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adaduyuru ve npc skripti çok lazım

  • Konuyu başlatan Konuyu başlatan RahmancanHNW
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10 Ocak 2017
Selamun Aleyküm

Bana 2 tane sk lazım cok acil

1. si ada duyuru şu olucak mesajda : player herkesi adasına davet ediyor is warp player

2. si NPC skripti ./npcolustur ile bir npc olussun ve ona sağ tıklayınca şu yazı cıksın " Selam "

@SkripTR @GorkemBaşkan @smt287 @Joka
command /npc <text> <text>:
    permission: egg.admin
    permission message: &cBunun icin yetkin yok
        arg-1 is "olustur":
            arg-2 is "koylu":
                send player title "&eKoylu Olusturuluyor" for 1 seconds
                wait 3 seconds
                send player title "&aKoylu Olusturuldu" for 1 seconds
                spawn 1 villager at player's location
                set name of spawned entity to "&3Koylu &eNPC"
                apply slowness 255 to last spawned entity for 999 days
        arg-1 is "olustur":
            arg-2 is "zombi":
                send player title "&cZombi Olusturuluyor" for 1 seconds
                wait 3 seconds
                send player title "&cZombi OlusturuLDU" for 1 seconds
                spawn 1 zombie at player's location
                set name of spawned entity to "&cZombi &eNPC"
                apply slowness 255 to last spawned entity for 999 days

on entity target:
    name of event-entity contains "&3Koylu" or "&cZombi":
        cancel event

on combust:
    name of event-entity contains "&3Koylu" or "&cZombi":
        cancel event

on damage of entity:
    name of victim contains "&3Koylu" or "&cZombi":
        cancel event
on right click on villager or zombie:
    cancel event
    name of event-entity contains "&3Koylu" or "&cZombi":
        send "&cSelam" to player
command /npcsil:
    permission: npc.admin
    permission message: &cYetkiniz Yok
        kill target entity
command /npc <text> <text>:
    permission: egg.admin
    permission message: &cBunun icin yetkin yok
        arg-1 is "olustur":
            arg-2 is "koylu":
                send player title "&eKoylu Olusturuluyor" for 1 seconds
                wait 3 seconds
                send player title "&aKoylu Olusturuldu" for 1 seconds
                spawn 1 villager at player's location
                set name of spawned entity to "&3Koylu &eNPC"
                apply slowness 255 to last spawned entity for 999 days
        arg-1 is "olustur":
            arg-2 is "zombi":
                send player title "&cZombi Olusturuluyor" for 1 seconds
                wait 3 seconds
                send player title "&cZombi OlusturuLDU" for 1 seconds
                spawn 1 zombie at player's location
                set name of spawned entity to "&cZombi &eNPC"
                apply slowness 255 to last spawned entity for 999 days

on entity target:
    name of event-entity contains "&3Koylu" or "&cZombi":
        cancel event

on combust:
    name of event-entity contains "&3Koylu" or "&cZombi":
        cancel event

on damage of entity:
    name of victim contains "&3Koylu" or "&cZombi":
        cancel event
on right click on villager or zombie:
    cancel event
    name of event-entity contains "&3Koylu" or "&cZombi":
        send "&cSelam" to player
command /npcsil:
    permission: npc.admin
    permission message: &cYetkiniz Yok
        kill target entity
deniyorum teşekkürler :) olmasa bile eline sağlık[DOUBLEPOST=1508086998,1508086876][/DOUBLEPOST]@GörkemBaşkan Oldu Teşekkürler
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