Sol Reklam
Sağ Reklam

Çiftlik toplu alma.

Mesaj gönderimine kapalı.


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8 Ekim 2019
Bu çiftlik skriptinde 10’lu toplu alma şekilde yapabilecek var mı?
    {ciftlik.%player%} = false
    {tavuk.%player%} = 0
    {inek.%player%} = 0

command /çiftlik [<text>]:
        if arg-1 is not set:
            if {ciftlik.%player%} is false:
                wait 3 tick
                open chest with 1 row named "&6Çiftlik &8» &aSatin Al" to player
                format slot 4 of player with book named "&6Sanal Çiftlik" with lore "&aSatin Almak Icin Tikla &cFiyat: &a1T ye ityahcın var" to close then run [execute player command "/çiftlik satinal"]
            if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                wait 3 tick
                open chest with 3 row named "&6Çiftlik &8» &aAna Menu" to player
                format slot 10 of player with 383 named "&6Hayvan Alma Menusu" with lore "&aBuradan Hayvan Satin Alabilirsin" to close then run [execute player command "/çiftlik hayvanal"]
                format slot 13 of player with book named "&6Çiftlik Bilgileri" with lore "&aBuradan Çiftlik Bilgilerine Bakabilirsin" to close then run [execute player command "/çiftlik bilgi"]
                format slot 16 of player with milk bucket named "&6Satma Menusu" with lore "&aBuradan Sut Ve Yumurtalarini Satabilirsin" to close then run [execute player command "/çiftlik sat"]
        if arg-1 is set:
            if arg-1 is "satinal":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is false:
                    if player's balance is greater than 999999999:
                        remove 1000000000 from player's balance
                        set {ciftlik.%player%} to true
                        send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &aÇiftlik Başarıyla Alindi !" to player
                        send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &aSatin Almak Icin Yeterli Paraniz Bulunmamakta !" to player
            if arg-1 is "hayvanal":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    wait 3 tick
                    open chest with 1 row named "&6Çiftlik &8» &aHayvan Alma" to player
                    format slot 0 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
                    format slot 2 of player with 383:93 named "&6Tavuk" with lore "&aFiyat: &c10T &aSaatlik Uretim: &c500M" to run [execute player command "çiftlik tavukal"]
                    format slot 6 of player with 383:92 named "&6Inek" with lore "&aFiyat: &c250T &aSaatlik Uretim: &c12T" to run [execute player command "çiftlik inekal"]
                    format slot 8 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
            if arg-1 is "tavukal":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    if player's balance is greater than 999999999:
                        if {tavuk.%player%} is smaller than 1500:
                            remove 10000000000 from player's balance
                            add 1 to {tavuk.%player%}
                            send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &aTavuk Başarıyla Alindi !" to player
                        send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &aSatin Almak Icin Yeterli Paraniz Bulunmamakta !" to player       
            if arg-1 is "inekal":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    if player's balance is greater than 249999999999:
                        if {inek.%player%} is smaller than 1500:
                            remove 250000000000 from player's balance
                            add 1 to {inek.%player%}
                            send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &aInek Başarıyla Alindi !" to player
                        send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &aSatin Almak Icin Yeterli Paraniz Bulunmamakta !" to player
            if arg-1 is "bilgi":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    wait 3 tick
                    open chest with 1 row named "&6Çiftlik &8» &aÇiftlik Bilgi" to player
                    format slot 0 of player with 383:93 named "&6Tavuk" with lore "&a%{tavuk.%player%}% Adet" to close
                    format slot 1 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
                    format slot 4 of player with 383:92 named "&6Inek" with lore "&a%{inek.%player%}% Adet" to close
                    format slot 5 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]   
                    format slot 6 of player with egg named "&6Yumurta" with lore "&a%{yumurta.%player%}% Adet" to close
                    format slot 7 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
                    format slot 8 of player with milk bucket named "&6Süt" with lore "&a%{sut.%player%}% Litre" to close
            if arg-1 is "sat":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    wait 3 tick
                    open chest with 1 row named "&6Çiftlik &8» &aSatma Menusu" to player
                    format slot 0 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
                    format slot 2 of player with egg named "&6Yumurta" with lore "&a%{yumurta.%player%}% Adet" to run [execute player command "çiftlik yumurtasat"]
                    format slot 4 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
                    format slot 6 of player with milk bucket named "&6Süt" with lore "&a%{sut.%player%}% Litre" to run [execute player command "çiftlik sutsat"]
                    format slot 8 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
            if arg-1 is "yumurtasat":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    if {yumurta.%player%} is greater than 0:
                        add {yumurta.%player%} to player's balance
                        send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &c%{yumurta.%player%}% &aAdet Yumurta &c%{yumurta.%player%}% &aTL Karsiliginda Satildi !" to player
                        set {yumurta.%player%} to 0
                        send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &aÇiftliğinde Satilacak Yumurta Yok !" to player
            if arg-1 is "sutsat":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    if {sut.%player%} is greater than 0:
                        add {sut.%player%} to player's balance
                        send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &c%{sut.%player%}% &aLitre Süt &c%{sut.%player%}% &aTL Karsiliginda Satildi !" to player
                        set {sut.%player%} to 0
                        send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &aÇiftliğinde Satilacak Süt Yok !" to player
every hours:
    loop all players:
        if {tavuk.%loop-player%} is greater than 0:
            set {_itemcountt} to {tavuk.%loop-player%}
            add 500000000 * {_itemcountt} to {yumurta.%loop-player%}
every hours:
    loop all players:
        if {inek.%loop-player%} is greater than 0:
            set {_itemcounti} to {inek.%loop-player%}
            add 12000000000000 * {_itemcounti} to {sut.%loop-player%}


