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- 11 Ocak 2015
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♆ Lexa's#4040
# Shows if there is available new version on login with bottledexp.versioncheck permission node
ShowNewVersion: true
# Language file you want to use
Language: EN
# How much player will spend converting his xp to bottles
xpCost: 10
# How much player will get xp from xp bottle
xpEarn: 10
# Do you want to use custom items when converting xp to xp bottles
useItems: false
# Id for custom item, by default its empty glass bottle
consumedItem: 374
# How many to consume when converting. This is for every bottle you will get
amountConsumed: 1
# Do you want to charge money for xp conversion
useMoney: false
# How much it will gonna cost
moneyCost: 100
# Do you want to show extra information for how much its gonna cost to level up
useBottleMoney: false
# How much one xp bottle costs
bottleCost: 3.25
# Do you want to show exp consumed on enchant
ShowEnchantExp: true
# Do you want to show all enchantments player gets after enchanting item
ShowEnchant: false
# Do you want to use new 1.8 enchant system
UseThreeButtonEnchant: true
# How much exp will be lost during trasfer in percentage
LostDurringTransfer: 0
Use: false
# Do you want to use right click, if false then left will be used, good for block with interactions like enchant table
UseRightClick: false
# Id of block will be used to convert xp to bottles
BlockId: 116
# Id of item in hand when you want to convert xp by clicking block
HandItemId: 374
# How many bottles to give everytime
GiveEveryTime: 1
# How many times to multiply given bottles by clicking shift
Multiplayer: 10
# When this set to true there will be option to craft special expbottle by placing empti glass bottle into crafting
# You can consume it by right clicking it
Use: false
# When this set to true, all trades with villgers involving exp will be disabled
DisableVillagerExpTrade: false
# When this set to true,destrying mob spawners wont drop exp
DisableMobSpawnerExp: false