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Çözüldü 1vs1 Duel Hatası!

  • Konuyu başlatan Konuyu başlatan Adam_V2
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Bir Kömür Göründü Kaptanım!
7 Eylül 2017
Arkadaşlar 1vs1 Skriptin'de Kendimize Duel Atabiliyoruz.
Bunu Engelliyebilir misiniz?


    prefix: &8[&6WarningPvP&8]

command /adminpvpbattle [<text>]:
    permission: pvpbattle.admin
    permission message: {@prefix} &cYetkin yok&8.
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 1 is "stop":
                if {stopped.battlepvp} is true:
                    message "{@prefix} &71vs1 is already &cdisable &7now&8.%nl%{@prefix} &7Nobody can duel with other players&8."
                set {stopped.battlepvp} to true
                broadcast "{@prefix} &71vs1 is &cdisable &7now&8.%nl%{@prefix} &7Nobody can duel with other players&8."
            if arg 1 is "start":
                if {stopped.battlepvp} is not set:
                    message "{@prefix} &71vs1 is already &aenable &7now&8.%nl%{@prefix} &7Everyone can duel with other players&8."
                delete {stopped.battlepvp}
                broadcast "{@prefix} &71vs1 is &aenable &7now&8.%nl%{@prefix} &7Everyone can duel with other players&8."
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "&c/adminpvpbattle <stop1vs1,start1vs1>"

Command /Battle:
        open chest with 2 rows named "&8> &cOyun Menüsü &8<" to player
        wait 1 tick
        format slot 0 of player with lava bucket named "&8» &6BuildUHC &8«" with lore "&7Oyuna girmek için &cTIKLA&8!" to close then run [make player execute command "/1vs1 BuildUHC"]
        format slot 1 of player with fishing rod named "&8» &eMCSG &8«" with lore "&7Oyuna girmek için &cTIKLA&8!" to close then run [make player execute command "/1vs1 MCSG"]
        format slot 8 of player with block of redstone named "&7Sıradan çıkmak için &cTIKLA&8." to close then run [make player execute command "/1vs1 leave"]
command /1vs1liste:
        send "&8&l&m-&r &f&lBUHCWaiting&8: &a%{1vs1builduhc::*}%"
        send "&8&l&m-&r &f&lBUHCIngame&8: &a%{builduhcingame::*}%"
        send "&8&l&m-&r &f&lMCSGWaiting&8: &a%{1vs1mcsg::*}%"
        send "&8&l&m-&r &f&lMCSGIngame&8: &a%{mcsgingame::*}%"
        send "&8&l&m-&e &f&lAvaibleArena&8: &e%{builduhc.avaiblearenas::*}%"
        send "&8&l&m-&r &f&lTotalarenas&8: &e%{builduhc.arenas::*}%"
        send "&8&l&m-&r &f&lAvaible Renewable&8: &e%{renewable.avaiblearenas::*}% &7&o(beta)"
        send "&8&l&m-&r &f&lTotal Renewable&8: &e%{renewable.arenas::*}% &7&o(beta)"

#command /set1vs1defaultkit [<text>] [<text>]:
#    permission: pvpbattle.admin
#    trigger:
#        if arg 1 is set:
#            if arg 2 is not set:
#                if arg 1 is "builduhc":
#                    set {builduhc.defaultkit} to serialized contents of player's current inventory
#                    send "{@prefix} &aYou set your inventory to default &a&lBuildUHC&a kit&8!"
#                if arg 1 is "mcsg":
#                    set {mcsg.defaultkit} to serialized contents of player's current inventory
#                    send "{@prefix} &aYou set your inventory to default &e&lMCSG&a kit&8!"
#            else:
#                if arg 2 is "delete":
#                    if arg 1 is "builduhc":
#                        delete {builduhc.defaultkit}
#                        send "{@prefix} &cYou delete to default &a&lBuildUHC&c kit&8!"
#                    if arg 1 is "mcsg":
#                        delete {mcsg.defaultkit}
#                        send "{@prefix} &cYou delete to default &e&lMCSG&c kit&8!"
#                if arg 2 is "normal":
#                    if arg 1 is "builduhc":
#                        equip player with all diamond armour
#                        set slot 0 of player's inventory to diamond sword of sharpness 3
#                        set slot 1 of player's inventory to bow of power 3
#                        set slot 4 of player's inventory to lava bucket
#                        set slot 2 of player's inventory to fishing rod
#                        set slot 3 of player's inventory to water bucket
#                        set slot 5 of player's inventory to 3 golden apple named "&6Golden Head"
#                        set slot 6 of player's inventory to 6 golden apple
#                        set slot 7 of player's inventory to 64 planks:1
#                        set slot 8 of player's inventory to diamond axe
#                        set slot 9 of player's inventory to 64 arrow
#                        set slot 34 of player's inventory to 64 cobblestone
#                        set slot 30 of player's inventory to water bucket
#                        set slot 27 of player's inventory to 64 cooked beef
#                        set slot 35 of player's inventory to diamond pickaxe
#                        set slot 31 of player's inventory to lava bucket
#                        enchant the player's chestplate with protection 2
#                        enchant the player's boots with protection 2
#                        enchant the player's helmet with protection 2
#                        enchant the player's leggings with protection 2
#                        send "{@prefix} &eYou recieve normal &a&lBuildUHC&e kit&8!"
#                    if arg 1 is "mcsg":
#                        set slot 0 of player's inventory to Stone Sword
#                        set slot 1 of player's inventory to Flint And Steel
#                        set slot 2 of player's inventory to fishing rod
#                        set slot 3 of player's inventory to Bow
#                        set slot 4 of player's inventory to 1 golden apple
#                        set slot 5 of player's inventory to 2 Pumpkin Pie
#                        set slot 6 of player's inventory to 1 Golden Carrot
#                        set slot 7 of player's inventory to Bread
#                        set slot 8 of player's inventory to 8 arrow
#                        set helmet of the player to golden helmet
#                        set chestplate of the player to iron chestplate
#                        set leggings of the player to chain leggings
#                        set boots of the player to iron boots
#                        send "{@prefix} &eYou recieve normal &e&lMCSG&e kit&8!"
#        else:
#            send "&c/set1vs1defaultkit <builduhc,mcsg> (delete,normal)"
command /givekit [<text>] [<player>]:
    executable by: console
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is set:
                if arg 1 is "builduhc":
                    equip arg 2 with all diamond armour
                    set slot 0 of arg 2's inventory to diamond sword of sharpness 3
                    set slot 1 of arg 2's inventory to bow of power 3
                    set slot 4 of arg 2's inventory to lava bucket
                    set slot 2 of arg 2's inventory to fishing rod
                    set slot 3 of arg 2's inventory to water bucket
                    set slot 5 of arg 2's inventory to 3 golden apple named "&6Golden Head"
                    set slot 6 of arg 2's inventory to 6 golden apple
                    set slot 7 of arg 2's inventory to 64 planks:1
                    set slot 8 of arg 2's inventory to diamond axe
                    set slot 9 of arg 2's inventory to 64 arrow
                    set slot 34 of arg 2's inventory to 64 cobblestone
                    set slot 30 of arg 2's inventory to water bucket
                    set slot 27 of arg 2's inventory to 64 cooked beef
                    set slot 35 of arg 2's inventory to diamond pickaxe
                    set slot 31 of arg 2's inventory to lava bucket
                    enchant the arg 2's chestplate with protection 2
                    enchant the arg 2's boots with protection 2
                    enchant the arg 2's helmet with protection 2
                    enchant the arg 2's leggings with protection 2
                if arg 1 is "mcsg":
                    set slot 0 of arg 2's inventory to Stone Sword
                    set slot 1 of arg 2's inventory to fishing rod
                    set slot 2 of arg 2's inventory to flint and steel
                    set slot 3 of arg 2's inventory to Bow
                    set slot 4 of arg 2's inventory to 1 golden apple
                    set slot 5 of arg 2's inventory to 2 Pumpkin Pie
                    set slot 6 of arg 2's inventory to 1 Golden Carrot
                    set slot 7 of arg 2's inventory to Bread
                    set slot 8 of arg 2's inventory to 8 arrow
                    set helmet of the arg 2 to golden helmet
                    set chestplate of the arg 2 to iron chestplate
                    set leggings of the arg 2 to chain leggings
                    set boots of the arg 2 to iron boots
command /1vs1 [<text>]:
        if {stopped.battlepvp} is true:
            send "{@prefix} &7Battlekit is &4stopped &7so you can't duel now&8."
        if arg 1 is not set:
            if player has the permission "pvpbattle.admin":
                send "&c/1vs1 &6BuildUHC &8| &eMCSG &8| &dArenaLoad"
                send "&c/1vs1 &6BuildUHC &8|&eMCSG"
        if arg 1 is "arenaload":
            if player has permission "pvpbattle.admin":
                delete {builduhc.avaiblearenas::*}
                delete {1vs1builduhc::*}
                delete {builduhcingame::*}
                delete {mcsgingame::*}
                delete {1vs1mcsg::*}
                delete {renewable.avaiblearenas::*}
                loop {builduhc.arenas::*}:
                    set {builduhc.avaiblearenas::%loop-value%} to "%loop-value%"
                loop {renewable.arenas::*}:
                    set {renewable.avaiblearenas::%loop-value%} to "%loop-value%"
                send "{@prefix} &7&oBütün arenalar yenilendi&8!"
                send "&cYou don't have permission perform this command"

