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Bulundu Bugsuz boss skript'i

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Somon Balığı Selam Vermeye Geldi
10 Ağustos 2014
Arkadaşlar elinde bugsuz boss skript'i olan varsa atabilirmi şimdiden teşekkürler.

Okan Demir - TdogTAG

Skype : [email protected]
16 Haziran 2016
    message: &a&l[&bBossSystem&a&l]

command /boss [[<text>] [<text>] [<text>] [<int>]]:
    permission: boss.olustur
        arg 1 isn't set:
            open chest with 1 rows named "&a&l[&4Boss Ayarları&a&l]" to player
            wait a tick
            format slot 4 of player with zombie head named "&4&lZombi Boss Oluştur" with lore "{@message} &bZombi Boss Oluşturur." to close then run [make player execute command "boss olustur zombie"]
        arg 1 is "olustur":
            arg 2 is "zombie":
                delete {BossDisplayName}
                send "{@message} &bZombi Boss'un Adını Sohbete Yazınız."
                set {zombie.boss.olustur.%player%} to true
                arg 3 is "can":
                    delete {BossHealth}
                    send "{@message} &bZombi Boss'un Kaç Canı Olacağını Sohbete Yazınız."
                    set {zombie.boss.can.%player%} to true
                arg 3 is "lokasyon":
                    delete {BossLocation}
                    send "{@message} &bZombi Boss'un Yerini Ayarlamak İçin Bir Bloğa Sol Tıklayınız."
                    set {zombie.boss.location.%player%} to true
                arg 3 is "hasar1":
                    delete {_min.hasar}
                    delete {_max.hasar}
                    set {zombie.boss.hasar1.%player%} to true
                    send "{@message} &bZombinin Hasarını Giriniz. En az kaç vuracak ?"
                arg 3 is "hasar2":
                    set {_min.hasar} to arg 4
                    send "{@message} &bMinimum Hasar %arg 4% Olarak Ayarlandı."
                    wait 1 second
                    send "{@message} &bZombinin Hasarını Giriniz.En fazla kaç vuracak ?"
                    set {zombie.boss.hasar2.%player%} to true
                arg 3 is "hasar3":
                    set {_max.hasar} to arg 4
                    send "{@message} &bMaximum Hasar %arg 4% Olarak Ayarlandı."
                    wait 1 second
                    send "{@message} &bZombinin Zırhı Hangi Eşyalar Olmalı? ((1) Elmas - (2) Altın - (3) Demir - (4) Deri)"
                    set {zombie.boss.zirh.%player%} to true
                arg 3 is "zirh":
                    set {_zirh} to arg 4
                    set {zombie.boss.enchant.%player%} to true
                    send "{@message} &bKoruma Kaç Olsun ?"
                arg 3 is "zirh1":
                    send "{@message} &b%{zirh.enchant}% Koruma Olarak Ayarlandı."
                    send "{@message} &bKılıç Keskinlik 5 Olarak Ayarlandı."
                    wait 1 second
                    execute player command "boss olustur zaman"
                arg 3 is "zaman":
                    send "{@message} &bKaç Dakikada Bir Doğsun Sohbete Yazın."
                    set {zombie.boss.time.%player%} to true
                arg 3 is "zombi":
                    arg 4 is set:
                        set {boss.time} to arg 4
        arg 1 is "yarat":
            spawn zombie at {BossLocation}
            set last spawned zombie's display name to "%{BossDisplayName}%"
            {_zirh} is 1:
               [URL=''] equip[IMG][/IMG][/URL] last spawned zombie with all[URL=''] diamond[IMG][/IMG][/URL] armor of protection {zirh.enchant}
            {_zirh} is 2:
                equip last spawned zombie with all golden armor of protection {zirh.enchant}
            {_zirh} is 3:
                equip last spawned zombie with all iron armor of protection {zirh.enchant}
            {_zirh} is 4:
                equip last spawned zombie with all leather armor of protection {zirh.enchant}
            set damage to random integer from {_min} to {_max}
            set last spawned zombie's tool to diamond sword of sharpness 5

    {zombie.boss.olustur.%player%} is true:
        cancel event
        set {Boss} to "Zombi"
        set {BossDisplayName} to message
        send "{@message} &b%{BossDisplayName}% Olarak Ad Ayarlandı."
        set {zombie.boss.olustur.%player%} to false
        execute player command "boss olustur zombie can"
    {zombie.boss.can.%player%} is true:
        cancel event
        set {BossHealth} to message
        send "{@message} &b%{BossHealth}% Olarak Can Ayarlandı."
        set {zombie.boss.can.%player%} to false
        execute player command "boss olustur zombi lokasyon"
    {zombie.boss.hasar1.%player%} is true:
        cancel event
        set {zombie.boss.hasar1.%player%} to false
        set {_min.attack} to message
        execute player command "boss olustur hasar2 %{_min.attack}%"
    {zombie.boss.hasar2.%player%} is true:
        cancel event
        set {zombie.boss.hasar2.%player%} to false
        set {_max.attack} to message
        execute player command "boss olustur hasar3 %{_max.attack}%"
    {zombie.boss.zirh.%player%} is true:
        cancel event
        set {zombie.boss.zirh.%player%} to false
        set {_zirh} to message
        execute player command "boss olustur zirh %{_zirh}%"
    {zombie.boss.enchant.%player%} is true:
        cancel event
        set {zombie.boss.enchant.%player%} to false
        set {zirh.enchant} to message
        execute player command "boss olustur zirh1"
    {zombie.boss.time.%player%} is true:
        cancel event
        set {zombie.boss.time.%player%} to false
        set {_boss.time} to message
        execute player command "boss olustur zombi %{_boss.time}%"
        wait 1 second
        execute player command "boss yarat"

on leftclick on a block:
    {zombie.boss.location.%player%} is true:
        set {BossLocation} to clicked block
        send "{@message} &bBoss Doğum Yeri Ayarlandı."
        set {zombie.boss.location.%player%} to false
        execute player command "boss olustur zombie hasar"

on death of zombie:
    name of victim is "%{BossDisplayName}%":
        #Buraya Düşecek İtemler Siz Ayarlayın Artık.

every {boss.time} minutes:
    spawn zombie at {BossLocation}
    set last spawned zombie's display name to "%{BossDisplayName}%"
    {_zirh} is 1:
       [URL=''] equip[IMG][/IMG][/URL] last spawned zombie with all[URL=''] diamond[IMG][/IMG][/URL] armor of protection {zirh.enchant}
    {_zirh} is 2:
        equip last spawned zombie with all golden armor of protection {zirh.enchant}
    {_zirh} is 3:
        equip last spawned zombie with all iron armor of protection {zirh.enchant}
    {_zirh} is 4:
        equip last spawned zombie with all leather armor of protection {zirh.enchant}
     set damage to random integer from {_min} to {_max}
     set last spawned zombie's tool to diamond sword of sharpness 5

Alıntıdır ve denenmemiştir .