Acemi Builder



29 Ocak 2018
Direk olarak tavuk veya inek'i 10 adet olarak almaktan mı bahsediyorsun ya da 2 seçenek arasından yani 1'li veya 10'lu alıştan mı bahsediyorsun ?


Bir Kömür Göründü Kaptanım!



8 Ekim 2019


Acemi Builder



29 Ocak 2018
Bir süre bekleteceğim yapıp atacağım.
Gönderi otomatik olarak birleştirildi:

Bunu bir dener misin. Parayı ayarlamakta zorlandın + (if player's balance is greater than 999999999: ) burada "9" larda bir eksik varmış onu ekledim.

Geri bildirimini bekliyorum.

    {ciftlik.%player%} = false
    {tavuk.%player%} = 0
    {inek.%player%} = 0

command /çiftlik [<text>]:
        if arg-1 is not set:
            if {ciftlik.%player%} is false:
                wait 3 tick
                open chest with 1 row named "&6Çiftlik &8» &aSatin Al" to player
                format slot 4 of player with book named "&6Sanal Çiftlik" with lore "&aSatin Almak Icin Tikla &cFiyat: &a1T ye ihtiyacın var" to close then run [execute player command "/çiftlik satinal"]
            if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                wait 3 tick
                open chest with 3 row named "&6Çiftlik &8» &aAna Menu" to player
                format slot 10 of player with 383 named "&6Hayvan Alma Menusu" with lore "&aBuradan Hayvan Satin Alabilirsin" to close then run [execute player command "/çiftlik hayvanal"]
                format slot 13 of player with book named "&6Çiftlik Bilgileri" with lore "&aBuradan Çiftlik Bilgilerine Bakabilirsin" to close then run [execute player command "/çiftlik bilgi"]
                format slot 16 of player with milk bucket named "&6Satma Menusu" with lore "&aBuradan Sut Ve Yumurtalarini Satabilirsin" to close then run [execute player command "/çiftlik sat"]
        if arg-1 is set:
            if arg-1 is "satinal":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is false:
                    if player's balance is greater than 999999999:
                        remove 1000000000 from player's balance
                        set {ciftlik.%player%} to true
                        send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &aÇiftlik Başarıyla Alindi !" to player
                        send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &aSatin Almak Icin Yeterli Paraniz Bulunmamakta !" to player
            if arg-1 is "hayvanal":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    wait 3 tick
                    open chest with 1 row named "&6Çiftlik &8» &aHayvan Alma" to player
                    format slot 0 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
                    format slot 2 of player with 383:93 named "&6Tavuk" with lore "&aFiyat: &c10T &aSaatlik Uretim: &c500M" to run [execute player command "çiftlik tavuk"]
                    format slot 6 of player with 383:92 named "&6Inek" with lore "&aFiyat: &c250T &aSaatlik Uretim: &c12T" to run [execute player command "çiftlik inek"]
                    format slot 8 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
            if arg-1 is "tavuk":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    wait 3 tick
                    open chest with 1 row named "&6Çiftlik &8» &aTavuk Alma" to player
                    format slot 0 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
                    format slot 2 of player with 383:93 named "&61 Adet Tavuk" with lore "&aFiyat: &c10T &aSaatlik Uretim: &c500M" to run [execute player command "çiftlik tavukal1"]
                    format slot 2 of player with 10 383:93 named "&610 Adet Tavuk" with lore "&aFiyat: &c100T &aSaatlik Uretim: &c5T" to run [execute player command "çiftlik tavukal10"]
                    format slot 8 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
            if arg-1 is "hayvanal":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    wait 3 tick
                    open chest with 1 row named "&6Çiftlik &8» &aInek Alma" to player
                    format slot 0 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
                    format slot 2 of player with 383:92 named "&61 Adet Inek" with lore "&aFiyat: &c250T &aSaatlik Uretim: &c12T" to run [execute player command "çiftlik inekal1"]
                    format slot 6 of player with 10 383:92 named "&610 Adet Inek" with lore "&aFiyat: &c2T 500M &aSaatlik Uretim: &c120T" to run [execute player command "çiftlik inekal10"]
                    format slot 8 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
            if arg-1 is "tavukal1":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    if player's balance is greater than 9999999999:
                        if {tavuk.%player%} is smaller than 1500:
                            remove 10000000000 from player's balance
                            add 1 to {tavuk.%player%}
                            send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &a1 Adet Tavuk Başarıyla Alindi !" to player
                        send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &aSatin Almak Icin Yeterli Paraniz Bulunmamakta !" to player       
            if arg-1 is "tavukal10":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    if player's balance is greater than 99999999999:
