Sol Reklam

Çözüldü Çozuldu Skript Hata Veriyor Yardım Edermisiniz

  • Konuyu başlatan Konuyu başlatan ByBuzziyS
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Odunlara Vur Vur Vur!
26 Ekim 2017
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Konsolda veren hatayı sölermisin
Bende okadar iyi değilim irfandmr yardım edecektir
Tabları tekrardan tek tek yap öyle dene
Çok fazla hatan vardı düzelttim al allta kod kardeşim.
command /coinver <player> <int>:
    usage: "&eKullanim: &4/coinver <oyuncu> <verilecek kredi sayisi>"
    permission: krediver.admin
    permission message: &8[&3SunucuIsmi&8] &cBu Komutu Kullanmaya Izniniz Yok!
        arg 1 is set:
            add arg-2 to {kredi.%arg 1%}
            send "&8[&3SunucuIsmi&8] &6Oyuncuya basariyla gonderildi"
command /coinim:
        send "&aCoinin = &6 %{kredi.%player%}%"

command /market:
        wait 2 tick
        open chest with 1 rows named "&9&nZamTurk Market" to player
        wait 2 tick
        format slot 3 of player with 1 of mob spawner named "&aSpawner Satın Al" with lore "&eSpawner Satın Alabilirsin" to close then run [execute player command "/spmarket"]
        format slot 4 of player with 1 of gold nugget named "&aCoinin : {kredi.%player%}" with lore "&eBuradan Coinini Görebilirsin" to close
        format slot 5 of player with 1 of emerald named "&aVipler" with lore "&eBurada Vip Alabilirsin" to run [execute player command "/vipmarket"]
        format slot 0 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 1 of player with 1 of sponge named "&aDiger Urunler" with lore "&eBurada Baska Urunlere Bakabilirsin" to run [execute player command "/digermarket"]
        format slot 2 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 6 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 7 of player with 1 of tripwire hook named "&aAnahtarlar" with lore "&eBurada Anahtar Alabilirsin" to run [execute player command "/anahtarmarket"]
        format slot 8 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
command /spmarket:
        wait 2 tick
        open chest with 1 rows named "&9&nZamTurk Market" to player
        wait 2 tick
        format slot 2 of player with 1 of mob spawner named "&a1 İron Golem Spawner" with lore "&aÜcret : &e5.000 Coin" to close then run [execute player command "/golemsp"]
        format slot 4 of player with 1 of mob spawner named "&a1 Pigman Spawner" with lore "&aÜcret : &e3.000 Coin" to run [execute player command "/pigmansp"]
        format slot 6 of player with 1 of mob spawner named "&a1 Guardian Spawner" with lore "&aÜcret : &e2.000 Coin" to run [execute player command "/guardiansp"]
        format slot 0 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 1 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 3 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 5 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 7 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 8 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
command /vipmarket:
        wait 2 tick
        open chest with 1 rows named "&9&nZamTurk Market" to player
        wait 2 tick
        format slot 2 of player with 1 of diamond named "&a30 gun Vip" with lore "&aÜcret : &e10.000 Coin" to close then run [execute player command "/vipal"]
        format slot 4 of player with 1 of emerald named "&a30 gun vip+" with lore "&aÜcret : &e15.000 Coin" to run [execute player command "/vippal"]
        format slot 6 of player with 1 of emerald block named "&a30 gun vip++" with lore "&aÜcret : &e20.000 Coin" to run [execute player command "/vipppal"]
        format slot 0 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 1 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 3 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 5 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 7 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 8 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
command /anahtarmarket:
        wait 2 tick
        open chest with 1 rows named "&9&nZamTurk Market" to player
        wait 2 tick
        format slot 2 of player with 1 of tripwire hook named "&a1 Elektronik Sandık Anahtarı" with lore "&aÜcret : &e2.500 Coin" to close then run [execute player command "/elektronikanahtar"]
        format slot 4 of player with 1 of tripwire hook named "&a1 Spawner Sandık Anahtarı" with lore "&aÜcret : &e2.000 Coin" to run [execute player command "/spawneranahtar"]
        format slot 6 of player with 1 of tripwire hook named "&a1 Gamer Sandık Anahtarı" with lore "&aÜcret : &e3.000 Coin" to run [execute player command "/gameranahtar"]
        format slot 0 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 1 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 3 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 5 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 7 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 8 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