Somon Balığı Selam Vermeye Geldi
10 Ağustos 2014
    message: &a&l[&bBossSystem&a&l]

command /boss [[<text>] [<text>] [<text>] [<int>]]:
    permission: boss.olustur
        arg 1 isn't set:
            open chest with 1 rows named "&a&l[&4Boss Ayarları&a&l]" to player
            wait a tick
            format slot 4 of player with zombie head named "&4&lZombi Boss Oluştur" with lore "{@message} &bZombi Boss Oluşturur." to close then run [make player execute command "boss olustur zombie"]
        arg 1 is "olustur":
            arg 2 is "zombie":
                delete {BossDisplayName}
                send "{@message} &bZombi Boss'un Adını Sohbete Yazınız."
                set {zombie.boss.olustur.%player%} to true
                arg 3 is "can":
                    delete {BossHealth}
                    send "{@message} &bZombi Boss'un Kaç Canı Olacağını Sohbete Yazınız."
                    set {zombie.boss.can.%player%} to true
                arg 3 is "lokasyon":
                    delete {BossLocation}
                    send "{@message} &bZombi Boss'un Yerini Ayarlamak İçin Bir Bloğa Sol Tıklayınız."
                    set {zombie.boss.location.%player%} to true
                arg 3 is "hasar1":
                    delete {_min.hasar}
                    delete {_max.hasar}
                    set {zombie.boss.hasar1.%player%} to true
                    send "{@message} &bZombinin Hasarını Giriniz. En az kaç vuracak ?"
                arg 3 is "hasar2":
                    set {_min.hasar} to arg 4
                    send "{@message} &bMinimum Hasar %arg 4% Olarak Ayarlandı."
                    wait 1 second
                    send "{@message} &bZombinin Hasarını Giriniz.En fazla kaç vuracak ?"
                    set {zombie.boss.hasar2.%player%} to true
                arg 3 is "hasar3":
                    set {_max.hasar} to arg 4
                    send "{@message} &bMaximum Hasar %arg 4% Olarak Ayarlandı."
                    wait 1 second
                    send "{@message} &bZombinin Zırhı Hangi Eşyalar Olmalı? ((1) Elmas - (2) Altın - (3) Demir - (4) Deri)"
                    set {zombie.boss.zirh.%player%} to true
                arg 3 is "zirh":
                    set {_zirh} to arg 4
                    set {zombie.boss.enchant.%player%} to true
                    send "{@message} &bKoruma Kaç Olsun ?"
                arg 3 is "zirh1":
                    send "{@message} &b%{zirh.enchant}% Koruma Olarak Ayarlandı."
                    send "{@message} &bKılıç Keskinlik 5 Olarak Ayarlandı."
                    wait 1 second
                    execute player command "boss olustur zaman"
                arg 3 is "zaman":
                    send "{@message} &bKaç Dakikada Bir Doğsun Sohbete Yazın."
                    set {zombie.boss.time.%player%} to true
                arg 3 is "zombi":
                    arg 4 is set:
                        set {boss.time} to arg 4
        arg 1 is "yarat":
            spawn zombie at {BossLocation}
            set last spawned zombie's display name to "%{BossDisplayName}%"
            {_zirh} is 1:
               [URL=''] equip[IMG][/IMG][/URL] last spawned zombie with all[URL=''] diamond[IMG][/IMG][/URL] armor of protection {zirh.enchant}
            {_zirh} is 2:
                equip last spawned zombie with all golden armor of protection {zirh.enchant}
            {_zirh} is 3:
                equip last spawned zombie with all iron armor of protection {zirh.enchant}
            {_zirh} is 4:
                equip last spawned zombie with all leather armor of protection {zirh.enchant}
            set damage to random integer from {_min} to {_max}
            set last spawned zombie's tool to diamond sword of sharpness 5

    {zombie.boss.olustur.%player%} is true:
        cancel event
        set {Boss} to "Zombi"
        set {BossDisplayName} to message
        send "{@message} &b%{BossDisplayName}% Olarak Ad Ayarlandı."
        set {zombie.boss.olustur.%player%} to false
        execute player command "boss olustur zombie can"
    {zombie.boss.can.%player%} is true:
        cancel event
        set {BossHealth} to message
        send "{@message} &b%{BossHealth}% Olarak Can Ayarlandı."
        set {zombie.boss.can.%player%} to false
        execute player command "boss olustur zombi lokasyon"
    {zombie.boss.hasar1.%player%} is true:
        cancel event
        set {zombie.boss.hasar1.%player%} to false
        set {_min.attack} to message
        execute player command "boss olustur hasar2 %{_min.attack}%"
    {zombie.boss.hasar2.%player%} is true:
        cancel event
        set {zombie.boss.hasar2.%player%} to false
        set {_max.attack} to message
        execute player command "boss olustur hasar3 %{_max.attack}%"
    {zombie.boss.zirh.%player%} is true:
        cancel event
        set {zombie.boss.zirh.%player%} to false
        set {_zirh} to message
        execute player command "boss olustur zirh %{_zirh}%"
    {zombie.boss.enchant.%player%} is true:
        cancel event
        set {zombie.boss.enchant.%player%} to false
        set {zirh.enchant} to message
        execute player command "boss olustur zirh1"
    {zombie.boss.time.%player%} is true:
        cancel event
        set {zombie.boss.time.%player%} to false
        set {_boss.time} to message
        execute player command "boss olustur zombi %{_boss.time}%"
        wait 1 second
        execute player command "boss yarat"

on leftclick on a block:
    {zombie.boss.location.%player%} is true:
        set {BossLocation} to clicked block
        send "{@message} &bBoss Doğum Yeri Ayarlandı."
        set {zombie.boss.location.%player%} to false
        execute player command "boss olustur zombie hasar"

on death of zombie:
    name of victim is "%{BossDisplayName}%":
        #Buraya Düşecek İtemler Siz Ayarlayın Artık.