                        if {tavuk.%player%} is smaller than 1500:
                            remove 100000000000 from player's balance
                            add 10 to {tavuk.%player%}
                            send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &a10 Adet Tavuk Başarıyla Alindi !" to player
                        send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &aSatin Almak Icin Yeterli Paraniz Bulunmamakta !" to player
            if arg-1 is "inekal1":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    if player's balance is greater than 249999999999:
                        if {inek.%player%} is smaller than 1500:
                            remove 250000000000 from player's balance
                            add 1 to {inek.%player%}
                            send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &a1 Adet Inek Başarıyla Alindi !" to player
                        send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &aSatin Almak Icin Yeterli Paraniz Bulunmamakta !" to player
            if arg-1 is "inekal10":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    if player's balance is greater than 2499999999999:
                        if {inek.%player%} is smaller than 1500:
                            remove 2500000000000 from player's balance
                            add 10 to {inek.%player%}
                            send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &a10 Adet Inek Başarıyla Alindi !" to player
                        send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &aSatin Almak Icin Yeterli Paraniz Bulunmamakta !" to player
            if arg-1 is "bilgi":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    wait 3 tick
                    open chest with 1 row named "&6Çiftlik &8» &aÇiftlik Bilgi" to player
                    format slot 0 of player with 383:93 named "&6Tavuk" with lore "&a%{tavuk.%player%}% Adet" to close
                    format slot 1 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
                    format slot 4 of player with 383:92 named "&6Inek" with lore "&a%{inek.%player%}% Adet" to close
                    format slot 5 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]   
                    format slot 6 of player with egg named "&6Yumurta" with lore "&a%{yumurta.%player%}% Adet" to close
                    format slot 7 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
                    format slot 8 of player with milk bucket named "&6Süt" with lore "&a%{sut.%player%}% Litre" to close
            if arg-1 is "sat":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    wait 3 tick
                    open chest with 1 row named "&6Çiftlik &8» &aSatma Menusu" to player
                    format slot 0 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
                    format slot 2 of player with egg named "&6Yumurta" with lore "&a%{yumurta.%player%}% Adet" to run [execute player command "çiftlik yumurtasat"]
                    format slot 4 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
                    format slot 6 of player with milk bucket named "&6Süt" with lore "&a%{sut.%player%}% Litre" to run [execute player command "çiftlik sutsat"]
                    format slot 8 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
            if arg-1 is "yumurtasat":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    if {yumurta.%player%} is greater than 0:
                        add {yumurta.%player%} to player's balance
                        send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &c%{yumurta.%player%}% &aAdet Yumurta &c%{yumurta.%player%}% &aTL Karsiliginda Satildi !" to player
                        set {yumurta.%player%} to 0
                        send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &aÇiftliğinde Satilacak Yumurta Yok !" to player
            if arg-1 is "sutsat":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    if {sut.%player%} is greater than 0:
                        add {sut.%player%} to player's balance
                        send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &c%{sut.%player%}% &aLitre Süt &c%{sut.%player%}% &aTL Karsiliginda Satildi !" to player
                        set {sut.%player%} to 0
                        send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &aÇiftliğinde Satilacak Süt Yok !" to player
every hours:
    loop all players:
        if {tavuk.%loop-player%} is greater than 0:
            set {_itemcountt} to {tavuk.%loop-player%}
            add 500000000 * {_itemcountt} to {yumurta.%loop-player%}
every hours:
    loop all players:
        if {inek.%loop-player%} is greater than 0:
            set {_itemcounti} to {inek.%loop-player%}
            add 12000000000000 * {_itemcounti} to {sut.%loop-player%}
Son düzenleme:


Bir Kömür Göründü Kaptanım!



8 Ekim 2019
Bir süre bekleteceğim yapıp atacağım.
Gönderi otomatik olarak birleştirildi:

Bunu bir dener misin. Parayı ayarlamakta zorlandın + (if player's balance is greater than 999999999: ) burada "9" larda bir eksik varmış onu ekledim.

Geri bildirimini bekliyorum.