        if arg 1 is "mcsg":
            if {builduhcingame::%player%} is not set:
                if {renewable.avaiblearenas::*} is not set:
                    send "{@prefix} &7&oÜzgünüm&8&o, &7&obütün arenalar dolu&8!"
                else if {1vs1mcsg::*} is not set:
                    if {mcsgingame::%player%} is not set:
                        set {1vs1mcsg::%player%} to player
                        send "{@prefix} &7&oSıraya eklendin&8&o, &7&orakibini bekle&8.."
                        delete {1vs1builduhc::%player%}
                    else if {mcsgingame::%player%} is set:
                        send "{@prefix} &7&oZaten sıradasın&8."
                else if {1vs1mcsg::%player%} is not set:
                    if {mcsgingame::%player%} is not set:
                        set {ingame.%player%} to random element of {1vs1mcsg::*}
                        delete {1vs1mcsg::%player%}
                        delete {1vs1mcsg::%{ingame.%player%}%}
                        delete {1vs1builduhc::%player%}
                        delete {1vs1builduhc::%{ingame.%player%}%}
                        set {mcsgarena::%player%} to random element of {renewable.avaiblearenas::*}
                        delete {renewable.avaiblearenas::%{mcsgarena::%player%}%}
                        teleport player to {renewable.player1.%{mcsgarena::%player%}%}
                        wait 0.1 ticks
                        teleport {ingame.%player%} to {renewable.player2.%{mcsgarena::%player%}%}
                        set {mcsgarena::%{ingame.%player%}%} to {mcsgarena::%player%}
                        set {mcsgingame::%{ingame.%player%}%} to {ingame.%player%}
                        set {mcsgingame::%player%} to player
                        set {ingame.%{ingame.%player%}%} to player
                        clear player's inventory
                        clear {ingame.%player%}'s inventory
                        send "{@prefix} &7You will fight with &e%{ingame.%player%}%" to player
                        send "{@prefix} &7You will fight with &e%player%" to {ingame.%player%}
                        wait 10 ticks
                        set slot 39 of {ingame.%player%}'s inventory to golden helmet
                        set slot 38 of {ingame.%player%}'s inventory to iron chestplate
                        set slot 37 of {ingame.%player%}'s inventory to chain leggings
                        set slot 36 of {ingame.%player%}'s inventory to iron boots
                        wait 10 ticks
                        restore inventory of player to {kit.%player%}
                        set slot 39 of player's inventory to golden helmet
                        set slot 38 of player's inventory to iron chestplate
                        set slot 37 of player's inventory to chain leggings
                        set slot 36 of player's inventory to iron boots
                        wait 10 ticks
                        execute console command "/givekit mcsg %{ingame.%player%}%"
                        set the player's gamemode to survival
                        heal player
                        heal {ingame.%player%}
                        set player's gamemode to survival
                        set {ingame.%player%}'s gamemode to survival
                        add 10 to player's hunger bar
                        add 10 to {ingame.%player%}'s hunger bar
                        delete {builduhcingame::%player%}
                        delete {builduhcingame::%{ingame.%player%}%}
                send "{@prefix} &7You already in queue&8."
        if arg 1 is "builduhc":
            if {mcsgingame::%player%} is not set:
                if {builduhc.avaiblearenas::*} is not set:
                    send "{@prefix} &7&oÜzgünüm&8&o, &7&obütün arenalar dolu&8!"
                else if {1vs1builduhc::*} is not set:
                    if {builduhcingame::%player%} is not set:
                        set {1vs1builduhc::%player%} to player
                        send "{@prefix} &7&oSıraya eklendin&8&o, &7&orakibini beklemelisin&8."
                    else if {builduhcingame::%player%} is set:
                        send "{@prefix} &7&oZaten sıradasın&8."
                else if {1vs1builduhc::%player%} is not set:
                    if {builduhcingame::%player%} is not set:
                        set {ingame.%player%} to random element of {1vs1builduhc::*}
                        delete {1vs1builduhc::%{ingame.%player%}%}
                        delete {1vs1builduhc::%player%}
                        delete {1vs1mcsg::%player%}
                        delete {1vs1mcsg::%{ingame.%player%}%}
                        set {builduhcarena::%player%} to random element of {builduhc.avaiblearenas::*}
                        delete {builduhc.avaiblearenas::%{builduhcarena::%player%}%}
                        teleport player to {builduhc.player1.%{builduhcarena::%player%}%}
                        teleport {ingame.%player%} to {builduhc.player2.%{builduhcarena::%player%}%}
                        set {builduhcarena::%{ingame.%player%}%} to {builduhcarena::%player%}
                        clear player's inventory
                        clear {ingame.%player%}'s inventory
                        send "{@prefix} &7You will fight with &e%{ingame.%player%}%" to player
                        send "{@prefix} &7You will fight with &e%player%" to {ingame.%player%}
                        equip player with all diamond armour
                        set the player's gamemode to survival
                        equip {ingame.%player%} with all diamond armour
                        wait 10 ticks
                        execute console command "/givekit builduhc %player%"
                        execute console command "/givekit builduhc %{ingame.%player%}%"
                        set {builduhcingame::%player%} to player
                        set {builduhcingame::%{ingame.%player%}%} to player

                        set {ingame.%player%} to {ingame.%player%}
                        set {ingame.%{ingame.%player%}%} to player
                        set the player's gamemode to survival
                        heal player
                        heal {ingame.%player%}
                        set player's gamemode to survival
                        set {ingame.%player%}'s gamemode to survival
                        add 10 to player's hunger bar
                        add 10 to {ingame.%player%}'s hunger bar

                        enchant the player's chestplate with protection 2
                        enchant the player's boots with protection 2
                        enchant the player's helmet with protection 2
                        enchant the player's leggings with protection 2
                        enchant {ingame.%player%}'s chestplate with protection 2
                        enchant {ingame.%player%}'s boots with protection 2
                        enchant {ingame.%player%}'s helmet with protection 2
                        enchant {ingame.%player%}'s leggings with protection 2
                    send "{@prefix} &7&oZaten sıradasın&8!"
                send "{@prefix} &7&oZaten sıradasın&8."
        if arg 1 is "leave":
            if {1vs1mcsg::%player%} is set:
                send "{@prefix} &7&oSıradan çıktın&8."
                delete {1vs1mcsg::%player%}
            if {mcsgingame::%player%} is set:
                set {renewable.avaiblearenas::%{mcsgarena::%player%}%} to {mcsgarena::%player%}
                set {renewable.avaiblearenas::%{mcsgarena::%{ingame.%player%}%}%} to {mcsgarena::%{ingame.%player%}%}
                send "{@prefix} &7You left the queue&8."
                send "{@prefix} &7Your opponent left the queue&8." to {ingame.%player%}
                delete {1vs1mcsg::%{ingame.%player%}%}
                delete {1vs1mcsg::%player%}
                delete {mcsgingame::%{ingame.%player%}%}
                delete {mcsgingame::%player%}
            if {builduhcingame::%player%} is set:
                set {builduhc.avaiblearenas::%{builduhcarena::%{ingame.%player%}%}%} to {builduhcarena::%{ingame.%player%}%}
                set {builduhc.avaiblearenas::%{builduhcarena::%player%}%} to {builduhcarena::%{builduhc::%player%}%}
                send "{@prefix} &7You left the queue&8."
                send "{@prefix} &7Your opponent left the queue&8." to {ingame.%player%}
                clear player's inventory
                execute console command "/spawn %player%"
                execute console command "/spawn %{ingame.%player%}%"
                clear {ingame.%player%}'s inventory
                loop blocks within {builduhc.arenaloc1.%player%} to {builduhc.arenaloc2.%player%}:
                    if loop-block is lava:
                        set loop-block to air
                    if loop-block is water:
                        set loop-block to air
                    if loop-block is cobblestone:
                        set loop-block to air
                    if loop-block is planks:
                        set loop-blocks to air
                    if loop-block is obsidian:
                        set loop-blocks to air
                    if loop-block is stone:
                        set loop-blocks to air
                loop blocks within {builduhc.arenaloc1.%{builduhcarena::%player%}%} to {builduhc.arenaloc2.%{builduhcarena.%{builduhcarena::%player%}%}%}:
                    if loop-block is lava:
                        set loop-block to air
                    if loop-block is water:
                        set loop-block to air
                    if loop-block is cobblestone:
                        set loop-block to air
                    if loop-block is planks:
                        set loop-blocks to air
                    if loop-block is obsidian:
                        set loop-blocks to air
                    if loop-block is stone:
                        set loop-blocks to air          
                delete {builduhcingame::%player%}
                delete {1vs1builduhc::%player%}
                delete {1vs1builduhc::%{ingame.%player%}%}
                delete {builduhcingame::%{ingame.%player%}%}
                delete {ingame.%player%}
            if {1vs1builduhc::%player%} is set:
                delete {1vs1builduhc::%player%}
                send "{@prefix} &7Zaten sırada değilsin&8."
                send "{@prefix} &7Sırada değilsin&8!"
        if arg 1 is "help":
            send "&8&l&m-------------&r {@prefix} &8&l&m-------------"
            send "{@prefix}&c /1vs1 <builduhc, mcsg> &7For fight with random player&8."
            send "{@prefix}&c /1vs1 leave &7For leave queue&8."
            send "{@prefix}&c /duelrequests (on/off)&7 For change requests&8."
            send "{@prefix}&c /duel <Player> &7For duel request send&8."
            send "{@prefix}&c /accept &7For accept duel request&8."

