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30 Eylül 2018
Başlıktada Belirttigim Gibi Plugin Çalışmıyor

Jar Dosyasını Atıyorum Ama Sunucuya Girip /reload Çektigimde

/pl yazıp baktıgımda
ASkyBlock Plugini Gözükmüyor

Plugin Listem:

Birde ScoreBoarda Baktıgınızda %{balance}yi Nasıl Para Göstermesi Için Ayarlarım /papi ecloud download Felan yaptım


8 Kasım 2014
Reload çekmek yerine stoplamayı deneyin. Olmazsa latest.log u atarmısın?
Balance yerine ise %{MONEY} yazmayı denermisin?


404 not found



11 Temmuz 2019
Başlıktada Belirttigim Gibi Plugin Çalışmıyor

Jar Dosyasını Atıyorum Ama Sunucuya Girip /reload Çektigimde

/pl yazıp baktıgımda
ASkyBlock Plugini Gözükmüyor

Plugin Listem:
Eki Görüntüle 87898
Birde ScoreBoarda Baktıgınızda %{balance}yi Nasıl Para Göstermesi Için Ayarlarım /papi ecloud download Felan yaptım
Sunucunuza Vault yükleyince çözülecektir.​

Silinen üye 79251

Merhaba, bahsettiğiniz eklenti 1.8 ile 1.13 sürümlerini destekliyor. Daha doğrusu 1.14 sürümünü destekliyor fakat işlerin yarım yamalak olduğunu söylemekte var. İlk olarak olarak sunucunuza uygun sürümü yüklediğinize dikkat edin. Eğer uygun sürüm değil ise hemen güncelleyin. Bunun yanı sıra bu eklenti Vault eklentisi ile bire birdir. Kısacası o eklenti olmadan çalışmaz. Bunun yanı sıra bu bağlantıda olan alternatif eklentiyi deneyin.

# This is a YML file. Be careful when editing. Check your edits in a YAML checker like    #
# the one at                                        #
# If this file is deleted, then it will be recreate at the next reload.                   #

#General Errors#
   unknownPlayer: "&7Boyle bir oyuncu bulunamadi."
   noPermission: "&cBu Komuta iznin yok"
   noIsland: "&7Ada bulunamadi"
   noIslandOther: "&7Bu oyuncunun adasi yok!"
   commandNotReady: "&7Suanda bu komuta izniniz yok!"
   offlinePlayer: "&7Bu oyuncu cevrimdisi"
   unknownCommand: "&7Bilinmeyen bir komut kullandiniz."
   noTeam: "&7Oyuncunun takimi yok!"
   wrongWorld: "&7Bu komutu kullanmak için adana gitmelisin."
   notOnIsland: "&7Bu komutu kullanmak için adana gitmelisin."
   useInGame: "&7Bu komutu oyun içinde kullanabilirsin."

changingObsidiantoLava: "&7Obsidian tekrar lava donustuldu"

# The warning that goes on the acid bottles or buckets. Lines are split by \n
acidLore: "Do\nnot drink!\nBeware!\n"
acidBucket: "&7Ada kovasi"
acidBottle: "&7Ada sisesi"
drankAcidAndDied: "&7Asit icti ve oldu."
drankAcid: "&7Asit icti."

islandProtected: "&7Bu adanin sahibi sen degilsin!"
targetInPVPArea: "&7Adada &cPvP &7aktif degil!"
# The following are strings for the Settings panel
  title: "Island Guard Settings"
  allowed: "Allowed"
  disallowed: "Disallowed"
  anvil: "Anvil use"
  armorstand: "Armor Stand use"
  beacon: "Beacon use"
  bed: "Bed use"
  breakblocks: "Break blocks"
  breeding: "Breeding"
  brewingstand: "Potion Brewing"
  bucket: "Bucket use"
  chest: "Chest use"
  chestdamage: "Chest damage by TNT"
  workbench: "Workbench use"
  croptrample: "Crop trampling"
  door: "Door use"
  enchantingtable: "Enchanting table use"
  enderpearl: "Enderpearl use"
  fire: "Fire"
  furnace: "Furnace use"
  gate: "Gate use"
  hurtanimals: "Hurting animals"
  hurtmonsters: "Hurting monsters"
  leash: "Leash use"
  lever: "Lever or Button Use"
  spawnegg: "Spawn egg use"
  jukebox: "Jukebox use"
  placeblocks: "Place blocks"
  portaluse: "Portal use"
  pvp: "PvP"
  netherpvp: "Nether PvP"
  redstone: "Redstone use"
  shears: "Shears use"
  teleportwhenfalling: "Teleport when falling"
  TNTdamage: "TNT Damage"
  visitordrop: "Visitor item dropping"
  visitorpickup: "Visitor item pick-up"
  visitorkeepitems: "Visitor keep item on death"
  creeperdamage: "Creeper damage"
  creepergriefing: "Creeper griefing"
  withergriefing: "Wither griefing"
lavaTip: "&7Obsidyan kayboldu lav ve suyla tekrar yapilabilir."