    {ciftlik.%player%} = false
    {tavuk.%player%} = 0
    {inek.%player%} = 0

command /çiftlik [<text>]:
        if arg-1 is not set:
            if {ciftlik.%player%} is false:
                wait 3 tick
                open chest with 1 row named "&6Çiftlik &8» &aSatin Al" to player
                format slot 4 of player with book named "&6Sanal Çiftlik" with lore "&aSatin Almak Icin Tikla &cFiyat: &a1T ye ihtiyacın var" to close then run [execute player command "/çiftlik satinal"]
            if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                wait 3 tick
                open chest with 3 row named "&6Çiftlik &8» &aAna Menu" to player
                format slot 10 of player with 383 named "&6Hayvan Alma Menusu" with lore "&aBuradan Hayvan Satin Alabilirsin" to close then run [execute player command "/çiftlik hayvanal"]
                format slot 13 of player with book named "&6Çiftlik Bilgileri" with lore "&aBuradan Çiftlik Bilgilerine Bakabilirsin" to close then run [execute player command "/çiftlik bilgi"]
                format slot 16 of player with milk bucket named "&6Satma Menusu" with lore "&aBuradan Sut Ve Yumurtalarini Satabilirsin" to close then run [execute player command "/çiftlik sat"]
        if arg-1 is set:
            if arg-1 is "satinal":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is false:
                    if player's balance is greater than 999999999:
                        remove 1000000000 from player's balance
                        set {ciftlik.%player%} to true
                        send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &aÇiftlik Başarıyla Alindi !" to player
                        send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &aSatin Almak Icin Yeterli Paraniz Bulunmamakta !" to player
            if arg-1 is "hayvanal":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    wait 3 tick
                    open chest with 1 row named "&6Çiftlik &8» &aHayvan Alma" to player
                    format slot 0 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
                    format slot 2 of player with 383:93 named "&6Tavuk" with lore "&aFiyat: &c10T &aSaatlik Uretim: &c500M" to run [execute player command "çiftlik tavuk"]
                    format slot 6 of player with 383:92 named "&6Inek" with lore "&aFiyat: &c250T &aSaatlik Uretim: &c12T" to run [execute player command "çiftlik inek"]
                    format slot 8 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
            if arg-1 is "tavuk":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    wait 3 tick
                    open chest with 1 row named "&6Çiftlik &8» &aTavuk Alma" to player
                    format slot 0 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
                    format slot 2 of player with 383:93 named "&61 Adet Tavuk" with lore "&aFiyat: &c10T &aSaatlik Uretim: &c500M" to run [execute player command "çiftlik tavukal1"]
                    format slot 2 of player with 10 383:93 named "&610 Adet Tavuk" with lore "&aFiyat: &c100T &aSaatlik Uretim: &c5T" to run [execute player command "çiftlik tavukal10"]
                    format slot 8 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
            if arg-1 is "hayvanal":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    wait 3 tick
                    open chest with 1 row named "&6Çiftlik &8» &aInek Alma" to player
                    format slot 0 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
                    format slot 2 of player with 383:92 named "&61 Adet Inek" with lore "&aFiyat: &c250T &aSaatlik Uretim: &c12T" to run [execute player command "çiftlik inekal1"]
                    format slot 6 of player with 10 383:92 named "&610 Adet Inek" with lore "&aFiyat: &c2T 500M &aSaatlik Uretim: &c120T" to run [execute player command "çiftlik inekal10"]
                    format slot 8 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
            if arg-1 is "tavukal1":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    if player's balance is greater than 9999999999:
                        if {tavuk.%player%} is smaller than 1500:
                            remove 10000000000 from player's balance
                            add 1 to {tavuk.%player%}
                            send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &a1 Adet Tavuk Başarıyla Alindi !" to player
                        send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &aSatin Almak Icin Yeterli Paraniz Bulunmamakta !" to player      
            if arg-1 is "tavukal10":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    if player's balance is greater than 99999999999:
                        if {tavuk.%player%} is smaller than 1500:
                            remove 100000000000 from player's balance
                            add 10 to {tavuk.%player%}
                            send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &a10 Adet Tavuk Başarıyla Alindi !" to player
                        send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &aSatin Almak Icin Yeterli Paraniz Bulunmamakta !" to player
            if arg-1 is "inekal1":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    if player's balance is greater than 249999999999:
                        if {inek.%player%} is smaller than 1500:
                            remove 250000000000 from player's balance
                            add 1 to {inek.%player%}
                            send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &a1 Adet Inek Başarıyla Alindi !" to player
                        send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &aSatin Almak Icin Yeterli Paraniz Bulunmamakta !" to player
            if arg-1 is "inekal10":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    if player's balance is greater than 2499999999999:
                        if {inek.%player%} is smaller than 1500:
                            remove 2500000000000 from player's balance
                            add 10 to {inek.%player%}
                            send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &a10 Adet Inek Başarıyla Alindi !" to player
                        send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &aSatin Almak Icin Yeterli Paraniz Bulunmamakta !" to player
            if arg-1 is "bilgi":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    wait 3 tick
                    open chest with 1 row named "&6Çiftlik &8» &aÇiftlik Bilgi" to player
                    format slot 0 of player with 383:93 named "&6Tavuk" with lore "&a%{tavuk.%player%}% Adet" to close
                    format slot 1 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
                    format slot 4 of player with 383:92 named "&6Inek" with lore "&a%{inek.%player%}% Adet" to close
                    format slot 5 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]  
                    format slot 6 of player with egg named "&6Yumurta" with lore "&a%{yumurta.%player%}% Adet" to close
                    format slot 7 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
                    format slot 8 of player with milk bucket named "&6Süt" with lore "&a%{sut.%player%}% Litre" to close
            if arg-1 is "sat":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    wait 3 tick
                    open chest with 1 row named "&6Çiftlik &8» &aSatma Menusu" to player
                    format slot 0 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
                    format slot 2 of player with egg named "&6Yumurta" with lore "&a%{yumurta.%player%}% Adet" to run [execute player command "çiftlik yumurtasat"]
                    format slot 4 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
                    format slot 6 of player with milk bucket named "&6Süt" with lore "&a%{sut.%player%}% Litre" to run [execute player command "çiftlik sutsat"]
                    format slot 8 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
            if arg-1 is "yumurtasat":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    if {yumurta.%player%} is greater than 0:
                        add {yumurta.%player%} to player's balance
                        send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &c%{yumurta.%player%}% &aAdet Yumurta &c%{yumurta.%player%}% &aTL Karsiliginda Satildi !" to player
                        set {yumurta.%player%} to 0
                        send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &aÇiftliğinde Satilacak Yumurta Yok !" to player
            if arg-1 is "sutsat":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    if {sut.%player%} is greater than 0:
                        add {sut.%player%} to player's balance
                        send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &c%{sut.%player%}% &aLitre Süt &c%{sut.%player%}% &aTL Karsiliginda Satildi !" to player
                        set {sut.%player%} to 0
                        send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &aÇiftliğinde Satilacak Süt Yok !" to player
every hours:
    loop all players:
        if {tavuk.%loop-player%} is greater than 0:
            set {_itemcountt} to {tavuk.%loop-player%}
            add 500000000 * {_itemcountt} to {yumurta.%loop-player%}
every hours:
    loop all players:
        if {inek.%loop-player%} is greater than 0:
            set {_itemcounti} to {inek.%loop-player%}
            add 12000000000000 * {_itemcounti} to {sut.%loop-player%}
tavuk yok + fiyatlar yanlış.


