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Sağ Reklam

Coin Market

Mesaj gönderimine kapalı.


Odunlara Vur Vur Vur!
11 Haziran 2014
Bazı sunucular da görüyorum da /glmarket gibi coin marketi obsidyen kazıyorsun coin veriyor.Bu plugin sanırım bu daha önceden paylaşıldı mı? Yardımcı olabilirseniz sevinirim.


Seven sevdiğiyle güzelleşir.



12 Ocak 2019

Kaç tane obdisyen kazınca coin vermesini istiyorsunuz? Skript'ini yazabilirim.


Odunlara Vur Vur Vur!
11 Haziran 2014
Aslında tek istediğim o değil coin marketide mevcut olacak. Çok teşekkür ederim yardımınız için ama biraz daha araştıracağım eğer bulamazsam size dönebilir miyim?


Seven sevdiğiyle güzelleşir.



12 Ocak 2019
Aslında tek istediğim o değil coin marketide mevcut olacak. Çok teşekkür ederim yardımınız için ama biraz daha araştıracağım eğer bulamazsam size dönebilir miyim?

Bildiğim bir kredi ve coin market skript'i var kullanışlı. (SKRİPT ALINTIDIR)
Kendine Kredi Verme
Kendine Coin Alma
Gerekli Skript'ler: Skquery, Skript
Komutlar: /coinmarket /kredimarket /coinbak /coinal /kredial

[CODE title="PHP"]# Author:OnurCreed/OnurKahraman
# version:1.0
command /coinmarket:
wait 3 tick
open chest with 5 rows named "&4&lCoin Market" to player
format slot 10 of player with diamond helmet named "&b&lDiamond Helmet" with lore "&b2000 coin||&bSatin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "dh %player%"
format slot 11 of player with diamond chestplate named "&b&lDiamond Chestplate" with lore "&b2200 coin||&bSatin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "dc %player%"
format slot 12 of player with diamond leggings named "&b&lDiamond Leggings" with lore "&b2400 coin||&bSatin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "dl %player%"
format slot 13 of player with diamond boots named "&b&lDiamond Boots" with lore "&b2600 coin||&bSatin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "db %player%"
format slot 14 of player with diamond sword named "&b&lDiamond Sword" with lore "&b2800 coin||&bSatin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "ds %player%"
format slot 15 of player with 322:0 named "&f&lGolden Apple" with lore "&f1000 coin||&fSatin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "ga %player%"
format slot 16 of player with 322:1 named "&d&lEnchanted Golden Apple" with lore "&d1500 coin||&dSatin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "ga2 %player%"
format slot 28 of player with gray dye named "&7&lDayaniklilik Tilsimi" with lore "&7500 coin||&7Satin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "dayaniklilik %player%"
format slot 29 of player with light blue dye named "&9&lHiz Tilsimi" with lore "&9500 coin||&9Satin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "hiz %player%"
format slot 30 of player with magenta dye named "&5&lCan Tilsimi" with lore "&5750||&5Satin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "can %player%"
format slot 31 of player with orange dye named "<orange>&lAlev Tilsimi" with lore "<orange>750||<orange>Satin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "alev %player%"
format slot 32 of player with nether star named "&7&lKredi" with lore "&7500 coin||&7Satin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "kredi %player%"
format slot 33 of player with red dye named "&4&lGuc Tilsimi" with lore "&4500 coin||&4Satin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "guc %player%"
format slot 34 of player with 339 named "&2&lViP Kagidi" with lore "&e4000 coin||&2Satin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "vip %player%"
format slot 0 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 1 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 2 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 3 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 4 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 5 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 6 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 7 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 8 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 9 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 17 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 18 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 19 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 20 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 21 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 22 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 23 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 24 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 25 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 26 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 27 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 35 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 36 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 37 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 38 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 39 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 40 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 41 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 42 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 43 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 44 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""

command /dh <player>:
executable by:console
if {coin.%arg 1%} is greater than 1999:
give 1 diamond helmet to arg 1
send "&b&lDiamond Helmet &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 2000 from {coin.%arg 1%}
send "&c&lYeterli coinin yok!" to arg 1

command /dc <player>:
executable by:console
if {coin.%arg 1%} is greater than 2199:
give 1 diamond chestplate to arg 1
send "&b&lDiamond Chestplate &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 2200 from {coin.%arg 1%}
send "&c&lYeterli coinin yok!" to arg 1

command /dl <player>:
executable by:console
if {coin.%arg 1%} is greater than 2399:
give 1 diamond leggings to arg 1
send "&b&lDiamond Leggings &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 2400 from {coin.%arg 1%}
send "&c&lYeterli coinin yok!" to arg 1

command /db <player>:
executable by:console
if {coin.%arg 1%} is greater than 2599:
give 1 diamond boots to arg 1
send "&b&lDiamond Boots &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 2600 from {coin.%arg 1%}
send "&c&lYeterli coinin yok!" to arg 1

command /ds <player>:
executable by:console
if {coin.%arg 1%} is greater than 2799:
give 1 diamond sword to arg 1
send "&b&lDiamond Sword &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 2800 from {coin.%arg 1%}
send "&c&lYeterli coinin yok!" to arg 1

command /ga <player>:
executable by:console
if {coin.%arg 1%} is greater than 299:
give 1 golden apple to arg 1
send "&f&lGolden Apple &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 300 from {coin.%arg 1%}
send "&c&lYeterli coinin yok!" to arg 1

