Prefix: "&c&lAdvancedBan &8&l\xbb"
NoPerms: "&cYou don't have perms for that!"
LayoutNotFound: "&cThere is no layout called %NAME%"
# This will be the replacement for the %DURATION% variable
TimeLayoutD: "%D%day(s) %H%h %M%min and %S%sec"
TimeLayoutH: "%H%hour(s) %M%min and %S%sec"
TimeLayoutM: "%M%min and %S%sec"
TimeLayoutS: "%S% seconds"
FailedFetch: "&cCould not fetch the UUID of %NAME%! See console for details."
advancedban klasörünün içindeki messagese gir ve üstteki yeri bul altta attıgım ile değiştir sorunun çözülür.Sorunun çözülürse belirtmeyi unutma.
Prefix: "&c&lAdvancedBan &8&l\xbb"
NoPerms: "&cYou don't have perms for that!"
LayoutNotFound: "&cThere is no layout called %NAME%"
# This will be the replacement for the %DURATION% variable
TimeLayoutD: "%D%gün(s) %H%h %M%min and %S%sec"
TimeLayoutH: "%H%saat(s) %M%min and %S%sec"
TimeLayoutM: "%M%dakika and %S%sec"
TimeLayoutS: "%S% saniye"
FailedFetch: "&cCould not fetch the UUID of %NAME%! See console for details."