on command:
    if {mcsgingame::%player%} is set:
        cancel event
        if command is "/murder":
            uncancel event
        send "{@prefix} &7&oOyundayken komut kullanamazsın&8."

on command:
    if {builduhcingame::%player%} is set:
        cancel event
        if command is "/murder":
            uncancel event
        send "{@prefix} &7&oOyundayken komut kullanamazsın&8."
on death:
    if {mcsgingame::%player%} is set:
        set {renewable.avaiblearenas::%{mcsgarena::%player%}%} to {mcsgarena::%player%}
        set {renewable.avaiblearenas::%{mcsgarena::%{ingame.%player%}%}%} to {mcsgarena::%{ingame.%player%}%}
        clear player's inventory
        clear {ingame.%player%}'s inventory
        execute console command "/spawn %{ingame.%player%}%"
        heal {ingame.%player%}

        delete {1vs1mcsg::%{ingame.%player%}%}
        delete {1vs1mcsg::%player%}
        delete {mcsgingame::%{ingame.%player%}%}
        delete {mcsgingame::%player%}
        delete {ingame.%player%}

    if {builduhcingame::%player%} is set:
        broadcast "{@prefix} &e%{ingame.%player%}% &9%player% &7&lOldurdu! &6BuildUHC &c%{ingame.%player%}'s health%?"
        clear player's inventory
        clear {ingame.%player%}'s inventory
        execute console command "/spawn %{ingame.%player%}%"
        set {builduhc.avaiblearenas::%{builduhcarena::%{ingame.%player%}%}%} to {builduhcarena::%{ingame.%player%}%}
        set {builduhc.avaiblearenas::%{builduhcarena::%player%}%} to {builduhcarena::%{builduhc::%player%}%}
        loop blocks within {builduhc.arenaloc1.%{builduhcarena::%player%}%} to {builduhc.arenaloc2.%{builduhcarena::%player%}%}:
            if loop-block is lava:
                set loop-block to air
            if loop-block is water:
                set loop-block to air
            if loop-block is cobblestone:
                set loop-block to air
            if loop-block is planks:
                set loop-blocks to air
            if loop-block is obsidian:
                set loop-blocks to air
            if loop-block is stone:
                set loop-blocks to air
        loop blocks within {builduhc.arenaloc1.%{builduhcarena::%{ingame.%player%}%}%} to {builduhc.arenaloc2.%{builduhcarena::%{ingame.%player%}%}%}:
            if loop-block is lava:
                set loop-block to air
            if loop-block is water:
                set loop-block to air
            if loop-block is cobblestone:
                set loop-block to air
            if loop-block is planks:
                set loop-blocks to air
            if loop-block is obsidian:
                set loop-blocks to air
            if loop-block is stone:
                set loop-blocks to air

        delete {builduhcingame::%player%}
        delete {1vs1builduhc::%player%}
        delete {1vs1builduhc::%{ingame.%player%}%}
        delete {builduhcingame::%{ingame.%player%}%}
        delete {ingame.%player%}
on quit:
    if {1vs1mcsg::%player%} is set:
        delete {1vs1mcsg::%player%}
    if {builduhcarena::%player%} is set:
        delete {builduhcarena::%player%}
    if {mcsgingame::%player%} is set:
        broadcast "{@prefix} &e%{ingame.%player%}% &7has killed &e%player% &7on &6MCSG &7with &c%{ingame.%player%}'s health%?"
        set {renewable.avaiblearenas::%{mcsgarena::%player%}%} to {mcsgarena::%player%}
        set {renewable.avaiblearenas::%{mcsgarena::%{ingame.%player%}%}%} to {mcsgarena::%{ingame.%player%}%}

        clear {ingame.%player%}'s inventory
        teleport {ingame.%player%} to {spawn}
        execute console command "/spawn %{ingame.%player%}%"
        heal {ingame.%player%}

        delete {1vs1mcsg::%{ingame.%player%}%}
        delete {1vs1mcsg::%player%}
        delete {mcsgingame::%{ingame.%player%}%}
        delete {mcsgingame::%player%}

        delete {ingame.%player%}
    if {builduhcingame::%player%} is set:
        set {builduhc.avaiblearenas::%{builduhcarena::%{ingame.%player%}%}%} to {builduhcarena::%{ingame.%player%}%}
        set {builduhc.avaiblearenas::%{builduhcarena::%player%}%} to {builduhcarena::%{builduhc::%player%}%}
        set {builduhc.arenas::%{builduhcarena::%player%}%} to {builduhcarena::%{ingame.%player%}%}
        send "{@prefix} &7Your opponent left the queue&8." to {ingame.%player%}
        clear player's inventory
        clear {ingame.%player%}'s inventory
        teleport {ingame.%player%} to {spawn}
        loop blocks within {builduhc.arenaloc1.%{builduhcarena::%player%}%} to {builduhc.arenaloc2.%{builduhcarena.%{builduhcarena::%player%}%}%}:
            if loop-block is lava:
                set loop-block to air
            if loop-block is water:
                set loop-block to air
            if loop-block is cobblestone:
                set loop-block to air
            if loop-block is planks:
                set loop-blocks to air
            if loop-block is obsidian:
                set loop-blocks to air
            if loop-block is stone:
                set loop-blocks to air
        loop blocks within {builduhc.arenaloc1.%player%} to {builduhc.arenaloc2.%{builduhcarena.%player%}%}:
            if loop-block is lava:
                set loop-block to air
            if loop-block is water:
                set loop-block to air
            if loop-block is cobblestone:
                set loop-block to air
            if loop-block is planks:
                set loop-blocks to air
            if loop-block is obsidian:
                set loop-blocks to air
            if loop-block is stone:
                set loop-blocks to air
        delete {builduhcingame::%player%}
        delete {1vs1builduhc::%player%}
        delete {1vs1builduhc::%{ingame.%player%}%}
        delete {builduhcingame::%{ingame.%player%}%}
    if {1vs1builduhc::%player%} is set:
        delete {builduhcarena::%player%}
        delete {ingame.%player%}
        delete {1vs1builduhc::%player%}
on load:
    delete {builduhc.avaiblearenas::*}
    delete {1vs1builduhc::*}
    delete {builduhcingame::*}
    delete {mcsgingame::*}
    delete {1vs1mcsg::*}
    loop all players:
        clear the loop-player's inventory
        heal the loop-player
    loop {builduhc.arenas::*}:
        set {builduhc.avaiblearenas::%loop-value%} to "%loop-value%"
    loop {renewable.arenas::*}:
        set {renewable.avaiblearenas::%loop-value%} to "%loop-value%"
command /setbuild1vs1 [<text>] [<text>]:
    permission: pvpbattle.admin
    permission message: &8[&e&lN&f&lG&c&lU&a&lP&8]&f &cSorry, but you don't have enough permissions to use this!
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "&cUsage: /setbuild1vs1 [ArenaName] [player1/player2/arenaloc1/arenaloc2/delete]"
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is not set:
                if {builduhc.arenas::%arg 1%} is set:
                    send "{@prefix} &7This arena already set&8!"
                else if {builduhc.arenas::%arg 1%} is not set:
                    send "{@prefix} &7Arena has been set with name &c%arg-1%"
                    set {builduhc.arenas::%arg 1%} to arg 1
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is set:
                if {builduhc.arenas::%arg 1%} is not set:
                    send "{@prefix} &7Couldn't find this arena &c%arg-1%&8."
                if arg 2 is "delete":
                    if {builduhc.arenas::%arg 1%} is set:
                        send "{@prefix} &c%arg 1% &7was &cdeleted &7permanently&8."
                        delete {builduhc.arenas::%arg 1%}
                if {builduhc.arenas::%arg 1%} is set:
                    if arg 2 is "player1":
                        set {builduhc.player1.%arg 1%} to location of player
                        send "{@prefix} &cPlayer 1 &7location has been set&8."
                    else if arg 2 is "player2":
                        set {builduhc.player2.%arg 1%} to location of player
                        send "{@prefix} &cPlayer 2 &7location has been set&8."
                    else if arg 2 is "arenaloc1":
                        set {builduhc.arenaloc1.%arg 1%} to location of targeted block
                        send "{@prefix} &cArena Location 1 &7location has been set&8."
                    else if arg 2 is "arenaloc2":
                        set {builduhc.arenaloc2.%arg 1%} to location of targeted block
                        send "{@prefix} &cArena Location 2 &7location has been set&8."
command /setrenewable [<text>] [<text>]:
    permission: pvpbattle.admin
    permission message: &8[&e&lN&f&lG&c&lU&a&lP&8]&f &cSorry, but you don't have enough permissions to use this!
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "&cUsage: /renewable [ArenaName] [player1/player2/arenaloc1/arenaloc2/delete]"
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is not set:
                if {renewable.arenas::%arg 1%} is set:
                    send "{@prefix} &7Bu arena zaten var&8!"
                else if {renewable.arenas::%arg 1%} is not set:
                    send "{@prefix} &7Arena kurdun&8! &7Adı&8; &c%arg-1%"
                    set {renewable.arenas::%arg 1%} to arg 1
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is set:
                if {renewable.arenas::%arg 1%} is not set:
                    send "{@prefix} &7Arena bulunmadı&8."
                if arg 2 is "delete":
                    if {renewable.arenas::%arg 1%} is set:
                        send "{@prefix} &c%arg 1% &7&osilindi&8."
                        delete {renewable.arenas::%arg 1%}
                if {renewable.arenas::%arg 1%} is set:
                    if arg 2 is "player1":
                        set {renewable.player1.%arg 1%} to location of player
                        send "{@prefix} &cPlayer 1 &7lokayson belirlendi&8."
                    else if arg 2 is "player2":
                        set {renewable.player2.%arg 1%} to location of player
                        send "{@prefix} &cPlayer 2 &7lokasyon belirlendi&8."
                    else if arg 2 is "arenaloc1":
                        set {renewable.arenaloc1.%arg 1%} to location of targeted block
                        send "{@prefix} &cArena Location 1 &7lokasyon belirlendi&8."
                    else if arg 2 is "arenaloc2":
                        set {renewable.arenaloc2.%arg 1%} to location of targeted block
                        send "{@prefix} &cArena Location 2 &7lokasyon belirlendi&8."