command /ga2 <player>:
executable by:console
if {coin.%arg 1%} is greater than 899:
give 1 enchanted golden apple to arg 1
send "&d&lEnchanted Golden Apple &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 900 from {coin.%arg 1%}
send "&c&lYeterli coinin yok!" to arg 1

command /dayaniklilik <player>:
executable by:console
if {coin.%arg 1%} is greater than 499:
give 1 gray dye named "&7&lDayaniklilik Tilsimi" to arg 1
send "&7&lDayaniklilik Tilsimi &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 500 from {coin.%arg 1%}
send "&c&lYeterli coinin yok!" to arg 1

command /hiz <player>:
executable by:console
if {coin.%arg 1%} is greater than 499:
give 1 light blue dye named "&9&lHiz Tilsimi" to arg 1
send "&9&lHiz Tilsimi &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 500 from {coin.%arg 1%}
send "&c&lYeterli coinin yok!" to arg 1

command /can <player>:
executable by:console
if {coin.%arg 1%} is greater than 749:
give 1 magenta dye named "&5&lCan Tilsimi" to arg 1
send "&5&lCan Tilsimi &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 750 from {coin.%arg 1%}
send "&c&lYeterli coinin yok!" to arg 1

command /alev <player>:
executable by:console
if {coin.%arg 1%} is greater than 749:
give 1 orange dye named "&6&lAlev Tilsimi" to arg 1
send "&6&lAlev Tilsimi &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 750 from {coin.%arg 1%}
send "&c&lYeterli coinin yok!" to arg 1

command /kredi <player>:
executable by:console
if {coin.%arg 1%} is greater than 499:
give 1 nether star named "&7&lKredi" to arg 1
send "&7&lKredi &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 500 from {coin.%arg 1%}
send "&c&lYeterli coinin yok!" to arg 1

command /guc <player>:
executable by:console
if {coin.%arg 1%} is greater than 499:
give 1 red dye named "&4&lGuc Tilsimi" to arg 1
send "&4&lGuc Tilsimi &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 500 from {coin.%arg 1%}
send "&c&lYeterli coinin yok!" to arg 1

command /vip <player>:
executable by:console
if {coin.%arg 1%} is greater than 3999:
give 1 paper named "&6&lViP Kagidi" to arg 1
send "&6&lViP Kagidi &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 4000 from {coin.%arg 1%}
send "&c&lYeterli coinin yok!" to arg 1

command /coinal <number>:
permission message: &4Hoop hayirdir??
add arg 1 to {coin.%player%}
send "&2&l%arg 1% &d&ocoin alindi." to player

command /coinbak:
if {coin.%player%} is less than 1:
send "&4&l[&f&lCoin&4&l] &aCoin miktarin : &2&l0" to player
send "&4&l[&f&lCoin&4&l] &aCoin miktarin : &2&l%{coin.%player%}%" to player

on damage:
attacker is a player
victim is a player
if {alevaktif.%attacker%} is greater than 0:
ignite victim for 4 second

on rightclick holding a orange dye:
if tool's name is "&6&lAlev Tilsimi":
remove 1 orange dye named "&6&lAlev Tilsimi" from player
send "&6&lAlev Tilsimi ozelligi aktif!" to player
set {alevaktif.%player%} to 1
wait 3 minute
set {alevaktif.%player%} to 0

on rightclick holding a gray dye:
if tool's name is "&7&lDayaniklilik Tilsimi":
remove 1 gray dye named "&7&lDayaniklilik Tilsimi" from player
send "&7&lDayaniklilik Tilsimi ozelligi aktif!" to player
apply resistance 2 to player for 3 minute

on rightclick holding a light blue dye:
if tool's name is "&9&lHiz Tilsimi":
remove 1 light blue dye named "&9&lHiz Tilsimi" from player
send "&9&lHiz Tilsimi ozelligi aktif!" to player
apply speed 2 to player for 3 minute

on rightclick holding a red dye:
if tool's name is "&4&lGuc Tilsimi":
remove 1 red dye named "&4&lGuc Tilsimi" from player
send "&4&lGuc Tilsimi ozelligi aktif!" to player
apply strength 2 to player for 3 minute

on rightclick holding a magenta dye:
if tool's name is "&5&lCan Tilsimi":
remove 1 magenta dye named "&5&lCan Tilsimi" from player
send "&5&lIyilestirildin!" to player
heal the player

on rightclick with a paper:
if tool's name is "&6&lViP Kagidi":
remove 1 paper named "&6&lViP Kagidi" from player
send "&5&lViP Verildi!" to player
execute console command "/manuadd %player% VIP"

on death:
attacker is a player
victim is a player
chance of 1%:
add 250 to {coin.%attacker%}
send "&2&l%victim% &a&oadli kisiyi oldurerek &2&l250 &a&ocoin kazandiniz!" to attacker
chance of 10%:
add 100 to {coin.%attacker%}
send "&2&l%victim% &a&oadli kisiyi oldurerek &2&l100 &a&ocoin kazandiniz!" to attacker
chance of 25%:
add 50 to {coin.%attacker%}
send "&2&l%victim% &a&oadli kisiyi oldurerek &2&l50 &a&ocoin kazandiniz!" to attacker
add 25 to {coin.%attacker%}
send "&2&l%victim% &a&oadli kisiyi oldurerek &2&l25 &a&ocoin kazandiniz!" to attacker

on death:
attacker is a player
victim is a player
chance of 0.1%:
drop nether star named "&7&lKredi" at location of victim
broadcast "&2&l%attacker% &a&oadli kisi &2&l%victim% &a&adli kisiyi oldurerek &7&lKredi &a&odusurdu!"