command /digermarket:
        wait 2 tick
        open chest with 1 rows named "&9&nZamTurk Market" to player
        wait 2 tick
        format slot 2 of player with 1 of diamond named "&aSınırsız Fly" with lore "&aÜcret : &e5.000 Coin" to close then run [execute player command "/flyal"]
        format slot 4 of player with 1 of emerald named "&aElektronik Spawner" with lore "&aÜcret : &e10.000 Coin" to run [execute player command "/elekal"]
        format slot 6 of player with 1 of emerald block named "&aBaslangıc Spawner" with lore "&aÜcret : &e500 Coin" to run [execute player command "/baslanal"]
        format slot 0 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 1 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 3 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 5 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 7 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 8 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
command /flyal:
        if {kredi.%player%} is greater than 5000:
            remove 5000 from {kredi.%player%}
            execute console command "/manuaddp %player%"
            send "&a&lZamTurkTeam &8&l» &eBaşarıyla SınırsızFly Aldınız"
            send "&a&lZamTurkTeam &8&l» &eYeterli Coinin Yok"
command /elekal:
        if {kredi.%player%} is greater than 10000:
            remove 10000 from {kredi.%player%}
            execute console command "itemspawner e e gore ayarla"
            send "&a&lZamTurkTeam &8&l» &eBaşarıyla Elektronik Spawner Aldınız"
            broadcast "&6 %player% Elektronik Spawner Aldı"
            send "&a&lZamTurkTeam &8&l» &eYeterli Coinin Yok"
command /baslanal:
        if {kredi.%player%} is greater than 500:
            remove 500 from {kredi.%player%}
            execute console command "itemspawner e e gore ayarla"
            send "&a&lZamTurkTeam &8&l» &eBaşarıyla Baslangıc Spawner Aldın"
            send "&a&lZamTurkTeam &8&l» &eYeterli Coinin Yok"
command /golemsp:
        if {kredi.%player%} is greater than 5000:
            remove 5000 from {kredi.%player%}
            execute console command "ss give %player% irongolem"
            send "&a&lZamTurkTeam &8&l» &eBaşarıyla İronGolem Spawner Aldınız"
            send "&a&lZamTurkTeam &8&l» &eYeterli Coinin Yok"
command /pigmansp:
        if {kredi.%player%} is greater than 3000:
            remove 3000 from {kredi.%player%}
            execute console command "ss give %player% pigman"
            send "&a&lZamTurkTeam &8&l» &eBaşarıyla Pigman Spawner Aldınız"
            send "&a&lZamTurkTeam &8&l» &eYeterli Coinin Yok"
command /guardiansp:
        if {kredi.%player%} is greater than 2000:
            remove 2000 from {kredi.%player%}
            execute console command "ss give %player% guardian"
            send "&a&lZamTurkTeam &8&l» &eBaşarıyla Guardian Spawner Aldınız"
            send "&a&lZamTurkTeam &8&l» &eYeterli Coinin Yok"
command /vipal:
        if {kredi.%player%} is greater than 10000:
            remove 10000 from {kredi.%player%}
            execute console command "manuadd %player% vip"
            send "&a&lZamTurkTeam &8&l» &eBaşarıyla Vip Aldınız"
            send "&a&lZamTurkTeam &8&l» &eYeterli Coinin Yok"
command /vippal:
        if {kredi.%player%} is greater than 15000:
            remove 15000 from {kredi.%player%}
            execute console command "manuadd %player% vip+"
            send "&a&lZamTurkTeam &8&l» &eBaşarıyla Vip+ Aldınız"
            send "&a&lZamTurkTeam &8&l» &eYeterli Coinin Yok"
command /vipppal:
        if {kredi.%player%} is greater than 20000:
            remove 20000 from {kredi.%player%}
            execute console command "manuadd %player% vip++"
            send "&a&lZamTurkTeam &8&l» &eBaşarıyla Vip++ Aldınız"
            send "&a&lZamTurkTeam &8&l» &eYeterli Coinin Yok"
command /elektronikanahtar:
        if {kredi.%player%} is greater than 2500:
            remove 2500 from {kredi.%player%}
            execute console command "crate key %player% elektronik"
            send "&a&lZamTurkTeam &8&l» &eBaşarıyla Anahtar Aldınız"
            send "&a&lZamTurkTeam &8&l» &eYeterli Coinin Yok"
command /spawneranahtar:
        if {kredi.%player%} is greater than 2000:
            remove 2000 from {kredi.%player%}
            execute console command "crate key %player% spawner"
            send "&a&lZamTurkTeam &8&l» &eBaşarıyla Anahtar Aldınız"
            send "&a&lZamTurkTeam &8&l» &eYeterli Coinin Yok"
command /gameranahtar:
        if {kredi.%player%} is greater than 3000:
            remove 3000 from {kredi.%player%}
            execute console command "crate key %player% gamer"
            send "&a&lZamTurkTeam &8&l» &eBaşarıyla Anahtar Aldınız"
            send "&a&lZamTurkTeam &8&l�� &eYeterli Coinin Yok"
[DOUBLEPOST=1509031594,1509031197][/DOUBLEPOST]Eğer çözülmüşse konuya kilit yazda yetkililer kitlesin.