on consume a golden apple:
    if item is golden apple named "&6Golden Head":
        apply regeneration 2 to the player for 10 seconds

command /dd [<text>]:
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "&8[&6WarningPvP&8] &b/dd &7&oac/kapat"
        if arg 1 is not "ac" or "kapat":
            send "&8[&6WarningPvP&8] &b/dd &7&oac/kapat"
        if arg 1 is "ac":
            if {duel.acceptstatu.%uuid of player%} is not set:
                send "{@prefix} &7&oDuel istekleri zaten açık&8."
            else if {duel.accept.%uuid of player%} is not set:
                send "{@prefix} &7&oDuel isteklerini açtınız&8."
                delete {duel.acceptstatu.%uuid of player%}
        if arg 1 is "kapat":
            if {duel.acceptstatu.%uuid of player%} is set:
                send "{@prefix} &7&oDuel istekleri zaten kapalı&8."
            else if {duel.acceptstatu.%uuid of player%} is not set:
                set {duel.acceptstatu.%uuid of player%} to "off"
                send "{@prefix} &7&oDuel isteklerini kapattınız&8."
command /duel [<offlineplayer>]:
        if {stopped.battlepvp} is true:
            send "{@prefix} &71vs1 durduruldu duel atamazsın&8."
        if {builduhc.avaiblearenas::*} is set:
            if {duel.acceptstatu.%uuid of arg 1%} is not set:
                if {builduhcingame::%player%} is not set:
                    if {builduhcingame::%arg 1%} is not set:
                        if arg 1 is not set:
                            send "&cKullanım: /duel <player>"
                        if arg 1 is "%player%":
                            send "{@prefix} &7&oKendine duel atamazsın."
                        if arg 1 is not "%player%":
                            if arg 1 is not online:
                                send "{@prefix} &e%arg 1%&7 çevrim dışı&8."
                            else if {requesttime.%player%} is not set:
                                delete {requesttime.%arg 1%}
                    send "{@prefix}&7 Duello yollandı isim&8; &e%arg 1%&7"
                    send "{@prefix}&7 &e%player% &7&osana bir duel isteği 10 saniye sonra otomatik reddedilecek&8. &7&oKabul etmek için &b/accept&8." to arg 1
                    set {requesttime.%arg 1%} to "%player%"
                    wait 10 seconds
                    delete {requesttime.%arg 1%}
                else if {builduhcingame::%arg 1%} is set:
                    send "{@prefix} &e%arg 1% &7Oyunda olduğu için duel istekleri kapalı&8."
                else if {builduhcingame::%player%} is set:
                    send "{@prefix} &7Zaten sıraya girdiniz."
                send "{@prefix} &e%arg 1% &7&odüello isteklerini kabul etmiyor&8."
        else if {builduhc.avaiblearenas::*} is not set:
            send "{@prefix} &7Arenalar dolu&8."

command /accept:
        if {stopped.battlepvp} is true:
            send "{@prefix} &7Battlekit is &4stopped &7so you can't duel now&8."
        if {builduhcingame::%player%} is not set:
            if {requesttime.%player%} is not set:
                send "{@prefix} &7Couldn't find duel request&8."
            if {requesttime.%player%} is set:
                loop all players:
                    if loop-player is {requesttime.%player%}:
                        send "{@prefix} &7Dövüştüğün oyuncu&8; &e%{requesttime.%player%}%&8!" to player
                        send "{@prefix} &7Dövüştüğün oyuncu&8; &e%player%&8!" to loop-player
                        set {ingame.%player%} to loop-player
                        set {builduhcarena::%player%} to random element of {builduhc.avaiblearenas::*}
                        teleport player to {builduhc.player1.%{builduhcarena::%player%}%}
                        teleport loop-player to {builduhc.player2.%{builduhcarena::%player%}%}
                        set {builduhcarena::%{ingame.%player%}%} to {builduhcarena::%player%}
                        clear player's inventory
                        clear {ingame.%player%}'s inventory
                        set {1vs1builduhc::%player%} to {ingame.%player%}
                        execute console command "/givekit builduhc %player%"
                        set the player's gamemode to survival
                        execute console command "/givekit builduhc %{ingame.%player%}%"
                        set {builduhcingame::%player%} to player
                        set {builduhcingame::%{ingame.%player%}%} to player
                        delete {1vs1builduhc::%player%}
                        delete {1vs1builduhc::%{ingame.%player%}%}
                        set {ingame.%player%} to {ingame.%player%}
                        set {ingame.%{ingame.%player%}%} to player
                        set the player's gamemode to survival
                        heal player
                        heal {ingame.%player%}
                        set player's gamemode to survival
                        set {ingame.%player%}'s gamemode to survival
                        add 10 to player's hunger bar
                        add 10 to {ingame.%player%}'s hunger bar
                        delete {builduhc.avaiblearenas::%{builduhcarena::%player%}%}
        else if {builduhcingame::%player%} is set:
            send "{@prefix} &7You already in queue&8."

on craft of crafting table:
    cancel event

on craft of stick:
    cancel event

on craft of button:
    cancel event
Arkadaşlar 1vs1 Skriptin'de Kendimize Duel Atabiliyoruz.
Bunu Engelliyebilir misiniz?


    prefix: &8[&6WarningPvP&8]

command /adminpvpbattle [<text>]:
    permission: pvpbattle.admin
    permission message: {@prefix} &cYetkin yok&8.
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 1 is "stop":
                if {stopped.battlepvp} is true:
                    message "{@prefix} &71vs1 is already &cdisable &7now&8.%nl%{@prefix} &7Nobody can duel with other players&8."
                set {stopped.battlepvp} to true
                broadcast "{@prefix} &71vs1 is &cdisable &7now&8.%nl%{@prefix} &7Nobody can duel with other players&8."
            if arg 1 is "start":
                if {stopped.battlepvp} is not set:
                    message "{@prefix} &71vs1 is already &aenable &7now&8.%nl%{@prefix} &7Everyone can duel with other players&8."
                delete {stopped.battlepvp}
                broadcast "{@prefix} &71vs1 is &aenable &7now&8.%nl%{@prefix} &7Everyone can duel with other players&8."
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "&c/adminpvpbattle <stop1vs1,start1vs1>"