command /kredimarket:
wait 3 tick
open chest with 3 rows named "&4&lKredi Market" to player
format slot 10 of player with diamond helmet of protection 2 named "&b&lDiamond Helmet (koruma 2)" with lore "&b20 KREDI ILE ALINABILIR||&bSatin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "opdh %player%"
format slot 11 of player with diamond chestplate of protection 2 named "&b&lDiamond Chestplate (koruma 2)" with lore "&b30 KREDI ILE ALINABILIR ||&bSatin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "opdc %player%"
format slot 12 of player with diamond leggings of protection 2 named "&b&lDiamond Leggings (koruma 2)" with lore "&b40 KREDI ILE ALINABILIR ||&bSatin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "opdl %player%"
format slot 13 of player with diamond boots of protection 2 named "&b&lDiamond Boots (koruma 2)" with lore "&b50 KREDI ILE ALINABILIR ||&bSatin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "opdb %player%"
format slot 14 of player with diamond sword of protection 2 named "&b&lDiamond Sword (keskinlik 2)" with lore "&b60 KREDI ILE ALINABILIR ||&bSatin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "opds %player%"
format slot 15 of player with 8 322:0 named "&f&lGolden Apple" with lore "&f50 KREDI ILE ALINABILIR||&fSatin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "opga %player%"
format slot 16 of player with 8 322:1 named "&d&lEnchanted Golden Apple" with lore "&d100 KREDI ILE ALINABILIR||&dSatin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "opga2 %player%"

command /opdh <player>:
executable by:console
if arg 1 have 5 nether star named "&7&lKredi":
give 1 diamond helmet of protection 2 to arg 1
send "&b&lDiamond Helmet(koruma 2) &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 20 nether star named "&7&lKredi" from arg 1
send "&c&lYeterli krediye sahip degilsin!" to arg 1

command /opdc <player>:
executable by:console
if arg 1 have 15 nether star named "&7&lKredi":
give 1 diamond chestplate of protection 2 to arg 1
send "&b&lDiamond Chestplate(koruma 2) &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 30 nether star named "&7&lKredi" from arg 1
send "&c&lYeterli krediye sahip degilsin!" to arg 1

command /opdl <player>:
executable by:console
if arg 1 have 10 nether star named "&7&lKredi":
give 1 diamond leggings of protection 2 to arg 1
send "&b&lDiamond Leggings(koruma 2) &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 40 nether star named "&7&lKredi" from arg 1
send "&c&lYeterli krediye sahip degilsin!" to arg 1

command /opds <player>:
executable by:console
if arg 1 have 10 nether star named "&7&lKredi":
give 1 diamond sword of sharpness 2 to arg 1
send "&b&lDiamond Sword(keskinlik 2) &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 60 nether star named "&7&lKredi" from arg 1
send "&c&lYeterli krediye sahip degilsin!" to arg 1

command /opdb <player>:
executable by:console
if arg 1 have 5 nether star named "&7&lKredi":
give 1 diamond boots of protection 2 to arg 1
send "&b&lDiamond Boots(koruma 2) &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 50 nether star named "&7&lKredi" from arg 1
send "&c&lYeterli krediye sahip degilsin!" to arg 1

command /opga <player>:
executable by:console
if arg 1 have 5 nether star named "&7&lKredi":
give 8 golden apple to arg 1
send "&7&l8 Golden Apple &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 50 nether star named "&7&lKredi" from arg 1
send "&c&lYeterli krediye sahip degilsin!" to arg 1

command /opga2 <player>:
executable by:console
if arg 1 have 15 nether star named "&7&lKredi":
give 8 enchanted golden apple to arg 1
send "&d&l8 Enchanted Golden Apple &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 100 nether star named "&7&lKredi" from arg 1
send "&c&lYeterli krediye sahip degilsin!" to arg 1

command /kredial:
permission message: &4Hoop hayirdir?
give 16 nether star named "&7&lKredi" to player[/CODE]

İşine yarayabilir.
Son düzenleme:


Bilirsin insanlar değişmez. Değişen zamandır.



30 Eylül 2014
Bildiğim bir kredi ve coin market skript'i var kullanışlı. (Skript bana ait değildir)
Kendine Kredi Verme
Kendine Coin Alma
Gerekli Skript'ler: Skquery, Skript
Komutlar: /coinmarket /kredimarket /coinbak /coinal /kredial