every {boss.time} minutes:
    spawn zombie at {BossLocation}
    set last spawned zombie's display name to "%{BossDisplayName}%"
    {_zirh} is 1:
       [URL=''] equip[IMG][/IMG][/URL] last spawned zombie with all[URL=''] diamond[IMG][/IMG][/URL] armor of protection {zirh.enchant}
    {_zirh} is 2:
        equip last spawned zombie with all golden armor of protection {zirh.enchant}
    {_zirh} is 3:
        equip last spawned zombie with all iron armor of protection {zirh.enchant}
    {_zirh} is 4:
        equip last spawned zombie with all leather armor of protection {zirh.enchant}
     set damage to random integer from {_min} to {_max}
     set last spawned zombie's tool to diamond sword of sharpness 5

Alıntıdır ve denenmemiştir .
Teşekkür ederim deniyorum.[DOUBLEPOST=1484943059,1484942767][/DOUBLEPOST]
    message: &a&l[&bBossSystem&a&l]

command /boss [[<text>] [<text>] [<text>] [<int>]]:
    permission: boss.olustur
        arg 1 isn't set:
            open chest with 1 rows named "&a&l[&4Boss Ayarları&a&l]" to player
            wait a tick
            format slot 4 of player with zombie head named "&4&lZombi Boss Oluştur" with lore "{@message} &bZombi Boss Oluşturur." to close then run [make player execute command "boss olustur zombie"]
        arg 1 is "olustur":
            arg 2 is "zombie":
                delete {BossDisplayName}
                send "{@message} &bZombi Boss'un Adını Sohbete Yazınız."
                set {zombie.boss.olustur.%player%} to true
                arg 3 is "can":
                    delete {BossHealth}
                    send "{@message} &bZombi Boss'un Kaç Canı Olacağını Sohbete Yazınız."
                    set {zombie.boss.can.%player%} to true
                arg 3 is "lokasyon":
                    delete {BossLocation}
                    send "{@message} &bZombi Boss'un Yerini Ayarlamak İçin Bir Bloğa Sol Tıklayınız."
                    set {zombie.boss.location.%player%} to true
                arg 3 is "hasar1":
                    delete {_min.hasar}
                    delete {_max.hasar}
                    set {zombie.boss.hasar1.%player%} to true
                    send "{@message} &bZombinin Hasarını Giriniz. En az kaç vuracak ?"
                arg 3 is "hasar2":
                    set {_min.hasar} to arg 4
                    send "{@message} &bMinimum Hasar %arg 4% Olarak Ayarlandı."
                    wait 1 second
                    send "{@message} &bZombinin Hasarını Giriniz.En fazla kaç vuracak ?"
                    set {zombie.boss.hasar2.%player%} to true
                arg 3 is "hasar3":
                    set {_max.hasar} to arg 4
                    send "{@message} &bMaximum Hasar %arg 4% Olarak Ayarlandı."
                    wait 1 second
                    send "{@message} &bZombinin Zırhı Hangi Eşyalar Olmalı? ((1) Elmas - (2) Altın - (3) Demir - (4) Deri)"
                    set {zombie.boss.zirh.%player%} to true
                arg 3 is "zirh":
                    set {_zirh} to arg 4
                    set {zombie.boss.enchant.%player%} to true
                    send "{@message} &bKoruma Kaç Olsun ?"
                arg 3 is "zirh1":
                    send "{@message} &b%{zirh.enchant}% Koruma Olarak Ayarlandı."
                    send "{@message} &bKılıç Keskinlik 5 Olarak Ayarlandı."
                    wait 1 second
                    execute player command "boss olustur zaman"
                arg 3 is "zaman":
                    send "{@message} &bKaç Dakikada Bir Doğsun Sohbete Yazın."
                    set {zombie.boss.time.%player%} to true
                arg 3 is "zombi":
                    arg 4 is set:
                        set {boss.time} to arg 4
        arg 1 is "yarat":
            spawn zombie at {BossLocation}
            set last spawned zombie's display name to "%{BossDisplayName}%"
            {_zirh} is 1:
               [URL=''] equip[IMG][/IMG][/URL] last spawned zombie with all[URL=''] diamond[IMG][/IMG][/URL] armor of protection {zirh.enchant}
            {_zirh} is 2:
                equip last spawned zombie with all golden armor of protection {zirh.enchant}
            {_zirh} is 3:
                equip last spawned zombie with all iron armor of protection {zirh.enchant}
            {_zirh} is 4:
                equip last spawned zombie with all leather armor of protection {zirh.enchant}
            set damage to random integer from {_min} to {_max}
            set last spawned zombie's tool to diamond sword of sharpness 5

    {zombie.boss.olustur.%player%} is true:
        cancel event
        set {Boss} to "Zombi"
        set {BossDisplayName} to message
        send "{@message} &b%{BossDisplayName}% Olarak Ad Ayarlandı."
        set {zombie.boss.olustur.%player%} to false
        execute player command "boss olustur zombie can"
    {zombie.boss.can.%player%} is true:
        cancel event
        set {BossHealth} to message
        send "{@message} &b%{BossHealth}% Olarak Can Ayarlandı."
        set {zombie.boss.can.%player%} to false
        execute player command "boss olustur zombi lokasyon"
    {zombie.boss.hasar1.%player%} is true:
        cancel event
        set {zombie.boss.hasar1.%player%} to false
        set {_min.attack} to message
        execute player command "boss olustur hasar2 %{_min.attack}%"
    {zombie.boss.hasar2.%player%} is true:
        cancel event
        set {zombie.boss.hasar2.%player%} to false
        set {_max.attack} to message
        execute player command "boss olustur hasar3 %{_max.attack}%"
    {zombie.boss.zirh.%player%} is true:
        cancel event
        set {zombie.boss.zirh.%player%} to false
        set {_zirh} to message
        execute player command "boss olustur zirh %{_zirh}%"
    {zombie.boss.enchant.%player%} is true:
        cancel event
        set {zombie.boss.enchant.%player%} to false
        set {zirh.enchant} to message
        execute player command "boss olustur zirh1"
    {zombie.boss.time.%player%} is true:
        cancel event
        set {zombie.boss.time.%player%} to false
        set {_boss.time} to message
        execute player command "boss olustur zombi %{_boss.time}%"
        wait 1 second
        execute player command "boss yarat"

on leftclick on a block:
    {zombie.boss.location.%player%} is true:
        set {BossLocation} to clicked block
        send "{@message} &bBoss Doğum Yeri Ayarlandı."
        set {zombie.boss.location.%player%} to false
        execute player command "boss olustur zombie hasar"

on death of zombie:
    name of victim is "%{BossDisplayName}%":
        #Buraya Düşecek İtemler Siz Ayarlayın Artık.

