Çay ve Google skripti ilen karşınızdayım ,ÖmerDede ilen beraber yaptık. Konuyu uzatmadan geçelim.
Kod :
Kod :
command /çay [<text>]:
if arg 1 is not set:
wait 2 tick
open chest with 1 rows named "&a&lÇay" to player
format slot 2 of player with 1 of Potion named "&aÇay Al" with lore "&eKendine çay ısmarla" to close then run [execute player command "çay bana"]
format slot 6 of player with 1 of Potion named "&aÇay Al" with lore "&eHerkese çay ısmarla" to close then run [execute player command "çay herkese"]
if arg 1 is "bana":
if player's money is more than or equal to 10000:
subtract 10000 from player's money
give 1 of potion named "&b&lÇay" to player
send "&a&lKendine çay aldın" to player
send "&a&l10.000 TL veremedinmi 1 çaya ?"
if arg 1 is "herkese":
if player's money is more than or equal to 1000000:
subtract 1000000 from player's money
give 1 of potion named "&b&lÇay" to all players
send "&a&lHerkese çay aldın" to player
send "&a&l1.000.000 TL veremedinmi herkes için çaya ?"
on rightclick with a potion:
if display name of player's tool contains "&b&lÇay":
remove 1 potion named "&b&lÇay" from player
send "&a&lÇay için yerine geldin"
heal the player
apply strength 2 to player for 1 minute
apply speed 2 to player for 1 minute
apply resistance 2 to player for 1 minute
command /cayver: [<player>]
permission: çay.ver
give 1 of potion named "&b&lÇay" to arg 1
#Google Skript #
#Yapimci: Lquens,OmerDede #
#Version: v.1a #
#LquenS ve OmerDede yaptı başka forumda paylaşmayın haaa #
on skript load:
send "&a&lGoogle skripti kullanıyorsunuz" to console
every 300 minute:
send "&a&lGoogle skripti kullanıyorsunuz" to console
command /google <text>:
if arg 1 is "google":
send "&a&l http://Google.com"
if arg 1 is "youtube":
send "&a&l http://youtube.com"
if arg 1 is "mc-tr":
send "&a&l http://mc-tr.com"
if arg 1 is "deepweb":
send "&a&l Googleden mi girecen ? Deep Web'e"
if arg 1 is "facebook":
send "&a&l http://facebook.com "
if arg 1 is "whatsapp":
send "&a&l https://www.whatsapp.com"
if arg 1 is "messenger":
send "&a&l https://www.messenger.com"
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