Süreli Sohbet Kapatma Yapılabilirmi ?
Mesela : sohbet kapat 60 [Saniye]
command /chat <text>:
usage: &7/chat &aac&f/&ckapat
if player has permission "op.chat":
if arg 1 is "ac":
send "&7Yönetici &6%player% &7sohbeti aktif etti." to all players
delete {Sohbet}
execute console command "announce interval 180"
if arg 1 is "kapat":
loop 70 times:
broadcast " "
send "&7Yönetici &6%player% &7sohbeti kapattı." to all players
set {Sohbet} to "Kapali"
execute console command "announce interval 9999999"
message "&4&lHata &8» &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gereken yetkiye sahip değilsin."
command /kapat <text>:
usage: &7/kapat &cchat
if player has permission "op.chat":
execute console command "chat kapat"
broadcast " &b---[&6Sunucu&b]---"
broadcast " &cChat 60 saniyelik kapatildi!"
wait 55 second
broadcast " &cChat 5 saniye sonra acilicaktir > &6[5] <"
wait 1 second
broadcast " &cChat 4 saniye sonra acilicaktir > &6[4] <"
wait 1 second
broadcast " &cChat 3 saniye sonra acilicaktir > &6[3] <"
wait 1 second
broadcast " &cChat 2 saniye sonra acilicaktir > &6[2] <"
wait 1 second
broadcast " &cChat 1 saniye sonra acilicaktir > &6[1] <"
wait 1 second
execute console command "chat ac"
broadcast "&cChat tekrardan acilmistir!!"
command /sohbetikapa <text>:
set {sohbet} to false
broadcast "&7Sohber &6%arg 1%&7 saniyeliğine kapanmıştır."
wait %arg 1% seconds
set {sohbet} to true
on chat:
if {sohbet} is true:
if player does'nt has permission "op":
cancel event
Yusuf Demir#4555
Ata Baran Şey Olmuyor mu Istediğimiz Süre KAdar Kapatma Sadece 60 Değil.
command /chat <text>:
usage: /chat -ac/kapat-
if player has permission "bc.chat.admin":
if arg 1 is "ac":
send "&7Yönetici &6%player% &7sohbeti aktif etti." to all players
delete {Sohbet}
execute console command "announce interval 180"
if arg 1 is "kapat":
loop 70 times:
broadcast " "
send "&7Yönetici &6%player% &7sohbeti kapattı." to all players
set {Sohbet} to "Kapali"
execute console command "announce interval 9999999"
message "&4&lHata &8» &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gereken yetkiye sahip değilsin."