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 218! (, line 321: observer¦s = 218')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 449! (, line 322: totem(_| )of(_| )Undying¦s = 449')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 450! (, line 323: shulker(_| )shell¦s = 450')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 219! (, line 326: [white(_| )]shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 219')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 220! (, line 327: orange(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 220')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 221! (, line 328: magenta(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 221')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 222! (, line 329: light(_| )blue(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 222')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 223! (, line 330: yellow(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 223')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 224! (, line 331: (*|light(_| )green)(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 224')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 225! (, line 332: pink(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 225')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 226! (, line 333: gray(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 226')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 227! (, line 334: light(_| )gray(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 227')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 228! (, line 335: cyan(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 228')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 229! (, line 336: purple(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 229')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 230! (, line 337: blue(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 230')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 231! (, line 338: brown(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)��s = 231')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 232! (, line 339: green(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 232')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 233! (, line 340: red(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 233')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 234! (, line 341: black(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 234')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 219! (, line 342: any(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 213! (, line 345: magma(_| )block¦s = 213')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 214! (, line 346: nether(_| )wart(_| )block¦s = 214')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 215! (, line 347: red(_| )nether(_| )brick¦s = 215')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 216! (, line 348: bone(_| )block¦s = 216')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 217! (, line 349: structure(_| )void¦s = 217')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 198! (, line 352: end[er](_| )rod¦s = 198')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 199! (, line 353: chorus(_| )plant¦s = 199')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 200! (, line 354: chorus(_| )flower¦s = 200')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 201! (, line 355: purpur(_| )block¦s = 201')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 202! (, line 356: purpur(_| )pillar¦s = 202')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 203! (, line 357: purpur(_| )stairs = 203')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 204! (, line 358: purpur(_| )double(_| )slab¦s = 204')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 205! (, line 359: purpur(_| )slab¦s = 205')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 206! (, line 360: endstone(_| )bricks = 206')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 207! (, line 361: beetroot(_| )block¦s = 207')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 208! (, line 362: grass(_| )path¦s = 208')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 209! (, line 363: ender(_| )gateway¦s = 209')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 210! (, line 364: repeating(_| )command(_| )block¦s = 210')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 211! (, line 365: chain(_| )command(_| )block¦s = 211')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 212! (, line 366: frosted(_| )ice¦s = 212')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 255! (, line 368: structure(_| )block¦s = 255')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 426! (, line 371: ender(_| )crystal¦s = 426')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 432! (, line 372: chorus(_| )fruit¦s = 432')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 433! (, line 373: popped(_| )chorus(_| )fruit¦s = 433')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 434! (, line 374: beetroot¦s = 434')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 435! (, line 375: beetroot(_| )seeds = 435')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 436! (, line 376: beetroot(_| )soup¦s = 436')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 437! (, line 377: dragon(_| )breath¦s = 437')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 438! (, line 378: splash(_| )potion¦s = 438')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 439! (, line 379: spectral(_| )arrow¦s = 439')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 440! (, line 380: tipped(_| )arrow¦s = 440')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 441! (, line 381: lingering(_| )potion¦s = 441')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 442! (, line 382: shield¦s = 442')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 443! (, line 383: elytra¦s = 443')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 444! (, line 384: spruce(_| )boat¦s = 444')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 445! (, line 385: birch(_| )boat¦s = 445')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 446! (, line 386: jungle(_| )boat¦s = 446')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 447! (, line 387: acacia(_| )boat¦s = 447')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 448! (, line 388: dark(_| )oak(_| )boat¦s = 448')

Sanırım bu kısımda ya item kodunu yanlış girdiniz ya da skript bunu tanımıyor.