Command /Battle:
        open chest with 2 rows named "&8> &cOyun Menüsü &8<" to player
        wait 1 tick
        format slot 0 of player with lava bucket named "&8» &6BuildUHC &8«" with lore "&7Oyuna girmek için &cTIKLA&8!" to close then run [make player execute command "/1vs1 BuildUHC"]
        format slot 1 of player with fishing rod named "&8» &eMCSG &8«" with lore "&7Oyuna girmek için &cTIKLA&8!" to close then run [make player execute command "/1vs1 MCSG"]
        format slot 8 of player with block of redstone named "&7Sıradan çıkmak için &cTIKLA&8." to close then run [make player execute command "/1vs1 leave"]
command /1vs1liste:
        send "&8&l&m-&r &f&lBUHCWaiting&8: &a%{1vs1builduhc::*}%"
        send "&8&l&m-&r &f&lBUHCIngame&8: &a%{builduhcingame::*}%"
        send "&8&l&m-&r &f&lMCSGWaiting&8: &a%{1vs1mcsg::*}%"
        send "&8&l&m-&r &f&lMCSGIngame&8: &a%{mcsgingame::*}%"
        send "&8&l&m-&e &f&lAvaibleArena&8: &e%{builduhc.avaiblearenas::*}%"
        send "&8&l&m-&r &f&lTotalarenas&8: &e%{builduhc.arenas::*}%"
        send "&8&l&m-&r &f&lAvaible Renewable&8: &e%{renewable.avaiblearenas::*}% &7&o(beta)"
        send "&8&l&m-&r &f&lTotal Renewable&8: &e%{renewable.arenas::*}% &7&o(beta)"

#command /set1vs1defaultkit [<text>] [<text>]:
#    permission: pvpbattle.admin
#    trigger:
#        if arg 1 is set:
#            if arg 2 is not set:
#                if arg 1 is "builduhc":
#                    set {builduhc.defaultkit} to serialized contents of player's current inventory
#                    send "{@prefix} &aYou set your inventory to default &a&lBuildUHC&a kit&8!"
#                if arg 1 is "mcsg":
#                    set {mcsg.defaultkit} to serialized contents of player's current inventory
#                    send "{@prefix} &aYou set your inventory to default &e&lMCSG&a kit&8!"
#            else:
#                if arg 2 is "delete":
#                    if arg 1 is "builduhc":
#                        delete {builduhc.defaultkit}
#                        send "{@prefix} &cYou delete to default &a&lBuildUHC&c kit&8!"
#                    if arg 1 is "mcsg":
#                        delete {mcsg.defaultkit}
#                        send "{@prefix} &cYou delete to default &e&lMCSG&c kit&8!"
#                if arg 2 is "normal":
#                    if arg 1 is "builduhc":
#                        equip player with all diamond armour
#                        set slot 0 of player's inventory to diamond sword of sharpness 3
#                        set slot 1 of player's inventory to bow of power 3
#                        set slot 4 of player's inventory to lava bucket
#                        set slot 2 of player's inventory to fishing rod
#                        set slot 3 of player's inventory to water bucket
#                        set slot 5 of player's inventory to 3 golden apple named "&6Golden Head"
#                        set slot 6 of player's inventory to 6 golden apple
#                        set slot 7 of player's inventory to 64 planks:1
#                        set slot 8 of player's inventory to diamond axe
#                        set slot 9 of player's inventory to 64 arrow
#                        set slot 34 of player's inventory to 64 cobblestone
#                        set slot 30 of player's inventory to water bucket
#                        set slot 27 of player's inventory to 64 cooked beef
#                        set slot 35 of player's inventory to diamond pickaxe
#                        set slot 31 of player's inventory to lava bucket
#                        enchant the player's chestplate with protection 2
#                        enchant the player's boots with protection 2
#                        enchant the player's helmet with protection 2
#                        enchant the player's leggings with protection 2
#                        send "{@prefix} &eYou recieve normal &a&lBuildUHC&e kit&8!"
#                    if arg 1 is "mcsg":
#                        set slot 0 of player's inventory to Stone Sword
#                        set slot 1 of player's inventory to Flint And Steel
#                        set slot 2 of player's inventory to fishing rod
#                        set slot 3 of player's inventory to Bow
#                        set slot 4 of player's inventory to 1 golden apple
#                        set slot 5 of player's inventory to 2 Pumpkin Pie
#                        set slot 6 of player's inventory to 1 Golden Carrot
#                        set slot 7 of player's inventory to Bread
#                        set slot 8 of player's inventory to 8 arrow
#                        set helmet of the player to golden helmet
#                        set chestplate of the player to iron chestplate
#                        set leggings of the player to chain leggings
#                        set boots of the player to iron boots
#                        send "{@prefix} &eYou recieve normal &e&lMCSG&e kit&8!"
#        else:
#            send "&c/set1vs1defaultkit <builduhc,mcsg> (delete,normal)"
command /givekit [<text>] [<player>]:
    executable by: console
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is set:
                if arg 1 is "builduhc":
                    equip arg 2 with all diamond armour
                    set slot 0 of arg 2's inventory to diamond sword of sharpness 3
                    set slot 1 of arg 2's inventory to bow of power 3
                    set slot 4 of arg 2's inventory to lava bucket
                    set slot 2 of arg 2's inventory to fishing rod
                    set slot 3 of arg 2's inventory to water bucket
                    set slot 5 of arg 2's inventory to 3 golden apple named "&6Golden Head"
                    set slot 6 of arg 2's inventory to 6 golden apple
                    set slot 7 of arg 2's inventory to 64 planks:1
                    set slot 8 of arg 2's inventory to diamond axe
                    set slot 9 of arg 2's inventory to 64 arrow
                    set slot 34 of arg 2's inventory to 64 cobblestone
                    set slot 30 of arg 2's inventory to water bucket
                    set slot 27 of arg 2's inventory to 64 cooked beef
                    set slot 35 of arg 2's inventory to diamond pickaxe
                    set slot 31 of arg 2's inventory to lava bucket
                    enchant the arg 2's chestplate with protection 2
                    enchant the arg 2's boots with protection 2
                    enchant the arg 2's helmet with protection 2
                    enchant the arg 2's leggings with protection 2
                if arg 1 is "mcsg":
                    set slot 0 of arg 2's inventory to Stone Sword
                    set slot 1 of arg 2's inventory to fishing rod
                    set slot 2 of arg 2's inventory to flint and steel
                    set slot 3 of arg 2's inventory to Bow
                    set slot 4 of arg 2's inventory to 1 golden apple
                    set slot 5 of arg 2's inventory to 2 Pumpkin Pie
                    set slot 6 of arg 2's inventory to 1 Golden Carrot
                    set slot 7 of arg 2's inventory to Bread
                    set slot 8 of arg 2's inventory to 8 arrow
                    set helmet of the arg 2 to golden helmet
                    set chestplate of the arg 2 to iron chestplate
                    set leggings of the arg 2 to chain leggings
                    set boots of the arg 2 to iron boots
command /1vs1 [<text>]:
        if {stopped.battlepvp} is true:
            send "{@prefix} &7Battlekit is &4stopped &7so you can't duel now&8."
        if arg 1 is not set:
            if player has the permission "pvpbattle.admin":
                send "&c/1vs1 &6BuildUHC &8| &eMCSG &8| &dArenaLoad"
                send "&c/1vs1 &6BuildUHC &8|&eMCSG"
        if arg 1 is "arenaload":
            if player has permission "pvpbattle.admin":
                delete {builduhc.avaiblearenas::*}
                delete {1vs1builduhc::*}
                delete {builduhcingame::*}
                delete {mcsgingame::*}
                delete {1vs1mcsg::*}
                delete {renewable.avaiblearenas::*}
                loop {builduhc.arenas::*}:
                    set {builduhc.avaiblearenas::%loop-value%} to "%loop-value%"
                loop {renewable.arenas::*}:
                    set {renewable.avaiblearenas::%loop-value%} to "%loop-value%"
                send "{@prefix} &7&oBütün arenalar yenilendi&8!"
                send "&cYou don't have permission perform this command"