Acemi Builder



29 Ocak 2018


Bir Kömür Göründü Kaptanım!



8 Ekim 2019


Acemi Builder



29 Ocak 2018
Fiyatları siz ayarlayabilirsiniz. Küçük bir hata yapmışım buyrun.

    {ciftlik.%player%} = false
    {tavuk.%player%} = 0
    {inek.%player%} = 0

command /çiftlik [<text>]:
        if arg-1 is not set:
            if {ciftlik.%player%} is false:
                wait 3 tick
                open chest with 1 row named "&6Çiftlik &8» &aSatin Al" to player
                format slot 4 of player with book named "&6Sanal Çiftlik" with lore "&aSatin Almak Icin Tikla &cFiyat: &a1T ye ihtiyacın var" to close then run [execute player command "/çiftlik satinal"]
            if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                wait 3 tick
                open chest with 3 row named "&6Çiftlik &8» &aAna Menu" to player
                format slot 10 of player with 383 named "&6Hayvan Alma Menusu" with lore "&aBuradan Hayvan Satin Alabilirsin" to close then run [execute player command "/çiftlik hayvanal"]
                format slot 13 of player with book named "&6Çiftlik Bilgileri" with lore "&aBuradan Çiftlik Bilgilerine Bakabilirsin" to close then run [execute player command "/çiftlik bilgi"]
                format slot 16 of player with milk bucket named "&6Satma Menusu" with lore "&aBuradan Sut Ve Yumurtalarini Satabilirsin" to close then run [execute player command "/çiftlik sat"]
        if arg-1 is set:
            if arg-1 is "satinal":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is false:
                    if player's balance is greater than 999999999:
                        remove 1000000000 from player's balance
                        set {ciftlik.%player%} to true
                        send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &aÇiftlik Başarıyla Alindi !" to player
                        send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &aSatin Almak Icin Yeterli Paraniz Bulunmamakta !" to player
            if arg-1 is "hayvanal":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    wait 3 tick
                    open chest with 1 row named "&6Çiftlik &8» &aHayvan Alma" to player
                    format slot 0 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
                    format slot 2 of player with 383:93 named "&6Tavuk" with lore "&aFiyat: &c10T &aSaatlik Uretim: &c500M" to run [execute player command "çiftlik tavuk"]
                    format slot 6 of player with 383:92 named "&6Inek" with lore "&aFiyat: &c250T &aSaatlik Uretim: &c12T" to run [execute player command "çiftlik inek"]
                    format slot 8 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
            if arg-1 is "tavuk":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    wait 3 tick
                    open chest with 1 row named "&6Çiftlik &8» &aTavuk Alma" to player
                    format slot 0 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
                    format slot 2 of player with 383:93 named "&61 Adet Tavuk" with lore "&aFiyat: &c10T &aSaatlik Uretim: &c500M" to run [execute player command "çiftlik tavukal1"]
                    format slot 2 of player with 10 383:93 named "&610 Adet Tavuk" with lore "&aFiyat: &c100T &aSaatlik Uretim: &c5T" to run [execute player command "çiftlik tavukal10"]
                    format slot 8 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
            if arg-1 is "inek":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    wait 3 tick
                    open chest with 1 row named "&6Çiftlik &8» &aInek Alma" to player
                    format slot 0 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
                    format slot 2 of player with 383:92 named "&61 Adet Inek" with lore "&aFiyat: &c250T &aSaatlik Uretim: &c12T" to run [execute player command "çiftlik inekal1"]
                    format slot 6 of player with 10 383:92 named "&610 Adet Inek" with lore "&aFiyat: &c2T 500M &aSaatlik Uretim: &c120T" to run [execute player command "çiftlik inekal10"]
                    format slot 8 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
            if arg-1 is "tavukal1":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    if player's balance is greater than 9999999999:
                        if {tavuk.%player%} is smaller than 1500:
                            remove 10000000000 from player's balance
                            add 1 to {tavuk.%player%}
                            send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &a1 Adet Tavuk Başarıyla Alindi !" to player
                        send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &aSatin Almak Icin Yeterli Paraniz Bulunmamakta !" to player       
            if arg-1 is "tavukal10":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    if player's balance is greater than 99999999999:
                        if {tavuk.%player%} is smaller than 1500:
                            remove 100000000000 from player's balance
                            add 10 to {tavuk.%player%}
                            send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &a10 Adet Tavuk Başarıyla Alindi !" to player
                        send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &aSatin Almak Icin Yeterli Paraniz Bulunmamakta !" to player
            if arg-1 is "inekal1":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    if player's balance is greater than 249999999999:
                        if {inek.%player%} is smaller than 1500:
                            remove 250000000000 from player's balance
                            add 1 to {inek.%player%}
                            send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &a1 Adet Inek Başarıyla Alindi !" to player
                        send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &aSatin Almak Icin Yeterli Paraniz Bulunmamakta !" to player
            if arg-1 is "inekal10":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    if player's balance is greater than 2499999999999:
                        if {inek.%player%} is smaller than 1500:
                            remove 2500000000000 from player's balance
                            add 10 to {inek.%player%}
                            send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &a10 Adet Inek Başarıyla Alindi !" to player
                        send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &aSatin Almak Icin Yeterli Paraniz Bulunmamakta !" to player
            if arg-1 is "bilgi":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    wait 3 tick
                    open chest with 1 row named "&6Çiftlik &8» &aÇiftlik Bilgi" to player
                    format slot 0 of player with 383:93 named "&6Tavuk" with lore "&a%{tavuk.%player%}% Adet" to close
                    format slot 1 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
                    format slot 4 of player with 383:92 named "&6Inek" with lore "&a%{inek.%player%}% Adet" to close
                    format slot 5 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]   
                    format slot 6 of player with egg named "&6Yumurta" with lore "&a%{yumurta.%player%}% Adet" to close
                    format slot 7 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
                    format slot 8 of player with milk bucket named "&6Süt" with lore "&a%{sut.%player%}% Litre" to close
            if arg-1 is "sat":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    wait 3 tick
                    open chest with 1 row named "&6Çiftlik &8» &aSatma Menusu" to player
                    format slot 0 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
                    format slot 2 of player with egg named "&6Yumurta" with lore "&a%{yumurta.%player%}% Adet" to run [execute player command "çiftlik yumurtasat"]
                    format slot 4 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
                    format slot 6 of player with milk bucket named "&6Süt" with lore "&a%{sut.%player%}% Litre" to run [execute player command "çiftlik sutsat"]
                    format slot 8 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
            if arg-1 is "yumurtasat":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    if {yumurta.%player%} is greater than 0:
                        add {yumurta.%player%} to player's balance
                        send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &c%{yumurta.%player%}% &aAdet Yumurta &c%{yumurta.%player%}% &aTL Karsiliginda Satildi !" to player
                        set {yumurta.%player%} to 0
                        send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &aÇiftliğinde Satilacak Yumurta Yok !" to player
            if arg-1 is "sutsat":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    if {sut.%player%} is greater than 0:
                        add {sut.%player%} to player's balance
                        send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &c%{sut.%player%}% &aLitre Süt &c%{sut.%player%}% &aTL Karsiliginda Satildi !" to player
                        set {sut.%player%} to 0
                        send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &aÇiftliğinde Satilacak Süt Yok !" to player
every hours:
    loop all players:
        if {tavuk.%loop-player%} is greater than 0:
            set {_itemcountt} to {tavuk.%loop-player%}
            add 500000000 * {_itemcountt} to {yumurta.%loop-player%}
every hours:
    loop all players:
        if {inek.%loop-player%} is greater than 0:
            set {_itemcounti} to {inek.%loop-player%}
            add 12000000000000 * {_itemcounti} to {sut.%loop-player%}