every {boss.time} minutes:
    spawn zombie at {BossLocation}
    set last spawned zombie's display name to "%{BossDisplayName}%"
    {_zirh} is 1:
       [URL=''] equip[IMG][/IMG][/URL] last spawned zombie with all[URL=''] diamond[IMG][/IMG][/URL] armor of protection {zirh.enchant}
    {_zirh} is 2:
        equip last spawned zombie with all golden armor of protection {zirh.enchant}
    {_zirh} is 3:
        equip last spawned zombie with all iron armor of protection {zirh.enchant}
    {_zirh} is 4:
        equip last spawned zombie with all leather armor of protection {zirh.enchant}
     set damage to random integer from {_min} to {_max}
     set last spawned zombie's tool to diamond sword of sharpness 5

Alıntıdır ve denenmemiştir .
[22:08:59 WARN]: Empty configuration section! You might want to indent one or mo
re of the subsequent lines to make them belong to this section or remove the col
on at the end of the line if you don't want this line to start a section. (boss.
sk, line 131: name of victim is "%{BossDisplayName}%":')
[22:08:59 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 8 spaces, but found 7 spaces (boss
.sk, line 138: [URL=''] equip[IMG]http://cdncache-a[/IMG][/URL] last spawned zombie with
all[URL=''] diamond[IMG]http://cdncache-a.akamaihd
.net/items/it/img/arrow-10x10.png[/IMG][/URL] armor of protection {zirh.enchant}
[22:08:59 WARN]: Empty configuration section! You might want to indent one or mo
re of the subsequent lines to make them belong to this section or remove the col
on at the end of the line if you don't want this line to start a section. (boss.
sk, line 137: {_zirh} is 1:')
[22:08:59 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 8 spaces, but found 5 spaces (boss
.sk, line 145: set damage to random integer from {_min} to {_max}')
[22:08:59 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 8 spaces, but found 5 spaces (boss
.sk, line 146: set last spawned zombie's tool to diamond sword of sharpness 5')
[22:08:59 ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: [URL='
.com/ (, line 62: [URL=''] equip[IMG]http:/
/[/IMG][/URL] last spawned z
ombie with all[URL=''] diamond[IMG]http://cdncache[/IMG][/URL] armor of protection {zi
[22:08:59 ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: equip last spawned zom
bie with all golden armor of protection {zirh.enchant} (, line 64: equip
last spawned zombie with all golden armor of protection {zirh.enchant}')
[22:08:59 ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: equip last spawned zom
bie with all iron armor of protection {zirh.enchant} (, line 66: equip la
st spawned zombie with all iron armor of protection {zirh.enchant}')
[22:08:59 ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: equip last spawned zom
bie with all leather armor of protection {zirh.enchant} (, line 68: equip
 last spawned zombie with all leather armor of protection {zirh.enchant}')
[22:08:59 ERROR]: The expression 'damage' can only be used in damage events (bos, line 69: set damage to random integer from {_min} to {_max}')
[22:08:59 ERROR]: can't understand this event: 'on leftclick on a block' (boss.s
k, line 122: on leftclick on a block:')
[22:08:59 ERROR]: can't understand this event: 'every {boss.time} minutes' (boss
.sk, line 134: every {boss.time} minutes:')

Bu hatalar ile karşılaştım


Emekli Yönetici



29 Haziran 2014
Eğer sorununuz gittiyse yazarsanız sevinirim.


Somon Balığı Selam Vermeye Geldi
10 Ağustos 2014


Emekli Yönetici



29 Haziran 2014
Skrip yerine plugin denediniz mi ?

Okan Demir - TdogTAG

Skype : [email protected]
16 Haziran 2016
SkQuery eklentisini sunucunuza kurarak deneyiniz olmassa ;
    p: &a&lHappyBoss &f&l»
    Mob Type3: zombie
    Mob Health3: 50
    Mob Strength3: 2
    Mob Speed3: 3
    Mob Resistance: 3
    Mob Jump Height3: 5
    Mob Item3: diamond sword
    Mob Helmet3: diamond helmet
    Mob Chestplate3: diamond chestplate
    Mob Leggings3: diamond leggings
    Mob Boots3: diamond boots

#  -----------------------------------------------    #  ------------       ✔Location Skript✔    ------------  #    ----------------------------------------------    #
command /bossitembelirle:
    permission: admin.perm
        give 1 name tag named "&7[&4Zombie Kral&7] &9Boss Spawn Belirle" to player
        give 1 name tag named "&7[&6Skeleton Kralice&7] &9Boss Spawn Belirle" to player
        give 1 name tag named "&7[&4Yardımcı Skeleton&7]&9 Boss Spawn Belirle" to player
on rightclick with name tag:
    if tool's name is "&7[&6Skeleton Kralice&7] &9Boss Spawn Belirle":
        set {bossskeleton} to location 1 meters above clicked block
        send "&7[&6Skeleton Kralice&7] &aSpawn Yeri Basarıylar Secildi!"

on rightclick with name tag:
    if tool's name is "&7[&4Zombie Kral&7] &9Boss Spawn Belirle":
        set {bosszombie} to location 1 meters above clicked block
        send "&7[&4Zombie Kral&7] &aSpawn Yeri Basarıylar Secildi!"
on rightclick with name tag:
    if tool's name is "&7[&4Yardımcı Skeleton&7]&9 Boss Spawn Belirle":
        set {bossyardimcizombie} to location 1 meters above clicked block
        send "&7[&4Yardımcı Skeleton&7] &aSpawn Yeri Basarıylar Secildi!"
#  -----------------------------------------------    #  ------------       ✔Damage Skript✔    ------------  #    ----------------------------------------------    #

