "give %player% mob_spawner 1 name:&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner_&7Demir_&aSpawner lore:&b&lZ&3&lSp_&8»_&6Kazma_ile_kırınız."
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
            if {asp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
                remove 1 from {sp::asp::%player%}
                cancel event
                set block to air
                delete {item::%location of targeted block%}
                remove location of targeted block from {hologram::*}
                remove location of targeted block from {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                clear {asp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
                delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
                execute console command "give %player% mob_spawner 1 name:&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner_&7Altın_&aSpawner lore:&b&lZ&3&lSp_&8»_&6Kazma_ile_kırınız."
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
            if {zsp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
                remove 1 from {sp::zsp::%player%}
                cancel event
                set block to air
                delete {item::%location of targeted block%}
                remove location of targeted block from {hologram::*}
                remove location of targeted block from {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                clear {zsp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
                delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
                execute console command "give %player% mob_spawner 1 name:&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner_&7Zümrüt_&aSpawner lore:&b&lZ&3&lSp_&8»_&6Kazma_ile_kırınız."
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
            if {esp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
                remove 1 from {sp::esp::%player%}
                cancel event
                set block to air
                delete {item::%location of targeted block%}
                remove location of targeted block from {hologram::*}
                remove location of targeted block from {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                clear {esp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
                delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
                execute console command "give %player% mob_spawner 1 name:&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner_&7Elmas_&aSpawner lore:&b&lZ&3&lSp_&8»_&6Kazma_ile_kırınız."
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
            if {endsp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
                remove 1 from {sp::endsp::%player%}
                cancel event
                set block to air
                delete {item::%location of targeted block%}
                remove location of targeted block from {hologram::*}
                remove location of targeted block from {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                clear {endsp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
                delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
                give 1 mob spawner of protection named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7End &aSpawner" with lore "&b&lZ&3&lSp &8» &6Kazma ile kırınız." to player
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
            if {ssp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
                remove 1 from {sp::ssp::%player%}
                cancel event
                set block to air
                delete {item::%location of targeted block%}
                remove location of targeted block from {hologram::*}
                remove location of targeted block from {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                clear {ssp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
                delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
                give 1 mob spawner of protection named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Sünger &aSpawner" with lore "&b&lZ&3&lSp &8» &6Kazma ile kırınız." to player
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
            if {golem::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
                clear {golem::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
            if {blaze::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
                clear {blaze::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
            if {skeleton::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
                clear {skeleton::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
            if {zombi::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
                clear {zombi::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
            if {pigman::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
                clear {pigman::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
                delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
                if player has permission "op":
                    set block to air
                    remove location of targeted block from {hologram::*}
                    delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
                    remove 1 from {sp::%{tür::%location of targeted block%}%::%{Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}%}
                    loop players:
                        clear {dsp1::%location of targeted block%::%loop-player%}
                        clear {asp1::%location of targeted block%::%loop-player%}
                        clear {zsp1::%location of targeted block%::%loop-player%}
                        clear {esp1::%location of targeted block%::%loop-player%}
                        clear {endsp1::%location of targeted block%::%loop-player%}
                        clear {ssp1::%location of targeted block%::%loop-player%}
                        delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%::%loop-player%}
                    send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin sahibi &c%{Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}% &7!!" to player
                    cancel event
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawneri kırmak için ipeksi kazmaya ihtiyacın var!!" to player
        if {dsp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