   #This is the first line of the sign that determines if the sign is a warp sign or not
   #If you change it, make sure it makes sense. It is case insensitive. Change the tip too.
   welcomeLine: "[adawarp]"
   warpTip: "&7Baskalarinin adana gelmesi icin bir tabela koy ve ilk satirina &a[adawarp] &7yaz."
   success: "&aadawarp &7tabelasi koyuldu!"
   removed: "&aadawarp &7tabelasi kaldirildi!"
   signRemoved: "&aadawarp &7tabelasi kaldirildi!"
   deactivate: "&7Bu ozellik devre disi!"
   errorNoRemove: "&7Sadece kendi &aadawarp &7tabelani kaldirabilirsin!"
   errorNoPerm: "&7Bu ozellik icin iznin yok!"
   errorNoPlace: "&aadawarp &7tabelasini yerlestirmek için adana git!"
   errorDuplicate: "&7Zaten bu tabelayi onceden adana yerlestirdin"
   errorDoesNotExist: "&7Bu cozgu yok!"
   errorNotReadyYet: "&7Bu çozgu henuz hazir degil . Daha sonra tekrar deneyin."
   errorNotSafe: "&7Bu çozgu henuz guvenli degil . Daha sonra tekrar deneyin."
   #/island warp help
   warpToPlayersSign: "&6<player> &7isimli oyuncunun warpina gittin."
   errorNoWarpsYet: "&7Ada warpi bulunamadi!"
   warpsAvailable: "&7Mevcut cozgu"
   playerWarped: "[name] &7senin adana geldi!"
   next: "Ileri"
   previous: "Geri"
   title: "Aktif warplar"

   header: "En iyi 10 ada:"
   errorNotReady: "&7Ilk 10 listesi olusturulamaz!"
   islandLevel: "&7Ada leveli"
   errornotYourIsland: "&7Sadece ada sahibi yapabilir."
   calculating: "&7Ada seviyesi hesaplaniyor birkac saniye surecek.."
   homeSet: "&7Ada spawn noktasi ayarlandi"
   errorNotOnIsland: "&7Spawn noktasini ayarlamak icin ada sinirlarinin icinde olmalisin"
   errorNoIsland: "&7Bu ada senin degil.Ada sinirlarinin içine don!"
   errorNumHomes: "&7En fazla 1 spawn olabilir &b[max]"

   youHaveCompleted: "&7Sen &a[challenge] &7adli gorevi tamamladin!"
   nameHasCompleted: "&b[name] &7adli oyuncu &a[challenge] &7gorevini tamamladi!"
   youRepeated: "You repeated the [challenge] challenge!"
   toComplete: "Complete [challengesToDo] more [thisLevel] challenges to unlock this level!"
   help1: "Use /c <name> to view information about a challenge."
   help2: "Use /c complete <name> to attempt to complete that challenge."
   colors: "Challenges will have different colors depending on if they are:"
   complete: "Complete"
   incomplete: "Incomplete"
   completeNotRepeatable: "Completed(not repeatable)"
   completeRepeatable: "Completed(repeatable)"
   name: "Challenge Name"
   level: "Level"
   itemTakeWarning: "All required items are taken when you complete this challenge!"
   notRepeatable: "This Challenge is not repeatable!"
   firstTimeRewards: "First time reward(s)"
   repeatRewards: "Repeat reward(s)"
   expReward: "Exp reward"
   moneyReward: "Money reward"
   toCompleteUse: "To complete this challenge, use"
   invalidChallengeName: "Invalid challenge name! Use /c help for more information"
   rewards: "Reward(s)"
   youHaveNotUnlocked: "You have not unlocked this challenge yet!"
   unknownChallenge: "Unknown challenge name (check spelling)!"
   errorNotEnoughItems: "You do not have enough required item(s)"
   errorNotOnIsland: "You must be on your island to do that!"
   errorNotCloseEnough: "You must be standing within 10 blocks of all required items."
   errorItemsNotThere: "All required items must be close to you on your island!"
   errorIslandLevel: "Your island must be level [level] to complete this challenge!"
   guititle: "aSkyBlock Challenges"
   erroryouaremissing: "You are missing"
   errorRewardProblem: "There was a problem giving your reward. Ask Admin to check log!"
   completedtimes: "Completed [donetimes] out of [maxtimes]"
   maxreached: "Max reached [donetimes] out of [maxtimes]"