#Zombie Kral
on damage of zombie:
    attacker is a player:
        victim is zombie:
            if name of zombies is "&7[&4Zombie Kral&7]":
                send "{@p} &4Zombie Kral &8[&c%victim's health%&7/&c1025&8]" to attacker
                chance of 3%:
                    apply poison 2 to attacker for 15 seconds
                chance of 10%:
                    push the attacker upwards at speed 1.5
                chance of 20%:
                    strike lightning at the attacker
                chance of 7%:
                    apply slowness 2 to attacker for 15 seconds
                chance of 1%:
                    if {spawnlandiyardimcizombie} is true:
                        execute console command "/yardimcizombie"
                        loop all players in radius 30 of attacker:
                            play raw sound "mob.wither.spawn" at loop-player with pitch 1 volume 900.999
                        apply poison 2 to attacker for 15 seconds
#Skeleton Kralice   
on damage of wither skeleton:
    attacker is a player:
        victim is wither skeleton:
            if name of wither skeletons is "&7[&6Skeleton Kralice&7]":
                send "{@p} &6Skeleton Kralice &8[&c%victim's health%&7/&c1025&8]" to attacker
                chance of 3%:
                    apply poison 2 to attacker for 15 seconds
                chance of 10%:
                    push the attacker upwards at speed 1.5
                chance of 20%:
                    strike lightning at the attacker
                chance of 7%:
                    apply slowness 2 to attacker for 15 seconds
                chance of 1%:
                    if {spawnlandiyardimcizombie} is true:
                        execute console command "/yardimcizombie"
                        loop all players in radius 30 of attacker:
                            play raw sound "mob.wither.spawn" at loop-player with pitch 1 volume 900.999
                        apply poison 2 to attacker for 15 seconds
#Yardımcı Skeletın                   
on damage of Skeleton:
    attacker is a player:
        victim is Skeleton:
            if name of skeletons is "&7[&4Yardımcı Skeleton&7]":
                send "{@p} &cYardımcı Skeleton &8[&c%victim's health%&7/&c50&8]" to attacker
                chance of 3%:
                    apply poison 2 to attacker for 5 seconds
                chance of 20%:
                    push the attacker upwards at speed 1.5

#  -----------------------------------------------    #  ------------       ✔Death Skript✔    ------------  #    ----------------------------------------------    #

#Iskelet Kralice
on death of player:
    victim is a player:
        attacker is a wither skeleton:
            if name of wither skeletons is "&7[&6Skeleton Kralice&7]":
                set death message to ""
                chance of 50%:
                    broadcast "&7[&6Skeleton Kralice&7] &2%victim%&a Adli Oyuncuyu Şişledim!"
                chance of 50%:
                    broadcast "&7[&6Skeleton Kralice&7] &2%victim%&a Adli Oyuncu Benimle Savasmiyacakti!"                   

#Zombie Kral                   
on death of player:
    victim is a player:
        attacker is a zombie:
            if name of zombies is "&7[&4Zombie Kral&7]":
                set death message to ""
                chance of 50%:
                    broadcast "&7[&4Zombie Kral&7] &2%victim%&a Adli Oyuncu Benle Savasirken Oldu!"       
                chance of 50%:
                    broadcast "&7[&4Zombie Kral&7] &2%victim%&a Kücük Etlerine Kadar Dilimlendi"   
#Yardımcı Skeleton               
on death of player:
    victim is a player:
        attacker is a skeleton:
            if name of zombies is "&7[&4Yardımcı Skeleton&7]":
                set death message to ""
                broadcast "&7[&4Yardımcı Skeleton&7]&a Efendimin Emri Gerçekleştirildi! &b%victim%&a Olduruldu!"           

on death of wither skeleton:
#Iskelet Kralice               
    attacker is a player:
        if name of wither skeletons is "&7[&6Skeleton Kralice&7]":
            clear drops
            wait 2 tick
            drop 32 diamond at victim's location
            drop 1 Diamond Helmet of protection 4 at victim's location
            drop 1 Diamond Chestplate of protection 4 at victim's location
            drop 1 Diamond Leggings of protection 4 at victim's location
            drop 1 Diamond Boots of protection 4 at victim's location
            broadcast "&7[&6Skeleton Kralice&7]&c Geri Dönücem! Ve &b%attacker%&c'dan Intikamimi Alicam!"
            set {spawnlandiskeleton} to false

#Zombie Kral               
on death of zombie:
    attacker is a player:
        victim is zombie:
            if name of zombies is "&7[&4Zombie Kral&7]":
                clear drops
                wait 2 tick
                drop 32 diamond at victim's location
                drop 1 Diamond Helmet of protection 3 at victim's location
                drop 1 Diamond Chestplate of protection 3 at victim's location
                drop 1 Diamond Leggings of protection 3 at victim's location
                drop 1 Diamond Boots of protection 3 at victim's location
                broadcast "&7[&4Zombi Kral&7]&c Geri Dönücem! Ve &b%attacker%&c'dan Intikamimi Alicam!"
                set {spawnlandizombie} to false

#Yardımcı Skeletıo               
on death of Skeleton:
    attacker is a player:
        victim is Skeleton:
            if name of Skeleton is "&7[&4Yardımcı Skeleton&7]":
                clear drops
                wait 2 tick
                drop 16 diamond at victim's location
                broadcast "&7[&4Yardımcı Skeleton&7]&c Efendimin Emrini Gerçekleştirilemedim! Geri Dönücem &b%attacker%"
                set {spawnlandiyardimciiskelet} to false

#  -----------------------------------------------    #  ------------       ✔Reset Skript✔    ------------  #    ----------------------------------------------    #

command /88:
        if command sender is console:
            wait 5 minute
            execute console command "spawnla"
command /99:
        if command sender is console:
            wait 5 minute
            execute console command "spawnla"
on load:
    delete {spawnlandizombie}
    delete {spawnlandiskeleton}
    delete {spawnlandiyardimcizombie}

#  -----------------------------------------------    #  ------------       ✔Create Skript✔    ------------  #    ----------------------------------------------    #