[CODE title="PHP"]# Author:OnurCreed/OnurKahraman
# version:1.0
command /coinmarket:
wait 3 tick
open chest with 5 rows named "&4&lCoin Market" to player
format slot 10 of player with diamond helmet named "&b&lDiamond Helmet" with lore "&b2000 coin||&bSatin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "dh %player%"
format slot 11 of player with diamond chestplate named "&b&lDiamond Chestplate" with lore "&b2200 coin||&bSatin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "dc %player%"
format slot 12 of player with diamond leggings named "&b&lDiamond Leggings" with lore "&b2400 coin||&bSatin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "dl %player%"
format slot 13 of player with diamond boots named "&b&lDiamond Boots" with lore "&b2600 coin||&bSatin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "db %player%"
format slot 14 of player with diamond sword named "&b&lDiamond Sword" with lore "&b2800 coin||&bSatin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "ds %player%"
format slot 15 of player with 322:0 named "&f&lGolden Apple" with lore "&f1000 coin||&fSatin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "ga %player%"
format slot 16 of player with 322:1 named "&d&lEnchanted Golden Apple" with lore "&d1500 coin||&dSatin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "ga2 %player%"
format slot 28 of player with gray dye named "&7&lDayaniklilik Tilsimi" with lore "&7500 coin||&7Satin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "dayaniklilik %player%"
format slot 29 of player with light blue dye named "&9&lHiz Tilsimi" with lore "&9500 coin||&9Satin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "hiz %player%"
format slot 30 of player with magenta dye named "&5&lCan Tilsimi" with lore "&5750||&5Satin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "can %player%"
format slot 31 of player with orange dye named "<orange>&lAlev Tilsimi" with lore "<orange>750||<orange>Satin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "alev %player%"
format slot 32 of player with nether star named "&7&lKredi" with lore "&7500 coin||&7Satin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "kredi %player%"
format slot 33 of player with red dye named "&4&lGuc Tilsimi" with lore "&4500 coin||&4Satin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "guc %player%"
format slot 34 of player with 339 named "&2&lViP Kagidi" with lore "&e4000 coin||&2Satin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "vip %player%"
format slot 0 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 1 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 2 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 3 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 4 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 5 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 6 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 7 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 8 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 9 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 17 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 18 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 19 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 20 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 21 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 22 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 23 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 24 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 25 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 26 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 27 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 35 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 36 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 37 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 38 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 39 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 40 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 41 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 42 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 43 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 44 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""

command /dh <player>:
executable by:console
if {coin.%arg 1%} is greater than 1999:
give 1 diamond helmet to arg 1
send "&b&lDiamond Helmet &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 2000 from {coin.%arg 1%}
send "&c&lYeterli coinin yok!" to arg 1

command /dc <player>:
executable by:console
if {coin.%arg 1%} is greater than 2199:
give 1 diamond chestplate to arg 1
send "&b&lDiamond Chestplate &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 2200 from {coin.%arg 1%}
send "&c&lYeterli coinin yok!" to arg 1

command /dl <player>:
executable by:console
if {coin.%arg 1%} is greater than 2399:
give 1 diamond leggings to arg 1
send "&b&lDiamond Leggings &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 2400 from {coin.%arg 1%}
send "&c&lYeterli coinin yok!" to arg 1

command /db <player>:
executable by:console
if {coin.%arg 1%} is greater than 2599:
give 1 diamond boots to arg 1
send "&b&lDiamond Boots &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 2600 from {coin.%arg 1%}
send "&c&lYeterli coinin yok!" to arg 1

command /ds <player>:
executable by:console
if {coin.%arg 1%} is greater than 2799:
give 1 diamond sword to arg 1
send "&b&lDiamond Sword &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 2800 from {coin.%arg 1%}
send "&c&lYeterli coinin yok!" to arg 1

command /ga <player>:
executable by:console
if {coin.%arg 1%} is greater than 299:
give 1 golden apple to arg 1
send "&f&lGolden Apple &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 300 from {coin.%arg 1%}
send "&c&lYeterli coinin yok!" to arg 1

command /ga2 <player>:
executable by:console
if {coin.%arg 1%} is greater than 899:
give 1 enchanted golden apple to arg 1
send "&d&lEnchanted Golden Apple &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 900 from {coin.%arg 1%}
send "&c&lYeterli coinin yok!" to arg 1

command /dayaniklilik <player>:
executable by:console
if {coin.%arg 1%} is greater than 499:
give 1 gray dye named "&7&lDayaniklilik Tilsimi" to arg 1
send "&7&lDayaniklilik Tilsimi &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 500 from {coin.%arg 1%}
send "&c&lYeterli coinin yok!" to arg 1

command /hiz <player>:
executable by:console
if {coin.%arg 1%} is greater than 499:
give 1 light blue dye named "&9&lHiz Tilsimi" to arg 1
send "&9&lHiz Tilsimi &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 500 from {coin.%arg 1%}
send "&c&lYeterli coinin yok!" to arg 1

command /can <player>:
executable by:console
if {coin.%arg 1%} is greater than 749:
give 1 magenta dye named "&5&lCan Tilsimi" to arg 1
send "&5&lCan Tilsimi &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 750 from {coin.%arg 1%}
send "&c&lYeterli coinin yok!" to arg 1

command /alev <player>:
executable by:console
if {coin.%arg 1%} is greater than 749:
give 1 orange dye named "&6&lAlev Tilsimi" to arg 1
send "&6&lAlev Tilsimi &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 750 from {coin.%arg 1%}
send "&c&lYeterli coinin yok!" to arg 1

command /kredi <player>:
executable by:console
if {coin.%arg 1%} is greater than 499:
give 1 nether star named "&7&lKredi" to arg 1
send "&7&lKredi &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 500 from {coin.%arg 1%}
send "&c&lYeterli coinin yok!" to arg 1

command /guc <player>:
executable by:console
if {coin.%arg 1%} is greater than 499:
give 1 red dye named "&4&lGuc Tilsimi" to arg 1
send "&4&lGuc Tilsimi &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 500 from {coin.%arg 1%}
send "&c&lYeterli coinin yok!" to arg 1

command /vip <player>:
executable by:console
if {coin.%arg 1%} is greater than 3999:
give 1 paper named "&6&lViP Kagidi" to arg 1
send "&6&lViP Kagidi &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 4000 from {coin.%arg 1%}
send "&c&lYeterli coinin yok!" to arg 1