   # Titles for V1.8+ servers only. Set to '' to remove.
   # Colors are fixed as blue and gold for now.
   # Only works on 1.8+ servers
   title: "&aSkyBlock"
   subtitle: "&7SkyBlock"
   # This section is to solicit donations from players. Feel free to set to '' to remove :-)
   donate: ""
   url: ""

   teleport: "&7Adana isinlandin. Ada komutlari icin &a/is help &7yaz"
   cannotTeleport: "&7Duserken teleport olamazsin!"
   new: "&7Yeni adan olusturuluyor"
   errorCouldNotCreateIsland: "&7Ada olusturulurken bir sorun olustu.Bir yetkiliye basvurunuz."
   errorYouDoNotHavePermission: "&cBu komutu kullanmaya yetkin yok!"
   #/island reset
   resetOnlyOwner: "&7Sadece ada sahibi restart atabilir. &7Adadan ayrilmak icin : &A/island leave&7."
   resetMustRemovePlayers: "&7Adani resetlemek için adandaki kisileri çikarmalisin. &a/island kick <player>&7.Komutu ile çikarabilirsin.&a /island team&7.Komutu ilede ekli kisileri gorebilirsin."
   resetPleaseWait: "&7aAdaniz yenileniyor luften bekleyin."
   #Cool down warning - [time] is number of seconds left
   resetWait: "&7Tekrar yenilemek icin &a[time] &7saniye beklemelisin."
   resetConfirm: "&7Adani silmek icin &b10 &7saniye icinde &a/is confirm &7yaz!"
   resetYouHave: "&7Kalan yenileme hakkin &b[number]"
   resetNoMore: "&7Daha fazla sifirlamak icin iznin yok!"
   resetTo: "&7Sifirlama limitin temizlendi"

   #/island help
   helpIsland: "&7Ada olustur veya adana git."
   helpTeleport: "&7Adana git."
   helpIslandSpawn: "&7spawna git."
   helpContolPanel: "&7Ada menusunu acar."
   #/island restart
   helpRestart: "restart your island and remove the old one."
   islandDeletedLifeboats: "Island deleted! Head to the lifeboats!"
   #/island sethome
   helpSetHome: "set your teleport point for /island."
   #/island level
   helpLevel: "calculate your island level"
   #/island level <player>
   helpLevelPlayer: "see another player's island level."
   #/island top:
   helpTop: "see the top ranked islands."
   #/island warps:
   helpWarps: "Lists all available welcome-sign warps."
   #/island warp <player>
   helpWarp: "Warp to <player>'s welcome sign."
   #/island team
   helpTeam: "view your team information."
   #/island invite <player>:
   helpInvite: "invite a player to join your island."
   #/island leave:
   helpLeave: "leave another player's island."
   #/island kick <player>
   helpKick: "remove a team player from your island."
   #/island <accept/reject>
   helpAcceptReject: "accept or reject an invitation."
   #/island makeleader <player>
   helpMakeLeader: "transfer the island to <player>."
   errorLevelNotReady: "Can't use that command right now! Try again in a few seconds."
   errorInvalidPlayer: "That player is invalid or does not have an island!"
   islandLevelis: "&9Senin ada seviyen:"
   #/island expel <player>
   helpExpel: "force a player from your island."
   helpLock: "Locks island so visitors cannot enter it"
   # The color that is placed before the /commands in /island help
   # See for a list
   helpColor: "&e"
   helpSettings: "see island protection and game settings"
   helpChallenges: "/challenges: &fshow challenges"