    Spawn Chance: 100
    Mob Name: &7[&6Skeleton Kralice&7]
    Mob Type: wither skeleton
    Mob Health: 7000
    Mob Strength: 2
    Mob Speed: 3
    Mob Jump Height: 5
    Mob Resistance: 3
    Mob Item: diamond sword
    Mob Helmet: diamond helmet
    Mob Chestplate: diamond chestplate
    Mob Leggings: diamond leggings
    Mob[URL=''] Boots[IMG][/IMG][/URL]: diamond boots
command /bossskeleton:
        if {spawnlandiskeleton} is true:
            send "{@p} &cBoss Zaten Spawnlanmis!"
            set {spawnlandiskeleton} to true
            spawn a {@Mob Type} at {bossskeleton}
            set spawned {@Mob Type}'s display name to "{@Mob Name}"
            set spawned {@Mob Type}'s max health to {@Mob Health}
            heal the spawned {@Mob Type} by 70000 hearts
            apply resistance {@Mob Resistance} to spawned {@Mob Type} for 999 days
            apply strength {@Mob Strength} to spawned {@Mob Type} for 999 days
            apply swiftness {@Mob Speed} to spawned {@Mob Type} for 999 days
            apply fire resistance {@Mob Resistance} to spawned {@Mob Type3} for 999 days
            apply jump {@Mob Jump Height} to spawned {@Mob Type} for 999 days
            set spawned {@Mob Type}'s tool to {@Mob Item}
            equip spawned {@Mob Type} with {@Mob Helmet}
            equip spawned {@Mob Type} with {@Mob Chestplate}
            equip spawned {@Mob Type} with {@Mob Leggings}
            equip spawned {@Mob Type} with {@Mob[URL=''] Boots[IMG][/IMG][/URL]}
            broadcast "{@p} &7[&6Skeleton Kralice&7] &cCanlandım Ve İntikamımı Almaya Geldim!"       
    Spawn Chance2: 90
    Mob Name2: &7[&4Zombie Kral&7]
    Mob Type2: zombie
    Mob Health2: 7000
    Mob Strength: 2
    Mob Speed: 3
    Mob Jump Height: 5
    Mob Resistance: 3
    Mob Item:[URL=''] diamond[IMG][/IMG][/URL] sword
    Mob Helmet: diamond helmet
    Mob Chestplate: diamond chestplate
    Mob Leggings: diamond leggings
    Mob Boots: diamond boots
    Mob Type4: skeleton
    Mob Bow: bow
command /spawnla:
        if {spawnlandizombie} is true:
            send "{@p} &cZaten Boss Spawnlanmis"
            set {spawnlandizombie} to true
            spawn a {@Mob Type2} at {bosszombie}
            set spawned {@Mob Type2}'s display name to "{@Mob Name2}"
            set spawned {@Mob Type2}'s max health to {@Mob Health2}
            heal the spawned {@Mob Type2} by 7000 hearts
            apply resistance {@Mob Resistance} to spawned {@Mob Type2} for 999 days
            apply strength {@Mob Strength} to spawned {@Mob Type2} for 999 days
            apply swiftness {@Mob Speed} to spawned {@Mob Type2} for 999 days
            apply fire resistance {@Mob Resistance} to spawned {@Mob Type2} for 999 days
            apply jump {@Mob Jump Height} to spawned {@Mob Type2} for 999 days
            set spawned {@Mob Type2}'s tool to {@Mob Item}
            equip spawned {@Mob Type2} with {@Mob Helmet} of protection 4
            equip spawned {@Mob Type2} with {@Mob Chestplate} of protection 4
            equip spawned {@Mob Type2} with {@Mob Leggings} of protection 4
            equip spawned {@Mob Type2} with {@Mob Boots} of protection 4
            broadcast "{@p} &7[&4Zombie Kral&7] &cCanlandım Ve İntikamımı Almaya Geldim!"
command /yardimciiskelet:
        if {spawnlandiyardimciiskelet} is true:
            send "{@p}&c Boss Zaten Spawnlanmis!"
            spawn a {@Mob Type4} at {bossyardimcizombie}
            set spawned {@Mob Type4}'s display name to "&7[&4Yardımcı Skeleton&7]"
            set spawned {@Mob Type4}'s max health to {@Mob Health3}
            heal the spawned {@Mob Type4} by 50 hearts
            apply strength {@Mob Strength} to spawned {@Mob Type4} for 999 days
            apply swiftness {@Mob Speed} to spawned {@Mob Type4} for 999 days
            apply jump {@Mob Jump Height} to spawned {@Mob Type4} for 999 days
            apply fire resistance {@Mob Resistance} to spawned {@Mob Type4} for 999 days
            set spawned {@Mob Type4}'s tool to {@Mob Bow} of power 10
            equip spawned {@Mob Type4} with {@Mob Helmet}
            equip spawned {@Mob Type4} with {@Mob Chestplate}
            equip spawned {@Mob Type4} with {@Mob Leggings}
            equip spawned {@Mob Type4} with {@Mob Boots}
            broadcast "&7[&4Yardımcı Skeleton&7]&c Sahibim Beni Cagirdi! Sahibim Icin Herseyi Yaparım!"

Buda alıntıdır ve denenmemiştir .​


Somon Balığı Selam Vermeye Geldi
10 Ağustos 2014
Skrip yerine plugin denediniz mi ?
Şimdi onu deneyeceğim buda hata verdi teşekkürler konu kilitlenebilinir[DOUBLEPOST=1484946626,1484946519][/DOUBLEPOST]
SkQuery eklentisini sunucunuza kurarak deneyiniz olmassa ;
    p: &a&lHappyBoss &f&l»
    Mob Type3: zombie
    Mob Health3: 50
    Mob Strength3: 2
    Mob Speed3: 3
    Mob Resistance: 3
    Mob Jump Height3: 5
    Mob Item3: diamond sword
    Mob Helmet3: diamond helmet
    Mob Chestplate3: diamond chestplate
    Mob Leggings3: diamond leggings
    Mob Boots3: diamond boots

#  -----------------------------------------------    #  ------------       ✔Location Skript✔    ------------  #    ----------------------------------------------    #
command /bossitembelirle:
    permission: admin.perm
        give 1 name tag named "&7[&4Zombie Kral&7] &9Boss Spawn Belirle" to player
        give 1 name tag named "&7[&6Skeleton Kralice&7] &9Boss Spawn Belirle" to player
        give 1 name tag named "&7[&4Yardımcı Skeleton&7]&9 Boss Spawn Belirle" to player
on rightclick with name tag:
    if tool's name is "&7[&6Skeleton Kralice&7] &9Boss Spawn Belirle":
        set {bossskeleton} to location 1 meters above clicked block
        send "&7[&6Skeleton Kralice&7] &aSpawn Yeri Basarıylar Secildi!"