command /coinal <number>:
permission message: &4Hoop hayirdir??
add arg 1 to {coin.%player%}
send "&2&l%arg 1% &d&ocoin alindi." to player

command /coinbak:
if {coin.%player%} is less than 1:
send "&4&l[&f&lCoin&4&l] &aCoin miktarin : &2&l0" to player
send "&4&l[&f&lCoin&4&l] &aCoin miktarin : &2&l%{coin.%player%}%" to player

on damage:
attacker is a player
victim is a player
if {alevaktif.%attacker%} is greater than 0:
ignite victim for 4 second

on rightclick holding a orange dye:
if tool's name is "&6&lAlev Tilsimi":
remove 1 orange dye named "&6&lAlev Tilsimi" from player
send "&6&lAlev Tilsimi ozelligi aktif!" to player
set {alevaktif.%player%} to 1
wait 3 minute
set {alevaktif.%player%} to 0

on rightclick holding a gray dye:
if tool's name is "&7&lDayaniklilik Tilsimi":
remove 1 gray dye named "&7&lDayaniklilik Tilsimi" from player
send "&7&lDayaniklilik Tilsimi ozelligi aktif!" to player
apply resistance 2 to player for 3 minute

on rightclick holding a light blue dye:
if tool's name is "&9&lHiz Tilsimi":
remove 1 light blue dye named "&9&lHiz Tilsimi" from player
send "&9&lHiz Tilsimi ozelligi aktif!" to player
apply speed 2 to player for 3 minute

on rightclick holding a red dye:
if tool's name is "&4&lGuc Tilsimi":
remove 1 red dye named "&4&lGuc Tilsimi" from player
send "&4&lGuc Tilsimi ozelligi aktif!" to player
apply strength 2 to player for 3 minute

on rightclick holding a magenta dye:
if tool's name is "&5&lCan Tilsimi":
remove 1 magenta dye named "&5&lCan Tilsimi" from player
send "&5&lIyilestirildin!" to player
heal the player

on rightclick with a paper:
if tool's name is "&6&lViP Kagidi":
remove 1 paper named "&6&lViP Kagidi" from player
send "&5&lViP Verildi!" to player
execute console command "/manuadd %player% VIP"

on death:
attacker is a player
victim is a player
chance of 1%:
add 250 to {coin.%attacker%}
send "&2&l%victim% &a&oadli kisiyi oldurerek &2&l250 &a&ocoin kazandiniz!" to attacker
chance of 10%:
add 100 to {coin.%attacker%}
send "&2&l%victim% &a&oadli kisiyi oldurerek &2&l100 &a&ocoin kazandiniz!" to attacker
chance of 25%:
add 50 to {coin.%attacker%}
send "&2&l%victim% &a&oadli kisiyi oldurerek &2&l50 &a&ocoin kazandiniz!" to attacker
add 25 to {coin.%attacker%}
send "&2&l%victim% &a&oadli kisiyi oldurerek &2&l25 &a&ocoin kazandiniz!" to attacker

on death:
attacker is a player
victim is a player
chance of 0.1%:
drop nether star named "&7&lKredi" at location of victim
broadcast "&2&l%attacker% &a&oadli kisi &2&l%victim% &a&adli kisiyi oldurerek &7&lKredi &a&odusurdu!"

command /kredimarket:
wait 3 tick
open chest with 3 rows named "&4&lKredi Market" to player
format slot 10 of player with diamond helmet of protection 2 named "&b&lDiamond Helmet (koruma 2)" with lore "&b20 KREDI ILE ALINABILIR||&bSatin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "opdh %player%"
format slot 11 of player with diamond chestplate of protection 2 named "&b&lDiamond Chestplate (koruma 2)" with lore "&b30 KREDI ILE ALINABILIR ||&bSatin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "opdc %player%"
format slot 12 of player with diamond leggings of protection 2 named "&b&lDiamond Leggings (koruma 2)" with lore "&b40 KREDI ILE ALINABILIR ||&bSatin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "opdl %player%"
format slot 13 of player with diamond boots of protection 2 named "&b&lDiamond Boots (koruma 2)" with lore "&b50 KREDI ILE ALINABILIR ||&bSatin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "opdb %player%"
format slot 14 of player with diamond sword of protection 2 named "&b&lDiamond Sword (keskinlik 2)" with lore "&b60 KREDI ILE ALINABILIR ||&bSatin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "opds %player%"
format slot 15 of player with 8 322:0 named "&f&lGolden Apple" with lore "&f50 KREDI ILE ALINABILIR||&fSatin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "opga %player%"
format slot 16 of player with 8 322:1 named "&d&lEnchanted Golden Apple" with lore "&d100 KREDI ILE ALINABILIR||&dSatin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "opga2 %player%"

command /opdh <player>:
executable by:console
if arg 1 have 5 nether star named "&7&lKredi":
give 1 diamond helmet of protection 2 to arg 1
send "&b&lDiamond Helmet(koruma 2) &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 20 nether star named "&7&lKredi" from arg 1
send "&c&lYeterli krediye sahip degilsin!" to arg 1

command /opdc <player>:
executable by:console
if arg 1 have 15 nether star named "&7&lKredi":
give 1 diamond chestplate of protection 2 to arg 1
send "&b&lDiamond Chestplate(koruma 2) &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 30 nether star named "&7&lKredi" from arg 1
send "&c&lYeterli krediye sahip degilsin!" to arg 1