        if arg 1 is "mcsg":
            if {builduhcingame::%player%} is not set:
                if {renewable.avaiblearenas::*} is not set:
                    send "{@prefix} &7&oÜzgünüm&8&o, &7&obütün arenalar dolu&8!"
                else if {1vs1mcsg::*} is not set:
                    if {mcsgingame::%player%} is not set:
                        set {1vs1mcsg::%player%} to player
                        send "{@prefix} &7&oSıraya eklendin&8&o, &7&orakibini bekle&8.."
                        delete {1vs1builduhc::%player%}
                    else if {mcsgingame::%player%} is set:
                        send "{@prefix} &7&oZaten sıradasın&8."
                else if {1vs1mcsg::%player%} is not set:
                    if {mcsgingame::%player%} is not set:
                        set {ingame.%player%} to random element of {1vs1mcsg::*}
                        delete {1vs1mcsg::%player%}
                        delete {1vs1mcsg::%{ingame.%player%}%}
                        delete {1vs1builduhc::%player%}
                        delete {1vs1builduhc::%{ingame.%player%}%}
                        set {mcsgarena::%player%} to random element of {renewable.avaiblearenas::*}
                        delete {renewable.avaiblearenas::%{mcsgarena::%player%}%}
                        teleport player to {renewable.player1.%{mcsgarena::%player%}%}
                        wait 0.1 ticks
                        teleport {ingame.%player%} to {renewable.player2.%{mcsgarena::%player%}%}
                        set {mcsgarena::%{ingame.%player%}%} to {mcsgarena::%player%}
                        set {mcsgingame::%{ingame.%player%}%} to {ingame.%player%}
                        set {mcsgingame::%player%} to player
                        set {ingame.%{ingame.%player%}%} to player
                        clear player's inventory
                        clear {ingame.%player%}'s inventory
                        send "{@prefix} &7You will fight with &e%{ingame.%player%}%" to player
                        send "{@prefix} &7You will fight with &e%player%" to {ingame.%player%}
                        wait 10 ticks
                        set slot 39 of {ingame.%player%}'s inventory to golden helmet
                        set slot 38 of {ingame.%player%}'s inventory to iron chestplate
                        set slot 37 of {ingame.%player%}'s inventory to chain leggings
                        set slot 36 of {ingame.%player%}'s inventory to iron boots
                        wait 10 ticks
                        restore inventory of player to {kit.%player%}
                        set slot 39 of player's inventory to golden helmet
                        set slot 38 of player's inventory to iron chestplate
                        set slot 37 of player's inventory to chain leggings
                        set slot 36 of player's inventory to iron boots
                        wait 10 ticks
                        execute console command "/givekit mcsg %{ingame.%player%}%"
                        set the player's gamemode to survival
                        heal player
                        heal {ingame.%player%}
                        set player's gamemode to survival
                        set {ingame.%player%}'s gamemode to survival
                        add 10 to player's hunger bar
                        add 10 to {ingame.%player%}'s hunger bar
                        delete {builduhcingame::%player%}
                        delete {builduhcingame::%{ingame.%player%}%}
                send "{@prefix} &7You already in queue&8."
        if arg 1 is "builduhc":
            if {mcsgingame::%player%} is not set:
                if {builduhc.avaiblearenas::*} is not set:
                    send "{@prefix} &7&oÜzgünüm&8&o, &7&obütün arenalar dolu&8!"
                else if {1vs1builduhc::*} is not set:
                    if {builduhcingame::%player%} is not set:
                        set {1vs1builduhc::%player%} to player
                        send "{@prefix} &7&oSıraya eklendin&8&o, &7&orakibini beklemelisin&8."
                    else if {builduhcingame::%player%} is set:
                        send "{@prefix} &7&oZaten sıradasın&8."
                else if {1vs1builduhc::%player%} is not set:
                    if {builduhcingame::%player%} is not set:
                        set {ingame.%player%} to random element of {1vs1builduhc::*}
                        delete {1vs1builduhc::%{ingame.%player%}%}
                        delete {1vs1builduhc::%player%}
                        delete {1vs1mcsg::%player%}
                        delete {1vs1mcsg::%{ingame.%player%}%}
                        set {builduhcarena::%player%} to random element of {builduhc.avaiblearenas::*}
                        delete {builduhc.avaiblearenas::%{builduhcarena::%player%}%}
                        teleport player to {builduhc.player1.%{builduhcarena::%player%}%}
                        teleport {ingame.%player%} to {builduhc.player2.%{builduhcarena::%player%}%}
                        set {builduhcarena::%{ingame.%player%}%} to {builduhcarena::%player%}
                        clear player's inventory
                        clear {ingame.%player%}'s inventory
                        send "{@prefix} &7You will fight with &e%{ingame.%player%}%" to player
                        send "{@prefix} &7You will fight with &e%player%" to {ingame.%player%}
                        equip player with all diamond armour
                        set the player's gamemode to survival
                        equip {ingame.%player%} with all diamond armour
                        wait 10 ticks
                        execute console command "/givekit builduhc %player%"
                        execute console command "/givekit builduhc %{ingame.%player%}%"
                        set {builduhcingame::%player%} to player
                        set {builduhcingame::%{ingame.%player%}%} to player

                        set {ingame.%player%} to {ingame.%player%}
                        set {ingame.%{ingame.%player%}%} to player
                        set the player's gamemode to survival
                        heal player
                        heal {ingame.%player%}
                        set player's gamemode to survival
                        set {ingame.%player%}'s gamemode to survival
                        add 10 to player's hunger bar
                        add 10 to {ingame.%player%}'s hunger bar

                        enchant the player's chestplate with protection 2
                        enchant the player's boots with protection 2
                        enchant the player's helmet with protection 2
                        enchant the player's leggings with protection 2
                        enchant {ingame.%player%}'s chestplate with protection 2
                        enchant {ingame.%player%}'s boots with protection 2
                        enchant {ingame.%player%}'s helmet with protection 2
                        enchant {ingame.%player%}'s leggings with protection 2
                    send "{@prefix} &7&oZaten sıradasın&8!"
                send "{@prefix} &7&oZaten sıradasın&8."
        if arg 1 is "leave":
            if {1vs1mcsg::%player%} is set:
                send "{@prefix} &7&oSıradan çıktın&8."
                delete {1vs1mcsg::%player%}
            if {mcsgingame::%player%} is set:
                set {renewable.avaiblearenas::%{mcsgarena::%player%}%} to {mcsgarena::%player%}
                set {renewable.avaiblearenas::%{mcsgarena::%{ingame.%player%}%}%} to {mcsgarena::%{ingame.%player%}%}
                send "{@prefix} &7You left the queue&8."
                send "{@prefix} &7Your opponent left the queue&8." to {ingame.%player%}
                delete {1vs1mcsg::%{ingame.%player%}%}
                delete {1vs1mcsg::%player%}
                delete {mcsgingame::%{ingame.%player%}%}
                delete {mcsgingame::%player%}
            if {builduhcingame::%player%} is set:
                set {builduhc.avaiblearenas::%{builduhcarena::%{ingame.%player%}%}%} to {builduhcarena::%{ingame.%player%}%}
                set {builduhc.avaiblearenas::%{builduhcarena::%player%}%} to {builduhcarena::%{builduhc::%player%}%}
                send "{@prefix} &7You left the queue&8."
                send "{@prefix} &7Your opponent left the queue&8." to {ingame.%player%}
                clear player's inventory
                execute console command "/spawn %player%"
                execute console command "/spawn %{ingame.%player%}%"
                clear {ingame.%player%}'s inventory
                loop blocks within {builduhc.arenaloc1.%player%} to {builduhc.arenaloc2.%player%}:
                    if loop-block is lava:
                        set loop-block to air
                    if loop-block is water:
                        set loop-block to air
                    if loop-block is cobblestone:
                        set loop-block to air
                    if loop-block is planks:
                        set loop-blocks to air
                    if loop-block is obsidian:
                        set loop-blocks to air
                    if loop-block is stone:
                        set loop-blocks to air
                loop blocks within {builduhc.arenaloc1.%{builduhcarena::%player%}%} to {builduhc.arenaloc2.%{builduhcarena.%{builduhcarena::%player%}%}%}:
                    if loop-block is lava:
                        set loop-block to air
                    if loop-block is water:
                        set loop-block to air
                    if loop-block is cobblestone:
                        set loop-block to air
                    if loop-block is planks:
                        set loop-blocks to air
                    if loop-block is obsidian:
                        set loop-blocks to air
                    if loop-block is stone:
                        set loop-blocks to air         
                delete {builduhcingame::%player%}
                delete {1vs1builduhc::%player%}
                delete {1vs1builduhc::%{ingame.%player%}%}
                delete {builduhcingame::%{ingame.%player%}%}
                delete {ingame.%player%}
            if {1vs1builduhc::%player%} is set:
                delete {1vs1builduhc::%player%}
                send "{@prefix} &7Zaten sırada değilsin&8."
                send "{@prefix} &7Sırada değilsin&8!"
        if arg 1 is "help":
            send "&8&l&m-------------&r {@prefix} &8&l&m-------------"
            send "{@prefix}&c /1vs1 <builduhc, mcsg> &7For fight with random player&8."
            send "{@prefix}&c /1vs1 leave &7For leave queue&8."
            send "{@prefix}&c /duelrequests (on/off)&7 For change requests&8."
            send "{@prefix}&c /duel <Player> &7For duel request send&8."
            send "{@prefix}&c /accept &7For accept duel request&8."