on rightclick with name tag:
    if tool's name is "&7[&4Zombie Kral&7] &9Boss Spawn Belirle":
        set {bosszombie} to location 1 meters above clicked block
        send "&7[&4Zombie Kral&7] &aSpawn Yeri Basarıylar Secildi!"
on rightclick with name tag:
    if tool's name is "&7[&4Yardımcı Skeleton&7]&9 Boss Spawn Belirle":
        set {bossyardimcizombie} to location 1 meters above clicked block
        send "&7[&4Yardımcı Skeleton&7] &aSpawn Yeri Basarıylar Secildi!"
#  -----------------------------------------------    #  ------------       ✔Damage Skript✔    ------------  #    ----------------------------------------------    #

#Zombie Kral
on damage of zombie:
    attacker is a player:
        victim is zombie:
            if name of zombies is "&7[&4Zombie Kral&7]":
                send "{@p} &4Zombie Kral &8[&c%victim's health%&7/&c1025&8]" to attacker
                chance of 3%:
                    apply poison 2 to attacker for 15 seconds
                chance of 10%:
                    push the attacker upwards at speed 1.5
                chance of 20%:
                    strike lightning at the attacker
                chance of 7%:
                    apply slowness 2 to attacker for 15 seconds
                chance of 1%:
                    if {spawnlandiyardimcizombie} is true:
                        execute console command "/yardimcizombie"
                        loop all players in radius 30 of attacker:
                            play raw sound "mob.wither.spawn" at loop-player with pitch 1 volume 900.999
                        apply poison 2 to attacker for 15 seconds
#Skeleton Kralice   
on damage of wither skeleton:
    attacker is a player:
        victim is wither skeleton:
            if name of wither skeletons is "&7[&6Skeleton Kralice&7]":
                send "{@p} &6Skeleton Kralice &8[&c%victim's health%&7/&c1025&8]" to attacker
                chance of 3%:
                    apply poison 2 to attacker for 15 seconds
                chance of 10%:
                    push the attacker upwards at speed 1.5
                chance of 20%:
                    strike lightning at the attacker
                chance of 7%:
                    apply slowness 2 to attacker for 15 seconds
                chance of 1%:
                    if {spawnlandiyardimcizombie} is true:
                        execute console command "/yardimcizombie"
                        loop all players in radius 30 of attacker:
                            play raw sound "mob.wither.spawn" at loop-player with pitch 1 volume 900.999
                        apply poison 2 to attacker for 15 seconds
#Yardımcı Skeletın                   
on damage of Skeleton:
    attacker is a player:
        victim is Skeleton:
            if name of skeletons is "&7[&4Yardımcı Skeleton&7]":
                send "{@p} &cYardımcı Skeleton &8[&c%victim's health%&7/&c50&8]" to attacker
                chance of 3%:
                    apply poison 2 to attacker for 5 seconds
                chance of 20%:
                    push the attacker upwards at speed 1.5

#  -----------------------------------------------    #  ------------       ✔Death Skript✔    ------------  #    ----------------------------------------------    #

#Iskelet Kralice
on death of player:
    victim is a player:
        attacker is a wither skeleton:
            if name of wither skeletons is "&7[&6Skeleton Kralice&7]":
                set death message to ""
                chance of 50%:
                    broadcast "&7[&6Skeleton Kralice&7] &2%victim%&a Adli Oyuncuyu Şişledim!"
                chance of 50%:
                    broadcast "&7[&6Skeleton Kralice&7] &2%victim%&a Adli Oyuncu Benimle Savasmiyacakti!"                   

#Zombie Kral                   
on death of player:
    victim is a player:
        attacker is a zombie:
            if name of zombies is "&7[&4Zombie Kral&7]":
                set death message to ""
                chance of 50%:
                    broadcast "&7[&4Zombie Kral&7] &2%victim%&a Adli Oyuncu Benle Savasirken Oldu!"       
                chance of 50%:
                    broadcast "&7[&4Zombie Kral&7] &2%victim%&a Kücük Etlerine Kadar Dilimlendi"   
#Yardımcı Skeleton               
on death of player:
    victim is a player:
        attacker is a skeleton:
            if name of zombies is "&7[&4Yardımcı Skeleton&7]":
                set death message to ""
                broadcast "&7[&4Yardımcı Skeleton&7]&a Efendimin Emri Gerçekleştirildi! &b%victim%&a Olduruldu!"           

on death of wither skeleton:
#Iskelet Kralice               
    attacker is a player:
        if name of wither skeletons is "&7[&6Skeleton Kralice&7]":
            clear drops
            wait 2 tick
            drop 32 diamond at victim's location
            drop 1 Diamond Helmet of protection 4 at victim's location
            drop 1 Diamond Chestplate of protection 4 at victim's location
            drop 1 Diamond Leggings of protection 4 at victim's location
            drop 1 Diamond Boots of protection 4 at victim's location
            broadcast "&7[&6Skeleton Kralice&7]&c Geri Dönücem! Ve &b%attacker%&c'dan Intikamimi Alicam!"
            set {spawnlandiskeleton} to false

#Zombie Kral               
on death of zombie:
    attacker is a player:
        victim is zombie:
            if name of zombies is "&7[&4Zombie Kral&7]":
                clear drops
                wait 2 tick
                drop 32 diamond at victim's location
                drop 1 Diamond Helmet of protection 3 at victim's location
                drop 1 Diamond Chestplate of protection 3 at victim's location
                drop 1 Diamond Leggings of protection 3 at victim's location
                drop 1 Diamond Boots of protection 3 at victim's location
                broadcast "&7[&4Zombi Kral&7]&c Geri Dönücem! Ve &b%attacker%&c'dan Intikamimi Alicam!"
                set {spawnlandizombie} to false

#Yardımcı Skeletıo               
on death of Skeleton:
    attacker is a player:
        victim is Skeleton:
            if name of Skeleton is "&7[&4Yardımcı Skeleton&7]":
                clear drops
                wait 2 tick
                drop 16 diamond at victim's location
                broadcast "&7[&4Yardımcı Skeleton&7]&c Efendimin Emrini Gerçekleştirilemedim! Geri Dönücem &b%attacker%"
                set {spawnlandiyardimciiskelet} to false