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 218! (, line 321: observer¦s = 218')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 449! (, line 322: totem(_| )of(_| )Undying¦s = 449')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 450! (, line 323: shulker(_| )shell¦s = 450')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 219! (, line 326: [white(_| )]shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 219')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 220! (, line 327: orange(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 220')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 221! (, line 328: magenta(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 221')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 222! (, line 329: light(_| )blue(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 222')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 223! (, line 330: yellow(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 223')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 224! (, line 331: (*|light(_| )green)(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 224')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 225! (, line 332: pink(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 225')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 226! (, line 333: gray(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 226')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 227! (, line 334: light(_| )gray(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 227')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 228! (, line 335: cyan(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 228')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 229! (, line 336: purple(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 229')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 230! (, line 337: blue(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 230')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 231! (, line 338: brown(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)��s = 231')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 232! (, line 339: green(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 232')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 233! (, line 340: red(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 233')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 234! (, line 341: black(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 234')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 219! (, line 342: any(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 213! (, line 345: magma(_| )block¦s = 213')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 214! (, line 346: nether(_| )wart(_| )block¦s = 214')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 215! (, line 347: red(_| )nether(_| )brick¦s = 215')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 216! (, line 348: bone(_| )block¦s = 216')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 217! (, line 349: structure(_| )void¦s = 217')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 198! (, line 352: end[er](_| )rod¦s = 198')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 199! (, line 353: chorus(_| )plant¦s = 199')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 200! (, line 354: chorus(_| )flower¦s = 200')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 201! (, line 355: purpur(_| )block¦s = 201')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 202! (, line 356: purpur(_| )pillar¦s = 202')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 203! (, line 357: purpur(_| )stairs = 203')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 204! (, line 358: purpur(_| )double(_| )slab¦s = 204')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 205! (, line 359: purpur(_| )slab¦s = 205')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 206! (, line 360: endstone(_| )bricks = 206')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 207! (, line 361: beetroot(_| )block¦s = 207')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 208! (, line 362: grass(_| )path¦s = 208')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 209! (, line 363: ender(_| )gateway¦s = 209')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 210! (, line 364: repeating(_| )command(_| )block¦s = 210')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 211! (, line 365: chain(_| )command(_| )block¦s = 211')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 212! (, line 366: frosted(_| )ice¦s = 212')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 255! (, line 368: structure(_| )block¦s = 255')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 426! (, line 371: ender(_| )crystal¦s = 426')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 432! (, line 372: chorus(_| )fruit¦s = 432')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 433! (, line 373: popped(_| )chorus(_| )fruit¦s = 433')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 434! (, line 374: beetroot¦s = 434')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 435! (, line 375: beetroot(_| )seeds = 435')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 436! (, line 376: beetroot(_| )soup¦s = 436')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 437! (, line 377: dragon(_| )breath¦s = 437')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 438! (, line 378: splash(_| )potion¦s = 438')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 439! (, line 379: spectral(_| )arrow¦s = 439')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 440! (, line 380: tipped(_| )arrow¦s = 440')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 441! (, line 381: lingering(_| )potion¦s = 441')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 442! (, line 382: shield¦s = 442')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 443! (, line 383: elytra¦s = 443')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 444! (, line 384: spruce(_| )boat¦s = 444')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 445! (, line 385: birch(_| )boat¦s = 445')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 446! (, line 386: jungle(_| )boat¦s = 446')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 447! (, line 387: acacia(_| )boat¦s = 447')
[16:33:35 ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 448! (, line 388: dark(_| )oak(_| )boat¦s = 448')

Sanırım bu kısımda ya item kodunu yanlış girdiniz ya da skript bunu tanımıyor.
görmüyorsun herhalde ! yazıyor yani scripts dosyasının içindeki şey değil.