            remove 1 from {sp::dsp::%player%}
            cancel event
            set block to air
            delete {item::%location of targeted block%}
            remove location of targeted block from {hologram::*}
            remove location of targeted block from {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            clear {dsp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
            delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
            execute console command "give %player% mob_spawner 1 name:&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner_&7Demir_&aSpawner lore:&b&lZ&3&lSp_&8»_&6Kazma_ile_kırınız."
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
        if {asp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
            remove 1 from {sp::asp::%player%}
            cancel event
            set block to air
            delete {item::%location of targeted block%}
            remove location of targeted block from {hologram::*}
            remove location of targeted block from {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            clear {asp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
            delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
            execute console command "give %player% mob_spawner 1 name:&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner_&7Altın_&aSpawner lore:&b&lZ&3&lSp_&8»_&6Kazma_ile_kırınız."
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
        if {zsp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
            remove 1 from {sp::zsp::%player%}
            cancel event
            set block to air
            delete {item::%location of targeted block%}
            remove location of targeted block from {hologram::*}
            remove location of targeted block from {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            clear {zsp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
            delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
            execute console command "give %player% mob_spawner 1 name:&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner_&7Zümrüt_&aSpawner lore:&b&lZ&3&lSp_&8»_&6Kazma_ile_kırınız."
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
        if {esp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
            remove 1 from {sp::esp::%player%}
            cancel event
            set block to air
            delete {item::%location of targeted block%}
            remove location of targeted block from {hologram::*}
            remove location of targeted block from {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            clear {esp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
            delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
            execute console command "give %player% mob_spawner 1 name:&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner_&7Elmas_&aSpawner lore:&b&lZ&3&lSp_&8»_&6Kazma_ile_kırınız."
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
        if {endsp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
            remove 1 from {sp::endsp::%player%}
            cancel event
            set block to air
            delete {item::%location of targeted block%}
            remove location of targeted block from {hologram::*}
            remove location of targeted block from {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            clear {endsp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
            delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
            give 1 mob spawner of protection named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7End &aSpawner" with lore "&b&lZ&3&lSp &8» &6Kazma ile kırınız." to player
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
        if {ssp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
            remove 1 from {sp::ssp::%player%}
            cancel event
            set block to air
            delete {item::%location of targeted block%}
            remove location of targeted block from {hologram::*}
            remove location of targeted block from {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            clear {ssp1::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
            delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
            give 1 mob spawner of protection named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Sünger &aSpawner" with lore "&b&lZ&3&lSp &8» &6Kazma ile kırınız." to player
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
        if {golem::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
            clear {golem::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
        if {blaze::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
            clear {blaze::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
        if {skeleton::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
            clear {skeleton::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
        if {zombi::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
            clear {zombi::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
        if {pigman::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
            clear {pigman::%location of targeted block%::%player%}
            delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin verildi." to player
            if player has permission "op":
                set block to air
                remove location of targeted block from {hologram::*}
                delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
                remove 1 from {sp::%{tür::%location of targeted block%}%::%{Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}%}
                loop players:
                    clear {dsp1::%location of targeted block%::%loop-player%}
                    clear {asp1::%location of targeted block%::%loop-player%}
                    clear {zsp1::%location of targeted block%::%loop-player%}
                    clear {esp1::%location of targeted block%::%loop-player%}
                    clear {endsp1::%location of targeted block%::%loop-player%}
                    clear {ssp1::%location of targeted block%::%loop-player%}
                    delete {Sahibi::%location of targeted block%::%loop-player%}
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin sahibi &c%{Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}% &7!!" to player