#/island commands #

   help: "&a/island invite <oyuncuismi> &7Komutu adaya oyuncuyu davet eder."
   youCanInvite: "&7Sen en fazla &b[number] &7oyuncu alabilirsin."
   youCannotInvite: "&7Daha fazla oyuncu davet edemezsin"
   onlyIslandOwnerCanInvite: "&7Sadece ada sahibi davet edebilir!"
   youHaveJoinedAnIsland: "&7Adaya katildi. &a/is team &7yazarak diger uyeleri gor."
   hasJoinedYourIsland: "&a[name] &7senin adana katildi"
   errorCantJoinIsland: "&7Adan dolu olabilir. baska biri katilamaz."
   errorYouMustHaveIslandToInvite: "&7Davet etmek icin once adan olmali!"
   errorYouCannotInviteYourself: "&7Kendini davet edemezsin!"
   removingInvite: "&7Onceki daveti cikarir"
   inviteSentTo: "&7Davet gonderilen kisi &a[name]"
   nameHasInvitedYou: "&a[name] &7kendi adasina katilmani istiyor!"
   toAcceptOrReject: "&aKabul &7veya &creddeder."
   warningYouWillLoseIsland: "&c&lUYARI &7: Mevcut adan silinir"
   errorYourIslandIsFull: "&7Ada dolu baska kimseyi davet edemezsin."
   #"That player is already with a group on an island."
   errorThatPlayerIsAlreadyInATeam: "Bu oyuncu baska bir takimda."
   errorCoolDown: "&7Tekrar davet etmek icin &b[time] &7dakika bekleyiniz."

   youHaveRejectedInvitation: "&7Adaya katilma davetini reddetti"
   nameHasRejectedInvite: "&a[name] &7ada davetinizi reddetti!"
   youHaveNotBeenInvited: "&7Davetli degil"

  errorYouAreTheLeader: "&7Ada aktarmak icin &a/island makeleader <oyuncu>."
  youHaveLeftTheIsland: "&7Adandan ayrildin ve spawna dondun."
  nameHasLeftYourIsland: "&a[name] &7adani terk etti!"
  errorYouCannotLeaveIsland: "&7Tek kisi iseniz adayi terk edemezsiniz yenilemek icin &a/is restart &7yaz!"
  errorYouMustBeInWorld: "&7Takimi terketmek icin ada dunyasina git!"
  errorLeadersCannotLeave: "&7Lider olan adayi terkedemez."

   listingMembers: "&7Ada takim uyeleri"

#kick / remove
  errorPlayerNotInTeam: "&7Bu oyuncu takimda degil"
  nameRemovedYou: "&a[name] &7adadan sizi kaldirdi!"
  nameRemoved: "&a[name] &7ada kaldirildi."
  errorNotPartOfTeam: "&7Bu oyuncu takimda degil!"
  errorOnlyLeaderCan: "&7Sadece lider kick atabilir!"
  errorNoTeam: "&7Takimin yok!"

   errorPlayerMustBeOnline: "&7Ada aktarmak icin &acevrimici &7olmasi gerekir"
   errorYouMustBeInTeam: "&7Ada aktarmak icin takim olmali."
   errorRemoveAllPlayersFirst: "&7Transfer olan haric takimdan herkesi cikarin"
   youAreNowTheOwner: "&7Artik adanin sahibi"
   nameIsNowTheOwner: "&a[name] &7artik adanin sahibi"
   errorThatPlayerIsNotInTeam: "&7Bu oyuncu takimin parcasi degil!"
   errorNotYourIsland: "&7Senin adan degil kendi adana gitmelisin!"
   errorGeneralError: "&7Liderleri degistirmek."

   title: "&7Mini Market"
   islandhelpMiniShop: "&7Mini market kapalidir"
   buy: "&7Al &asol click"
   sell: "&7Sat &asag click"
   youcannotafford: "You cannot afford [description]!"
   youbought: "You bought [number] [description] for [price]"
   yousold: "You sold [number] [description] for [price]"
   buyproblem: "&7Satin almada sorun var Aciklama: &a[description]."
   sellproblem: "&7Satmada sorun var aciklama: &a[description]."
   outofstock: "&7Stack yok"

#Admin commands that use /acid #

   help: "Admin komutlari:"
   #/acid reload:
   reload: "confingi yeniler."
   #/acid top ten:
   topTen: "en iyiler listesini gunceller"
   #/acid register <player>:
   register: "oyuncu adasi kayit eder"
   #/acid delete <player>:
   delete: "oyuncu adasini siler."
   #/acid completechallenge <challengename> <player>
   completeChallenge: "gorevi tamamlar"
   #/acid resetchallenge <challengename> <player>
   resetChallenge: "gorev sifirlar"
   #/acid resetallchallenges <player>:
   resetAllChallenges: "oyuncunun tum gorevlerini sifirlar"
   #/acid purge [TimeInDays]:
   purge: "Eski adalari siler [TimeInDays]."
   purgeholes: "yeniden kullanim icin ucretsiz ada delikleri"
   #/acid info <player>:
   info: "ada hakkinda bilgi verir."
   #/acid info
   infoisland: "en yakin ada hakkinda bilgi verir"
   #/acid clear reset
   clearreset: "oyuncu ada yenileme hakkini sifirlar."