command /opdl <player>:
executable by:console
if arg 1 have 10 nether star named "&7&lKredi":
give 1 diamond leggings of protection 2 to arg 1
send "&b&lDiamond Leggings(koruma 2) &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 40 nether star named "&7&lKredi" from arg 1
send "&c&lYeterli krediye sahip degilsin!" to arg 1

command /opds <player>:
executable by:console
if arg 1 have 10 nether star named "&7&lKredi":
give 1 diamond sword of sharpness 2 to arg 1
send "&b&lDiamond Sword(keskinlik 2) &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 60 nether star named "&7&lKredi" from arg 1
send "&c&lYeterli krediye sahip degilsin!" to arg 1

command /opdb <player>:
executable by:console
if arg 1 have 5 nether star named "&7&lKredi":
give 1 diamond boots of protection 2 to arg 1
send "&b&lDiamond Boots(koruma 2) &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 50 nether star named "&7&lKredi" from arg 1
send "&c&lYeterli krediye sahip degilsin!" to arg 1

command /opga <player>:
executable by:console
if arg 1 have 5 nether star named "&7&lKredi":
give 8 golden apple to arg 1
send "&7&l8 Golden Apple &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 50 nether star named "&7&lKredi" from arg 1
send "&c&lYeterli krediye sahip degilsin!" to arg 1

command /opga2 <player>:
executable by:console
if arg 1 have 15 nether star named "&7&lKredi":
give 8 enchanted golden apple to arg 1
send "&d&l8 Enchanted Golden Apple &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 100 nether star named "&7&lKredi" from arg 1
send "&c&lYeterli krediye sahip degilsin!" to arg 1

command /kredial:
permission message: &4Hoop hayirdir?
give 16 nether star named "&7&lKredi" to player[/CODE]

İşine yarayabilir.
Skript size ait değil ise lütfen ALINTI yazınız.


Seven sevdiğiyle güzelleşir.



12 Ocak 2019





14 Ağustos 2017
Bazı sunucular da görüyorum da /glmarket gibi coin marketi obsidyen kazıyorsun coin veriyor.Bu plugin sanırım bu daha önceden paylaşıldı mı? Yardımcı olabilirseniz sevinirim.
Bu bir tür skript. Skripti buyurun:
Bildiğim bir kredi ve coin market skript'i var kullanışlı. (SKRİPT ALINTIDIR)
Kendine Kredi Verme
Kendine Coin Alma
Gerekli Skript'ler: Skquery, Skript
Komutlar: /coinmarket /kredimarket /coinbak /coinal /kredial

[CODE title="PHP"]# Author:OnurCreed/OnurKahraman
# version:1.0
command /coinmarket:
wait 3 tick
open chest with 5 rows named "&4&lCoin Market" to player
format slot 10 of player with diamond helmet named "&b&lDiamond Helmet" with lore "&b2000 coin||&bSatin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "dh %player%"
format slot 11 of player with diamond chestplate named "&b&lDiamond Chestplate" with lore "&b2200 coin||&bSatin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "dc %player%"
format slot 12 of player with diamond leggings named "&b&lDiamond Leggings" with lore "&b2400 coin||&bSatin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "dl %player%"
format slot 13 of player with diamond boots named "&b&lDiamond Boots" with lore "&b2600 coin||&bSatin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "db %player%"
format slot 14 of player with diamond sword named "&b&lDiamond Sword" with lore "&b2800 coin||&bSatin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "ds %player%"
format slot 15 of player with 322:0 named "&f&lGolden Apple" with lore "&f1000 coin||&fSatin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "ga %player%"
format slot 16 of player with 322:1 named "&d&lEnchanted Golden Apple" with lore "&d1500 coin||&dSatin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "ga2 %player%"
format slot 28 of player with gray dye named "&7&lDayaniklilik Tilsimi" with lore "&7500 coin||&7Satin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "dayaniklilik %player%"
format slot 29 of player with light blue dye named "&9&lHiz Tilsimi" with lore "&9500 coin||&9Satin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "hiz %player%"
format slot 30 of player with magenta dye named "&5&lCan Tilsimi" with lore "&5750||&5Satin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "can %player%"
format slot 31 of player with orange dye named "<orange>&lAlev Tilsimi" with lore "<orange>750||<orange>Satin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "alev %player%"
format slot 32 of player with nether star named "&7&lKredi" with lore "&7500 coin||&7Satin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "kredi %player%"
format slot 33 of player with red dye named "&4&lGuc Tilsimi" with lore "&4500 coin||&4Satin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "guc %player%"
format slot 34 of player with 339 named "&2&lViP Kagidi" with lore "&e4000 coin||&2Satin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "vip %player%"
format slot 0 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 1 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 2 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 3 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 4 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 5 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 6 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 7 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 8 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 9 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 17 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 18 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 19 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 20 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 21 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 22 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 23 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 24 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 25 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 26 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 27 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 35 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 36 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 37 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 38 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 39 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 40 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 41 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 42 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 43 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""
format slot 44 of player with red stained glass pane named "" to close then run ""

command /dh <player>:
executable by:console
if {coin.%arg 1%} is greater than 1999:
give 1 diamond helmet to arg 1
send "&b&lDiamond Helmet &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 2000 from {coin.%arg 1%}
send "&c&lYeterli coinin yok!" to arg 1