                cancel event
every 10 minute:
    loop {hologram::*}:
        delete holo object "%loop-value%"
        create holo object "ItemStack:%{item::%loop-value%}%;&7&m----------&7;&aSahibi &6%{Sahibi::%loop-value%}%;&7&m----------&7" with id "%loop-value%" at block above above loop-value
command /hologram [<text>]:
    aliases: /h
        if targeted block is mob spawner:
            if arg 1 is "aç" or "ac":
                if {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
                    delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
                    create holo object "ItemStack:%{item::%location of targeted block%}%;&7&m----------&7;&aSahibi &6%player%;&7&m----------&7" with id "%location of targeted block%" at block above above location of targeted block
                    add location of targeted block to {hologram::*}
                    send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Hologramı başarıyla açtın"
                    if player has permission "op":
                        delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
                        create holo object "ItemStack:%{item::%location of targeted block%}%;&7&m----------&7;&aSahibi &6%player%;&7&m----------&7" with id "%location of targeted block%" at block above above location of targeted block
                        add location of targeted block to {hologram::*}
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Hologramı başarıyla açtın"
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin sahibi &c%{Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}% &7!!" to player
            if arg 1 is "kapa" or "kapat":
                if {sp::%location of targeted block%::%player%} is set:
                    delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
                    remove location of targeted block from {hologram::*}
                    send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Hologramı başarıyla kapattın"
                    if player has permission "op":
                        delete holo object "%location of targeted block%"
                        remove location of targeted block from {hologram::*}
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Hologramı başarıyla kapattın"
                        send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Spawnerin sahibi &c%{Sahibi::%location of targeted block%}% &7!!" to player
            if arg 1 is not set:
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Kullanım &8/&3Hologram &7[&aAç&7/&cKapat&7]" to player
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Bir spawnere bakmalısın"
# /Hakver [Koyma Hakkı Vermek İstediğniz Spawner Türü] [Spawner Koyma Hakkı Vermek İstediğiniz Kişi] [Eklemek İstediğiniz Hak Sayısı]
#                ÖNEMLİ NOT!!
# Bir kişiden hak almak için sayının başına - getirmelisiniz
#                ÖRNEK!!
# /Hakver Altın ZeusPro 2 yazarsak ZeusPro adlı kişiye 2 tane altın spawner koyma hakkı verir.
# /Hakver Elmas ZeusPro -3 yazarsak ZeusPro adlı kişiden 3 tane elmas spawner koyma hakkı alır.
command /hakver [<text>] [<player>] [<number>]:
        if player has permission "op":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Kullanım &7/&8Hakver &7[&fDemir&7/&6Altın&7/&2Zümrüt&7/&bElmas&7/&eEnd&7/&3Sünger&7] [&aplayer&7] [&aadet&7]" to player
                if arg 2 is not set:
                    send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Kullanım &7/&8Hakver &7[&fDemir&7/&6Altın&7/&2Zümrüt&7/&bElmas&7/&eEnd&7/&3Sünger&7] [&aplayer&7] [&aadet&7]" to player
                    if arg 1 is "demir" or "iron":
                        add arg-3 to {dspp::%arg 2%}
                    if arg 1 is "altın" or "gold":
                        add arg-3 to {aspp::%arg 2%}
                    if arg 1 is "dia" or "diamond" or "elmas":
                        add arg-3 to {espp::%arg 2%}
                    if arg 1 is "zümrüt" or "emerald":
                        add arg-3 to {zspp::%arg 2%}
                    if arg 1 is "end" or "ender":
                        add arg-3 to {endspp::%arg 2%}
                    if arg 1 is "sünger" or "sponge":
                        add arg-3 to {sspp::%arg 2%}
                    send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &a%arg-2% &7adlı kişiye &6%arg-3% &7adet &3%arg-1% &7Spawner kullanım hakkı verildi"
# /Dağıt [Demir/Altın/Elmas/End/Sünger] yazarak sunucudaki herkeze spawner dağıtabilirsin.
command /dagıt [<text>]:
    aliases: /dağıt
        if arg 1 is "demir" or "iron" or "altın" or "gold" or "elmas" or "dia" or "diamond" or "zümrüt" or "emerald" or "end" or "ender" or "sünger" or "sponge":
            loop all players:
                if arg 1 is "demir" or "iron":
                    execute console command "give %loop-player% mob_spawner 1 name:&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner_&7Demir_&aSpawner lore:&aLevel_&8»_&61"
                if arg 1 is "altın" or "gold":
                    execute console command "give %loop-player% mob_spawner 1 name:&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner_&7Altın_&aSpawner lore:&b&lZ&3&lSp_&8»_&6Kazma_ile_kırınız."
                if arg 1 is "dia" or "diamond" or "elmas":
                    execute console command "give %loop-player% mob_spawner 1 name:&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner_&7Elmas_&aSpawner lore:&b&lZ&3&lSp_&8»_&6Kazma_ile_kırınız."
                if arg 1 is "zümrüt" or "emerald":
                    execute console command "give %loop-player% mob_spawner 1 name:&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner_&7Zümrüt_&aSpawner lore:&b&lZ&3&lSp_&8»_&6Kazma_ile_kırınız."
                if arg 1 is "end" or "ender":
                    execute console command "give %loop-player% mob_spawner 1 name:&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner_&7End_&aSpawner lore:&b&lZ&3&lSp_&8»_&6Kazma_ile_kırınız."
                if arg 1 is "sünger" or "sponge":
                    execute console command "give %loop-player% mob_spawner 1 name:&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner_&7Sünger_&aSpawner lore:&b&lZ&3&lSp_&8»_&6Kazma_ile_kırınız."
                broadcast "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Yönetici %player% herkeze %arg 1% spawner verdi!!"
            send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &7Kullanım &7/&8Dağıt &7[&fDemir&7/&6Altın&7/&2Zümrüt&7/&bElmas&7/&eEnd&7/&3Sünger&7]" to player

