Koydum Çalışma Masasını
- Katılım
- 20 Ocak 2017
- Mesajlar
- 66
- Elmaslar
- 5
- Puanlar
- 13.310
- Yaş
- 26
Arkadaşlar Serverimde yüklü olan Skript envantere gelmesini sağliyor ve oto satış yapiyor
Yanlız Sorun ise Lapis sattıktan sonra Para vermiyor Yardımcı olucak arkadaşa tşk ederim.
Prefix: &8[&6&lB&e&lN&d&lOto&f&lSat&8]
lapisfiyat: 2380 # Lapis Lazuli Fiyati
lapisadet: 340 #Hem Lapis Lazulinin Hemde Lapis Blogun Adeti
lapisblockfiyat: 2380 #Lapis Blok Fiyati
elmasfiyat: 32000
elmasadet: 64
elmasblockfiyat: 288000
demirfiyat: 16000
demiradet: 64
demirblockfiyat: 28000
altinfiyat: 16000
altinadet: 64
altinblockfiyat: 288000
zumrutfiyat: 32000
zumrutadet: 64
zumrutblockfiyat: 288000
on first login:
set {lapis.%player%} to false
set {elmas.%player%} to false
set {demir.%player%} to false
set {altin.%player%} to false
set {zumrut.%player%} to false
command /otolapis:
if {lapis.%player%} is false:
send "&b&lOto Lapis &5&l+&6&lAktif!&5&l+" to player
set {lapis.%player%} to true
send "&b&lOto Lapis &5&l+&4&lKapali!&5&l+" to player
set {lapis.%player%} to false
on break 21 or 56 or 14 or 15 or 129:
if {lapis.%player%} is true:
if player has {@lapisadet} lapis lazuli:
remove {@lapisadet} lapis lazuli from player
send " {@Prefix} &c{@lapisadet} &7lapis lazuli Esyasini &c{@lapisfiyat} TL &7Karsiliginda sattin!" to player
execute console command "/eco give %player% {@lapisfiyat}"
on break 21 or 56 or 14 or 15 or 129 or 57 or 22 or 133 or 41 or 42:
if {lapis.%player%} is true:
if player has {@lapisadet} 22:
remove {@lapisadet} 22 from player
send " {@Prefix} &c{@lapisadet} &7Lapis Blok Esyasini &c{@lapisblockfiyat} TL &7Karsiliginda sattin!" to player
execute console command "/eco give %player% {@lapisblockfiyat}"
command /otoelmas:
if {elmas.%player%} is false:
send "&b&lOto Elmas &5&l+&6&lAktif!&5&l+" to player
set {elmas.%player%} to true
send "&b&lOto Elmas &5&l+&4&lKapali!&5&l+" to player
set {elmas.%player%} to false
on break 21 or 56 or 14 or 15 or 129:
if {elmas.%player%} is true:
if player has {@elmasadet} diamond:
remove {@elmasadet} diamond from player
send " {@Prefix} &c{@elmasadet} &7Diamond Esyasini &c{@elmasfiyat} TL &7Karsiliginda sattin!" to player
execute console command "/eco give %player% {@elmasfiyat}"
on break 21 or 56 or 14 or 15 or 129 or 57 or 22 or 133 or 41 or 42:
if {elmas.%player%} is true:
if player has {@elmasadet} diamond block:
remove {@elmasadet} diamond block from player
send " {@Prefix} &c{@elmasadet} &7Diamond Blok Esyasini &c{@elmasblockfiyat} TL &7Karsiliginda sattin!" to player
execute console command "/eco give %player% {@elmasblockfiyat}"
command /otodemir:
if {demir.%player%} is false:
send "&b&lOto Demir &4Aktif!" to player
set {demir.%player%} to true
send "&b&lOto Demir &4DEAktif!" to player
set {demir.%player%} to false
on break 21 or 56 or 14 or 15 or 129:
if {demir.%player%} is true:
if player has {@demiradet} iron ingot:
remove {@demiradet} iron ingot from player
send " {@Prefix} &c64 &7Demir Kulcesi Esyasini &c{@demirfiyat} TL &7Karsiliginda sattin!" to player
execute console command "/eco give %player% {@demirfiyat}"
on break 21 or 56 or 14 or 15 or 129 or 57 or 22 or 133 or 41 or 42:
if {demir.%player%} is true:
if player has {@demiradet} iron block:
remove {@demiradet} iron block from player
send " {@Prefix} &c{@demiradet} &7Demir Blok Esyasini &c{@demirblockfiyat} TL &7Karsiliginda sattin!" to player
execute console command "/eco give %player% {@demirblockfiyat}"
command /otoaltin:
if {altin.%player%} is false:
send "&b&lOto Altin &4Aktif!" to player
set {altin.%player%} to true
send "&b&lOto Altin &4DEAktif!" to player
set {altin.%player%} to false
on break 21 or 56 or 14 or 15 or 129:
if {altin.%player%} is true:
if player has {@altinadet} gold ingot:
remove {@altinadet} gold ingot from player
send " {@Prefix} &c64 &7Altin Kulcesi Esyasini &c{@altinfiyat} TL &7Karsiliginda sattin!" to player
execute console command "/eco give %player% {@altinfiyat}"
on break 21 or 56 or 14 or 15 or 129 or 57 or 22 or 133 or 41 or 42:
if {altin.%player%} is true:
if player has {@altinadet} gold block:
remove {@altinadet} gold block from player
send " {@Prefix} &c{@altinadet} &7Altin Blok Esyasini &c{@altinblockfiyat} TL &7Karsiliginda sattin!" to player
execute console command "/eco give %player% {@altinblockfiyat}"
command /otozumrut:
if {zumrut.%player%} is false:
send "&b&lOto Zumrut &4Aktif!" to player
set {zumrut.%player%} to true
send "&b&lOto Zumrut &4DEAktif!" to player
set {zumrut.%player%} to false
on break 21 or 56 or 14 or 15 or 129:
if {zumrut.%player%} is true:
if player has {@zumrutadet} emerald:
remove {@zumrutadet} emerald from player
send " {@Prefix} &c{@zumrutadet} &7Zumrut Esyasini &c{@zumrutfiyat} TL &7Karsiliginda sattin!"
execute console command "/eco give %player% {@zumrutfiyat}"
on break 21 or 56 or 14 or 15 or 129 or 57 or 22 or 133 or 41 or 42:
if {zumrut.%player%} is true:
if player has {@zumrutadet} emerald block:
remove {@zumrutadet} emerald block from player
send " {@Prefix} &c{@zumrutadet} &7Zumrut Blok Esyasini &c{@zumrutblockfiyat} TL &7Karsiliginda sattin!"
execute console command "/eco give %player% {@zumrutblockfiyat}"