#acid reload
   configReloaded: "Ayarlar yenilendi."
   generating: "&7En iyiler listesi olusturuluyor.."
   finished: "&7En iyiler listesi tamamlandi."

   #"A purge is already running, please wait for it to finish!"
   alreadyRunning: "Purge is already running, please wait for it to finish!"
   usage: "Usage: /[label] purge [TimeInDays]"
   calculating: "Calculating which islands have been inactive for more than [time] days."
   noneFound: "No inactive islands to remove."
   thisWillRemove: "This will remove [number] inactive islands!"
   warning: "DANGER! Do not run this with players on the server! MAKE BACKUP OF WORLD!"
   typeConfirm: "Type /[label] confirm to proceed within 10 seconds"
   purgeCancelled: "Purge cancelled."
   finished: "Finished purging of inactive islands."
   removingName: "Purge: Removing [name]'s island"
   preventPurge: "Island is protected from purging"
   allowPurge: "Purge protection removed"
   removingAt: "Removing island at location [location]"
   nowWaiting: "Now waiting..."
   countingUnowned: "Counting unowned islands and checking player files. This could take some time..."
   stillChecking: "Still checking player files..."
   skyblockFound: "There are [number] unowned islands. Do '/asadmin purge unowned confirm' to delete them within 20 seconds."
   acidFound: "There are [number] unowned islands. Do '/acid purge unowned confirm' to delete them within 20 seconds."

   errorTimeLimitExpired: "Time limit expired! Issue command again."

   removing: "Removing [name]'s island."

   settingIsland: "Set [name]'s island to the nearest island."
   errorBedrockNotFound: "Could not register the island!"

   islandLocation: "Island Location"
   errorNotPartOfTeam: "That player is not a member of an island team."
   errorNullTeamLeader: "Team leader should be null!"
   errorTeamMembersExist: "Player has team members, but shouldn't!"

   success: "[name] has had all challenges reset."

   checkingTeam: "Checking Team of [name]"

   errorChallengeDoesNotExist: "Challenge doesn't exist or is already completed"
   challangeCompleted: "Challenge: [challengename] has been completed for [name]"

   errorChallengeDoesNotExist: "Challenge doesn't exist or isn't yet completed"
   challengeReset: "Challenge: [challengename] has been reset for [name]"

   headline: "[A Skyblock News] While you were offline..."

   spawnisprotected: "The Nether spawn area is protected."

# Ultra safe boats
   warning: "It's unsafe to exit the boat right now..."

#Starter sign
# [player] is replaced with the player's name
# ChatColors can be used with &
   line1: "&aHosgeldin"
   line2: "&7[player]"
   line3: "Hayatta Kalmaya"
   line4: "Çalis!"

   set: "Island biome set to [biome]!"
   help: "open the biomes GUI."
   unknown: "Unknown biome!"
   youbought: "Purchased for [cost]!"
   paneltitle: "Select A Biome"
   notonisland: "Player is not trespassing on your island!"
   success: "You expelled [name]!"
   expelled: "You were expelled from that island!"
   fail: "[name] cannot be expelled!"
   notyourself: "You cannot expel yourself!"

   error: "Island animal breeding limit of [number] reached!"
   villager: "Island villager breeding limit of [number] reached!"
   hopper: "Island hopper limit of [number] reached!"

   help: "temporarily give a player full access to your island"
   removed: "[name] removed your coop status!"
   removesuccess: "[name] is no longer a coop player."
   success: "[name] is now a coop player until they log out or you expel them."
   madeyoucoopy: "[name] made you a coop player until you log out or they expel you."
   onyourteam: "Player is already on your team!"
   invited: "[name] made [player] a coop player!"
   useexpel: "Use expel to remove."