command /dc <player>:
executable by:console
if {coin.%arg 1%} is greater than 2199:
give 1 diamond chestplate to arg 1
send "&b&lDiamond Chestplate &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 2200 from {coin.%arg 1%}
send "&c&lYeterli coinin yok!" to arg 1

command /dl <player>:
executable by:console
if {coin.%arg 1%} is greater than 2399:
give 1 diamond leggings to arg 1
send "&b&lDiamond Leggings &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 2400 from {coin.%arg 1%}
send "&c&lYeterli coinin yok!" to arg 1

command /db <player>:
executable by:console
if {coin.%arg 1%} is greater than 2599:
give 1 diamond boots to arg 1
send "&b&lDiamond Boots &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 2600 from {coin.%arg 1%}
send "&c&lYeterli coinin yok!" to arg 1

command /ds <player>:
executable by:console
if {coin.%arg 1%} is greater than 2799:
give 1 diamond sword to arg 1
send "&b&lDiamond Sword &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 2800 from {coin.%arg 1%}
send "&c&lYeterli coinin yok!" to arg 1

command /ga <player>:
executable by:console
if {coin.%arg 1%} is greater than 299:
give 1 golden apple to arg 1
send "&f&lGolden Apple &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 300 from {coin.%arg 1%}
send "&c&lYeterli coinin yok!" to arg 1

command /ga2 <player>:
executable by:console
if {coin.%arg 1%} is greater than 899:
give 1 enchanted golden apple to arg 1
send "&d&lEnchanted Golden Apple &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 900 from {coin.%arg 1%}
send "&c&lYeterli coinin yok!" to arg 1

command /dayaniklilik <player>:
executable by:console
if {coin.%arg 1%} is greater than 499:
give 1 gray dye named "&7&lDayaniklilik Tilsimi" to arg 1
send "&7&lDayaniklilik Tilsimi &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 500 from {coin.%arg 1%}
send "&c&lYeterli coinin yok!" to arg 1

command /hiz <player>:
executable by:console
if {coin.%arg 1%} is greater than 499:
give 1 light blue dye named "&9&lHiz Tilsimi" to arg 1
send "&9&lHiz Tilsimi &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 500 from {coin.%arg 1%}
send "&c&lYeterli coinin yok!" to arg 1

command /can <player>:
executable by:console
if {coin.%arg 1%} is greater than 749:
give 1 magenta dye named "&5&lCan Tilsimi" to arg 1
send "&5&lCan Tilsimi &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 750 from {coin.%arg 1%}
send "&c&lYeterli coinin yok!" to arg 1

command /alev <player>:
executable by:console
if {coin.%arg 1%} is greater than 749:
give 1 orange dye named "&6&lAlev Tilsimi" to arg 1
send "&6&lAlev Tilsimi &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 750 from {coin.%arg 1%}
send "&c&lYeterli coinin yok!" to arg 1

command /kredi <player>:
executable by:console
if {coin.%arg 1%} is greater than 499:
give 1 nether star named "&7&lKredi" to arg 1
send "&7&lKredi &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 500 from {coin.%arg 1%}
send "&c&lYeterli coinin yok!" to arg 1

command /guc <player>:
executable by:console
if {coin.%arg 1%} is greater than 499:
give 1 red dye named "&4&lGuc Tilsimi" to arg 1
send "&4&lGuc Tilsimi &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 500 from {coin.%arg 1%}
send "&c&lYeterli coinin yok!" to arg 1

command /vip <player>:
executable by:console
if {coin.%arg 1%} is greater than 3999:
give 1 paper named "&6&lViP Kagidi" to arg 1
send "&6&lViP Kagidi &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 4000 from {coin.%arg 1%}
send "&c&lYeterli coinin yok!" to arg 1

command /coinal <number>:
permission message: &4Hoop hayirdir??
add arg 1 to {coin.%player%}
send "&2&l%arg 1% &d&ocoin alindi." to player

command /coinbak:
if {coin.%player%} is less than 1:
send "&4&l[&f&lCoin&4&l] &aCoin miktarin : &2&l0" to player
send "&4&l[&f&lCoin&4&l] &aCoin miktarin : &2&l%{coin.%player%}%" to player

on damage:
attacker is a player
victim is a player
if {alevaktif.%attacker%} is greater than 0:
ignite victim for 4 second

on rightclick holding a orange dye:
if tool's name is "&6&lAlev Tilsimi":
remove 1 orange dye named "&6&lAlev Tilsimi" from player
send "&6&lAlev Tilsimi ozelligi aktif!" to player
set {alevaktif.%player%} to 1
wait 3 minute
set {alevaktif.%player%} to 0

on rightclick holding a gray dye:
if tool's name is "&7&lDayaniklilik Tilsimi":
remove 1 gray dye named "&7&lDayaniklilik Tilsimi" from player
send "&7&lDayaniklilik Tilsimi ozelligi aktif!" to player
apply resistance 2 to player for 3 minute

on rightclick holding a light blue dye:
if tool's name is "&9&lHiz Tilsimi":
remove 1 light blue dye named "&9&lHiz Tilsimi" from player
send "&9&lHiz Tilsimi ozelligi aktif!" to player
apply speed 2 to player for 3 minute

on rightclick holding a red dye:
if tool's name is "&4&lGuc Tilsimi":
remove 1 red dye named "&4&lGuc Tilsimi" from player
send "&4&lGuc Tilsimi ozelligi aktif!" to player
apply strength 2 to player for 3 minute