Çok fazla hatan vardı düzelttim al allta kod kardeşim.
command /coinver <player> <int>:
    usage: "&eKullanim: &4/coinver <oyuncu> <verilecek kredi sayisi>"
    permission: krediver.admin
    permission message: &8[&3SunucuIsmi&8] &cBu Komutu Kullanmaya Izniniz Yok!
        arg 1 is set:
            add arg-2 to {kredi.%arg 1%}
            send "&8[&3SunucuIsmi&8] &6Oyuncuya basariyla gonderildi"
command /coinim:
        send "&aCoinin = &6 %{kredi.%player%}%"

command /market:
        wait 2 tick
        open chest with 1 rows named "&9&nZamTurk Market" to player
        wait 2 tick
        format slot 3 of player with 1 of mob spawner named "&aSpawner Satın Al" with lore "&eSpawner Satın Alabilirsin" to close then run [execute player command "/spmarket"]
        format slot 4 of player with 1 of gold nugget named "&aCoinin : {kredi.%player%}" with lore "&eBuradan Coinini Görebilirsin" to close
        format slot 5 of player with 1 of emerald named "&aVipler" with lore "&eBurada Vip Alabilirsin" to run [execute player command "/vipmarket"]
        format slot 0 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 1 of player with 1 of sponge named "&aDiger Urunler" with lore "&eBurada Baska Urunlere Bakabilirsin" to run [execute player command "/digermarket"]
        format slot 2 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 6 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 7 of player with 1 of tripwire hook named "&aAnahtarlar" with lore "&eBurada Anahtar Alabilirsin" to run [execute player command "/anahtarmarket"]
        format slot 8 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
command /spmarket:
        wait 2 tick
        open chest with 1 rows named "&9&nZamTurk Market" to player
        wait 2 tick
        format slot 2 of player with 1 of mob spawner named "&a1 İron Golem Spawner" with lore "&aÜcret : &e5.000 Coin" to close then run [execute player command "/golemsp"]
        format slot 4 of player with 1 of mob spawner named "&a1 Pigman Spawner" with lore "&aÜcret : &e3.000 Coin" to run [execute player command "/pigmansp"]
        format slot 6 of player with 1 of mob spawner named "&a1 Guardian Spawner" with lore "&aÜcret : &e2.000 Coin" to run [execute player command "/guardiansp"]
        format slot 0 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 1 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 3 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 5 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 7 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 8 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
command /vipmarket:
        wait 2 tick
        open chest with 1 rows named "&9&nZamTurk Market" to player
        wait 2 tick
        format slot 2 of player with 1 of diamond named "&a30 gun Vip" with lore "&aÜcret : &e10.000 Coin" to close then run [execute player command "/vipal"]
        format slot 4 of player with 1 of emerald named "&a30 gun vip+" with lore "&aÜcret : &e15.000 Coin" to run [execute player command "/vippal"]
        format slot 6 of player with 1 of emerald block named "&a30 gun vip++" with lore "&aÜcret : &e20.000 Coin" to run [execute player command "/vipppal"]
        format slot 0 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 1 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 3 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 5 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 7 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 8 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
command /anahtarmarket:
        wait 2 tick
        open chest with 1 rows named "&9&nZamTurk Market" to player
        wait 2 tick
        format slot 2 of player with 1 of tripwire hook named "&a1 Elektronik Sandık Anahtarı" with lore "&aÜcret : &e2.500 Coin" to close then run [execute player command "/elektronikanahtar"]
        format slot 4 of player with 1 of tripwire hook named "&a1 Spawner Sandık Anahtarı" with lore "&aÜcret : &e2.000 Coin" to run [execute player command "/spawneranahtar"]
        format slot 6 of player with 1 of tripwire hook named "&a1 Gamer Sandık Anahtarı" with lore "&aÜcret : &e3.000 Coin" to run [execute player command "/gameranahtar"]
        format slot 0 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 1 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 3 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 5 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 7 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 8 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
command /digermarket:
        wait 2 tick
        open chest with 1 rows named "&9&nZamTurk Market" to player
        wait 2 tick