Bir Kömür Göründü Kaptanım!



8 Ekim 2019
Fiyatları siz ayarlayabilirsiniz. Küçük bir hata yapmışım buyrun.

    {ciftlik.%player%} = false
    {tavuk.%player%} = 0
    {inek.%player%} = 0

command /çiftlik [<text>]:
        if arg-1 is not set:
            if {ciftlik.%player%} is false:
                wait 3 tick
                open chest with 1 row named "&6Çiftlik &8» &aSatin Al" to player
                format slot 4 of player with book named "&6Sanal Çiftlik" with lore "&aSatin Almak Icin Tikla &cFiyat: &a1T ye ihtiyacın var" to close then run [execute player command "/çiftlik satinal"]
            if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                wait 3 tick
                open chest with 3 row named "&6Çiftlik &8» &aAna Menu" to player
                format slot 10 of player with 383 named "&6Hayvan Alma Menusu" with lore "&aBuradan Hayvan Satin Alabilirsin" to close then run [execute player command "/çiftlik hayvanal"]
                format slot 13 of player with book named "&6Çiftlik Bilgileri" with lore "&aBuradan Çiftlik Bilgilerine Bakabilirsin" to close then run [execute player command "/çiftlik bilgi"]
                format slot 16 of player with milk bucket named "&6Satma Menusu" with lore "&aBuradan Sut Ve Yumurtalarini Satabilirsin" to close then run [execute player command "/çiftlik sat"]
        if arg-1 is set:
            if arg-1 is "satinal":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is false:
                    if player's balance is greater than 999999999:
                        remove 1000000000 from player's balance
                        set {ciftlik.%player%} to true
                        send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &aÇiftlik Başarıyla Alindi !" to player
                        send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &aSatin Almak Icin Yeterli Paraniz Bulunmamakta !" to player
            if arg-1 is "hayvanal":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    wait 3 tick
                    open chest with 1 row named "&6Çiftlik &8» &aHayvan Alma" to player
                    format slot 0 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
                    format slot 2 of player with 383:93 named "&6Tavuk" with lore "&aFiyat: &c10T &aSaatlik Uretim: &c500M" to run [execute player command "çiftlik tavuk"]
                    format slot 6 of player with 383:92 named "&6Inek" with lore "&aFiyat: &c250T &aSaatlik Uretim: &c12T" to run [execute player command "çiftlik inek"]
                    format slot 8 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
            if arg-1 is "tavuk":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    wait 3 tick
                    open chest with 1 row named "&6Çiftlik &8» &aTavuk Alma" to player
                    format slot 0 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
                    format slot 2 of player with 383:93 named "&61 Adet Tavuk" with lore "&aFiyat: &c10T &aSaatlik Uretim: &c500M" to run [execute player command "çiftlik tavukal1"]
                    format slot 2 of player with 10 383:93 named "&610 Adet Tavuk" with lore "&aFiyat: &c100T &aSaatlik Uretim: &c5T" to run [execute player command "çiftlik tavukal10"]
                    format slot 8 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
            if arg-1 is "inek":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    wait 3 tick
                    open chest with 1 row named "&6Çiftlik &8» &aInek Alma" to player
                    format slot 0 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
                    format slot 2 of player with 383:92 named "&61 Adet Inek" with lore "&aFiyat: &c250T &aSaatlik Uretim: &c12T" to run [execute player command "çiftlik inekal1"]
                    format slot 6 of player with 10 383:92 named "&610 Adet Inek" with lore "&aFiyat: &c2T 500M &aSaatlik Uretim: &c120T" to run [execute player command "çiftlik inekal10"]
                    format slot 8 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
            if arg-1 is "tavukal1":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    if player's balance is greater than 9999999999:
                        if {tavuk.%player%} is smaller than 1500:
                            remove 10000000000 from player's balance
                            add 1 to {tavuk.%player%}
                            send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &a1 Adet Tavuk Başarıyla Alindi !" to player
                        send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &aSatin Almak Icin Yeterli Paraniz Bulunmamakta !" to player      
            if arg-1 is "tavukal10":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    if player's balance is greater than 99999999999:
                        if {tavuk.%player%} is smaller than 1500:
                            remove 100000000000 from player's balance
                            add 10 to {tavuk.%player%}
                            send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &a10 Adet Tavuk Başarıyla Alindi !" to player