on rightclick holding a magenta dye:
if tool's name is "&5&lCan Tilsimi":
remove 1 magenta dye named "&5&lCan Tilsimi" from player
send "&5&lIyilestirildin!" to player
heal the player

on rightclick with a paper:
if tool's name is "&6&lViP Kagidi":
remove 1 paper named "&6&lViP Kagidi" from player
send "&5&lViP Verildi!" to player
execute console command "/manuadd %player% VIP"

on death:
attacker is a player
victim is a player
chance of 1%:
add 250 to {coin.%attacker%}
send "&2&l%victim% &a&oadli kisiyi oldurerek &2&l250 &a&ocoin kazandiniz!" to attacker
chance of 10%:
add 100 to {coin.%attacker%}
send "&2&l%victim% &a&oadli kisiyi oldurerek &2&l100 &a&ocoin kazandiniz!" to attacker
chance of 25%:
add 50 to {coin.%attacker%}
send "&2&l%victim% &a&oadli kisiyi oldurerek &2&l50 &a&ocoin kazandiniz!" to attacker
add 25 to {coin.%attacker%}
send "&2&l%victim% &a&oadli kisiyi oldurerek &2&l25 &a&ocoin kazandiniz!" to attacker

on death:
attacker is a player
victim is a player
chance of 0.1%:
drop nether star named "&7&lKredi" at location of victim
broadcast "&2&l%attacker% &a&oadli kisi &2&l%victim% &a&adli kisiyi oldurerek &7&lKredi &a&odusurdu!"

command /kredimarket:
wait 3 tick
open chest with 3 rows named "&4&lKredi Market" to player
format slot 10 of player with diamond helmet of protection 2 named "&b&lDiamond Helmet (koruma 2)" with lore "&b20 KREDI ILE ALINABILIR||&bSatin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "opdh %player%"
format slot 11 of player with diamond chestplate of protection 2 named "&b&lDiamond Chestplate (koruma 2)" with lore "&b30 KREDI ILE ALINABILIR ||&bSatin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "opdc %player%"
format slot 12 of player with diamond leggings of protection 2 named "&b&lDiamond Leggings (koruma 2)" with lore "&b40 KREDI ILE ALINABILIR ||&bSatin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "opdl %player%"
format slot 13 of player with diamond boots of protection 2 named "&b&lDiamond Boots (koruma 2)" with lore "&b50 KREDI ILE ALINABILIR ||&bSatin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "opdb %player%"
format slot 14 of player with diamond sword of protection 2 named "&b&lDiamond Sword (keskinlik 2)" with lore "&b60 KREDI ILE ALINABILIR ||&bSatin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "opds %player%"
format slot 15 of player with 8 322:0 named "&f&lGolden Apple" with lore "&f50 KREDI ILE ALINABILIR||&fSatin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "opga %player%"
format slot 16 of player with 8 322:1 named "&d&lEnchanted Golden Apple" with lore "&d100 KREDI ILE ALINABILIR||&dSatin almak icin tiklayiniz" to close then run "opga2 %player%"

command /opdh <player>:
executable by:console
if arg 1 have 5 nether star named "&7&lKredi":
give 1 diamond helmet of protection 2 to arg 1
send "&b&lDiamond Helmet(koruma 2) &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 20 nether star named "&7&lKredi" from arg 1
send "&c&lYeterli krediye sahip degilsin!" to arg 1

command /opdc <player>:
executable by:console
if arg 1 have 15 nether star named "&7&lKredi":
give 1 diamond chestplate of protection 2 to arg 1
send "&b&lDiamond Chestplate(koruma 2) &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 30 nether star named "&7&lKredi" from arg 1
send "&c&lYeterli krediye sahip degilsin!" to arg 1

command /opdl <player>:
executable by:console
if arg 1 have 10 nether star named "&7&lKredi":
give 1 diamond leggings of protection 2 to arg 1
send "&b&lDiamond Leggings(koruma 2) &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 40 nether star named "&7&lKredi" from arg 1
send "&c&lYeterli krediye sahip degilsin!" to arg 1

command /opds <player>:
executable by:console
if arg 1 have 10 nether star named "&7&lKredi":
give 1 diamond sword of sharpness 2 to arg 1
send "&b&lDiamond Sword(keskinlik 2) &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 60 nether star named "&7&lKredi" from arg 1
send "&c&lYeterli krediye sahip degilsin!" to arg 1

command /opdb <player>:
executable by:console
if arg 1 have 5 nether star named "&7&lKredi":
give 1 diamond boots of protection 2 to arg 1
send "&b&lDiamond Boots(koruma 2) &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 50 nether star named "&7&lKredi" from arg 1
send "&c&lYeterli krediye sahip degilsin!" to arg 1

command /opga <player>:
executable by:console
if arg 1 have 5 nether star named "&7&lKredi":
give 8 golden apple to arg 1
send "&7&l8 Golden Apple &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 50 nether star named "&7&lKredi" from arg 1
send "&c&lYeterli krediye sahip degilsin!" to arg 1

command /opga2 <player>:
executable by:console
if arg 1 have 15 nether star named "&7&lKredi":
give 8 enchanted golden apple to arg 1
send "&d&l8 Enchanted Golden Apple &d&obasariyla alindi!" to arg 1
remove 100 nether star named "&7&lKredi" from arg 1
send "&c&lYeterli krediye sahip degilsin!" to arg 1

command /kredial:
permission message: &4Hoop hayirdir?
give 16 nether star named "&7&lKredi" to player[/CODE]

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