#  -----------------------------------------------    #  ------------       ✔Reset Skript✔    ------------  #    ----------------------------------------------    #

command /88:
        if command sender is console:
            wait 5 minute
            execute console command "spawnla"
command /99:
        if command sender is console:
            wait 5 minute
            execute console command "spawnla"
on load:
    delete {spawnlandizombie}
    delete {spawnlandiskeleton}
    delete {spawnlandiyardimcizombie}

#  -----------------------------------------------    #  ------------       ✔Create Skript✔    ------------  #    ----------------------------------------------    #

    Spawn Chance: 100
    Mob Name: &7[&6Skeleton Kralice&7]
    Mob Type: wither skeleton
    Mob Health: 7000
    Mob Strength: 2
    Mob Speed: 3
    Mob Jump Height: 5
    Mob Resistance: 3
    Mob Item: diamond sword
    Mob Helmet: diamond helmet
    Mob Chestplate: diamond chestplate
    Mob Leggings: diamond leggings
    Mob[URL=''] Boots[IMG][/IMG][/URL]: diamond boots
command /bossskeleton:
        if {spawnlandiskeleton} is true:
            send "{@p} &cBoss Zaten Spawnlanmis!"
            set {spawnlandiskeleton} to true
            spawn a {@Mob Type} at {bossskeleton}
            set spawned {@Mob Type}'s display name to "{@Mob Name}"
            set spawned {@Mob Type}'s max health to {@Mob Health}
            heal the spawned {@Mob Type} by 70000 hearts
            apply resistance {@Mob Resistance} to spawned {@Mob Type} for 999 days
            apply strength {@Mob Strength} to spawned {@Mob Type} for 999 days
            apply swiftness {@Mob Speed} to spawned {@Mob Type} for 999 days
            apply fire resistance {@Mob Resistance} to spawned {@Mob Type3} for 999 days
            apply jump {@Mob Jump Height} to spawned {@Mob Type} for 999 days
            set spawned {@Mob Type}'s tool to {@Mob Item}
            equip spawned {@Mob Type} with {@Mob Helmet}
            equip spawned {@Mob Type} with {@Mob Chestplate}
            equip spawned {@Mob Type} with {@Mob Leggings}
            equip spawned {@Mob Type} with {@Mob[URL=''] Boots[IMG][/IMG][/URL]}
            broadcast "{@p} &7[&6Skeleton Kralice&7] &cCanlandım Ve İntikamımı Almaya Geldim!"       
    Spawn Chance2: 90
    Mob Name2: &7[&4Zombie Kral&7]
    Mob Type2: zombie
    Mob Health2: 7000
    Mob Strength: 2
    Mob Speed: 3
    Mob Jump Height: 5
    Mob Resistance: 3
    Mob Item:[URL=''] diamond[IMG][/IMG][/URL] sword
    Mob Helmet: diamond helmet
    Mob Chestplate: diamond chestplate
    Mob Leggings: diamond leggings
    Mob Boots: diamond boots
    Mob Type4: skeleton
    Mob Bow: bow
command /spawnla:
        if {spawnlandizombie} is true:
            send "{@p} &cZaten Boss Spawnlanmis"
            set {spawnlandizombie} to true
            spawn a {@Mob Type2} at {bosszombie}
            set spawned {@Mob Type2}'s display name to "{@Mob Name2}"
            set spawned {@Mob Type2}'s max health to {@Mob Health2}
            heal the spawned {@Mob Type2} by 7000 hearts
            apply resistance {@Mob Resistance} to spawned {@Mob Type2} for 999 days
            apply strength {@Mob Strength} to spawned {@Mob Type2} for 999 days
            apply swiftness {@Mob Speed} to spawned {@Mob Type2} for 999 days
            apply fire resistance {@Mob Resistance} to spawned {@Mob Type2} for 999 days
            apply jump {@Mob Jump Height} to spawned {@Mob Type2} for 999 days
            set spawned {@Mob Type2}'s tool to {@Mob Item}
            equip spawned {@Mob Type2} with {@Mob Helmet} of protection 4
            equip spawned {@Mob Type2} with {@Mob Chestplate} of protection 4
            equip spawned {@Mob Type2} with {@Mob Leggings} of protection 4
            equip spawned {@Mob Type2} with {@Mob Boots} of protection 4
            broadcast "{@p} &7[&4Zombie Kral&7] &cCanlandım Ve İntikamımı Almaya Geldim!"
command /yardimciiskelet:
        if {spawnlandiyardimciiskelet} is true:
            send "{@p}&c Boss Zaten Spawnlanmis!"
            spawn a {@Mob Type4} at {bossyardimcizombie}
            set spawned {@Mob Type4}'s display name to "&7[&4Yardımcı Skeleton&7]"
            set spawned {@Mob Type4}'s max health to {@Mob Health3}
            heal the spawned {@Mob Type4} by 50 hearts
            apply strength {@Mob Strength} to spawned {@Mob Type4} for 999 days
            apply swiftness {@Mob Speed} to spawned {@Mob Type4} for 999 days
            apply jump {@Mob Jump Height} to spawned {@Mob Type4} for 999 days
            apply fire resistance {@Mob Resistance} to spawned {@Mob Type4} for 999 days
            set spawned {@Mob Type4}'s tool to {@Mob Bow} of power 10
            equip spawned {@Mob Type4} with {@Mob Helmet}
            equip spawned {@Mob Type4} with {@Mob Chestplate}
            equip spawned {@Mob Type4} with {@Mob Leggings}
            equip spawned {@Mob Type4} with {@Mob Boots}
            broadcast "&7[&4Yardımcı Skeleton&7]&c Sahibim Beni Cagirdi! Sahibim Icin Herseyi Yaparım!"

Buda alıntıdır ve denenmemiştir .
Sağolasın teşekkür ederim Konu Kilitlenebilinir


• нєяσмιηуυм cєσ •



11 Şubat 2016


Emekli Yönetici



29 Haziran 2014
Mesela epicbossrecoded bu plugin ile ayarlayabilirsiniz mesela saat başı doğmasını istiyorsanız config dosyasından ayarlayabilirsiniz veya oyundan ama bu sizin tercinize kalmış :)


Somon Balığı Selam Vermeye Geldi
10 Ağustos 2014
Mesaj gönderimine kapalı.
Neden altınlarını Discord sunucumuzda kazmıyorsun? TIKLA VE KATIL!