on command:
    if {mcsgingame::%player%} is set:
        cancel event
        if command is "/murder":
            uncancel event
        send "{@prefix} &7&oOyundayken komut kullanamazsın&8."

on command:
    if {builduhcingame::%player%} is set:
        cancel event
        if command is "/murder":
            uncancel event
        send "{@prefix} &7&oOyundayken komut kullanamazsın&8."
on death:
    if {mcsgingame::%player%} is set:
        set {renewable.avaiblearenas::%{mcsgarena::%player%}%} to {mcsgarena::%player%}
        set {renewable.avaiblearenas::%{mcsgarena::%{ingame.%player%}%}%} to {mcsgarena::%{ingame.%player%}%}
        clear player's inventory
        clear {ingame.%player%}'s inventory
        execute console command "/spawn %{ingame.%player%}%"
        heal {ingame.%player%}

        delete {1vs1mcsg::%{ingame.%player%}%}
        delete {1vs1mcsg::%player%}
        delete {mcsgingame::%{ingame.%player%}%}
        delete {mcsgingame::%player%}
        delete {ingame.%player%}

    if {builduhcingame::%player%} is set:
        broadcast "{@prefix} &e%{ingame.%player%}% &9%player% &7&lOldurdu! &6BuildUHC &c%{ingame.%player%}'s health%?"
        clear player's inventory
        clear {ingame.%player%}'s inventory
        execute console command "/spawn %{ingame.%player%}%"
        set {builduhc.avaiblearenas::%{builduhcarena::%{ingame.%player%}%}%} to {builduhcarena::%{ingame.%player%}%}
        set {builduhc.avaiblearenas::%{builduhcarena::%player%}%} to {builduhcarena::%{builduhc::%player%}%}
        loop blocks within {builduhc.arenaloc1.%{builduhcarena::%player%}%} to {builduhc.arenaloc2.%{builduhcarena::%player%}%}:
            if loop-block is lava:
                set loop-block to air
            if loop-block is water:
                set loop-block to air
            if loop-block is cobblestone:
                set loop-block to air
            if loop-block is planks:
                set loop-blocks to air
            if loop-block is obsidian:
                set loop-blocks to air
            if loop-block is stone:
                set loop-blocks to air
        loop blocks within {builduhc.arenaloc1.%{builduhcarena::%{ingame.%player%}%}%} to {builduhc.arenaloc2.%{builduhcarena::%{ingame.%player%}%}%}:
            if loop-block is lava:
                set loop-block to air
            if loop-block is water:
                set loop-block to air
            if loop-block is cobblestone:
                set loop-block to air
            if loop-block is planks:
                set loop-blocks to air
            if loop-block is obsidian:
                set loop-blocks to air
            if loop-block is stone:
                set loop-blocks to air

        delete {builduhcingame::%player%}
        delete {1vs1builduhc::%player%}
        delete {1vs1builduhc::%{ingame.%player%}%}
        delete {builduhcingame::%{ingame.%player%}%}
        delete {ingame.%player%}
on quit:
    if {1vs1mcsg::%player%} is set:
        delete {1vs1mcsg::%player%}
    if {builduhcarena::%player%} is set:
        delete {builduhcarena::%player%}
    if {mcsgingame::%player%} is set:
        broadcast "{@prefix} &e%{ingame.%player%}% &7has killed &e%player% &7on &6MCSG &7with &c%{ingame.%player%}'s health%?"
        set {renewable.avaiblearenas::%{mcsgarena::%player%}%} to {mcsgarena::%player%}
        set {renewable.avaiblearenas::%{mcsgarena::%{ingame.%player%}%}%} to {mcsgarena::%{ingame.%player%}%}

        clear {ingame.%player%}'s inventory
        teleport {ingame.%player%} to {spawn}
        execute console command "/spawn %{ingame.%player%}%"
        heal {ingame.%player%}

        delete {1vs1mcsg::%{ingame.%player%}%}
        delete {1vs1mcsg::%player%}
        delete {mcsgingame::%{ingame.%player%}%}
        delete {mcsgingame::%player%}

        delete {ingame.%player%}
    if {builduhcingame::%player%} is set:
        set {builduhc.avaiblearenas::%{builduhcarena::%{ingame.%player%}%}%} to {builduhcarena::%{ingame.%player%}%}
        set {builduhc.avaiblearenas::%{builduhcarena::%player%}%} to {builduhcarena::%{builduhc::%player%}%}
        set {builduhc.arenas::%{builduhcarena::%player%}%} to {builduhcarena::%{ingame.%player%}%}
        send "{@prefix} &7Your opponent left the queue&8." to {ingame.%player%}
        clear player's inventory
        clear {ingame.%player%}'s inventory
        teleport {ingame.%player%} to {spawn}
        loop blocks within {builduhc.arenaloc1.%{builduhcarena::%player%}%} to {builduhc.arenaloc2.%{builduhcarena.%{builduhcarena::%player%}%}%}:
            if loop-block is lava:
                set loop-block to air
            if loop-block is water:
                set loop-block to air
            if loop-block is cobblestone:
                set loop-block to air
            if loop-block is planks:
                set loop-blocks to air
            if loop-block is obsidian:
                set loop-blocks to air
            if loop-block is stone:
                set loop-blocks to air
        loop blocks within {builduhc.arenaloc1.%player%} to {builduhc.arenaloc2.%{builduhcarena.%player%}%}:
            if loop-block is lava:
                set loop-block to air
            if loop-block is water:
                set loop-block to air
            if loop-block is cobblestone:
                set loop-block to air
            if loop-block is planks:
                set loop-blocks to air
            if loop-block is obsidian:
                set loop-blocks to air
            if loop-block is stone:
                set loop-blocks to air
        delete {builduhcingame::%player%}
        delete {1vs1builduhc::%player%}
        delete {1vs1builduhc::%{ingame.%player%}%}
        delete {builduhcingame::%{ingame.%player%}%}
    if {1vs1builduhc::%player%} is set:
        delete {builduhcarena::%player%}
        delete {ingame.%player%}
        delete {1vs1builduhc::%player%}
on load:
    delete {builduhc.avaiblearenas::*}
    delete {1vs1builduhc::*}
    delete {builduhcingame::*}
    delete {mcsgingame::*}
    delete {1vs1mcsg::*}
    loop all players:
        clear the loop-player's inventory
        heal the loop-player
    loop {builduhc.arenas::*}:
        set {builduhc.avaiblearenas::%loop-value%} to "%loop-value%"
    loop {renewable.arenas::*}:
        set {renewable.avaiblearenas::%loop-value%} to "%loop-value%"
command /setbuild1vs1 [<text>] [<text>]:
    permission: pvpbattle.admin
    permission message: &8[&e&lN&f&lG&c&lU&a&lP&8]&f &cSorry, but you don't have enough permissions to use this!
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "&cUsage: /setbuild1vs1 [ArenaName] [player1/player2/arenaloc1/arenaloc2/delete]"
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is not set:
                if {builduhc.arenas::%arg 1%} is set:
                    send "{@prefix} &7This arena already set&8!"
                else if {builduhc.arenas::%arg 1%} is not set:
                    send "{@prefix} &7Arena has been set with name &c%arg-1%"
                    set {builduhc.arenas::%arg 1%} to arg 1
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is set:
                if {builduhc.arenas::%arg 1%} is not set:
                    send "{@prefix} &7Couldn't find this arena &c%arg-1%&8."
                if arg 2 is "delete":
                    if {builduhc.arenas::%arg 1%} is set:
                        send "{@prefix} &c%arg 1% &7was &cdeleted &7permanently&8."
                        delete {builduhc.arenas::%arg 1%}
                if {builduhc.arenas::%arg 1%} is set:
                    if arg 2 is "player1":
                        set {builduhc.player1.%arg 1%} to location of player
                        send "{@prefix} &cPlayer 1 &7location has been set&8."
                    else if arg 2 is "player2":
                        set {builduhc.player2.%arg 1%} to location of player
                        send "{@prefix} &cPlayer 2 &7location has been set&8."
                    else if arg 2 is "arenaloc1":
                        set {builduhc.arenaloc1.%arg 1%} to location of targeted block
                        send "{@prefix} &cArena Location 1 &7location has been set&8."
                    else if arg 2 is "arenaloc2":
                        set {builduhc.arenaloc2.%arg 1%} to location of targeted block
                        send "{@prefix} &cArena Location 2 &7location has been set&8."
command /setrenewable [<text>] [<text>]:
    permission: pvpbattle.admin
    permission message: &8[&e&lN&f&lG&c&lU&a&lP&8]&f &cSorry, but you don't have enough permissions to use this!
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "&cUsage: /renewable [ArenaName] [player1/player2/arenaloc1/arenaloc2/delete]"
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is not set:
                if {renewable.arenas::%arg 1%} is set:
                    send "{@prefix} &7Bu arena zaten var&8!"
                else if {renewable.arenas::%arg 1%} is not set:
                    send "{@prefix} &7Arena kurdun&8! &7Adı&8; &c%arg-1%"
                    set {renewable.arenas::%arg 1%} to arg 1
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is set:
                if {renewable.arenas::%arg 1%} is not set:
                    send "{@prefix} &7Arena bulunmadı&8."
                if arg 2 is "delete":
                    if {renewable.arenas::%arg 1%} is set:
                        send "{@prefix} &c%arg 1% &7&osilindi&8."
                        delete {renewable.arenas::%arg 1%}
                if {renewable.arenas::%arg 1%} is set:
                    if arg 2 is "player1":
                        set {renewable.player1.%arg 1%} to location of player
                        send "{@prefix} &cPlayer 1 &7lokayson belirlendi&8."
                    else if arg 2 is "player2":
                        set {renewable.player2.%arg 1%} to location of player
                        send "{@prefix} &cPlayer 2 &7lokasyon belirlendi&8."
                    else if arg 2 is "arenaloc1":
                        set {renewable.arenaloc1.%arg 1%} to location of targeted block
                        send "{@prefix} &cArena Location 1 &7lokasyon belirlendi&8."
                    else if arg 2 is "arenaloc2":
                        set {renewable.arenaloc2.%arg 1%} to location of targeted block
                        send "{@prefix} &cArena Location 2 &7lokasyon belirlendi&8."