   islandlocked: "Island is locked to visitors"
   nowentering: "&6[name]&7 isimli oyuncunun adasina giris yaptin "
   nowleaving: "Now leaving [name]'s island"
   locking: "Locking island"
   unlocking: "Unlocking island"
   enteringspawn: "Entering Spawn"
   leavingspawn: "Leaving Spawn"

   title: "&e&lAda turunuzu seçin"

   success: "[name] is banned from the island!"
   banned: "You are banned from [name]'s island!"
   lifted: "Ban lifted from [name]'s island!"
   liftedsuccess: "Ban lifted for [name]!"
   fail: "[name] cannot be banned!"
   notyourself: "You cannot do that to yourself!"
   notteammember: "You cannot ban a team member!"
   notbanned: "[name] is not banned!"
   alreadybanned: "[name] is already banned!"
   helpBan: "ban a player from your island."
   helpUnban: "un-ban a player from your island"

   prefix: "[Team Chat]<{ISLAND_PLAYER}> "
   helpChat: "turn on/off team chat"
   statusOn: "Team chat is on"
   statusOff: "Team chat is off"
   noTeamAround: "None of your team are online!"
   noTeam: "You are not in a team!"

   errorInGame: "Must use command in-game while on an island!"
   adminLockedIsland: "Admin locked your island"
   adminUnlockedIsland: "Admin unlocked your island"

   finding: "Finding top breeders..."
   checking: "Checking [number] islands..."

   error: "Use &ldeleteisland confirm &r&cto delete the island you are on."
   noid: "Cannot identify island."
   use: "Use &ldelete [name] &r&cto delete the player instead."

   set: "Set island spawn to your location."
   ownedBy: "This island space is owned by [name]"
   move: "Move further away or unregister the owner."
   setting: "Setting island spawn to your location [location]"
   center: "Island center [location]"
   limits: "Island limits [min] to [max]"
   range: "Protection range = [number]"
   coords: "Protection coords [min] to [max]"
   locked: "Spawn is locked!"

   title: "This is spawn island"
   unowned: "This island is not owned by anyone right now."
   player: "Player"
   lastLogin: "Last login"
   teamLeader: "Team Leader"
   teamMembers: "Team Members"
   maxSize: "Island max size (distance)"
   isSpawn: "Island is spawn"
   isLocked: "Island is locked"
   isUnlocked: "Island is unlocked"
   isProtected: "Island is purge protected"
   isUnprotected: "Island is not purge protected"
   bannedPlayers: "Banned players"
   hoppers: "Island has [number] hoppers"
   notSafe: "That location is not safe"
   noneFound: "No safe location found!"
   homeSet: "Home set to [location]"
   notOnPlayersIsland: "You are not on the player's island"
   noSign: "You must be looking at a sign post to run this command."
   found: "Warp sign found!"
   rescued: "Warp sign rescued and assigned to [name]"
   errorExists: "That warp sign is already active and owned by [name]"
   invalid: "Invalid range!"
   tip: "Use 10 to [max]"
   set: "Set new range to [number]"
   warning: "Warning - range is greater than island range [max]"
   warning2: "Overlapped islands will act like spawn!"
   manualWarp: "No safe spot found. Manually warp to somewhere near [location]."

   onTeam: "Player is in a team - disband it first."
   keepBlocks: "Removing player from world, but keeping island at [location]"

   kickLeader: "That player is a team leader. Remove team members first. Use '/[label] info [name]' to find team members."
   addLeaderToOwn: "Cannot add a leader to their own team."
   addLeaderNoIsland: "Team leader does not have their own island so cannot have a team!"
   addedLeader: "Added the leader to this team!"
   nowUnowned: "[name] had an island at [location] that will become unowned now. You may want to delete it manually."
   settingHome: "Setting player's home to the leader's home location"
   addingPlayer: "Adding player to team."
   alreadyOnTeam: "Player was already on this team!"
   notSpawn: "You cannot take ownership of spawn!"
   leadsTeam: "[name] leads a team. Kick players from it first."
   taking: "Taking ownership away from [name]"
   hadIsland: "[name] had an island at [location]"
   noIsland: "There is no known island in this area!"

Bu arada paralı bir eklenti kullanmak istiyorsanız mutlaka bu bağlantıda olan eklentiyi alın. ( 12 $ - 68,69 TL )


Zombi Geldi, Beni Yedi



30 Eylül 2018
Vault Yüklüydü Ama Kendiliginden Silinmiş Tekrar Yükledim
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