                        send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &aSatin Almak Icin Yeterli Paraniz Bulunmamakta !" to player
            if arg-1 is "inekal1":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    if player's balance is greater than 249999999999:
                        if {inek.%player%} is smaller than 1500:
                            remove 250000000000 from player's balance
                            add 1 to {inek.%player%}
                            send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &a1 Adet Inek Başarıyla Alindi !" to player
                        send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &aSatin Almak Icin Yeterli Paraniz Bulunmamakta !" to player
            if arg-1 is "inekal10":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    if player's balance is greater than 2499999999999:
                        if {inek.%player%} is smaller than 1500:
                            remove 2500000000000 from player's balance
                            add 10 to {inek.%player%}
                            send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &a10 Adet Inek Başarıyla Alindi !" to player
                        send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &aSatin Almak Icin Yeterli Paraniz Bulunmamakta !" to player
            if arg-1 is "bilgi":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    wait 3 tick
                    open chest with 1 row named "&6Çiftlik &8» &aÇiftlik Bilgi" to player
                    format slot 0 of player with 383:93 named "&6Tavuk" with lore "&a%{tavuk.%player%}% Adet" to close
                    format slot 1 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
                    format slot 4 of player with 383:92 named "&6Inek" with lore "&a%{inek.%player%}% Adet" to close
                    format slot 5 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]  
                    format slot 6 of player with egg named "&6Yumurta" with lore "&a%{yumurta.%player%}% Adet" to close
                    format slot 7 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
                    format slot 8 of player with milk bucket named "&6Süt" with lore "&a%{sut.%player%}% Litre" to close
            if arg-1 is "sat":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    wait 3 tick
                    open chest with 1 row named "&6Çiftlik &8» &aSatma Menusu" to player
                    format slot 0 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
                    format slot 2 of player with egg named "&6Yumurta" with lore "&a%{yumurta.%player%}% Adet" to run [execute player command "çiftlik yumurtasat"]
                    format slot 4 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
                    format slot 6 of player with milk bucket named "&6Süt" with lore "&a%{sut.%player%}% Litre" to run [execute player command "çiftlik sutsat"]
                    format slot 8 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
            if arg-1 is "yumurtasat":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    if {yumurta.%player%} is greater than 0:
                        add {yumurta.%player%} to player's balance
                        send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &c%{yumurta.%player%}% &aAdet Yumurta &c%{yumurta.%player%}% &aTL Karsiliginda Satildi !" to player
                        set {yumurta.%player%} to 0
                        send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &aÇiftliğinde Satilacak Yumurta Yok !" to player
            if arg-1 is "sutsat":
                if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
                    if {sut.%player%} is greater than 0:
                        add {sut.%player%} to player's balance
                        send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &c%{sut.%player%}% &aLitre Süt &c%{sut.%player%}% &aTL Karsiliginda Satildi !" to player
                        set {sut.%player%} to 0
                        send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &aÇiftliğinde Satilacak Süt Yok !" to player
every hours:
    loop all players:
        if {tavuk.%loop-player%} is greater than 0:
            set {_itemcountt} to {tavuk.%loop-player%}
            add 500000000 * {_itemcountt} to {yumurta.%loop-player%}
every hours:
    loop all players:
        if {inek.%loop-player%} is greater than 0:
            set {_itemcounti} to {inek.%loop-player%}
            add 12000000000000 * {_itemcounti} to {sut.%loop-player%}
bozuk. inek alınca envantere geliyor.


Acemi Builder



29 Ocak 2018
bozuk. inek alınca envantere geliyor.
Skript alıntı mı ? Çünkü envantere gelme olayı gibi bir şey yok ben editlemeden öncede yoktu. Sanal olarak inek geliyor.


Bir Kömür Göründü Kaptanım!



8 Ekim 2019
Skript alıntı mı ? Çünkü envantere gelme olayı gibi bir şey yok ben editlemeden öncede yoktu. Sanal olarak inek geliyor.
sanal olarak geliyor evet inek yumurtasına tıklayınca alabiliyoruz elimize envanterimize demek istedim.


Acemi Builder



29 Ocak 2018


Bir Kömür Göründü Kaptanım!



8 Ekim 2019


Acemi Builder



29 Ocak 2018
Mesaj gönderimine kapalı.
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