Konu düzeni biraz kötü olabilir. Eleştirilere abartmadıkları sürece açığım.
Skripte alıntı diyenler ve sahiplenenler büyük ayıp ederler..

bu hatayı veriyor güncellediğin skriptte


>> Pluginer & Skripter



21 Ağustos 2017
Eki Görüntüle 43720
bu hatayı veriyor güncellediğin skriptte
Hatayı Düzelttim!!
Gönderi otomatik olarak birleştirildi:

Gönderi otomatik olarak birleştirildi:


1- Setblock yetkisi alıp verme kaldırıldı.(Konsoldan oyuncuya 2 saniye setblock yetkisi veriyor sonra alıyordu. Bug olarak kullanılabiliyordu.)

2- Yönetici kendisinin olmayan spawneri kırınca eline o spawnerden(levelde dahil) gelecek.

Not: **skUtilities gerekli**
Son düzenleme:


Koydum Çalışma Masasını



25 Ağustos 2018
Kardeşim nedendir bilinmiyor tüm pluginler yüklü ama malesef kırdığımda hologram gitmiyor bugda kalıyor.


>> Pluginer & Skripter



21 Ağustos 2017
Kardeşim nedendir bilinmiyor tüm pluginler yüklü ama malesef kırdığımda hologram gitmiyor bugda kalıyor.
Yarım bloğun üzerine spawner koyunca öyle oluyor. Yakında o bugu kaldırmaya çalışacağım.

Hologramı kaldırmak için:
Hologramın alt ve üstünü baltayla işaretle ve set çek, sonra undo çek. (hologramın kaybolması için)

O yok ettiğin hologramı spawner kıyarak tekrar yap(spawneri normal bloğun üzerine koy). Doğru yere koyarsan hologram oluşmayacak, ve spawneri tekrar kır.


Bir Kömür Göründü Kaptanım!



23 Ekim 2016
loop arg-3 times:
    give 1 mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Demir &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to player
give arg-3 of mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &7Demir &aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel &8» &61" to player

send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &6Altın &aSpawner Verildi." to player
send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &6Altın &aSpawner Verildi." to arg-2
send "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner &8» &5%arg-3% &6Altın &aSpawner Verildi." to (arg-2 and player)

loop all players:
    if arg 1 is "demir" or "iron":
        execute console command "give %loop-player% mob_spawner 1 name:&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner_&7Demir_&aSpawner lore:&aLevel_&8»_&61"
if arg 1 is "demir" or "iron":
    give mob spawner named "&b&lZeu&a&lS&3&lpawner_&7Demir_&aSpawner" with lore "&aLevel_&8»_&61" to players

gibi benzerlerini değiştirirsen skript kodlar daha kısa olur hem de skriptin daha hızlı yüklenmesini sağlar.
Bakalım kaç satır düşecek?

Diğerlerini de tam olarak okuyamadım çünkü çok uzun :/
Bir de Skript sürümün 2.2 altı olduğu için skriptin performansı geliştirilemez durumda.

Örnek verecek olursam, function kullansaydın skript daha kısa sürede yüklenebilirdi hem de daha performanslı çalışırdı. Ama sürümün yetersiz. execute command efektin yüzünden sürümü düşürmen bana garip geldi.

Ellerine sağlık. Kolay gelsin.
Gönderi otomatik olarak birleştirildi:

Ek olarak;
on join:
    if {zcoin::%player%} is not set:
        set {zcoin::%player%} to 0
    if {ztoplam::%player%} is not set:
        set {ztoplam::%player%} to 0
    {zcoin::%player%} = 0
    {ztoplam::%player%} = 0

Bunun gerekli olduğunu düşünmüyorum.
if arg 1 is "demir" or "iron" or "altın" or "gold" or "elmas" or "dia" or "diamond" or "zümrüt" or "emerald" or "end" or "ender" or "sünger" or "sponge":

Daha fazlasını yazmamı istersen özelden bana ulaşabilirsin.
Son düzenleme:
Mesaj gönderimine kapalı.
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