on consume a golden apple:
    if item is golden apple named "&6Golden Head":
        apply regeneration 2 to the player for 10 seconds

command /dd [<text>]:
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "&8[&6WarningPvP&8] &b/dd &7&oac/kapat"
        if arg 1 is not "ac" or "kapat":
            send "&8[&6WarningPvP&8] &b/dd &7&oac/kapat"
        if arg 1 is "ac":
            if {duel.acceptstatu.%uuid of player%} is not set:
                send "{@prefix} &7&oDuel istekleri zaten açık&8."
            else if {duel.accept.%uuid of player%} is not set:
                send "{@prefix} &7&oDuel isteklerini açtınız&8."
                delete {duel.acceptstatu.%uuid of player%}
        if arg 1 is "kapat":
            if {duel.acceptstatu.%uuid of player%} is set:
                send "{@prefix} &7&oDuel istekleri zaten kapalı&8."
            else if {duel.acceptstatu.%uuid of player%} is not set:
                set {duel.acceptstatu.%uuid of player%} to "off"
                send "{@prefix} &7&oDuel isteklerini kapattınız&8."
command /duel [<offlineplayer>]:
        if {stopped.battlepvp} is true:
            send "{@prefix} &71vs1 durduruldu duel atamazsın&8."
        if {builduhc.avaiblearenas::*} is set:
            if {duel.acceptstatu.%uuid of arg 1%} is not set:
                if {builduhcingame::%player%} is not set:
                    if {builduhcingame::%arg 1%} is not set:
                        if arg 1 is not set:
                            send "&cKullanım: /duel <player>"
                        if arg 1 is "%player%":
                            send "{@prefix} &7&oKendine duel atamazsın."
                        if arg 1 is not "%player%":
                            if arg 1 is not online:
                                send "{@prefix} &e%arg 1%&7 çevrim dışı&8."
                            else if {requesttime.%player%} is not set:
                                delete {requesttime.%arg 1%}
                    send "{@prefix}&7 Duello yollandı isim&8; &e%arg 1%&7"
                    send "{@prefix}&7 &e%player% &7&osana bir duel isteği 10 saniye sonra otomatik reddedilecek&8. &7&oKabul etmek için &b/accept&8." to arg 1
                    set {requesttime.%arg 1%} to "%player%"
                    wait 10 seconds
                    delete {requesttime.%arg 1%}
                else if {builduhcingame::%arg 1%} is set:
                    send "{@prefix} &e%arg 1% &7Oyunda olduğu için duel istekleri kapalı&8."
                else if {builduhcingame::%player%} is set:
                    send "{@prefix} &7Zaten sıraya girdiniz."
                send "{@prefix} &e%arg 1% &7&odüello isteklerini kabul etmiyor&8."
        else if {builduhc.avaiblearenas::*} is not set:
            send "{@prefix} &7Arenalar dolu&8."

command /accept:
        if {stopped.battlepvp} is true:
            send "{@prefix} &7Battlekit is &4stopped &7so you can't duel now&8."
        if {builduhcingame::%player%} is not set:
            if {requesttime.%player%} is not set:
                send "{@prefix} &7Couldn't find duel request&8."
            if {requesttime.%player%} is set:
                loop all players:
                    if loop-player is {requesttime.%player%}:
                        send "{@prefix} &7Dövüştüğün oyuncu&8; &e%{requesttime.%player%}%&8!" to player
                        send "{@prefix} &7Dövüştüğün oyuncu&8; &e%player%&8!" to loop-player
                        set {ingame.%player%} to loop-player
                        set {builduhcarena::%player%} to random element of {builduhc.avaiblearenas::*}
                        teleport player to {builduhc.player1.%{builduhcarena::%player%}%}
                        teleport loop-player to {builduhc.player2.%{builduhcarena::%player%}%}
                        set {builduhcarena::%{ingame.%player%}%} to {builduhcarena::%player%}
                        clear player's inventory
                        clear {ingame.%player%}'s inventory
                        set {1vs1builduhc::%player%} to {ingame.%player%}
                        execute console command "/givekit builduhc %player%"
                        set the player's gamemode to survival
                        execute console command "/givekit builduhc %{ingame.%player%}%"
                        set {builduhcingame::%player%} to player
                        set {builduhcingame::%{ingame.%player%}%} to player
                        delete {1vs1builduhc::%player%}
                        delete {1vs1builduhc::%{ingame.%player%}%}
                        set {ingame.%player%} to {ingame.%player%}
                        set {ingame.%{ingame.%player%}%} to player
                        set the player's gamemode to survival
                        heal player
                        heal {ingame.%player%}
                        set player's gamemode to survival
                        set {ingame.%player%}'s gamemode to survival
                        add 10 to player's hunger bar
                        add 10 to {ingame.%player%}'s hunger bar
                        delete {builduhc.avaiblearenas::%{builduhcarena::%player%}%}
        else if {builduhcingame::%player%} is set:
            send "{@prefix} &7You already in queue&8."

on craft of crafting table:
    cancel event

on craft of stick:
    cancel event

on craft of button:
    cancel event

Dueli başlattığı zaman ki kısıma if arg-1 isn't player: eklersen düzelicektir. arg-1 bileşeni dueli gönderdiği oyuncu oluyor işine yararsa alırım bi laykını.
Deniyorum efenim.[DOUBLEPOST=1505148161,1505148077][/DOUBLEPOST]"Duel'i başlattığı kısım" neresi?
işte mesela ben -/duel Adam_V2 yazdım, o kısım. ( kod çok karışık bakamadım )
O kısm'ı bilmiyorum, bulup söyler misiniz?
Skript /duel <isim> şeklindemi yoksa, /duel yazınca rastgele bir oyuncuyla atma şeklindemi?
tamam o kısımı bulun ve if arg-1 isn't player: kodunu ekleyin.
ben bilsem söylemezmiyim :))
Dostum eski açtığın konudada demiştim bu skript eski bir skript nerden baksan 2 yıllık bu skriptte çok hata ve eksik var ayrıca bug ve lagda oluşur bunu kullanma bunun yerine ya başka skript bul yada plugin kullan.
Dostum eski açtığın konudada demiştim bu skript eski bir skript nerden baksan 2 yıllık bu skriptte çok hata ve eksik var ayrıca bug ve lagda oluşur bunu kullanma bunun yerine ya başka skript bul yada plugin kullan.
Konuyu açan arkadaşa önerebileceğiniz bir skript mevcutmu böylelikle konuyu çözüme kavuşturabiliriz.​
Bunun gibi yeni bir skript var mı?
Varsa atar mısınız?[DOUBLEPOST=1505154220,1505154165][/DOUBLEPOST]Veya plugin.
Plugin olarak Timolia nın pluginini önermiştim.
Mesaj gönderimine kapalı.