        format slot 2 of player with 1 of diamond named "&aSınırsız Fly" with lore "&aÜcret : &e5.000 Coin" to close then run [execute player command "/flyal"]
        format slot 4 of player with 1 of emerald named "&aElektronik Spawner" with lore "&aÜcret : &e10.000 Coin" to run [execute player command "/elekal"]
        format slot 6 of player with 1 of emerald block named "&aBaslangıc Spawner" with lore "&aÜcret : &e500 Coin" to run [execute player command "/baslanal"]
        format slot 0 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 1 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 3 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 5 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 7 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
        format slot 8 of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named "" with lore "" to run ""
command /flyal:
        if {kredi.%player%} is greater than 5000:
            remove 5000 from {kredi.%player%}
            execute console command "/manuaddp %player%"
            send "&a&lZamTurkTeam &8&l» &eBaşarıyla SınırsızFly Aldınız"
            send "&a&lZamTurkTeam &8&l» &eYeterli Coinin Yok"
command /elekal:
        if {kredi.%player%} is greater than 10000:
            remove 10000 from {kredi.%player%}
            execute console command "itemspawner e e gore ayarla"
            send "&a&lZamTurkTeam &8&l» &eBaşarıyla Elektronik Spawner Aldınız"
            broadcast "&6 %player% Elektronik Spawner Aldı"
            send "&a&lZamTurkTeam &8&l» &eYeterli Coinin Yok"
command /baslanal:
        if {kredi.%player%} is greater than 500:
            remove 500 from {kredi.%player%}
            execute console command "itemspawner e e gore ayarla"
            send "&a&lZamTurkTeam &8&l» &eBaşarıyla Baslangıc Spawner Aldın"
            send "&a&lZamTurkTeam &8&l» &eYeterli Coinin Yok"
command /golemsp:
        if {kredi.%player%} is greater than 5000:
            remove 5000 from {kredi.%player%}
            execute console command "ss give %player% irongolem"
            send "&a&lZamTurkTeam &8&l» &eBaşarıyla İronGolem Spawner Aldınız"
            send "&a&lZamTurkTeam &8&l» &eYeterli Coinin Yok"
command /pigmansp:
        if {kredi.%player%} is greater than 3000:
            remove 3000 from {kredi.%player%}
            execute console command "ss give %player% pigman"
            send "&a&lZamTurkTeam &8&l» &eBaşarıyla Pigman Spawner Aldınız"
            send "&a&lZamTurkTeam &8&l» &eYeterli Coinin Yok"
command /guardiansp:
        if {kredi.%player%} is greater than 2000:
            remove 2000 from {kredi.%player%}
            execute console command "ss give %player% guardian"
            send "&a&lZamTurkTeam &8&l» &eBaşarıyla Guardian Spawner Aldınız"
            send "&a&lZamTurkTeam &8&l» &eYeterli Coinin Yok"
command /vipal:
        if {kredi.%player%} is greater than 10000:
            remove 10000 from {kredi.%player%}
            execute console command "manuadd %player% vip"
            send "&a&lZamTurkTeam &8&l» &eBaşarıyla Vip Aldınız"
            send "&a&lZamTurkTeam &8&l» &eYeterli Coinin Yok"
command /vippal:
        if {kredi.%player%} is greater than 15000:
            remove 15000 from {kredi.%player%}
            execute console command "manuadd %player% vip+"
            send "&a&lZamTurkTeam &8&l» &eBaşarıyla Vip+ Aldınız"
            send "&a&lZamTurkTeam &8&l» &eYeterli Coinin Yok"
command /vipppal:
        if {kredi.%player%} is greater than 20000:
            remove 20000 from {kredi.%player%}
            execute console command "manuadd %player% vip++"
            send "&a&lZamTurkTeam &8&l» &eBaşarıyla Vip++ Aldınız"
            send "&a&lZamTurkTeam &8&l» &eYeterli Coinin Yok"
command /elektronikanahtar:
        if {kredi.%player%} is greater than 2500:
            remove 2500 from {kredi.%player%}
            execute console command "crate key %player% elektronik"
            send "&a&lZamTurkTeam &8&l» &eBaşarıyla Anahtar Aldınız"
            send "&a&lZamTurkTeam &8&l» &eYeterli Coinin Yok"
command /spawneranahtar:
        if {kredi.%player%} is greater than 2000:
            remove 2000 from {kredi.%player%}
            execute console command "crate key %player% spawner"
            send "&a&lZamTurkTeam &8&l» &eBaşarıyla Anahtar Aldınız"
            send "&a&lZamTurkTeam &8&l» &eYeterli Coinin Yok"
command /gameranahtar:
        if {kredi.%player%} is greater than 3000:
            remove 3000 from {kredi.%player%}
            execute console command "crate key %player% gamer"
            send "&a&lZamTurkTeam &8&l» &eBaşarıyla Anahtar Aldınız"
            send "&a&lZamTurkTeam &8&l�� &eYeterli Coinin Yok"
[DOUBLEPOST=1509031594,1509031197][/DOUBLEPOST]Eğer çözülmüşse konuya kilit yazda yetkililer kitlesin.
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